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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. ...

    Having spent a lot of time arguing with McAdams over the years I know how he thinks. He almost always sides with what one might call "official-dumb." He is so afraid of appearing as he is--a lone nut theorist--


    regarding this specific subject matter there is always a reason for looking "official-dumb," grants perhaps?

  2. I was just saying that, in most of the online JFK discussion groups, there are a lot of people with uncompromising positions for or against Garrison, which makes it hard to opine that Garrison was a smart and sincere guy who deeply believed in his case and who peeked under rocks not yet examined, but that he made a few mistakes.

    we can opine re Garrison till doomsday, Blackburst... what IS clear is this, lone nuts see the WCR slipping away from them. It ceased being a "report," now it's a contested, flimsy article of blind faith.

  3. In 1928 Stephen Vincent Benet published his epic poem John Brown's Body. The most majestic of literary writings concerning slavery and one of the most famous of abolitionists, John Brown.

    When trying to discuss things related to Lee Harvey Oswald with Craig Lamson, I am reminded of my favorite part of the poem.

    The Law is our yardstick

    And it measures well

    Or well enough when there are yards to measure

    Measure a wave with it. Measure a fire!

    Cut sorrow up in inches

    Weigh content

    You can weigh John Brown's body well enough

    But how, and in what measure, can you weigh John Brown

    As Greg Parker has already pointed out. It is the Oswald is guilty side of this argument that needs these photographs to be genuine. Because if they are ever proven fake, then the whole house of cards falls down around them.

    But we don't need them. We have enough. We endeavor to weigh content. Let Craig continue to measure yards.

    wonderful and thank you, Lee Farley!

  4. ...

    Both Rove and Gillespie are very conservative but rational people, and they won't back a horse they don't like or don't believe has a chance to win.

    Perry sounds too dangerous even for Rove.

    I'm going to wait until they decide who to back and then I'm going to call my Irish bookie and bet on him, or her as it may be.

    the latest book (just a little something I heard around town):

    2012 US Presidential race

    Barack Obama - 4/6

    Mitt Romney - 5/1

    Rick Perry - 5/1

    Michele Bachmann - 16/1

    Tim Pawlenty - 25/1

    Sarah Palin - 33/1

    Jon Huntsman - 33/1

    40/1 bar

    Republican nominee

    Mitt Romney - 13/8

    Rick Perry - 13/8

    Michele Bachmann - 6/1

    Tim Pawlenty - 14/1 (withdrew)

    Jon Huntsman - 14/1

    Sarah Palin - 14/1

    25/1 bar

  5. Was Rick Perry making a reference to the JFK assassination when he characterised the strategy of the Federal Reserve chairman, Ben Bernanke, as "treasonous". He then went onto say: "If this guy prints more money between now and the election, I dunno what y'all would do to him in Iowa but we would treat him pretty ugly down in Texas."

    I haven't been paying much attention to the Republicans but it seems that Perry is a Texas Republican who fits the Bush mold and maybe even more to the right.

    I'm sure that Karl Rove and Ed Gillespie have a more moderate Republican waiting in the wings who they will drag out after all the others knock each other out.

    Maybe they will take our New Jersey governor Chris Christie off our hands. I'm sure the NJ teachers would love that.

    you're stuck with Christie, Bill. Most of America demands a charismatic leader that (at least) looks physically fit... (we do have minimum standards in the hinterland)

  6. A while back I was playing in a brass band in a parade in New Orleans. We were passing the Hale Boggs Federal Building. (For background you need to know they tore down the old Newman Building where Guy Bannister's office was to make space for it, and that former Warren Commission member Boggs who the new building is named after died under mysterious circumstances shortly after saying he was about to make some revelations.) A local "sick humor" joke sometimes calls it "the Lee Harvey Oswald Federal Building". I hadn't heard that "joke" for years, but as the parade was passing I heard someone in the parade say it and then several other people laugh and repeat the comment. The band leader heard this and immediately had the band swing in to "It Ain't My Fault".

    can't help but love New O'lens... :)

  7. Thanks for all the comments, it's good to know that I have such good friends,

    but my favorite was from Gary Mack,

    Hi Bill,

    Happy Birthday!


    P.S. Aynesworth was a Dallas Mronging News reproter on 11/22, not Times Herald. I haven't read past that part yet…. :)

    Thanks Gary, and I'm glad you spelled it "Dallas Mronging News reproter," so I know that I'm not the only person who makes mistakes.

    And thanks to Jim and Debra for making the correction at CTKA

    CTKA: Citizens for Truth about the Kennedy Assassination

    For further Elaborations on G. B. Dealey and the DMN:

    JFKcountercoup: George Bannerman Dealey and Dallas Morning News

    For those interested in my talk:

    Remember the Intrepid: Kelly's Kiwanis Talk at ACCC 7/28/11

    Perhaps a bit of "Summer at the Jersey Shore" is called for, Bill? Happy birthday youngster.....

    David Healy

  8. Drummed? How in hte world would you EVER know?

    Easy. Simply by the weakness of your rhetoric and the lack of sophistication in your insults.

    Right...Truth be damned.


    Good to know that the truth has no value to Hogan. He is yet another slave to a warped ideology.

    Let us not forget that much maligned *warped* ideology: the WCR. You're stuck with it dude, actually, for that you've earned my pity. Why (if they choose to) professional image compositors (light magicians - sleight of hand alters of reality) can run circles around lone nuts and non-alteration film-photo fanatics on a regular basis. That's why its called an art-form, Studley.

    Appears you nutters (and .john mcadams) have forgot your primary argument. Focus hon!

  9. Glenn,

    Again you are demonstrating your predilection with criticizing Fetzer instead of presenting your own arguments. All of your posts in this thread are targeting Fezer and none of them are presenting your own research. If you actually have done the work, then I would prefer to see what you've done. If Fetzer is not worth anyone's time, as you suggest, then why should we spend another second on him? Let's see your research and work on the subjects you raised and leave Fetzer out of it. If you refuse to--or are incapable of--doing that, then perhaps you have made Fetzer's point for him, and done so much more effectively than he did it himself, namely, you demonstrate diminished capacity or perhaps poor judgment, but clearly your interest is not in the subject matter that you titled this thread upon. Instead, it would seem to be an ad hominem thread from the beginning.


  10. Thank's Steve, Wish one was settled on and people were aware of what is actually meant, it makes various reports on a number of things confusing.


    Another great oz ex PM speaks out:

    Keating lets fire on media self-regulation

    AAP July 15, 2011, 2:56 am

    Former prime minister Paul Keating has attacked Australia's Press Council and said the phone hacking scandal in England could have happened here.

    In a broadside against media self-regulation Mr Keating also said it was "beyond doubt" that News Ltd papers in Australia were out to destroy the Gillard government.

    Asked on ABC TV about the News of the World phone hacking scandal Mr Keating said people who had their privacy invaded should have a right of action.

    "One thing for sure comes out of this and that is self-regulation by the media is a joke," Mr Keating said.

    "People shouldn't have a right to appeal about invasions of their privacy to some body funded by newspapers, they should have a right at law," he said.

    The News of the World was closed by owner Rupert Murdoch amid growing revelations about the activities by some staff came to light.

    There was evidence that the paper had generated stories by hacking mobile phone messages of celebrities, families of dead war veterans, and even a missing 13-year-old girl.

    "It could have happened in Australia," Mr Keating said.

    He also said it was clear News Ltd papers were at war with the Gillard government, although he was not certain whether such a directive would have come from Mr Murdoch.

    The Daily Telegraph newspaper had called for an early election because its editors felt such a move would see the government defeated, Mr Keating said.

    "Ministers are saying News Ltd is after regime change, and I think how can you read it any other way?" he said.

    He said a bid by Sky News, which is partly owned by Mr Murdoch, to win the rights to broadcast Australia's overseas news network could be hampered by the phone hacking scandal in England.

    "If there were important findings about these matters in England it must materially affect things here," Mr Keating said.

    edit typo

    isn't Murdoch's stake in Sky News at least 35% already?

  11. Just so I understand, nothing but first generation material by anyone or their work get trash canned?

    when the work is classified as OPINION and/or THEORY fine, when the work is stated as FACT and/or PROOF...... and not verifiable 1st generation film-photo material-- of course! That's a reasonable benchmark.

  12. ...

    I still do not understand all the mechanics there but the notion that it was impossible to sync the Zfilm to ALL THE OTHER FILMS is a falsehood… there simply were not any other films to sync to during the time when frames would have been removed…

    I welcome all critiques of my logic and hypothesis…

    Just trying a little out of the box thought…



    edit: forgot to attach the file

    Mechanics are called: the art of optical film printing some passed the motion picture art-form from generation to generation... clearly an art-form from

    Out of the box thought? Perhaps, square in the middle of the box, thinking that is....so BRAVO.... Any thing is possible in the world of film special effects.

    We have a flawed Warren Commission Report (who doubts that these days). LHO's guilt is hotly debated. Appears we have a flawed Zapruder Film, yet, we're to discount on-site (Elm Street-Dealey Plaza) eyewitness testimony.... typical of lone nut, FLAWED logic... yes, its possible the Zapruder film is/was altered.

  13. <snip>

    lmao anyway...

    "36 frames have been removed ...." ??? Have you thought what the limo's rate of progression would look like had the type of frame removal you described had been accomplished?

    perhaps you can tell us when you viewed the alleged in-camera Zapruder film original at NARA? Verifying no frames were or have been removed? You watch "altered film-video clips everyday.

    BTW, Any 'Hollyweird professional' optical film printing technician of the day (circa. 1963-64) could remove 36 frames from the Zapruder film and you'd be none-the-wiser. That's their job dude, alter, fix, mend, repair original film footage. In other words, bring location-studio footage in-tune with the script. Dig?

  14. ...

    Oh dave, you gonna claim there is no motion blur too? Oh wait dave never claims anything he just dances around the edges without actually sticking his neck out..

    So dave,is there motion blur in Nix or not? You don't need anything but whats posted to answer...

    So how about it, you gonna stick you neck out and comment or is this just another in a long line of dave making empty hit and run posts?

    Focus son.... Simply post a 1st generation (supplying proof of same) film-photo frame supporting your contention, that way reasonable folks can conclude as they will.... lone nut/non-film-photo alteration(IST) noise is no longer sufficient Craig, what are you afraid of? You own opinion? Your own lone nut clan?

  15. Man cliff you have OUTDONE YOURSELF! What a GREAT job of locating the results of MOTION BLUR ! ROFLMAO!

    Your works is hopelessly wrong cliff.

    Once I stop laughing I'll respond in the "Deniers" thread. :ice

    Instead why don't you tell us WHY it"s NOT motion blur since all the internals of the two photos show us exactly that.

    Poor cliff you can't even see the telltale marks of motion blur in both frames and how it increases from one frame to the next. And it not just a tiny bit of blur, its pretty large.

    And while you try and wrap your head around motion blur, why don't you explain to us how it works as it pertains to light and dark areas within a frame of film. iI you can't explain this simple factoid, well you just get tossed onto the dustbin of history.

    Oh wait, thats were you reside now...

    BLUR? Surely you can post a 1st generation frame with blur that one can compare to, yes? No sense fooling around here, give the lone nut to much wiggle room and you get lone nut nonsense. So post that 1st generation image, those of us that KNOW can make simple comparisons. We'll require the images lineage also, ya been dancing too long Craigster, let's see what ya got, son!

    Or do we just have more lone nut noise for the Z-film uninitiated?

  16. Thanks Kathy.

    I think Toddy is Todd Vaughan.

    The others Ben is referring to are John McAdams and Anthony Marsh.

    So I assume this was first posted at the Pigpen, aka alt.conspiracy. The place where DVP once said McAdams hardly ever posted at.

    The questions have changed somewhat, but the above is a good start/ Pigpen? Hardly. Do a few whackos post there? Yes. As well as here, I might add... One should state, for the record, alt.conspiracy.jfk is STILL the only un-moderated, JFK assassination related forum on the web. EVERY post is censored on AAJ!

    .John McAdams left alt.conspiracy.jfk (ACJ) to form alt. assassination.jfk (AAJ) in Nov 1997, he took a few CT's whom saw the (WCR if you will) light and formed AAJ Dec 1997.

    And yes, Toddy is Todd Vaughan -- one of the few longtime, lone nut nemisis I could do business with. one whom certainly knows the WCR, one whom David VonPein could learn lessons from (except of course when it comes to setting up examples of LHO shooting prowess, especially tests with non-moving sandbags...

    Perhaps you'll look forward to questions based on Bugliosi's RH, those are on the drawing board and forthcoming in the future? So Jim, if you'd like to yak at Ben Holmes, drop me a note at aeffects04@gmail.com.

  17. I looked up the 45 questions in Google.

    Could not find all 45 though.

    Can someone provide a link to all 45 consecutively?

    Further, Ben added a qualifier for one of them, which I quote here: "Just a note for lurkers - John McAdams will hijack this thread to his censored 
group, and knowing that I will not respond where *he* can decide to allow, or 
disallow my post, will dishonestly allow people to believe that he's had the 
last word, and that I won't respond."

    Does this not sound like DVP with me? He continues the "debate" by stealing the thread over to his site, knowing I will not reply there. But using my name as a rubric anyway. Thereby guaranteeing he will have the last word. That is why I call him the Freeloader from now on.

    Third, In trying to respond to one of the 45 questions about the autopsy, McAdams was up to his usual "blame the Kennedys" BS. (Which has been totally discredited by Gary Aguilar.) So he goes to the corner, tag teams DVP (this is at the Pigpen of course), and WC zealot Von Pein actually posts the following:

    "Conspiracy theorists love to harp on the supposed "incomplete autopsy"

    or the "botched autopsy" performed by Drs. Humes, Boswell, and Finck.

    But there's really nowhere the conspiracists can go with that type of

    argument, and that's because the IMPORTANT/PERTINENT ISSUES at JFK's

    autopsy were positively and satisfactorily arrived at, such as: the

    cause of death and the details about where the bullets entered and

    exited John F. Kennedy's body."




    Mike Baden is not a conspiracist. (At least not under Bob Blakey.) Yet he himself said that the JFK autopsy was the "exemplar" for botched autopsies. Milton Halpern, the most illustrious forensic pathologist of his era, said the same. Charles Wilbur, another noted pathologist explained how something like 75 things that should have been done that night were not.

    So saying that only Commission criitcs severely criticize JFK's autopsy, this is a giant piece of camouflage, meant to disguise the fact that the autopsy was botched. Or are we to beleive that somehow Von Pein knows more about pathology and autopsies that Halpern or Wilbur? When DVP shows me his medical degree from KFC Advanced Studies Medical Institute, I will consider this. If not, then this is just more of the typical DVP: empty bombast.

    Bombast over what? Two pertinent facts. Namely that neither bullet that went through JFK was tracked. Now to say that this is not an important detail--as he clearly implies-- is more empty camouflage. Because if something is not tracked then you are not sure about directionality.

    Is that important in this case?

    Duh, yep.


    I will pass this on, see if we can't fix you up with all 45... at one time all 45 questions appeared here on the Ed Forum. 2-3 years ago...

  18. ...

    Because there is always a reasonable non-conspiratorial explanation for everything Jimbo utters. (There has to be, of course, because Oswald was as guilty as Hitler. And I think even Jim D., deep down, knows that is true.


    too bad you, David Von Pein, avoided CONSISTENTLY Ben Holmes 45 questions at alt.conspiracy.jfk (the 45 questions have been posted here on this forum, which you avoided). Those questions deal SPECIFICALLY with "reasonable non-conspiratorial explanation"s. Yet, you ran from those.... and here you are posing with the term, a confirmed CTer has made popular during past years on the USENET.

    I'll also point out there's isn't one lone nut that has dealt with those 45 questions in non-conspiratorial explanations, including, none other than: .John McAdams who feebly tried, when pointed out he failed, he ran back to his censored forum, alt.assassination.jfk. Sad state of affairs. Things must be getting thin in the lone nut world.

  19. Getting things back to the topic of this thread....

    No one-including Bugliosi, Posner, DVP or Tom Hanks-can make an effective case for Oswald being the lone assassin, because the official record proves that was impossible. However, what we should be worried about are two things; the star power of Tom Hanks, and the increasingly stupid American public.

    What made JFK such a successful film, and so important to our cause, was Oliver Stone's fame and the fact so many high profile stars agreed to appear in it. An indepedent film, made by even a well known director, wouldn't have had nearly the impact without all those stars. Tom Hanks is a mega star, and his name alone will attract viewers, no matter what his thesis is. Fortunately, it appears as if Hanks is confronting the reality of just how difficult it will be to film a convincing argument from all the historical inaccuracies in Bugliosi's huge book.

    If Hanks is able to film anything based on Bugliosi's book, it won't matter how good a production it is. People will watch, and a certain number will believe it, because they simply don't know the subject matter and, as noted above, are just incredibly unwilling to think for themselves. P.T. Barnum would drool over the prospect of dealing with today's public.

    Yea, Don,

    Let's get back on topic here.

    While Bugliosi, Posner, DVP and Tom Hanks are all Americans who I disagree with, they certainly aren't "stupid," and I take offense that you continually insult Americans, and wonder how you can be a moderator without noting on your profile what nationality you are, and how the other moderators let you repeatedly insult Americans?

    As to your assertion that the American public are so gullible and "are incredibly unwilling to think for themselves," especially about this subject, since Bugliosi said that his purpose was to convince people of the truth of the Lone Nut scenario, he has failed, as over 80% of Americans still know there was a conspiracy behind the assassination of President Kennedy.

    And I politely request that you tell us members of the stupid American general public what nationality you are, and I ask that the moderators explain how you can be accepted among their ranks while repeated asserting your personal bias that Americans are stupid.


    Bill Kelly


    I happen to fully agree with Don's opinions, after all, Budweiser is the "king of beers" and Coors Light is also curiously popular in these United States. Maybe "shallow" is a better word than "stupid" when attempting to describe the majority of our countrymen, but my experience is that the French voters run rings around most of us when it comes to identifying and voting their own best interests.

    Isn't a clear sign of stupidity manifested in the crisis of wealth inequity in this country? The wealthiest 20 percent of U.S. households owned 87.7 percent of all private wealth, per a study by the Levy Institute released two years ago. The triennial, Federal Reserve studies of wealth distribution fully support that statistic.

    The reaction to this is manifested in the actions of the governor of New Jersey. Championing policies obviously further weakening the consumer class. It is a wave of "reform" pushed successfully since Reagan's first term, and the haves are now triumphing politically and economically over the have nots, while an astounding number of our misinformed countrymen cheer for more of it.

    So Bill, even thought the actual crisis is the fact that 20 percent of households own 87.7 percent of the wealth and the bottom 50 percent own just 3 percent, doesn't it seem a sign of stupidity that so many embrace the idea that domestic consumption can somehow be stimulated by supporting a political solution intended to lessen wealth inequity? Did I mention that the French enjoy a model, state engineered, univerasl healthcare system, or that the minimum wage in France is $13 per hour and the poverty rate is half what it is in our great country?

    I watched Newt Gingrich propose defunding the NLRB in a farcical "debate" recently held at a New Hampshire college. Wasn't it after the creation of the NLRB to uphold the labor reform legislation enacted in the mid 1930's that Americans last experienced a lessening of wealth inequality strikingly similar to what the French people have managed to effect through their thoughtful voting decisions?

    In response to your demands for fuller disclosure, here is a link to my maternal grandfather's genealogy.:

    http://wc.rootsweb.a...keats&id=I06065 His mother's direct ancestors landed in Massachusetts in 1632. emigrant John, his son, Thomas, his son Nathaniel, his son Benjamin, his son, Abel (revolutionary war veteran), his son Janucey, his son, Orrin, his son, William, his daughter, Emma, her son, my grandfather, Edward.....

    If I recall accurately, your were asked to join the moderation team of this forum, but you declined to volunteer your time.

    You are a smart guy, and it is my privilege to be able to interact with you, but in this instance, I hope you can sense my reaction

    to the sentiments you directed at Don while I attempt to avoid posting what is on my mind in any more detail.

    Have a happy and save 4th of July.

    Hey, you guys are right, most Americans really don't give a crap about the revolutions going on, or whether we - the United States - should support them or our old friends the dictators, and for the most part, those who get the smallest portion of the big money pie really don't care or want a piece of the bigger chunks.

    And since Tom and Don, both American moderators, can trace their lineage in the USA back to the 1700s they should know that the US interests in Tripoli began in late 1700s when North African Barbary pirates began to plunder American ships and enslaving their crews and demanding ransom and tribute. In response the stupid American public responded with the simple slogan, "millions for defense and not one cent for tribute," and Congress reluctantly approved the budget for the construction of a fleet of warships and a Navy to go fight the pirates.

    And today, while that budget is obscene, and we don't need a nuclear force any more, or invasion armies, we do need a Navy and special ops corps to protect Americans from bullies and tyrants. Life Youseff Karamanli, the tyrant of Tripoli who was the first foreign leader to declare war on the USA, by cutting down the American flag outside the US consulate in Tripoli. He remained in power after we defeated him in battle because of the liberals in Congress who didn't want to finish him off. So over a century later, when the American Navy put into Tripoli, and held a memorial service at the graves of American naval heroes from the first Barbary War, the mayor of Tripoli - Youseff Karamanli - a direct descendant of the tyrant, was still in power.

    So today, are we going to assist the democratic revolutionaries who only want what we have - freedom, liberty, justice and democracy, or are we going to listen to those who know little about the history of our two nations, and let al Qaeda and the Islamic extremists take over and reimpose a security state?

    As someone who has studied the situation in Libya for the past decade, and with personal interests there, I know where my allegiances are.

    Those who are merely against war and for peace at any price, also give up the ideals that we considered worth fighting and dying for in 1800.

    And indeed, Happy July 4th to everyone, especially our British, French, Canadian and Australian allies, and those who have fought with Americans for those ideals whenever they were threatened.

    Americans weren't always viewed as the warmongers and imperialists, but those who could be depended on to be on the right side of the fight.



  20. ...

    That was the ostensible reason for his presence in Dallas that day, and indeed, his two pals did meet with Hunt while

    Braden went to the Federal building and was in the parole office reporting the fact that he was there when JFK was killed,

    and then went to Dealey Plaza afterwards.


    its a general understanding, when a felon is on parole, permission to leave the state he's been paroled to is required BEFORE he leaves that state? Showing up in Dallas with a hi, I'm here, is a no-no.

    According to Noyes, before leaving California, Braden had informed his Los Angeles parole office that he'd be traveling to Dallas. So he had done what was required. He didn't just show up in Dallas. Then, when he arrived, he was letting that city's authorities know -- nothing nefarious, part of his parole requirements.

    That's the problem with assuming Braden is part of the assassination detail. Highly unlikely, since he shows no quality of the "sneaking around" so characteristic of the other players in the drama such as Oswald, Ruby, Ferrie and the rest of the cast.

    my concern is answered... thank you

  21. ...

    That was the ostensible reason for his presence in Dallas that day, and indeed, his two pals did meet with Hunt while

    Braden went to the Federal building and was in the parole office reporting the fact that he was there when JFK was killed,

    and then went to Dealey Plaza afterwards.


    its a general understanding, when a felon is on parole, permission to leave the state he's been paroled to is required BEFORE he leaves that state? Showing up in Dallas with a hi, I'm here, is a no-no.

  22. The "Bill Miller" motorcycle windshield height issue is not impeachable. She was standing on the grass for that photo. Zapruder's film is fine.

    As, for any speculation per Z-alterations, there is this challenge issue of take the Zapruder Film and make a fake. Let Arlen Spector become the Limo's driver. Put LBJ into the Lemo's right front seat and demonstrate issues of how a film could be faked.

    Put Mariyln Monroe in place of Jean Hill and put both the girls in the street to get run down by the motorcycle. That would be hilarious to watch.

    Unfortunately, since all the other films support that Zapruder is what it is, the alteration gang has slowly grown long noses as now they are up to claiming all photos and all films were remade to support Zapruder. It is now utter wild speculation that can't be sustained.

    Was it not Bob Harris who challenged: Show us by making a faked up Z-film. We've not seen a demo of that yet, and it will also have to go change every single film and photo to match.

    It is virtually impossible to fake a Zapruder Film because for each image frame the succeeding and the preceeding frames are interlocked by the lense overshine into the sprocket area. The transition areas in the spocket area has two photos on top of each other---which ties each adjacent frame together.

    Anyone that has done the close examination of Zapruder finds the issues of the Limo stopped were more slips of the tongue from people in shock for the extremes of violence they just witnessed. It is like Stop Signs, everyone tells they stop at them, but a good many do rolling stops. Most think that for the SS agent to get to the Limo the Limo had to stop, it never stopped and the SS agent had to run.

    Cars further back in the procession could well have stopped as Algen's captures a White Four Door with doors opening and that one likely stopped to let the agents out of the car.

    Zapruder is still solid as the Rock of Gibralta.

    IMHO---a few still exploit slips of the tongue and fail to integrate each witness into the whole of the scene and other evidence.

    me thinketh Mr. Phelps since you accepted this assignment you protesteth way too much. Z-frames were transposed, that is a given, now what do you call that, son? And for what reason? IF that happened, what else, Dude...?

    alteration [ˌɔːltəˈreɪʃən]


    1. an adjustment, change, or modification

    2. the act of altering or state of being altered

    You're living by faith in flawed evidence, Mr. Phelps. A long term, lone nut failing.

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