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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Jim, Yes. It's true. From the New York Times: "That has not stopped some high-profile supporters of the president, including the talk radio host Mark Levin and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, from suggesting that Republican-led legislatures should consider ignoring the popular vote in close-fought states won by President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and handing their electoral votes to Mr. Trump." - Radio host, Mark Levin - “REMINDER TO THE REPUBLICAN STATE LEGISLATURES, YOU HAVE THE FINAL SAY OVER THE CHOOSING OF ELECTORS, NOT ANY BOARD OF ELECTIONS, SECRETARY OF STATE, GOVERNOR, OR EVEN COURT. YOU HAVE THE FINAL SAY -- ARTICLE II OF THE FED CONSTITUTION. SO, GET READY TO DO YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY” Steve Thomas
  2. https://twitter.com/BeschlossDC/status/1327279633964937217 Michael Beschloss @BeschlossDC "On cold night, seeing a Secret Service agent outside Oval Office, JFK asked him inside but was told he couldn't—Kennedy brought out two cups of hot chocolate, which they both drank in the cold—years later, the weeping agent said, “That’s the kind of President I’ve been serving."" 9:58 AM · Nov 13, 2020·TweetDeck Steve Thomas
  3. David, I watched this. How refreshing! And how different from what we have been experiencing over the last four years - to see someone take responsibility, and who reads. Steve Thomas
  4. Can Trump win with ‘fantasy’ electors bid? State GOP says no By BOB CHRISTIE and NICHOLAS RICCARDI 11/14/20 https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-legislature-pennsylvania-b199b2debc87fbb20612a48835bc0dba “Republican leaders in four critical states won by President-elect Joe Biden say they won’t participate in a legally dubious scheme to flip their state’s electors to vote for President Donald Trump. Their comments effectively shut down a half-baked plot some Republicans floated as a last chance to keep Trump in the White House. State GOP lawmakers in Arizona, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin have all said they would not intervene in the selection of electors, who ultimately cast the votes that secure a candidate’s victory. Such a move would violate state law and a vote of the people, several noted.” Steve Thomas
  5. White House Unsure if Trump Will Attend His Own Inauguration. Alternative Plans Being Laid to Inaugurate Him In Absentia “White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany appeared on Fox Business Friday to chat with host Stuart Varney about the presidential inauguration on Jan. 20. “I think the president [Donald Trump] will attend his own inauguration,” she said, appearing in her capacity as a Trump campaign adviser.” Later, after realizing just how stupid she is, McEnany added, “He would have to be there, in fact.” Steve Thomas
  6. “As far as a mandate, I’ve been very clear I don’t think this it’s the right thing to do,” said Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt, who was infected earlier this year with the coronavirus. “This is a personal responsibility.” South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem has provided her people with the full scope of the science, facts, and data regarding the virus, and then she has trusted them to exercise their personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves and their loved-ones,” her spokesman Ian Fury wrote in an email. “She will not be changing that approach.” No, it’s not a matter of “personal responsibility” You don’t have the right to spread your diseases anywhere you want, any more than you have the right to spread the bubonic plague, or Ebola any where you want. Over 130 Secret Service officers test positive for COVID after Trump’s campaign travels: report By Sky Palma November 13, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/over-130-secret-service-officers-test-positive-for-after-trumps-campaign-travels-report/ “According to a new report from the Washington Post, over 130 Secret Service officers have been infected with coronavirus in the wake of President Trump’s campaign travels.” Steve Thomas
  7. ‘Milk Him Like a Cow’: Russian State Media Mulls How to Take Advantage of Trump Before He’s Gone by Julia Davis Nov. 11, 2020 https://www.thedailybeast.com/russian-state-media-mulls-how-to-take-advantage-of-trump-before-he-leaves-office?ref=home “Appearing on 60 Minutes, Alexei Naumov from the Russian International Affairs Council predicted that Biden would fill his cabinet “with hawks and sharks” and American interest in Eastern Europe would be revived: “Trump decided not to rule the world from Washington, but Biden will.” Co-host of 60 Minutes Olga Skabeeva soberly noted: “We don’t like that.” Host Evgeny Popov added: “We want to rule the world from Moscow.” Skabeeva pointed out that with Trump as the lame duck and Biden yet to be inaugurated, there is a lull in U.S. politics: “No one is currently in power in America. We need to take advantage.” A chorus of concerned voices urged Putin to snap into action, taking advantage of Trump’s dwindling presidency before it’s too late. Appearing on Soloviev’s Sunday evening show, Zhirinovsky agreed with Skabeeva: “These are favorable circumstances for us. There is no president in America right now. For the next 72 days, neither Trump nor Biden can accomplish anything. We can do whatever we want: re-shuffle things in Ukraine, the South Caucasus [Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan], Central Asia... Our hands are untied. Do it now, while no one can intervene... Use every hole, every opening... Let them wake up with Russian flags all around them.” Steve Thomas
  8. Right-wing outrage songified https://boingboing.net/2020/11/12/outrage-songified.html Steve Thomas
  9. Kirk, According to Wikipedia, although Rob Reiner was the producer, the screenwriter was a man named Aaron Sorkin https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Sorkin He also wrote, A Few Good Men, and West Wing. Good writer, I think. Steve Thomas
  10. In time, Trump and Trumpism will go the way of the Know Nothing Party. Steve Thomas
  11. Joe, From the movie, The American President, 1995" "President Andrew Shepherd: [in the White House Press Room] For the last couple of months, Senator Rumson has suggested that being president of this country was, to a certain extent, about character, and although I have not been willing to engage in his attacks on me, I've been here three years and three days, and I can tell you without hesitation: Being president of this country is *entirely* about character. For the record: yes, I am a card-carrying member of the ACLU. But the more important question is, why aren't you, Bob? Now, this is an organization whose sole purpose is to defend the Bill of Rights, so it naturally begs the question: Why would a senator, his party's most powerful spokesman and a candidate for President, choose to reject upholding the Constitution? If you can answer that question, folks, then you're smarter than I am, because I didn't understand it until a few hours ago. America isn't easy. America is advanced citizenship. You gotta want it bad, 'cause it's gonna put up a fight. It's gonna say "You want free speech? Let's see you acknowledge a man whose words make your blood boil, who's standing center stage and advocating at the top of his lungs that which you would spend a lifetime opposing at the top of yours. You want to claim this land as the land of the free? Then the symbol of your country can't just be a flag; the symbol also has to be one of its citizens exercising his right to burn that flag in protest. Show me that, defend that, celebrate that in your classrooms. Then, you can stand up and sing about the "land of the free". I've known Bob Rumson for years, and I've been operating under the assumption that the reason Bob devotes so much time and energy to shouting at the rain was that he simply didn't get it. Well, I was wrong. Bob's problem isn't that he doesn't get it. Bob's problem is that he can't sell it! We have serious problems to solve, and we need serious people to solve them. And whatever your particular problem is, I promise you, Bob Rumson is not the least bit interested in solving it. He is interested in two things and two things only: making you afraid of it and telling you who's to blame for it. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you win elections. You gather a group of middle-aged, middle-class, middle-income voters who remember with longing an easier time, and you talk to them about family and American values and character. And wave an old photo of the President's girlfriend and you scream about patriotism and you tell them, she's to blame for their lot in life, and you go on television and you call her a whore. Sydney Ellen Wade has done nothing to you, Bob. She has done nothing but put herself through school, represent the interests of public school teachers, and lobby for the safety of our natural resources. You want a character debate, Bob? You better stick with me, 'cause Sydney Ellen Wade is way out of your league." The next time somebody wants to talk to you about "the good old days", or "Make America Great Again", run like hell, because the next thing that comes out of their mouth is going to be a lie. Steve Thomas
  12. Scoop: Trump eyes digital media empire to take on Fox News By Mike Allen, 11/12/20 https://www.axios.com/trump-fox-news-digital-media-competitor-25afddee-144d-4820-8ed4-9eb0ffa42420.html “Here's Trump's plan, according to the source: There's been lots of speculation about Trump starting a cable channel. But getting carried on cable systems would be expensive and time-consuming. Instead, Trump is considering a digital media channel that would stream online, which would be cheaper and quicker to start. Trump's digital offering would likely charge a monthly fee to MAGA fans. Many are Fox News viewers, and he'd aim to replace the network — and the $5.99-a-month Fox Nation streaming service, which has an 85% conversion rate from free trials to paid subscribers — as their top destination. Trump's database of email and cellphone contacts would be a huge head start. Trump's lists are among the most valuable in politics — especially his extensive database of cellphone numbers for text messages. Axios is told Trump may use vote-count rallies to undercut Fox. "He's going to spend a lot of time slamming Fox," the source said. “He plans to wreck Fox, no doubt about it,” said one source with detailed knowledge of Trump’s plans.” Steve Thomas
  13. Trump, Donald J. and Bill Zanker. Think BIG and Kick Ass in Business and Life. EveryBook, October 16, 2007 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Think_Big_and_Kick_Ass " The chapter "Revenge" focuses on achieving retribution against perceived enemies.[36][5][37] It begins by recounting a long-running argument between Trump and actress Rosie O'Donnell.[5] Trump then criticizes businessman Mark Cuban's television persona and appearance.[6][38] He goes on to praise Bill Clinton's courage and criticizes Mario Cuomo's lack of it.[34] Trump advises readers who have been wronged to "screw them back in spades"[37] and reap any possible benefits.[39][40] He elaborated on the measure of revenge by saying he responds to wrongs by retaliating in the same manner, but with more severity.[41] Trump cautions readers against being complacent and trusting in civilization because the world is cruel and ruthless.[42] Trump writes that those who do not seek revenge are remiss and calls them "schmucks".[5][43]" Steve Thomas
  14. Pulitzer-winning author: Biden and the Democrats could ‘just dig themselves deeper’ — fueling a fascist comeback By Chauncey Devega, November 12, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/pulitzer-winning-author-biden-and-the-democrats-could-just-dig-themselves-deeper-fueling-a-fascist-comeback/ “It is the hyper-masculinity. That is the core essence of fascism. There is no coherent ideology with fascism. Fascism mutates and changes. In the lead-up to power, the Nazis were striking in Berlin, along with the communists. The Nazis put “socialist” in their name, The National Socialist Party, as a way of becoming more appealing. To reduce Trump’s version of fascism solely along lines of race is to miss the forces that are pushing people into the arms of the neofascists. Racism is an element in the form of mythologies about whiteness and self-exaltation, and the other myths about identity and origin. But what people who follow fascists are really looking for is a sense of empowerment. Donald Trump fulfilled that role, not as a political leader, but as a traditional cult leader. Members of the cult want their cult leader to break all the rules. The power of the cult leader becomes an extension of the follower’s own identity and power. All moral autonomy is surrendered to the cult leader. That is the dynamic in this country with Donald Trump and his movement. Therefore, there are fewer ways in American society to communicate with one another across lines of politics and other identities. When Donald Trump, from the White House —in what was an absolutely remarkable moment —denounced the electoral process as fraudulent, what was really frightening is that there are tens of millions of Americans who believe him. Will Trump be seen as a martyr? Will his time as president, even in defeat, be remembered as a noble cause by his followers? The narrative will be that he and they were stabbed in the back. “The media, the liberals, Silicon Valley, they stabbed us in the back.” I am worried about violence. The violence will be directed at mainstream Democrats such as the governors of Virginia or Michigan. Once that begins and the Pandora’s box is opened, control of the situation is lost. The United States is awash in weapons. People are going to be shot in acts of political violence. Then we as a country are in deep trouble.” Steve Thomas
  15. Electoral College & Indecisive Elections Congress Decides: 1877 https://history.house.gov/Institution/Origins-Development/Electoral-College/ “The contested 1876 presidential election between Republican Rutherford B. Hayes of Ohio and Democrat Samuel J. Tilden of New York was the last to require congressional intervention. Tilden won the popular vote and the electoral count. But Republicans challenged the results in three Southern states, which submitted certificates of election for both candidates. While the Constitution requires the House and Senate to formally count the certificates of election in joint session, it is silent on what Congress should do to resolve disputes. In January 1877, Congress established the Federal Electoral Commission to investigate the disputed Electoral College ballots. The bipartisan commission, which included Representatives, Senators, and Supreme Court Justices, voted along party lines to award all the contested ballots to Hayes—securing the presidency for him by a single electoral vote.” "Since 1887, 3 U.S.C. 15 sets the method for objections to electoral votes. During the Joint Session, Members of Congress may object to individual electoral votes or to state returns as a whole. An objection must be declared in writing and signed by at least one Representative and one Senator. In the case of an objection, the Joint Session recesses and each chamber considers the objection separately in a session which cannot last more than two hours with each Member speaking for no more than five minutes. After each house votes on whether or not to accept the objection, the Joint Session reconvenes and both chambers disclose their decisions. If they agree to the objection, the votes in question are not counted. If either chamber does not agree with the objection, the votes are counted." Steve Thomas
  16. David, Thanks for the referral. Yes, I had seen that earlier. My question revolved around this passage in the Fox News article: "the GOP legislators may have a difficult time seating Biden electors when it comes down to putting in place that process for the vote on December 14th.” Even though the Indiana law prescribes that the Electors shall meet in the Chamber of the House of Representatives, what would happen if the Speaker of the House, or the Legislative body itself, refused to allow the Electors to meet there? Can the Legislature interfere with the process for how and when the Electors meet? Steve Thomas
  17. Experts: Trump’s New Michigan Lawsuit Is Recycled Junk By William Bredderman Nov. 11, 2020 https://www.thedailybeast.com/experts-trumps-new-michigan-lawsuit-to-stop-biden-is-recycled-junk?ref=home “Reuters reported on Wednesday that a judge in Maricopa County, Arizona, allowed the firm Snell & Wilmer to drop out as counsel for the Republican National Committee in a suit alleging some votes weren’t properly counted. Law firms helping Trump challenge the election outcome have faced public scorn for their role.” Being a Trump lawyer can’t be good for business. Can you imagine trying to run a TV commercial? Have you been injured in an accident? Call XYZ. We’re 0 for 12 in recent lawsuits. Steve Thomas
  18. Fox News now says ‘we’re just not sure’ if Joe Biden will be next president By David Edwards November 11, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/fox-news-now-says-were-just-not-sure-if-joe-biden-will-be-next-president/ “One thing is that if they do manage to prolong this process, we start to get into December,” (John) Roberts asserted. “There comes a time when these electors have to be seated to vote on who will become president of the United States. And I’m told that the anger out there in these red states is so deep and so palpable, the GOP legislators may have a difficult time seating Biden electors when it comes down to putting in place that process for the vote on December 14th.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_Two_of_the_United_States_Constitution#Clause_4:_Election_day “In an indirect popular vote, it is the names of the candidates who are on the ballot to be elected. Most states do not put the names of the electors on the ballot.[6] It is generally understood by the voters and the electors themselves that they are the representative "stand-ins" for the candidates and are expected to cast their electoral college ballots for the president and vice president who appeared on the ballot. The actual electors being voted for are usually selected by the candidate's party. There have been a few cases where some electors have refused to vote for the designated candidate, termed a faithless elector. Many states have mandated in law that electors shall cast their electoral college ballot for the designated presidential candidate.[6] The constitutionality of such mandates was established on July 6, 2020 by the Supreme Court of the United States.” I don't see how a State Legislature could block the Electors in their State from meeting. It doesn't seem that the Legislature has any role in how and where the Electors meet. The Electors transmit their votes directly to the U.S. Congress. Picking a state at random. Indiana's Election Division sets out the procedure for how and when the State's Electors meet to cast their ballots. I imagine the other states have a similar process. The Electors meet in the House of Representatives, but the Legislature has no role to play. https://www.in.gov/sos/elections/files/Presidential_Elector_Listing_and_Statistics.pdf “What happens after the presidential election in November? How and when do the electors assemble and cast their ballots? After election day, each county sends its presidential vote totals to the Secretary of State in Indianapolis. It can take several weeks after the election for the final version of all these county returns to arrive. When all the county votes have been received (and any errors or omissions corrected), the Secretary of State certifies to the Governor the final, official returns for the presidential elector candidates. The Governor then signs a "Certificate of Ascertainment." This document officially appoints the winning presidential electors to serve as Indiana's members of the Electoral College. Three copies of this document are immediately sent to the National Archives in Washington. On the first Monday after the second Wednesday in December, Indiana's electors meet at 10 a.m., Indianapolis time, in the chamber of the House of Representatives in the State House. After an invocation, the Presentation of the Colors by the Indiana National Guard, the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, singing of the National Anthem,and any welcoming remarks by state officials, the Certificate of Ascertainment and the roll call of the electors are read. The electors who are present then take their oath of office. What would happen if the Governor refuses to sign the “Certificate of Ascertainment”? As required by federal law, copies of the Certificate of Ascertainment and the Certificate of Votes Cast are sent to the Vice-President (as President of the United States Senate), to the National Archives, to the Chief Judge of the Southern District Court of Indiana (the federal courts), and to the Indiana Secretary of State. Steve Thomas
  19. Eight Members and Members-Elect of the Georgia Congressional Delegation wrote the Georgia Secretary of State requesting that he investigate voting irregularities in the State of Georgia. It probably would have carried more weight if they knew how to spell Georgia. Steve Thomas
  20. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denazification "Denazification in Germany was attempted through a series of directives issued by the Allied Control Council, seated in Berlin, beginning in January 1946. "Denazification directives" identified specific people and groups and outlined judicial procedures and guidelines for handling them. Though all the occupying forces had agreed on the initiative, the methods used for denazification and the intensity with which they were applied differed between the occupation zones. The term "denazification" also refers to the removal of the physical symbols of the poopoo regime. For example, in 1957 the West German government re-issued World War II Iron Cross medals, among other decorations, without the swastika in the center. About 8.5 million Germans, or 10% of the population, had been members of the poopoo Party. poopoo-related organizations also had huge memberships, such as the German Labor Front (25 million), the National Socialist People's Welfare organization (17 million), the League of German Women, Hitler Youth, the Doctors' League, and others.[6] It was through the Party and these organizations that the poopoo state was run, involving as many as 45 million Germans in total.[7] In addition, Nazism found significant support among industrialists, who produced weapons or used slave labor, and large landowners, especially the Junkers in Prussia. Denazification after the surrender of Germany was thus an enormous undertaking, fraught with many difficulties. The first difficulty was the enormous number of Germans who might have to be first investigated, then penalized if found to have supported the poopoo state to an unacceptable degree. In the early months of denazification there was a great desire to be utterly thorough, to investigate every suspect and hold every supporter of Nazism accountable; however, it was decided that the numbers simply made this goal impractical." I would propose that we immediately outlaw the display of the Confederate flag. Steve Thomas
  21. Trump’s Like ‘Barricaded Subject’ In Hostage Situation: Ex-FBI Assistant Director “It may be that U.S. marshals have to come take the president out,” Frank Figliuzzi says. By Ed Mazza 11/11/20 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-white-house-barricaded-subject_n_5fab4d72c5b68707d1fa4009 Frank Figliuzzi, the FBI’s former assistant director for counterintelligence, praised President-elect Joe Biden for how he’s handling President Donald Trump, who has refused to concede and is filing legal actions to overturn the 2020 election results. “We’re coming very close to having what the bureau calls a barricaded subject,” Figliuzzi said on MSNBC on Tuesday. “The barricaded subject is in the White House.” Biden, he said, is “right on the money” with how negotiators handle a barricaded subject initially. “We saw a very calm Joe Biden today,” Figliuzzi said of the president-elect shrugging off many of Trump’s antics. “That is exactly what you do in the initial stages,” he explained, adding that this involves letting the subject vent. But eventually, he said, Biden will have to call the SWAT team. That could be in the form of a legal challenge, or “it may be that U.S. marshals have to come take the president out,” he said. “As we say to a barricaded subject, we can do this the hard way or we can do this the easy way.” Steve Thomas
  22. How do we make peace with fascists? I suppose a study of Denazification efforts in Germany after WWII might be in order to determine what worked and what didn't. Steve Thomas
  23. Election results certification dates, 2020 https://ballotpedia.org/Election_results_certification_dates,_2020#Certification_deadlines_organized_by_state Steve Thomas
  24. Anti-democracy ‘Stop the Steal’ activists plan DC ‘March for Trump’ to ‘urge’ him to not concede By David Badash November 10, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/anti-democracy-stop-the-steal-activists-plan-dc-march-for-trump-to-urge-him-to-not-concede/ “The people behind the fake “stop the steal” movement are planning another way to unite far right extremists: a “March for Trump” in Washington, D.C. on Saturday.” “A reporter from the right wing Daily Caller admits the Trump campaign is pushing the event: Just got this in a text from a Trump campaign official. A March for Trump on November 14 at 12pm ET: pic.twitter.com/zRRyo5olbV — Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) November 9, 2020
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