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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. my comments: dgh: highlighted in BOLD each comment ending with ****

    The following is presented for whatever it may be worth.

    The Brass Armadillo, where Mary Ann Moorman’s interview took place on May 24, is only about half an hour from where I live, so I went down there for the webcast.

    dgh: thank you for taking the time John to attend and more importantly, do a little followup. A few questions if you please. Why this webcast in the first place? Any comment regarding that? Is the Moorman 5 photo for sale? Perhaps to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the assassination (why its not called 50 years since that tragic event, I'll never know)?

    And, to the best of my knowledge, the 6th Floor Museum is the caretaker of the Moorman Photo today, correct?

    David Lifton has a few words concerning this same subject matter in A Pig's Blanket (Great Zapruder Film HOAX, edited by Dr. Jim Fetzer) concerning one on-location video session with Mary Moorman (for a History Channel presentation a few years back with Coach Gary Mack present in Dealey Plaza, during that interview****

    By now the interview has been posted to the iantique website, so I won’t belabor any of that. But I did get to talk with Mrs. Moorman for a few minutes afterward.

    First, though, I should point out I’ve never been interested in where she was standing when she took her famous photo, so my questions about that were probably not too incisive.

    dgh: based on what I see below, you did a damn good job with your "probably not too incisive." ***

    During the webcast, Moorman told Gary Stover that she stepped into the street twice, to take pictures of two motorcycle cops in the motorcade, both of whom she knew. Stover then asked if she stepped into the street for her famous photo. My scribbled notes have her replying, “I’m pretty sure I stepped back just on the very edge of the curb to get on the grass.”

    dgh: "I'm pretty sure I stepped back...?" Conflicting (over time) eye witness comments, a TV documentary program producers worst nightmare, or, the Moorman5 street/grass debate: a canard used to cover something else up, perhaps problems with the Zapruder Film? ****

    I thought that was a little ambiguous. She stepped back before or after taking the picture? Stepped back after taking one of the cop photos? So after the webcast, I asked her about this explicitly. She answered that she took the picture from the curb, adding that between the presidential limo and the motorcycle cops there wasn’t a lot of room in the street. It wasn’t safe.

    dgh: safe? "IF"there was a shot from the Grassy Knoll, Mary Moorman was in a field of fire, she could of been shot and killed herself... I suspect, her "It wasn't safe" comment, had nothing to do the limo coming down Elm Street.****

    One of the themes of the May 24 interview, it seemed to me, was discrediting Jean Hill. I know many find her a problematic witness. I don’t have a strong opinion about her. Haven’t read The Last Dissenting Witness.

    dgh:I suspect the unspoken theme of the May 24th interview is: the Moorman5 will be for sale or up for bid, in the very near future! And this was pure hucksterism... ****

    I was especially interested in comparing the Hill and Moorman accounts of being taken to that press room by Jim Featherstone. In particular, I wanted to ask her about Jean Hill’s statement, which I’d just re-read in the WC volumes.

    I’d scrawled an abridged version into my notes, which I read to Mrs. Moorman. Jean Hill is telling the WC about her encounter with a man she took to be a Secret Service agent. “They keep saying three shots,” she testified telling this man. “I said, I know I heard more…he said, ‘Mrs. Hill, we heard more shots too, but we have three wounds and we have three bullets, three shots is all that we are willing to say right now.’” [WC vol. 6, pp. 220-21.]

    Moorman told me she had no recollection of this exchange. But she acknowledged the scene was very chaotic. She could have missed it.

    dgh: of course she didn't have recollection of the exchange. Probably not in that days script! BTW, was a representative of 6th Floor Museum present for the 24th festivities? Was any background established during this so-called "interview" as to Ms. Moorman's current living situation, physical, medical etc?

    I SEE ABSOLUTELY NO VALUE AS TO WHY MS. MOORMAN WAS PLACED IN FRONT OF A CAMERA on the 24th, PERIOD. Did she say why she consented to the interview that day (May 24th 2011)? SHAMEFUL!

    Thanks again for your attendance, John. My questions if you will... -- David Healy ****

  2. from blogs.dallasobserver.com

    Dealey Plaza Redo Will Be Public-Private Deal. And It Has To Be Done By November 2013.

    By Robert Wilonsky

    May 23 2011


    I suspect this is more: if we erase most everything that was in the plaza in 1963 (except for the TSBD-of course), maybe our tarnished city reputation will be restored, eh? You don't turn a murder site into a carnival site (as it is now) an expect no repercussions?

    Carry on Gary, carry on!

    Thanks for posting this Michael....

  3. Jack White is under going a quadruple by-pass heart surgery today. I wish him the best of luck in that and I hope for him a speedy and full recovery. Jack asked all to

    please refrain from sending email for now since his computer is off and he doesn't want to get it clogged up while he's unable to reply. He hopes to be back posting

    in a week or so. Let's all send him our best wishes and good thoughts.

    Best Jack....

    David Healy and family

  4. Thanks Tom,

    You're the best at that.

    There's still a possibility that Holt's information about Frank Belcher, Jr. being connected, though I haven't seen anything.

    And I'm sure that the Belcher Oil family in Florida was well connected to JMWAVE and they might know something about how the CIA fleet operated.

    And Tom, will you take a look at the Tippit thread and see if you can find anything on the DPD Capt. Frank W. Martin, Jr., his wife Betty J., their Vanity Poodle company, and if they had any kids?



    thanks much Tom-Bill and the gals -- appreciate it!

  5. David, I found some info on Belcher Oil and it's just a little thing. They are some how related to Kennedy's Assassination. They're called "Members." There were Frank Belchers living in Dallas TX on zabasearch.com

    BELCHER, ED...................\231 \

    BELCHER, GEORGE (JR & SR).....\231

    BELCHER OIL COMPANY...........\231 \

    Kathy C

    thanks Kathy.... :)

    David H.

  6. I was reading somewhere recently that Ferrie called Belcher Oil in

    Texas multiple times.Can someone shed some info? What I want to know is

    if the Belcher who owned the Oil Co. is related to Frank Belcher Sr.

    former head of the California Bar and an Atty. for John Wayne at one

    point who Chauncey Holt said was business partner of Phillip Twombley a

    VP of Pepsi,, the main guy responsible for the fake ID's to allegedly be

    used in Dealey Plaza according to Holt...Laz

    (posted for Laz P. -- DHealy 05.12.2011)

  7. Click on the image to view FULL SIZE

    Credit:: Craig Lamson



    Credit for that scan goes to Tink Thompson

    Thanks Craig

    I did understand that the original drumscan was Josiah Thompson's

    but i wasn't sure if the version you uploaded had been modified or not. ?


    You are correct. That version is modifed from the original scan. I did levels and curves adjustments to restore the tonal balance and I also did some digital "dodging and burning to even out the overall exposure values over the entire image area.

    which is called, WHAT ELSE: photo alteration... and you guys think altering the Z-film is difficult for those in the know circa 1963-64.... lmao! carry on, Craig! :ice

  8. Looking forward to it, thanks.

    Researchers still have an opportunity to email or Twitter Gary Stover to suggest questions he might ask Mary Moorman.

    Stover says: "From my contact with her, I can tell you she has a very different story from that of her friend and fellow witness, Jean Hill."

    One can hope he asks good, informed questions.


    Question I would have: Did Mary make contemporaneous notes of what she observed? Has she see the exant Z-film? Has she been interviewed in the intervening years so we have a record of what she might have said? It is my recollection that David Lifton was able to speak with her in 1971 but without a tape-recorder. Am I mistaken ?(Don't have my copy of TGZFH with me)

    Daniel, Mary was interviewed quite a bit on 11-22-63. She has also talked several times afterward.

    From patspeer.com, chapter 7:

    Mary Moorman was on the south side of Elm across from the Newmans. She can be seen in the Zapruder film, Nix film, and Muchmore film, as well as stills such as the Bond photo. She took a picture of Kennedy a split second after the impact of the head shot. (3:16 PM 11-22-63 WBAP interview, available on Youtube) (When asked why she took the photo at that moment) “That was the only chance I had. Mine is a Polaroid and I can only take one every ten seconds, and that was at that time whenever I took it. (When asked if she'd realized he'd been shot when she took the picture) "No I didn't. I must have snapped it immediately when he slumped, cause in the picture that’s the way she’s there and he’s slumped over.” (When asked if she'd seen the shooter) "No, I had taken the picture. And then the shots. And I decided it was time to fall on the ground." (3:30 PM 11-22-63 KRLD interview, transcribed by David Lifton and posted online by Jack White, 2-16-07) (When asked if she took her Polaroid picture before or after the first shot) “Evidently, just immediately, as the…cause he was, he was looking, you know, whenever I got the camera focused and then I snapped it in my picture, he slumped over.” (When asked how far way she was from Kennedy at this time) “10 or 15 foot, I, no, more…Because I fall behind my camera.” (When asked where she was standing) “We stepped out in the street. We were right at the car.” (When asked how many shots she heard) “Oh, oh, I don’t know. I think three or four is what I, uh, that I heard…that I’m sure of. Now, I don’t know, there might have been more. It just took seconds for me to realize what was happening. (When asked Kennedy’s response to the first shot.) “He grabbed his chest, and, of course, Mrs. Kennedy jumped up immediately and fell over him, and she said “My God, he’s been shot.” (When asked the reactions of others) “Uh, they hesitated just for a moment ‘cause I think they were like I was, you know—Was that a shot or was it just a backfire, or just what? And then, of course, he clutched himself and they immediately sped up, real fast, you know, like to get out of there. And, uh the police, there were several motorcycles around him, and uh, they stopped, and uh—one or two must have went with him. And one ran up the hill, and a friend that was with me ran up the hill across the street, from where the shots came from.” (When asked where the shots came from) “Oh, Lord. North. Just back there.” (When asked if this meant the shots were fired toward her) “Yes, sir.” “The sound popped, well it just sounded like, well, you know, there might have been a firecracker right there in the car.” (When asked again if her picture was taken before the shot) “Evidently, at the minute that he, that it hit him because, uh, we was we was looking, at me, or I mean, he was looking, you know, at the people when my picture came out. Then he just slumped over, so I must have got it.” (Describing her picture) “You could see he’s clutched, he’s bent over, and she’s…and she hadn’t even gotten up in my picture, and she did get up, stood up, in the car.” (11-22-63 WFAA interview, as quoted in Pictures of the Pain) “My picture when I took it was at the same instant that the President was hit, and that does show in my picture…it shows the President, uh, he slumped…It all happened so suddenly, I don’t think anyone realized, you know, what had happened.” (About the shots) “There was three or four real close together, and it must have been the first one that shot him, ‘cause that was the time I took the picture, and during that time after I took the picture, and the shots were still being fired, I decided I better get on the ground. I was no more than 15 foot from the car, and in the line of fire, evidently.” (11-22-63 statement to Dallas Sheriff’s Department, 19H487, 24H217) “As President Kennedy was opposite me, I took a picture of him. As I snapped the picture of President Kennedy, I heard a shot ring out. President Kennedy kind of slumped over. Then I heard another shot ring out and Mrs. Kennedy jumped up and said “My God, he has been shot!” When I heard these shots ring out, I fell to the ground to keep from being hit myself. I heard three or four shots in all.” (11-23-63 FBI, report, 22H838) “She took a second photograph of the President as his automobile passed her, and just as she snapped the picture, she heard what she first thought was a firecracker and very shortly thereafter heard another similar sound which she later determined to have been gunfire. She knows that she heard two shots and possibly a third shot. She recalls seeing the President sort of “jump” and start to slump sideways in the seat, and seems to recall President Kennedy’s wife scream “My God, he’s been shot!...She recalls that the President’s car was moving at the time she took the second picture, and when she heard the shots, and has the impression that the car either stopped momentarily or hesitated and then drove off in a hurry.”

    (2-15-69 testimony in the trial of Clay Shaw) “as the Presidential limousine approached me I stepped forward to observe closer in order to take a picture, that is what I planned to do and just what I did....I heard three noises and they sounded like firecrackers.” (1997 interview on KRLD, as posted online by Debra Conway) "Uh, just immediately before the presidential car came into view, we were, you know, there was just tremendous excitement. And my friend who was with me ( Jean Hill ) we were right ready to take the picture. And she's not timid. She, as the car approached us, she did holler for the president. " Mr. President, look this way!” And I stepped out off the curb into the street to take the picture and snapped it immediately. And that evidently was the first shot. You know I could hear the sound. and…" (When asked if she recognized it as a rifle shot) "Oh no. A firecracker, maybe. There was another one just immediately following which I still thought was a firecracker. And then I stepped back up on to the grassy area. I guess just, people were falling around us, you know. Knowing something was wrong. I certainly didn't know what was wrong”. (Appearance in Discovery Channel program Unsolved History: Death in Dealey Plaza, first aired 2-26-2003. Transcript provided by James Fetzer) (Moorman is standing on the grass where she is seen in the Zapruder film) "I just stepped to the, uh, to the edge here, and Jean is hollering, "Look Mr. President, look our way!" and then I snapped the picture, which was at the same instant, evidently, as the bullet hit him, not realizing that's what had happened. But I did hear a noise, and then I could see people around me falling to the ground, or running, and doing--and that led me to know that something was happening."(April, 2007 interview on KRLD) (When asked how many shots she heard) "I heard three." (When asked what they sounded like) "I stepped up to snap a picture and at the instant that I snapped a picture there was a shot. And I know I stepped back a few steps and another shot. And then there was another one shortly in a matter of seconds...The first two were closer together than the last one."

    You left out that in the latter, Gary Mack had to prompt repeated RETAKES by Mary to keep her from saying WE STEPPED INTO THE STREET.


    2003: Pig on a Leash (4 pages)

    Lifton describes the situation today with the control of the Zapruder film rights by The Sixth Floor Museum. He describes the treatment of Mary Moorman in a recent film shoot for a Discovery Channel special, in which Gary Mack admonishes Mary for “mistakenly” stating that she stepped forward before taking her snapshot, and then back again afterwards, and any hint that the limousine slowed down—as she has maintained over the decades, since the day of the assassination.


  9. Is Gary Mack coaching Mary Moorman? Is this interview LIVE or on tape?

    David, according to the article:

    "Ms. Moorman's interview at the Brass Armadillo® is open to the public, but viewing space is limited. As The Stover Hour streams the event live, members of iAntique® will be able to watch the interview online and interact on the site's live chat room. The interview will focus on what Ms. Moorman saw the day of the assassination, her relationship with police officers who were in the parade and whether she plans to sell the historic photographs."

    thank you Michael....

  10. http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/shooter-of-grassy-knoll-photos-finally-shares-story-121344213.html

    Shooter of Grassy Knoll Photos Finally Shares Story on May 24, 2011 at 6PM MDT

    Mary Moorman, JFK Assassination Photographer, to Break 48-Year Silence at Brass Armadillo® in Denver

    DENVER, May 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- On Nov. 22, 1963, Mary Moorman, a 31-year-old woman with a Polaroid Land Camera captured the most famous image of one of the 20th century's most infamous events: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

    Nearly 48 years later, Ms. Moorman will finally break her silence at the Brass Armadillo® Antique Mall in Wheat Ridge, Colo., during her live interview on iAntique.com, an Internet news and social networking community for dealers, collectors and antiques enthusiasts.

    Gary Stover, an iAntique® video host, will interview Ms. Moorman, now 78, and talk about that fateful day in Dallas, why she never talked to the Warren Commission and the three Polaroid photos that remain in her possession. The interview, which starts at 6 p.m. MDT on Tuesday, May 24, will stream live at iAntique.com as part of The Stover Hour. A full-length, professional souvenir video will be produced with additional information and commentary from Mr. Stover, audience members and other authorities.

    "Mary Moorman's legendary photos are a critical piece of history and JFK lore essential to any meaningful discussion or investigation of the assassination, from conspiracy theorists to the Warren Commission," Mr. Stover said. "Yet, her voice has been conspicuously silent. That will change on May 24, as Mary tells us what she saw that day and discusses her famous photographs. From my contact with her, I can tell you she has a very different story from that of her friend and fellow witness, Jean Hill."


    Ms. Moorman and Ms. Hill were the closest observers of the assassination, standing no more than 15 feet away from the presidential limousine at the time of the first shot. While Ms. Hill went on to write a book on her remembrances and served as a consultant on Oliver Stone's JFK, Ms. Moorman has declined to grant in-depth media interviews about her experience since speaking briefly to reporters immediately following the shooting. She was not questioned by the Warren Commission, which issued its famous report on the assassination in 1964.

    Ms. Moorman's interview at the Brass Armadillo® is open to the public, but viewing space is limited. As The Stover Hour streams the event live, members of iAntique® will be able to watch the interview online and interact on the site's live chat room. The interview will focus on what Ms. Moorman saw the day of the assassination, her relationship with police officers who were in the parade and whether she plans to sell the historic photographs.

    "The Brass Armadillo® and iAntique® are teaming up to bring Ms. Moorman's story to light as part of our broader mission to provide a forum for people interested in antiques, collectibles and American history," said Dave Briddle, vice president of Brass Armadillo® and co-founder of iAntique®. "In this case, we're not only helping to preserve one of the most significant events in our nation's history, we're actually helping make history by adding a very important voice to the dialogue surrounding President Kennedy's assassination."


    Throughout the month of May, The Stover Hour, a weekly iAntique® webcast , will take an in-depth look at the JFK assassination. Mr. Stover and Josh Miller, an antiques dealer who specializes in vintage camera and presidential memorabilia, will discuss the cameras that were used to capture the event, including Ms. Moorman's famous Polaroid. The next two shows, May 10 and 17, will focus on the multitude of assassination theories, with May 10 discussing, "Who Was Lee Harvey Oswald?" and May 17 asking, "If Oswald Didn't Do It, Who Did?" The "Mary Moorman Breaks Her Silence" show airs May 24 and the final show, airing on May 31, will reflect on "How Mary Moorman's Interview Added to the Debate."

    "The assassination of John F. Kennedy has fascinated generations of Americans, many of whom still have questions about the official explanation of the crime," Mr. Stover added. "Any new information that Mary can provide will add more pieces to this historical puzzle."

    The Brass Armadillo®, featuring more than 3,000 dealers in the Midwest and West, is the leader among antiques and collectible retail merchants in the United States, operating malls in Phoenix, Kansas City, Mo., Omaha, Neb., Des Moines, Iowa, and Denver.

    iAntique® is an antiques social networking site that brings together a community of knowledgeable antiques and collectibles enthusiasts, dealers and collectors to share information. Currently free to join, iAntique® features live chats, workshops, seminars, training events, web casts and an online antiques marketplace.

    SOURCE iAntique.com; Brass Armadillo Antique Mall

    Is Gary Mack coaching Mary Moorman? Is this interview LIVE or on tape?

  11. Don't buy the Big Lie about some multi-inch clothing "bunch" because tucked in custom made dress shirts are specifically designed NOT to bunch up more than a fraction of an inch.

    It's all right here (emphasis added):

    Alan Flusser, Clothes and the Man: the Principles of Fine Men's Dress

    Don't buy Varnells make believe that JFK's shirt could not do something because he read about it in a book on clothing THEORY.

    Custom made implies just that....made to the SPECS of the CUSTOMER.

    What Varnell can't prove is that the shirt JFK wore that day was CUSTOM FIT to the SPECS VARNELL likes to tout.

    He can't prove the amount of slack present in the shirt AT THE TIME THE BACK WOUND WAS CREATED.

    Varnell waves his hand mightily, but he offers nothing.

    Heres the unvarnelled truth. There was a 3+ inch fold of fabric on the back of JFK's jacket in Betzner. That is unimpeachable. Try as he might Varnell can't refute this singular fact.

    All he can do is cite clothing fit THEORY. He can't cite anything factual about the fit of JFK's shirt at the instant of the back wound.

    Varnell is all smoke and mirrors and his mirror is now broken.

    Oh come on, stop the inane accusations, Craigster. For 10 years now you've been somewhat the best lone nut trolls have concerning the Zapruder film. Yet, even then you needed Rollie Zavada to prop you up, and HE knew even less than YOU about film composition, and he admitted such, NOTHING-na-da, not his expertise as seen in JCostella excellent rebuttal to the trolls here http://assassinationscience.com/johncostella/hoax/ .... especially concerning your Gang of 8 (see here... http://assassinationscience.com/johncostella/hoax/thegang.html ) most of the of the 2002 era Z-film trolls have of course, faded into the sunset...

    Say, isn't it correct David Lifton has spent more time than you operating a 35mm optical film printer? That, in fact, speaks volumes for your expertise.... but let me not interrupt your fantasy....

    Ya haven't the chops Craigster to deal with film composition reality, in fact, no one, NO ONE, (currently or in the past) associated with the Gang of 8 knew what an optical film printer is/was till yours truly came along to tell them and YOU of course... been 12 years Craigster... you been flopping around like a beached fish outta water...

    So, its not: "Varnell is all smoke and mirrors and his mirror is now broken", 'tis you laddie, the craigster! -- Carry on!

  12. ...

    Martin, Craig's post is revealing in a number of ways.

    1. He always claims to be an agnostic about the Kennedy assassination, and only interested in the photographic evidence. And yet, here he offers up a rare bit of info, that only those who've studied the case would know, which is unrelated to the photographic evidence. Either he's studied the case more than he'll admit, or someone tipped him off.

    2. That bit of info is that there's a reason Myers' Connally appeared to be a midget in the animation used in Beyond the Magic Bullet. And the reason is that the producers of the program filmed Myers' animation off a monitor...from the side! This changed the relative proportions of Kennedy and Connally.

    3. By offering up a "sigh" Craig suggests that the Connally midget is a harmless anomaly, when it is almost certainly a deliberate deception. When I first brought up the Connally midget some years ago, Myers responded in a similarly condescending manner, and suggested that only an idiot would not realize that the producers of the program--for no good reason whatsoever--would FEATURE an animated depiction of the Kennedy assassination filmed at an angle off a monitor. Fortunately, a few of Myers' biggest defenders, including David Von Pein, admitted that they too had been fooled, and that they had never suspected that the close-up views of the animation--in which the the borders of the monitor had been cropped off--had been filmed at an angle.

    4. Craig also fails to admit that, by admitting the animation was filmed at an angle, he is admitting that the single-bullet shot doesn't align. You see, the producers of Beyond the Magic Bullet added a digital trajectory line over the distorted animation, and GUESS WHAT--it pointed back to the sniper's nest! Even die-hard lone-nutters should be able to see that this means that the trajectory would not align if the figures had not been distorted.

    see below:

    Some, such as Ron Hepler and Gary Mack, are well-known and established researchers in the case; regardless of differences, one knows who one is dealing with. But others, such as Joe Durnavich, David Wimp, and Craig Lamson, are more ephemeral.

    we've known about the Craigster and his (ya won't be rewriting any film-photo history while the 6th Floor Mausoleum is around) cohorts-aka The Gang:

    Joe Durnavich

    Louis Girdler

    James Gordon

    Ron Hepler

    Barb Junkkarinen

    Craig Lamson

    Josiah Thompson

    David Wimp

    since 2002. It seems the Craigster is a bit *less* ephemeral than John Costella assumed...


    p.s. Shame Dale (want to see my EMMY) Myers won't give up his Lightwave project files...

  13. Just finished adding a new section to my website.


    From the home page, click witness page on the right.

    I have been adding all the witness testimony in an easy to copy and paste format. Something else that I have been doing, is embedding photos of the Commission Exhibits as they are introduced, rather than have them in another volume.

    I will be adding testimony regularly, and hope to accumulate videos and other items associated with each witness.

    I hope this is of some use.


    JFK Assassination Truth ? ? ? ahh geez, another feeble attempt to prop up the Single Bullet Theory (SBT)... you sell buttered popcorn too, Sgt Mikey?

  14. ...

    You know, of course, that no reasonable person can get around the logic laid out in points #1 thru #6 listed above.


    and whose logic be that, young man? Bugliosi's perhaps... You're so transparent even the Craigster can't help ya. Here's a franchisee (SBT in this case) reality, the NAME doesn't necessarily sell an honest nor healthy product... You've been taken son, but I've come to know and expect that of you....

    (emphasis: mine)

  15. In Europe we are amazed by the fact that so many people in the US refuse to believe that Obama is an American citizen. I suppose it must be the crazy right-wing media they have in the US.

    John, The American Civil War is STILL being fought by our brothers south of the Mason-Dixon Line -- and just last evening, according to MSNBC 'Hardball' host Chris Matthews, many members of the U.S. House of Representatives "birther" advocates hail from, TEXAS! Those that deny racism is front and center here, especially from the south, (IMO) are delusional...

  16. Belief in Conspiracies Linked to Machiavellian Mindset

    New research suggests people are more likely to endorse conspiracy theories if they would be willing to personally participate in such a conspiracy.

    By Tom Jacobs

    Know any conspiracy theorists? No doubt they’ve tried to convince you that man didn’t really land on the moon or President Obama was born in Kenya.

    In fact, they were imparting genuinely interesting information — about themselves. New research suggests belief in such theories may reveal a Machiavellian mindset.

    “At least among some samples and for some conspiracy theories, the perception that ‘they did it’ is fueled by the perception that ‘I would do it,’” University of Kent psychologists Karen Douglas and Robbie Sutton write in the British Journal of Social Psychology.

    “These studies suggest that people who have more lax personal morality may endorse conspiracy theories to a greater extent because they are, on average, more willing to participate in the conspiracies themselves.”



    [Hat tip, Pat at Screw Loose Change blog]

    lord don't tell me: there was no conspiracy re the murder of Julius Caeser.... phew, glad you're clearing up this conspiracy stuff, Len! Perhaps McKenna can spend time figuring out who was responsible for hurricane Katrina coming into being.... I know, I know, the Borgias' probably did it! Nah, I doubt he'd survive the sitdown....

  17. Agree Michael. When viewed at normal speed, the forward motion is nearly imperceptible to most people.

    That's not the point, Richard. The point is that Rather was correct...PERIOD!!!

    Oh Dunc, perhaps its all that hair, YOUR hair... that weighs you down, making faulty conclusions, misinterpretations, etc... there was a lot of that in the 60's if I recall, eh? And, can't get the debate your looking for on your own forum these days? Well now that's sad!

  18. From dallasobserver.com:

    Today's History Lesson

    From the Film Vaults: Rush to Judgment

    by Robert Wilonsky

    While looking for something unrelated this morning, I came across quite the cinematic find just posted to the Internet Archive: a full-length copy of Oscar-nominated director Emile de Antonio's 1966 film Rush to Judgment, based upon New York attorney Mark Lane's best-seller of the same name in which he more or less spells out "what he might have done as adversary for the defense if [Lee Harvey] Oswald had gone on trial," per Time's September 1966 "Autopsy on the Warren Commission."

    The film has been out of print for years; copies sell for up to $200. I've only seen bits and pieces of the doc on YouTube over the years, where it's often broken down into brief segments. Filled with interviews with witnesses to the assassination of John Kennedy and former employees of Jack Ruby (including pianist Joe Johnson, who plays for Lane), as well as then-fresh footage of Police Chief Jesse Curry and District Attorney Henry Wade, Rush to Judgment is as much as a history of Dallas in the early to mid-'60s as a criticism of the Warren Commission's report.

    The entire film follows for those with 90 minutes to spare.

    (Takes a while to load)


    thanks Mike....

    David Healy

  19. Although I have no faith in another film having been shot from a near identical location, I made this speculative analysis way back in 2003.



    you may admit at anytime, Sitzman is, at the very least, an interesting character. A character we know next to nothing about...

    ever see one of these before? speculation of course...

    post-712-064689100 1303228742_thumb.jpg

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