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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. On 3/5/2019 at 1:16 PM, David Von Pein said:


    But you must keep in mind the fact that none of the autopsy photos we now have access to on the Internet are first-generation photos. The bootleg Internet versions are probably two (or more) generations removed from the originals. So you can't expect HD quality.


    you have a short memory. The very generational thing you are touting right now was told to you, and lone nuts worldwide regarding the Nix film and the Zapruder film, years ago.... what was the resolution of a .jpg, png image on the net till 5 years ago, again regardless of overall size? 72dpi sound familiar? We can also discuss multi generational image contrast issues you'd like....

  2. 2 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    Bzzzzz!! Forum Violation Alert!!

    Looks like Healy is not aware of this forum rule:

    ---Quote On...---

    "Accusations of Member Credibility: Members that post and/or imply that a fellow member of this forum is using an alias on this forum or an alias elsewhere designed to deceive members at [this] forum or any other forum, and/or that he/she may be paid to post on this forum. Such behaviour may lead to a suspension or ban from the forum."

    ---Quote Off.---

    David G. Healy,

    Please very carefully read all of these Forum Rules before you ever again attempt to speak to me via the pages of this forum, lest the Wrath Of Gordon befall you.


    fact is NOT accusation.

  3. 1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

    But I guess I'll just have to accept this ridiculous situation if I want to be able to continue to post here (which, I'll admit, I do).


    Pleeeeeeze, Your one and only goal in life, based on my witness of your posting actions over the past few decades, is to support the conclusions of the 1964 WCR, PERIOD! Whenever, wherever that takes you. Of course you'll post and adhere to ridiculous situation{al) *required* demands. It's your job!

  4. 7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    What was the original format that Darnell and Weigman were shot on?

    I believe they were both in camera 16mm B&W film. Who knows what video format they were later transferred to. Whatever they were, Zapruder film (double 8mm Kodacolor) included, the blacks were crushed...  very high contrast.

  5. 28 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:


    1/2" video tape is associated with VHS & Beta (Max) and Digi Beta tape (in some circles). Neither of these formats provides more than 220-240 (1st generation) lines of resolution. Although digi-Beta was a marked improvement over the other two and was used exclusively in the "pro" market place. 

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/VHS#Signal_standards ) 

     For your info, 3/4" video tape was know ibroadcast industry wide as U-matic tape. This tape format provides max 280 lines of resolution (1st generation). (http://www.derose.net/steve/resources/video-resolution.html ) Regarding today's video standards all these formats leave much to be desired from a quality standpoint..

    Your website makes confusing references to 3/4" and 1/2" videotape.

    Congrat's on your recent work...

  6. 22 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    It looks to me as if the CTers also have a choice to make as far as the things they want to accept as "true" vs. "erroneous" when it comes to evaluating some of the first-day information that was being revealed in the newspapers and in affidavits.

    And, as everyone knows, erroneous information gets published and broadcast on television and radio all the time. And there were quite a few mistakes that made it "on the air" concerning this (JFK) case [see the video below].

    yep, like what rifle was used in the assassination? Dallas Official stating he can't get Oswald in the 6th floor window at 1230 11/22/63.  Nearly every piece of film/photo altered - originals lost, chain of possession non-existant. If the case was brought today MARK LANE WOULD BE YOUR SUPREME NIGHTMARE, he'd have Vinnie da Bugliosi dancing on the head of a pin the entire case, if, IF any of the alleged WCR "evidence" were to be admitted. You are sitting on a disaster and know it.


    And we haven't got to the SBT/Tippit/LHO did it all by his lonesome yet!

  7. 3 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    Yeah, Joe, looks like it's time for Langley to dig deep and dish up another hefty raise for Francois and myself, huh?

    Our dastardly job of "obscuring the new evidence" is surely worth a few more bucks, right?


    looks like you'll have your hands full with Bud the Dudster challenge/response from one Ben Holmes at alt.conspiracy.jfk, starting tomorrow. I understand Ben's response to Bud the Dudster challenge has been posted. Unless you flee of course, As you've been known to do there, regularly. Lone Nutters have met their match re Bud's foolish scenario challenge, you've been found wanting, seriously wanting.

    The 1964 WCR is toast.For those interested go to Google Groups, alt.conspiracy.jfk.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

    I read the article.  

    So does she have any EVIDENCE that Mr. Maheu was at all involved in RFK's assassination or is it merely she found 1 ONE person who SUSPECTED him?

    That is not evidence!

    Now I have not read the book.  I really don't have time.  Can someone who has explain if there is actual EVIDENCE? 

    If not, it is more guilt by fitting pieces into a puzzle without evidence.  

    On a personal note, I often attend the Bob Maheu lunch in Las Vegas.  I am proud to have been invited to attend these monthly meetings with wonderful leaders.

     I had the honor of meeting Mr. Maheu's son Peter.  When I mentioned I represented the John Lear family, he instantly opened up to me.  He was genuine and warm and invited me to lunch.

    I was so excited but sadly, he passed before we could have that time together.

    Before that, however, he had discussed going to, Miami I believe, as a child with his dad and the meeting to discuss the mafia and the CIA plan to get Castro.

    Nothing was hush hush.  Peter was a very strong man and I could have learned so much from him.  I regret not getting to spend time with him.

    Mr. Maheu did a lot for the Nevada community.  I believe that Mr. Maheu was a strong patriot.

    So, I would hope rather than rehashing the RFK case- which by now we already know has way too many questions with the evidence to suggest SIrhan acted alone- she actually presents new evidence never before discussed. 

    Further, that she has something more that a suspicion of Mr. Maheu's involvement.  

    Lastly, I find it strange that the Kennedy's had a good relationship with Mr. Maheu yet RFK, Jr. is apparently endorsing some or all of the elements of this book.

    Maybe someone who reads it can fill in the need here for evidence? 

    These are my thoughts based on personal observation.

    And who is requiring that "evidence" be posted to this forum or any other board, regarding the assassination of either Kennedy or MLK?

    Myself, I prefer storyline overview, story objective, perspective conclusions, future investigation direction. I'll make up my mind whether any part of the story is worthy of "evidence".This isn't a courtroom.

    As a resident of Las Vegas since 1990 the name Maheu is certainly not unfamiliar. Money and greed gets to them all, eventually. Welcome to Nevada.

  9. 41 minutes ago, Bart Kamp said:

    No he did not request anything thru the 6th fl museum, he just met him at one of the conf. and they were going to meet later that week but William had to leave earlier so Leavelle invited him to his house where he was given an hr.

    Geez, I'm sorry to hear that. It would take 3 lifetimes to uncover all the corruption re the City of Dallas PD and their DA office from 1960-2000. The place was a cess pool.

    Again, the guy did lose his prisoner that day after all. While handcuffed to him to boot. That's got to be embarrassing. 

  10. 2 hours ago, Tony Krome said:

    Add a few more witnesses to that list;

    To further cloud this issue, two Dallas commercial photographic processors have told this author they saw copies of the backyard photo the night of the assassination — more than twelve hours before they were reported found in the Paine garage. 

    Robert Hester, who was called from home on November 22, 1963, to help process assassination-related photographs for the FBI and Dallas Police at National Photo, said he saw an FBI agent with a color transparency of one of these pictures and that one of the backyard photos he processed showed no figure in the picture. Hester's claim was corroborated by his wife, Patricia, who also helped process film on the day of the assassination. (Crossfire, pp. 451-452)


    and are these the same Hester's that found themselves on Elm Street during JFK's murder, right?

  11. from: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Ferrie#Death

    A strange suicide/murder?

    Ferrie's autopsy was performed by Nicholas Chetta and pathologist Ronald A. Welsh. They concluded that there was no evidence of suicide or murder and that Ferrie died of a massive cerebral hemorrage due to a congenital intracranial aneurysm that had ruptured at the base of his brain.Upon learning of the coroner's findings, Jim Garrison said, "I suppose it could just be a weird coincidence that the night Ferrie penned two suicide notes, he died of natural causes."


    (bold emphasis:mine)

  12. 7 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    We don't need the DPD at all to determine LHO's guilt in the Tippit murder. For all reasonable people, the MANY witnesses who positively IDed Oswald at or near the murder scene (with gun in hand) certainly should suffice.

    "Oswald just being in the area of J.D. Tippit's murder brandishing a pistol is extremely incriminating circumstantial evidence of LHO's guilt." -- DVP; May 11, 2009

    ya now its getting bad when you quote *yourself*. re LHO killing Tippit.

    Weak, really weak promotion David!


  13. 3 minutes ago, David Josephs said:


    The lines were there BUT... only at higher resolution and using gradient enhancement.... IOW, the composite was done VERY well...
    now, who do we know who has access to expert forgers and photographic manipulators...


    (398) The 133-B negative (CE 749) was digitally processed at the Aerospace Corp. and the University of California Image Processing Institute using several different image-processing techniques. This process confirmed that the grain distribution was uniform. (173) (See g. IV-31, JFK exhibit 197.) Under very carefully adjusted display conditions, the scanned image of the Oswald backyard negative did exhibit irregular, very fine lines in the chin area. The lines appeared, however, only with the Aerospace gradient-enhancement process, where the technique was applied at a much higher resolution (i .e ., the image area scanned was magnified since only a small portion of the picture was being subjected to the computations) . (399) Although the cause of these lines has not been definitely established, there is no evidence to indicate that they are the result of an attempt to fake the photograph .

    thanks David. Also, see here for an example of early compositing of a still image:   http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v1n1/healy8.html

  14. 7 minutes ago, Tony Krome said:

    I need an answer to the following;

    Is there anyway possible, with techniques utilised in the 60s, that a human body with shadows were superimposed over a photograph of the backyard at Neely St?

    In other words, the original photo of the backyard at Neely St was existing, possibly from September, and the rifleman with Oswald's head was integrated with that existing photo



    of course it was possible. The fact that the body in the pic has a drop shadow in the first place is an indication (suggests it's a composite).

  15. 2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Noticed when Law asked Leavelle whether he had any regrets about the historical event he was involved in...Leavelle stammered and "kind of" expressed a little remorse regards the Oswald security situation in the DPD basement that day.

    Leavelle says the basement should have been cleared completely of anyone besides the DPD.

    Leavelle knew the super crowded basement area allowed for Ruby to be in there to kill Oswald.

    Law didn't follow up and ask Leavelle who was responsible for that security decision mistake and whether there were concerned suggestions made to those in charge of Oswald's security to move Oswald without announcing when, without press right there and during the night?

    Notice also Leavelle still gets a sadistic kick out of telling how he kicked the living $XXX out of a reporter who dared stick a camera up between his legs when he was physically moving Oswald from one office to another.

    Leavelle boastingly chuckled he kicked this guy so hard he flew across the room...and how this reporter didn't mess with him no more after that.

    Leavelle never made me feel like he was some kindly old man in his later years versus the mean, tough and probably racist cookie he was during his DPD career.

    And Leavelle's use of the simile " like flies on $xxx" regarding the press crowd craziness in the DPD while they were first handling Oswald reveals a crudeness that also colors the man's character in a negative way imo.

    And I have always wondered, did Leavelle really say in a recorded interview something to the effect that JFK's killing wasn't any more important to him than just another ni##er killing?


    Versus fellow police officer Tippit's...now THERE'S a killing worthy of his deepest personal concern.


    I suspect Mr.Law had NOT requested an interview with Mr.Lavelle. I suspect Mr.Lavelle made a request through the 6th floor mausoleum for someone to take his quasi statement. Ahem, good for the conscious statement.... The guy did lose his prisoner that day after all. While handcuffed to him to boot. That's got to be embarrassing. 

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