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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Letter from four House Committee Chairs to GSA Administrator, Emily Murphy requesting that she appear and brief them by November 23, 2020 on why she is holding up the transition ascertainment. "We have been extremely patient, but we can wait no longer. As GSA Administrator, it is your responsibility to follow the law and assure the safety and well-being of the United States and its people—not to submit to political pressure to violate the law and risk the consequences." https://oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/2020-11-19.CBM Lowey GEC Quigley re Biden-Harris Transition Team Access FINAL.pdf Steve Thomas
  2. Larry, If you could ask Jeff about that, I'd appreciate it. Re the TSBD employee list, I became convinced a long time ago, (although I can't prove), that the origin of the name Harvey Lee Oswald lies in military intelligence. With the extensive connection of Army Reserve intelligence with the Dallas Police Department, I have no doubt that that is how it ended up on a list of TSBD employees. The "Sanchez" who told James Buchanan that the man who who showed up at the Miami docks in March, 1963 "used his true name Oswald". Sanchez did not tell Buchanan what his first name was. I edited my original question to you, asking about Oswald's "Memoire", but you were in the process of replying to me, and may not have seen it. Steve Thomas
  3. Larry, Do you know if the name, "Harvey Lee Oswald" ever popped up in any of the DRE communications? You wrote, "Either very relevant documents or being withheld or both SAS and JMWAVE were ignorant of the DRE related contacts with Oswald that summer." Since we know that CIA ignorance of Oswald's contacts with the DRE is an impossibility, that leaves documents being withheld. What you wrote in your piece is causing me to rethink something. Fritz, Curry and Revill all told various government investigative bodies that they didn't know who Oswald was, and that he was not in their intelligence files. And yet, the name Harvey Lee Oswald was the first name to appear on the list of TSBD employees CE 2003 located in (24H259). I'm beginning now to wonder if the Dallas Police Department's Intelligence files were purged the same way the CIA's were. Steve Thomas PS: Considering the amount of detail in his "Memoire", do you think Oswald wrote the entirety of his "Memoire" after he he got out of the Soviet Union by memory, or do you think he wrote it in parts and smuggled it out of Minsk piecemeal"
  4. Kathy, Thank you for this; although I don't know how you are going to live with the guilt knowing that some people are going to hold their breath until their face turns blue. Steve Thomas
  5. Jim, Afghanistan is a buffer state. People have been fighting over it for thousands of years. You have to go through Afghanistan to get anywhere. Genghis Khan invaded it. Alexander the Great invaded it on his way to India. Russia needed it in its search south for a warm water port. It's the easiest way to get the oil from Central Asia to the Arabian Sea and on into the Indian Ocean. China avoided it in its One Belt, One Road Initiative by going north through the southern Caucasus over to Baku in Azerbaijan. Afghanistan is where Islam meets the Far East. Steve Thomas
  6. David, The Michigan State Board of Canvassers meets Monday to certify the election in Michigan. It's too late for the Election Board in Wayne County to "change their minds". Steve Thomas
  7. Yesterday, November 18th was the anniversary of the Jonestown Massacre. Steve Thomas
  8. …AND I WON THE ELECTION. VOTER FRAUD ALL OVER THE COUNTRY! https://t.co/9coP3R44UQ — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 18, 2020 For me, the question is now becoming, who is using who? People have been saying that Republican legislators are afraid of Donald Trump and his supporters. Knowing that this guy is as crazy as a loon however, are these people just feeding Trump’s ego and narcissism in order to maintain their own hold on power? Are they just stringing him along, feeding him conspiracy theories until the runoff in Georgia in hopes that they maintain control of the Senate? Are we going to have to endure this for the next 48 days or so? Steve Thomas
  9. So, did Mickey Mouse, or the Philadelphia mob throw the election for Joe Biden? I'm confused. That damned rodent. I knew he was a communist a long time ago. Steve Thomas
  10. Cliff, Donald Trump will not be able to control the whirlwind he has unleashed. “Defend Your Vote” rally organizer thrown to the ground by rally-goers when he tells rally participants to abide by Milwaukee Covid-19 regulations. Crowd chants, “USA” “USA” https://twitter.com/hashtag/defendyourvote?src=hashtag_click “Release the Kraken” Steve Thomas
  11. The Senate Republicans are writing a book. It's called, Profiles in Cowardice. Steve Thomas
  12. Pompeo is abroad doing his usual damage. Pompeo in Turkey for fraught visit with no official talks By Agence France-Presse November 17, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/pompeo-in-turkey-for-fraught-visit-with-no-official-talks/ “Officials said Pompeo wanted to visit Istanbul to see the patriarch (Bartholomew I of Constantinople) and was only ready to meet (President) Erdogan and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu on the condition they come to him from the capital Ankara.” Steve Thomas
  13. Trump's Daily Spam Machine: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2020/11/4/1992528/-Trump-campaign-overnight-emails-agitate-fundraise-lay-ground-for-blocking-vote-counting Steve Thomas
  14. Georiga? Where the hell is Georiga? They sending his people out in the middle of the ocean somewhere? Steve Thomas
  15. "Another Vaccine just announced. This time by Moderna, 95% effective. For those great “historians”, please remember that these great discoveries, which will end the China Plague, all took place on my watch!" — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 16, 2020 Historians looking back on your watch, huh? Umm... Steve Thomas
  16. Politics makes for strange bedfellows. Azerbaijan delays takeover, denounces fleeing Armenians By JIM HEINTZ 11/15/20 https://apnews.com/article/peacekeeping-forces-azerbaijan-russia-vladimir-putin-armenia-07679eadaeb535be478331e6113463c9 MOSCOW (AP) — “Azerbaijan on Sunday postponed taking control of a territory ceded by Armenian forces in a cease-fire agreement, but denounced civilians leaving the area for burning houses and committing what it called “ecological terror.” The cease-fire ended six weeks of intense fighting between Azerbaijan and Armenia over the Nagorno-Karabakh region and territories outside its formal borders that had been under the control of Armenian forces since 1994. The agreement calls for Azerbaijan to take control of the outlying territories. The first, Kelbajar, was to be turned over on Sunday. After the agreement was announced early Tuesday, many distraught residents preparing to evacuate set their houses ablaze to make them unusable to Azerbaijanis who would move in. Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev assured Russian President Vladimir Putin, who negotiated the cease-fire and is sending about 2,000 peacekeeping troops, that Christian churches would be protected. “Christians of Azerbaijan will have access to these churches,” Aliyev’s office said in statement Sunday. Azerbaijan is about 95% Muslim and Armenia is overwhelmingly Christian. Azerbaijan accuses Armenians of desecrating Muslim sites during their decades of control of Nagorno-Karabakh and surrounding territories, including housing livestock in mosques.” Let's see... A Moslem President assuring a Communist leader that Christian churches will be protected... Steve Thomas
  17. What happens when a narcissist loses? Expect "rage" and "terror," psychologists warn "A truly significant loss… may trigger not only a reign of terror but destruction without limit," one expert says By Matthew Rozsa October 28, 2020 https://www.salon.com/2020/10/28/trump-narcissism-psychology-election-loss-pathology-personality-disorders/ “If Trump loses, Durvasula says it will be like watching a three-year-old refuse to go to bed. "They will just stand there, poignantly in their Superman pajamas and say NO, I am NOT going to bed, and drop to the ground and scream," she explained. "Plan on an adult version of that. As is often the case when a difficult personality style like this faces disappointment we tend to see a cascade of reactions – oppositionality, denial, rage, despair, paranoia, more rage, entitlement, victimhood, and vindictiveness." “The next question, then, is what Trump could actually do in his vindictive rage to punish an America which he may believe has consigned him to "loser" status. (Indeed, one-term presidents are usually regarded as failures — and Trump would be the first one-termer in 28 years).” “Trump could also pick winners and losers in terms of who receives federal help during the pandemic and recession, helping those who sided with him and exacting vengeance against those who did not. He could egg on his supporters into committing acts of violence or, at the very least, do everything in his power to make sure they do not accept the legitimacy of a Biden presidency.” (Remember what Trump said about everyone getting the vaccine except New York State and California not getting Federal Disaster Relief Aid for its wildfires because Governor Gavin Newsome had been mean to him.) “Most ominous of all, a narcissist like Trump could simply refuse to leave office when his term ends on January 20, 2021.” Steve Thomas
  18. Joe, You can feel some measure of sympathy for Trump himself, because he has a mental illness. I wonder how the people felt when Moses destroyed their golden calf. Steve Thomas
  19. Will Saturday, November 14, 2020 mark Donald Trump's Waterloo? Napoloeon Bonaparte's Timeline: June 18, 1815: ·Defeated in the Battle of Waterloo by the British and Prussians, led by Wellington and Blucher June 22, 1815: ·Abdicates for the second time October 16, 1815: ·Napoleon is exiled to Saint Helena Steve Thomas
  20. On December 6 each year, Belgian children wake up and rush to see if St. Nicholas, or Sinterklaas, as he is known in Flemish-speaking parts of the country, has left presents for them. In some parts of Belgium, tradition has it that St. Nicholas arrives by boat from Spain, and delivers gifts on the evening of December 5. On Thursday, Frank Vandenbroucke and Annelies Verlinden sent a letter to Saint-Nicolas, relayed by Sud Presse . The Ministers of Health and the Interior notably announced to the great saint the publication of a ministerial decree to allow him and Father Fouettard to brave the curfew on the night of December 5 to 6 in order to be able to bring gifts to good children. https://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.lesoir.be%2F337354%2Farticle%2F2020-11-12%2Fcoronavirus-le-gouvernement-ecrit-saint-nicolas-pour-lui-rappeler-les-regles "Dear Saint Nicholas, We hear that this damn virus has also created a lot of problems in Spain. So it gave us the greatest pleasure when we learned that, despite your old age, you have been able to escape the virus in recent months and that you are still in good health. But as you know, dear Saint Nicolas, Spain is in code red. According to the rules, you should therefore stay in quarantine for a few days here when you arrive (tomorrow night have we heard?). However, since we know that you have no time to waste, and that you need every hour to prepare the gifts for each child, we have decided to make an exception - for you and Father Whipper. The royal decree necessary for this purpose will appear shortly in the Belgian Official Gazette. Here is the legal content: the trip with your boat coming from Spain lasts 17 days, that is 7 days more than what we ask and therefore, this period is more than enough as quarantine. A second royal decree, still in preparation, concerns the curfew. On the night of December 5 to 6, the curfew will still apply in Belgium. But of course we also know that under these conditions it would be impossible for you to do your job. In addition, you should also go and get all the letters and designs in the shoes for the next few weeks. Now, you don't want to disappoint the kids. And neither do we. From then on, the legal basis for this second royal decree was directly ratified and you will receive - you and Father Fouettard - an exception for the curfew. And we can reassure you: you won't have to run from roof to roof in a spacesuit. However, we recommend that you always keep your distance, wash your hands regularly and wear a mask when necessary. With your miter, and your long white beard, it's probably no fun. In addition, a Spanish virologist also confirmed to us that your beard protects you enough and acts as a mask. But we want to be sure that you are not at risk when visiting Belgium. One more thing, Saint Nicholas: every child here has been especially brave this year. Or to use your words: very wise. Indeed, it is not easy every day: at school, everything has changed; for now, they can no longer see their boyfriends, they can no longer indulge in their favorite hobbies. Really, really, it's not cheerful for them. Without forgetting that they cannot even go to be cuddled by grandpa and grandma to be consoled. But still, they hold out, dear Saint Nicholas. Not only to protect themselves, but above all to protect others. During these two week vacation, moms and dads are doing their best to take care of them even more, but this year they deserve your visit more than ever. Every child is a hero, and for once you don't need to check your big notebook to see who's been good." Steve Thomas
  21. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krJfMyW87vU&feature=youtu.be German reminisces about his time in the war. Fighting Covid As a couch potato (I don’t speak German, so I have to depend on someone else for the translation), “I think that it was in the Winter of 2020, when the whole country looked at us. I had just turned 22, and was studying Mechanical Engineering in Chemnitz when the second wave came. 22... at this age, you want to celebrate, study, get to know someone, something like that, or go for a drink with friends. But fate had other plans for us. An invisible danger threatened everything we believed in, and the fate of this country was suddenly in our hands. So we all took our courage, and did what was expected of us... The only right thing... We did... Nothing. Absolutely nothing! Were lazy like racoons! For days and nights, we stayed home on our asses fighting the spread of the Coronavirus. Our couch was the Front, and our patience was our weapon. You know, sometimes I almost have to smile when I think back to that time. That was our fate. That's how we became heroes. Back then. This Corona Winter 2020.” 😄 Steve Thomas
  22. Trump drove through his supporters in DC on his way to go golfing. He left them stranded there the way he left his supporters stranded in Omaha, NE, Butler, PA. and Tampa, FL. He announced his election fight dream team. They are the Giuliani Ukrainian Mod Squad. Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump “I look forward to Mayor Giuliani spearheading the legal effort to defend OUR RIGHT to FREE and FAIR ELECTIONS! Rudy Giuliani, Joseph diGenova, Victoria Toensing, Sidney Powell, and Jenna Ellis, a truly great team, added to our other wonderful lawyers and representatives!” 9:11 PM · Nov 14, 2020 Steve Thomas
  23. Donald Trump Concedes! He put Rudy Giuliani in charge of his legal efforts. Trump is 1 for 20 in his legal efforts. Rudy sends notice that he intends to appeal to the Supreme Courtyard of the Four Seasons. Steve Thomas
  24. Jim, Yes. It's true. From the New York Times: "That has not stopped some high-profile supporters of the president, including the talk radio host Mark Levin and Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida, from suggesting that Republican-led legislatures should consider ignoring the popular vote in close-fought states won by President-elect Joseph R. Biden Jr. and handing their electoral votes to Mr. Trump." - Radio host, Mark Levin - “REMINDER TO THE REPUBLICAN STATE LEGISLATURES, YOU HAVE THE FINAL SAY OVER THE CHOOSING OF ELECTORS, NOT ANY BOARD OF ELECTIONS, SECRETARY OF STATE, GOVERNOR, OR EVEN COURT. YOU HAVE THE FINAL SAY -- ARTICLE II OF THE FED CONSTITUTION. SO, GET READY TO DO YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY” Steve Thomas
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