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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. "I here to defend America's Mayor, Rudolph Giuliani." https://twitter.com/BoratSagdiyev/status/1319431436550561792 Steve Thomas
  2. https://twitter.com/AOC/status/1319480642250354688 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC US House candidate, NY-14 “If someone told me 3 years ago, while I was waitressing to help my family stay afloat, that in a few short years an unhinged President of the United States would be repeatedly saying my name at the 2020 debate, I would’ve brought them some water and told them to sober up.” Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez @AOC US House candidate, NY-14 “I wonder if Republicans understand how much they advertise their disrespect of women in debates when they consistently call women members of Congress by nicknames or first names while using titles & last names when referring to men of = stature. Women notice. It conveys a lot.” Steve Thomas
  3. Melania snatches her hand away and accelerates. This doesn't bode well. https://twitter.com/TheSun/status/1319574282905784320?ref_src=twsrc^tfw Steve Thomas
  4. Kirk, That's the one that jumped out at me. too. If you obey the law, you are stupid. Steve Thomas
  5. 1964. Nelson Rockefeller is booed off the stage at the Republican National Convention in San Francisco. "Precisely one year ago tonight, on July 14, 1963, I warned that the Republican Party is in real danger of subversion by a radical, well-financed, highly disciplined minority; a minority wholly alien to the sound and honest conservatism that has firmly based the Republican Party in the best of a century's tradition". "I have experienced this extremism first-hand". "We Want Barry". "We Want Barry". https://www.c-span.org/video/?c3807346/user-clip-governor-nelson-rockefeller-addresses-64-convention Steve Thomas
  6. The Trump Campaign and the Republican Party raised $1.5 billion in two years. Now, the Trump Campaign is saying it is broke. Republican allies are asking where all that money went. Welcome to the wonderful world of Donald Trump. Steve Thomas
  7. W,. I do too. Did you notice at that press statement (I'm not even going to call it a press briefing or press conference), Christopher Wray was careful not to say where those emails were coming from, or what they were designed to do? This tells me that there is a division between the FBI and the DNI. Ratcliff's statement was designed to sew anti-Iranian sentiment among the American public and Iran, and to create sympathy for Donald Trump. Are we going to see a drumbeat for war with Iran in the next two weeks? Steve Thomas
  8. Donald Trump campaigned in Erie, PA. on 10/20/20 Feel the love. -Donald Trump - "Before the plague came in, I had it made. I wasn't coming to Erie. I mean, I have to be honest, there's no way I was coming," Trump said. "I didn't have to. I would've called you and said, 'Hey, Erie. You know, if you have a chance, get out and vote.' We had this thing won." Trump continued: "We got hit with the plague, and I had to go back to work. 'Hello, Erie, may I please have your vote?'" Steve Thomas
  9. Trump’s Fake Payroll Tax Cut Is A Big Mess “The president’s deferral of Social Security taxes for federal workers is creating administrative headaches with virtually no economic benefit.” By Arthur Delaney and Dave Jamieson https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trumps-fake-payroll-tax-cut-is-a-big-mess_n_5f903d12c5b6b005f5f198a8 “An FAQ memo from the Department of the Interior shows how little information employees have to go on. It says workers should plan on paying the money back through withholdings next year, but it’s sketchy on how much will be collected from each paycheck, and how tax penalties will apply: “As more information becomes available ... it will be shared with the workforce.” "Guidance from the Treasury Department warns that taxpayers affected by the deferral will have to pay the money back between January and April of next year “or interest, penalties, and additions to tax will begin to accrue on May 1, 2021.” The guidance doesn’t explain how the money would be paid back. A spokesperson for the Treasury Department referred questions to the White House Office of Management and Budget, which did not respond to a request for comment. Most private employers appear to have opted out of the scheme, citing its administrative difficulty, and so did the U.S. Postal Service. But Trump decided to force it on his own workers — more than a million employees of the federal government. Now, those civil servants must deal with the headaches of a loan they never asked for.” Steve Thomas
  10. Giuliani: Even if Hunter Laptop Story ‘Isn’t Accurate,’ Americans ‘Are Entitled to Know It’ FACTS DON’T MATTER by Justin Baragona Oct. 20, 2020 https://www.thedailybeast.com/giuliani-says-even-if-hunter-laptop-story-isnt-accurate-americans-are-entitled-to-know-it?ref=home?ref=home “Trump personal attorney Rudy Giuliani argued on Tuesday that the American public deserved to see reports based off material from Hunter Biden’s laptop “even if it isn’t accurate.”” “They’ve set up an Iron Curtain so you can’t get out the New York Post story which I happened to know is 100 percent accurate,” Giuliani declared. “But even if it isn’t accurate, the American people are entitled to know it.” Steve Thomas
  11. - Eric Trump - "“But every day we wake up we get punched in the face, and we go to bed and we get punched in the face.” I don't know. I think I'd look for a different wife. Steve Thomas
  12. - Vito Corleone, er... Donald Trump - “It’s just crazy. I saw Shifty Schiff get up yesterday and say this is Russia,” Trump exclaimed, using his favorite nickname for Schiff. “He’s a sick man. He is so sick. We went through two and a half years of that, plus. This guy, he ought to be put away, or he ought to be, you know, something should happen with him.” Steve Thomas
  13. 2 More Funny Feelings About 2020 By TIM ALBERTA 10/20/2020 https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2020/10/20/alberta-two-weeks-2020-election-feelings-430238 “Generations of pollsters and journalists have fixated on the question of which candidate voters would rather have a beer with—a window into how personality translates into political success. Here’s the thing: Americans have been having a beer with Trump for the past four years—every morning, every afternoon, every evening. He has made himself more accessible than any president in history, using the White House as a performance stage and Twitter as a real-time diary for all to read. Like the drunk at the bar, he won’t shut up. Whatever appeal his unfiltered thoughts once held has now worn off. Americans are tired of having beers with Trump. His own supporters are tired of having beers with Trump. In hundreds of interviews this year with MAGA loyalists, I have noted only a handful in which the person did not, unsolicited, point to the president’s behavior as exhausting and inappropriate. Strip away all the policy fights, all the administrative action (or inaction), all the culture war politics, and the decision for many people comes down to a basic conclusion: They just do not approve of the president as a human being.” Steve Thomas
  14. Biden Will Make America Lead Again We need a president with decency and a sense of respect. By William McRaven Oct. 19, 2020 https://www.wsj.com/articles/biden-will-make-america-lead-again-11603127677 (Retired four-star Adm. William McRaven is the Admiral who led the raid that killed Osama bin Laden). ““This week I went to the polls in Texas,” wrote McRaven “Truth be told, I am a pro-life, pro-Second Amendment, small-government, strong-defense and a national-anthem-standing conservative.” Steve Thomas
  15. This ruling may well just decide the election in 2020. Supreme Court Tie Blocks GOP Effort To Limit Mail-In Voting In Pennsylvania The 4-4 vote among the justices means the state can still count ballots received after Election Day. By Lydia O’Connor https://www.huffpost.com/entry/supreme-court-pennsylvania-mail-in-voting_n_5f8e1d8bc5b6dc2d17f9a58a The U.S. Supreme Court delivered a blow to Republicans on Monday with a split vote that effectively allows Pennsylvania to keep its extended mail-in voting period. The justices’ 4-4 tie leaves in place a lower court ruling that will let state officials count ballots received after Election Day unless there’s evidence they were sent after the deadline. Election officials have three days to count those votes, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court determined last month. Supreme Court splits 4-4, leaves Pennsylvania Supreme Court decision in place allowing more time for mail-in voting. Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh would have granted GOP request to block the Pennsylvania court’s ruling. pic.twitter.com/MfiQ9EKzSG — SCOTUSblog (@SCOTUSblog) October 19, 2020 Steve Thomas
  16. Read the Trump Campaign's whiny and propagandistic letter to the Debate Commission complaining about the upcoming Debate topics: https://twitter.com/BillStepien/status/1318269143884435456/photo/1 Steve Thomas
  17. Ballot Drop Box Catches Fire In Baldwin Park; Arson Investigation Underway https://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2020/10/19/ballot-box-fire-arson-vote-election/ “It’s unclear exactly how the fire was sparked. It is being investigated as a possible arson.” Steve Thomas
  18. I stopped believing in the Deep State a long time ago. That's all so passé. Yep. It's all the fault of the Cherokee Mormons. Maurice Symonette said so. https://theintercept.com/2020/10/19/blacks-for-trump-maurice-symonette-cult/ Steve Thomas
  19. Tucson mayor demands Trump pay his 2016 event rent bill before he returns with a super-spreader rally https://www.rawstory.com/2020/10/tucson-mayor-demands-trump-pay-his-2016-event-rent-bill-before-he-returns-with-a-super-spreader-rally/ According to the mayor, a letter was sent to the president detailing conditions that need to be met before he appears there. “We’re asking the president that he please comply with CDC guidelines, that the city of Tucson has a mandatory mask ordinance, and that we ask him and his attendees to please comply with a mask and follow CDC guidelines,” she explained. “We do not want to see a super-spreader event.” “And the other point of the letter was to really ask the Trump campaign to pay their previous bills,” she added. “Back in 2016, he used the Tucson Convention Center and of course it is of utmost importance to us to protect the president of the United States of America in our city, but this is not an official campaign visit. So what we’re asking is that he pay back the Tucson taxpayers for the investment in security and the usage of our convention center in 2016.” Steve Thomas
  20. Kirk, I asked about "anyone" pushing the email story. As an aside, people are saying that Donald Trump won his debate with Savannah Guthrie the other night and is preparing to win his upcoming debate with Kristen Welker on the 22nd. Steve Thomas
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