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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. 3 hours ago, Mark Knight said:


    I became a member here on March 22, 2005, and I was a lurker for a few months prior to that. While I haven't agreed with all of your comments and conclusions, I do have a great deal of respect for your research. Hate to see you go, sir.

    I recall a couple of people that I believed [and still believe] were disinformation agents. But at this point I believe most of those people decided after the 50th anniversary that their "services" were no longer needed. Since 2005, there have been some relative newcomers who have begun their careers here by rearguing some long-ago disproven points. Unlike other forums, in which they might have been advised to review the archives before posting, the EF has been a bit more patient...probably due to the vast size of our archived threads. 

    I have recently noticed some members calling disagreements on facts "ad hominem attacks," and I would suggest they occasionally review the definition of the term. As an administrator, I try to bend over backwards in not being heavy-handed in dishing out discipline, because I realize that I, too, sometimes crossed some lines in my early days here.

    The administrative team here is in email contact with one another whenever a situation arises in which may require administrative action. Usually action comes only after a consensus is reached, but occasionally an administrator may take immediate action if the situation seems to warrant immediate action. We can't be everywhere on the forum 24/7, as we also have lives in the "real world," just as most of you do. As Kathy pointed out, the "report" button helps you serve as our "eyes and ears" when we are tending to other matters and miss something.

    Even David Von Pein has been better lately about not making those "Only an idiot would believe that!" comments than he used to be...a backhanded ad hominem if there ever was one. So I must point out that even his level of discussion here has elevated the EF, and as long as he continues in that way, I have no problem with him even if I do disagree with most of his conclusions. And being able to disagree without being disagreeable is what makes the discussion forum great.

    You've always been a scholar and gentleman, Mark. And, you and the mod's are running good ship here... your patience is obvious. I'm a bomb thrower with enough image effects composition experience to be dangerous and enough film/video industry (Hollywood) resource knowledge to be... Answer the challenge: was the technolgy, resources, talent pool, know how and time available in 1963-64 to alter the in-camera original Zapruder film? Of course there was. And for those inclined:a real year 2000 question is, how many times was it altered since 1964 to present... the Z-film is a perfect canard, why, to take away from case medical evidence...

    Take care, Mark... seeya' round the hood...

    p.s. even I don't agree with my comments and conclusions all the time...

  2. 3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    Glad I wasn't involved in the old days.

    That said, I wish moderators would try to dial down ad hominem comments. 

    Encourage people to present their views...but not denigrate other commenters. 

    Yes, I understand a person making ad hominem comments only shrinks smaller. 

    But it is still annoying. 


    Yes the old days, quite moving concern, this place. In fact, I was warned of my upcoming expulsion from the Ed Forum, 3 times... I will be signing off from the forum at the end of this week... who'd of thought in 2004 that I'd be one of the last old-timers here in nearly 2023... and if Len Colby showed here again, I'd take him to task anew.... of course there were disinfo agents hereabouts, image shifter I liked to call them back then -- and .john mcmadman had entire university classroom(s) full of them... fighting with the best of them, the 'LHO did it all by his lonesome' bunch... mod's insisting we have a clean discussion of the facts, like we were going to determine where the next JFK investigation was going, and an obvious conclusion.... and there hasn't been one person join this forum without a pre-determine assassination conclusion in their mind... so "keep an open mind" is pure BS....

    Present and future authors bounced book ideas off this forum membership, some good stuff, some trash the result over the years.... But always someone had some concept to sell, most of it nonsense... Glad I witnessed it... it's no-wonder fascism has poked its nose out....the unknown history of JFK assassination investigation: a waiting game, the au contraire crowd will die the WCR truth will stand... the best I have seen over the years regarding assassination evidence is: Oliver Stone/Jim DiEugenio latest -- the Doug Horne's Series -- And a guy that still posts to alt.conspiracy.jfk, one Ben Holmes who keeps every single .john mcmadam acolyte toes to the flames... using Mark Lanes Rush to Judgement, Holmes has been devastating when it comes to debate concerning JFK assassination case evidence. Not one lone nutter has had success against Holmes including .John who was needless to say outmanned in debating Holmes.......

    So I bid you adieu, go in peace, but don't go silently... and Pat, I got here April 2004 (an invite from John Simkin (not Andy - we didn't get along), after Rich DellaRosa's JFK assassination research website shut down, at which I was the film/photo site moderator -- which,  by-the-way spawned many other photo assassination archives)

    David Healy -- 11-29-2022

  3. 4 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    I agree, Tom, that there are two sides to the story, and that one should not be too confident in either of them. The thought occurs that some film-maker could (and should) redo 12 Angry Men, and make it about the Tippit case. Change the names. Don't tell the audience ahead of time. Just do it. Start off with a discussion of the prosecution evidence, with the hard-liners anxious to vote and go home. But then have one juror bring up problem after problem. And then end the film with a vote, which the viewer does not get to witness, or, perhaps even better, with the defendant getting murdered before the verdict is announced. In any event, then, and only then, over the closing credits, reveal that the facts and arguments presented in the film mirror those of the case against Oswald for killing Tippit. Or maybe not have that, and let the audience figure it out via word of mouth after the fact. 

    In any event, an honest presentation of the case would probably result in a mixed response from the audience leaving the theater, with some claiming the defendant was obviously guilty, and others too troubled by the problems with the evidence to come to that conclusion. 

    "I agree, Tom, that there are two sides to the story, and that one should not be too confident in either of them. The thought occurs that some film-maker could (and should) redo 12 Angry Men, and make it about the Tippit case..."

    That's your watermark, Pat perfect project for HULA... followed by a 10 week, 30:00 minute recap each week of various show scenes discussed by a panel of researchers, at the end of the 10 week review another rendition of the documentary is screened of "how post assassination JFK researchers see the evidence fits the case (with some input from the viewing public). So you got two docu's before and after.

    You a writer, Jim D. a writer/historian sounds like a good start -- toss in one of America's best documentarian/writer/producer/director and team sitting on the sidelines with a ton of advice (paid or unpaid)....  it's all in the script, baby....  only today could this happen...


  4. 16 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:

    It should be noted that twelve days have passed and Mr. DiEugenio has not responded to even one point raised by Myers in the blog post.

    lmao... why respond to anything/anyone trying to push the validity of a Saturday Morning Cartoon? -Or,- trying to make hay out of a tragic, albeit cop's 11/22/63 murder on the streets of Dallas...?

    And "It should be noted," 21,557 day's have passed since the Kennedy Assassination and right-wing whack jobs STILL can't prove LHO did it all by his lonesome...  Get-a-grip!

  5. 6 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Why the seven frame interval?  Why that number?

    7 frames ... I think that came from Pat's comment that I picked up on... Its a *key frame* point reference (to check if layers are lining up when and where you want them to be at the proper time. A reference point location for the computer to shoot to. A great software package to see frame-interpolation on display is Adobe After Effects, especially doing titles and object motion keyed overlays. I used the program for years, starting back when it was called COSA After Effects. There is no set number or frames required however shorter durations preferred. I've composed projects that ran 60 seconds only, had 20 layers with moves being made in all layers at the same time. You set the starting point (key frame) for a layer, and where you want its end point (another keyframe). Re how long the move takes? The computer determines how many frames based on the video/film projects output, ie., film 24fps total length :30sec -- NTSC video 30fps/29.98fps-DF total length. With computer horsepower, good software, great artwork and a talented editor, sky is the limit... also, rendering time at a minimum - especially with todays rigs....  All these computer/software goodies mimmic the old film optical film printing techniques -- in fact many New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Hollywood, etal printing houses were virtually ran out of business because of After Effects type software and computer technology...

    I'm sure within the company your keeping at the moment they can fill in the blanks...

    Wish you the best buddy, I will be checking out from this forum soon -- in your travels tell Lt. Stone (I beat him there), glad he got out of Vietnam alive and welcome back to the world its a better place because of folks like Oliver and you...  Please...

    DGHealy MAAG-Vietnam/MACV 1963-64

    11th Air Assault Div. 1964-65 - 1st Cavalry Div 1965 - Guess where?

  6. 11 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    When reading about Myers' animation in preparation for writing my Animania chapter, I discovered that the claim the animation was based on the Z-film was only partly true. As I recall, Myers admitted he'd matched up every seventh frame or so, and that the rest were just him filling in the blanks. I don't recall their titles, but my stepdad's two sisters both worked at Hanna-Barbera in the fifties and sixties. There was a head animator who determined the look and the basic action, and then there were subordinate animators who drew the frames linking the movements together. They were the latter. In any event. Myers chose to match the animation to the film every seven frames as I recall, and this allowed him to smooth over the hurky-jerky movements of JFK before he went behind the sign in the film. In effect, he erased them, even though these movements had led the HSCA photography panel to conclude JFK was hit at that time. Coincidence? We can suspect not, particularly in that Myers also disappeared Jackie from the film. Now, he would probably say he did this to simplify the action--to make the viewer focus on JFK and JBC. But huh... Jackie turned to look at her husband before Myers claimed he'd been hit, and her turning her head to look at him suggested he had already been hit. So once again--coincidence? We can suspect not. 

    Helo Pat -- that technique is called 'interpolation' (let the computer "an estimation" how it gets from this point to that point. Hanna-Barbera animators had to figure that out themselves, usually the smoothest timing of a move did the trick and of course what looked good, frame by frame and consistent, that's why every 7 frames...... It would be nice to see the Lightwave project files wouldn't it? That why Lighwave was used, it would interpolate from keyframe to keyframe, its *built into the software... And, you will also notice JFK had very little animating characteristics (self-generated body movement) in the alleged 28 second Zapruder film in-camera original clip.

    Some would consider old Dale altered the z-film, massively, right in front of Gawd and everyone, even Peter Jennings and the entire ABC viewing audience... and JFK researchers of every stripe -- to boot... Long live the SBT, eh?

  7. 21 hours ago, Bob Ness said:

    Do you know whether he made the models or used and/or edited existing models? Was a topo survey done? Just curious.

    Lightwave is a good program. Didn't use it much myself. 

    Doubt that he made any models, although he may have AFTER the fact... Best to remember at that particular time only Hollyweird and NASA had proprietary 3D software (optical special effects) and computers with the *umf* to run'em. For NASA (Ames Institute, Mountain View Ca.) UNIX operating system-work stations running UNIX proprietary code with CRAY support (same type of kernel that Apple OSX sits on today).. Kinda the same situ for DP "topo" survey(s), I recall 2 surveys that were tempted in the 90's, but what would they prove, other than endless argument? Finding accurate plat's of the day 1963 proved very difficult, even for a specific researcher that educated this board for years and knew, KNEW the gent who created the latter day, official, DP plats...

    Which leaves what? Yes, the Z-film... some believe a 3D simulation of 2D Z-film frame fabrication became the basis of the cartoon --frame by frame!  To the best of my knowledge no one has ever seen those Lightwave project files. I wonder why?

  8. Actually when Myers Z-film cartoon was released I made a direct request to Myers personally that he provide the Lightwave files he used (and version of the software) to produce his cartoon to other Dealey Plaza assassination related event researchers. At that time, I was familiar with New-Tek's Lightwave 3d/2d software application... 

    (Lightwave: Released in 1992 (?), Lightwave (up to this day) has been used commercially in films, television, motion graphics, digital matte painting, visual effects, video game development, product design, architectural visualizations, virtual production, music videos, previsualizations and advertising.) --Wikipedia (emphasis mine)

    The dude never spoke to me again -- it was around that same time a bit of noise was being made about him and the Tippit family discussing a project (?). Myers went on to win an EMMY for his Z-film cartoon, at that same time a nickname for Myers burst forth: Dale *wanna see my EMMY* Myers... I swear it wasn't me....

    I always wondered why a small market graphic artist jumped on the Tippit bandwagon, despite his wrong-place/wrong-time(?) tragic ending. One could conceive Myers was looking to change the subject to anything other than sharing Z-film software/data with a few that knew what he created and had theories as well as how-to's at the time.... I don't think Myers would of pulled it off without help and support from Peter Jennings who had his name all over the documentary...

    So, what do you do with a guy that whines during a 2003 ABC television broadcast, that the Single Bullet Theory was "a Single Bullet Fact?... 



  9. 21 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Dale Myers tried to do a drive by on my book, JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass, and Oliver Stone's two new documentaries.

    Dale only saw in that book and the films what he wished to see concerning himself: which is the opposite of what a real critic is supposed to do.

    So I decided to at least partly meet him on that particular territory, before expanding my focus. The stuff he says at the end is really fruity.  The idea that Oliver Stone can silence anyone is so far out that it is in The Twilight Zone.  

    So here is my reply to Mr. Single Bullet Fact. An idea Which Henry Lee disagrees with.  🤑


    kudos... great job...

  10. 7 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    This story is pretty old.

    John Simkin wrote about it a very long time ago.

    And I think Larry Hancock did also in his book Nexus.

    Larry would dispute these were Marcello guys I think.

    Appears John updated his article in 2020

  11. 12 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Wow, William this is pretty disgusting that you are siding with the CIA on this& one is a even lower low. We know who the whistle blower was and we have seen the declassified conversation because Trump declassified it. Logic continuity seems to be something you and the other TDS NPC sycophants have a rather problem with. 

    We know what Hunter is Guilty of. What high crime and misdemeanor was Mango Mussolini guilty of? 

    Thankfully Rand Paul isn't gutless like the Neo Libs and Neo Cons 



    the only think that matters is this: the GQP never tires of WINNING ...  ROTFLMFAO and, keep those posts to the grindstone... Putin's commies on this side of the pond should think of their political vunerability... is 'elected' housecleaning about to start?

  12. 4 minutes ago, Chris Barnard said:


    Imagine my surprise; another person who uses the word "fact", instead of "opinion". 


    Here's an interesting viewpoint to 'fact' definition: Putin is a RED Communist (always was, is, and will be) pining to bring back near recent USSR history, TOMORROW will do. Some strained thinking americano media and certain wannabe kings, their psychophants (sp. intended) and stockholders want a seat at that world reshaping table... Now, FACTS being what they are, commies and fascists have a near history reality of getting their collective (pardo-the-pun) arses kicked... Putin is experiencing that reality presently and, US reich-wingers got a taste of THAT "so much victory" a few days ago...

    The point: Democracy is a damn good idea, get use to it... my opinion lines up pretty good with "fact." 

  13. 11 hours ago, Jean Paul Ceulemans said:

    No problem, keep drifting, I love reading that stuff!

    The first time I was in the same area was in the late 1970's, the last time was in the late 1990's.  

    I also remember the first time I was really impressed with the Awacs taking off and landing 24/7.   Don't recall the name of the Military Airfield, it was rather "close" to the Bay and couldn't have been far from Sunnyvale either (were I stayed the first time).   I think it was the same were they stored this Russian helicopter (years before a Russian had defected with that).  All those years I stayed in a number of houses between Sunnyvale and Coyote.






    Moffett Field, Mountain View (right next to Palo Alto westside of the SFBay... 

  14. 9 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

    Add LSD and rocknroll to Beat and ya got yr counter-culture.

    I’d say Neal Cassady passed the Beat torch to Ken Kesey.

    A big difference between SF and NY ‘65 - ‘67 was the drug of choice.  Here they did Cid, in NY heroin.

    the '65 SF music scene, be remiss in not crediting or indicting (lmao) Owlsey Stanley (the bear) thee producer and "KING" of cheap and very good LSD... dude produced nearly a million hits of acid in his day all the while producing and engineering the Grateful Dead, for years. John Cippolina and Quicksilver also comes to mind, one of San Francisco's 1st FOLK/pshychedelic rock groups -- they played with and next to everyone that became anyone in rock music (including Big Brother, the Airplane, Fleetwood (before going commercial), etal... . And when things got testy in the City for anyone group, you could find the Charlatans and Cippolina at the RedDog Saloon in Virginia City Nv., right outside Reno -- and that was just the beginning... Punk and Rap genre followed, those earlybirds created the roadmap...

    And, I might add in the early days there was just as much peyote used as acid, I think, I really can't remember...

  15. On 9/9/2022 at 7:22 AM, Michael Griffith said:

    EXACTLY. Many liberal conspiracy theorists seem more interested in attacking conservatives, and in advancing their personal political agenda, than they are in spreading the truth about JFK's death. 

    Speaking for myself, Trump was my fourth pick among the candidates in the 2016 GOP primary. I preferred Ben Carson, Marco Rubio, and John Kasich ahead of Trump. I was also interested in Democrat James Webb. I was hoping Webb would gain some traction in the 2016 Democratic primary, but the party had already drifted too far left for a genuine centrist like Webb to stand a chance. 

    Anyway, it came down to a choice between Trump or Hillary, a truly miserable selection. I opted for Trump, partly because he chose Mike Pence as his running mate. If Webb had gotten the Democratic nomination, I may well have voted for him over Trump.


    In two years no one in the GOP will admit they voted for the Orange Plum-bob... And, rumor has it, Mike Pence is putting out feelers for donating his military prowess to the Russian invading forces in Ukraine -- Vlad, it is rumored has suggested Pence stay home and minister to Mother, what-a-guy!

  16. 4 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Also Democrats:

    Chris you would have never used that word if you hadn't been taught it. LMFAO!

    I can't fully fault Joy fully because that's how I feel when I hear leftists repeat cliches Noam Chompsy would say, for-example: Institutionalized racism, multinational corporations, colonializaton, systems of control, trickle down economics.. The rest of the story in America is, that the left guaranteed college tuition because that sounds fair to a midwit. Hence the student loan forgiveness for the people who just learned how to be outraged but couldn't finish their degrees or got worthless degrees and couldn't make it in society. Hence the blame capitalism sentiment. US Government guaranteed student loans, when they did that, Colleges didn't have to worry about students not being able to pass their classes and finish 4yrs there, failing out and them losing that money. Colleges began to become the "Transition therapy brainwashing centers" they are today. That's how we got to were we are now with the MSNPC's fixation on RUSSIA! 

    we've been fixated with the commies of Russia/USSR since 1945, along with: the Chinese-commies in the 50's, the Southeast asian commies in the 60-70's... the middle east fascism w/commie undertones the 80's to present, plus ad hoc commie wannabe's throughout South/Central America and throughout Africa. 

  17. MG wrote: "... The problem is that so many of my fellow conspiracy theorists have created this huge myth that JFK was killed because he was going to abandon South Vietnam no matter what." (emphasis mine)

    Your pronouncement, a bit over the top, yes? Abandon? It doesn't require a rocket scientist to determine what was going to happen when the The Big Green Machine arrived at that southeast asian paradise in 1965... I suspect JFK knew exactly what was going to happen if the Green Machine got serious boots on the ground and Curtis LeMay buzzing around Hanoi and other spots... some early military advisors to the ARVN might say, JFK was murdered (has a truer ring to it) because he, JFK would not give the general's the war they wanted?

    Facts being what they are and all....

  18. 7 hours ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    I don't know David, I tend to forget names of people and things I haven't studied much.

    But I do recall that the Nix film was the one that would likely need to be altered to remove a slow-down or stop. The third film didn't really show much, and maybe therefore didn't need altering.

    But I wish you would have been around when this was last discussed because one of the non-alteration guys seemed to have a pretty good argument for why the film could not have been altered. While nobody on the alteration side put up much of an argument. (Pat Speer might have been the one. Or maybe an LNer.)

    (I wish there was a searchable repository where issues like this, once settled, could be archived. So that they wouldn't get lost and need to be argued over and over again.


    First off Sandy this will never be "settled" here's why: no one can verify the authenticity of the alleged in-camera Zapruder film (stored at either NARA of the 6th floor mausoleum). The best Roland Zavada and his quest for saving the Z-film as a piece of case evidence was, he confirmed the film was indeed Double 8mm KODAK film, that's it, PERIOD. Rollie had little or no knowledge concerning optical film effects, he told that to me during a phone call prior to a SMPTE meeting at Lake Tahoe. Altering the "content" of the Z-film in-camera original? The best I can say is: many, many alterations to specific frames (at Life Magazine occurred for publication) and, any multi frame motion segments of the film needed to accomplished by the end of February 1964 (when the WC met in full and discussed said the film and other related evidence). Thats around 90 days...  To add insult to injury, because of continued non-verification and authentication of the alleged in-camera Z-film it could and possibly has been altered multiple times since 1964 -- with the advent of computers and the demise of optical film printing the last 30 years... the art and black magic of film printing is dead.......

    I discussed this subject with Gary Mack in early 2000's and his final comment to me was revealing: "Who cares? The Zapruder film will never, EVER see the inside of a courtroom anyway!" And, it hasn't since Jim Garrison/New Orleans...

    To accomplish and legit study of the issue here's what you need: 1. authenticated and validated 11-22-63 copy of the in-camera original Z-film (LIFE's copy); 2. the actual Z-film the Warren Commission screened late Feb 1964 (not a copy the actual 8mm film they viewed during that meeting....

    My take? If the Zapruder in-camera original film isn't sitting in the bottom of a Dallas landfill, I'd be shocked...


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