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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. 3 hours ago, Bart Kamp said:

    Back in Nov. Jim Leavelle. invited William Matson Law to his place, where they chatted for an hour.

    William handed me the recording to share with everyone.




    After 50+ years, the Dallas PD is still trying to close the LHO/SBT deal! Leavelle might have been good witness against Ruby (for the prosecution) 50 years ago, but not against Oswald. I suspect he'd of been chewed up by a Mark Lane type... 

  2. 1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:


    But it wasn't the Dallas Police Department who took a long bag into the Book Depository Building on the morning of November 22nd.


    actually I believe it was the Dallas PD that brought it into the TSBD and actually made it, thanks for reminding us...

    So, ya can't get Oswald in that 6th floor window at 1230hrs 11/22/63, the alleged in-camera Zapruder film appears to have been altered, ya can't ID the murder rifle, the DPD did not check to see if the MC rifle had been fired recently, you're using Tippit murder as a diversionary pawn and we can go on and on.

    Is it any wonder Mark Lane blew the 1964 WCR conclusions into the next world? Great case DVP, got be worth another 10 websites, right? The stench is mighty high, Sherlock...

  3. 1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Big blue letters don't make something reasonable.  Logic and a grain of salt work better.  I was already suspicious of Oswald's guilt in the Tippit murder from what I'd read previously but Mr. McBride's Into the Nightmare leaves little doubt LHO didn't shoot Tippit.  Have you read it David?  Likely not given your participation here, your website, others and blogs.  You wouldn't have time, even with split multiple personalities.  Logic makes it seem unreasonable that your one person with so much knowledge that responds in depth so quickly and often.

    WCR lone nuts knew the SBT was thin at best, they needed some diversion, anything to take the focus off of Elm St. events. Enter Dale "wanna see my EMMY" Myers. 

    DVP is one of Myers biggest cheerleaders.

  4. 3 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Two parents, two kids both dressed in red....

    Chris is not saying the are the same people....  so what’s the fascination Dave?

    btw, nice to see you on here again...

    you are right, David. I needed to check my DP eye witness position chart. No real fascination,  just advancing age telling me there was something there that shouldn't be, aka someone out of position (that wasn't).

  5. 24 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:


    It's human nature and it always happens when you dive deep into ANY controversial issue.


    glad you brought that up. It's long been my intention to point out that "in the real world," its a prime loon nut tactic of deception re "diving deep" into ANYTHING concerning this murder. An exercise of futility and diversion!

    You're welcome, Dave. Anything to help drive traffic to your 25 websites, 140 blogs, 3 youtube channels and your 1.437,296 posts to JFK assassination murder USENET boards?

  6. 3 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:


    I've spent quite a bit of time reading and studying information about the Zapruder Film.  I've even put a few papers together, mainly for my own edification, to navigate through the complex history of the film. Its quite a complicated affair (still not sure I fully grasp what David Healy told me about Kodak manufacturing double 8mm film stock without edge markings).  There exist passionate debate and opinions about alteration.  What I am convinced of is that the film was "managed" in some way, to fit with the official storyline.  It's difficult to decide what to believe with the JFK case in general, with all of the conflicting the information (and skilled disinformaionalists),  but Abraham Zapruder is also an enigma to me.  Something about him - and his film's chain of custody and Time-Life negotiations - seems "off".  I wouldn't be that surprised if he isn't the innocent bystander that the history books paint him out as. Doug Horne plowed some very important new ground in the assassination story, that I'm sure of ... and the interviews (not too long ago) of NPIC's Brugioni and McMahon are quite amazing.  

    I was in Rochester this summer, and took pictures at the retired Kodak facility where Hawkeyeworks is located (I'm having trouble uploading these to the EF). It gave me the creeps to be nearby ... a sinister feel and presence. I'd caution anyone from trying to use the ZFilm as a marker for timing, since I'm convinced its been altered and important information removed (Stemmons sign, limo stop, crossfire fusillade).  It's almost as if the film was itself a part of the plot, to throw everyone off, and support the other piece parts (3 shots, one shooter, wounds/autopsy, etc.).  More than 50 years later, we still talk about it ... and its been the stimulus of every attempt to get to the bottom of Dealey Plaza since Jim Garrison's trial (i.e. HSCA, Stone's JFK, the AARB and the Records Act).  The film is as well-protected today (with the Sixth Flor Museum) as it was when Time-Life took possession the week after the assassination. 


    they (edge markings and mfg' symbols) could have been added to a new in-camera Z-film master at a later date, Gene. And Roland knew that immediately after he told me. Stone cold silence... And I too think the Z-film controversy is a major league shuck and jive lone nut diversion. The medical evidence sinks the 1964 WCR as far as I'm concerned...

  7. 1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

    I think it was pretty good on 11/22/63. There's no indication his eyesight was awful prior to that time. His sight only got really bad AFTER Nov. 22. But you probably want to pretend he was blind as a bat on the day of the assassination, right? ....

    Mr. BELIN. Has there been anything that has happened since the time of November 22, 1963, that has changed your eyesight in any way?
    Mr. BRENNAN. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BELIN. What has happened?
    Mr. BRENNAN. The last of January I got both eyes sandblasted.
    Mr. BELIN. This is January of 1964?
    Mr. BRENNAN. Yes.


    sandblasted, eh? He was blinded during that accident, or was that event something he missed by, say 3 and half blocks? a lot of things changed after 11/22/63 all to the WCR favor.... It smells like a duck, Dave, NOT chicken!


  8. 6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Davey Boy is shameless.

    Don't bother clicking through to his latest "obviousness".

    Why?  Because they are anything but.

    First, Oswald never ordered that rifle Davey. You can moan and groan and think up of any silly and stupid excuse you want to.  But one of the more convincing witnesses at the Houston mock trial was Brian Edwards.  When he testified that the rifle in evidence is not the rifle the WC said it was, that was a turning point.  Its the first time that got on any kind of a jury record.  It will not go away.

    Second, funny about that so called sack.  How come no one else saw it?  Why did Shields tell the HSCA that Oswald was not even with Frazier when he parked his car that morning?  Why did the DPD not photograph it in situ?  They got the whole sixth floor except that. Why did Studebaker say the bag was twice as long as the one Frazier testified to? Why did Cadigan say there was no oil or grease found on the inside of the sack he got from the DPD?  Yet the rifle was  supposed to be soaked in Cosomoline. (Jim DiEugenio, The JFK Assassination: The Evidence Today, pp. 199-209.  I had  a lot of fun with this whole gun sack story.)

    indeed he is... and he doesn't like being called to these forums either. But duty calls. The nutters are getting creamed every where. Re: the paper sack?

    Perhaps they hadn't made ups their minds yet as to whether or not Oswald ordered a 36" MC carbine or the 40" MC long rifle? How is that for a bit of controversy? :)

  9. 36 minutes ago, Gene Kelly said:


    1. The AARB commissioned a limited authenticity study of the ZFilm, based on examination of its edge print (the markings and script imposed at the factory where it was produced, and after it was exposed). The AARB asked if Kodak would perform the Zapruder film study pro bono; Kodak agreed in 1997, and hired a retired film chemist, Roland Zavada.  [...]

    "It is possible that the film of the century is more intricately related to the crime of the century than we ever knew -- not because it recorded the crime of the century, as we have assumed, but because it was itself an instrument of conspiracy." 



    I asked Roland Zavada way back when (2003-04?), if, KODAK double 8mm film stock, like the same film stock as the Z-film 'could' of been manufactured without edge markings and manufacturing ID symbols. His answer shocked me, he said, yes. 

    Take that where ever you want...

  10. On 11/8/2018 at 7:16 PM, Micah Mileto said:

    I would caution anybody thinking of purchasing the livestream. The newest Black Op Radio had Larry saying that the highly important 3d-animation portion of the event cannot be livestreamed due to copyright issues.

    Imagine that... US taxpayers paid the Zapruder family millions of $'s for the alleged in-camera original film, currently under the auspices of the 6th Floor Mausoleum. And we can't see it. More loon nut nonsense...

  11. On 6/3/2018 at 2:36 PM, Michael Clark said:

    This is an interesting angle on Zfilm alteration; an angle that have missed until reading David's post. I would not have bumped the thread but the board is slow right now and I have a question regarding something about which I am curious and have not been able to find an answer. 

    How do posts like this end up with crossed-out text. 

    Mr. Healy, did you edit-in or create the post with the crossed-out text?




    Nope, wasn't I. Although I'm not the least bit surprised.  It's been 10 years to boot. If I recall correctly, this was around the 5/2008 time Rollie Zavada had agreed to debate the merits of film alteration. Right here on the Ed Forum... He was, then he wasn't Rollie was. Then Gary Mack's and Josiah Thompsons' Gang of 8 was all over that like stink on do-do. What a cluster... 

  12. 4 hours ago, Trygve V. Jensen said:

    David, - I don't have the energy to edit anymore, - my most certaintly incoherent (if that is the right word) post.

    I apologize in advance if I offended you, - and will admit any mistakes I have made (and appreciate them being pointed out) , ---- and at the same time,---- wish you a nice evening, and a further happy Easter.

    Edit: I changed my mind; remembered something I forgot to write. Now I have to force myself to not keep nitpicking. Atleast try.

    This rediscovery of my interest in the case, was very important fundamentally. So it is of secondary importance to me, - whether I really contribute to anything, with my comments, photo collection (if so, - those with skills can do the studying), or Youtube - channel (same). It is more important as of now,- just to keep this flame lit, - and , perhaps only at best, - have an illusion myself; -  of that - that I do contribute.


    You have not offended this David, and your posts are NOT incoherent. Keep up your photo work. I know all about JFK film-photo analysis critiques/criticism... Have a well deserved rest.

    p.s. you do contribute!

  13. 13 hours ago, Michael Walton said:


    It would have been an impossible feat to pull this off and there is zero evidence anywhere and in the films that this was ever done.


    Here's your problem, you can't prove any of the claims you make in this thread.

    Nothing is impossible in Hollyweird when it comes to film composition and individual artistic work applied to film composites, PERIOD.

    So for THAT "zero evidence" to become reality/happen, you need access to the in-camera original NIX film, and that has disappeared! Gone, POOF!

    And, as old Gary Mack once told me, "the Zapruder film will never, ever see the inside of a courtroom, nor will it be laced up in a projector, EVER!"

    So let's table the marketing message(s), Watson. Oh, and scratch access to the Zapruder in-camera original film, NARA has ceased visitations and/or access to same film...

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