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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Ron, James, Cole said that the man she overheard was a student from Farleigh Dickinson, which is in New Jersey, main campus near NYC. If you can tie Fermin to that school someway (are you sure he was enrolled at the U of Dallas?), then I would think you've found the man she overheard. Ron I tried to find their yearbooks online, to no avail. Anyone on the Forum ffrom that area of New Jersey who would be willing to go to the University Library to look at 1963 yearbooks? Steve Thomas
  2. James, Since Larry Schmidt was trying to take over the YAF, I wonder if they knew each other. the same group that Buddy Walthers thought LHO was a member of? I wonder if Perkins was at that house on Harlandale. Steve Thomas
  3. According to Dallas DRE delegate, Felix Guillermo Othon Pacho, Dean Perkins was organizing DRE meetings in September and October, 1963 at the White Rock Lake bank. 25H371, CE 2390 and CD 1546 p. 188. Has anyone ever heard of this guy? Steve Thomas
  4. I think I found it in the Church Committee testimony of E. Howard Hunt. I believe that SE stood for Southeastern Europe. In the mid 50's, Hunt was Chief of Political and Psychological Warfare for the SE Division. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=11 Steve Thomas
  5. I think I found it in the Church Committee testimony of E. Howard Hunt. I believe that SE stood for Southeastern Europe. In the mid 50's, Hunt was Chief of Political and Psychological Warfare for the SE Division. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...mp;relPageId=11 Steve Thomas
  6. James, SE stood for? It's interesting that the cryptonym was assigned on November 27th, but the file wasn't opened until December 12th. Everything in the 200-5-41 file was reclassified to Oswald's 201 file. See the document cited by Chuck Robbins in this thread and then this document: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 The other day, I ran across a document that said most of Oswald's stuff was in the files pertaining to the WH and SE divisions. I know that WH stodd for Western Hemisphere. Do you know what SE stood for? Steve Thomas
  7. Francesca, et.al., You might want to look at these two "Mr. Davis" documents as well. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/....do?docId=42003 I believe that Mr. Calvin Davis of KUSODA (the Secret Service) was flown into Mexico to administer a lie detector test to Nicarauguan spy, Alvarado who claimed to see a red headed negro give Oswald $6,500 in the Cuban embassy. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/....do?docId=42008 If his bags were searched, the Mexican authorities would find the lie detector equipment. Steve Thomas
  8. Duke, Patrolamn W.P. Parker was assigned to Districts 56 and 58. Captain Talbert told the WC that this was east Dallas, the Garland Road area. This is 25H913 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=943 Steve Thomas
  9. If that is Mary Woodward, she witnessed the assassination from the north side of Elm St. close to the Newmans. Steve Thomas
  10. Andy, I'm sorry. I'm afraid I didn't make myself clear. The status of my account has not been altered. It's just the way I log onto the Forum. First I go to the Forum; then if I want to post a new topic or reply to a thread, it tells me I have to log in first, which I do. There is no problem. Steve Thomas
  11. Peter, I have to register my objection to Jack's removal from the Forum today. He just sent me the sceen capture of the 'refused' he now gets when logging into the Forum. The "refused" message is the same one I get when I try to reply to a thread or post a new topic. But, that's only the top half of the error message. The bottom half tells me that I have to log in first before I can post. Steve Thomas
  12. Peter, I have to register my objection to Jack's removal from the Forum today. He just sent me the sceen capture of the 'refused' he now gets when logging into the Forum. The "refused" message is the same one I get when I try to reply to a thread or post a new topic. But, that's only the top half of the error message. The bottom half tells me that I have to log in first before I can post. Steve Thomas
  13. Jefferson Morley “Miami Daily News” 4-12-01 http://hometown.aol.com/DRoberdeau/JFK/REVELATION1963.html And on October 9, DRE propaganda chief Salvat made a six-day trip to Dallas, though he remembers he didn't inform Joannides of the mission. The purpose, he recalls during an interview at his family's Calle Ocho bookstore, Libreria & Distribuidora Universal, was to bolster the DRE chapter there, raise funds among local exile supporters, and buy weapons. As first revealed in Oswald Talked, a 1996 book by Dallas journalists Ray and Mary La Fontaine, Salvat's trip later came to the attention of the FBI. According to FBI interviews with two of his friends in the DRE military section, Salvat arranged a series of meetings in Dallas with a gun dealer of fervent right-wing views named John Thomas Masen. That name would be of interest to the FBI after the assassination, when the bureau learned that Masen was one of only two people in the Dallas area who sold the type of Mannlicher-Carcano bullets that had killed Kennedy. Salvat says he has no recollection of Masen's name but reports that he relied on the CIA for the names of weapons suppliers. His own notes show he returned to Miami on October 15, 1963. He gives a talk to a meeting of the DRE at the First Federal Savings and Loan. Gen. Walker attends and contributes $5.00. Oswald is said to have attended. Mary Ferrell’s Chronologies p. 195. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do I wonder if it was Joannides who gave Salvat Masen's name, and why would he go all the way from Miami to Dallas Texas to buy guns. Steve Thomas
  14. Lee, It's a 402 page manuscript by a Richard Kohler. It's more of a historical treatise. He got a lot of things wrong, and doesn't provide any sources for what he writes. I couldn't translate all of it, but here's a couple of passages: This chronicle treats the history of the organized crime and the secret services in the USA as well as their influence on the policy. Emphasis forms the presidencies of John F. Kennedy, Richard Nixon and George Bush; the murders of John and Robert Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe, Martin Luther King and J. Edgar Hoover; the mafia in Chicago, Louisiana, and New York; the wars against Korea, Cuba, Viet Nam, the Iraq and Afghanistan. Besides there is much further information to the in and foreign politics of the United States. 5,63 (May, 1963) Paulino Sierra meets on 15.5. in Miami with Exilkubanerfuehrer of all political directions, in order to organize the co-ordination of the individual groups and a common military invasion. Pedro Diaz Lanz, Carlo Rodriguez Quesada and Felipe Vidal Santiago are invited at this meeting. Vidal knows CIA officer William Bishop, which possesses previous knowledge of the Kennedy assassination attempt. Quesada is the director/conductor of the "movement 30.November", which in May 1962 the "revolutionary movement 30.November" split itself off. Quesadas group cooperates 1963 with the "junta Del Gobierno de Cuba EN Exilio" from Sierra, for example with the entfuehrung of Cuban fischerbooten in February, in which Roy Hargraves was involved. According to Warren commission the shoe salesman Johnny Brewer alarms the police, because Oswald hid itself, when a police car with alarm drove past. At 13.45 o'clock is arrested Oswald in the cinema Texas theatre, where it was beordet to a meeting, by 15 particularly selected policemen and FBI people. Oswald, which tries to shoot allegedly at the policeman McDonald, is to be shot obviously again with an escape attempt. Charles de Gaulle entrusts to the historian Jean Raymond Tournoux: "the police implemented the act, or it gave the instruction in addition. In any case one is it also in the play. They fell themselves on this communist, who was not involved in although he had gone through. A wonderful accused. You saw, like it it captures. They wanted to kill it on the place, without the law could have intervened." After Berne pool of broadcasting corporations J.Haire is arrested a second man in the cinema and exhausted by the back door. According to George J. Applin Jack Ruby sits likewise in the cinema and observes the arrest. After the murder at Tippit, Ruby telephones first to Al Gruber, a friend franc yard-company-trusted of the Matula, thereby it these a lawyer, probably the ex lawyer von Mickey Cohen, Melvin Belli, organized. Since Oswald was not murdered with the arrest, Ruby must become active as a responsible person of this part of the conspiracy. On 24.9. Oswald meets with Gerry Hemming. The two fly on the next day in a private airplane to Austin, where Oswald tries to improve its dishonorable dismissal of that marine. On 25.9. Oswald flies back to Dallas and visits with "Leopoldo" and "fishing rod" Sylvia and Annie Odio. "Leopoldo" is Robert Willis, which works for Gerry Hemming and with Johnny Roselli. The Cuban secret service assumes that it concerns with "fishing rod" the DRE activist Isidro Borja, which likewise works for Hemming and is connected with the alpha 66 group. Sylvia Odio is suspected to be a Castro agent because she belongs to the left wing of the JURE. According to Odio it is well-known that Oswald is a double agent, who tries to infiltrate Cuban underground in Dallas on behalf FBI why one cannot trust him. If I'm reading it right, I think he thinks that Oswald did it. He said that it was Gerald Patrick Hemming who shot at Gen. Walker. He said that Charles Rogers was one of the tramps and that Rogers was a twin brother of "Frenchie". Not worth the readi in my opinion. Steve Thomas
  15. Robin, I hope you don't stop. You always have such interesting stuff. Steve
  16. Bernice, Warren Commission Document #320 is a memo from SS Agent Rowley. On page 162 of that Report there is a newspaper article from October 27, 1963 - I can't make out which paper - concerning the Stevenson incident. In the article, Bobbie Joiner said there was no preplanning for Stevenson incident, but that, “some of the signs used were stored at former Major General Edwin A. Walker’s headquarters on Turtle Creek Blvd.” http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=162 Steve Thomas
  17. Does anyone have any press clippings concerning U.S. Day held on October 23, 1963 at the Dallas Municipal Auditorium? General Walker would tell the WC that 1,300 to 1,400 people were in attendance The Stevenson incident would take place the next day on the 24th. Steve Thomas
  18. Mark, If they did, I don't believe they ever logged them in. Steve Thomas
  19. Tosh, If you want, you could email it to me, and I could try uploading it. My email is sthomas@ohio.lib.in.us Steve Thomas
  20. Peter, In another thread, you asked, "is it true, that our allotment is still 'used' by old attachments?!?! and why...are they not uploaded to the Forum? Anyone know the answer for sure. Sorry, Tosh, didn't mean to divert topic...but this is an important technical detail. If someone knows the answer, maybe start a new thread on it." If you look above the thread box, you see a menu list that says, My Controls, View new posts, etc. Click on My Controls. On the left hand side table of contents, look towards the bottom and click on "manage attachments." You can click on any or all of them and at the bottom, click on "delete selected attachments." That way, you can free up storage space. It looks like we are limited to 87.89mb of storage. Steve Thomas
  21. Tosh, There may have been others, but one person who did identify the TSBD as the source of the shots was Charles Hester. This is what he said in an affidavit: "The Police rushed toward the railroad tracks and I finally found an officer to go to the Texas Book Depository Building. The officer I contacted was Officer Wiseman [sic: Weitzman] of the Dallas Sheriff's Department." http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/hester.htm Wiseman more or less corroborated this when he wrote in his after action report: "I saw a man laying on the grass. This man laying on the grass said the shots came from the building and he was pointing to the old Sexton Building." http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/wiseman.htm Steve Thomas
  22. Eugene, I have been told by former Dallas policemen that that is a badge worn by police who had gone through EMT training. See the sleeve of Billy Bass below. Steve Thomas
  23. James, Thank you. Some times I'm a little slow on the uptake. I read that newspaper article. It's interesting that he was addressing a YAF gathering. That's the group Larry Schmidt was trying to take over. Steve Thomas
  24. Can anyone tell me about Fermin de Goicochea Sanchez? In mid-October, 1963 Manuel Salvat and Joaquin Martinez de Pinillos of the DRE traveled from Miami to Dallas. According to Ira Wood, "The public purpose for the trip is to raise money for medical relief to Cuban exiles. The fund-raising sessions are attended by right-wing Catholics and Birchers, including retired general Edwin Walker. Spotted at one such anti-Castro gathering is an American described by Silvia Odio as “brilliant and clever”: Lee Harvey Oswald. (On this day, a Dallas citizen will later report that a man described as “identical” with Oswald attends a local meeting of the DRE.) At the same time they are holding public meetings in Dallas, Salvat and another of the DRE leaders from Miami, Joaquin Martinez de Pinillos, meet with de Goicochea, who has enrolled at the University of Dallas, becoming a fellow student of Sarita Odio, Silvia Odio’s younger sister. Salvat and Martinez recruit de Goicochea as the DRE’s Dallas military representative. His task is to acquire heavy arms for the DRE. Before returning to Miami, Martinez introduces de Goicochea (as the organization’s new buyer, “George Perrel”) to Dallas gun dealer John Masen. Masen learns from the DRE exiles that the weapons they will need are for a planned second major invasion of Cuba." THE JFK ASSASSINATION CHRONOLOGY Compiled by Ira David Wood III http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1/...20Sanchez%22%22 p. 98 On January 16, 1964 Frank Ellsworth was interviewed about Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro. Ellsworth had been working undercover gathering evidence against John Thomas Masen. Masen told Ellsworth that Orcarberro had been trying to buy guns and bazookas from Masen. Masen told Ellsworth that Rodriguez and George F. Parrel were leaders of the local DRE and also members of Alpha-66 Masen told Ellsworth that George Parrel, an associate of Orcarberro, had also been trying to buy guns from him. SS Rowley Memorandum of 4/24/64 CD 853 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...amp;relPageId=2 On November 20, 1963 Frank Ellsworth arrests John Masen. On the way to the police station, Masen identifies a passing motorcyclist as the “George Perrel” he has told Ellsworth about, and Perrel is followed to his home address. Perrel turns out to be Fermin de Goicochea Sanchez. The information is relayed by Ellsworth to the FBI, which has been looking for Perrel since November 1. The FBI nevertheless continues “looking” for Perrel for ten more months, not interviewing him until September 1964, when the Warren Report is already out. Oswald Talked THE JFK ASSASSINATION CHRONOLOGY Compiled by Ira David Wood III p. 98 In an October 27, 1963 Dallas Times Herald article, the writer interviewed Larry Schmidt (of Bernard Weissman and CUSA fame) about the Adlai Stevenson incident. The writer said, "The young leader said his group was made up of 14 college students who are all conservatives..." In an FBI interview of Bernard Weissman dated December 5, 1963, Weissman said that Schmidt told him that he had "organized twelve Dallas college students in a protest against Ambassador Stevenson..." CE 1052 at 18H894 From which college did Larry Schmidt recruit his students, and if it was the University of Dallas, was Fermin de Goicochea Sanchez one of them? We know that several Alpha 66 members who were living in Garland attended that demonstration. Steve Thomas
  25. Stephen, The strongest piece of evidence pointing to the spontaneity the shooting of LHO by Jack Ruby. Is the fact that the time stamp on Ruby's telegram to Little lynn read 11:16 and Ruby shot Oswald at 11:20, only giving him 4 minutes to get from Western Union to City Hall. In his testimony before the HSCA, Lt. Jack Revill said, "Now, I will bring something up at this time. I personally conducted that investigation, Lieutenant McCaghren and I. We are basing the times on the statement of the Western Union employee, who says that Ruby sent this wire at 11:16, and this is verified by a date time stamp. In talking to this individual, McCaghren and I questioned him as to whether or not he actually date time stamped it automatically or immediately. He said, yes; he did because that was procedure. But that doubt was always in my mind. It is possible there was some time lapse in that maybe he didn't do this at the time because this was a part of the procedure, yes, he said he did it. So who knows?" The Western Union clerk who took Ruby's telegram was named, Doyle Lane. In 1955 Lane was arrested for being Drunk and Disorderly In 1956 he was arrested for being Drunk and Disorderly and Resisting Arrest In 1962 he was arrested for Disturbing the Peace. All three arrests show different home addresses DPD Archives Box 4, Folder# 2, Item# 30. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box4.htm Not the most stable person. Could he have been bribed to alter the date stamp? Bullied? Threatened? Coorced? Mr. REVILL. There are also two other alternatives, and it is a possibility. After determining that information from Sergeant Flusche, Mr. Moriarity and I personally, walked to the basement of city hall and I found some more steps. I have been there in that building off and on almost 28 years, and I didn't know the steps were there; never paid any attention to them. There is another set of steps here that lead into the basement of city hall. Mr. SAWYER. From where? Mr. REVILL. From the first floor of the municipal building. The municipal building, at that time, was the city hall. The city hall, or municipal building and the police and courts building are two separate buildings, although they are connected. Mr. SAWYER. Is there a door, there, too? Mr. REVILL. There is a door leading out of the basement into some steps. You can go to the first floor of the municipal building. The police and courts building sits up at the corner of Harwood and Main. There is an alleyway that runs parallel to Harwood. Midway between Commerce and Main Street, there is an entrance to the Municipal Building. Today, that door has a dead bolt lock. Now, what it had in 1963, I don't know. It could have had a panic lock; who knows. I don't know. Another alternative is rather than coming down Main Street at all, Ruby could have come Central Expressway to an alleyway that runs midway between Commerce and Main Street and walked right into the area and it would not affect the timing at all. So, it still falls within the time frame of 4 minutes. Mr. SAWYER. Was that door and steps from the municipal building secured or guarded in any way? Mr. REVILL. At one time, I am told by members of the staff, there had been a police reserve officer here, but prior to Mr. Oswald being brought out, this officer had been reassigned. I am just quoting one of your staff members. I was not present at the location that day. You might want to read Revill's HSCA testimony, it's pretty enlightening. http://jfkassassination.net/russ/jfkinfo2/jfk4/hscarevl.htm Steve Thomas
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