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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. [...]

    Simply put .... The front of the wall that is seen in Moorman's photo (from the top to where it meets the ground at the corner) is a different height because of the landscaping that occurred in the plaza since the assassination. I cannot say it any better ... maybe sock puppets are necessary!

    Bill Miller

    then a simple cite will be enough.... you do know what one of those are, right? Being a super researcher and all..... LMFAO!

    You're doing a horrible job defending the alledged un-altered films/photos of Dealey Plaza....

  2. Funny I see NO response from the 6th Floor Museum here or in any other thread for that matter, unless of course you're claiming to represent them. Is that true, are YOU representing the 6th Floor Museum? Just pass the message on, son -- and regarding this thread topic, it appears Mr. Rigby has you all spun up, again.....

    Have you, by-the-way, contacted Mark Lane? There is no foul language allowed here, son... If you can't control yourself, I'll request Ms. Beckett throw your rear-end out of here for breaking forum rules. So, straighten up and fly right, we don't want Gary losing his mouthpiece here, now would we?

    David, if Life Magazine ever sees these psychotic say-nothing responses that you continually post ... they are not going to allow you access to these historical materials that you have been bitching for years about them not being laid out for you to examine. You may wish to try and hide your handicap for now and get on that written detailed request for you to be able to examine these materials so to once and for all put matters top rest ... unless of course all your complaining was just a big show!!!

    Bill Miller

    good, I'm glad you've cleaned up your language... the mod's on this board can be aggressive ya know.... and by all means, forward these posts to LIFE. I have a ferw questions for them too, if any of them are still alive....

    Now, you still haven't answered the question do you represent the 6th Floor Museum these days?

    Further, looks like old Tom Purvis and Paul Rigby have you all tied up in knots there son.... we're all waiting for something intelligent from you, so don't run and hide behind me... carry on.... (tap-tap-tap)

  3. Bill, any evidentiary value of the mobile crime scene better known as SS-100-X was lost on Monday, November 25, 1963 when the limo was taken to Hess & Eisenhardt in Cincinnati and was essentially stripped. So while it IS a crime scene, it is one in name only since that date.

    Kinda like Elm Street in Dallas after repaving and curb restriping.

    Agreed. But wonder if any of the men who worked on refurbishing it are still alive to bear witness to what they saw and had to 'repair'?! I'd almost be willing to bet they had to take secrecy oaths or have been just plain threatened to keep their mouths shut....but one never knows...after all this time....

    for more info concerning the Limo see: Murder in Dealey Plaza, Part II, The Kennedy Limousine pgs. 120-159, by Douglas Weldon, J.S.


    Doug Weldon : TMWKK The Final Chapter, ep.1.The Smoking Gun, seg 2

    Limo information begins with Dr.2 minutes ..Dr.Galanges......54 seconds into the video..


    The Limo Windshield, Bullet from Front

    Limo to Detroit, Part I

    TMWKK, The Final Chapter, ep.1 The Smoking Gun, seg.3


    JFK Assassination, Presidential limo SS-100-X, part 5


    tnx, B.... they're trying to bury Doug's work... never happen!


  4. Willis#5 is taken at approximately Z206!

    Purvis, is there any author who has ever written that the Willis photo equates to anything other than Z202 ... I don't think there is. The reason for this is quite simple ... As Jack White pointed out so clearly - Willis could see that Clint Hill's left side had not passed onto the road sign when his picture was taken. However, if you go to Z206 and look back from Zapruder's view ... not only has Hill's left side passed over the edge of the road sign, but Willis is now seen over Hill's right shoulder.

    Your attempt to make something like 4 + 4 out to look like it equalsl 44 just doesn't work. In order for you to be right and all the other people who say Z202 matches the Willis photo must be wrong ... one must ignore the point I just made. In fact, you are so far off that a straight edge placed along the east side of the road sign passes over Hill's left eye ... from Willis's view there is a gap between Hill's head and the east edge of the road sign.

    I'll tell you the same thing I told Duncan ... contact someone skilled in photo interpretation or photogammetry and let them give you a second opinion.

    Bill Miller

    Purvis, is there any author who has ever written that the Willis photo equates to anything other than Z202 ... I don't think there is. The reason for this is quite simple

    The "simple" reason being that they are as gullible as apparantly, are you, and are thusly destined to have to follow the claims of Marathon Scout Snipers, etc;, as opposed to actually conducting your own research.

    Had you done so, then you would know that Drommer located the alignment of Willis's position, as well as the location of JFK on Elm St. at Willis#5 slide, as well as verified this with the wall alignment in the background where the wall "steps" down, to include verification of both elevations of the wall in that location.

    But then again, even without this knowledge, most persons are of sufficient intelligence to recognize that motorcycle antenna's (to include other items in and/or out of the shadows) only tend to reflect light when one comes out of the shadows.

    So! My grandma raised me to be smart enough to NOT jump off the bridge, just because every other idiot decided to jump.

    I'll tell you the same thing I told Duncan ... contact someone skilled in photo interpretation or photogammetry and let them give you a second opinion.

    Well, even though slightly diminished by time, rest assured that the skills and training which I have had on the subject matter, quite obviously far exceed anything to which you have been exposed.

    In "Targeting" for Nuclear Weapons, they frowned on us chosing Grandpa Russinsky's outhouse as a launch silo.

    So, they went a little out of their way in attempt to teach us something.

    Why not attempt to dispute the facts Miller??????

    Are you of the impression that Drommer & Associates Survey Company are totally incompetent?

    Are you of the opinion that motorcycle antenna's, while in the complete shadow of trees can have sunlight reflecting off them?

    I won't bother to waste my time in attempting to explain all of the other problems with the "Z202"scenario, as it quite apparantly would be far too above your head to comprehend.

    And you have the gaul and nerve to criticize Jack White for his looking at photographic evidence!

    What a joke!

    O-U-C-H! Blissful ignorance is Miller's only rational excuse... and HIS is the *current* voice of the 6th Floor Museum...

  5. Bill, any evidentiary value of the mobile crime scene better known as SS-100-X was lost on Monday, November 25, 1963 when the limo was taken to Hess & Eisenhardt in Cincinnati and was essentially stripped. So while it IS a crime scene, it is one in name only since that date.

    Kinda like Elm Street in Dallas after repaving and curb restriping.

    Agreed. But wonder if any of the men who worked on refurbishing it are still alive to bear witness to what they saw and had to 'repair'?! I'd almost be willing to bet they had to take secrecy oaths or have been just plain threatened to keep their mouths shut....but one never knows...after all this time....

    for more info concerning the Limo see: Murder in Dealey Plaza, Part II, The Kennedy Limousine pgs. 120-159, by Douglas Weldon, J.S.

  6. Miller dronned:


    Your alleged discovery remains with you. You have not posted a single word about getting your claim validated by someone more skilled than yourself. It appears that you have not contacted Mack to confirm or deny what I posted about your mistake or how that applies to your claim.


    Bill Miller

    You're absolutely priceless, Miller..... PRICELESS Never leave this forum! LMFAO

  7. Speaking of "alteration pushers", interviewer-coaching and creative/manipulative documentary editing.... I direct attention to David Lifton's article: "Pig on a Leash", The Great Zapruder Film HOAX (3rd printing-2005), pg.421-22 concerning Mary Moorman's stepping off the curb-onto the street controversy (recorded during the videotaping of a much heralded Dealey Plaza films and photos documentary aired on one of the cable channel networks a few years ago).

    Has GMack's comments as detailed in Lifton's article, concerning coaching during the Mary Moorman's segment, have those coaching comments been denied by the 6th Floor Museum? If not, why not? What kind of excuse, er, citation, do YOU have (apparently you're the current 6th Floor Museum spokesperson on this board) for this?

    I'll address the latter part of you response - first. You are once again asking someone to speak for the Museum as if they are not talking. This reminds me of your bitching that you had not gotten to examine the historical films and photos and leaving out the part where you never bothered to first make the request to do so. Contact Gary Mack and ask him the question and feel free to post the answer. I know that you know how to contact the Museum because I know that you had done so about the Life Magazine materials in the past ... even though you didn't make that known in your responses while pretending that you didn't know the answer already.

    As far as Lifton goes ... are you really wanting to try and vindicate his chapter in the book by using 'Moorman in the Street'??? After all, you had read Lifton's article before posting to this forum that you had seen no proof of alteration ... something you claimed to have been saying all along if I remember correctly. I might also add that Lifton failed to see that Moorman's said 54.5" camera height was elevated above the 58" high off the ground windscreens of the passing cycles or that Altgens #6 in the same book which was said to be genuine and could be used against all other assassination images showed Moorman's shadow coming from up over the curb and in the grass.

    So I'll ask you again ... does someone like yourself who said that you have seen no proof of alteration after having seen the Moorman in the street claim' and had read Lifton's article as well ... do you really think you want to try and argue alteration on that record ... GET REAL!!!

    Bill Miller

    Funny I see NO response from the 6th Floor Museum here or in any other thread for that matter, unless of course you're claiming to represent them. Is that true, are YOU representing the 6th Floor Museum? Just pass the message on, son -- and regarding this thread topic, it appears Mr. Rigby has you all spun up, again.....

    Have you, by-the-way, contacted Mark Lane? There is no foul language allowed here, son... If you can't control yourself, I'll request Ms. Beckett throw your rear-end out of here for breaking forum rules. So, straighten up and fly right, we don't want Gary losing his mouthpiece here, now would we?

  8. Translated, all your post amounts to is - "Your citations are accurate, but I don't like the conclusion you draw from them, nor the hypothesis which lead you to look for supporting evidence in the first place." Tough. Now do something constructive for a change and explain what on earth possessed Lane to write of having seen the Zapruder film on TV in Nov-Dec 1963?


    Paul, this is the same old nonsense that goes on all the time with the alteration pushers. They read something - find a citation that is open to interpretation - and put their spin on it in order to make themselves 'APPEAR' right.


    Bill Miller

    I think we'll call you Bill "this is the same old nonsense" Miller from now on.....

    Speaking of "alteration pushers", interviewer-coaching and creative/manipulative documentary editing.... I direct attention to David Lifton's article: "Pig on a Leash", The Great Zapruder Film HOAX (3rd printing-2005), pg.421-22 concerning Mary Moorman's stepping off the curb-onto the street controversy (recorded during the videotaping of a much heralded Dealey Plaza films and photos documentary aired on one of the cable channel networks a few years ago).

    Has GMack's comments as detailed in Lifton's article, concerning coaching during the Mary Moorman's segment, have those coaching comments been denied by the 6th Floor Museum? If not, why not? What kind of excuse, er, citation, do YOU have (apparently you're the current 6th Floor Museum spokesperson on this board) for this?

    I'm under the impression, this entire Morman Dealey Plaza videotape sequence (complete with outtakes) is documented and preserved. Now back to Mark Lane....

  9. What physical properties (re trajectory, etc) preclude the Dal-Tex bldg as a "sniper nest position?

    For which shot? As well as from what position/location.

    Last time that I looked, it was a pretty big building.

    knowing what's currently known concerning (the autopsy and trajectory) wounds on Kennedy and Connally's body. Would the current SBT work, if say 3 rifle shots as described in the SS/FBI reenactments and/or Mr. West plats, have originated from, say, the 3rd floor on up in Dal-Tex building?

    Fair & logical question!

    Shot#1: Had this shot been fired from the approximate SW corner of the building, then the bullet could have gone through JFK and thereafter struck JBC in the right shoulder.

    However! Due to the slight left-to-right trajectory, the bullet would not have exited from JBC's right side mid-chest/under the breast nipple.

    Instead, it would have exited farther to the right side of the arm (from the point of entry) as looking at JBC's back.

    (assuming JBC sitting and facing forward.

    Were JBC turned to his far right for some unknown reason, then yes, the bullet could have struck in the rear armpit area and exited below the nipple in the front chest.

    If one moved farther North in the building, along the west wall, then the JFK/JBC wound alignment becomes considerably more in correct alignment with JBC sitting and facing forward.

    Questions on #1?

    "If one moved farther North in the building, along the west wall, then the JFK/JBC wound alignment becomes considerably more in correct alignment with JBC sitting and facing forward."

    vicinity of the fire escape?

  10. What physical properties (re trajectory, etc) preclude the Dal-Tex bldg as a "sniper nest position?

    For which shot? As well as from what position/location.

    Last time that I looked, it was a pretty big building.

    knowing what's currently known concerning (the autopsy and trajectory) wounds on Kennedy and Connally's body. Would the current SBT work, if say 3 rifle shots as described in the SS/FBI reenactments and/or Mr. West plats, have originated from, say, the 3rd floor on up in Dal-Tex building?

  11. WILLIS#5 is taken at virtually Z206!!!!!!!!!

    I will try and find the DVD and prove my point. I have a feeling though that even if Clint Hill was exactly between Willis and Zapruder ... you'd still refuse to admit your mistake.

    Bill Miller

    read: I need some time to figure this out AND *Gary Mack, I need your help, AGAIN*

  12. tell us ALL son..... exactly what John Simkin had to say.... you brought the subject up, please continue... have the nads to continue, Billy? Why hide your contempt?

    And frankly Miller, I could give two pence if you dined with the Queen of England in a Dallas hotel room... And I'll bet you didn't buy! ROTFLMFAO!

    Email John yourself for it was YOU who brought his name up as if his inviting you to come to this forum was some sort of badge of honor because of your input. You might as well know that I too was invited here by John Simkin ... get my drift!!!

    And your yet another stupid say-nothing reply "I could give two pence" seems to apply to the JFK assassination and/or ever posting anything of substance to this forum, as well.

    Bill Miller

    Now son, relax.... I've invoked John's name in a few posts to this board. Only response I've got from John was his negative reply in setting up a seperate thread for Roland Zavada's and my discussion concerning the Zapruder film, way back in 2005 or so... And, it's certainly no secret I'm involved in television media, as YOU well know and JohnS knows. Now, you were there in that Dallas hotel dining room (was it the Adolphus Hotel? that's where I stay when in Dallas). Again, I wasn't privy to the conversation you had with John Simkin concerning me. So for oldtime sake fill the forum in...

    So, you brought to our attention "your" Dallas visit with John Simkin, surely you can share with all of us what was discussed at that time and place concerning me, eh?


    Bill Miller on

    "you might want to check with him to see how he feels about that invite now that he has seen your idiotic responses since then."

    Bill Miller off

    I'm waiting.....

    P.S. If you'd learn to keep personalities out of the conversation (a firm understanding of film compositing would help too :rolleyes:), you might have a chance convincing others the DP 11/22/63 films and photos are authentic, till then you haven't a chance in hell...

  13. We understand why Lone Nuts refuse to post there, free speech and what not aside.... You simply don't have the nads, nor do you know the evidence... plain as that my lovely....

    Yours in research,

    David Healy

    p.s. I was invited here by John Simkin, were you Denise (just curious)?

    Funny you should mention 'John Simkin', David. I seem to recall briefly discussing a few things with him in the dining room of the hotel in Dallas a couple of years ago ... you might want to check with him to see how he feels about that invite now that he has seen your idiotic responses since then. There seems to be two worlds ... the one that you live in and the one everyone else lives in. I mean how much out of touch of reality can you be to think that you somehow bring anything of substance to this forum ... REALLY! Just once I would like to see you or anyone else to go over your post over the past few months and try and make one half-way intelligent response. The closest you came was in bitching about you not being allowed to examine and test some historical original materials ... only to find later that you had not even bothered to make a detailed request to do so. How stupid is that!!!

    Bill Miller

    tell us ALL son..... exactly what John Simkin had to say.... you brought the subject up, please continue... have the nads to continue, Billy? Why hide your contempt?

    And frankly Miller, I could give two pence if you dined with the Queen of England in a Dallas hotel room... And I'll bet you didn't buy! ROTFLMFAO!

  14. From patspeer.com, chapter 4:


    Equally intriguing, when asked a series of questions about his work on the Willis photo in a 1977 civil suit brought by Harold Weisberg, Shaneyfelt testified "I may have" three times and "I don't recall" five times, and asserted blandly that "I am sure the record speaks for itself." Yes, it does--to those who listen.)

    Pat, where can one find a transcript of the Weisberg civil suit?



  15. Denise Pointing dronned:

    I'm sure you'll be relived to hear I've resisted the temptation to visit there, as I dont wish to be associated with the foul mouthed bunch from alt.conspiracy.jfk, nor sink to their level, which I suppose, also means I dont wish to associate with you either as you seem to be one of them.

    We understand why Lone Nuts refuse to post there, free speech and what not aside.... You simply don't have the nads, nor do you know the evidence... plain as that my lovely....

    Why dont you just stay there Healy and leave this board to the more decent, serious researcher. You really dont belong here, you know. The ED forum standed requires a lot more than having the ability to think up ingenious ways of insulting people and adding a letter or two to their name for amusement. PS Who's Holmes by the way?

    Now your sounding like my favorite no-nothing Lone Nut photo reseacher..... as to your PS: gather up those nads and show up sonny, ask Holmes yourself -- rumor has it (and I witnessed it) even John McAdams, amongst longtime alleged CT's were also exposed as Lone Nuts, run from the evidence and Holmes-- Speaking of running, right here on the Ed Forum, I notice you and Wild Bill ran from the 45 questions (composed by Holmes and posted here with his permission) what's up with that, Denise?

    Anyway, swing by alt.conspiracy.jfk and show us your stuff, son.... You certainly haven't displayed any knowledge here (other than holding Bill up)..... NOW back to that BIO of yours. My-oh-my, you haven't posted one, WHY, embarrassed? Maybe Sgt. Mike will help you out?

    Yours in research,

    David Healy

    p.s. I was invited here by John Simkin, were you Denise (just curious)?

  16. http://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/...Vol17_0452a.htm

    In "harmony" with the Vanishing Turn topic, this happens to be item/line "A", which is the sign post with the "No Parking" sign on it.

    Which happened to be exactly 2-feet in from the street curb and exactly 5.8 feet back from a line projected along the wall of the building directly out into Houston St. "F"

    With information such as this, one could easily compute a "vehicle speed" were one to actually have the vehicle coming down Houston St. and into and through the radius turn.

    Especially if one could determine the "radius distance" travelled by the Presidential Limo.

    perhaps DMyers could help.....

  17. I thought it might be a good idea to write about the greatest live concerts you have attended.

    Over the years I have seen a large number of the great names in music perform live. The first great performance I saw was that of Roy Orbison. I had gone to see a new up and coming band called the Beatles (they were just about to have their first record, Love Me Do, released. The Beatles were at the bottom of the bill and were supporting Orbison, a singer who I did not know anything about. Orbison completely lacked charisma and was one of the few rock stars that you never wanted to be. He stood in the middle of the stage with his guitar and sang songs such as Only the Lonely, Running Scared, Love Hurts and Crying. It was magical. The quality of his voice was truly amazing. So was his ability to convey raw emotion. At that time I had never experienced a broken love affair. Orbison obviously had and was able to communicate that to his audience. It was like reading a great book. I was taken into a world I knew nothing about.

    I never bought any of Orbison’s records. At the time I was a terrible snob who was only willing to buy music performed by black Americans. However, that night, I knew I was in the company of a great artist. He died a long time ago (1988). However, when they play his music on the radio, the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in recognition of that night I spent with him in Romford in the summer of 1962.

    The other outstanding performance was by Don McLean. It was in London in 1973. A year after his great hit American Pie was released. In many ways McLean was very much like Orbison. He stood in the middle of the stage with his guitar and sang his own songs. Like Orbison, he actually sounded better live than he did on record. However, it was not the quality of his voice that mattered. It was his ability to create a sense of community. McLean was very much a political singer (I believe he still is). Songs such as Sister Fatima, The Grave, Bronco Bill’s Lament, The Pride Parade, The More You Pay and Oh My What a Shame were spellbinding. The nearest I can compare it to was listening to a great orator. It was the ability to use words to create an emotional and political response from the audience. I never had the good fortune to hear Martin Luther King make a live speech. I imagine it would have had a similar impact on me as that Don Mclean concert.

    Buddy Rich and the Diz as in Gillespie.... a jam session Monterey Jazz Festival maybe 79-80?... there was power failure, it was a night show, the place was packed, foggy-cold and not one person in the outdoor arena cared.

    We were videotaping the show when arena power went down, the tv remote truck had seperate generated power so we stayed up. However, no stage power for the sound amps, lights, etc... the entire house went black.... flashlights and Zippos from the crowd started appearing eventually lit the stage some (not enough for our work).... looked like it was refund time... but Diz and Buddy Rich had there instruments on the stage, made their way there... You could here Rich when he started to play from down stage, then Diz up stage, eventually Diz found Rich -- the entire arena quieted, we knew we in for something special.... They jammed for 40 minutes (till power was restored)

  18. Tom,

    Interesting attachments.

    I found this info regarding Mr Zapruders camera:

    Film Velocity/Frame Rate:

    The question of frame rate of the Zapruder camera was an important technical consideration of the FBI in their investigation of the timing of the three shots. The FBI reported that their studies showed the camera to be operating at 18.3 fps, or 2.3 fps fast according to the (then) published standard and the reference in the owner's manual.

    Evolution of Standards to Higher Frame Rates: It has been acknowledged that Bell & Howell's and Eastman Kodak's engineering practice for cameras moved toward 18 fps in the late 50s, and that this velocity was not uncommon in USA practice. The committee action to change standards takes time. The published standard for camera velocity in use in 1963 issued in 1954. Standards reflect practice and the evolutionary change to the higher frame rate of 18 frames per second was subsequently recognized in American National Standards that issued in October of 1964 , for Camera and Projector Usage - PH22. 21 and PH22.22. Bell & Howell testing confirmed that the Zapruder camera operated at slightly faster than 18fps - meeting the requirements of the revised standard.

    Taken From:



    Outline of a Presentation to the Movie Machine Society

    Toronto Conference, 10/24/98

    by Roland J. Zavada

    I have promised myself a visit to Dealy plaza sometime in the near future.

    If I wanted to repeat Mr Zapruders historic film with a modern Camcorder. I’m sure it would be feasible (the running speed of the Camcorder would have to be known) the topography of the plaza hasn’t changed. My problem would be in enticing two of the younger members of my family to join me to help with the experiment.

    (i) I would have to pick up the whole tab as they have shown little interest in the JFK assassination no matter how much I’ve coaxed them.

    (ii) I would have to hire an open top car (no problem there) and have one of them drive at about 12 MPH (I see a big problem here) whilst the other lifted an arm at predetermined points.

    (iii) They would have to drive at this speed in the lane closest to the grassed central reservation (The left hand lane) which in England is the overtaking lane. This may cause consternation to other motorists or even a ticket from a traffic cop.

    Could be worth the effort.

    Chris Brown.

    The 6th Floor Museum did not allow Roland Zavada to use the Zapruder B&H414 camera for the test film he shot for his report... So, Zavada acquired 4 of them (most with serial numbers close to old Abe's camera) for the DP test. David Lifton related a fascinating story regarding the first attempt Zavada's group undertook re Dealey Plaza film test shoot. Talk about klutzes....

  19. dance sweet Gloria, dance..... I'm embarrassed for you man, Paul Rigby has you tied up in so many knots even Denise Pointing is running the other direction. Happens every time amateurish Lone Nuts are confronted by researchers that .

    "Denise" Pointing ?

    I realize you have failing eyesight "gramps", that's obvious by the way you see things in the Z film which no one else does. But are they really THAT bad? You really are a poor old fellow aren't you. And this great researcher who has everybody "tied up in so many knots" and who really "know their way around subject matter" This would be your "chum" Rigby, right? The "researcher" who also believes SS agent Greer shot Kennedy, in the middle of a motorcade, with Jacky and the Connally's in the same car...AND NO ONE NOTICED!!! I guess their eyes must have been as bad as yours "gramps" LOL Look, I realise Rigby is probably the closest thing to a friend you ever had but your infatuation with everything he says is getting a little embarrassing. Why dont you just go back to Lancer or alt.conspiracy.jfk whatever and pester them for awhile. It must their turn for a few laughs now, and let the good folk at the ED forum get on with some real research...just go anywhere and take Rigby with you, PLEASE!!

    D-E-N-I-S-E, ya see son, Dennis is spelled Dennis in all english speaking countries.... trouble with the English language too, son? We're here to serve you Denise. Now don't go hiding behind Paul Rigby big guy... we gotta see what your film/photo credential look like.... We've no need for more disinfo agents...

    WHAT? No bio? You're on this forum with no BIO? Who are you Denise Pointing, we ALL have them, except YOU sonny!

    What say you John Simkin Denis Pointing has no bio! What is the lad scared of?

  20. dance sweet Gloria, dance..... I'm embarrassed for you man, Paul Rigby has you tied up in so many knots even Denise Pointing is running the other direction. Happens every time amateurish Lone Nuts are confronted by researchers that know their way around subject matter.

    Thanks for another say nothing lunatic type response ... You could be the poster boy for this symptom ...

    ]delusions of grandeur - a delusion (common in paranoia) that you are much greater and more powerful and influential than you really are

    lest you forget son, I'm the one that can't prove Z-film film alteration, YET.

    Lunatics need not apply at the door.... as far as Denise Pointing is concerned, what can I say other than; you Lone Nuts have been dancing for a long, long time.... You're not attempting to be the next Gary Mack are ya son?

  21. 'Bill Miller' wrote:

    Where do you come up with this stuff. I don't post for Mack. Mack is a historian who is sitting atop the largest collection of historical images and data on the assassination that is only a phone call away. I seek information from him and pass it on.

    And Mack not only saw the article, but cited details from memory to me. I asked if he could find the article and he said the museum has lots of materials to be archived. My understanding is that there are lots of boxes of materials to go through. He said as he has time to archive them ... he will keep and eye out for it. Would anyone of you doubters like to make a wager that Mack told me the truth??? Then once the article is made known - what then - apologies from anyone or will it just go quiet until the next accusation arises???

    Bill Miller

    dance sweet Gloria, dance..... I'm embarrassed for you man, Paul Rigby has you tied up in so many knots even Denise Pointing is running the other direction. Happens every time amateurish Lone Nuts are confronted by researchers that know their way around subject matter.

  22. Purvis makes another good observation. I too always wondered why the

    actual evidence WAS SEALED IN A TUBE, and an alleged "reproduction" of

    it put into evidence. Legally, that would have been thrown out of court.



    "Sealed in a tube"? What evidence is that, please?


  23. I felt this quote important enough to start a new thread....

    First lets get this cleared up: WHO said "those" 8mm films taken from various points angles in Dealey Plaza, the area where a sitting US President was about to be assassinated/take place, literally moments before the assassination were "unimportant"? Or is this just another of your opinions? Please provide a cite and/or document.

    Lets get cleared up on who started the thread ... was it the David Healy who has seen no proof of alteration or the Healy who thinks all the films were altered ... that he should be allowed to examine them and that the people who have them should know this without Healy ever submitting such a request detailing his qualifications and reasons for thinking its necessary. If its the latter Healy, then this will be another wasted bit of thread space. If it is the first Healy, which shows some hint of reasoning skills at times, then he will understand that no one said that none of the films were of any importance. The films I posted about were Towner's and Hughes.

    The Towner film was considered unimportant from the DMN news standpoint because it obviously didn't show the shooting. A film of the limo passing through an intersection unmolested didn't off much in the way of news. The Hughes film was interesting from the 6th floor being visible, but nothing was conclusive concerning seeing anyone in the window. The Muchmore film was not known about until it was shown on a New York channel within days of the assassination. A good source on the history of these films is 'Pictures of the Pain' by Richard Trask.

    Bill Miller

    What no cite? No documentation? What-a-surprise.... How can anyone take you seriously? What I see here is nothing but nonsense, where's the beef son? Making outrageous claims on Lancer gets your ego fed, here you need the beef, sonny...... so stay focused, huh? We need your documented citations or proof stating specific 11/22/63 DP films as "unimportant". Now run along and gett'er done.

    further: there is NO "unmolested" (where'd you dig up that non-film related term?) 11/23/63 film showing the entire turn onto Elm Street. There's either a break, camera stopped rolling, or a splice, it just doesn't exist, son. And you can't wish or will it into existence.... Get your ego out of the way and settle down.

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