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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. 6 hours ago, Matt Allison said:

    To be honest, I don't think they really consider it something to be squashed. As important as the issue is to us, we have to remember that we're in the minority as far as all this goes. I imagine in 1923 it was probably difficult to get very many people to think about the Lincoln assassination.

    As I've said before, the only threat the JFKA poses to the CIA is the potential that some revelations might cause their budget to be cut. Present day employees who view their job as protecting the country, are not interested in seeing their budget cut because of the sins some of their right-wing nutjob employees committed back in 1963. I wish it wasn't that way, but it isn't a surprise that they feel that way.

    CIA budget cut? Does anyone know their total yearly budget, for any year?

  2. On 8/9/2021 at 12:14 AM, James DiEugenio said:

    I Now think it will be streamed.

    Funny, because when they came out for the interviews, they had three camera guys with HD cameras.

    That is pretty high tech for streaming.

    2 would be normal, 3 well, they'll be one on Oliver covering every breath he takes. they'll be looking for more than streaming. Stone is not your average JFK researcher doing something for the upcoming Dallas charade... He sells, and now, so do you... I suspect they have additional plans....

  3. On 7/19/2021 at 5:34 PM, Andrew Prutsok said:

    People don't return from where they've gone.

    I'd want to know if there's any truth in the rumor(s) that Pence's brother (currently now in the US Congress) had questionable deals in heavy equipment in Russia. Mike P might look like Eisenhower compared to the remaining hopefuls. but...here come the Red's again... hell, did they ever leave?

  4. 16 hours ago, Chris Bristow said:

    I find the subject of optical printers and mattes very interesting and would like to go deeper into it. Don't want to hijack this thread so I will start a new topic. I hope you can weigh in. I had a couple years of film school in the 70's and have pondered the process as it relates to the Z film many times. Having the shadow atop the curb as the demarcation appealing because it is just so perfect a place to separate elements.

    that very thought occurred to to me too.

  5. 1 hour ago, Chris Bristow said:

    Does anyone have any ideas on what a 3D computer Recreation of Dealey Plaza and the limo movement could reveal?

      A few months ago I noticed that frame 312 definitively shows that the limo was not aligned with the direction of the Lane markers. The proof is in the relative positions of the small side window frames. The one on the left side of the car sits slightly to the right of the one on the right side of the car. This is only possible if the car was either about 6 to 8 feet farther east than is depicted in the film, or the limo is turned six or seven degrees to the right of the direction of Elm Street at that point. It's possible that Greer veered to the right a bit as he looked over his right shoulder.

    The biggest implication of the limos position is that the shot from the West End of the Knoll fence no longer works. Other than Sherry Fraser's Theory I have never seen the limo represented as being at an angle in the street.

    yeah, if you took a lower third film layer of the limo and elm street to where the grass meets the upper curb and all things inside the limo then rotate it a bit around the *Y axis, say 5-7 points, blow it up a tad, re-frame it.... ya might have something.... least I thought I did.... frankly no one gave a damn....  an example is in this essay (link below)I did over 20 years ago.... can't remember the exact page, but it's in there....



    you'll also find thousands of posys on this forum here concerning Dealey Plaza topo's/plat's

    search is your buddy.....

  6. 5 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

     Not necessary? Scientifically proving a conspiracy in the JFK assassination would be a big deal! Is there any way somebody could make money off of that - investing all of their money on commissioning separate, independent 3D models of Dealey Plaza? Any potential prizes involved?

    DP altered films? Proving conspiracy? In today's day and age? Not only not necessary but possibly dangerous to your health. And now today, science is a buzzword from the past. Ask any Trump supporter.

    What will fly is proof of an exit wound in the rear of JFK's head. That'll prove *conspiracy,* at least two shooters...

    The heavy lifting has been done concerning the Films of Dealey Plaza: 1) the equipment to alter 8mm 15mm and 35mm films; 2) the manpower and artistic know-how to accomplish same; 3) multiple avenues and techniques to accomplish a new and improved 8mm Kodak film concerning events in Dealy Plaza that day and; 4) sufficient time to alter a limited number of frames or a major number of frames.

    I'm done, sorry for the diversion...

  7. 11 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:

    An "end-all-be-all" to the medical evidence would be to A. create a perfect 3D model of the films taken in Dealey Plaza, and B. exhume JFK's body.

    I suggested the same (the films of Dealey Plaza) to Gary Mack some 20 years ago when 3D modeling software was in its infancy... and that made Dale *wanna see my EMMY* Myers a bit nervous... I was quite public about it. -- Made Dave Wimp a bit nervous too. Seems as though there were more than a few folks out there that could run apps like Myers used for his cartoon... Lightwave was the app Myers used and another was POV-RAY, which Wimp knew concerning 3D solids modeling -- a terrific Raytracer.

    I doubt any film compilation 3D or otherwise that would be necessary these days. But to exhume? Well, that's another story. Nearly all Kennedy principals alive at the Nov '63 time are dead. I suspect that would at least make what seemed impossible years ago now possible? The body is the best evidence as my old pal David Lifton said long ago...

  8. 17 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Micah, I am only speaking of the 2 hour version.

    In the four hour one, we go into a lot of the medical evidence.


    Perhaps the end all - be all?  Defining word and all that stuff? 

    Thanks for turning a cleansing firehose on this mystery... To Oliver and you JimD., kudos! 

    I remember standing on a corner on Tra Hung Dao St looking towards Hai Ba Trung (the Two Sisters statue) and Le Loi St's in downtown Saigon thinking, a damn Coup happened right here a mere 2 weeks ago.  So. Vietnam's Pres and Vice President were brutally murdered right here in Saigon/Cholon, I was thinking: WHAT? They actually caught this guy in Dallas in a few hours? Bull puckey.... we'll never know the entire JFK story, The real who nor the why.

    We've taken some good step's towards resolution up to now, perhaps this is a GIANT step in that quest. Look forward to viewing both (2&4) documentaries.

    Proud of you guys! Thanks!

  9. On 6/23/2021 at 8:02 PM, John Butler said:

    Well said Mr. Healey.  I wish I had to brains to say the same thing.  I've been a fan since the days when you did work with Jack White, John Costella, and James Fetzner.  

    thanks John Butler, there were a few of us back then, for sure. I miss many including the above of course might want to add Rich DellaRosa, Greg Burnham David Lipton David Mantik and many more. But there's a hell of a crop of younger folks that are asking the right questions these days. One in particular Jim DiEugenio, couple him and his stable of contributors, dynamite combo...

  10. 6 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

    As has been covered on this forum over and over again, the Moorman photos were never altered. Just for fun, I'd love for you to explain to us how and when the evil plotters painted trees onto a Polaroid a few inches in size -- an alteration that apparently went undetected until you discovered it?

    Moorman photos have never, NEVER been verified as authentic on this or any other internet USENET forum that I'm aware of. Are you silly or what? 

    Film/photo alterations are so easy... So easy in fact, you can't verify the authenticity of one, image discussed during the past 4 weeks of photo manipulation discussions on this forum.

    If you are declaring fact of which you have proof, post the proof or a link. Otherwise you are just making more noise.

    Are you speaking from ignorance again, making claims you can certify as authentic, or, pretending to be an expert? Speak up, Lad.

  11. 2 hours ago, Bernie Laverick said:

    I've not been on here for a couple of years, mainly because it was becoming infested with H$L gibberish.

    I've read through some of this thread, and the hundreds of others before it, and I find it creepy and incredibly odd that two years later on the same players are dumping the same regurgitated, but witheringly debunked, nonsense.

    The H$L issue no longer interests me: likewise the theory that bloodletting as a cure for disease no longer interests me. It has been  embarrassingly blown apart countless times, including on this thread.

    So what on earth could be the motive?

    If it were a genuine attempt to uncover a truth they would have done something with it. But they haven't. Instead, they drop endless copy and paste articles, 99% of which have been posted, and demolished, hundreds of times over the last ten years. 

    Of course, it is a member's right to post on whatever issue they wish, including repetitively copying and pasting articles that have been discussed, and disproved, at enormous length over a ten year period on this forum alone!

    But I'm trying to imagine how terribly depressing and demoralising it must be to know that the fruit you are trying to sell is actually made of polystyrene. And try as you may, you just cannot sell a single apple; no matter how well you paint it.

    Of course, the odd village idiot will be more than happy to chomp on a polystyrene banana, but the vast majority know what you're actually selling. Yet you stand at the stall all day and night and still try and sell it.

    You know that it's all nonsense. And you know that we know that it's all nonsense. You also know that we know that you yourself knows it's nonsense. 

    It's the oddest thing I've ever seen on the Internet. If only I were a psychologist....


    ya been gone for a long time Bern, how much probation time you gotta do? If only I were a shrink!

  12. 3 hours ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

    I'm pretty sure it was Robert Groden that had combined them all together. The whole program was about the films and pictures taken of the assassination and it showed how much of the area was actually covered by camera in some form. And at the end of the program it showed video that was a combination of all the films taken there at that last leg of the parade route. Was wanting to see that again but couldn't find it by Googling it or searching on YouTube. Any help would would he appreciated! Thanks in advance!

    now THAT is a whole lotta' work for what might end up in the garbage heap. Until every DP/backyard film and photo is verified as *authentic* and *un-altered* by some certifying agency or body its a waste of time.

    I tried to make that happen with Gary Mack (6th Floor Mausoleum) years ago, 20+ years ago in fact. Mack knew what that little project would/could mean... obviously, it never happened. I wonder why?

    Frankly, over-the-years 1964 WCR believers have got more mileage out of the JFK photo/film controversy/controversies than WCR critics.

    Films and photos are a nice diversion away from the case medical evidence, which is what willey-nutter's really fear.

    The only person(s) I would trust re a film coordination project of that magnitude would be Jim Di, David Josephs, our own Chris and believe it or not, David Lifton with John Costella at the helm...

    and if there was real money in it, ME.



  13. 13 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    Great work Steve. DiEugenio's book is filled with stuff like this as Fred documents nearly every day at his blog.

    Blog | On The Trail of Delusion

    sure hope the Garrison seekers have a fine payday. After 50 years the best they can do is "somebody told somebody something and somelse heard so-n-so tell someone..." Over and over and over again... B-O-R-I-N-G... the benchmark used here should be: would a Judge admit it?

  14. 4 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    He didn't post any links just listed sources. Two of the three listed are already mentioned by Steve. He is not denying there is an allegation just wondering where the proof is. Evidently, Jim's "proof" is his talks with Gary Schoener. I don't call that proof but you may disagree. 

    winning friends and gaining influence, I see..... The real world speaks...

  15. 1 hour ago, Steve Roe said:

    Hey DiEugenio......remember that boastful comment about your "Reputation" for reading books cover to cover for book reviews? 

    Well apparently you didn't pay attention to details. 

    Litwin worked for Intel Corporation in England. 

    It's in his "Teenage Freak Book". 

    Adding that to your growing list of blunders, BTW. 

    wow! Is that the extent of "Teenage Freak Book" review?

    Any pay stubs you can provide to back up your claim?

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