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Terry Mauro

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About Terry Mauro

  • Birthday 01/20/1945

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    Culver City, CA USA
  • Interests
    JFK Assassination Research student since 1964
    Nuclear Medicine Technologist since 1976
    The study of Positron Emission Technology since 1976
    The study of Computerized Axial Tomography since 1976
    The study of PET-CT combined since 2004
    Presently employed as a Senior Staff Nuclear Medicine Technologist and Bone Densitometry Technologist at Santa Monica-UCLA Medical Center and Orthopaedic Hospital since July 2006.
    Lippit Morgan horses

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  1. Ms Mauro 

    when i was researching Sterling Seagraves book "Gold Warriors "i came across this article you wrote mentioning looking to buy the supplemental CDs 

    I have been searching for over a year to find them and was wondering if you might know where i could aquire the set  

    thank you

  2. Anti-Drug Chief Ivanov: Russia Faces Dope "Apocalypse" December 2, 2010 • 9:24AM Addressing a conference in Khanty-Mansiysk, western Siberia, Russian Federal Narcotics Control Service chief Victor Ivanov yesterday characterized the drug addiction and death situation in the country as "an apocalypse." Ivanov said he had reached this conclusion after reviewing the latest statistics on deaths from narcotics use. Whereas his agency previously had estimated the annual drug death rate in Russia at 30,000 people, Ivanov said he is forced to conclude that over 100,000 Russians under the age of 30 are dying from drug use each year. The biggest killer, Ivanov confirmed, is Afghan heroin, followed by dextromethorphan derivatives of over-the-counter medications. There are heroin addiction hot spots throughout the industrial heartland of Russia in western Siberia and the Ural Mountains region. Ivanov called for convening a special session of the State Council, with the participation of Russian regions, on reducing narcotics demand. He said that Russia has at least 2.5 million full-fledged drug addicts, the majority of them addicted to heroin, with another 3 million people regularly using other drugs, including 500,000 people who are on synthetic narcotics imported from Europe. Yevgeni Royzman, head of the Drug-free City campaign, also spoke at the event, summarizing the situation as a "narco-catastrophe." He said, "We rank first in the world for heroin consumption, first in the drug addiction rate, and, accordingly, first in drug-related mortality among youth. This is why the country is now experiencing a narco-catastrophe, and any measures that will help our country get out of this situation will be good." Royzman called for emergency institution of visa procedures for travel to Russia from Tajikistan and the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as life terms in prison for drug dealers and mandatory treatment for drug addicts.
  3. Peter, I wanted to check Blaine on this issue of narcissistic personality disorder and located a Fox interview with Blaine and Clint Hill. Listen to Clint Hill's recounting of the shooting. He fails to mention the missed shot that fragmented aand struck/nicked James Tague. These guys are just awful. They have no idea what happened. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAKFq6wXGKA
  4. This explains why the British wanted America to become more internationalist than it was. They wanted to use America as a tool to expand British influence This is called "The Special Relationship". Good job Steve.
  5. If the Inter Alpha Group is not already bankrupt there would be no need to sacrifice the Irish population to brutal austerity. Thousands Protest Against Irish Bailout Henry McDonald - Dublin More than 100,000 Irish citizens took to the streets of Dublin today to protest against the international bailout and four years of austerity. http://www.commondreams.org/headline/2010/11/27 PS- 100,000 Irish citizens, not bad for a country of less than 5 million.
  6. http://www.businessinsider.com/91-billion-banco-santander-is-spiraling-lower-again-today-2010-11 Are we take it based on this post that you've accepted Steve's proposal? If so you have less than 3 months for Santander to go bust. But then again anyone who's been here long enough knows you don't pay your bets even when you have overtly made them. I wouldnt worry about any bet, the entire system is bankrupt.
  7. http://www.businessinsider.com/91-billion-banco-santander-is-spiraling-lower-again-today-2010-11
  8. The above statement proves conclusively that you can't tell the difference between your own biases and objective truth. You hate rock music and you hate pro sports and you pretend that this hatred constitutes some kind of knowable "truth". Rigid ideology dumbs people down more than anything, clearly. Sure you have. In the past you've knocked rock music and now you hypocritically knock professional sports. Just because these diversions are not of your taste you think you can frame your own bias as some sort of "truth." Swing and a miss. And when you fill your gas tank you give profits to organized crime networks. Lecture me when you have a leg to stand on, Terry. Your prejudices are not any kind of "truth." Many millions of people enjoy these events without incident, and you are going to cherry pick YouTube for isolated incidences? Pathetic. Your non sequiturs are showing, Terry. You haven't answered my question: what is it about people having fun that you hate so much? When I fill my gas tank up I give money to organized crime networks? You're absolutely daffy. I assume you're refering to the oil cartels? The development of higher forms of energy has helped mankind to develop a modern economy. Where would you be without fossil fuel energy? You'd be strumming a tree branch. Many millions of people enjoy these events without incident, and you are going to cherry pick YouTube for isolated incidences? This is identical to the drug legalization argument. Classic. It's exactly as I stated "the devil made me do it". You cannot have society impose it's will and take away my pleasures. And here is the same argument once again. Just because these diversions are not of your taste you think you can frame your own bias as some sort of "truth." See with you Cliff there is no truth, just "tastes" and everyone should be allowed to have their pleasures respected. Occam'sRazor at work.
  9. The above statement proves conclusively that you can't tell the difference between your own biases and objective truth. You hate rock music and you hate pro sports and you pretend that this hatred constitutes some kind of knowable "truth". Rigid ideology dumbs people down more than anything, clearly. Sure you have. In the past you've knocked rock music and now you hypocritically knock professional sports. Just because these diversions are not of your taste you think you can frame your own bias as some sort of "truth." Swing and a miss. And when you fill your gas tank you give profits to organized crime networks. Lecture me when you have a leg to stand on, Terry. Your prejudices are not any kind of "truth." Many millions of people enjoy these events without incident, and you are going to cherry pick YouTube for isolated incidences? Pathetic. Your non sequiturs are showing, Terry. You haven't answered my question: what is it about people having fun that you hate so much? Are you having "fun" in a jobless and dead society? Yeah, just turn the volume up, right?
  10. Lurie sold the team 18 years ago. I guess you missed it. Given the level of corruption among global corporate elites you'd have to live like the Amish not to engage the filthy bastards one way or another. Do you drive a car, Terry? Watch TV? Eat foods produced by major corporations? Do people who don't live according to your puritanical standards offend you? In 1963 W. Averell Harriman, Clint Murchison, Jr. and Meyer Lanksy wanted to restore Havana as the center for international narcotics trafficking, a position it held in the 50's before Castro took over. I'd speculate that the assassination of JFK was designed to provide a pre-text for the invasion of Cuba to affect that end. You don't understand the heroin market and its importance to the elites. Not only is it a source of untraceable black money but it is a means to cull the human herd. The Jupiter Island Gang of blue-blood elites (Rockefeller/Harriman/Bush) have always been big on eugenics, which is one reason they financed the Nazis in the 20s, 30s and early 40s. After WW2 they moved heroin into black communities, a pattern repeated in the 80's with cocaine. This is a holocaust by another means, and the prime motivation for wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Unless you live on a self-sustaining farm and never consume petroleum products your self-righteousness is misplaced. Heaven forbid anyone should have fun in their lives! Go Giants. Let's not forget the SON of JFK Assassination sponsor Clint Murchison, Sr. was one of the owners of the Dallas Cowboys ... and the SONS of JFK assassation sponsor HL Hunt were the founders of the American football league. Constance Kritberg (and myself) believe that Clint Murchison, Sr. was one of the elite sponsors of the JFK assassination. I think the connection to football is just a coincidence ... that is what rich people do with their money: buy sports franchises. No, they manipulate the population into loving the fact they're slaves. In return for revoking their citizenship they give them "entertainment and pleasure". What did the Roman ruling elite call it "Bread and circus"?
  11. Your attitude toward music and sports is an opinion, not a "truth." Thanks for illustrating my points about the dumbing down effects of rigid ideologies The statement above proves conclusively you don't believe in truth and furthermore you don't believe that people can know truth. This is behind your meaningless "rigid ideology" statement. Besides I made no general comment about sports and music. What I stated was "professional sports and entertainment" are owned by organized crime networks. They use these franchise to launder drug money, but more importantly they use these spectacles to dumb down the population and to bestialize them. You on the other hand prefer the old excuse "the devil made me do it". According to you society cannot impose on your pleasures.
  12. Yes Terry, entertainment is important to help sustain and improve life. You cannot name a human culture that doesn't produce entertainment. The day you no longer indulge in the products of the corporate elite is the day you can lecture others. That depends on how you define "major." Havana ceased being THE hub of international narcotics trafficking the day Castro marched into Havana. Meyer Lansky had to move his operations to the Bahamas, and the Dominican Republic and Haiti became FAR GREATER hubs of drug trafficking than Cuba under Fidel. And Cuba is a bit player in that, Terry. Which is my point. Nothing dumbs a person down more than identifying with a rigid, self-righteous ideology. At least I don't take my Giants team anywhere near as seriously as you take Team LaRouche. Rigid self righteous ideology? Translation, "a person who asserts there is a knowable truth". You never answered "what did I write that wasnt true"? And now I have to stop eating, heating/cooling my home, walking to work? You're just slightly daffy. I thought this nonsense went out with Jimmy Carter? I would dare say that shutting down the NFL, MLB etc. and the criminal apparatus behind them would not cause loss of life. In fact every human mind in this country would experience immediate improvement. Cut out food production, industry, infrastructure and you'll get what is happening in Haiti right now. Genocide. The Roman Empire produced "entertainment" and look what happened That's the kind of entertainment we are producing.
  13. Lurie sold the team 18 years ago. I guess you missed it. Given the level of corruption among global corporate elites you'd have to live like the Amish not to engage the filthy bastards one way or another. Do you drive a car, Terry? Watch TV? Eat foods produced by major corporations? Do people who don't live according to your puritanical standards offend you? In 1963 W. Averell Harriman, Clint Murchison, Jr. and Meyer Lanksy wanted to restore Havana as the center for international narcotics trafficking, a position it held in the 50's before Castro took over. I'd speculate that the assassination of JFK was designed to provide a pre-text for the invasion of Cuba to affect that end. You don't understand the heroin market and its importance to the elites. Not only is it a source of untraceable black money but it is a means to cull the human herd. The Jupiter Island Gang of blue-blood elites (Rockefeller/Harriman/Bush) have always been big on eugenics, which is one reason they financed the Nazis in the 20s, 30s and early 40s. After WW2 they moved heroin into black communities, a pattern repeated in the 80's with cocaine. This is a holocaust by another means, and the prime motivation for wars in Vietnam and Afghanistan. Unless you live on a self-sustaining farm and never consume petroleum products your self-righteousness is misplaced. Heaven forbid anyone should have fun in their lives! Go Giants. Exactly what did I write that wasnt true? That it offends you is not the issue. Your rebuttal is straight out of the "devil made me do it" hand book. Now you're comparing food production, transportation, and energy to hollywood "entertainment "? You tie them together with your "global elite" BS. Food, energy, and transportation systems are instrumental to sustain life or to improve life. Entertainment? What, watching a bunch of guys grunt and snort and beat their chest is that what you call "entertainment"? And I fail to see why the sale date of the SF Giants has anything to do with it. The grandson of late Max Fisher of the notorious Purple Gang is the latest owner of the Miami Dolphins. "Go Dolphins"!!!! So what is your point? And the following is total fantasy. Another indication that you prefer being entertained. In 1963 W. Averell Harriman, Clint Murchison, Jr. and Meyer Lanksy wanted to restore Havana as the center for international narcotics trafficking, a position it held in the 50's before Castro took over. I'd speculate that the assassination of JFK was designed to provide a pre-text for the invasion of Cuba to affect that end. Episode #33 from "As the Conspiracy Turns". For your information chum Fidel Castro for years provided a safe haven in Cuba for Lansky successor, the notorious fugitive Robert Vesco. For years that old Synarchist Fidel Castro has been a major player in international drug trafficking. Furthermore narcotic trafficking and money laundering has never been bigger, which was the point of my post to Dean. All pro sports teams are owned by organized crime. They help dumb down the population while spreading vice like gambling, drugs and other pyschosis. And that's entertainment!
  14. Dean, Never mind that professional sports are the personal playground of organized crime. Even the notorious Lurie family and the Giants. And let's not forget the "Jacobs" family mob and Emprise "aka" Delaware North Companies have secured the majority of concession contracts at MLB and NFL games to help them launder dirty money. Who needs to get Havana back in the fold? Between all the hot money in major league sports they don't need Cuba. All they need are "fans" who never ask any questions as long as they're being entertained by "my team". But what you're watching when you watch these games is "organized crime". It doesnt matter be it the NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL or the PGA Tour it's all there to dumb down the population while laundering multi millions in drug proceeds. Remember Meyer Lansky's INTERTEL? Their first client was the NFL. They are still the NFL's private security firm. The next time you read about an NFL star getting busted for drugs just think of INTERTEL. http://newsgroups.derkeiler.com/Archive/Rec/rec.gambling.poker/2006-01/msg01757.html Ed Levinson, "owner" of the Fremont, also had ties with the Chicago mob family: "In 1962 Bobby Baker had had established the Serve-U-Corporation with his friend, Fred Black, and mobsters Ed Levenson and Benny Sigelbaum. The company was to provide vending machines for companies working on federally granted programs. The machines were manufactured by a company secretly owned by Sam Giancana and other mobsters based in Chicago." From Nonmenclature of an Assassination Cabal] ["Baker called Intercontinental's chairman and arranged an appointment to see him, but on the day of the appointment, Baker showed up with mobster Ed Levison, brother to the infamous Louis "Sleep-Out Louie" Levenson, who was the original manager of Meyer Lansky's casino, the Havana Riviera in Cuba, and was now running the Fremont in Las Vegas which was secretly owned by Tony Accardo, Sam Giancana and Paul Ricca. It was also at Accardo's request that Levenson managed to get then Senator Lyndon Johnson and Baker as his first official guests at the opening of the Stardust casino back in 1955." John William Tuohy 2002] It was the ties with the Chicago mob that secured Levinson's contract for the Fremont Hotel, a property that Benny Binion was planning to develop. The loan was channeled through a legitimate backer, Lou Lurie, to mask the hidden mob involvement. Binion had offered Jack Dragna (LA mob representative) 25 points in the Fremont in exchange for putting a hit on Russain Louie, who was blackmailing Binion. After the hit, Dragna settled with Binion for a reported sum of $200,000 but did not tell Jimmy Fratianno who made the hit on Russian Louie. Here's the account From The Last Mafioso: [benny Binion promised LA mobster Jack Dragna at 25% interest in the proposed Fremont Hotel in exchange for killing Russian Louie, a card cheat that was blackmailing Binion. Jimmy Fratianno later went to Binion to collect. "You know I'm the guy that did the xxxxing job on Russian Louie, don't you?" "Yes, I know it," replied Binion. "So how come I don't get no money?" "How much do you need?" "I want sixty thousand." "You've got it Jimmy," said Binion. "Give me a couple days to get it together." "That's number one. Number two, we was supposed to get twenty-five percent of that Fremont joint. What happened to that deal?" "Jimmy don't you know what happened? Jack (Dragna) wanted cash instead
  15. Steve, Watch Jeff Steinberg give an overview of the British Empire. This was 1997 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=74dse3XCltA&feature=related Part 5 and 6 touch on the creation of the "counter culture", or the attack on the "baby boomers" who were turned away from the cultural outlook provided by Kennedy to the degenerate "sex, rock, drug" culture provided by his British murderers. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fXwF9nL3YQ0&feature=related
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