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Terry Mauro

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Everything posted by Terry Mauro

  1. Page 481 Dope, Inc. 1992 edition “In 1946, Ferrie dropped out of a Roman Catholic seminary in Ohio and joined the Byelorussian Liberation Front, simultaneously being ordained as a priest in the old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America, an agency we have already identified as a front for the Solidarist movement , the KGB, and FBI Division Five. Ferrie was subsequently redeployed to the southern region of the FBI, where he operated as a recruitment officer for Division Five (placing him under the direct jurisdiction of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield). According to testimony before both the Warren Commission and the Garrison grand jury, given by FBI operative Jack Martin, LHO was recruited into FBI Division Five in 1956 by none other than David Ferrie. While nominally in the Marine Corps, Oswald received special training in covert espionage activities at the Naval Intelligence School on the Memphis naval base. One aspect of his training included special instructions in the Russian language, provided by an agent of the Solidarist movement operating in San Francisco under the cover of the Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations, a West Coast branch of the Tolstoy Foundation. From 1956 until his untimely death in the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters in November 1963, LHO had been on a secret Division Five payroll, maintained through a secret account concealed in the budget of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, within the Department of Justice. (emphasis added by Thomas Graves)______________________________________ Thanks for the fascinating post, Terry. Lots to chew on there... I wonder if Ferrie was redeployed to the southern region by the FBI or to the southern region of the FBI. The former makes more sense to me. Please enlighten me on this if you can. Thanks, --Thomas ______________________________________ The sentence reads "to the southern region of the FBI. Dope Inc. Page 480 In 1941, J. Edgar Hoover in consultation with British SOE head Sir William Stephenson and Division Five recruiter L. Mortimer Bloomfield, arranged for his close friend Reverend Carl McIntyre to found the American Council of Christian Churches. McIntyre was already a contract agent of Hoover’s FBI Division Five. The ACCC was to conceal an extensive espionage and intelligence unit to be deployed throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico and Latin America. The spies and saboteurs were to operate under the cover of Christian missionaries. As part of the ACCC espionage net, Hoover, Stephenson and Bloomfield created a secret assassination unit in 1943 under the direction of ACCC Minister Albert Osborne. The unit consisted of twenty five to thirty of the most skilled riflemen. It was housed in a missionary school for orphans in Puebla Mexico. Up through 1969, the special “kill unit “remained intact under the personal supervision of J Edgar Hoover, operating under his trusted agent of thirty years, Albert Osborne. The records of the Warren Commission establish that Albert Osborne had been a charter member of the ACCC. In 1942, while working for the Hoover-Bloomfield Division Five, Osborne had directed a Nazi black shirt group called the Campfire Council in the rural area around Knoxville Tennessee. At that time he had nearly been arrested following an incident in which he had burned an American flag in protest against the U.S. entry into the war against Nazi Germany. He shortly thereafter left Tennessee to relocate to Puebla Mexico. Jim Garrison documented that on October 10, 1963, Osborne had visited New Orleans, making three stops in town. First he visited the offices of Clay Shaw at the International Trade Mart Building. Later that same day he visited the offices of FBI Division Fiver courier Jerry Brooks Gatlin, whom we encountered earlier in probing the 1962 assassination attempt against French President Charles de Gaulle. Osborne’s final stop in New Orleans was at the office of FBI Division Five southern chief Guy Bannister at 544 Camp Street. From New Orleans, Osborne traveled directly to Mexico City where, according to records of both the Garrison investigation and the Warren Commission, he was seen repeatedly in the company of the “Leon Oswald” whom we met earlier in New Orleans with Clay Shaw and David Ferrie. This circle of assassins closes a bit further as we return to the case of yet another Division Five operative who maintained a cover as a priest in the employ of the ACCC: David Ferrie.
  2. Page 481 Dope, Inc. 1992 edition “In 1946, Ferrie dropped out of a Roman Catholic seminary in Ohio and joined the Byelorussian Liberation Front, simultaneously being ordained as a priest in the old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America, an agency we have already identified as a front for the Solidarist movement , the KGB, and FBI Division Five. Ferrie was subsequently redeployed to the southern region of the FBI, where he operated as a recruitment officer for Division Five (placing him under the direct jurisdiction of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield). According to testimony before both the Warren Commission and the Garrison grand jury, given by FBI operative Jack Martin, LHO was recruited into FBI Division Five in 1956 by none other than David Ferrie. While nominally in the Marine Corps, Oswald received special training in covert espionage activities at the Naval Intelligence School on the Memphis naval base. One aspect of his training included special instructions in the Russian language, provided by an agent of the Solidarist movement operating in San Francisco under the cover of the Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations, a West Coast branch of the Tolstoy Foundation. From 1956 until his untimely death in the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters in November 1963, LHO had been on a secret Division Five payroll, maintained through a secret account concealed in the budget of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, within the Department of Justice. (emphasis added by Thomas Graves)______________________________________ Thanks for the fascinating post, Terry. Lots to chew on there... I wonder if Ferrie was redeployed to the southern region by the FBI or to the southern region of the FBI. The former makes more sense to me. Please enlighten me on this if you can. Thanks, --Thomas ______________________________________ The sentence reads "to the southern region of the FBI.
  3. Nor did I ever indicate you had, note the lack of quotation marks. Obviously you wouldn't use the term "chicken little" to refer to your own predictions. But you have repeatedly predicted a coming financial disaster. I didn't, my position never was what you falsely claimed it to be. But you have repeatedly predicted a coming financial disaster And Mark has been 100% correct. Where have you been? Some people occasionally stick their foot in their mouth but you've managed to shove in your mouth everything but the kitchen sink. You don't have a clear idea of what is going on. Your argument is "I dont believe such a thing possible so therefore it cant happen. Well take another look around because it has happened. You should stay out of this debate because you're absolutely ignorant of the facts. You didnt even know what a derivative was until you started mis counting the zero's.
  4. I've decided to resurrect this thread in honor of John Dolva..........and for other reasons.....namely to expound on Greg Parker's post on this thread earlier......There will be more than area covered so one is advised to pay attention...... The term myriad relationships is a literal reality in JFK lore.....Looking at it another way, from a historical perspective.....There is a montage of relationships which encompass, American politics, Hollywood, and political and intelligence groups, both foreign and domestic....Tyrall, Jamaica first came into this writers mind, not through Ian Fleming, but after reading about former Texas Gov. John Connally and Tyrall, after reading Penn Jones Jr. material in Forgive My Grief...... Alluding to Hollywood earlier, the first case in point concerns the following headline Bing to Extend Visit March 29, 1960 Gleaner North Coast Correspondent Montego Bay, March 27, 1960 Bing Crosby and his wife, actress Cathy Grant have extended their holiday at Round Hill for another week so much are they enjoying their stay here. The longtime American singer and performer has spent every moment on the Tyrall golf course which he says is “wonderful.”The longtime performer dined with Mr. and Mrs. John Pringle, Lillian Hellman and Mr. Arthur Cowan lawyer on his first night here. In and of itself, the article is not significant, but it does provide an example of the interconnections, alluded to above. The following is an fairly lengthy article of reminisces.... IF you take the coast road west from Montego Bay, after a few miles of high hedgerows and palm trees you reach a sign that reads "Round Hill". Here, 50 years ago on the north shore of Jamaica, a young man founded what became the first great post-war hotel, a meeting place for New York socialites and European royalty, a private retreat for Hollywood on holiday. Round Hill: President Kennedy was a frequent visitor Opened by Noël Coward, Round Hill played host to Paul Newman and President Kennedy, Alfred Hitchcock and Grace Kelly, Princess Margaret and Clark Gable. Cole Porter sang in the bar. Rodgers and Hammerstein wrote The Sound of Music there. Rex Harrison was thrown out on his honeymoon. Over it all presided John Pringle, seeming less like the owner of a hotel than the host of a very good, very long party, soothing imagined slights, filling everyone's glass and, always, telling stories. At 75, Pringle still knows the power of a good story. "My dear boy," he says in a full, slow voice that is not so much a drawl as a crawl, "did I tell you about the time Errol Flynn and I burnt down a bawdy house in Trinidad?" The details of the incident are, perhaps mercifully, sketchy. Suffice it to say that the pair had to retreat swiftly on Flynn's yacht. We are having lunch in a restaurant started by another of Pringle's friends, the writer Quentin Crewe. Although he no longer owns Round Hill, Pringle maintains his contacts with Jamaica through his role as an honorary Ambassador for the island, and has written about his time at the hotel in a book that is published this week. The elegant cut of his coffee-coloured tweed jacket hints at the perfectionist nature needed to run a good hotel, and the sharp blue eyes show the steel necessary to handle celebrities with confidence. But then, even by his mid-twenties, when he first began to welcome guests to Round Hill, Pringle had already had plenty of practice at dealing with interesting people. He was born into Jamaica's colonial elite - the so-called "plantocracy" - and grew up on a 1,000-acre estate there, although he insists that "all the family money had gone long before I started to have any fun". After an eventful educational career, which concluded with his being expelled from a Canadian academy after being identified by his school tie at a strip club, he lied about his age to join a Highland regiment during the war. To his initial disappointment, he found himself appointed the most junior equerry to the Duke of Windsor, then Governor of the Bahamas. He soon fell under the Duchess's spell, obligingly testing shades of face powder for her by chalking them down the expensively refurbished walls of Government House. The Duke he found "a spoilt, sad little man", and their relationship had to survive a difficult first night when Pringle forgot the names of all the guests assembled in the drawing room to meet the Governor. After the war, Pringle found himself out of a job and was offered one by a rather grand woman he was sitting next to at dinner in New York. When he asked the Duchess what she thought "Mrs Graham" might want him to do, she replied: "Oh Pringle, you are such an ass - that's Elizabeth Arden." He worked for the cosmetics queen for the next three years ("Enormously rich and completely mad. The most fearful language. Shouting her head off at salesmen, yards of chiffon flying everywhere"), but soon began to want to emulate the exciting things being done by friends, such as Leonard Bernstein and Mike Nichols, who were just becoming famous. "I had this idea," he recalls, "of having a house like my father's, with the same assortment of his interesting friends, such as my godfather the Duke of Sutherland and Steve Donoghue, the jockey, except that this time they would pay." So was born the idea of Round Hill, a village resort of 25 small cottages served by a central hotel, all overlooking the Caribbean. Pringle proposed to sell the cottages to individual stakeholders and, to enhance their appeal, offered to rent them for the owners when they themselves were not using them. His first stroke of luck was to find himself sitting next to Noël Coward on the aircraft taking him to see prospective buyers in New York. Pringle pestered him with photographs and plans of the development until Coward grasped his knee and said: "If you would only stop boring me, I'll buy one of your effing cottages." The next day, Pringle sold his second cottage to Adele Astaire, Fred's sister, and Round Hill was on its way. "I didn't know anything about running a hotel," Pringle remembers, "although perhaps that was an advantage." He quickly decided, however, on a basic principle that has since underpinned his work in the industry: that a hotel thrives or dies by its standard of service and by the blend of its guests. "I didn't want it to attract just one group of people - rich Jews from Chicago, for instance - because what makes a resort is the mix of those who come and how you treat them. And I don't really mean the celebrities - they don't want to be fussed - but Joe Smith from Duluth, Minnesota, who has made a fortune in condoms. "Each day I walked the beach, introducing everybody to everyone else, and I met each guest when they arrived. And I was just the owner, not the manager." Nevertheless, no detail escaped Pringle's notice. For 10 years he rose at five every morning to supervise each breakfast tray, believing that the first impression of the day is the most telling. He employed eight French chefs, and only American barmen ("English ones fumble around, like men in a chemist's shop"). He even told the maids to clean the tops of the toothpaste in each bathroom. "Do you know who makes a good hotel manager?" he says. "A little man with a little mind doing little things well all day long. I was good at that." It is a self-deprecating and perhaps misleading piece of criticism. Round Hill's secret lay not in tidy bathrooms but in the glamorous fantasy it offered its guests, and the imaginative style with which Pringle conducted affairs. When Bill Paley, the head of CBS television, moaned one morning that he was missing Jewish food, Pringle had chopped chicken livers and kosher gherkins flown down from Manhattan in time for dinner. Paley never forgot the gesture, and at his funeral Pringle was one of the pallbearers. It did not hurt Round Hill either that in the decade after the deprivations of the war it acquired a reputation for relaxed, even permissive, behaviour. Pringle and his then wife Liz Benn, once the Ford Agency's top model, saw all the foibles of the rich and shameless. On one occasion, Pringle was summoned to his cottage by a terrified French aristocrat who had planned to pass a week there with his mistress, only to discover his brother-in-law in the neighbouring cottage. More straightforward to solve was the problem of Rex Harrison, who accused Pringle's trusted beach manager of swiping a signet ring; Pringle promptly ejected the actor, and his new bride Kay Kendall. For good measure, he also rang the newspapers with the story. "I adore personal publicity," he remarks disarmingly. In 1961, Pringle sold Round Hill and, like his friend Coward, moved to the tax haven of Switzerland. He soon tired of it - "So dull, like immersing yourself in a glass of milk" - and returned to Jamaica as the country's first director of tourism. He regards his experiences of turning Jamaica into a destination for mass travel as the best fun he has had. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries...hn-Pringle.html Page 481 Dope, Inc. 1992 edition “In 1946, Ferrie dropped out of a Roman Catholic seminary in Ohio and joined the Byelorussian Liberation Front, simultaneously being ordained as a priest in the old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America, an agency we have already identified as a front for the Solidarist movement , the KGB, and FBI Division Five. Ferrie was subsequently redeployed to the southern region of the FBI, where he operated as a recruitment officer for Division Five (placing him under the direct jurisdiction of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield). According to testimony before both the Warren Commission and the Garrison grand jury, given by FBI operative Jack Martin, LHO was recruited into FBI Division Five in 1956 by none other than David Ferrie. While nominally in the Marine Corps, Oswald received special training in covert espionage activities at the Naval Intelligence School on the Memphis naval base. One aspect of his training included special instructions in the Russian language, provided by an agent of the Solidarist movement operating in San Francisco under the cover of the Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations, a West Coast branch of the Tolstoy Foundation. From 1956 until his untimely death in the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters in November 1963, LHO had been on a secret Division Five payroll, maintained through a secret account concealed in the budget of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, within the Department of Justice.
  5. Page 481 Dope, Inc. 1992 edition “In 1946, Ferrie dropped out of a Roman Catholic seminary in Ohio and joined the Byelorussian Liberation Front, simultaneously being ordained as a priest in the old Orthodox Catholic Church of North America, an agency we have already identified as a front for the Solidarist movement , the KGB, and FBI Division Five. Ferrie was subsequently redeployed to the southern region of the FBI, where he operated as a recruitment officer for Division Five (placing him under the direct jurisdiction of Major Louis Mortimer Bloomfield). According to testimony before both the Warren Commission and the Garrison grand jury, given by FBI operative Jack Martin, LHO was recruited into FBI Division Five in 1956 by none other than David Ferrie. While nominally in the Marine Corps, Oswald received special training in covert espionage activities at the Naval Intelligence School on the Memphis naval base. One aspect of his training included special instructions in the Russian language, provided by an agent of the Solidarist movement operating in San Francisco under the cover of the Federation of Russian Charitable Organizations, a West Coast branch of the Tolstoy Foundation. From 1956 until his untimely death in the basement of the Dallas Police headquarters in November 1963, LHO had been on a secret Division Five payroll, maintained through a secret account concealed in the budget of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, within the Department of Justice.
  6. I always thought Nick Faldo would make a great "James Bond" in the movies. I always thought he could pull off that character.
  7. I would like to know Mr. Hougans thoughts regarding the late Walter Sheridan and the Kennedy family. Was he really an RFK man? And what was he doing on the Kennedy family payroll well into the 1980's?
  8. I predict that future historians will declare it a toss-up between Bush and Lyndon Johnson, a war-monger on an even grander scale. Bush “wins” out because LBJ had a much better domestic policy and inherited an existing US commitment to Vietnam (which he insanely escalated). Aside from "a much better domestic policy" -- that is, promoting and attempting to institutionalize civil rights progress, the attempted alleviation of poverty, and an enormous amount of progressive legislation (after all, he idolized Franklin Roosevelt and the New Deal) -- and inheriting the Vietnam commitment, LBJ also had the more reasonable excuse of being a man of his time in an environment when anticommunism, domino theories, etc were a given -- widely assumed to be necessary and plausible. (And his "warmongering" was never an issue for the real warmongers -- they always bitched because he wouldn't go far enough and there was too much "civilian meddling" in "prosecuting the war.") So there's no contest between Johnson and Bush.......at least Bush and any number of people had LBJ and "the Vietnam experience" to learn from (the problem being they never learned anything from anything). And Ron is almost right: but it was not "the American people" who didn't get rid of President Bush 4 years ago -- it was only 51% of the voting American people who reelected him. We're apparently being let down by the millions of people who don't vote and could make a hell of a difference. The "post industrial" society was instituted under LBJ's watch. This was his "Great Society" policy. He also moved to make major budget cuts to JFK's NASA program.
  9. This is the same President who was overheard several weeks ago saying "Wall Street got drunk". Despite what President Bush says here , there is a rational alternative under our constittution to this hyperinflationary bail out scheme, and that's the FDR solution. FDR put the banking system into bankruptcy protection and reorganization during the 1930's. He did not bail out Wall Street and London speculators, which is what we are seeing with this Bush/Paulson bailout proposal. The idea that you only have two alternatives available (bail out or no bail out) to solve the crisis is false. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/26803614#26803614 Wall Street got drunk--July 22, 2008 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z_FDRjluLJQ
  10. Tremonti and Others on the New Bretton Woods Sept. 19 -- Italian Economics Minister Giulio Tremonti brought the fight for a new Bretton Woods to the national industrialists association yesterday. At a conference of Confindustria in Rome, Tremonti repeated everything he had said about the crisis and the NBW in the Corriere interview published the same day, adding an attack against economists. "The intellectual capital of the category [of economists] has been cancelled", he said. "They did not understand what has happened, and now they look at the effects instead of the cause. He used a famous sentence by Carl Schmitt against jurists who could not see nazism coming, against the economists. "Today I say: economists, be silent." Currently, only forecasts "based on large numbers developing on the long term" have a sufficient margin of credibility. Tremonti's call for a NBW initiative at the G-8 was endorsed by a spokesman of the opposition present, former minister Enrico Letta. The head of the industrialists association, Emma Marcegaglia, painted a gloomy economic picture, saying Italy is already in a recession. She supported Tremonti's idea to have the EIB finance large infrastructure projects. The democratic party-friendly newspaper Il Riformista freaked out at Marcegaglia, saying that she speaks like Tremonti. That same day, the financial daily Il Sole 24 Ore (owned by the Industrialists Association) ran an article entitled "We need a new Bretton Woods to change rules", written by an economist at the neoliberal Bocconi university in Milan, Donato Masciandaro. Whereas this shows that the establishment is forced to address the issues posed by Tremonti, the author might have a different idea of what the NBW should be. Masciandaro writes: "American finance needs a New Deal: a new set of rules, of oversight, of the leadership that has mis-governed such a system. The possibility of this happening depends much on how much the costs of the current U.S. instability will push other countries to push in this direction. In sum, we need a new Bretton Woods of rules and of financial oversight." Masciandaro says that "The existence of external [repercussions] of financial instability could unleash mechanisms of prohibitionism and protectionism. Better, then, [to have] a New Bretton Woods on rules, to unleash the New Deal of finance." On Sept. 17, the Swiss daily Corriere del Ticino has an article by economics commentator Alfonso Tuor, calling for "a new Bretton Woods to establish the world economic, financial and commercial rules".
  11. Don, LaRouche was indeed right, the system has already collapsed. Now they're trying to bail out the banking system and it wont work. And people who point to the market uptick today as a reason for sticking their head in the sand are missing an important piece of the puzzle. They just "banned" short selling meaning the market can only go up, they've outlawed selling. This shows you clearly just how "rigged" the financial market is. This is an existential crisis, this ain't no cyclical market correction.
  12. They must attempt to destroy the potential for partnership between the US, Russia, China and India. Otherwise these four countries represent a potential power block to thwart the Dutch-Anglo financiers who's financial system is collapsing before their very eyes. This proposed bail out of the banking system is insane! http://www.larouchepac.com/news/2008/09/19...e-medvedev.html
  13. I would like to see your source for this. The stats show that unemployment increased rapidly under Hoover and declined dramatically under Roosevelt. According to your economist, James D. Hamilton, this was just the normal economic cycle at work and that Hoover was just unlucky. However, he does not address the reason why the depression took place. It is like saying that the current economic crisis has nothing to do with the policies of deregulation of the money market and the encouragement of debt. While Hamilton refuses to blame Hoover for the unemployment he does blame Roosevelt for not reducing it fast enough. If you have another 30% of economists who do share the views of Hamilton, no wonder you are in deep trouble. James D. Hamilton has a similiar profile and background to the notorious Myron Scholes. They both live in the un real world of statistical analysis. Scholes won the Nobel Prize in economics for his Black-Scholes formula. Scholes formula was used by hedge funds in the trading of derivatives. Scholes became notorious in 1998 when his formula was responsible for taking down "Long Term Capital Management" after the Russian GKO crisis. Hamilton is not fit to be an economist and he certainly doesnt understand FDR or the American System. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myron_Scholes
  14. James D. Hamilton has a similiar profile and background to the notorious Myron Scholes. They both live in the un real world of statistical analysis. Scholes won the Nobel Prize in economics for his Black-Scholes formula. Scholes formula was used by hedge funds in the trading of derivatives. Scholes became notorious in 1998 when his formula was responsible for taking down "Long Term Capital Management" after the Russian GKO crisis. Hamilton is not fit to be an economist and he certainly doesnt understand FDR and the American System. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myron_Scholes
  15. The latest plan is to bail out the speculators and dump the cost of the derivatives bubble on the taxpayers. This is treason. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Inves...id=money_080918 The financial collapse is spreading. Russia has shut down their financial markets. What's ironic is that Russian President Vladmir Putin is an admirer of Franklin Roosevelt. The Russian's have been studying FDR and American System Economics. I think Russia held a big celebration on FDR's 100th birthday. We did not celebrate his birthday here in the USA. But imagine if this were 1998 instead of 2008. You would have FDR admirers, both Vladmir Putin in Russia and Bill Clinton here in the USA to deal with the crisis. I could definitely see these two leaders getting together and enlisting both India and China to join them in a call to place the international monetary system into bankruptcy, to create a new system based on the best features of the old Bretton Woods system of FDR. A USA, Russia, China, and India power block would give them a force large enough to thwart the Dutch-Anglo financiers. They might just be able to pull it off. I know that President Clinton came within a hair of putting the system into bankrutpcy re organization back in September 1998. The bankers attacked him unmercifully trying to drive him from office with the Lewinsky scandal. Now the crisis is magnitudes greater and much more dangerous than 1998. There will also be the war mongers who will likely try to "blow up" Russia, China, India in order to prevent such an alliance from occuring. http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/014d5ac0-84e2-11...00779fd18c.html {{Lyndon LaRouche:}} ``There {is} no possibility of a non-collapse of the present financial system--none! It's finished, {now}! The present financial system can not continue to exist {under any circumstances, under any Presidency, under any leadership, or any leadership of nations.} Only a fundamental and {sudden change} in the world monetary financial system will prevent a general, immediate chain-reaction type of collapse. At what speed we don't know, but it will go on, and it will be {unstoppable}! And the longer it goes on before coming to an end, the worse things will get.''
  16. Maybe you could explain who these "many" people were. Maybe you could give us the name of just one respectable historian or economist who argued this. It definitely was not the American electorate who went onto re-elect him in 1936, 1940 and 1944. Define "respectable". FDR taxed the hell out of EVERYONE, the poor and the low wage hit hardest. Thats an undisputed FACT. Excessive taxation reduces private economic activity. If you slow PRIVATE economic activity you slow the rate of recovery. Thats the true legacy of FDR. wasn't for FDR, AND his legacy, you'd more than likely be shootin' squirrel (instead of digital photos) for supper this evening.... The United States would not have defeated the Nazi's if not for the industrial machine built up by FDR. He returned the USA to our "American System" roots. FDR's grandfather had been a close collaborator of Alexander Hamilton. FDR studied the philosophy of the founding father's during his battle with polio and returned to politics a changed man. How could FDR tax everyone to hell? There was a reported 25% unemployment rate at the time he took office. Who did he tax, Joe Kennedy? Old man Kennedy was working for the other side. FDR did NOT build an "industrial machine" he dang near KILLED it. What ende dthe depression was the END of WWII and the return to a rational system, and the removal of many of FDR's facist policies. Who did he tax? EVERYONE! Jim Powell author of FDR's Folly writes "Federal excise taxes on beer, wine, cigarettes, soft drinks, chewing gum, radios and other things purchased by millions of ordinary people, generated more revenue than the federal personal income tax and the federal corporate income tax combined." And "According to the standard reference work HISTORICAL STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES FROM COLONIAL TIMES TO THE PRESENT, in 1936 the federal government collected $674.4 million from the personal income tax, $753 million from the corporate income tax and $1.5 billion from excise taxes. Finally "So FDR's New Deal was mainly financed on the backs of the middle class and poor people who bought things subject to the federal excise tax. To hear one of FDR's "Fireside Chats," Americans had to pay a federal excise tax on a radio and a federal excise tax on the electricity needed to run it." It seems that Bush has come under tremendous pressure from the electorate when he decided to nationalize Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. It was thought that this action would destroy the Republicans in the November elections. This was why Bush refused to bail out Lehman Brothers, the fourth-largest investment bank in the US. However, the new policy did not last too long and today the US Federal Reserve has announced an $85bn (£48bn) rescue package for AIG, the country's biggest insurance company, to save it from bankruptcy. AIG will get an $85bn loan, in return for an 80% public stake in the firm. Bush had no option but to do this. If he hadn't there would have been totally meltdown on the markets. The reason is that AIG insures deals and investments across the globe. Were the company to fail, many banks and investment funds in the US and around the world would lose their insurance cover at a time when defaults on payments are likely to rise. If AIG went, so would other leading banks in the US. Is Bush the new FDR? Uh John, the FED makes it own decisions and Bush really has no say in the matter as the decision is not his. Wanna try again? FDR's legacy is the hurting of American business not helping them. What FDR legacy? The Glass Steagall Act, Hill Burton Act, Bretton Woods ? The FDR legacy has been done away with over the past 40 years. Look at the financial system, it's blowing apart as a result of doing away with the FDR legacy.
  17. Don. I don't think the conclusions of the Warren Commission were ever intended to stand the test of time. Their conclusions came under attack from the get go. And tt was a great way to blame the "boogie man" known as the US Government for the murder of President Kennedy. What is more intriguing to contemplate and reflect on is the thousands of "conspiracy" articles, books, and media specials promoted over these last 45 years. Almost with out exception these "conspiracy" theories have done more harm than good. Including driving many people nuts! And all of the major conspiracy theories have been "promoted" to one degree or another by the dirty mass media. Harold Weisberg had it right, years ago when he essentially stated "If you had a kooky theory, or something that the media knew wasn't true then the media would promote your theory far and wide. But legitimate criticism never had a voice". Weisberg's conclusion regarding the JFK murder always remained the same "The crime itself was never investigated". There is however a real knowable history to the United States. One thing that can be stated without question is that this republic has been under constant attack since it's founding. This included war, assassination, economic warfare, and perhaps the most popular of late, "subversion" from within. If you take a close look at the radical changes in this country over the last 40 years, then the motive for the JFK assassination is not all that obscure. And neither is the culprit. Terry; Many persons, for whatever reason, wish to blame the "Government" for all of their problems and/or the sins of the actions of individuals within that Government. LBJ WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely a completely unscrupulous individual who achieved his position'(s) through deceit; deception; lies; and the ultimate death of JFK. Earl Warren WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely an individual whom an unscrupulous President (see above) blackmailed into accepting the WC position. All of those slime-ball Attorney personnel who were members of the WC and were instrumental in fostering the WC lie, WERE NOT the "Government" of the United States. They were merely slime-ball lawyers who, for their own personal self-importance, fostered and perpetrated a massive fraud upon the American public, while not fully answering the most important questions surrounding the death of JFK. The actions of individuals such as those identified above has done more harm to the Government of this country than has any war or terrorist attack. As a result of the lies of such as those above, as well as other similar political figures, many within this country (as well as elsewhere) operate under the mistaken impression that the entire "Government" is made up of liars and slime-ball/scumbag lawyers. NOT SO! Nevertheless, the actions of these few unscrupulous type individuals, has lead many reasonable persons to have a complete mistrust of the entire aspect of the "Government" of the US. These are the true threats to the stability; growth; and trust of the people in our form of Government. And, these persons are TRAITORS of the worse kind as they live among us and prosper off their own lies and decietful actions while generating mistrust among the general public. And therein lies their Greatest Sin! Purv, I think you can go one better. The Warren Commission wasn't the work of LBJ and Earl Warren. It should have been called the "McCloy/Dulles" commission. The Warren Commission wasn't the work of LBJ and Earl Warren. Terry: Everyone who has looked under the "McCloy/Dulles" rock has come up pretty empty handed! LBJ was the primary person responsible for having insured that a "Commission" was appointed, as well as blackmailing Earl Warren to be the head of this body. Their "predestined" determination that LHO was the "Lone Nut", along with a complete misrepresentation of the facts behind the event, have lead most, completely astray. LHO was "something"! But he most assuredly was not a "Lone Nut". Many have found the correct "Rock" under which to look, complete with the "Chiquita" label. Had they peeled off the label and looked under it, then they would have quite probably found additional knowledge. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiquita_Brands_International ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.americafirstcommittee.org/history.php ================================================================================ Founded September 4, 1940; Revived June 8, 1980 Who founded America First? The founders of the America First Committee were chiefly, General Robert E. Wood, then chairman of the Board of Sears Roebuck & Co., and R. Douglas Stewart Jr., Son of the Vice President of the Quaker Oats Co. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.laobserved.com/archive/002222.html "For America," a spin-off of the America First Committee, was formed in 1954, and run by some of the leading WW II "isolationists." One of the organization's leading lights was Colonel Robert McCormick, publisher of the Chicago Tribune. The chairman of For America was Clarence Manion, formerly dean of law at Notre Dame University. Robert Wood, then head of Sears, Roebuck, was a blustering propagandist for the bund. The stated aim of For America was the support of political candidates sympathetic to the Nazi cause. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.namebase.org/cgi-bin/nb06?_FOR_AMERICA_ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Name: FOR AMERICA Type Entity: Non-Profit Corporation or Co-op (Non-Louisiana) Status: Not Active (Action by Secretary of State) Mailing Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Domicile Address: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Principal Office: 208 S LASALLE ST, CHICAGO, IL 60604 Principal Bus. Est. in Louisiana: Qualified: 07/14/1954 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): CHARLES E. DUNBAR, JR., 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): SUMTER D. MARKS, JR., 321 ST CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 Registered Agent (Appointed 7/14/1954): LOUIS B. CLAVERIE, 321 ST. CHARLES, NEW ORLEANS, LA 70130 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ 321 St. Charles, New Orleans, LA http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Fruit_Company ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ http://www.jfk-online.com/jpsgatguat.html After leaving the FBI offices, BARRIOS and GATLIN met with a Mr. DUNBAR, who occasionally represents the United Fruit Co. in New Orleans. They asked for one million dollars from the United Fruit Co., in support of BARRIOS' intended revolutionary movement in Guatemala, but they were unsuccessful in obtaining any commitment. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ One should not completely overlook the names "Marks" as well as "Claverie" in event that they want answers to this puzzle. Purv, If you read Donald Gibson's book "The Kennedy Assassination Cover-up" you'll find alot of proof that the WC was set up by private power, and was controlled by John J. McCloy along with his side kick Mr. Dulles. LBJ had little to do with the creation of the Warren Commission. It was not his idea.
  18. The latest plan is to bail out the speculators and dump the cost of the derivatives bubble on the taxpayers. This is treason. http://articles.moneycentral.msn.com/Inves...id=money_080918
  19. A very high percentage of Americans believe that this nation was founded under the rubic of Adam Smith's "Free Trade" doctrine. This is false. America was founded under the "American System of Political Economy". Lincoln, FDR and JFK were all practitioners of the American System. So we havent had any economic growth in physical terms since the mid 1960's. Monetary values have exploded but there has been no increase per capita in the physical wealth of the nation. And Don I don't subcribe to our problems being the result of a few bad leaders. The problem lies with the population, they are the real problem.
  20. The free market is acting appropriately. This collapse is the result of the so called "free market". America was not founded on free trade, free market dogmas. You are thinking of Adam Smith and the "invisible hand". The current system should be placed into bankruptcy reorganization by governments. http://larouchepub.com/lar/2008/3522crash_...e_election.html
  21. http://www.larouchepac.com/news/2008/09/17...-greenspan.html
  22. Don. I don't think the conclusions of the Warren Commission were ever intended to stand the test of time. Their conclusions came under attack from the get go. And tt was a great way to blame the "boogie man" known as the US Government for the murder of President Kennedy. What is more intriguing to contemplate and reflect on is the thousands of "conspiracy" articles, books, and media specials promoted over these last 45 years. Almost with out exception these "conspiracy" theories have done more harm than good. Including driving many people nuts! And all of the major conspiracy theories have been "promoted" to one degree or another by the dirty mass media. Harold Weisberg had it right, years ago when he essentially stated "If you had a kooky theory, or something that the media knew wasn't true then the media would promote your theory far and wide. But legitimate criticism never had a voice". Weisberg's conclusion regarding the JFK murder always remained the same "The crime itself was never investigated". There is however a real knowable history to the United States. One thing that can be stated without question is that this republic has been under constant attack since it's founding. This included war, assassination, economic warfare, and perhaps the most popular of late, "subversion" from within. If you take a close look at the radical changes in this country over the last 40 years, then the motive for the JFK assassination is not all that obscure. And neither is the culprit. Terry; Many persons, for whatever reason, wish to blame the "Government" for all of their problems and/or the sins of the actions of individuals within that Government. LBJ WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely a completely unscrupulous individual who achieved his position'(s) through deceit; deception; lies; and the ultimate death of JFK. Earl Warren WAS NOT the "Government" of the United States. He was merely an individual whom an unscrupulous President (see above) blackmailed into accepting the WC position. All of those slime-ball Attorney personnel who were members of the WC and were instrumental in fostering the WC lie, WERE NOT the "Government" of the United States. They were merely slime-ball lawyers who, for their own personal self-importance, fostered and perpetrated a massive fraud upon the American public, while not fully answering the most important questions surrounding the death of JFK. The actions of individuals such as those identified above has done more harm to the Government of this country than has any war or terrorist attack. As a result of the lies of such as those above, as well as other similar political figures, many within this country (as well as elsewhere) operate under the mistaken impression that the entire "Government" is made up of liars and slime-ball/scumbag lawyers. NOT SO! Nevertheless, the actions of these few unscrupulous type individuals, has lead many reasonable persons to have a complete mistrust of the entire aspect of the "Government" of the US. These are the true threats to the stability; growth; and trust of the people in our form of Government. And, these persons are TRAITORS of the worse kind as they live among us and prosper off their own lies and decietful actions while generating mistrust among the general public. And therein lies their Greatest Sin! Purv, I think you can go one better. The Warren Commission wasn't the work of LBJ and Earl Warren. It should have been called the "McCloy/Dulles" commission.
  23. What you're witnessing is an attempted bailout of the $300 trillion derivatives markets. This current policy has nothing to do with the action and policy of FDR. The Bush administration is trying to bail out the speculators. They're pumping huge amounts of liquidity into the banking system. This is crazy and it will not work. With perhaps as much as $600 trillion in derivatives world wide there is simply no way to bail out the system. If current President Bush wanted to act like FDR then he would declare the system bankrupt and freeze everything. But what you're seeing these last few weeks is a money pumping operation to end all money pumping. It is insane.
  24. http://www.larouchepac.com/news/2008/09/15...were-wrong.html
  25. In other words your claim that Clinton, “threatened to change the current IMF floating exchange rate system, going back to the FDR Bretton Woods system” was as I suspected a false one. He made his aims clear and they were nothing to make bankers lose any sleep over: Therefore, I believe the industrial world's chief priority today, plainly, is to spur growth. It seems to me there are six immediate steps we should take to help contain the current financial turmoil around the world, and then two longer-term projects in which we must be involved. To take the immediate first, we must work with Japan, Europe, and other nations to spur growth. Second, we will expand our efforts to enable viable businesses in Asia to emerge from crippling debt burdens so they can once again contribute to growth and job creation. Third, we've asked the World Bank to double its support for the social safety net in Asia to help people who are innocent victims of financial turmoil. Fourth, we'll urge the major industrial economies to stand ready to use the $15 billion in IMF emergency funds to help stop the financial contagion from spreading to Latin America and elsewhere. Fifth, our Ex-Im Bank, under the leadership of Jim Harmon, will intensify its efforts to generate economic activity in the developing world immediately, in the next three months. And sixth, Congress must live up to its responsibility for continued prosperity by meeting our obligations to the International Monetary Fund. What proof have you supplied to refute my statements? Nothing that I can see Once again I am at a loss to understand what you are going on about. “Refute your statements”??? Nothing in Clinton’s speech, let alone those snippets, indicated that he intended to revert to fixed exchange rates, if you think otherwise you are more delusional than I imagined. Since you are the one reading things into his speech that he didn’t state perhaps you should drop him a line. Yes because your guru told you what to think. Unless you you actually supply evidence Clinton intended to do what you claim were done. You've made this promise before, now try keeping it.
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