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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. Just a reminder to everyone:

    (iv) Members should not make personal attacks on other members. Nor should references be made to their abilities as researchers. Most importantly, the motivations of the poster should not be questioned. At all times members should concentrate on what is being said, rather than who is saying it. It is up to the reader to look at the biography submitted by the poster, to judge whether they are telling the truth or not. The word “xxxx” is banned from use on the forum.


    "It is up to the reader to look at the biography submitted by the poster, to judge whether they are telling the truth or not."

    Is that how they determine the truth in Australia, by someones posted "biography"? LMFAO! No wonder the amount and quality of JFK assassination related posts are on a decline...

    So where is Bill Miller, you know? Or is MUM the word?

  2. Your paranoia is astounding.

    your defense of the indefensible equally so... Carry on!

    So I guess David considers pointing out when Jack:

    - Confuses the south and north sides of an intersection and implies similar looking buildings were constructed just to confuse him.

    - Calls the the WFC Winter Garden a toppled over building

    - Says an engine part obviously in front of a garbage can is an entire engine IN the can.

    - ID’s a Calder sculpture in front of 7 WTC as flames in the building

    - Mis-ID’s the Pentagon crash site by about 500 feet (150 meters)

    - Says that photos from different Apollo missions were taken from the same location

    - Crops the flames out of a Pentagon photo and says it was taken AFTER the fire was extinguished

    - Etc, etc, etc

    …indefensible since the notion of Whitian infallibility must not be questioned.

    oh Len, it's all about trust son.... one has to take that all-time, greatest leap of LEAPS, that being, looking into dark corners. Courage lad, ya need courage.

    Say while I've got your ear here, whatever happened to Wild Bill Miller? He finally go full-time at the 6th Floor Museum, Dallas Texas? If so, he owes me BIGTIME!

  3. I seldom post anything to the Simkin forums anymore because it is dominated by provocateurs.

    But I check the articles daily to see what's happening.

    Since my postings have decreased I have noticed a corresponding decrease in postings by some

    of my "shadows"...people I think have been assigned to follow me anyplace I post for the purpose

    of harassing me.

    My chief JFK shadow, Bill Miller, is almost never heard from anymore (as well as several other JFK


    My chief Apollo shadow and sometime JFK shadow Craig Lamson has become inactive. Some lesser

    shadows post ONLY when I post research on their assigned topic, such as chemtrails.

    However, Colby (911) and Burton (Apollo and 911) are still actively employed, with Burton now

    running the forum.

    Let's see who this message brings out of the woodwork.


    It already got one complaint to the moderators. Jack, Jack, please understand the USA is stressed and has limited resources......the missing p'tours are currently reassigned - to keep Goldman Sacks afloat - as well as the Fed....and all the magic-shows known as 'history'. America's deep political structure may have hit the wall financially. They obviously hit and passed the 'wall' years ago morally.....

    Any evidence these "provocateurs" (anyone who dares disagre with Jack White) are paid to post here? No? Any evidence that some people don't just have a different opinion than Jack or Peter? No? Interesting.

    willing to post your W-2's there, sonny?

  4. I want to share with you all my proposal for a 5 part internet series on the Kennedy assassination. The project will be carried out through the Coalition on Political Assassinations.

    JFK- The truth in our lifetime is the working title for the project and will likely not be the name of the finished product.

    If you have any questions or queries, please write them here or contact me at johnpetergeraghty@gmail.com

    If you can make any kind of contribution towards the project it would be very much appreciated.

    All the best,

    John Geraghty


    best of luck to you and this huge endeavour John Geraghty and by extension, Bill Kelly!

    David Healy

  5. Costella's folly continues, and this time it includes Jim Fetzer Jack White and "David" whichever one that might be.

    This is like shooting fish in a barrel!


    you're dripping in E-N-V-Y LMFAO Listen I understand you haven't been published, its this way son, no one is interested in WCR support materials, ya gotta get out of that comfort zone you mid-westerners crave, so REACH for the stars -- there's no future shooting (photos) travel trailers, boats... for that matter, buses and furniture (leave that for the pros)....

    Say, did I ever tell you the story about how I met Dave Wimp and his sidekick Joe Durnivich? How they were going to use 3D graphics to prove Dealey Plaza, stuff. They were part of the Gang of Eight, remember them? Oops, that's right, you're one of them -- sorry..... fancy that. Yeah, ole Dave (another one, eh?) and Joe thought they could slide a pathetic 3D Povray, Dealey Plaza code project by the TGZFH contributing authors (think they tried to emulate old Dale EMMY Myers)....LMFAO, anyway I had to break the news to them, I helped with some of that Povray ray tracing engine code. Guess what, those two wouldn't send me the .pov and the .inc project files so I could verify their findings -- wonder why....

    Tough to get respect these day's, eh?

    In case you forgot or lurkers need to be refreshed -- the Gang of Eight:


    the final delusion AND the GANG:


    evidently this barrel shoots back, eh? 6 years ago even.... and you STILL can't find a Physics Ph.D to lend the GANG credibility, other than embarrassment of course....

  6. I love it, the only one around who says he can't prove a film is altered is me.... and all you pantywaist WCR supporting tarts start moaning and heading for the Lone Nut Heights, meaning Super Barb, Josiah, Mack the Craigster. FWIW, I think I do a fine job dragging some of you dufuses out of the woodwork for all to see. Especially the one that still sees ghosts growing in Dealey Plaza bushes... (even Gary gave up on that..... :)) Now THAT friends and neighbors is yanking Lone Nutter C-H-A-I-N. As Wild Bill Miller knows quite well when he don's one of his alt.conspiracy.jfk aliases (of which he has 4 or 5) dontcha there laddie? B)

    LMAO, So Wild Bill ya can stop trying to impress the girls, we know how Craig has lambasted you on more than one occasion, and on more than one board about cameras, lenses AND film makeup... So sit quietly at the knee of the masters, we'll ring when ready for you! Carry on, hon!

    "Impress the girls" ??? Is there n ot ever a moment that you are in front of a computer where you do not talk like an idiot.


    hey twerp... good seeing you, they let you out of the 6th floor for weekend, GOOD.....So tell us how are things at the museum, the new job running smoothly or what? Have you expanded your photographic horizons, too? Maybe take a course in Photoshop Techniques? Say listen, I had to remove my recommendation for you at ADOBE, ya haven't got it yet, man -- hate to be the one to lay the bad news on you.... I'm sure you understand.

    Where's Lamson been these past few weeks, he pow-wowing with the new Gang of Eight? Maybe you guys have found a Physics PH.D someplace, perhaps one living under a bridge in Peoria, maybe even Indianapolis, eh?

    Take care kiddo, oh, btw, do take a lessons doing on-camera work.... and don't listen to Gary Mack, I'd of fired his rear-end, he's to much the people pleaser, can't sell the deal, catch my drift, kid? Take it from a pro!

  7. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...view=getnewpost (link to related topic)


    ''Tough Love'' ...

    ... is an important element that loved ones and the addict at times must deal with.

    Many Parents and friends accomodate the addict out of love. Understandable, but for the addict not so good at times. There are also resources for the people who care about the addict. AA groupings for example, for the non addict.

    In this the message is often one of the hardest for a Parent to take. Kick the addict out and grieve, and pray, and hope. Refuse any support that is not Very Clearly aimed at the acting seeking help themselves. Support that fully, and resume Tough Love if needed.

    This, while very hard on the addict, can, and in many instances does, lead to an owning of the addiction and the path to salvation taken. The addict then realises who truly loves them, and they in turn grow to value their true selves, which is so important.

    worldwide link(s) for those pondering the question, 'do I need help':

    http://www.na.org (Narcotics Anonymous)

    for the alcoholic:

    http://www.aa.org (Alcoholics Anonymous)

    Help is a phone call away! Nearly anywhere in the world!

  8. Alcohol is the world’s favourite drug refined over thousands of years and presented in a variety of delicious forms. None of these forms however disguise the fact that it is a slow poison and a slow poison that if taken too regularly will cause liver collapse and a very painful death.

    I would contend that a majority of the population of my country drink to an excess that would result in most doctors classifying them as alcoholics. If you doubt this I suggest you go ‘dry’ for a period of time – say a few weeks – and observe the behaviour and values of those around you. There is indeed a silent conspiracy to belittle the dangers of drink and a quite loud one which pressures you to join in the drinking and thus justify the continued behaviour of those around you. There are indeed a lot more alcoholics around than many of us would care to admit.

    Alcoholism is an addiction which presents itself as a coping strategy. The first step for an alcoholic is to acknowledge the truth in this statement. Thus I see no value in arguments expressed here that it is unsatisfactory lives, relationships or even poor government which ‘cause’ alcoholism. From this acknowledgement progress is possible. It’s an addiction and you’ve got it.

    Drying out is difficult. Even those of us who regards ourselves as ‘social drinkers’ (denial!) may struggle with withdrawal symptoms when they attempt to stop drinking. The problem with withdrawal is that at every point the drinker knows that the horrible symptoms of withdrawal can be terminated at any time with another drink. If you return to the drink after detox then the withdrawal symptoms you experience next time will be worse and more prolonged. King Booze does not give up on his subjects without a prolonged struggle.

    The established treatment for alcoholics has followed closely the teaching of Jung. Jung almost despairing of the middle aged alcoholic recidivists that he treated concluded that the only thing that could possibly shake his patients out of their behaviour was some sort of religious or spiritual conversion. Although this approach undoubtedly works I would contend that it is probably not for everyone.

    If you are worried about your drinking then you already have a problem – acknowledge it and most importantly acknowledge it to someone else – then write down a list of reasons why you’d like to stop (they will be powerful!). Keep this document somewhere safe where you can refer to it when you are feeling like weakening. Do not detox alone or without medical help. If you have been even a moderately heavy drinker going ‘cold turkey’ can be extremely dangerous – seek medical help as detox though not easy doesn’t have to be agony. Make sure you have someone you can confide in as you go through the process.

    complete agreement, thank you Andy Walker...

  9. The Twenty Questions to help one determine

    IF he/she has a problem with ALCOHOL.

    The 20 Questions

    Take this 20 question test to help you decide whether or not you are an alcoholic.

    Answer YES or NO to the following questions.

    1. Do you lose time from work due to drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    2. Is drinking making your home life unhappy?

    YES __ NO __

    3. Do you drink because you are shy with other people?

    YES __ NO __

    4. Is your drinking affecting your reputation?

    YES __ NO __

    5. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    6. Have you ever got into financial difficulties as a result of drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    7. Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    8. Does your drinking make you careless of your family’s welfare?

    YES __ NO __

    9. Has your ambition decreased since drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    10. Do you crave a drink at a definite time?

    YES __ NO __

    11. Do you want a drink the next morning?

    YES __ NO __

    12. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?

    YES __ NO __

    13. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    14. Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business?

    YES __ NO __

    15. Do you drink to escape from worries or trouble?

    YES __ NO __

    16. Do you drink alone?

    YES __ NO __

    17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    18. Has your physician ever treated you for drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    19. Do you drink to build up your self-confidence?

    YES __ NO __

    20. Have you ever been to a hospital or institution because of drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    What's your score?

    If you have answered YES to any one of the questions, there is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic.

    If you have answered YES to any two, the chances are that you are an alcoholic.

    If you answered YES to three or more, you are definitely an alcoholic.

    (The test questions are used at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore, MD, in deciding whether or not a patient is an alcoholic).

    It's been heard: IF you simply THINK you have a problem with alcohol, you HAVE a problem with alcohol!

    Thank you for that David. As a teacher I found that 3 is an important factor in why young people drink. When I was a teenager I used to drink to give myself confidence. Lucky for me I was working with a man named Bob Clarke, who was in his early 30s. He had just lost his only child and my father had been killed in a road accident. Bob became my surrogate father and was always around to give me great advice.

    Bob warned me the dangers of getting drunk. He pointed out that if drinking gave me confidence, there was a danger that I would always resort to it everytime I had to face a stressful situation. Bob then gave me the most important advice that I have ever received. It in fact changed my personality. Bob said the best way of dealing with shyness in social situations was to concentrate on helping the person you are dealing with to increase their level of self-confidence. I found it worked. The reason being is that you forget about your own problems. What is more, you are making the other person feel better about themselves. It is a great way of making friends (and lovers). It has also helped me not to become an alcoholic.

    You're welcome, John.... If one is so inclined a simple reading of Alcoholics Anonymous Big Book goes into much detail concerning the ravages of alcoholism AND a way out. The book clearly defines *problem* drinking as opposed to *alcoholic* drinking. (one needs only google "Alcoholics Anonymous")

    Alcoholics Anonymous does NOT claim to be the last word in *alcoholic* drinking and the problems that surround the disease. The program has worked for 3+ million people (worldwide) since 1935. Not a bad track record for folks that were seemingly on the road to institutions of various stripe, insanity or death.

  10. Some more thoughts, Antti. You've shared something thats no doubt thoughts in many minds. It is life giving, not just to you, thank you for sharing!

    You are very wise in saying clearly you are at risk.

    You will find unexpected support,

    and you will find unexpected dilemmas to resolve.

    To begin working on it is fantastic.

    One doesn't HAVE to do it all at once. That's why I say don't exclude alcohol immediately from your life, in your situation, if at all, you must feel free.

    The changes to cope with can be just as destructive as keeping on a risky path. What I am suggesting is gradually make the path LESS risky, and deal with each issue in the thoughtful and calm manner that you are so capable of.


    In the meantime, consider two important (in fact vital ) organs, your liver. your brain and the whole neural network.

    Feed them with vitalising elements, food, joy, sharing, giving, all the nutrition that these organs need to sustain a defence against this, quite simply, toxic substance.

    And last but not least, and dont let it feel like a burden that you have to carry, it can just as easily be an act of unburdening, of loving, don't forget (as Steve pointed out) those who truly love you, and that you love.

    re support network: let it include an impartial councellor of sorts, whatever suits you.


    Thanks for your comments. I go through spurts (I can't say binges) and then I'm without a drink for several days. I think my habit is a result of stress, personal problems and lack of sleep/rest.

    I will try some of your advice over my upcoming break.

    The Twenty Questions to help one determine

    IF he/she has a problem with ALCOHOL.

    The 20 Questions

    Take this 20 question test to help you decide whether or not you are an alcoholic.

    Answer YES or NO to the following questions.

    1. Do you lose time from work due to drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    2. Is drinking making your home life unhappy?

    YES __ NO __

    3. Do you drink because you are shy with other people?

    YES __ NO __

    4. Is your drinking affecting your reputation?

    YES __ NO __

    5. Have you ever felt remorse after drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    6. Have you ever got into financial difficulties as a result of drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    7. Do you turn to lower companions and an inferior environment when drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    8. Does your drinking make you careless of your family’s welfare?

    YES __ NO __

    9. Has your ambition decreased since drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    10. Do you crave a drink at a definite time?

    YES __ NO __

    11. Do you want a drink the next morning?

    YES __ NO __

    12. Does drinking cause you to have difficulty in sleeping?

    YES __ NO __

    13. Has your efficiency decreased since drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    14. Is drinking jeopardizing your job or business?

    YES __ NO __

    15. Do you drink to escape from worries or trouble?

    YES __ NO __

    16. Do you drink alone?

    YES __ NO __

    17. Have you ever had a complete loss of memory as a result of drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    18. Has your physician ever treated you for drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    19. Do you drink to build up your self-confidence?

    YES __ NO __

    20. Have you ever been to a hospital or institution because of drinking?

    YES __ NO __

    What's your score?

    If you have answered YES to any one of the questions, there is a definite warning that you may be an alcoholic.

    If you have answered YES to any two, the chances are that you are an alcoholic.

    If you answered YES to three or more, you are definitely an alcoholic.

    (The test questions are used at Johns Hopkins University Hospital, Baltimore, MD, in deciding whether or not a patient is an alcoholic).

    It's been heard: IF you simply THINK you have a problem with alcohol, you HAVE a problem with alcohol!

  11. ...

    As for the no-talent researchers, like Jack White, John Costella, Cliff Varnell, Chris Davidson, Paul Rigby, fat boy Fetzer, David Mantik, David Healy and more, well perhaps if the CT side could put up a few QUALIFIED individuals, then maybe, just maybe they would not get their butts kicked everytime they post on photographic matters.

    I'm not holding my breath.

    We're not surprised at your current, pathetic attitude after the drubbing you amateurs (Gang of Eight: Joe Durnavich, Louis Girdler, James Gordon, Ron Hepler, Barb Junkkarinen,

    Craig Lamson, Josiah Thompson and David Wimp) took way back in 2003 concerning the The Great Zapruder Film Hoax... see here Lurkers:


    your angst has a long life, gonna eat your soul up, son..... Carry on!

    and Craigster..... I'm sure cameras can be arranged whenever you cowards feel the need?

    Yours in JFK assassination film-photo research,


    p.s. has Wild Bill Miller abandoned you Nutter trolls?

    Oh we took a drubbing eh, by this guy?


    Surely you jest! That poor slob is still hiding under a rock somewhere in OZ afraid to show his face to the world.

    BTW, have you found ANYONE who can counter this yet? Surely with your depth of PhD's you could find ONE who could even TRY to counter the article of Costella's destruction


    You need to kind a better class of friend Healy, the ones you hang with suck.

    oh yes indeed, you took a drubbing..... we also understand you tried to recruit John Costella Ph.D Physics to suit your Lone Nut purposes, prior to TGZFH, it didn't work, did it? That's another reason why your in such a snit.... So here's your reality, and all the foolish websites you can run up won't change it: until you can achieve a PH.D in Physics from anywhere with verifiable credentials, that support YOUR contentions, you're urinating in the wind, son. It's been 6 years now and you can't come up with one of those types to support the contention: John Costella is wrong. The best I can see that you nutters have is this, after ALL this time I only see, a still studio cameraman from Indiana (after Durnavich and Wimp beat a hasty retreat - the BEST you had originally and the very ones who tried to bs Dr. John Costella into joining them) who drones on and on and on about nonsensical. So I suggest you simply compile all your "stuff" submit it to a Physics Ph.D that will even look at them, and get that opinion (and I suspect you already done that very thing and can't get one of them to say Costella is/was wrong)....

    As I say, you trolls have had 6 years to do same and all we get is "nutter-blovation", pure and simple.... The only thing worse is Wild Bill Millah...

    in case you forgot, here it is again:


  12. ...

    As for the no-talent researchers, like Jack White, John Costella, Cliff Varnell, Chris Davidson, Paul Rigby, fat boy Fetzer, David Mantik, David Healy and more, well perhaps if the CT side could put up a few QUALIFIED individuals, then maybe, just maybe they would not get their butts kicked everytime they post on photographic matters.

    I'm not holding my breath.

    We're not surprised at your current, pathetic attitude after the drubbing you amateurs (Gang of Eight: Joe Durnavich, Louis Girdler, James Gordon, Ron Hepler, Barb Junkkarinen,

    Craig Lamson, Josiah Thompson and David Wimp) took way back in 2003 concerning the The Great Zapruder Film Hoax... see here Lurkers:


    your angst has a long life, gonna eat your soul up, son..... Carry on!

    and Craigster..... I'm sure cameras can be arranged whenever you cowards feel the need?

    Yours in JFK assassination film-photo research,


    p.s. has Wild Bill Miller abandoned you Nutter trolls?

  13. Craig / Cliff - everyone continually quoting what the other person has said means the posts are longer and it's difficult to remove all instances of banned word because it's quoted in every post thereafter!

    Just my opinion, and no - it is not a rule - could you only quote when there is a reason to? Thanks.

    has it EVER occurred to the MOD's that good old Craigster does nothing but piss people off (I'm jealous)? Seems to be the only defense Ed Forum defenders of the WCR have left in their quivers. Sad, such a waste for no-talent researchers....

  14. As it were, still have many Redd Foxx recordings to sift through much more interesting than pink and blue and green and red, etc stickies...

    At least we can agree on that Foxx IMO was one of the funniest men who ever lived unfortunately most people only know him as Fred Sanford, try not to plagarize him again. :ice

    not bad a Five Card Stud, either..... And who praytell plagarizes Redd Foxx? Why everyone of course, after all, there isn't a word in the English language (all 150 of them) old Redd could not give new pronunciation... and.... he loved those $1.50 chili dogs at the DUNES, we shared a few...

  15. Your years of being a pompous a-hole and bullying people with your disinformation are over. Next weeks publication will cement your downfall.

    Rock'n good news!

    I'll now have a fifth subject for my master-work:

    The Gross Ease Fallacists (Case Studies of Fraud In The Single

    Bullet Theory)

    Arlen Specter

    Gerald Posner

    John Hunt

    Chad Zimmerman

    Craig Lamson

    If the five of you clowns were a basketball team -- you'd be the

    Washington Generals.

    kicking their rear-ends is quite easy. As displayed below:


    rank amateur(s) comes to mind...

  16. Shermer uses an array of deceptive methods to persuade the reader that challenges to the official story of the 9/11 attack are worthy only of ridicule and should not be scrutinized. His primary technique is to use hoaxes and unscientific ideas -- long promoted on the web and in videos -- to bracket the valid ideas that he seeks to shield the reader from. That Shermer went to such great lengths to thoroughly misrepresent the painstaking, scientific, evidence-based work of 911Research is a testament to the site's success. http://911research.wtc7.net/essays/sciam/index.html

    Some others even go so far as to just pick nutty ideas on other issues, unrelated, to cast suspicion and doubt about anyone who sees something behind something other than the OFFICIAL [ruling elites - rich's - powerful's] VERSION of any/everything

    Point to where I said (or even indicated) McLamb was representative of the views of truthers, I said it was the “dumbest CT ever”. But yes the guy is a truther.


    Now that you broached the subject his ideas aren’t that much more absurd than the space beams/TV fakery theories promoted by leading truthers such as Morgan Reynolds, Judy Wood and forum members Fetzer and White or the mini-nukes theory favored by AE911T members Charles Pegelow and Anders Björkman or the Holocaust denial of Eric Hufxxxx and Syd Walker among others. They’re not that much crazier that Hoffman’s exploding thermite ceiling tiles theory which you keep promoting. A “theory” beset by major mathematical errors.


    Speaking of Hoffman your quote of his is representative of his over blown ego the “painstaking, scientific, evidence-based work” he refers to is his own. He also claimed that The article in Scientific American that so offended him “appears to be aimed primarily at 911Research” [his site] even though he only referred to it in a single sentence (yes he gave 4 reasons but they are unconvicing the only that stands up to scrutiny is that its title refers to a claim on the site).

    Slow day in the desert Dave?

    when the temp's hit 110F+ then it becomes a real sloooowwwwwww day, few more weeks till that happens. As it were, still have many Redd Foxx recordings to sift through much more interesting than pink and blue and green and red, etc stickies...

  17. Dumbest Conspiracy Theory Ever? A Ron Paul supporter raves about dots on mailboxes


    Red dots mean the foreign troops will shoot you in the head, blue ones mean you’ll be taken to FEMA camps, pink ones (or is that yellow ones?) that you’ll make a good slave for the anti-Christ.

    No, the dots actually indicate what days you’re supposed to get the newspaper.

    Why am I not surprised this guy who supports racist Ron Paul outs himself as an anti-Semite (“synagogue of Satan”)? The only bizzare thing is that Ron Paul’s folks seem to have released the opening clip (note the Campaign for Liberty caption)

    A few questions for this nutjob or any one who takes this seriously:

    What happens if people just remove their dots or change the colors?

    Why will the job be entrusted to foreign troops?

    Wouldn’t it make more sense just to give them lists?

    How would they distinguish among people in the same household?

    What would they do about people who weren’t home.

    What will they do about people who don’t have mailboxes?

    Why is he wearing a uniform if he retired a decade ago?

    slow day out there in the jungle, eh? :huh:

  18. Evan has taken responsibility for asking members to post an avatar. Once you have a rule like this it has to be enforced. For some reason, despite several emails, Evan Marshall has never provided reasons why he has not supplied a photograph as an avatar. If he had done so, we would have considered his case for not having an avatar.

    Please also note that I acted because I was chastised for not acting earlier on the matter of an avatar:



    I support all the nominations for mods put forward by John.

    I don't have the time to be a mod, nor is it something I would be good at.

    I understand Evan Burton has tried to be even handed, and it is difficult, but I also think that it is understandable that Evan Marshall should be except from having to post his photo for obvious reasons related to his job. If he won't ask you for that exception I am asking it for him, so he will remain a member of the forum and continue contributing when he can.

    So far I have been accused of having crumbs in my beard, food on my tie, working at a casino, miss spelling George DeMohrenschildt, intentionally missleading people and plagerism.

    Only the crumbs and spelling is possibly true. Now if my golf game is brought up I will file another formal complaint.


    That would be plagiarism, misleading, misspelling and George de Mohrenschildt, and uttering a threat and not necessarily in that order.

    I am very serious on the last issue, Bill, just exactly what did you mean by that uttered threat?


    And now you deny you told me that you

    were a dealer at an Atlantic City casino working under the auspices of the New Jersey Casino Control Commission?









    Note: And please do not remove this "utterance of a threat" posting until someone has had the chance to determine why it was posted, who posted it and exactly what was being stated or implied. I for one would recommend a punishment appropriate with the severity and maliciousness of this uttered threat. Threats just have no place in a civilized society and you should be held fully accountable for making that threat. The least I can do is to make a formal protest to that effect to the moderators. And the most I could do is to file a complaint with the appropriate higher authorities who have jurisdiction over such egregious and offensive and possibly illegal statements.


    the mod's are at Bill Miller's 6th floor museum coming out party. B) So look to the 6th floor for mod's...as for John Bevilaqua? He's probably hosting that same party. No one is buying the Draper nonsense and the guy builds a resentment.

    Bill, concerning the JFK assassination case, you're miles ahead of most here -- resentment is inevitable. Blow it off, the guy isn't worth your time!

  19. Paul, hi, would love to have one, it would fascinate me greatly. One thing I would like to do is set the lens combo to what Z had, detach it from the camera.

    After making a regular, fairly fine, caredfully measured with a minimum error margin, grid of black lines on white I would have the result projected onto a translucent screen set at the film location in relation to the lens (with everything carefully aligned perpendicular to the lens' z axis, and take a photo from behind this of how the regular grid is projected by the lens combo to study the lens combo characteristics.

    A sufficiently skilled engineer could also place an appropriate CCD or CMOS sensor at the point where the film would have been.

    yeah thats a great idea, maybe even a regular scanner could do as the recording medium. like line it all verticall on simple grips with the grid on the ceiling

    where's Lampoon Lamson when you need him?

  20. Hi Folks,

    I'm moving in with my girlfriend at the moment. Yesterday I took a few boxes of books to her place, and - being a photographer - she noticed Pictures Of The Pain and flicked through it. She suddenly said "I think I've got one of those", then disappeared for a short while. I was intrigued when she returned a few minutes later with a hard, black case. She opened it and pulled out a movie camera equivalent to the model Zapruder used! She has a treasured collection of old camera equipment.

    I'm not sure how rare they are, but I thought I'd share this story and offer to take any pictures of it if that's of any use to anyone. She also has the original manual.

    In any case, I was very surprised. It was quite eerie holding it and looking through the viewfinder. I wasn't sure how to work it though. I flicked the switch to 'Automatic' and the wind handle span round until my finger got in the way :)


    its common to find them on ebay for $35 bucks or so (USD), most certainly on the net for less -- most of them work, too. I'm sure Bill Miller has twenty (15 work and 5 still in the box),probablyd used none, maybe he'll sell ya one real cheap, $400/ or so :ice !

  21. ...

    You are part of a group with cult-like qualities -- the Rich Della Rosa 'forum'. Your posting for others and deferring to them gives credence to that possibility. Their hording and/or developing emails from the past to try to use against me shows us how the 'banishment' process works.


    puh-leeeeeze, "cult-like qualities", while you plan cult-like vacation holidays around a family photo-op and the museum limo? LMFAO.

    Your Speed Channel 60 minutes of fame is over -- time to find another subject, Pamela.... perhaps, a cult-like, Team Judyth following is more your speed (pardon the pun).

  22. From Doug Weldon...re Nick Principe's information.....thread at the alts..

    --- On Sun, 5/17/09, Doug Weldon <XXXXXXXXt> wrote:

    From: Doug Weldon xxxxxxxxxx>

    Subject: Re: Alts link .

    To: "bernice" <XXXXXXXXXX>

    Received: Sunday, May 17, 2009, 7:34 PM


    Thank you. So much of this is just silly. Nick was very consistent and discussed this with friends since 1963.

    As I always do I talked with people who knew Nick to determine if he had a tendency to exaggerate or embellish facts. It is something I always do with anyone I talk with and has sometimes forced me to exclude evidence I would have liked to use.

    I also have taped conversations with Nick. There were some areas that Nick discovered that his memory had been faulty and readiy admitted his errrors. This was not true about his meeting with Greer (not Kellerman) and neither Greer or Kellerman viewed the vehicle with Nick.

    Pamela completely distorted what Nick was saying and it greatly disturbed him. He told her that he did not like her trying to misrepresent and twist what he was saying. He was very direct in telling her that she was distorting his accounts. Pamela even questioned whether Nick was who he said he was and did determine his bona fides.

    For people who question Nick who never spoke with him or understand the context of his e-mails it is just simply ridiculous. Those people have a different agenda other than truth.

    Nick Prencipe had other unique information about Lyndon Johnson that I will offer in my book. You are welcome to post this in the alts or whereever.

    Best, Doug


    tnx B.... this ought to make Pamela's day..... LM*AO!

  23. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=506



    Mr. ALTGENS - Because I didn't see who fired it. After the Presidential car moved a little past me, I took another picture--now, just let me back up here--I was prepared to make a picture at the very instant the President was shot. I had refocused to 15 feet because I wanted a good closeup of the President and Mrs. Kennedy, and that's why I know that it would be right at 15 feet, because I had prefocused in that area, and I had my camera almost to my eye when it happened and that's as far as I got with my camera.


    Tom, Did Altgens ever say what he pre-focused on at 15'?

    Sheesh Healy! And YOU want us to believe that you are some sort of imaging pro! Why do you need to focusing on ANYTHING to pre-select the area of focus your camera will record? Answer, you don't. It's call ZONE FOCUSING. What's the matter, you flunk basic photography 101? Seems so. Nikon was really helpflu int hat regard. they engraved distance and f-stop scales right on the lens to allow a photographer to set focus and DOF without actually viewing a scene. News photographers were usually masters at this skill. ( except Healy it seems)



    it's the testimony, hon -- and, of course, the one thing you're most unaware of: education, there are the curious around here, ya know -- so, wake up, smell the roses, it's not to late..... (p.s. I forgot more about film-photo composing than everyone in the state of Indiana knows LMFAO) As to what you think of me? Who-the-hell cares, certainly not me! In my photo composing day, I doubt you'd make it as a *ruby* cutter....

    its abundantly clear you've never shot realtime news (one shot at it) photography.... so take a seat perhaps someone with a bit of knowledge from your side will show up and help you out....

    You ever shoot news, Craigster? Do those trailers move when you set up a shoot?

    Your's in the biz,


  24. http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/...p;relPageId=506



    Mr. ALTGENS - Because I didn't see who fired it. After the Presidential car moved a little past me, I took another picture--now, just let me back up here--I was prepared to make a picture at the very instant the President was shot. I had refocused to 15 feet because I wanted a good closeup of the President and Mrs. Kennedy, and that's why I know that it would be right at 15 feet, because I had prefocused in that area, and I had my camera almost to my eye when it happened and that's as far as I got with my camera.


    Tom, Did Altgens ever say what he pre-focused on at 15'?

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