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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Is this why Trump is so keen to veto the Defense Bill? US poised to overhaul the country’s anti-money laundering legislation "Congress has released the National Defense Authorization Act, which includes reforms that would effectively end fully anonymous shell companies." By Hamish Boland-Rudder December 4, 2020 ICIJ: International Consortium of Investigative Journalists https://www.icij.org/inside-icij/2020/12/us-poised-to-overhaul-the-countrys-anti-money-laundering-legislation/ “The United States looks set to overhaul the country’s anti-money-laundering legislation, after widely-supported provisions were officially included in a must-pass annual defense spending bill on Thursday. The reforms, based on proposals by bipartisan groups of lawmakers from both the Senate and the House of Representatives, would mandate that companies in the U.S. report their ultimate owners to the Treasury Department, effectively ending fully anonymous shell companies. The provisions will also see the U.S. strengthen its financial intelligence work, including bulking up the data collection of the Treasury’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, known as FinCEN, and increasing international cooperation between financial crime units. The ownership data would not be made public.” The legislation was officially included in the final version of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2021, a giant spending bill that usually passes with bipartisan support to ensure continued funding for national defense. Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat, said the inclusion of the anti-money-laundering legislation in the defense spending bill would help close “holes in our financial system [that] pose a serious threat to national security.” “It is past time to put an end to the secrecy that allows drug cartels, human traffickers, arms dealers, terrorists and kleptocrats to exploit the United States’ banking system in order to carry out anti-American activities,” Warner said in a statement issued alongside fellow Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Mike Rounds, who co-authored the ILLICIT CASH Act that was used as the basis for some of the provisions. The legislation was officially included in the final version of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2021, a giant spending bill that usually passes with bipartisan support to ensure continued funding for national defense. Virginia Sen. Mark Warner, a Democrat, said the inclusion of the anti-money-laundering legislation in the defense spending bill would help close “holes in our financial system [that] pose a serious threat to national security.” “It is past time to put an end to the secrecy that allows drug cartels, human traffickers, arms dealers, terrorists and kleptocrats to exploit the United States’ banking system in order to carry out anti-American activities,” Warner said in a statement issued alongside fellow Democrat Doug Jones and Republican Mike Rounds, who co-authored the ILLICIT CASH Act that was used as the basis for some of the provisions. The final legislation brings together numerous reforms of the financial system that have been proposed in recent years, and that have referenced a number of investigations into financial secrecy by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists. https://www.rawstory.com/2020/12/heres-the-real-reason-trump-may-veto-the-defense-funding-bill-ex-irs-investigator/ “Currently, the U.S. is at the bottom of the pack with respect to corporate transparency,” said Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY), who has been pushing for the act since 2007. “In many states, more personal information is needed to obtain a library card than to establish a legal entity that can be used to facilitate tax evasion, money laundering, fraud, and corruption. The U.S has been identified in several studies as one of the easiest jurisdictions in which to open an anonymous company.” “That legislation would have prevented the Trump family from setting up shell companies that allowed the president’s father Fred Trump from making large cash gifts to his children disguised as legitimate business transactions to evade taxes, and could expose possible wrongdoing in his real estate empire.” “’Beyond the impacts for law enforcement,’” Maloney has noted, the Illicit Cash Act, ‘will directly affect us here at home by lowering housing costs in New York City,’ where shell companies parking money in high-end real estate have cut into housing supply and pushed up real estate costs for everyone else,” Sheil wrote. “That includes many of the 1,300 Trump condominiums that were purchased with all cash by anonymous shell companies, according to a Buzzfeed investigation.” Steve Thomas
  2. Donald Trump's legal "elite strike force" No, wait. That's yesterday's landing of the SpaceX test flight of ‘the Starship’ prototype. Sorry for the confusion. Steve Thomas
  3. You see, if we make it easier for people to vote, it opens the door for the possibility of more undetectable voter fraud. The key is not to let people vote. We'll just appoint the leaders. It's simple. I'm just not sure whosa gonna be doin the appointen tho. Steve Thomas
  4. 18 States are suing 4 other States (Georgia included) seeking to invalidate their elections. On Tuesday, President Trump ordered the Attorney General of Georgia not to defend his own State in this lawsuit. How's that for a kick in the pants? On Monday, December 14th, the Electors to the Electoral College meet in their respective State Capitols to cast their votes for President. I hope and pray that they have adequate police protection. Steve Thomas
  5. When Donald Trump leaves the White House, he's going to have to go live with his in-laws. Melania Trump 'just wants to go home' By Kate Bennett, CNN December 9, 2020 https://www.cnn.com/2020/12/09/politics/melania-trump-future/index.html “The Mar-a-Lago abode encapsulates approximately 3,000 square feet of the property's main building, a generous proportion for many families, but a relative studio apartment after living in the 55,000 square foot White House mansion.” “Melania Trump views Mar-a-Lago as a peaceful respite of sun, solitude and self-care. "Her parents have a suite of rooms there as well, not far from the family quarters," said Leamer, who has spent ample time at Mar-a-Lago as a guest of several members. Viktor and Amalija Knavs, (Melania) Trump's parents, stay at Mar-a-Lago often, and have done so for much of the two decades their daughter has been with Donald Trump.” Steve Thomas
  6. This is just a general question. If we do away with the Electoral College, does that mean that all presidential elections in the future will be administered by the Federal Government? And who would handle that? The Party currently in power? Steve Thomas
  7. Joe, Don't you find it sort of convenient that they've only contacted to Israelis and the Americans? I sort of like the message from the Galactic Federation that asked Earthlings to stop sending them nude pictures with directions to their house. The Federation finds it kind of creepy. Steve Thomas
  8. Lynch mobs are back. Isn't that nice. https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/coronavirus/article247678350.html “The Central District Health Board of Health (Boise, ID) meeting Tuesday night to discuss and vote on a public health order dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic was adjourned shortly after it started because of the danger posed by protesters at the CDH office and at some board members’ places of residence. Moments after a tearful Commissioner Diana Lachiondo left the virtual meeting to head to her house — where her son was home alone, and where anti-mask, anti-health-order protesters had reportedly gathered — CDH Director Russ Duke interrupted a doctor’s statements on the toll of the coronavirus to tell the board and people watching that Boise Mayor Lauren McLean and Boise Police Chief Ryan Lee had requested that the meeting be ended for safety reasons. Dr. Ted Epperly, another board member, said protesters gathered at his house as well. He told the Statesman that about 15 people were outside his home, “beating garbage cans and flashing strobe lights through my windows. Two came up and knocked on my door during the meeting.” A motion was made to adjourn the meeting to a later date and seconded, and board members voted to adjourn shortly after Duke’s statement.” Steve Thomas
  9. Joe, I know what you mean. I was in therapy for years. Steve Thomas
  10. Joe, Look at it this way. We've seen a lot in our lives. We lived through the 60's. We saw a man land on the moon. We survived the horrors of disco. We had 9/11 and an attack on our soil for the first time since the Civil War. Now we're watching an attempted coup d'etat and the loss of our very democracy. We've seen a lot in our lives. Steve Thomas
  11. So, all you dancers and theatrical performers, just stay the hell home! Steve Thomas
  12. Ron, Have you ever looked into these "twist boards? I forget who Ruby's partner was in that venture. Gunrunner Ruby and the CIA Written by Lisa Pease 18 April 2006 https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/gunrunner-ruby-and-the-cia “Hubert and Griffin expressed in their memo of May 14 to Rankin that "we believe that the possibility exists, based on evidence already available, that Ruby was involved in illegal dealings with Cuban elements who might have had contact with Oswald. The existence of such dealings can only be surmised since the present investigation has not focused on that area." 4 They expressed concern that "Ruby had time to engage in substantial activities in addition to the management of his Clubs" and that "Ruby has always been a person who looked for money-making 'sidelines'." They even suggested that since the Fort Worth manufacturer of the famous "Twist Board" Ruby was demonstrating the night after the assassination had no known sales, and was manufactured by an oil field equipment company, that "[t]he possibility remains that the 'twist board' was a front for some other illegal enterprise."” 4. Memorandum to J. Lee Rankin from Leon D. Hubert and Burt W. Griffin, May 14, 1964, p. 4. I also read somewhere that the "boards' venture was possibly a front for running drugs. Steve Thomas
  13. The White House Gift Shop Knows The President Trump American Flag Pin, regular price $24.95, is now $15.95. The pin has "45th President of The United States, Donald J. Trump" engraved on the backside. 2018 ornaments -- just in time for Christmas -- are half off. One package which is normally $350 is now available at $175, and a smaller package normally $100 is on sale for $50. And, of course -- Trump's red hats. Both the "Keep America Great" and "Make America Great Again" styles are marked down to $34.95 from $37.95. Steve Thomas
  14. Donald Trump can – and should – be stopped from running in 2024 By Alexander Kirshner and Claudio López-Guerra 12/04/20 https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/04/donald-trump-presidential-run-20204 “Donald Trump’s post-election maneuvers have, at a minimum, rocked Americans’ faith in their democracy. And rumors abound that the president will seek the position again in 2024, potentially announcing his run during Biden’s inauguration. That possibility requires a proportionate response. Newspapers are teeming with discussions about the wisdom of pursuing criminal prosecutions of Trump after 20 January. But criminal prosecutions are not the only, or even the best mechanism for responding to the Trumpian challenge to self-government. In a society fully committed to democracy, Congress would use this lame-duck period to impeach, convict and disqualify Donald Trump from pursuing public office in the future, as the constitution allows.” Steve Thomas
  15. Kirk, You needn't worry. According to the latest from Rudy Giuliani, somebody in Washington will change their votes to Democratic anyway. Steve Thomas
  16. Donald Trump is a fraud! Last night in Georgia he said that signatures need to be matched from two, or four, or six years ago. Here's his signature from 2014 compared to his signature from this year: Donald Trump is a fraud! Steve Thomas
  17. A mysterious company created 9 months ago is the RNC’s highest paid vendor of the 2020 election By Roger Sollenberger, Salon December 4, 2020 https://www.rawstory.com/2020/12/a-mysterious-company-created-9-months-ago-is-the-rncs-highest-paid-vendor-of-the-2020-election/ "...filings with the Federal Election Commission show that the RNC paid Digital Consulting Group more than $42 million for media buys, consulting and marketing between February and October. The company went from nonexistent to being the Republican Party’s highest-paid vendor of the 2020 election, all in the space of eight months. But Digital Consulting Group presents a mystery. No other political campaign or committee has reported any payments at all to the company. While a number of organizations share the name, this particular Digital Consulting Group — a Delaware company founded Jan. 15, 2020 — does not appear to have a website, and a Delaware business entity search does not reveal an owner or location. The RNC’s spending reports list a virtual address in Wilmington, but beyond that the company cannot be traced.” “For further perspective, Digital Consulting Group received four out of the five largest payments that the RNC doled out between 2019 and 2020, including a flat $6 million on Oct. 7 for an unspecified media buy. In fact, it has received three of the 10 largest payments that the RNC has ever made — all to a company that was evidently constructed to conceal its origins and prevent the public from knowing anything about it.” Steve Thomas
  18. You have Democrats and Republicans. Welcome to: America's Newest Political Party Steve Thomas
  19. It's All The Post Office's Fault! "Whistleblowers reveal that the USPS is responsible for tampering with hundreds of thousands of ballots. @OANN This long time Democrat stronghold got rid of massive numbers, especially in swing states, during and before delivery of the ballots. Well documented evidence!" — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 4, 2020 Steve Thomas
  20. On the evening of December 21, Jupiter and Saturn will appear together low in the southwestern sky, the closest together than the year 1226 in the Middle Ages. Kirk, what say you? Steve Thomas
  21. Trump To Sell Arctic Refuge Oil Leases 2 Weeks Before Biden Inauguration The 11th-hour effort could forever transform one of Alaska’s crown jewels. By Chris D’Angelo 12/3/20 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/trump-alaska-refuge-oil-biden-administration_n_5fc90a0ac5b613828e32d6fc “The Trump administration will sell off rights to drill for oil in Alaska’s pristine and fragile Arctic National Wildlife Refuge just days ahead of President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration. The 11th-hour lease sale is slated for Jan. 6, the Bureau of Land Management announced Thursday. That’s exactly two weeks before Biden, who has pledged to protect the vast wilderness area, assumes office.” Steve Thomas
  22. I miss the "Covid is caused by having sex dreams with spirit spouses" lady. Steve Thomas
  23. @DanRather Why is the Trump White House suddenly a very polite place to work? Everyone’s going around saying “pardon me.” 11:34 PM · Dec 1, 2020·Twitter for iPhone Steve Thomas
  24. W., These people have said that the President should invoke the Insurrection Act and declare martial law. They want to set up Military Tribunals. They've called for Christopher Krebs to be shot and Anthony Fauci to be beheaded. Election officials and the free press are enemies of the people. What's next? Concentration camps and the "Final Solution"? Steve Thomas
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