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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Which is interesting because William Reymond in his book, "Autopsie d'un crime d'Etat" claiemd that one of the shooters, I don't remember if it was Max or Ladislas, was supposed to be Hungarian. Steve Thomas
  2. Rats! False alarm I guess. The book Rocca referred to was the one I mentioned above. To paraphrase, in it Eisenberg said that ever since Petit-Clarmart's attempt on the life of DeGaulle, the FBI was scrutinizing political refugees such as Romanians, Cubans, Czechs and Hungarians more closely because the last three presidential assassinations were carried out by elements of the extreme right. Hungarian refugees were under closer surveillance because elements of the extreme right might recruit one or more sharpshooters for the job of "killing the most dangerous communist agent in the West: John Fitzgerald Kennedy." You can see a June 9, 1964 CIA memo from Ray Rocca to David Slawson on the Eisenberg book in CD 1096 or the Russ Holmes Work File 104-10437-10016
  3. I was reading through the HSCA Executive Session of David Slawson and ran across this passage. He is referring to a memo from himself to J. Lee Rankin recounting a telephone conversation between himself and Raymond Rocca of the CIA: Attachment E : Executive Session Testimony of IV. David Slawson and Wesley Liebeler. SUBCOMMITTEE HEARING HSCA TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1977 HSCA Report volume XI page 170 JFK EXHIBIT No. 24 JUNE 4, 1964. To : J. Lee Rankin, Howard P. Willens, Norman Redlich. From : W. David Slawson. Subject : Telephone conference with Mr. Rocca of Central Intelligence Agency. While on the telephone with Rocca he brought up the New York Times article on conspiracy theories contained in the Times of June 1, 1964. He made specific reference to the book by a London newspaper man by the name of Den- nis Eisenberg mentioned in the Austrian newspapers. This book was published about 2 months before the assassination and contained an assertion that the right wing elements in America were at that time planning the assassination of Kennedy. The only book I can find of Eisenberg's published in 1963 was something called, "Fascists et Nazis d'Aujourdhui" (or Fascists and Nazis of Today) Has anyone read it? Steve Thomas
  4. Larry, The next page of that airtel says that the informant moved to Puerto Rico in 1972. I don't know if that fits into Orcarberro's biography or not. Steve Thomas
  5. Larry, I have had that same hunch myself. Can you look at the last paragraph on page 14 of this airtel from the SAC, Dallas to the Director, FBI? Does it tell you who this informant was or are you able to cross-reference the numbers with anything else you might have? http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...46&relPageId=14 Steve Thomas
  6. Larry, About the only name I've run across is a guy named George F. Parrel. SS Rowley Memorandum of 4/24/64 CD 853 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...250&relPageId=2 1/16/64 Frank Ellsworth was interviewed about Orcarberro. Ellsworth had been working undercover gathering evidence against John Thomas Masen. Masen told Ellsworth that Orcarberro had been trying to buy guns and bazookas from Masen. Masen told Ellsworth that Rodriguez and George F. Parrel were leaders of the local DRE and also members of Alpha-66 Masen told Ellsworth that George Parrel, an associate of Orcarberro, had also been trying to buy guns from him. They had made purchases from him and that they presently have a large cache of arms located somewhere in Dallas. Parrel was a student at Dallas City College. Agent Ed Coyle was also contacted about Orcarberro. Steve Thomas
  7. Antti, It's 3126. I've seen several FBI memos that address Walthers report and say that the 3128 number was in error. Steve Thomas
  8. PS: You can read a copy of that fund raising letter here: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...46&relPageId=41 Steve Thomas
  9. Greg, No, I don't know about the ARRB. I know that the Dallas officials sent everything they had to the FBI who took pictures of it. What I would like to find is a copy of the evidence lists the FBI had. I believe that it was called the Free Cuba Committee, but several people garbled the name. That's one of the things that caught my eye in the Deputy Sheriff's reports. Walthers referred to the literature as, "“Cuba for Freedom” advertising, seeking publicity and support for Cuba." Weatherford referred to it as, "Cuban Freedom affairs". Now, I know that fund raising appeals went out from SNFE – Alpha 66 over the signature of Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro and bearing a return address of 3126 Harlandale, but these didn't contain the words Free Cuba Committee AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY : FBI RECORD NUMBER : 124-10187-10084 RECORDS SERIES : HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER : 62-116395-1232X DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR : CIT FROM : 2ND FRONT ALPHA 66 TO : KEASLER, DOROTHY MISS TITLE : [No Title] DATE : 11/19/1963 PAGES : 32 DOCUMENT TYPE : PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT SUBJECTS : CC, INSTR, CORRESPONDENCE, DONATIONS, LHO, POST-RP, ASSOC, FPCC, JURE, DRE, ALPHA 66, 30TH NOVEMBER MOVEMENT, WC CLASSIFICATION : UNCLASSIFIED RESTRICTIONS : OPEN IN FULL CURRENT STATUS : OPEN DATE OF LAST REVIEW : 11/18/1996 COMMENTS : INC 2 A/T, LIST, RPT, CIT LTR, ENV James, I didn't know about the Freund article. I'll have to see if I can find it. Steve Thomas
  10. Harry Weatherford Supplementary Investigation Report http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/weatherf.htm I stayed with Mrs. Oswald and Mrs. Payne while the rest of the men searched the house. They found some literature on Cuban Freedom affairs and some small files and a blanket which looked to have been wrapped around a rifle. In his Supplementary Investigation report filed with Sheriff Decker by Deputy J. L. Oxford on 11/23/63, Oxford says that in their search of the 2515 W. Fifth St. address, "We also found about 7 metal boxes which contained pamphlets and literature from abroad. Also, there were cameras and film found". http://jfkassassination.net/russ/testimony/oxford1.htm In his Supplementary Investigation Report filed by "Buddy" Walthers on 11/22/63 19H520, Walthers wrote, "After searching 2515 W. Fifth St. in Irving, “Upon searching this house, we found stacks of hand bills concerning “Cuba for Freedom” advertising, seeking publicity and support for Cuba. Also found was a set of metal file cabinets containing records that appeared to be names and activities of Cuban sympathizers. All of this information was confiscated and turned over to Captain Fritz of the Dallas Police Department and Secret Service Officers at the City Hall". From FBI Report 6/18/64 Gemberling Report of 7/2/64 page 40 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...40&relPageId=46 On 6/18/64 Walthers was given a copy of his Supplementary Report of 11/22/63 He read it over and said he had no “additions, deletions, nor would he make any change to this report.” DPD Officers Rose, Stovall and Adamcik were vague in their responses as to what was found at 1215 W. 5th and the list prepared on 11/23/63 of the property taken from that address does not contain any reference to “six or seven metal filing cabinets.” Stoval Exhibit A in 21H596. This list was prepared by Stovall, Senkel, Potts and “2 FBI Agents.” In his Warren Commission testimony 7H548-549, taken on July 23, 1964 Walthers testified: "then we found some little metal file cabinets---I don't know what kind you would call them---they would carry an 8 by 10 folder, all right, but with a single handle on top of it and the handle moves. Mr. LIEBELER. About how many of them would you think there were? Mr. WALTHERS. There were six or seven, I believe, and I put them all in the trunk of my car and we also found a box of pictures, a bunch of pictures that we taken. Mr. LIEBELER. I have been advised that some story has developed that at some point that when you went out there you found seven file cabinets full of cards that had the names on them of pro-Castro sympathizers or something of that kind, but you don't remember seeing any of them? Mr. WALTHERS. Well, that could have been one, but I didn't see it. Mr. LIEBELER. There certainly weren't any seven file cabinets with the stuff you got out there or anything like that? Mr. WALTHERS. I picked up all of these file cabinets and what all of them contained, I don't know myself to this day. Mr. LIEBELER. As I was sitting here listening to your story, I could see where that story might have come from--you mentioned the "Fair Play for Cuba" leaflets that were in a barrel. Mr. WALTHERS. That's right--we got a stack of them out of that barrel, but things get all twisted around. Why did Walthers change his tune between June 18, 1964 and July 23rd? and was Attorney Wesley Liebeler trying to deflect attention away from those files? Jim Garrison’s interview with Playboy: http://www.jfklancer.com/Garrison3.html Moreover, some of Oswald's anti-Castro friends from Miami and New Orleans showed up in Dallas in October of 1963. In a "Supplementary Investigation Report" filed on November 23, 1963, by Dallas policeman Buddy Walthers, an aide to Sheriff Bill Decker, Walthers stated: "I talked to Sorrels, the head of the Dallas Secret Service, I was advised that for the past few months at a house at 3128 Harlandale, some Cubans had been having meetings on the weekends and were possibly connected with the Freedom for Cuba Party of which Oswald was a member." No attention was paid to Walther's report, and on November 26th, he complained: "I don't know what action the Secret Service has taken, but I learned today that some time between seven days before the President was shot and the day after he was shot, these Cubans moved from this house. My informant stated that subject Oswald had been to this house before." (Actually, in his Report, Walthers said that HE advised Sorrells and Sweatt about the house on Harlendale) Buddy Walthers Report is at 19h534 Why did the deputies from the Dallas County Sheriff's office make mention of these filing cabinets, but the officers from the Dallas City Police Department did not? Steve Thomas
  11. John, You can read a memo from Ass't Police Chief Charles Batchelor to eputy Chief M.W. Stevenson about this accident in Box 1, Folder# 8, Item# 36 of the DPD Archives here: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box1.htm A license plate check are items 35 and 37 Steve Thomas
  12. Scott, This probably refers to the arrest of John Elrod. The DPD tape transcripts carried a report of a man walking along the railroad tracks carrying a rifle, but when he was picked up, Elrod did not have a rifle on him. You can read his arrest report in Box 3, Folder# 20, Item# 2 here: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm Steve Thomas
  13. James, It's just such a link that I have been pursuing for the last couple of days. In a memo to Lee Rankin, SS Rowley tells of investigations they have been cnducting of Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro: SS Rowley Memorandum of 4/24/64 CD 853 http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...250&relPageId=2 1/16/64 Frank Ellsworth was interviewed about Orcarberro. Ellsworth had been working undercover gathering evidence against John Thomas Masen. Masen told Ellsworth that Orcarberro had been trying to buy guns and bazookas from Masen. Masen told Ellsworth that Rodriguez and George F. Parrell were leaders of the local DRE and also members of Alpha-66 Masen told Ellsworth that George Parrel, an associate of Orcarberro, had also been trying to buy guns from him. They had made purchases from him and that they presently have a large cache of arms located somewhere in Dallas. Parrel was a student at Dallas City College. Agent Ed Coyle was also contacted about Orcarberro. (Rowley spells his name Parrel) Sylvia Odio told the WC that her sister Annie went to a meeting where John Martino spoke. Father McChann was also at this meeting. In his FBI interview, McChann was asked if he knew Castorr and he said yes. Sylvia told the WC: Mr. LIEBELER. Have you ever seen Oswald at any meetings? Mrs. ODIO. Never. This is something when you talk to somebody, she probably was referring--we did have some meetings, yes. Orcarberro told the FBI that The Alpha-66, Second Front group met about every other week, and about 20 people would show up. All the attention has been focused on Sylvia's contacts with the JURE group, but I'm just wondering if Sylvia and her sisters had contact with the DRE and Alpha-66 groups. Sarita was supposed to be a member of DRE. Steve Thomas
  14. James, Thanks, I got to wondering the other day if there was some connection between Castorr and Manuel Rodriguez Orcarberro of the 3126 Harlandale Alpha-66 Cubans. Steve Thomas
  15. Thomas The spelling in Rowley's letter to Rankin is wrong. In an FBI document, he was identified as Col. Caster, but it's Castorr. Steve Thomas
  16. Does anyone know anything about the background or military record of Col. L. Robert Castorr? I know he was an associate of Edwin Walker. Harold Weisburg identified him as the Colonel in the room with Nancy Perrin Rich and Jack Ruby discussing gunrunning to Cuba. Lucille Connell told the FBI that Castorr was going around Dallas stirring up the Cuban exiles. On at least one occasion, he was supposed to have shared a speaking stage with John Martino. But aside from that, I can't find anything about him on the Internet. Steve Thomas
  17. Jim, If you go to this newspaper archive: http://www.kennedyassassinationarchive.com/Default.aspx Click on the advanced search tab and type in Overseas Weekly, you'll pull up a number of entries. I haven't run across the article itself yet, but a number of papers quote from it. One said that the Overseas Weekly article was published April 12, 1961. Steve Thomas
  18. I wish I would have read Sylvia's WC testimony before I posted this. Mr. LIEBELER. So it was not Eugenio who was with Leon when those men came to your apartment? Mrs. ODIO. No; I would have known Eugenio. He was a very close friend of my family and he did underground activity with my mother and father. Mr. LIEBELER. But you did not tell him (McChann in their April 30th phone call) that you could identify the other man as Eugenio? Mrs. ODIO. That's right. Mr. LIEBELER. You did not tell him that? Mrs. ODIO. No.
  19. Larry, Add that to the fact that she wrote her father in Cuba (before the assassination) about two unknown men who had visited her and who she was worried about and I have a difficult time accepting that she knew either of her visitors. The date of McChann's phone call with Syvia was April 30, 1964. The date of Sylvia's Warren Commission testimony was July 22, 1964. In her WC testimony, she said, "Mr. LIEBELER. Do you know a man by the name of George Rodriguez Alvareda? Mrs. ODIO Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Who is he? Mrs. ODIO. He is another member of JURE. And at the time, a little after that, after December. I was more in contact with him, and I will tell you why later. They are all members of JURE here in Dallas, working hard. And so I asked him if they were sent by him, and he said, "No". And I said, "Do you know Eugeino?" This is the war name for_ _ _ _.That is his war name and everybody underground knows him as Eugenio. So I didn't mention his real name. He didn't know. Mr. LIEBELER. Who did you ask this? Mrs. ODIO. I asked these men when they came to the door--I asked if they had been sent by Alentado, became I explained to them that he had already asked me to do the letters and he said no. And I said, "Were you sent by Eugenio," and he said no. And I said, "Were you sent by Ray," and he said no. I wonder why that man's name was deleted. I wonder too if McChann or Kelley got that phone call wrong. Steve Thomas
  20. Pat, Here's a copy of a 1975 FBI interview with Chaney. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...65&relPageId=10 Nothing about being hit in the face. Their November 26, 1963 interview with Chaney revolved around him seeing Ruby in Dealey Plaza the day after the assassination (CE 2324) Steve Thomas
  21. Three men came to the home of Sylvia Odio. Two were Hispanic and the third she identified as Lee Oswald. The two Hispanics used the names Leopoldo and Angelo. In a May 5, 1964 letter from SS Agent Rowley to J. Lee Rankin, Rowley describes a 4/30/64 interview SS Inspector Kelley had with Reverend Walter McChann. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...341&relPageId=2 In this letter, Rowley said that at Kelley's urging, McChann called Sylvia Odio to get the names of the men who visited her home. According to McChann, while she could not identify Leopoldo, she identified the second Hispanic man as someone named Eugenio Cisneros. see page 6 of this letter. I didn't know if this was widely known. Steve Thomas
  22. In researching something else, I believe that this is a garbled version of the name, Manolito Rodriguez, aka Manuel Rodriguez Occarberro. According to Dave Reitzes in the alt.assassination.jfk Usenet Group: Rodriguez, born in Cuba in 1928 and living in the US since 1960, was in 1963 the President of the Dallas Chapter of Alpha-66, the anti-Castro paramilitary group based in Miami and funded by the CIA through David Atlee Phillips, aka "Maurice Bishop." Rodriguez was also an officer of an organization called the Second National Front of Escambray. Rodriguez told the FBI (in Spanish) that Alpha-66 held meetings at 3126 Hollandale in Oak Cliff, and that he had no contact "with any American persons or other persons" concerning arms purchases (FBI report of SA Wallace Heitman). The CIA sent a teletype to the Miami FBI office that an informant called "'D' reports one Manuel Rodriguez (matronym unknown) living in Dallas, Texas, was known to be violently anti-President Kennedy" (CIA 88-27). The Secret Service also received this report and rather belatedly issued a Protective Research Memorandum on Manuel Rodriguez Occarberro, describing him as "violently anti-Kennedy." On the evening following the assassination, an informant reported to Deputy Sheriff Buddy Walthers that Oswald had been seen attending meetings of the Alpha-66 group at "3128 Hollendale" in Oak Cliff (7 H 548; 19 H 503, 505). The CIA -- Alpha-66's sponsor -- denied that any such address existed. The FBI revealed in 1975 that the actual address at 3126 Harlendale Street; it had been vacated about a week before the assassination. The Bureau turned up 1963 Alpha-66 fundraising letters mailed from this address signed by "Manuel Rodriguez, General Secretary of Alpha-66." Steve Thomas
  23. Raymond, Davenport's Report can be found in Box 1, Folder# 4, Item #'s 6 and 7 of the DPD Archives here: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box1.htm Steve Thomas
  24. I was reading through the transscript of a Conference Robert Blakey had with people like Mary Ferrell, Sylvia Meagher, Larry Harris, Gary Shaw, Peter Dale Scott and Josiah Thompson. Pretty interesting stuff, including the names of some of the residents at 1026 N. Beckley. They also said that half of the people at the Sportsdrome shooting range at the time LHO was supposed to have been there were Dallas Policemen. You can find it here: http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/....do?docId=10375 There was some interest expressed in a guy named Manuel Rodriguez Alcaldero. Anybody ever heard of him?
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