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Brad Milch

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Posts posted by Brad Milch

  1. A cloud of mystery still hangs over the actions of (at the time) Dallas Sheriff Bill Decker before & after the attack on President Kennedy that robbed him of his life. Some believe Decker had foreknowledge of the ambush of JFK on Elm St. in Dallas; others do not. It is evident today that MSM & local Dallas elements of it initially failed to inform the global public in a timely, accurate manner of the actions & observances of both police first responders & spectator witnesses to the assassination that might have quickly led to the apprehension of criminal perpetrators involved in murdering JFK. Much of what is now taken for granted for fact & credited to MSM actually originated from the combined efforts of independent JFK researchers & private investigators in the weeks, months & years following the ambush & murder of JFK.

    The actions & words of two of Decker's deputies (Eugene Boone & Roger Craig) are equally controversial today. Boone found the 'LHO rifle' on the 6th floor of the TSBD; Craig reported events in the aftermath of the assassination that have been debated endlessly for decades, particularly, the allegations Craig made of witnessing LHO enter a green Rambler near the base of the grassy knoll & be driven out of the area by an unknown driver & later LHO's alleged comments at DPD headquarters confirming the incident.

    Roger Craig committed suicide many years ago; Eugene Boone is still alive. As one of the few living witnesses to the JFK ambush & murder, I feel it best for Mr. Boone to tell his own story. I can say that many people are suspicious of the 'finding' of the 'LHO rifle' & have been so for a long time. Important questions about Boon's observances & actions in the immediate aftermath of the murder of John F. Kennedy have yet to be asked of him by previous interviewers.

    At present, of the two Bill Decker deputies, Roger Craig was captured on several films searching the area Bill Decker ordered his officers (on Jesse Curry's radio) to report to & 'hold secure'; Eugene Boone has yet to be located on films & photographs taken inside or outside the TSBD during Boone's reported activities as an investigator at both locations.

    Sheriff Bill Decker directed his men on Jesse Curry's radio (audible on the DPD audio tapes analyzed by the HSCA in the late 1970's) to report to the rail yards next to & connected to the top of the triple underpass seconds after the ambush ended. This area Decker was referring to was primarily a car park for Bill Decker's employees located on the rail yards side of the privacy fence on top of the north knoll.

    Over the years, some researchers came to believe Decker ordered his employees to report to where many had their private cars parked as a means to keep them occupied & out of the search of the TSBD by DPD for an assumed assassin & his weapon. Others disagreed.

    When Bill Decker left the assassination crime scene with DPD Chief Jesse Curry (in Curry's personal white Ford Galaxie) & was driven to Parkland hospital by Curry, it is not known if the two men discussed which law enforcement authority had jurisdiction of either the TSBD or the adjoining rail yards. Films & photographs taken at the crime scene depict a mixture of DPD officers & persons in civilian dress attire converging on the scenes. In addition, reports of SS men leaving their transport car & chasing after someone in the knoll area would be made in a TV broadcast & witness Bill Newman in a C-SPAN interview. An Army Intel official was on the scene taking photos. Who in LEO was in charge & of what? The arrest of the 3 tramps was documented in photos as resulting in the tramps being taken to the county jail in contrast to the 'LHO rifle' being taken to DPD Headquarters. The TV news coverage focused on DPD headquarters, not the county jail employees.

    New students of the JFK assassination, particularly those following the multi-works of James DiEugenio have the benefit today of looking at the activities of LEO (Law Enforcement Officials) today much differently than their elders did 'back in the day'. For instance, some might notice Bill Decker's employee car park has a privacy fence on top of the north grassy knoll blocking the view of the cars. In contrast, the car park opposite (South knoll) does not.

    New JFK students might notice after viewing MSM JFK TV ambush coverage the TV field reporters on scene (such as Dan Rather) not saying anything about Bill Decker's employee car park being the area police & motorcade spectators converged immediately after the shooting stopped. New questions they might consider asking today that were overlooked 'back in the day' might include:

    - Who had jurisdiction of what during the assassination?

    - Where exactly was Bill Decker's employee car park located behind the grassy knoll privacy fence? What were its' boundaries in reference to the TSBD, Lee Bowers tower & the privacy fence?

    - Did Bill Decker's deputies park their patrol cars in this employee car park? Were any parked there during the assassination of JFK?

    - Why are there no photos or films of Eugene Boone to collaborate his story he has historically repeated in addition to an interview Boone gave the 6th Floor Museum recently as posted on YouTube (particularly about Boone searching the rail yards area behind the grassy knoll privacy fence, the Pullman train cars parked behind the north pergola, the 6th floor of the TSBD & finding the 'LHO rifle')?

    - Why did Boone turn the 'LHO rifle' over to DPD instead of his boss (Bill Decker)?

    - Why was Eugene Boone (as one of Bill Decker's deputies) on the TSBD 6th floor searching that floor if DPD (Dallas Police Department) had jurisdiction of the building search? Why didn't he stay in the rail yards or return to his office at the county jail?

    - How did the 'LHO rifle' get into the TSBD if LHO didn't bring it into the building himself? Two possibilities are gaining support: The rifle was shipped into the TSBD (a shipping & receiving plus storage business) by the post office that received it from Kleins or it made the journey from Kleins to LHO's post office to Inspector Holmes to Bill Decker (or one of his deputies) to the TSBD (to be found by Eugene Boone). Either route would help draw attention away from DPD & the inevitable suspicion DPD investigators planted the rifle when they initially entered the TSBD & searched it.

    New students of the JFK assassination will be tasked to think outside the original box the story was fed to the public from, such as the question of what could possibly frighten (with the upcoming TV coverage following LHO's proposed jail transfer) Bill Decker (or others higher in power) to the extent of keeping TV cameras & reporters away from the county jail & surrounding area (including the car park) by murdering LHO on live TV?

    Brad Milch

  2. Esteemed JFK researcher/author James DiEugenio said: 'So who did the lady see? Brad thinks its a cop planting the rifle'.

    Before DVP jumps in with his 'the lady saw LHO & was wrong about the time she observed him' Bugliosi argument, may I drop in a bit of a mental teaser for all to consider at this point? Here 'tis:

    What throws a lot of people about this aspect of the case is the apparent lack of concern about witnesses outside the TSBD & in adjacent buildings viewing whatever was happening in or around the sniper's nest window by whoever was there following the shooting & departure of the JFK motorcade entourage. Several witnesses saw someone there at the window (some saw two) during this period of time. We know somebody was there when LHO was supposed to be either about to or actually boarding a Dallas city bus (or getting into a Rambler station wagon to be driven out of the area as witnessed by Roger Craig).

    What throws people is this: why wasn't LHO killed at the TSBD by those who went to the trouble to set him up as a patsy? The story then would have been simple to announce to the world: man in building fires at President riding in a car & kills him, police kill man in building. Man's gun found inside building near killed man. End of story.

    The way the story played out it appears that someone wanted the fun of chasing LHO down as opposed to covering up a Presidential assassination orchestrated by persons other than LHO. This is the pitch most often used by WC defenders in going with their original conclusion that LHO was the shooter & killer of JFK & not someone else. Or....

    It appears the crime scene was quickly, haphazardly thrown together (something a sophisticated, well thought out conspiracy should not be).

    Recently, we witnessed on global TV a failed coup in Turkey. It was obvious the coup would fail from the beginning because the coup conspirators failed to arrest or kill Turkey's leader. That leader went on radio & TV to order his countrymen to resist the coup in progress; urging them to all become street fighters. The coup did fail. The coup perpetrators are reportedly paying the piper for their apparent juvenile, haphazard coup attempt.

    In the suspected coup of JFK, wouldn't the risk of it also failing be present of LHO got outside the grip of the conspirators & could get the word out to the public on what was really going on in the situation with JFK? Can you imagine LHO holed up somewhere calling in his side of the story to CBS news? Would CBS News have even broadcast that phone call?

    Let's say immediately after the shooting, LHO walked the short distance from the TSBD to WFAA-TV studios & told Jay Watson he had important info about the JFK shooting & wanted to be interviewed on the air live. Then LHO begins singing like a canary into the TV cameras. Would conspirators to ambush & murder JFK have risked that happening with a live patsy on the loose?

    I have my own suspicions as to why LHO wasn't immediately killed in the TSBD, backing up the time to even before the shooting began.

    I bet Education Forum members & visitors do too.

    Now, it's time for Davey to preach to you his Vincent Bugliosi sermon (lol)...


  3. Another good one for me was the recent interview with Jesse Ventura. Oops....I forgot to mention 'Governor' Jesse Ventura. Sorry, Jesse... Jesse's experience facing the MSM firing squads & a hostile Federal Judge in his recent court case win/return to square one on top of the loss of his TV show & bad MSM reviews of his JFK books should send shivers down the spine of up & coming JFK researchers/authors/film, TV & Internet documentary makers on how the 'Mockingbird' treatment they most likely will receive by the MSM for their hard & heartfelt endeavors felt to Mr. Ventura. The abuse that man received is about as sick as it gets IMHO.

    I visit Len's Internet house every week & listen to every word by every one of his guests. Len suspects the same things I do, such as some websites frequented by a certain fired university professor notorious for going website to website spewing his 'LHO did it' mantra (along with his sick groupies & cheerleaders that dominate alt.jfk) as being 'connected' & secretly funding those sites that print his garbage 'LHO did it' comments.

    Speaking of suspect, I, along with some JFK visuals analysts that I communicate with regularly, have noticed some red flags (or common denominators) in the Decker & Boone areas of the visual record. For instance:

    In the Tom Alyea film, Eugene Boone is nowhere to be seen. The 'Oswald rifle' Boone allegedly 'found' is seen being handled by DPD Homicide Captain Will Fritz & Lt. Day, but not Boone. Alyea covered a lot of floors in the TSBD (as well as outside the building) but somehow fails to film Boone. Boone's not seen participating in floor searches Alyea filmed.Camera shy?

    Other than a crude map drawn by S.M. Holland for Josiah Thompson's book, 'Six Seconds In Dallas', I have yet to see a film or photograph that caught all the vehicles parked behind the grassy knoll privacy fence. This, in spite of the fact that that specific area was swarmed by photographers & cameramen post-ambush. A few seconds' glimpse of the back of the North pergola captured in the Cooper/cook films are as close to Bill Decker's car park as we get in the visual record.

    So, we have an area where on site witnesses believed an assassin shot at JFK from, hit him in the head & killed him that was managed by Bill Decker that there are no known films or photographs of. There's plenty of photos documenting seemingly everything around decker's car park except the car park itself. Does something smell fishy here, James?

    Next, we have one of Decker's deputies in the TSBD, on the 6th floor, supposedly finding the alleged murder weapon with no known photos or films of the deputy (Boone) performing that act (or any other acts inside the TSBD during the search of it).

    Add to the mix the bundle of witness statements given to Bill Decker or his staff following the assassination that appear almost word for word identical. How many times have you ever encountered two or more people from different vantage points describing what they saw & heard in a given event exactly the same?

    More fishy stinkies?

    You betcha...


    PS: If you think the WC was bad, imagine Bill Decker's witness statements being all that the public had to explain what happened to John F. Kennedy a stones throw from Decker's office 53 years ago?

  4. Hi, James.

    For me, it's all process of elimination. People saw a man they assumed was shooting a weapon from the 'sniper's nest' that employees inside the building did not see. The 'shooter' was not airlifted out by helicopter nor observed descending the fire escape on the eastern side of the TSBD, nor the elevators or stairs within the TSBD. He didn't jump or rappel away from a window. Where did he go? He couldn't 'mingle' with first responder law enforcement officers (unless he was one of them) without being arrested (or shot).

    Boone's story is, I believe, a farce to explain his presence on the sixth floor that led to the discovery of the rifle (by Boone). Boone worked for Decker.

    The entire ambush is just outside Decker's office. The knoll shooter is believed to be firing from behind the privacy fence in Decker's car park in the railroad yards. Decker abandoned his men & sat on his butt spewing out orders on Curry's police radio for them to report to the railroad yards without leading them in the search for an assailant.

    Each dot connects to Decker. Boone is one of those critical dots.

    On the personal side, a former Ed Forum member (now deceased) that was connected to the upper chain of command for the Sixth Floor Museum once flamed me in unexpected private messages here at the Ed Forum and at a different competitive JFK forum over comments I made concerning a Len Osanic show & the stuff I wrote about here about Bill Decker. It was so bad, the flamer became the 1st & only person on the Internet that I have ever placed on 'ignore'. The topic of Bill Decker rubs WC defenders the wrong way. To learn more about Bill Decker & his allegiance with peers willing to orchestrate ambushes & murders, refer to the history of the ambush of Bonnie Parker & Clyde Champion Barrow on May 23, 1934. I put some fast info up on the shenanigans going on behind the scenes & not in the press on DVP's Dealey Plaza photos in time thread page (for anyone who might need a quick jump start on the subject). J. Edgar Hoover & his pre-FBI (Bureau Of Investigation) saturate the pages of Bonnie & Clyde history, as does Bill Decker.

    My highest respect to you & Len Osanic, James. You both have created a legacy that future generations will greatly admire when compared to the garbage concerning the horrendous ambush & murder of JFK that was initially spewed out to global citizens, particularly those that lived in the home of the free & brave. It can be said that the stones that were left turned by those in positions to know better & rectify the situation concerning the death of JFK (but didn't), you & Len overturned them & left an honorable trail for others to follow & examine what was found under those stones that will probably last longer than we living humans will....

    Sincerely & best wishes always,

    Brad Milch

  5. I believe Lillian was looking at sheriff's deputy Eugene Boone (or another Bill Decker law enforcement officer). I believe the Oswald rifle entered the TSBD via Decker's men. I'll explain:

    The Sixth Floor Museum has historically done a marvelous job of not asking Eugene Boone if he had his car parked in the area behind the privacy fence on the grassy knoll reserved for Bill Decker's employees on Nov 22, 1963, even though he has been interviewed by the present curator several times. Simple questions of 'did you park your car in Bill Decker's employee car park on Nov 22, 1963' or 'when & how did you get home that day? Did LEO investigating the area behind the grassy knoll fence prevent you access to your car? have yet to be asked of Mr. Boone. I believe these questions are avoided by the Museum to play down that the area behind the grassy knoll privacy fence was controlled by Sheriff Bill Decker. Decker charged his employees a monthly fee to park their cars behind the privacy fence. Those that paid the fee were furnished with a key to a padlock that kept the car park entrance lift bar/gate secure from persons not authorized by Decker to park there. Obviously, passing the key on to others would get them parking access, regardless of their identity.

    Boone was the man who supposedly 'found' the Oswald rifle. Boone's story has historically been that he ran from the front area of the County Jail (outside Bill Decker's office contained within) to the Newmans lying on the grass at the bottom of the pergola. From there, Boone went behind the stockade fence, noticed the planting beds for the shrubs had not been disturbed (Boone evidently missed the trail of muddy footprints & cigarette butts that S.M. Holland spoke to Mark Lane on camera, Josiah Thompson & CBS News in 1967 that Holland & others saw), ran into & pointed his pistol at a black porter coming out from one of the Pullman train cars parked close to the pergola & then went on to assist in the search of the 6th floor until Boone discovered the 'Oswald rifle" stashed between some cartons of school boxes near the northwest stairway.

    I believe Boone may have been involved in bringing the 'Oswald rifle' into the TSBD to be found. No one to date has ever been able to identify Eugene Boone in any of the multitude of JFK ambush or post-ambush visuals released to the public, although he claims to have played a major part in the post-ambush, a claim I, for one, simply do not buy. I nominate Boone as the man Lillian Mooneyham observed in the window.

    David Lifton promises to provide the global public with details & info that has been overlooked, forgotten or avoided over the decades when he released his new book, 'Final Disclosure'.

    I expect to learn from David Lifton's new book his spin about the railroad detective several railroad employees & one DPD motorcade officer spoke to Fox News about seeing on the overpass several years back. To this day, no one knows who the railroad detective was, why he was on the triple overpass & what he did after the ambush. Was the detective involved in the arrest of the 3 tramps? Why didn't the WC tell us about this railroad detective?

    I'm also awaiting Mr. Lifton's spin on the story of one of Bill Decker's men being positioned on top of the County jail with a high powered rifle during the JFK ambush & the story about the rusty 'sabot' rifle bullet shell supposedly found near the air conditioning units on top of the Records Building years after the assassination. Then, there's the story about the limo stop on the western side of the triple overpass just prior to entering Stemmons freeway & who's foot is seen hanging out of JFK's side of his parade car in the Miller photo. Mr. Lifton, hopefully, will enlighten us all when his latest blockbuster expose book if released.

    The mystery flight of the C-130 cargo plane that flew JFK's parade car & the SS Queen Mary that is NOT logged into the Andrews AFB logbook (discovered by researcher Bill Kelly) is another source of enlightenment I look forward too when Mr. Lifton releases his long awaited book. The paper trail that aircraft generated from its home base at Charleston Air Force Base, S. Carolina to & from Dallas & supposedly Andrews AFB was evidently not turned over to the AARB in compliance with the law. No researchers have written of such a paper trail detailing meals, lodging, aircraft fuel replacement & after flight maintenance work done & paid for as having been received & notated in the ARRB Report that I ever heard of. I would go as far as to state that only a small fraction of the logistics documentation of traveling, feeding & caring for the needs of the multitude of persons involved in JFK's Texas trip visits & the actual assassination & aftermath have made their way to the ARRB.

    Brad Milch

    PS: Some side notes: CBS News & NBC News failed to inform the global public that the shots were thought to have originated from Bill Decker's employee car park behind the grassy knoll privacy fence in all the initial first day news coverage & in their subsequent TV Special reports.

    During the ambush of JFK, Bill Decker was sitting in Jesse Curry's white Ford Galaxy leading JFK's parade car. The car is visible in Altgens photo #7 on Elm Street at the base of the grassy knoll privacy fence (about to enter the triple underpass). Decker's office in the County Jail was just a short walk across the grassy meridian & across Houston Street. Closer was the area Decker ordered his men to report to on the police radio, instead of dismounting Curry's personal Ford & leading his men in the search of a shooter on foot as opposed to sticking with Curry on his was to Parkland.

    Had Decker had pulled a stunt like that as an active duty military commander in a sudden firefight, he most likely would have been relieved of command, court martialed & possibly incarcerated in a Federal prison.

    It's been talked about before in the Ed Forum archives that none of the vehicles parked around & near the TSBD or grassy knoll privacy fence were searched in any way, shape or form. Officers are said to have written down license numbers of the vehicles they encountered parked in those areas that later disappeared.

    To summarize: Bill Decker plays a larger role in the ambush & murder of President Kennedy than most interested in the case ever realized before.

  6. One important detail Chuck (in addition to numerous JFK analysts, researchers, authors, filmmakers & TV documentary makers) left out of his presentation was that the area behind the stockade fence was where Sheriff Bill Decker's deputies & office staff parked their cars. The Sheriff's office was directly across the street from the JFK 'kill zone' in the Dallas county jail (Criminal Courts building). Decker charged a monthly fee for his employees to park their cars behind the stockade fence & furnished them with a duplicate key to the gate. Anyone with the key could have parked their car back behind the stockade fence.

    Initial responding investigators made a list of the license plate numbers of the vehicles parked in Bill Decker's employees car park that disappeared.

    Bill Decker (along with Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry) were a stone's throw away from Decker's office when Altgens photo #7 was taken by James Altgens. Had Decker got out out of Jesse Curry's white Ford, run up the back side of the triple underpass, passed Dan Rather (if he was really where he claims he was), crossed the train tracks on top of the underpass, Decker would have been standing in the area he ordered his officers to report to.

    Other important left out details: One of Decker's deputies was reportedly stationed on top of the county jail with a high powered police rifle during the ambush of JFK & a 'sabot' cartridge was reportedly found by the air conditioner units on top of the Records Building by a technician post-assassination.

    The Robert Hughes film depicts several people walking back in the direction of Decker's office while most others were rushing towards the grassy knoll area.

    Early TV news coverage of JFK's murder failed to mention these details to the global public. The NBC & CBS JFK TV news special reports that followed the release of the Warren Report failed also failed to mention them as well. The 1st generation of JFK investigative journalists (such as Penn Jones) were responsible for finding & reporting those facts of the case (and others) to the global public.

    In summary, when anyone talks about the grassy knoll, they are talking about Sheriff Bill Decker's employee car park behind the wooden, stockade fence some witnesses heard gunfire or gun smoke (or both) originate from during the ambush of JFK 53 years ago.

    Brad Milch

  7. @James & David:

    I've felt all along that David Von Pein suffers from LOR while James & myself are victims of TMR.

    'LOR' is lack of Rodgers. 'TMR' is too much Rodgers.

    Mrs. Rodgers was my 5th grade teacher who felt something was 'fishy' about the news coverage of JFK's murder. Many times I've read heated exchanges between the two esteemed authors & researchers that could have been quickly settled by Mrs. Rodgers & her hand smacking ruler (lol).

    Mrs. Rodgers was ahead of her time in regards to JFK researchers & analysis. She read everything available, watched all the TV coverage (3 channels worth back then), listened to radio debates. Mrs. Rodgers patiently explained to me & my classmates many times that NO ONE waltzes back & forth between the Soviet Union & the USA, then hands out threatening leaflets in public advocating peaceful relations with an enemy country (Cuba) without immediately being arrested & tossed into jail by the FBI. The fact that LHO skated through those escapades (and others) told Mrs. Rodgers that LHO was NOT a nobody & the US Government of that day was protecting him up until Jack Ruby pulled LHO's plug. Mrs. Rodgers was the 1st person I met that suspected JFK was murdered by the Secret Service (a belief I still hold today).

    To argue with Mrs. Rodgers resulted in an offender spending much of their time out in the hallway healing their ruler smacked hand (LOL). I suspect David would have lived out in her hallway.

    The films James describes are especially pertinent to this year's Presidential Election process & shenanigans. The election processes seem so out of control & 'dog eat dog' today when compared to how things were done 'back in the day' that JFK ran for POTUS


  8. Very collectable photos. Thanks for sharing, David.

    To put some fast history into a couple of the images: the 1935 photo was taken a year after the ambush of Bonnie & Clyde in N/W Louisiana (near Arcadia). The 1936 photo was taken 2 years after the ambush of B&C. LHO would be born 3 years after the 1936 photo. A lot of what I'm about to write next concerns the Dallas county jail (visible in both photos):

    Bill Decker was flown to Arcadia to view the shot up bodies of B&C, killed on May 23, 1934. Decker worked for county sheriff Smoot Schmidt. Decker can be seen in photos taken after the ambush standing behind the bodies of B&C. The posse tracking B&C was actually Schmidt's men with the addition of former Texas Ranger Frank Hamer. Hamer was hired by director of Texas prisons Lee Simmons for the exclusive purpose of finding & killing B&C after B&C conducted a prison escape in early 1934. One of the prisoners B&C freed was Henry Methvin. Methvin's father would arrange the clemency deal that led to the ambush & death of B&C. None of the Texas or Louisiana lawmen consulted with the Louisiana Governor for permission to ambush & kill B&C. B&C were not wanted for crimes in Louisiana when they were killed. No evidence ever surfaced that Bonnie Parker ever fired a gun at anyone.

    The B&C posse was being fed B&C tracking info from J. Edgar Hoover's Bureau of Investigation (pre-FBI)Louisiana agents. One of the posse members (Ted Hinton) had dated Bonnie Parker when she was a waitress on Commerce Street (close to Dealey Plaza) before Bonnie buddied up with Clyde Barrow. Hinton filmed the 8mm home movie of B&C slaughtered in their stolen Ford (stolen from Ruth Warren - the name Warren will pop up again in the JFK murder saga). One of B&C's gang members (Roy Hamilton) plus several of B&C relatives spent time in the county jail (same jail LHO was being transferred to when Jack Ruby killed him). A harsh letter B&C sent to gang member Raymond Hamilton while he sat in the Dallas County Jail (mailed 1 month before B&C were ambushed & murdered) is up for auction this month (Aug, 2016) for big bucks.

    Lost & later found FBI files (Dallas Field Office File 26-4114) revealed Hoover had a B&C family informant on his payroll, B&C family phones were tapped & Hoover planned on his Louisiana & Texas Bureau Of Investigation agents participating in the ambush of B&C (if the agents could be notified in time to respond). Hoover knew of the deal to grant clemency for the murders of two Grapevine, Texas motorcycle police officers to B&C gang member (turned snitch) Henry Methvyn, in exchange for informing police & Hoover's agents the time & road B&C would be traveling to visit a Methvyn relative. That info opened the door for the ambush of B&C on May 23, 1934.

    Wiretapping would surface again in the careers of Hoover, JFK & RFK. JFK had his secret White House recordings, while Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy authorized the use of wiretaps on select mafia figures. Hoover used wiretaps extensively to collect 'dirt' on persons he mistrusted (such as JFK, RFK, Marilyn Monroe, Lucille Ball, Desi Arnaz & other celebrities or political figures).

    Bonnie Parker was still married to an inmate when she ran with Clyde Barrow. Bonnie had his name tattooed on her inner thigh & was wearing the man's ring when she & Barrow were ambushed & murdered in Louisiana. The inmate's last name was 'Thornton' (the Thornton sign was positioned in front of the Stemmons Freeway sign during the ambush of JFK. JFK would have noticed the Thornton sign first & then the Stemmons sign if he was looking in the direction the signs were placed when the ambush began).

    Bill Decker participated in the 1st B&C ambush in Sowers, Texas in late 1933. B&C slipped into Sowers so that Clyde Barrow could visit his mother on her birthday. It's still being debated which B&C associate 'sold them out' & tipped off police that waited to ambush B&C. The Dallas county Sowers ambush failed, B&C escaped (although wounded) & Smoot Schmidt caught a lot of negative press because of it, making the posse Schmidt created personal retaliation. When Frank Hamer joined the posse, it became an execution squad. Although the newspapers reported the ambush differently, capturing, arresting & taking the crime duo of B&C to trial was never on the table.

    Frank Hamer was given authorization to keep anything B&C had on them once the crime duo had been executed. Hamer kept most of their guns & would legally fight with B&C's family over those guns in the years to come. Ruth Warren had to fight in Federal court to get her stolen Ford back.

    Documentation for property Clyde Barrow is said to have legally purchased in Louisiana plus the bank loot from B&C's most recent robberies disappeared after B&C were killed.

    Clyde Barrow & gang obtained most of their arsenals from robbing National Guard armories in and near Texas. The National Guard armory in Terrell, Texas (located East of Dallas) was also robbed a short time before the JFK ambush & murder in late 1963.

    There are many strikingly similar occurrences between Bonnie & Clyde (and lawmen hunting them down) & the JFK case. The B&C ambush was rumored to have been secretly filmed by a professional movie photographer hired by Frank Hamer. Fearing legal backlashes from B&C's relatives, Hamer is said to have suppressed his own film. (A secret 'other version' Zapruder film is said to exist, in comparison. A couple Ed Forum active members have stated they both have seen that film).

    The Zapruder film has been accused of being the victim of tampering; Ted Hinton's home movie of the aftermath of B&C's ambush (posted on YouTube somewhere) has also been accused of being staged. Reportedly, once the gunfire stopped & the death car's doors were open, both bodies of B&C fell out each door. Bonnie is said to have fallen into the arms of Ted Hinton while Clyde was said to have fallen out his open door; half in the car, half out. Allegedly, B&C's bodies were put back in their stolen Ford before Ted Hinton shot his famous home movie at the B&C ambush site.

    The search of LHO's possessions at the Pain residence is said to have been illegal (no search warrants), just as the ambush of B&C is also said to have been illegal (the Texas participants had not been deputized & the Louisiana participants had not served B&C with any LEO documentation that indicated Louisiana LEO could legally arrest the duo for law infractions (much less gun them down & murder B&C).

    J. Edgar Hoover & the pre-FBI (Bureau Of Investigation) play into both stories, as does Bill Decker. Dallas Field Office File 26-4114 details much of Hoover's involvement in the B&C ambush (it used to be available at the FBI website). In both the JFK & B&C cases, Hoover has been suspected & accused of being an accessory to murder, if not a key orchestrator. BTW, Hoover was not after B&C for their many robberies & deaths of civilians or law enforcement officers: Hoover has after B&C for the stolen cars they routinely drove across state lines.

    LHO & Clyde Barrow were very close in age. Both were interested in photography. Both are said to have been deadly accurate gunmen.

    Both JFK's & B&C's autopsies were accused of being 'botched'. B&C's autopsy report did not indicate how many bullets, what caliber they were & from what direction struck the pair (the report did indicate that both victims suffered from venereal disease). The report led to much speculation & theories over the years as to how exactly the crime duo died & who gave who the VD? (Bonnie never left Clyde's side after she was severely burned in late 1933 because she was crippled & the few persons that interacted with B&C were either family members or B&C gang members). The coroner's report did state that Clyde died from a single gunshot to his head (similar to JFK) & Bonnie died from a gunshot that struck one of her cheeks & exited the top of her head, blowing a portion of her head open (very similar to the JFK 'throat wound entrance & top of head exit' theory of cause of death)

    Several people associated or related to B&C were tried in Dallas at the 'Old Red Courthouse' for aiding, abetting or harboring B&C during their crime spree. Some were incarcerated in the Dallas County Jail awaiting their trials. Both buildings are visible to & from the TSBD's 'sniper's nest' window.

    I recall an interview with the late Gray Mack that was posted on YouTube (don't ask me which one it was, please!) in which Gary was stating that Lyndon Johnson was involved in the creation of Dealey Plaza (with the two pergolas) as we see it today.

    All of that was from memory, David. I believe it to be accurate. I find it interesting how Dealey Plaza plays a part of that history of the early 1930's & again in 1963. Ambushes & murder are a part of both years & stories. David's photos puts some shine on the times those events occurred.


    Brad Milch

  9. @David Von Pein: Thank you , David. I'll give them a try out. I can't imagine the horror you might sometimes feel in safeguarding all your JFK online material. I suspect the more online users that have downloaded your videos & audios could also get you back on your feet quickly should you ever suffer a catastrophic loss of data files (something I wouldn't wish on anyone).

    @ Mark: I can't count the number of CD's & DVD data discs I've burned over the years that fail to read what I burned on different PC's equipped with different brand burners. External HD's or flash memory sticks are the fasted, most reliable means of saving data IMHO. They will save you the misery of looking at a mountain of CD & DVD data discs that worked great on your old PC, but just sit there & smirk at you when you try to use them on your new PC. At some point in time, most PC's shelf life will expire unexpectedly. Free online storage drives consume a tremendous amount of time to put the data online or retrieve it, but it's there & available for use if you don't have other available options. Keep in mind, the tornado that sucked up & tossed into the air the van down by the river that I live in might not ever do the same to you & your spot at a different river, but it's possible (smile).

    @ Ramon:

    Quote: 'Brad Milch, on 18 Aug 2016 - 4:17 PM, said:

    Dan got on Mr. Trump for his '2nd amendment people' comments 'taking care of Hillary Clinton'. Dan interpreted those comments to mean Mr. Trump suggested violence against Mrs. Clinton.

    Brad Milch

    Brad: Are you saying that Mr. Trump is not cognizant and irresponsible for the consequences of his words?



    Interpretation takes on many faces depending on the opinions, attitudes & life experiences of the interpreter. Someone might interpret Eric Clapton as the greatest guitarist of all time, while others may hear in Eric's music nothing but clarinet riffs of genius clarinetists (such as Benny Goodman, Artie Shaw & Pete Fountain) copied & recorded in a guitar style. IOW, re-worked riffs fed back in a style so as not to expose the music has been copied from an artist not credited (or re-imbursed financially). This was the case in the lawsuit concerning Led Zepplin recently: some heard in 'Stairway to Heaven' a song previously composed & recorded by the rock band Spirit's lead guitarist Randy California, 'Taurus'. In that case, the jury did not agree.

    Politicians like Mr. Trump & Mrs. Clinton are surrounded by highly paid people that compose a lot of what they both say & do in public. Nothing is left to chance, IMHO. If the public interprets either or both politicians as a threat of some type, the politician probably will lose that vote, regardless of damage control.

    From my experience in working in National Defense, I was constantly encouraged to vote Republican by my superiors, regardless of the party's Nominee. Why? Republicans are historically strong on defense spending, while Democrats historically aren't. IOW, voting Democrat might put me & my peers out of work. That's precisely what happened to a lot of my co-workers when Bill Clinton was elected POTUS. Most of us career employees ended up tossed to & scattered to the wind.

    Politicians like Mr. Trump & Mrs. Clinton remind me of 'window shopping'. On the other side of the store's glass, my eyes observe an object I can't afford & will never come close to touching, much less owning. After a lifetime of this visual torture, I began to appreciate simpler things that don't require wealth, such as feeding the ducks at the pond in the park. IOW, most of us will never know the luxury of having our own airplane that can whisk us anywhere in the world at a moment's notice. On the other hand, all of us can feed ducks at the park, regardless of what's in our wallets.

    I don't take any politician seriously until homeless & hungry Americans are helped out of their unfortunate, cruel misery. Each homeless shopping cart I see stashed under an Interstate bridge reminds me that some elected official somewhere in the USA has turned their backs on the people they swore to represent, protect & serve. The danger & damage is in what they do & don't do, not what they say, IMHO.

    Dan Rather recently interpreted Mr. Trump's comments differently than I did, but then again, we lead dramatically different lives. I seriously doubt the expensive San Antonio hotel Rather made his Trump comments at would let me walk into the lobby without demanding I leave. Dan has a fat wallet of 70 million dollars; I don't. As with all wealthy persons, they & I will leave this world with the same thing we entered it with: nothing. Only then does it all balance out.

    Interpretation is a subject that is dear to a multitude of Education Forum posters & lurkers. For many (myself included), the early late Jack White visual interpretations of the JFK photographic evidence (Jack believed all of it was tampered with) & the counter-interpretations of that evidence is what attracted me to the Education Forum. At the time, JFK Lance was pushing their interpretation of the JFK visuals as all trustworthy; Jack White's interpretations ran in the complete opposite direction here at Education Forum & also Deep Politics.

    Those classic interpretation battles still reside in my memory banks.

    Len Osanic touches on the importance of Jim DiEugenio's interpretations expressed in James' many online reviews in this week's Black Op Radio interview with the esteemed Mr. DiEugenio. Len is 'spot on' with me, I could care less what Dan Rather thinks, I'm more interested in what James interprets in what Dan Rather said & did in his long trail of CBS News TV Specials that assured the public the same thing that David Von Pein says today: LHO did it. Dan Rather admits in those TV specials that his mission to convince the global public that LHO murdered JFK unassisted & un-influenced failed in the number of people that believed otherwise, then & now. The enormous amount of money invested in Mr. Rather's interpretations of the JFK ambush & murder was, to quote Casey Anthony, 'a huge waste'.

    I'm sure many of Ed Forum vocal members & silent visitors feel the same way too.

    Best always,

    Brad Milch

  10. I noticed the 1975 CBS TV special features Abraham Zapruder demonstrating his filming spot in the wrong location; not on the North pergola 'pedestal' but in the center of the pergola at ground level.

    This weekend, I intend to scrutinize this long sought after TV special with Mr. DiEugenio's CBS TV special reports exposes in hand. It's much better to have the actual visuals to demonstrate what the author is stating in their expose analysis. I am also curious about when key players like Zapruder, Hoover & LBJ died in relation to when the TV special was originally broadcast.

    @Jim DiEugenio:

    Deadpan Dan appeared on one of San Antonio's local TV stations earlier this week from a expensive local hotel near the famous Riverwalk. There was enough food laid out on his breakfast table that could have easily fed 15 people. Multi-millionaires that are worth 70 million big dead Presidents earned from selling the 'LHO did it' fable can live life like that; most of us can only look at it on TV & wish our lives were different (sigh). Dan got on Mr. Trump for his '2nd amendment people' comments 'taking care of Hillary Clinton'. Dan interpreted those comments to mean Mr. Trump suggested violence against Mrs. Clinton.

    When unselfish JFK researchers/authors/filmmakers/webmasters, etc. share rare finds (like James DiEugenio did at the beginning of this thread), it gives all the opportunity to obtain that file/files should it suddenly disappear from public reach on the Internet. Each time this happens, the person sharing the info earns the right to a Pulitzer or Nobel Prize IMHO.

    Thank you, Jim!


    I use the free YTD video downloader to download videos from YouTube. Speedbit also has a free video downloader, but I've had it hang up on me more times than YTD. YTD has a resume function, so if you experience the video downloading process slow down or freeze, close the software & when you re-open the program again while on an active Internet connection, the software will resume where it left off.

    Once the video has downloaded, to make safety copies, simply right click on the video file & select 'copy'. Now paste the copied video file into a different folder than the one the original is located. If you forget to paste into another folder, you'll be flagged to rename the copied video or keep it with the added [1] placed on the file extension (if you're pressed for time). You can always go back & rename the file later & remove the [1]. For my tired old laptop, I use a download frame width of 480 pixels, frame height of 360 pixels, frame rate of 29 or 30 frames per second. I usually receive an .mp4 file. Currently .flv files won't work in Windows Movie Maker (you'll have to convert the file into another format). At 480/360, I get a great picture & audio at full screen. If your PC or notebook can handle the larger Hi-Def files, they have the best quality. Keep in mind it takes longer to download Hi-Def files (the file sizes are larger) & underpowered PCs will probably have trouble playing the files back because of processor & memory limitations.

    Speedbit works great when converting from one video format to another. Google 'YTD video downloader' or 'Speedbit video downloader/converter' to get both company's latest website addresses. The download instructions will appear at both Home pages.

    Bandicam is another free program that is a video/audio capture. It comes in handy if your video downloaders fail to work for any given reason (some websites such as Fox News, CBS News, CNN, etc. won't let a video downloader download streaming video, for example). You can still 'grab' the video or audio with Bandicam. The free version adds a small watermark to the top of the 'grabbed' video, otherwise video & sound quality is exactly the same as the original video. The free version only gives a user 10 minutes of record time, so you'll have to stop the recording & restart it in increments of around 10 minutes. Later, when time permits, you can join the segments together in a video editor (such as Windows Movie Maker).

    For a great, free video player that will play just about anything posted anywhere on the Internet, VLC media player is tough to beat. It won't send you chasing after video or audio codecs like Windows Media Player is notorious for. It has lots of handy tools for modifying the video's audio too.

    All of these programs are free. They all have worked great for me. If you do encounter a video/audio file that your player does not recognize, place the file in a 'problem video/audio' folder & try converting it to another format in Speedbit. That usually fixes the problem for me. On occasion, I have resorted to simply deleting the problem file & looking for a different format of it elsewhere on the Internet.

    By all means, stick with software you are comfortable with. The worst time to try out new software is when you are tired & your spouse is in a bad mood. A weekend when you are alone works best. There are plenty of skilled PC users here at Ed Forum that will help you through any problem issues you may encounter. Everything I've listed here can be quickly downloaded from the appropriate software's website. Locate that quickly in Google search.

    Keep in mind, Steve, that there was quite an uproar over the Windows 10 free release as users quickly discovered much of the operating system & its' various apps are rigged to 'spy' on its Internet users. Much of the data collected is collected by Bing search. There are a multitude of websites that instruct Windows 10 users on how to turn off Microsoft data trackers built into the operating system. Most Internet users tend to blame the software they are using for slow or incomplete downloads, when the culprit really is Windows 10 slowing things down by sending tracking data back to Microsoft. On top of that, hacking is now a global problem. Each semester at universities around the globe, those skilled in computer science often use their knowledge in harmful ways. The days of being online all day & all night with no one screwing around with you & your Internet connection are long gone...

    To avoid losing your data files (should your PC ever die, be stolen, become damaged or otherwise fail) , it's good practice to store your files on a source outside your PC, such as external, flash or online storage drives.

    Don't sell any files you downloaded from the Internet & you shouldn't run into any copywrite infringement issues. A lot of music video files on the Internet include a 'Fair Use' disclaimer either on the video or in the video's remarks section on the web page it appears on. Keep one of those handy for reference. Your neighbor that hates your guts & wants to sue you for mowing your lawn & interrupting his sleep probably won't because you might countersue & force him to pay for both your attorney fees & his (lol). Then again, we live in a 'sue happy' country.

    Best wishes,

    Brad Milch

  11. Way to go, James!!!!

    Once again, James DiEugenio knocks the ball out of the park with bases loaded...

    I urge all serious JFK students to download this 4 part program & make safety copies. YouTube has a reputation for unexpectedly deleting user uploads without warning.

    I have a friend in New Zealand & another in Australia that have assured me they both secured the program via their country's library system on both VHS & DVD formats & intend to upload on Y/Tube once their conversion to digital is completed. Until that happens, this is the route to travel.

    FWIW, here's some personal reflections on this subject:

    Somehow, this program fell thru the cracks for me. Sandwiched in between the end of Watergate, the resignation & pardon of Richard Nixon & the death of Elvis Presley during his pathetic 'fat Elvis' end period, I don't remember watching it on TV or even reading any promos about it. It's a rare gem indeed.

    Congressman Henry B. Gonzales, appearing in the CBS program, spiked my immediate interest. I can remember voting for Mr. Gonzales & noticing no one ran against him. How often have you seen that in political elections? Mr. Gonzales was that well loved & respected by his constituents. Under his belt were 4 military bases in San Antonio, Texas: Kelly AFB, Lackland AFB, Fort Sam Houston Army Medical Center & Brooks Air Force Base. A high number of Hispanics bought homes & educated their kids in colleges from money they earned while employed at Mr. Gonzales' many military installations.

    Despite his spotless Congressional record, Mr. Gonzales fell out of favor with Washington insiders/power elite when he announced in the Congressional record that Kelly Air Force Base was being used to secretly fly arms to the Contras. Following that announcement, the IRS audited the esteemed Congressman but found no dirt on him. I don't think anyone ever found any dirt to use against Mr. Gonzales. Imagine what a wonderful POTUS he would have made (sigh).

    Following Congressman Gonzales' death, two of his bases were closed by the Base Relocation Action Committee (BRAC) in the mid 1990's. Those bases were Kelly AFB & Brooks AFB. Then President Bill Clinton ('slick Willie') had the power to override the BRAC, but he didn't. The work was transferred to military installations in Oklahoma, Utah, Georgia & Ohio (primarily). Career civilian workers were given an option to relocate or hit the gates. Many, weary of being treated like outside invaders when they arrived at their new duty stations, resigned or retired early. I was caught up in that turmoil.

    Congressman Gonzales reportedly was one of the assassination witnesses that smelled gun smoke as his motorcade car was driven through the 'kill zone'. Kelly AFB was the base that JFK used to depart his San Antonio visit on 21 Nov, 1963. Mr. Gonzales not only heard the shots, he witnessed JFK's lifeless body being removed from his parade car at Parkland.

    During the Presidency of Jimmy Carter, he signed into law the Veteran's Readjustment Act. That law later would enable me to gain employment as a Viet Nam Vet pursuing a college degree at Kelly AFB (same base Bill Clinton more or less closed down). Years later, Clinton's wife is now asking for my vote.

    Karma, Hillary, is rough justice (lol). Karma is said to be a woman too...


    Brad Milch

  12. Hi, Dawn:

    I agree. I'd ask if I could go with you, but I can't speak Spanish (I'm pretty handy at catching ocean crabs (lol).

    It's difficult for me to find a reason to be passionate about this Presidential election. I constantly ask myself, 'What would Moses do?' I keep getting the same answer: 'He would have slung the tablets at the people below long before he descended to the bottom of the mountain' (lol).

    Best to you always, Dawn

    I'm probably your website's #1, most faithful silent lurker.

    Brad Milch

  13. Howdy, James:

    That 238 million figure was Fox News' lead story for much of the afternoon, yesterday (Aug 13, 2016) It was reported as fact in conjunction with the release of Hillary Clinton's 2015 tax returns. I searched around the web for others that picked up the story & found a couple. Prior to the Fox News story, I had thought the Clintons were down around the 10 million level also. The Clintons combined wealth varies from website to website. Supposedly, the majority of big bucks came from 'Slick Willy' speaking engagements (between 70 million -100+ million, depending on who's doing the reporting on the Internet). I wonder if Bill Clinton talked about cigars in any of his big buck speaking engagements. Whatever the Clintons have, it's certainly more than what I struggle on week to week, month to month. None of them have helped me, so it's difficult to be ecstatic about their futures. None of them have gone to prison (yet).

    If accurate at 238 million, this means Hillary has more wealth than Taylor Swift (200+ million) or Snoop Dogg (130+ million). Snoop's income is certain to grow with his new cooking show with Martha Stewart (Snoop likes gangsters).

    Whatever it works out to be, Hillary allegedly broke into the big leagues without having to put out one music video. Neither did Chelsea. Or Bill (thank heavens).

    Hillary reportedly earned $186,600 a year as Secretary of State (Wikipedia) & $79,500 a year as a New York Senator (also Wikipedia).

    Bill Clinton made 4 million for 2 terms as POTUS.

    Surfing around the web, just how much the Clintons really have is not really known presently. Some of the commenters on Fox have been speculating the Clintons will probably relocate to wherever their money stash is located (like 'El Chapo' reportedly did). Fox News guests have also been commenting that Obama may end up buying Kenya or relocating to Switzerland to be close to his alleged Iran 'piece of the action' ransom money pay out stash. I bet the SS will really enjoy guarding him there (NOT!). If Fox News has put out an uncorrected error in regards to the Clinton's combined wealth, it demonstrates vividly what former Gov. Jesse Ventura was telling Len Osanic in the link I posted up there ^ about how MSM puts out incorrect news just to get the jump on the competition.

    I'm retired, James. I have a lot of time to watch Fox News. Fox has all the diva women. It's difficult for me to stay out of Fox News. Those lovelies wouldn't be misleading viewers like me, would they, James? Maybe Mr. Trump will compete with Fox & CNN in the future? His daughter is certainly a winner...

    For Kathleen:

    I honestly believe that if a global search for an honest, wealthy person was made as to who would make an ideal political candidate, Sir Paul McCartney would win. Sir Paul would be the last person on Earth accused of robbery, murder, or 'pay for play' government jobs IMHO. Sir Paul earned his keep the old fashioned way: he took his talent out in the world & worked his bum off to get what he has. Sir Paul will always have my vote (if he ever runs for office & I'm eligible to vote for him). Paul is a Gemini that did extremely well for himself.

    Other famous Gemini persons: Benny Goodman, Marilyn Monroe, JFK, Donald Trump.

    I haven't been vocal on your latest CTKA efforts, James, but I assure you that I've kept up with all your work & listened to your online interviews with Len Osanic. Len is a cool guy that I have the highest respect for in his work with the JFK murder.

    Best, always

    Brad Milch

  14. Quote: 'Sounds like a pretty accurate analysis.....I suspect he will indeed become a case study from several angles' - Larry Hancock

    With the announcement that the Clinton's tax return shows income of 238 million, I suspect both candidates will be studied from this point on, particularly when the POTUS only pulls in 2 million in a 4 year term. Secretary of State earns far less. Do the math. The Clinton's have made a huge jump in 'chump change' since the Monica Lewinsky escapades. I doubt seriously the big bucks came from selling homemade cookies or mowing rich neighbor's lawns, don't you?

    @Ron & Cliff: Just think, it could all boil down to one vote that decides the election. Could be an American Muslim, American Latino, Snoop Dogg, Taylor Swift or me (lol). Perhaps Mr. Trump's own vote (presumably for himself) will do the trick.

    As I wrote before, if the homeless shopping carts remain parked under US interstates following the election, we as a people & a nation have gained nothing.



  15. @Cliff:

    Cliff, you have an interesting analysis of Mr. Trump that I, for one, would enjoy reading as the events play out or after the dust settles. Simple reason: I've never encountered a politician quite like Mr. Trump in my lifetime & it's a bit difficult to figure him out. I've seen lots of Hillarys come & go, but this Trump fellow is 'da bomb' to a lot of folks (lol).

    Quite a few people suspect Trump is a farcemeister out to make a killing on the election run while not really desiring the job of POTUS. Then again, some folks say the same about Hillary.

    I hope you put a book out on the subject. I'll buy & read it. What do you think of Jesse Ventura's message in the interview with Len Osanic I posted a link to...that corporate media will Bar-B-Q the career & legal entanglements of anyone who proposes a JFK CT viewpoint. Is that the writing on the wall? If so, should all Education Forum members & visitors start buddying up with DVP?

    Don't misinterpret me, Cliff. I'm not impressed with either candidate. I'm halfway expecting the CIA will enter their man into the race as a 3rd party. That should prove interesting.

    Reality to me is the mile long train of shopping carts parked under Interstates that the homeless use for temporary storage of their meager belongings. In major Texas cities, I've seen the same number of carts parked through the Presidencies of 'slick Willy' Clinton, George W. Bush & Mr. Obama. Texas politicians & Presidents don't seem to notice their constituents are hurting in a bad way, regardless of who wins the latest election. Historically, the same happened in ancient Rome when it fell. A few in power that grabbed the big bucks made out ok; most lost it all.


    Brad Milch

  16. There's no other place to add this to the mix, so I'm placing it here (and hoping I'm not interfering with any members inner actions) for the benefit of all members & lurkers. This interview with former Governor Jesse Ventura covers some of what has been covered in this thread & issues a stern warning to those who pursue a written or otherwise vocal JFK CT stance in regards to MSM & Federal Court Case backlash :

    _hear the interview or download it here: http://blackopradio.com/archives2016.html (Aug 11 show, located at the very top of the playlist page)

    _hear/download the audio video here at YouTube:

    In a nutshell, Mr. Ventura feels that corporations runs the MSM (others believe it's the government) that comes after (gangs up on) JFK researchers, authors, filmmakers, etc. that believe in a JFK murder conspiracy. Jesse feels his TV series 'Conspiracy Theory' & his JFK CT books led to the recent Federal Court of Appeals decision to overturn Jesse's win before a jury in the Chris Kyle case & order a new trial.

    If Mr. Ventura is correct, the same media that ganged up on him in the matter will gang up on Mr. Trump (because of his Ted Cruz's father & LHO insinuations) & NOT Hillary Clinton. Hillary has remained aloof & silent on the issue of the JFK assassination.

    It's an enlightening listen for about an hour...

    Brad Milch

  17. @Larry:

    Coming from the early 1950's generation, we were excluded from establishing any kind of relationship with the Soviets. Today, besides the gorgeous women, I know Sir Paul McCartney took his new Beatles there several times & fared far better than John Lennon or George Harrison did. Sir Paul is still with us; John & George are somewhere in the cosmos, both murder victims.

    I vividly remember one of my college professors telling his class about a B-29 bomber (same aircraft that dropped the two A-bombs on Japan) being forced to land somewhere on Soviet soil somewhere around the end of WWII. The B-29 contained a top secret bomb sight mechanism at the time. The Soviets copied the aircraft down to the rivets, secret bombsight & all. I was impressed.

    As for Hillary: she would have been too young (depending on her age now) to be involved in the JFK assassination as an orchestrator or a JFK sexual harassment victim. As a Scorpio woman, she, like most Scorpios, must be handled with care (LOL).

    It's not unreasonable to suspect either candidate's 'people' to visit the Education Forum from time to time. As for me, regardless of their politics, both are wealthy people who never helped me in any way, shape or form. Not a penny from either.


  18. From what I've been reading on the Internet, a lot of folks are wondering how much of Obama's $400 million payout to Iran has a cut (piece of the action) reserved for Obama & Hillary sitting in Iranian banks.
    As for those deleted emails, folks can't help wondering how many went back and forth between terrorist sponsoring Arab countries with a subject title: 'Working on slipping the money past Congress & the American people. Will get back with you....
    On the other hand, buddying up with Putin looks attractive to those who don't trust China. Better to have a nuke rich super power as a friend instead of a foe when China decides to BBQ either the Soviets, the USA (or both).

    Folks on the Internet just sayin'....

  19. @all:

    If alterations were not performed on the Z-film, why was the film taken to Hawkeyeworks?

    For those with experience with film special effects & the equipment used to produce those effects, may I offer this premise:

    Let's say I have Donald Trump, Vladamir Putin, Bill Gates or Sir Paul McCartney billionaire big bucks to play around with (trust me, I don't, but this is a 'what if' premise) and I want to study the JFK assassination visuals with a different approach than what's been previously applied by others who attempt to pass themselves off as authority figures on the subject. Let's start with the Z-film:

    Let's quickly review what we've been told about the Z-film: What is stored at the National Archives is supposedly the product of a Bell & Howell 8 mm home movie camera using Kodachrome II film. The camera setting is said to be at full zoom & the frames per second setting is said to be 18-24 frames per second ('normal' speed setting for the camera). Mr. Zapruder is said to have filmed the motorcade 'coming in from Houston St., making his (JFK) turn' (onto Elm St.) Holding on to Mr. Zapruder on top of a roughly 4 foot ornamental concrete block ('pedestal') was Marilyn Sitzman. Mr. Z is said to suffered vertigo & Marilyn was there to hold Mr. Z steady in case he got dizzy. From this point on, the Z-film travels several routes, one of them being a CIA film lab that prepared poster boards for the SS, then to super secret film labs called 'Hawkeyeworks' (alterations are alleged to have taken place there), then back to the CIA film lab for a different set of poster boards to be made. Life magazine is alleged to have received some of what was created the assassination weekend by Government operatives & NOT before Government people got their hands on the film first & had it in their possession most of the assassination weekend.

    First, we want to film a re-enactment of the shooting using historically accurate cars & stand-in actors using the same equipment & film as Zapruder is alleged to have used 53 years ago. We want to film where he allegedly filmed (we don't necessarily need a pretty babe hanging onto us as we film, but, heck, why not? (lol). In addition to Mr. Z's camera & film, we also want to film the re-enactment with state of the art (circa 1963) cameras & film (16mm, 35mm & higher, TV & motion picture cameras & available film formats). We want this additional stuff there to try 'bumping down' to 8mm later on in our study (some believe the original Z film was purchased, trashed & replaced with 'bumped down' to 8 mm from higher quality equipment & film. We want to see what that looks like later in our studies & how it compares to what is alleged to be the Zapruder 'camera original' stored in the National Archives.

    We won't be able to fit all this extra equipment & people on Mr. Z's pedestal, so we are going to move our photographers back a bit, to inside the north Pergola shelter, on top of & behind the north pergola, from inside & on top of the series of Pullman train cars parked in the rail yards behind Mr. Z, plus on top of the railroad signal light tower. We might put someone at the corner of the triple underpass where it meets the stockade fence as well as the stockade fence too. Let's go all out & cover the most probable filming locations that might produce a film that could be passed off as having been filmed by Mr. Z.

    For those with short memories, let’s quickly review (up to this point):

    With persons positioned in multiple locations in Dealey Plaza with non-Zapruder film equipment (that varies from 16mm, 35mm on up to Hollywood film equiment used for their motion picture releases. We have these folks filming from camouflaged locations, such as van & trucks positioned at likely spots where a ‘bumped down’ Z-film we are creating can be passed off as being filmed by Zapruder with his lady assistant hanging onto him for stability support. In addition to this extra equipment & film capabilities,
    I also have my assistants standing on the Zapruder 'pedestal' at Dealey Plaza with an exact movie camera as Zapruder had with identical Kodak film. On Elm Street I have replicas of the JFK Lincoln parade car & the Cadillac 'Queen Mary' tailgating JFK's ride. I might have a robot programmed by software to move Zapruder's camera exactly as he did 53 years ago & I might re-film the Z-frame frame by frame, moving the parade car, the SS guards vehicle with actor stand-ins inch by inch, foot by foot down the incline of Elm Street in an attempt to match the Z-film as historically accurate as possible. I want to use all available Zapruder camera zoom & non-zoom settings to compare my images to Zapruder’s.

    After filming the replica cars with duplicate Zapruder film equipment & film stock, I also film the entire Elm St & background area (meridian area) completely empty. I want to use those as backdrops after blending subject matter from the different films I took on an optical printer (and other applicable special effects film equipment). I want to see what I end up with after applying the effects, particularly if my tampered film suffers from visual anomalies that give away that I monkeyed with the film in the first place.

    As we move along, let's say one of my settings (zoom, 1/2 zoom, normal) in my z-film re-enactment shows some of the SS car in the left corner of the film's viewing window & more of the car in the sprocket hole area & compare to Z's film. Do I have a match to the Z-film or no match? This is an important step.

    My assistants & I are wanting to make the SS car disappear completely out of the sprocket area on the film I am going to attempt to make on an optical printer with the films I took (not Zapruder's film) if what we produce in our re-enactment matches what we see in the z-frames.

    As I progress along, I want to address some of the many allegations made against the Z-film over the years, probably beginning around the time of David Lifton's blockbuster book & support video, 'Best Evidence'. Most will remember these allegations really kicked into high gear after the release of 'Image Of An Assassination' when high quality enlargements made from the National Archive's 'camera original' were first made available to the public to study on their home PC's. These allegations include:

    _Use of composite images (two or more portions of images are combined together to produce a false image. An example of this would be: Jackie turns her head from looking to her left (towards the grassy meridian area) to looking at JFK in conjunction with the 1st shot. Let's say we suspect her head turn is a composite image contained in the film that the human eye doesn't catch when the film is run in motion. We want to see if we can make her head turn in a different direction in our film.

    _Simple artwork (such as darkening a portion of an image) to obscure something. Let's say we want to darken Babushka Lady's head with a black marker & refilm her action scenes. Perhaps darken a portion of the reflecting pool shrubs to see how that looks when the film is run in motion. We might paint in a sniper laying in the bushes & then use black marker film paint to darken his image. Can we fool the human eye when the film is run in motion? Maybe darken a spectator on the overpass so that his image disappears. Stuff like that. We want to make changes to the film material as simple as possible & observe those changes we made when the film is run in motion.

    _Elaborate artwork within the film. This is where body movements & actions are painted into the action scenes,falsely portraying the film actors doing things they did not do in real life when the events were filmed. For example, let's say we suspect JFK's arms flying up towards his face or neck area was achieved by artwork. Roy Kellerman tells us in his WC testimony that he looked back at the back seat & saw JFK pointing towards his back shoulder. Some James Altgens photo analysts interpret Altgen photo #6 as depicting JFK leaning forward towards the jump seats with his hands covering his head. We want to try that too with our actor stand ins. We might turn JFK's body around & have him looking back at the TSBD in a manner that matches what Life Magazine told the global public happened in the Z-film, does not exist in the z-film as we know it, but DOES match Kellerman’s WC testimony. Could that be why the Elm St. limo turn is missing from the Z-film? In our re-enactments, we'll film an actor standinin turning back to look at the TSBD in the area that seemingly has been cut from the film. Then we'll cut it out too. We’ll make lighting adjustments on the start-up frame following the cut to conceal the omission.

    We will also address the ‘blacked out’ portion of the rear of jfk’s head as well as the suspected ‘painted’ explosion & head wound damage not seen by a multitude of Parkland medical professions minutes after the ambush occurred.

    _Insertion of optical objects with the purpose of obscuring an action scene. An example of this would be Zapruder telling the WC in his testimony that he believed he had cleared the Stemmons sign, prompting allegations that the sign had been raised higher in the film than it actually was during the ambush of JFK. We want to try that too. We also want to obscure most of the film action by adding in a super zoomed image of the bush in front of Zapruder's lens.

    _making sidewalk spectators disappear. Even though the Newman family were positioned directly in front of Zapruder (roughly 30 yards in front and slightly below his line of sight to them), all 4 people (2 adults & 2 adolescents) are not in his film. Neither are the two ladies standing next to them by the lamp post We want to include them in our film & then make them disappear by playing around with false zoom settings & enlargements.

    _Duplicating & de-coding the JFK parade car side, hood (bonnet) & trunk reflections seen in the Z-film. As JFK's shiny, dark colored parade car made its way toward, in front of & away from Mr. Z & Sitzman, it resembled giant mirrors reflecting objects it approached, passed & traveled away from. Some images appear only for a moment; a frame later they disappear. Some people or objects we see JFk's car passing on the Elm Street sidewalk do not appear in the reflections (such as Umbrella Man, 'the Cuban' or the Stemmons sign}. We want to have our actor stand ins positioned in the same places & ascertain why we don't see their reflections on JFK's car as his replica passes them in our re-enactment film. We want to strive for perfect matches between our film & Mr. Z's. We also want to spot what should be there in the Z-film that our film picked up. Vice versa, we want to note what the Z-film shows that conflicts with our re-enactment images.

    Let’s wrap this premise up for now. After assuring the reader that in all our filming efforts we tried to match light, temperature & wind conditions as close to what they were 53 years ago when President Kennedy was driven around the corner of the intersection of Houston & Elm Streets in Dealey Plaza very much alive & exited the triple underpass just the opposite.

    In all our proposed filming efforts, we have produced materials to both compare to the Zapruder ‘camera original’ as well as visual materials far superior to what Zapruder allegedly used that we can experiment with in various capacities & scenarios. We have focused strictly on re-creating a home movie as historically accurate as possible and not on shooters or orchestrators. In time, we’ll try our hand at re-creating some of the special effects many people believe exist in the Zapruder film (regardless of how the effects got there) and inform the public what we found each step of our journey through our premise.

    Anyone with a sincere desire & funds to cover costs to tackle what I have proposed here can do the same thing with their own people & equipment. CBS News could do it just as well as the US Government, the FBI, Justice Department, PBS Nova, the UK & Russian film professionals & their global brothers..

    It probably could be done a lot cheaper than a billion dollars too. Whatever the cost, I’d encourage the inclusion of David Healy, David Lifton & Doug Horne as consultants.

    Until some of this premise, all of it or other things I didn’t think of or mention is performed ‘hands on’, no one should have the audacity to proclaim themselves as knowing all there is to know about the Zapruder film.

    Best to all,

    Brad Milch

  20. @Robert:

    I'm going to step outside the box here & submit a scenario to you that is very simple in explaining JFK's back wound & the small wound in his neck while realizing most folks aren't ready to even consider this:

    JFK's car rounds the corner & passes the reflecting pool & the Elm sidewalk monument. SS Agent Ready reaches into his coat jacket & fires his pistol at JFK, striking him in the back. JFK turns quickly around & looks backwards towards the SS car. Ready fires again & hits JFK in the throat.....

    Note: Substitute Emory Roberts for agent Ready or have them both working in concert as JFK's car is traveling slowly down the incline of Elm Street.

    How difficult would it have been to pull that off? How much time would it take? The passengers in the back seat of the SS car would be looking at the backs of both agents. Ready fires from within his coat front, Roberts from next to the side wing glass.

    Would that fit into your wound analysis?

    Just thinkin'

    Brad Milch

  21. @Joe:

    After a full week on the Internet searching here, there & everywhere for the alleged photo of Mr. Cruz Sr. & LHO having breakfast together in New Orleans 1963 and coming up with nothing at all, I have decided that if Mr. Trump actually saw this item somewhere & he wants my attention, he can always demonstrate his devotion to 'Making America Great Again' by telling one of his spin masters to post the alleged photo here at the Education Forum (or provide a simple, working link to it elsewhere on the Internet). This Forum is home plate to a multitude of JFK researchers, analysts, historians, authors, film makers & their peers that know the subject matter the best. Mr. Trump should be a regular lurker here if he truly has an interest in the despicable ambush & savage murder of President Kennedy 53 years ago in Dallas.

    It's been alleged that Mr. Trump got his Cruz Sr. info from the unreleased CIA JFK files that investigative journalist Jefferson Morley has been locking horns with the Agency over in a Conquistador's effort to obtain their public release (at a tremendous personal legal expense) for a long time. If so, Mr. Trump can also use his tremendous wealth & clout to pressure or otherwise influence the CIA & other entities to honor the law & free the enslaved files, regardless if he is POTUS or POTUS wannabe.

    It's been said before that the entities withholding the secret JFK material are doing so to protect living persons that once did service of some capacity to any or all of the Intel operations active during LHO's escapades. The recent Trump Cruz allegations suggests Mr. Cruz Sr. may be among that number. Perhaps Judith Baker is too. We won't know until the secret files are released & analyzed.

    Mr. Trump has previously announced he believes LHO did the crime alone. Not voting for him for his single assassin belief does not automatically ensure the global public is going to get anything out of Hillary in regards to releasing the enslaved history contained in those withheld CIA files. The public is caught between a rock & a hard place on the unreleased JFK records.

    As for me, I'm not chasing after visual proof of Mr. Trump's JFK global public allegations any longer. I've got better things to do in my life than chase shadows that aren't even there. If Mr. Trump wants my vote, he has to do better than tease. I simply cannot stand a teaser of any sort or a poker player bluffing their way through an extremely weak or empty hand.


    Brad Milch

  22. Larry:

    The pattern in the recent past in POTUS elections has been Republicans offer the public a super rich candidate to vote for POTUS that the majority of voters in the USA reject; the majority of US voters are far from living super rich lives. Most are having trouble making it week to week. Democratic nominees seemly are closer to their impoverished realities. OTOH, back in 1960, JFK had close to the amount of money as Mr. Trump has today in 2016. Both owe their families for their tremendous wealth.

    Tossing voters a super billionaire, TV celebrity following the last 2 elections is like using the same bait that the catfish by the stump in the water consistently rejects. IMHO (which means absolutely nothing to anyone but me), I believe the Donald is going to get spanked hard by 'Crooked Hillary' when the votes are all in & tabulated, regardless of how much Putin likes him. BTW, Republicans, Paul McCartney has exactly one 4th the amount of wealth as Mr. Trump. Lure him out of rainy England, nominate him & you've got my vote (LOL).

    Jut sayin'

    Brad Milch

  23. Some folks are blogging that they believe Mr. Trump has gotten hold of some info on Ted Cruz's father directly from the unreleased CIA files that he's holding back on releasing to the public until elected POTUS. They are looking at this weird business as a sign Trump as POTUS will get the CIA to come clean in 2017. Optimistic, perhaps. Then again, only 'the Shadow' knew the future (lol).

    Anything genuine we can learn about LHO's buddies gives us a clearer picture of LHO.

    One way or another, shouldn't the Justice Department and the FBI be talking to Mr. Cruz to get his side of the story? Unless I'm mistaken, the JFK is still open as an unsolved crime.

    As far as the LHO/Baker love affair business goes, if a sex tape is released I've already decided to abandon the Internet just to insure I don't happen to bump into it & see it. I already know I can't handle it (LOL)

    Brad Milch

  24. Hi, David

    I agree, it's an essential read. For me, Roland's tone & attitude that certain things can't be done on film wears a bit thin after decades of viewing special effects in motion pictures, particularly when he challenges people to SHOW him how any given special effect or alleged alteration to the Z-film was carried out by unknown perpetrators. More from the actual technicians that worked on the original Z-film & the 3 original dupes would have satisfied me nicely, particularly in what exactly they collectively viewed before the film made its way to Hawkeyeworks secret film labs via the CIA (as per Doug Horne). Did those technicians see the limo turn from Houston St. onto Elm St. that Zapruder had told Dallas TV viewers he had filmed? What else did the techs see? Did they see more of the SS followup car tailgating the JFK parade car the entire trip thru the kill zone? Did they see someone already on the bumper of the parade car before Clint Hill arrived? Roland Zavala doesn't address those questions in his report.

    When folks argue over the Z-film, I am reminded of the 'gap' in the Nixon White House tapes following Watergate. Even though the original audio evidence was erased, the fact that such an erasure occurred under Nixon's umbrella eventually sunk his ship; the 'hard audio evidence' that once existed in the erasure process gap had vaporized, but it still sunk Nixon's Presidential ship.

    Sometimes in life, it's the little things than bring down a giant. Hard evidence isn't always available after evidence has been tampered with.

    The Z-film alteration is an interesting topic. There are plenty of self-proclaimed 'experts'. Some could tell us if Zapruder wore shorts with little fire trucks emblems on them or what flavor gum he & Marilyn Sitzman were chewing when their filming experience ended. As for me, I still look at re-runs of King Kong & have trouble sleeping, thinking a giant ape is still out there somewhere climbing skyscrapers (lol).

    Best to you always, David

    Brad Milch

  25. @Sandy:

    Had the people that put together the 11-22-63 TV series taken advantage of the JFK parade car & SS followup car tailgating it during the ambush re-enactment scenes put a person with an exact duplicate camera as Zapruder, Nix, Muchmore, Bronson, Bell & others that captured portions of the ambush on film 53 years ago in their historically accurate filming spots & applied the suspicions about those films that have arisen over the years, re-filmed the re-enactment action scenes, the public might have more tools to work with than we do now in attempting to understand this old, unsolved crime.

    For Zapruder, I would have filmed the re-enactment cars traversing Elm Street at both a normal & a zoom setting to compare how much image of the SS car is captured via each setting on the z-camera. Those re-enactment films could have been compared against the Zapruder 'camera original' to determine what info was probably captured 53 years ago before someone started monkeying around with the original film (allegedly).

    A case can be made with witness testimony & statements that some sort of gunfire originated in or close to the Presidential parade car while under attack. Witnesses heard it, smelled gun powder or saw weapons displayed (Hugh Betzner saw a chrome pistol, for example).

    From there, what could it be that Zapruder captured that someone who had the film, did not want the public to see the captured action & had the means to knock that scene out of the film? Could it be someone tossed a firecracker near JFK? How about SS Agent Ready pulling his piece & squeezing off a couple fast shots? How about a puff of smoke coming from the grill of the SS followup car?

    The public focus has never been on the SS car. It's always been on what one can see in Zapruder's ambiguous home movie, not on what's not visible or why? An interested public can look at the available visuals & wonder why some or all of those people that didn't know each other, were positioned in different places around Dealey Plaza (after fighting traffic & crowds to get to where they filmed the events) stopped filming in the same places in time. Is that even possible? Or is it an indication their films were cut? What gets omitted in each film where filming stops? Is it not the SS followup car & its agents that meets this curious pattern? Why is that?

    I'd make a case that the Z-film hasn't been studied enough in just the study of the reflections that are visible on the JFK side, the hood & trunk of the parade car. For example: we all see JFK & his car pass Umbrella Man & 'The Cuban' on Elm Street. Both are between JFK & Zapruder. Can you see them both in the parade car reflection? If not, why?

    I can't count the times I've stood on top of Zapruder's filming spot & seen a very clear image of the TSBD & its sniper's nest' window reflected off the hood of dark colored flat hooded cars that is visible at the Zapruder film perch. Why don't we see the TSBD 'sniper's nest' window reflected off the JFK parade car hood in the Z-film?

    There's not been enough study of the Z-film IMHO.


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