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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. - Re-tweet by Sidney Powell - Military Tribunals huh? If you are one of the "Eighty and more million", please raise your hand. Steve Thomas
  2. David, From Sylvia's WC testimony: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/odio.htm "Mrs. ODIO. I think I can give you the exact date. This was before I left for Puerto Rico. June 28, Eugenio arrived from Miami to see Johnny Martin. Mr. LIEBELER. So you say that on June 28 Eugenio arrived from Miami, is that correct? Mrs. ODIO. He was supposed to have arrived June 14, but he never did, and I called-two times to make another appointment with Johnny, and he just arrived in time for me to see him. Then it was a time when we met, not Alentado, the other one, Alvareda--Rodriguez Alvareda. So they went to my house. Now, I was living at the time at 6140 Oram Street, the day they arrived. But when I went back to Puerto Rico, the same day, June 29, I saw Ray, and I explained to him what Johnny Martin here in Dallas was up to, and then he said that he was planning a trip also to see if something could be worked out." So, Cisneros visits Sylvia on June 28. She goes to Puerto Rico the next day and tells Ray all about it. Interesting. Steve Thomas
  3. - Pro-Trump Attorney, Lin Wood - "Good morning. Our country is headed to civil war. A war created by 3rd party bad actors for their benefit – not for We The People. Communist China is leading the nefarious efforts to take away our freedom.@realDonaldTrump should declare martial law.https://t.co/h3Ym5ytMYt " — Lin Wood (@LLinWood) December 1, 2020 Let's see. We've got one lawyer calling for murder, and another one calling for martial law. This is good company Trump keeps. Steve Thomas
  4. How Trump's Hill allies could take one last shot to overturn the election How congressional challenges work By KYLE CHENEY and MELANIE ZANONA 11/30/2020 https://www.politico.com/news/2020/11/30/republicans-overturn-electoral-college-441459 Steve Thomas
  5. Larry, Not to beat a dead horse, but this is what did it for me: Commission Document 946 - SS Aragon Report of 5 May 1964 re: Sylvia Odio, Rogelio Cisneros Diaz page 3 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11342&search="Juan_Martin"#relPageId=4&tab=page On May 4, 1964 in an interview in his home with SS Agent Ernest I. Aragon, Rogelio Cisneros told Aragon that: Rogelio Cisneros, a JURE member in Miami, went to Dallas alone, by plane in June, 1963 for the specific purpose of contacting Sylvia Odio who was supposed to introduce Cisneros to a Uruguayan named Juan Martin, who was interested in selling small arms to JURE. “He further identified himself as Rogelio Cisneros Diaz, an officer of JURE, at Miami,Florida, and added that the name “Eugenio” is his designated “war name””. The JURE office in Dallas was already in operation, having been established in May, 1963. He only contacted Sylvia Odio once. When they went to her house, Cisneros was accompanied by Jorge Rodriguez (Alvarada) (Alvereda?), their Dallas delegate, and no one else. My question is, why would Rogelio Cisneros fly from Miami, FL. To Dallas, TX. alone, in a plane for the specific purpose of contacting Sylvia Odio in order to meet a gun runner who he had never met before? Why her and why only once? Steve Thomas
  6. Larry, Yup. Her and her uncle Guitart in New Orleans. He seems to be an intersection point too. Steve Thomas
  7. I read this morning that Donald Trump has sent out over 500 emails since November 3rd begging the gullible to send him money. He has raised more than $150 million so far. Why would he quit now? It's a money making machine. Steve Thomas
  8. W., His own lawyer (DiGenova) is now openly calling for murder. Steve Thomas
  9. Larry, I think you've got it right in your footnote 147 in Part 3 vis-a-vis Sylvia Odio being used as a "dangle" to uncover weapons sales to JURE. I've long thought that more emphasis should have been placed on Odio as an intermediary for weapons sales as opposed to her simply being a "translator" of flyers. Steve Thomas
  10. Donald Trump calls for revolution! Elections are not needed! "Do something @BrianKempGA. You allowed your state to be scammed. We must check signatures and count signed envelopes against ballots. Then call off election. It won’t be needed. We will all WIN! https://t.co/UiJrlyBGiK " — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 1, 2020 America is no longer a Democracy! Leaders to be appointed by.... somebody. I'm not quite sure who. Steve Thomas
  11. Sidney Powell’s latest Michigan lawsuit cites a witness claiming fraud — in county that doesn’t exist By Sarah K. Burris November 30, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/sidney-powells-latest-michigan-lawsuit-cites-a-witness-claiming-fraud-in-county-that-doesnt-exist/ “President Donald Trump’s former lawyer Sidney Powell has made another humiliating error in her legal filing. After misspelling “District Court” twice in her Georgia filing, it turns out Powell cited a source about a non-existent county in Michigan. “For example, in PA, President Trump’s lead of more than 700,000 county advantage was reduced to less than 300,000 in a few short hours, which does not occur in the real world without an external influence,” the legal filing said. “I conclude that manually feeding more than 400,000 mostly absentee ballots cannot be accomplished in a short time frame (i.e., 2-3 hours) without illegal vote count alteration. In another case for Edison County, MI, Vice President Biden received more than 100% of the votes at 5:59 PM EST on November 4, 2020 and again he received 99.61% of the votes at 2:23 PM EST on November 5, 2020. These distributions are cause for concern and indicate fraud.” First, Biden couldn’t have received more than 100 percent of the vote anywhere. But he really couldn’t have received more than 100 percent of the vote in Edison County, MI because there is no Edison County, MI. Second, there is an Edison Township in Middlesex, New Jersey. There is also a city named Edison in Georgia and a “historic hamlet” exists in Doylestown Township, Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Maricopa County, Arizona has a large field called Edison Park. There are only 12 places in the world named Edison, and the closest one to Michigan is in Ohio. Given the rivalry between Michigan and Ohio, it would be a huge mistake to confuse the two.” Steve Thomas
  12. Ron, You mean somebody interrupted the ball in mid-flight using a computer program invented by a dead guy in Venezuela and it actually landed in Germany? What fraud! Somebody should investigate! We'll use that "Statistician to the Stars" expert that that Powell lady is using. Steve Thomas
  13. Donald Trump is now suggesting the FBI, the Justice Department and judges are involved. I tell you what. If he starts running around crying out, "Off with their heads!", I'm outta here. Steve Thomas
  14. Humpty Dumpy Trumpy golfer sat on a wall Humpty Dumpy Trumpy golfer had a great fall All the King’s horses And All the King’s men Couldn’t put Humpty Dumpy Trunpy golfer Back together again Humpty Dumpy Trumpy golfer wants to bend reality to his will. Sorry Mr. Humpty Dumpy Trumpy golfer, but you lost. No matter how many Sharpie pens you use to draw on that hurricane map. It didn’t work then And it sure as heck won’t work now. Humpty Dumpy Trumpy golfer will go down in the history books as a one-term, impeached loser. Steve Thomas
  15. Does Donald Trump want war badly enough that he would assassinate an Israeli leader in order to falsely blame it on Iran? Steve Thomas
  16. There’s nothing ‘normal’ about this moment: Even if Trump reluctantly leaves office, immense damage has been done By Chauncey Devega, Salon November 28, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/theres-nothing-normal-about-this-moment-even-if-trump-reluctantly-leaves-office-immense-damage-has-been-done/ In a new essay for Medium, Indi Samarajiva reflects on his experience with the attempted coup in Sri Lanka in 2018 and issues a warning: “The tragic thing which you do not understand — which you cannot understand — is that you’ve already lost. You cannot know exactly what — that’s the nature of chaos — but know this. You will lose more than you can bear. We lost our children, playing at church. We lost our friends, sitting down to brunch. Muslims lost their dignity and rights. Your Republicans have set forces into play they cannot possibly understand and certainly cannot control. And they don’t even want to. To them, chaos is a ladder. … What I can tell you — what anyone who’s experienced this can tell you — is that it’s going to be bad. I didn’t know that churches and hotels would blow up on Easter Sunday, but I know now. I’m trying to tell you in advance. You’ve opened up a Pandora’s box of instability. All kinds of demons come out. I have lived through a coup. It felt like what you’re feeling now. Like watching something stupid and just waiting for it to go away. But it doesn’t go away. You can forget about it, but it doesn’t go away. There’s a ticking bomb at the heart of your democracy now. Your government, the very idea of governance is fatally wounded. Chaos has been planted at its heart. I don’t know what this chaos will grow into, but I can promise you this. It won’t be good.” Steve Thomas
  17. Barbara Starr @barbarastarrcnn November 27, 2020 https://twitter.com/barbarastarrcnn/status/1332427583573602311 "Just In: The aircraft carrier USS Nimitz is being moved back into the Persian Gulf region along with other warships to provide combat support and air cover as US troops withdraw from Iraq and Afghanistan by January 15 under President Trump’s orders a defense official tells CNN. The official said the move was decided before news came of the assassination of a prominent Iranian nuclear scientist. But the movement of the US forces is an increased deterrence message to Iran regardless the official noted The movement puts increased American military firepower and thousands of personnel into the region through the end of the Trump Administration. It may be up to President-elect Joe Biden to decide when to withdraw them." Steve Thomas
  18. I read that Donald Trump will only attend Joe Biden's inauguration if he can figure out a way to make money off it. Steve Thomas
  19. W., They go hand in hand. In warfare, part of your strategy is to take out the enemy's command and control. Steve Thomas
  20. W., Iran's top nuclear scientist was assassinated on Friday. https://twitter.com/AFP/status/1332346240835727364?ref_src=twsrc^tfw Steve Thomas
  21. I agree with Jim that one of the primary motivations behind JFK's assassination was his interest in allowing individual nation states to control the natural resources in their own countries. Extraction of the raw materials is one side of the equation. Getting it to market is another side. Larry Hancock and I have had long conversations about the cost and logistics of transporting those raw materials to where you can actually sell them. The cost and investment in the pipelines to carry oil is just as valuable as the oil itself. I ran across this, in an ThinkProgress article, https://thinkprogress.org/pipeline-industry-rattled-by-steel-imports-tariff-007bdde6855a/ "The cost of a pipeline can be $2 million to $6 million a mile, depending on the terrain, according to Colton Bean, director of equity research at Tudor, Pickering, Holt and Co. According to a CNBC report, (https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/05/trump-steel-tariff-losers-pipelines-for-oil-boom-need-foreign-steel.html If the pipelines are running $2-$6 a mile and you are traversing 3,000 miles or so in Central Asia, the cost can run into the billions of dollars. You can see why oil companies want to protect their investment at all cost and why they have gotten states to declare peaceful protests against oil pielines to be "riots" and make them a felony. Though the information is much more recent than 1963, I found these Hearings to be very enlightening, at least to me: U.S. INTERESTS IN THE CENTRAL ASIAN REPUBLICS HEARING BEFORE THE SUBCOMMITTEE ON ASIA AND THE PACIFIC OF THE COMMITTEE ON INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ONE HUNDRED FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION FEBRUARY 12, 1998 http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/intlrel/hfa48119.000/hfa48119_0f.htm Mr. Gee: "Production is currently being hampered by limited access to export pipelines. Once the Caspian Pipeline Consortium pipeline is constructed, oil production from Tengiz is expected to increase to 750,000 barrels per day by 2010. Even at production of 160,000 barrels per day, the venture has been profitable. Tengizchevroil, the consortium producing the Tengiz field, reported profits of U.S. $80 million in 1996, up from only U.S. $1 million in 1995." An 80-fold increase in profits in one year, while only running at 20% of capacity? Geez I was surprised to learn recently that uranium deposits are often found near oil fields. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/michael-flynns-role-in-middle-eastern-nuclear-project-could-compound-legal-issues/2017/11/26/51ce7ec8-ce18-11e7-81bc-c55a220c8cbe_story.html?utm_term=.dc5779923db1 Washington Post November 27, 2017 “In June 2015, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn took a little-noticed trip to Egypt and Israel, paid for by a U.S. company he was advising. The company hoped to build more than two dozen nuclear plants in the region, in partnership with Russian interests. Flynn served as an adviser to two Washington-based companies pursuing efforts to build nuclear power plants in the Middle East: ACU Strategic Partners, which proposed a partnership with Russian interests, and IP3/IronBridge, which later launched a separate endeavor that initially proposed working with China to build the infrastructure, according to federal documents and company officials. The idea: to build several dozen “proliferation-proof” nuclear power plants across Persian Gulf states. The plan relied heavily on Russian interests, which would help build the plants, as well as possibly take possession of spent fuel that could be used to build a nuclear weapon, according to people familiar with the project. “I don’t want Russia to be talking to Jordan about building nuclear plants,” Flynn testified before a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee on June 10, 2015. “I don’t want the Chinese or Pakistan to be talking to the Saudis about building potentially 10 to 15 plants. I don’t want the Russians to go over to Egypt and talk to them about building nuclear plants.” “I want the United States of America to be in the driver’s seat,” he added. Around June 2016, according to his financial disclosure, Flynn ended his association with ACU and began advising a company called IP3/IronBridge, co-founded by retired Rear Adm. Michael Hewitt, a former ACU adviser. IP3 initially proposed partnering with China and other nations, rather than Russia, to build nuclear power plants, according to a company spokesman, who said the China component has since been dropped. In August 2016, the company produced a PowerPoint presentation that included Flynn’s photo and former government title on a page titled “IP3/IronBridge: Formidable US Leadership.” The document was labeled as a “Presentation to His Majesty King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz” of Saudi Arabia and displayed the seals of Saudi Arabia and the United States. The presentation was obtained by Democrats on the House Oversight Committee, who made it public. IP3 officials said in a statement to The Washington Post that the document was never presented to the Saudis. The company also said that while it had offered Flynn a role as “an advisor” in June 2016 with no pay, Flynn responded that he wanted to “hold off.” In December, the company said, he sent a letter to IP3 “terminating the offer.” Steve Thomas
  22. Trump constantly lies. Constantly. About everything. I'll be so glad when he's gone. Steve Thomas
  23. Grifting the Grifter ‘Kraken’ attorney has message for Trump fans: Make checks payable to Sidney Powell By Ray Hartmann November 26, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/kraken-attorney-has-message-for-trump-fans-make-checks-payable-to-sidney-powell “It turns out you can send her a check as part of a ruse so shameless that Powell isn’t bothering to have your payment made out to the 501 C-4 political “organization” she formed. Just pay the woman directly. You can goose step your way to www.sidneypowell.com and press the “Donate Now” button to support the “Legal Defense Fund for the American Republic.” First thing you’ll see is a nice photo of Sidney Powell captioned “KRAKEN RELEASER.” Scroll down and you’ll see some small links to the lawsuits followed by a much larger “DONATE BELOW” button. That’s where you get chumped, as they say in the world of scams. Look no further than https://defendingtherepublic.org. Would you like to “support our mission and the welfare of the American Republic?” Just write out your check to “Sidney Powell, PC.” She’s not even bothering to have her pigeons use the name of her “organization.”” Steve Thomas
  24. Fox News Makes Complete Break With Donald Trump https://www.rawstory.com/2020/11/fox-friends-graphic-destroys-trump-for-baselessly-and-falsely-claiming-election-war-rigged/ “Viewers of Fox & Friends were treated to a dose of the truth on Thursday when the show admitted that President Donald Trump has “baselessly” and “falsely” claimed that the 2020 election was rigged. The message to Fox News viewers appeared on the network’s ticker graphic that is displayed at the bottom of the screen. “President Trump phoned into a meeting organized by Republicans in Pennsylvania Wed., baseless claiming that the election was ‘rigged’ and falsely claiming that he won it ‘by a lot,'” the Fox News ticker reported. “Most of Trump’s legal efforts to challenge voting procedures in PA, MI and other states have been thrown out and his campaign has not produced sufficient evidence to back up claims of widespread voter fraud.” The ticker continued: “At the hearing Wed., Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani claimed Trump had potentially won VA, when in fact the state’s vote count shows Trump lost VA by over 450,000 votes.”” Steve Thomas
  25. When Joe Biden moves in to oust Tump from the White House, he's bringing his own K-9 unit. Steve Thomas
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