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Charles Black

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    History<br />Sports<br />Fishing<br />Shooting

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  1. Taking into account what we, now in 2008, think that we know of the assassination conspiracy, I would imagine that on any of our individual lists of who we agreed were the 50 most suspicious individuals who were to testify before the HSCA--------The number of deaths, attributable to "any cause", which prevented this testimony from being heard-----which occurred in such a short span of time prior to their approximate testimony scheduling, could in no way be attributable to "coincidence / chance". None of the deaths should be excluded as "natural cause" because we have no way of knowing if ANY truly were "natural": including "heart attacks", single car accidents, drownings. This alone, I feel would be in such a high percentile of improbability, that it could not continue to be ignored by anyone claiming sanity! There were many who were silenced. The scope of the JFK assassination "related deaths" has made this little Coup d' Etat a MASS MURDER scene! Charles Black
  2. Not to change my own subject, but the few responses of "most ALL" eyewitnesses do not corroborate the Z film. I do not feel that it is at all reasonably possible, that appx 25 of the nearest to the limo eyewitnesses, report things very differently than what is depicted in the Z film........and that they were "ALL" incapable of proper perception.....suggesting the witnesses must be wrong because it was "physically impossible" that even the best film minds in the world, could not have altered this film. To my thinking, it is the absolutely absurd assumption of the IMPOSSIBILITY of film alteration, that has in itself, blocked (even some of the brighest people) from the quite obvious solution of this case-------which of course is that elements within the U.S. citizenry and the highest echelons of government and commerce conspired towards and achieved what was probably the "Greatest Coup d' Etat" in world history ! If further corroboration is needed, we must only also consider the "Expert Testimony" offered by the Parkland Hospital Staff on 11/22/63, which explains the Presidents wounds most differently than what is depicted in the Z film LIE ! My very simple observations do not take Rocket Science technology to follow. A ridiculously absurd PITY ! Charles Black
  3. Not to change my own subject, but the few responses of "most ALL" eyewitnesses do not corroborate the Z film. I do not feel that it is at all reasonably possible, that appx 25 of the nearest to the limo eyewitnesses, report things very differently than what is depicted in the Z film........and that they were "ALL" incapable of proper perception.....suggesting the witnesses must be wrong because it was "physically impossible" that even the best film minds in the world, could not have altered this film. To my thinking, it is the absolutely absurd assumption of the IMPOSSIBILITY of film alteration, that has in itself, blocked (even some of the brighest people) from the quite obvious solution of this case-------which of course is that elements within the U.S. citizenry and the highest echelons of government and commerce conspired towards and achieved what was probably the "Greatest Coup d' Etat" in world history ! If further corroboration is needed, we must only also consider the "Expert Testimony" offered by the Parkland Hospital Staff on 11/22/63, which explains the Presidents wounds most differently than what is depicted in the Z film LIE ! My very simple observations do not take Rocket Science technology to follow. A ridiculously absurd PITY ! Charles Black
  4. Not that I feel this question will in any way bring closure to this case, I have been haunted since I first viewed the Z film, of Jackies reaction immediately following the Z313 shot . Do you feel that this well educated woman, in that nanno second (which she does not remember) immediately following the shot, really see a piece of JFK's skull land on the deck lid, and feel that it was more important to retrieve this than it was to hold and comfort her husband? Or do you feel, as I do, that she "instinctively" reacted with the quite human response to "Get the Hell out of Dodge" as a "flurry of gunfire" enveloped the Limo. I would appreciate ANY response other than she was attempting to flee James Greer ! Charles Black
  5. Hello Evan I agree with most of what you have mentioned, and if you check the posters whom you seldom hear from anymore, that once made significant contributions, it should be evident to most non biased members, that the forum has slipped significantly. It seems that now, one must pick a team "to join" and back that "team's position" or go unnoticed. Not that it matters to anyone I'm certain, but this is I think only my second post in the past four months. I feel that this forum, along with other of the "certain conspiracy" advocates of this case in general, thru ridiculous bickering and monitoring, have perhaps ALREADY self defeated. We are no more than "a group of egos" who are attempting to battle a well organized opponent. Team work usually wins out over individual "superstars". I feel that it is both naive, ignorant, and self defeating, for any researcher to believe that he is "so correct in his theories", that he is beyond error. When facing a determined opposition team, an individual will not win thru his efforts alone..... This effort to prove conspiracy has been stymied and probably defeated by many of those who support it the most. If this isn't obvious to you, you are probably "one of those" ! Charles Black
  6. Does no one feel that the reports of a rifle being seen in THE 6th floor window is important? I feel that the timing of any filming of the 6th floor window at a time in close proximity to the shooting is of extreme importance ! Perhaps it is more important to waste thousands of words censoring members use of "arguably" foul language ! Charles Black
  7. Michael Welcome to the forum. And don't be so quick to say "never". As you have seen already this case is very addicting. That you have seen "JFK" 10 times says a lot too. Personally I loved the film. I admit that I am a Garrison partisan and I thought Costner did a terrific job. In fact I thought all the actors did. We can never know certain things and one of them is just how many shooters or teams of shooters were in DP. To me it's not relevent. What is relevent is that we were lied to. LHO did not shoot JFK. The magic bullet theory is crap. I don't get into the Z. film alteration argument. I reallly think you must keep it simple. It's fine and commendable to research all the various angles, but I think the community gets bogged down in little details which later leaves members of the community open to criticism. I believe that Stone did something extremely valuable. He took Garrison's book and put it to film. As a result many young people became intersted in this case. Perhaps even more importantly so many files have been released. Best of luck in your studies in graduate school. Dawn
  8. Considering that several spectators in Dealey Plaza reported seeing a rifle projecting from or being withdrawn from the window in the alleged "snipers den", I have never understood "the timing" of these sightings relative to when the shots were reported to have been fired. If the gun were seen being withdrawn, it no doubt would have been at some time point after the head shot. It was reported also as having been seen prior to any shots being fired. If these reports are correct, there would have been a time span of at least ten seconds when the weapon was being aimed for the first shot and withdrawn after the last (provided that only one gun was being fired)! What was the nearest proximity in time relative to this very limited time span, that photos of the sixth floor window were taken ? Charles Black
  9. Hello Tim Either I am misinterpreting you or vice versa ! I was inferring the near impossibility of one of two different Oswalds being at the Paine household every day. They could not have been "clones"------the neighbors would have realized a difference. This is one of the many aspects of the book "Harvey and Lee" which long ago forced me to "set it aside". Charles Black
  10. Jack, you got to it before I did. I would ask: Were there 2 men sharing the identity of Lee Harvey Oswald? Was Harvey (as I believe) a Russian born spy? Lee knew Harvey existed; he helped set him up. But did Harvey know of Lee's existence? I've never read anything about Harvey knowing Lee or not. What happened to Lee Oswald? Who is Donald O. Norton? How close to the assassination was Chicago gangster Paul Dorfman? Did he instruct Jack Ruby to kill Oswald? Was Dorfman keeping a low profile in Palm Springs during the entire 4 days of the Kennedy Assassination? Kathy John Armstrong's book relates that HARVEY lived at the Paine house with Marina 2 days a week and LEE lived there 5 days a week with Marina. This is believed to be the reason for Marina's famed quote: "I HAD TWO HUSBANDS". It is safe to assume that both Lee and Harvey were aware of the arrangement. Jack Jack Would not the entire neighborhood have known that a Lee or Harvey was always at the Paine Household? This would absolutely require that Wes Frazier and sister were an integral part of the conspiracy. Also were this true, this type of co habitation / wife sharing would have been seriously frowned upon by a 1963 Texas residential neighborhood ! Charles Black
  11. Jack, you got to it before I did. I would ask: Were there 2 men sharing the identity of Lee Harvey Oswald? Was Harvey (as I believe) a Russian born spy? Lee knew Harvey existed; he helped set him up. But did Harvey know of Lee's existence? I've never read anything about Harvey knowing Lee or not. What happened to Lee Oswald? Who is Donald O. Norton? How close to the assassination was Chicago gangster Paul Dorfman? Did he instruct Jack Ruby to kill Oswald? Was Dorfman keeping a low profile in Palm Springs during the entire 4 days of the Kennedy Assassination? Kathy John Armstrong's book relates that HARVEY lived at the Paine house with Marina 2 days a week and LEE lived there 5 days a week with Marina. This is believed to be the reason for Marina's famed quote: "I HAD TWO HUSBANDS". It is safe to assume that both Lee and Harvey were aware of the arrangement. Jack
  12. I shall never understand how people as bright, some even genious level, that participate on this forum, seem as if their primary allegiance while on this earth is to die while still professing the impossibility of Zfilm alteration! Persons who have seen accomplishments within the past half century alone, which in the year 1950 were very nearly incomprehensible to the average human mind, can profess that successful alteration of 8mm Koda. II film is a factual, physical impossibility. It cannot be "me" that is naive, when I have witnessed among thousands of scientific and mechanical accomplishments, the conquering of space, the probing of distant planets, technological weapons that can extinguish all life as we know it on this planet within a very few minutes, the cloning of animals and at least the cloning of human body parts......BUT .....no one on this planet is intelligent enough to successfully alter an 8mm film strip ! Brilliant people; probably many at genious level, have long conceded that most "evidence" in this case has no court admissable chain of custody or has been suspected of being manipulated and altered....in some instances, having been "obviously manipulated". YET !!! This single piece of 8mm film strip, which has no verifiable chain of custody, no proof of how many copies were made, and which has for 44 yeears been under the sole control of those most suspected of being conspirators has been defended as "unsoiled". NAIVE ? Certainly not ! Since I have long believed this, and have been sickened by many moronic arguments, I truly believe that within the realm of those who are considered unwaiverable "conspiracy believers".....there exists in strength an "Enemy Within" ! Yes, I am saying exactly what you think that I am saying ! Investigation has been not only thwarted, but has been "blocked"....and very ingeniously so, by some of those whom we have held in a position of "High Trust". Shocked ? Ridiculous ! How do intelligence agencies operate? Who are the most successfu intelligence assets ? You of course all know it is those that have the ability to remain least suspect ! How can any of you believe that arguably the most important evidence in this case, has not been given by the conspirators, the most serious attention ? What is strange or unbelievable? It is common sense ! Are so many of you so self enamored that you feel that you are beyond hoax? And Hoaxed by such an ordinarily common means? Those of you who have in the past answered me by stating that I "am obviously too unknowing" to begin to realize that what I propose is impossible.....Stop for a moment and look at your only arguments.....arguments which have no foundation ! I feel that there is no mechanical problem on this earth that when engaged by the "right minds", is in any way near physically and mechanically impossible. I feel that neither I nor anyone making such a claim is in any way obligated to offer scientific proof of how something was done. I cannot ! I am neither a photographic expert, mechanical expert or a physicist. But because I personally cannot accomplish something, I certainly hope that I too am not living so far in the dark ages to believe that "No Human Can" ! I consider that train of thought to be within the darkest depths of ignorance !
  13. Hello Ron I came across this quote in M. Calder's "JFK vs. CIA" / West LA Publishers, 1998. ISBN: 0-9660749-0-4. Library/Congress card # 97-061809. Subject quote is in preface. Charles Black
  14. Although Abe Lincoln is generally held in much less esteem by myself than by most others, I am amazed by the foresight which he expressed on November 21, 1863-------one hundred years and one day prior to Dealey Plaza. The following emphases are "mine". "But I see in the near future a crisis approaching that un-nerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of war, corporations have been enthroned and an 'era of corruption in high places will follow', and the money power of the country will endeavor to protect its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until ALL WEALTH IS AGGREGATED IN A FEW HANDS AND THE REPUBLIC IS DESTROYED. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war. God grant that my suspicions prove groundless." Charles Black
  15. Kathy Thank you. You have again been very enlightening. I am happy that your wisdom has been rewarded! I am certain that we shall continue to be further enlightened. After all, it is usually "Only Americans" and those "crazy film alterationists" that create most of these problems! Charles Black
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