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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. On 1/1/2022 at 3:59 PM, Chris Davidson said:

    Continuing with more of the common theme:

    In case it's hard to read, the red outlines to the right read "No images between the sprocket holes/perforations" on the assassination side of the copies.


    According to LIFE magazine, the THREE same day/first generation copies were duplicated WITHOUT the sprocket hole images, represented by only TWO leftsided versions above.


    I believe Jamison stated the 1st day dupes were NOT bracketed under his watch in Dallas. Then again he never told us what represented #0184 in his film lab that day, either. All bets are off when it comes to film dupes *away from Dallas*

    Very nice work, Chris...

  2. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Mr. Healy,

    Thanks so much for this!  (Sorry for getting here a little late.) This headline is far more important to me than debunking any BS Tim Weiner was paid to spread.  Just to check.... The headline is from the official "Stars and Stripes" newspaper we often hear about, right?

    You appear to have been a part of history, now hidden!  Thanks again!

    Hi Jim, Yes, Pacific STARS and STRIPES Asian Edition. Not sure of the exact location of where its published in Asia Copies of the daily paper were in every American MAAG-Vietnam BEQ/BOQ's in South Vietnam (most run by the US Navy) in 1963/64 that I'm aware of.

  3. 19 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    No, never any formal study of the subject.  Read a few biographies/autobiographies and articles over the years.  Hank Williams, Keith Richards, Merle Haggard a few more.  Rolling Stone articles and more.

    here's a story of all stories, Ron....  re Rock-N-Roll. The birth of the San Francisco 60's sound a 1.5 hour documentary re The Charlatans and the Red Dog Salon... covers the birth of The Grateful Dead, Big Brother and the Holding Co. & Janis Joplin, the Jefferson Airplane, Quicksilver Messenger Service and on and on and on even Bill Graham.... well worth the time if you had any contact or familiar with the Psychedelic Rock Music scene of San Francisco during the 60's...


  4. 9 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    This is my longer reply to Tim Weiner and his utterly moronic hit piece on JFK Revisited.  The guy could not even bring himself to write the acronym ARRB.

    But worse, he never called me to ask what my sources for the CIA alliance with the OAS to topple de Gaulle were.  They were not what he says they were. And I list them in the reply I post here.  That is a clear violation of journalistic ethics. It almost screams, I want to do a hatchet job, and I will not be hindered by the facts.

    Finally, he knew JFK was withdrawing from Vietnam in 1963 and he does not deal with that in his article at all.  What hypocrisy.


    For your added enjoyment, the official US paper for southeast asis area I read this very issue standing in the lobby of the Plaza Hotel on Tra Hung Dao in Saigon the morning of the issue. and....  I was not being replaced when my tour was completed in Feb '64. Appeared I was part of the first 1000...

    Pacific Stars and Stripes 10-04-63.jpg

  5. On 12/18/2021 at 6:28 PM, Pat Speer said:

    LOL. I've mopped the floor with all your heroes, Dave. 

    But enough with the sword fight.

    I created that slide after Ms. Cranor was inspired or induced to write an attack article on me in which she critiqued my chapters on the head wounds. She spent much of the time complaining that I had created a straw man argument--and that nobody really thinks the "blow-out" wound was restricted to the bottom of the back of the head. That slide proved she was wrong, as the drawings most cited by CT's as proof of a blow out wound depicted the wound on the far back of the head, and on the far back of the head only.

    If you want to make an argument the large head wound was at the top of the back of the head, then go at it. But to continue citing drawings that show it low on the back of the head as proof it was actually at the top of the back of the head is decidedly uncool, and is the kind of crap one finds in the Warren Report. 

    hero's, my hero's? lmao! I make no, zero arguments -- that's your guys pastime.. If you got the crew's to testify concerning any case evidence or simply opine, your living in fantasyland... Wannabe's sitting' on the sidelines, dancing with wannabe writer twinkles in their eyes ain't gonna cut this one... I cite no drawings but I sure spent a little time in a studio reviewing certain Z frames in which the back of Kennedy's head had a certain area blacked out that suspiciously was in the neighborhood of the area you speak... I suspect even a 2nd year law student could make a case for a shot from the front.

    Ya need a new broom...

  6. 20 minutes ago, Anthony Thorne said:

    On air.

    Does the interviewee need all those things you listed? Often they don't have those things, yet things are fine.

    Rogan digs, yeah, but he also does discursive three hour chats which go all over the place. Stone I think has been on before and people liked that appearance well enough. I'm not sure why you think they'll like what he's saying any less just because he's talking about a newsworthy documentary he made, on a topic of interest.

    This all avoids the additional point, that people want to see what Stone has to say about the topic, and they particularly want to see what he'll say about it with Rogan. The assumption is that the two of them will have a conversation. Jim is a good interviewee and I enjoy it every time he speaks, but he's done interviews. Yet I've never seen Stone talk specifically on the topic with a guy like Rogan at vastly expanded length. I'm curious to watch it, millions of others probably are as well.

    Only person Oliver might of had trouble with doing a Q&A --both ways discussion (and Oliver knows the give and take) would of been Jack Paar and he's long gone... Oliver Stone is a decorated, Vietnam airborne, combat veteran. He knows...  knows how to work the camera and microphone, and if he's been on the  Rogan show before he'll work the host and Rogan won't even know it... Jim Di is good, but Oliver Stone is the guy with the script, the funding and the face of the production....  and being the Producer of same he's the ONLY guy......

  7. 42 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    What do you mean by blow out hole in the rear of the skull, Jim? 

    Because your friend Milli agrees with me that most of the drawings of this "blow-out" are garbage.

    what's this pot shot time? It is evidence, yes? In the WC materials. That evidence is open game... And you don't have the reach nor the wherewithal to do anything about it. Lifton did it to ya, Mantik too, now Stone and DiEugenio next.... they all have the reach and the last, the production money, distribution money, PR money, timing, know-how and they know the MARKET(having a good script writer with content knowledge -- timing and pacing. Not to mention, they took on 1964 WCR conclusions evidence in particular CE399, without that the door is wide open to conspiracy...

    Tell us you applaud that!

  8. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Take a look at this from the 40 minute mark, Oliver with Matt T:


    Great piece! Specifically the time period 40:00+ beyond.... Direct and concise. Mr Stone sounds like a Producer-Director-Writer who know his subject matter. And calls it for what it is... Great spentaneous piece... Late night-talk show tv should be begging for this stuff...

  9. 7 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

    My purpose in posting these links is to simply make people aware of articles offering different viewpoints regarding JFK Revisited. Steve can reply directly here (or not) if he wishes. Regarding specific issues on the rifle, anyone can go to David Von Pein's site and read the old threads where this has been discussed ad nauseam. 

    EDIT: Let me add that Steve, Fred and others probably feel that debating issues here directly is not an efficent use of one's time since you are immediately bombarded and facing a 20 to 1 situation. Much more sensible to write an article stating your position and post a link to it.

    except, when direct 1964 WCR evidence-opinion is under severe scrutiny. When the media guru's set challenge to current belief, the outliers swing into action with tried and well used disinformation -- this tactic is as old as these forums and the USENET... CE399 appears to be dust now, the medical evidence should take 100% command of any further study... then your guys can stay in the weeds... where they belong... btw,

    .John sends blessings from purgatory... heard that from a friend.

  10. On 11/26/2021 at 5:37 AM, Joe Bauer said:

    With the huge variety channel and subject program format of the cable industry now (versus the 3 main stations only one of 50 years ago ) the TV show production companies know that in this almost laughable wide choice basket there is and always will be a rock solid, built in viewing audience for what some classify as "out there" subject matters.

    "Ancient Aliens", "Bigfoot", "Project Blue Book", "JFK", conspiracy, even paranormal ghost hunting, you name it. 

    I can't sit through 5 minutes of shows about Louisiana swamp/ alligator hunting or Alaskan Bush people or Oak Island diggers who whoop and holler when they find an old nail from a buried Nordic boat.

    But the TV game now is to go after those 2% of viewers who will to a totally consistent, predictable and loyal degree.

    You could throw out any JFK conspiracy production, no matter how tainted by "lone gunman" financial backers, and 500,000 viewers will still tune in - guaranteed.

    Cable TV now is a wide open truly democratic experience.

    Anyone here watch reruns of "The Apprentice?"

    I still keep a few tapes of the most ridiculous old one season bust "reality shows" just for laughs. Lisa Minelli and David Guest. Flavor Fav and Bridgett Nielson. Sarah Palin Moose Momma, etc.



    Amen brother 50 years of it.Joe, AMEN.... and there's a few of us here that had a front row seat, behind-the-camera for all. It sure wasn't what I had in mind...

    Saw a recent show that cracked my ass up... 2 mechanics got a clunker running (ex-publisher of Hot Rod Magazine and a Mechanical Engineer) they changed out engines in a car parts store parking lot, in the freezing snow.... all in 18 hours... then drove off into the sunset.... They musta' made a thousand trips in doors to the parts counter....

  11. On 11/24/2021 at 3:55 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    I just got the news from two sources.

    There is going to be a documentary made from Last Second in Dallas.

    It will be broadcast on the owned and operated DIsney channels which means 8 stations throughout the country will syndicate it. 

    It will then go to Hulu.

    Did we start something?

    Maybe, because I think Talbot has something in the works also. 

    think Disney wants to capitalize after Through the Looking Glass obvious successes... It's always nice to set the precedent. As you and the Stone crew have. Good product at a fair price. Let'em all play catch-up. It promotes the entire subject matter... and pushes you further up the ladder...

    As the industry dictates: you're only as good as the last thing you shot, directed, wrote, edited, scored narrated, and or produced. If it isn't out of the park it damn sure is in the bleachers...  My hat is off to ya!

  12. 14 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    One last point about the photography.

    It was not shot on film.

    Even though it looks like it was, with that glossy, high resolution, vibrant color.

    Digital cameras are quite the way to go these days... 4K-8K imagery, and you can edit a final in your closet if necessary. Look forward to seeing it, Jim.


  13. 13 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    I agree, I don't think there could be any renumeration.

    BTW, we go over this in the film.   The government paid the Zapruder family 16 million to store the original in the freezer and the family then gave the copyright to the Sixth Floor.  


    because the Sixth Floor will renew the copyright (no questions asked) and respect the Zapruder name in perpetuity

  14. 2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    Biden’s Long Trail of Betrayals

    Why is the president so consistently wrong on major foreign-policy matters?



    and the wuzzy media continues.... back to manufacturing noise when they simply can't cover the news -- they need to invent news... The 24 hour news cycle created 5 billion wannabe commentators and about 10 reporters.... most are worthless pukes...

  15. 9 hours ago, Ed LeDoux said:

    Joseph McBride, I don't admire your work.

    I find your findings to be unsound, weak, and without merit. 

    You lack the intellectual curiosity to investigate any of the circumstances and readily buy into a sham.

    Good for you not educating yourself on DALLAS POLICE IN 1963.

    But please explain away how no one in the DPD did anything to incriminate Lee. Apologists need apply, as you can not knowingly support your tenet.

    Mentzel is your boy, not ours Mr. Mc Bride. 

    Or are you admitting you are wrong about the DPD officers. (In general)



    Oh BTW nothing in your post negated anything in Gil's post.

    awwww, Greg's shoeshine specialist is back... tough selling' pineapple's Eddy? Oh, and Gil is a big boy... Your PR skills have been found wanting...

  16. 55 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Has anyone done a detailed comprehensive backstory of the development of what is today called the deep state?  The founding of the Federal Reserve, the Council on Foreign Relations, Edward Bernays, Allen Dulles meeting with George De Mohrenschild's dad in the Russian oil fields in the early 1920's?  The creation of the FBI.  The attempted coup on Roosevelt.  The OSS, it becoming the CIA, the Cold War developed at the behest of the military industrial complex all fostered by the east coast wall street establishment?  All carrying forward through the JFK Assassination to today?

    No, not that I know of. I did some freelance research for an author years back. His topic: Early Wall Street Bonds. Fascinating subject. Thought it would be dry as hell. I'd like to say pure Americana but, the Brit's had their slice of the international bond pie too. Our's gold, their's silver...

    I am familiar with most of the names above. Not that interested in sidebar assassination stories or possible cast of assassination characters, It goes round and round and round -- most if not all would or should be dead, anyway. The Z-film and its tech aspects and more than one shooter (conspiracy) in DP capture my interest. 

    Almost made it to NARA to view the original Zap film, but it never happened... good old Harry Livingstone was gonna get me in... Then the 6th floor caught wind, poof!

  17. 3 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Like most average American adults, I have simple questions regards our military interventions into the Middle East starting with Cheney, Rumsfeld, Pearl, etc.

    Bush Jr. was just a policy promoting and signing off mouthpiece and face these guys needed to carry out their agendas imo.

    I think they actually thought GW was just a very dumb and easily controlled dupe.

    Why do we have to leave tens of billions of dollars worth ( or more? ) of usable military hardware back in these countries we invade when we go? So our enemies reap the rewards?

    How do we allow the puppet heads and the 5% elite of these countries to siphon off most of our 100's of billions we pump into these countries while we are there? Are there payoffs to American middle men involved in these siphoning scams?

    No oversight for sure. Trillions spent like this. TRILLIONS!

    For what?

    What do we here back home get for all this foreign war incursion spending of our money?

    Heck, do you realize how many schools, hospitals, city and road and rail rebuilding programs, jobs, national health care, elderly care, child care, teen drug care, water system rebuilding projects, college financial help, electrical grid updating, even fire and police funding projects those TRILLIONS would have paid for here at home?

    I remember reading once of our loading C class military planes with billions of American dollars in CASH ( on pallets) to Iraq, to use to pay off Iraqi's to help us in our military agenda there.

    Suitcases being loaded with cash and given to Iraqi's to get them on our side?

    Why do we have to pay these people huge, huge money to help us?

    If we truly relieved them of a brutal dictator and brutal oppression, you'd think they would be begging to help us...for free!

    Why is it we can only get these liberated people to help us if we pay them obscene amounts of our tax payer funded monies?

    Simple questions.

    Started back in the 20's-30's when Wall Street Banks got caught doing all sorts of "challenging" stuff with Gold $ bonds... Merchant Banks, the largest in America, some still exist. Dulles Bros sound familiar? Some of those Wall Street folks went under the wing of USGov't (OSS, later the CIA) these very bankers knew more about the financial dealings of every country around the globe, they had too, individual countries applied to Wall Street for loans (country specific gold dollar bond issues...hell, the NY exec's were our first international spies...America wrote the text book for this stuff...  the gold bond debacle did create  the SEC, which Joe Kennedy first headed up. Lot's and lots of money to be made by loaning (Wall St. gold bond banks) and USG awarding friends ridiculous amounts of money all at taxpayer expense. It's called foreign aid now... non-legalese: bribery. Which is a great, strategic idea if you're a US citizen, but not such a great idea if you're a US citizen *bondholder* Wall St. in bed with USG selling wares to unsuspecting American stock/bond holders... I wonder if Princeton and Yale have classes in this?

    Most of those Gold $ bonds in the 20-30's went into default, billions upon billions of gold dollars. And....the US taxpayer picked up the tab. Some of those very bonds helped finance Hitler's war machine...  Hello Europa, hello WW2! And we sold millions upon millions to Japan, China and the Ruskies (the bonds faces belong in museums, absolutely great works off art... And ALL defaulted...

    For the financially caring, a defaulted bond commission was established for the ripped off American investor (meaning those who guaranteed these financial instruments) the commission died a painfuly, slow death... A 20 year $1000 gold bond (expl's: German 1928 Dawes Bond/1930 Young Plan Bond) Allegedly guaranteed no less, value 1935: $5.00-$15.00 total on a *good* day, most days: $0.00 (on most bonds bi-annual bond redeemable coupons were $25 per coupon twice a year for 20 years. The banks who sold these bonds lost not one, red cent. And some banks had branch offices around the country who were forced to sell these bonds to the US depositor's . The bank branches enjoyed on hell of a discount..... and the guys sitting at the top came fully equipped in the black arts...

    Frankly, it's a great story if you can plumb the depths... was there enough gold in Fort Knox to cover the damn things? Great question, it wasn't long thereafter the gold standard went bye-bye. It's been game on ever since...

    No sweat, the little guy will take it in the shorts, shorts with the deepest pockets known to a banker. The unending stream of prefabricated *fool's* gold...

    Didn't Kennedy fire one of those bankers. And threaten to bring back the gold standard?

    The entire story is in the record, ya just got to put the pieces together...

  18. 2 hours ago, Douglas Caddy said:

    National poll has Biden down 7 points to 46.  I think it will go lower in the days ahead.



    about as high as Donald the Orange ever got, yes?

    Of course it will go lower, the military-industrial complex has yet to rewind their collective spring. They will, soon. Till then the media still carries the Donny TORCH. Today, one of my regular USnews sources landing page, has 14 stories on it, 8 were regarding Donald the Orange with picture, 3 regarding Biden (2 with picture), 1 story  regarding Pelosi with Gym Jordan picture (he may be playing hardball soon), and most Taliban related...and heavy emphasis on Dem guilt, as if Trump (and that great military mind of our who knows beloved ex-Sect'y of State) didn't negotiate the fall of Kabul... So who is next? Wonder if the Pakistanii's are getting nervous.

    Donald owns MSM. I hope the old fart isn't wandering dementia halls. If so, why is the media throwing him to the political wolves? Simple, because it can!

    Why has the media become THE story? Great this 24 hour news cycle!

  19. 14 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Hey, Fox called for full disclosure. Give credit where credit is due. Doesn't mean you have to like them, or 99% of their reporting. 

    But for the purposes of this Forum, I think it is worth mentioning, and saluting. 

    I was in Saigon on 11/22/63, I finally called for full disclosure in '92! Where's my credit? And, they FAUX don't "report", they comment on other's theorizing, commentary and reporting... so enjoy their "reporting," as far as saluting FAUX: nah!

    Have a good one!

  20. On 8/9/2021 at 6:37 PM, Benjamin Cole said:

    Ron B--

    Please see my separate post on the Fox news report. I agree with you regarding Trump, on this matter. 

    That said, where is NYT-WaPo-WSJ-CBS-NBC on full disclosure...anybody? 

    OK, even if you believe the WC...no full disclosure? Why not? Only Fox is clamoring for full disclosure. 

    Give credit where credit is due, and Fox is due credit on this matter.

    And damn those who do not call loudly and clearly call for full disclosure. 



    I suspect FAUX has some guilt re: 500,000 (at least) USofA Covid deaths, and how they've shaped their coverage of same. They're looking for any low hanging fruit to get behind. They'll never cover for the sins of Tuck Carlson, etal., but they sure know distraction to the nth degree.

    Full disclosure is a pipe dream, just like we found out about subpoena's and executive priledge for Executive Branch Denziens...

    FAUX is BS, always will be... Haven't liked Red's and Fascist's since 1962 and here we are surrounded by them...

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