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Terry Mauro

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Everything posted by Terry Mauro

  1. Word is, that either MacAdams himself, or one of his bootlicking lackeys will post on the various sites with this exact same drivel. And, don't ask me to name my sources because I don't believe I'm obligated to. I see you choose to refer to him as "scholarly", but I don't feel he deserves the honor of being addressed as such. Not, for his curriculum concerning the assassination. I view him as a biased pedagogue, fostering the lone nut and Warren Commission Big Lie, the same as I find fault with Ken Rahn's equally inadequate and biased presentation. Where are the two sides of the coin supposedly being presented by these charlatans? And, we send our children to schools of higher learning only to have their capacity to think logically and critically, undermined by these pompous excuses for "scholars"? But, that's merely my humble opinion, of which I am just as entitled to as the next person. Touche.
  2. Of course, no one knows what this means. That's because Mr. Paul Gibson aka Mr. Paul Nolan, aka Mr. John MacMadman, aka Mr. Paul MacNolan's specific purpose here, is the spread of nonsensical disinfo, supposedly disguised as misinfo, with the intention of breaking threads, and sidetracking any legitimate work being done on forums dedicated to the study of the assassination. This is why Shanet succinctly requested, loud and clear, for this thread, and/or any other thread [MHO] becoming contaminated by the likes of this scam-artist, be allowed to wither on the vine, or better yet, to crash and burn. Now you know.
  3. Well, well, well... If it isn't the infamous Mr. MacNolan.
  4. Come on, Denis. You're not going to leave me and Don to carry the picket signs, are you?
  5. ...sadly they are most everywhere....BUT as you demonstrated....with enough resolve, perseverence and effort we can often trump them.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But, to what extents will they go in order to bring down a site, such as this one? I ask this due to the problems John has experienced regarding the incidences he was subjected to last summer, and following close upon that, in September. What other tricks of the trade will they decide to employ against the website itself, as well as the possibility of targetting any of its subscribers, or membership database? Thanks for your comments.
  6. and HERE! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ******************************************************************** (The recommended browser for viewing this site is Internet Explorer.) STC Award Winning Technical Writer Writing Samples Resume Contact Info. Received Merit Award in Technical Publications from the Society for Technical Communication (STC) (2001-2002 competition) Client list: Honeywell Spirent Communications BancTec Federal Reserve Alcatel Data Networks Keane Information Systems MCI WorldComm Writing tools: MS FrontPage (web design) WS FTP Pro RoboHelp Framemaker Acrobat MSWord Interleaf WordPerfect Lotus Notes Visio Graphics FullShot & SnagIt Windows Macintosh Dave Sharp Expertise: Specialize in software documentation: user guides, O & M guides, various engineering documents. Also write hardware manuals. Experience: Spent half career as a technical writer, the other half as a test technician and support engineer in telecommunications industry. Have extensive experience documenting UNIX-based client-server systems running on AIX, HP-UX, VMS, Windows, and NT Server operating systems with Informix & Sybase database engines. Have also written a great deal about frame relay, packet switching and various data communications technologies. ******************************************************************** In other words, a highly placed intelligence hacker. How utterly convenient for his elitist clientel, which lists as follows: Client list: Honeywell Spirent Communications BancTec Federal Reserve Alcatel Data Networks Keane Information Systems MCI WorldComm
  7. I got the same error when I tried it, too. Ter Board Message Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, the link that brought you to this page seems to be out of date or broken. Useful Links · Forgotten Password Recovery · Register a new account · Our help documentation · Contact the forums administrator < Go Back IPB Default Skin English Lo-Fi Version 0.2546sec -- 5 queries GZIP Enabled Time is now: 12th February 2005 - 08:27 PM Part of the National Grid for Learning Powered by Invision Power Board(Trial) v2.0.0 PF 1 © 2005 IPS, Inc.
  8. Thanks for the feedback Al and sorry for not getting back to you sooner on this but I've been offline for a while. For the readers, Al is pointing out the general effects of an amalgamated mercury load which is what mercury does when it comes into contact with other metals such as lead, tin, antimony, silver and gold to name a few. Such would truely be a frangible bullet and would behave much as Al describes as opposed to what I've occasionally heard called a [splatter-Round] which is an encapsulated mercury loaded bullet that behaves somewhat differently during terminal transit. I may be wrong here but it is the latter which I've been led to believe represents the File's Scenerio and such is not something someone could whip up on a kitchen table in a few minutes. Such an encapsulation would require extreamly precise milling and sinturing techniques comparable to watchmaking. I must confess that I feel constrained at this point to go into further detail as to the actual manufactoring of such a bullet but needless to say, in a purely hypothetical situation, such a bullet in the .300 Win. Mag. caliber made from a 220 grain Sierra Match King hollowpoint and loaded up with approx. 68 grains of IMR-4350 powder, even at 100 meters would still deliver in excess of 3,500 ft.lbs. of energy upon terminal impact, seeing as how there is only a 006.6 difference in the atomic weight of the two respective elements. Such is the bullet of a [Make-Sure] shooter. I will have to double check this with Craig Roberts, but if memory serves the Sierra Match King was Gunny Hathcocks bullet of choice in his old Model 70 Win. At any rate, and be that as it may, have you had a chance to check out any of Dave Emory's poly-carbonated tipped bullets from Hornady? He has implied to me at least, that they perform on par to the hotter KTW loads with respect to penetration but produce a far greater cone of destruction. I haven't had the means to test that theory yet and was wondering if you or someone you knew might have some experience with those bullets. Respectfully: <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  9. Terry, Right on! It's great to know another ex-Spotlight subscriber! We sound like kindred spirits; too many people get caught up in the "left" and "right" labels. That little newspaper was very influential in my thinking, and I still consider myself a populist, probably because they published so much stuff about the history of populism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's why we seem to be showing up at the same sites concerning the travesties of justice that we both abhor. Call me an Independent Progressive Populistic Socialist, because I believe in all of those ideals. Of course, there are those who'd rather call me an anarchist, but that's not really where I'm coming from, except in the case of Fascist regimes, like the one running rampant and roughshod over our constitutional rights as individuals, in D.C. today. Fascist, now that's a word that I just can't seem to put down, for some reason...But, as far as being identified with any specific group, I'd much more prefer to be labeled a revolutionary, but that wingnut Newt Gingrich, coined the term for his party's massacre of the democratic congress in 1994, and bastardized its meaning for me, forever. I loved the Noontide Press, and bought quite a few copies of The Secret Team to pass out to my classmates and professors at CSUDH. In fact, a copy seems to burn a hole in my pocket anytime I have one in my possession. To me, Prouty is God! And, I don't need to hear any upstarts from the holy-roller peanut gallery take me to task for saying so! I could care less what they think. Anyhow, I've always respected your views and your mindset, Don. You're very well thought of, for your work on the assassination, as well as the political arena. And right about now, Rich would pipe up about "cutting the atta-boy posts", if I remember correctly. So, I'd better go check the mercury-loaded bullet post before I hit the hay. Catch you tomorrow. Ter <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Terry, Thanks for the kind words. I feel the same way about you. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Glad we're on the same page, my friend.
  10. Terry, Right on! It's great to know another ex-Spotlight subscriber! We sound like kindred spirits; too many people get caught up in the "left" and "right" labels. That little newspaper was very influential in my thinking, and I still consider myself a populist, probably because they published so much stuff about the history of populism. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's why we seem to be showing up at the same sites concerning the travesties of justice that we both abhor. Call me an Independent Progressive Populistic Socialist, because I believe in all of those ideals. Of course, there are those who'd rather call me an anarchist, but that's not really where I'm coming from, except in the case of Fascist regimes, like the one running rampant and roughshod over our constitutional rights as individuals, in D.C. today. Fascist, now that's a word that I just can't seem to put down, for some reason...But, as far as being identified with any specific group, I'd much more prefer to be labeled a revolutionary, but that wingnut Newt Gingrich, coined the term for his party's massacre of the democratic congress in 1994, and bastardized its meaning for me, forever. I loved the Noontide Press, and bought quite a few copies of The Secret Team to pass out to my classmates and professors at CSUDH. In fact, a copy seems to burn a hole in my pocket anytime I have one in my possession. To me, Prouty is God! And, I don't need to hear any upstarts from the holy-roller peanut gallery take me to task for saying so! I could care less what they think. Anyhow, I've always respected your views and your mindset, Don. You're very well thought of, for your work on the assassination, as well as the political arena. And right about now, Rich would pipe up about "cutting the atta-boy posts", if I remember correctly. So, I'd better go check the mercury-loaded bullet post before I hit the hay. Catch you tomorrow. Ter
  11. Bernice, I hope you don't think I would ever advocate restricting your right to free speech; if I'm defending Ernst Zundel's rights, I certainly would defend yours! I'm not sure what you mean about deporting Zundel to Germany. I believe he is a Canadian citizen. He was abducted (and that's really the only appropriate word for it) from Tennessee (had moved from Canada to escape the thought police, I guess) a few years back, and taken to Canada, where he has remained, in solitary confinement, for two years. We in the U.S. should certainly be wary about deporting those we think are criminals of some kind. Remember the case of John Demjanjuk, a Cleveland auto worker, who had been a model member of his community for decades, before being accused by the Office of Special Investigations of being "Ivan the Terrible," responsible for the deaths of thousands in the Treblinka concentration camp. After going through a great ordeal (all of the supposed "criminals" arrested and deported by the OSI are, due to the events in question, very elderly; actually Demjanjuk was one of the younger defendants, but still not a young man), he was tried in Israel and convicted. However, showing that they were more fair and impartial than their counterparts in the U.S.A., the Israeli Supreme Court overturned the conviction and admitted what his supporters had known all along; that there was no evidence he was "Ivan the Terrible." I haven't read about Demjanjuk for many years, and am not sure if he's even still alive (he'd have to be pretty old). I do know that our government, led by the OSI, did not want him allowed back in this country, even after the Israeli Supreme Court had overturned the verdict and no one in Israel had any interest left in trying to prosecute him. Anyhow, his tragic case is another example of our government losing all sense of fairness and justice when it comes to those labeled as "nazis." Hopefully, Ernst Zundel will eventually fare better. <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
  12. Very interesting, Bern. Thanks. Especially the stuff from Skeptic.
  13. HAH! HAH! Thank you, Shanet! Let's wait til I get home from work tonight, before we launch into that one. Warm regards, Ter
  14. Terry and Shanet, Any compromised bullet, whether it be a jacketed soft point, hollow point or mercury or other foreign material filled bullet (in that order of comprimization and fragmentation) will release it's energy rather quickly into the cavity into which it was fired into. Its integrity will be compromised and fragmentation will occur and this fragmentation reduces the velocity and therefore the sustained velocity and consistent energy dispersion within the cavity. While a fragmenting bullet will do considerable internal damage within the cavity through eviceration of soft tissue and arteries, it does not sustain its trajectory and have consistent energy dispersion within the cavity that would result in a massive blowout at the point of exit. This is only achieved through a full metal jacketed bullet that has 1800fps or greater velocity to create an internal wound cavity that is depresses the internal fluids and material due to the energy dispersion. It retains enough velocity to carry this energy disruption out of the exit. IMO with the headwound, we are looking at a FMJ bullet in the range of 2400fps or greater that initially penetrated shallow into the cavity. This is why we have the flap and the extensive exit wound and forced reaction rearward of the head. Al <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thanks Al, thanks Shanet. I always knew it had to have been a FMJ that hit Kennedy, but I'm also familiar with hollow point damage and wanted to know what the comparisons between a mercury loaded hollow point were, as opposed to a regular hollow point, taking into consideration the grain and/or weight of the load, as well as the similarities or differences it would make in the exit wound appearance. Thanks again for you patience, guys. I'm off to work for now, and will look forward to your reply. That's what I love about Al and John, their experience with regard to the physics and application involving the field of ballistics, which also happens to be a hobby and/or extracurricular activity of my own.
  15. Thank you for that excellent synopsis, Shanet. I never really thought about it like that before. I'm glad to see you're perusing the forum whilst the rest sit mesmerized in front of their plasma screens, MKUltra'd by the Stupid Bowl. Whoever thought this one up had to have been a Skull and Boner. Think about it. What a fantastic example of mass hypnosis used for the specific purpose of controlling multitudes of people who actually should be up in arms against the very descendents of the assassins, now sitting like lame ducks in office. But instead, would rather not think about the harsh realities of life, such as what's really driving the U.S. economy, or that the next target in the war against Iraq may be Syria. What do they care? As long as they've got the gas to feed their gas-guzzling SUV's, who gives a rat's ass about who may be getting in the U.S.'s way, as they continue to cut a large swath right through the Middle East, to stake their oil claims. The Bush administration thinks they're Alexander The Great, reincarnated.
  16. But these are not legitimate analogies and do not stand up to rational comparison. Neo Nazis are not "identified" and dealt with in the same way as the victims of McCarthyism were. . Young Muslims banged up without charge in inhuman conditions by a repulsive Whitehouse regime have absolutely nothing in common with anti semitic historians getting into trouble with the law in Canada or elsewhere. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Andy, What alleged "commie" or "pinko" was ever dealt with as harshly as Ernst Zundel has been dealt with? A Hollywood blacklist is one thing; solitary confinement is another. This doesn't minimize what many liberals went through in the 1950s, but at least most of those who were alleged to be "commies" had the sympathy of many liberals, in the entertainment industry and academia. No one appears to have any sympathy for the likes of Ernst Zundel, except his fellow historical revisionists. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> ________________________________- Keep in mind that entire families were ruined by the "Hollywood black list". Writers could no longer work, some killed themselves. Their crime? Often marching or being in some way associated with a peace movement!! Woody Allen did a wonderful movie about 30 years ago on this outrageous historical "event". I believe it was called "The Front". See it. Dawn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well then, we'll just have to continue marching our little butts off and continue our peaceful little protests, in order that the same McCarthy-ite mindset never gets to take another foothold in the American consciousness again, now won't we? I don't know about you, but I've been marching and protesting since I was 19 years old. In fact, it's seems to have been a regular fixture or process involved in, the coming of age to the maturation of, my life for the last 35 - 40 years. I don't intend to back down any time soon, either.
  17. Hi Bern, I've read the link you posted. It's from the ADL, an arm of the JDL, which is an Israeli intelligence gatherer. Please post the links to the other articles you mentioned, as I would like to read it from a less biased viewpoint. I'm not advocating this person's mindset. It goes against everything I stand for. But, I do believe that a sentence of solitary confinement is quite draconian for someone who hasn't committed a homicidal act, or one of assault, battery, or torture. Why not deport him to Germany, where he'd be among more kindred spirits? The Anti-Defamation League/Jewish Defense League is not delivering an unbiased account, especially when their specific purpose is to police those, such as Zundel, who run counter to their interpretation of how the world should be run, to the point of having them jailed for exercising their free speech privileges. You can send them off to my home, if you'd like. Thanks. from the little beggar to the south
  18. But these are not legitimate analogies and do not stand up to rational comparison. Neo Nazis are not "identified" and dealt with in the same way as the victims of McCarthyism were. . Young Muslims banged up without charge in inhuman conditions by a repulsive Whitehouse regime have absolutely nothing in common with anti semitic historians getting into trouble with the law in Canada or elsewhere. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Andy, What alleged "commie" or "pinko" was ever dealt with as harshly as Ernst Zundel has been dealt with? A Hollywood blacklist is one thing; solitary confinement is another. This doesn't minimize what many liberals went through in the 1950s, but at least most of those who were alleged to be "commies" had the sympathy of many liberals, in the entertainment industry and academia. No one appears to have any sympathy for the likes of Ernst Zundel, except his fellow historical revisionists. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Don, It seems that the clear-cut facts regarding Zundel's imprisonment in a state of solitary confinement regarding his "not so" free-expression, in challenging the validity of what may have been the purpose of Auschwitz's gas chambers, may be over-shadowed by the emotional backlash that has become similar to a knee-jerk response by society-at-large. While I, as well as most of my generation, and I say this with all due respect for those who've suffered the atrocities, have been made witness to the horrors via the numerous televised accounts, as well as the actual photographic footage taken by the liberators of the death camps. I am also acutely aware of the impact these visual scenes have had on my conscience as a human being, and as witness, to that which has been entered into the historical record. I, much as yourself, regard this imprisonment as a violation of human rights taken to the other extreme. I fail to see the danger Zundel proposes, as far as fear of incitement to riot, or advocation of the mass rounding up of ethnic groups with the re-instatement of the concentration camps. In fact, I view this as a direct insult to the intelligence of the Canadian people as a whole, and a direct affront on their ability to be trusted to make cognizant decisions on their own. Solitary confinement for expressing an opinion? Then, I assure you, there are a whole lot of us down here in the lower forty-eight, whom I fear, would thus be so confined. Perhaps, our brethren to the north may not have had the opportunity to totally absorb the implications of how all of this may impact their future ability to make informed, or collective decisions, and their right to remain doing as such. The emotional outrage elicited by a subject such as The Holocaust, will continue to cloud any future debate that runs counter to the historical record, even if such a debate were to challenge that "the gas chambers were merely de-lousing facilities, that ended up being responsible for the deaths of those who were elderly, or infirmed, or those whose immune systems had been extremely compromised by the harsh living conditions they were subjected to, in these camps". Millions still died, regardless of whether, directly or indirectly, due to insecticides, or gas, or starvation, be it Jew, Gypsy, Pole, or other ethnic group not recognized by the "German Aryan" ideology as to that which constituted "a pure, white, race". Every picture tells a story. And, as an eight-year-old, I was subjected to many nightmares after witnessing what I had seen chronicled on television of Auschwitz, Dachau, and Bergen-Belsen. And even though I reserve the right "to never forget", I also reserve the right to dissent, whether through the art of discourse, or peaceful, public demonstration. The erosion of the right to express an opinion is still considered an infringement of The Bill of Rights, at least it still was, here in the U.S. Therefore, what has taken place with respect to Canadian law, I can only view as a threat to the Constitutional rights of those of us, here in the States. And, while I realize how backward and loutish our system may be, how corrupt and derelict our government is to allow itself to be bought and sold by the very entities we search out to nail to the cross for assassinating JFK, I still reserve the right to express my difference of opinion and make known my abhorrence to this Nazi Fascist Oligarchal regime, fraudulently placed in power in D.C., along with its bogus Federal Reserve International Banking Cartel, and its Wall Street Gambling houses. And, I also reserve the right to describe the methods I'd personally choose to "ice", "liquidate", "eliminate", or "annihilate" them all from the face of the earth, without fear of being thrown into solitary confinement, or some other form of human rights harrassment. Any person, or country, enacting a law proclaiming that an individual's right to express oneself in any form of dissent, or divergence from what is deemed to be "the norm", or what is considered to be "politically correct", and, that "said" individual deserves to be thrown in jail, exiled to Siberia, or worse, is someone who no longer thinks with an independent mind and therefore, deserves to live in an autocracy where they can be told exactly what to think, what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and thus be devoid of any urge or passion to ever think in a creative or critical manner, again. Utopia.
  19. In 1960, my biology teacher at New Rochelle High School, New Rochelle, N.Y., was Mrs. Schwerner. She was the one person who greatly influenced my life and continues to shape my thoughts to this present day. If there was anybody in this world who is responsible for guiding me and encouraging me to become what I am today, it was this wonderful woman. She would let four of us students come back to the lab after school and do further dissections on frogs and unborn piglets, not because we were required to, but because we asked permission to. I had only one other teacher in high school, Miss White, English Literature, whom I also greatly admired. But, Mrs. Schwerner was by far, the most advanced, the most progressive, and far superior to all the rest. In June of 1964, while studying the New York Times reportage of the Warren Commission findings, I happened to turn the pages and came across the article regarding a Pelham Manor, N.Y. Civil Rights Activist found dead in shallow grave, along with two others in Mississippi. It stated the names of Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and James Chaney, and the the name of the town from which the news was being wired, Meridian, Mississippi. I immediately got on the phone and called the Schwerner's, and wanted to express my condolences to my beloved mentor, Mrs. Schwerner. But, because of her overwhelming grief, she was not able to come to the phone. Mr. Schwerner, in spite of his great loss, still took the time to ask how my family was doing, and to tell me that Mrs. Schwerner often asked of me, from our mutual acquaintances, and from my younger brother, who also attended New Rochelle High School. Therein lies the rub, in that summer June - July of 1964, besides the skewed and dubious findings presented by the Warren Commission's final report, there was also the egregious loss to my favorite instructor, Mrs. Schwerner. And, because of these acts of betrayal, I have never trusted the American government to be anything more than a tool to be wielded by the "so-called", blue-blooded, aristocratic, industrial-corporate, W.A.S.P.'s, who are the actual robber-barons who've set the structure for their own realization of "Manifest Destiny", which is still allive and well, but masquerading under the guise "global democracy". It is truly a pity to witness how de-evolved the human race has managed to back-peddle itself since 1963. You would have thought we'd have learned something from all of the blood that's been shed, by now. By bringing this perpetrator to task, forty years after the fact, seems nothing more than anticlimatic. Sure, you can rebut that, at least they're going to be made to pay for the crime. But, IMO this is justice applied a little too late, and for all we know, the people who should have been able to witness "justice being done", may have passed on at this point in time. Maybe Michael's wife might appreciate it, but who needs a festering wound to be re-opened at this late date in their lives? Closure, you say? Surely, the citizens of the United States, if there are any who remember, or even care to remember, may feel the hand of justice has swung to their side, but that remains to be seen now, doesn't it?
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