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David G. Healy

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Posts posted by David G. Healy

  1. 'Bill Miller' dronned:


    dgh: Why are you lying, Miller? The research community WANTS a copy of those images..... what's the big deal? You Lone Nutters got your guy, all tied up with a bow in that neat little WCR (that no one believes) Little bit of history scare ya?*****

    A COPY??? You are the one always posting that copies are no good - you always say that the originals should be provided for examination. Do you need time to tweak your position or do you want to leave it as just another instance of David Healy contradicting himself again.

    dgh: follow the bouncing ball, young Billy ((do we elders have to do ALL your work,eh?).... The certified 1st generation LIFE 4x5 Z-frame trannies provided for duplication. The duplication session I will supervise (following so far?), I leave with the duplication set, the 6th Floor keeps the original LIFE trannies (still with me, kid?) I make available to the research community the entire set of 4x5 trannies or 35mm copies of same (not going to fast, am I?)....

    Just pass the message on, sonny -- the service you render here is nearly over.....

    Bhagdad?.... (Can always tell when I get under your skin, AGAIN....) LMFAO*****


    Bill Miller

  2. Guess nobody bothered to read the document, which says the new standard

    was adopted OCTOBER 26, 1964.

    Now tell us again about the 18 fps standard on November 22 1963.


    Miller and details don't work together. I can't wait to hear his response

  3. Aside from Duncan, I believe you have not been refuted by any other analyst as frequently.

    Before continuing with more photo detail, consider this.

    Notice in the sequence that the man does not look at any moving object, such as a car.

    This means that the sequence shows the man applauding WHAT?

    JFK has just sustained a throat wound. Is the man looking at JFK in the SS car? WHY!

    BM will have the same reaction to this remarkable oddity as when Arnie was shown to be an illusion; this just might be BM's reaction:

    Get a life, Miles. Your use of Duncan the analyst is pretty funny ... maybe you can help him figure out where that alleged third person at the pedestal with Zapruder and Sitzman went to. LOL!!!

    The reason that the man doesn't look at the car is that the limo has long since passed his position ... and its obvious that the guy hasn't recognized that shots have been fired yet. Others who had the same problem were Charles Brehm - Senator Yarborough - and Mary Moorman. In Altgens #6 which equates to Z255/256 ... Brehm is still clapping - Yarborough (Kennedy friend) is still smiling - and Moorman didn't recognize that a shot had been fired until she had taken her famous photo. And what about Jackie ... did she not testify that her husband appeared to look like he had a slight headache .... if she knew he was being shot up with bullets, do you think she would have just sat there and done nothing??? How about that Toni Foster ... she didn't know what was happening until JFK's head exploded and it was only then that she stopped walking towards the car and turned off in another direction. Would you like to hear about more people who were not aware of shots being fired by frame Z230, which you have chosen to use ... if so, then just let me know. (smile~)

    Maybe if you'd spend a fraction of the time actually studying these films that you spend looking for photos of primates .... you might actually be able to post something useful once in a while.

    Bill Miller

    evidently you're the only one who doesn't get it......

  4. 'Bill Miller' dronned....

    Gary Mack knows where to drop me a note, or post right here in this thread...

    Why on earth would Gary Mack want to drop you a note ... Gary is not asking the questions - you are!!! The forum rules don't allow us to call another member 'stupid', so I won't. But if there is another word for the things you say that is allowable, then I would be happy to use it.

    dgh: Gary's a big boy, neigh on 60 years old.... Don't you think he's old enough to post here, the best he's got here is YOU? LMFAO! My Wild Bill is stretching here.... Can't try an act like your from the elite son when your from the wrong side of the tracks.... And forum rules don't call for me calling you a no-nothing mpron either, so I won't do that.... (Hi Kathy Beckett, you can hold Wild Bills coat while he waves his handkerchief at me)*****

    Now back to the issue ...

    dgh: finally *****

    Mack knows where the Life Magazine slides are that you have proclaimed to be at the 6th Floor Museum.

    dgh: duh, of course he does -- and you're GMack's mouthpiece here.... pass the info on... he can drop us both a note, eh?*****

    You have complained about not getting to see them. My request is a simple one that any honest sincere researcher should be able to answer. Once again, 'To whom have you submitted a request asking to examine the slides that you speak of and what was their answer?' If you have not requested to see them and were just blowing off once again so to seem important, then OK ... just say so.

    dgh: Why are you lying, Miller? The research community WANTS a copy of those images..... what's the big deal? You Lone Nutters got your guy, all tied up with a bow in that neat little WCR (that no one believes) Little bit of history scare ya?*****

    Bill Miller

  5. According to mfgr specs, no 8mm cameras run at 18 fps. They run at 16 fps, because that is the

    PROJECTOR RATE. Camera rate must coordinate with projector rate. That is why there is an

    American Standards Association.


    The standard was changed in the 1950s. The manufactures adjusted the cameras internally, but didn't bother creating new manuals. This stuff can be substantiated if someone really cared to do so.


    and THAT internal adjustment is? And to think the 6th floor museum denied (yes folks, DENIED) Roland Zavada (the premiere Lone Nut, last word, on the Z-film) use of the Zapruder B&H414 camera to run a bit of film through. Why was that son?

    C'mon all this nonsense could of been diverted, shills doing 6th Floor Museum bidding won't cut it

  6. [...]

    * The Lancer Server will no longer recognize me, otherwise would provide that topic in which Williams is informing the "Gang" that the Carcano has a progressive gain twist.

    Would one suppose that I am being "punished" for picking on so many of their "highly reliable" sources?

    Certainly hope that you can at least shoot Mike!

    Not much else left!

    I suppose....

    I don't think there are any JFK assassination "sources" alive these days, just disinfo agents running amuck -- passing on what THEY think you want to hear. Or, simply what they want YOU to hear....

  7. talk to Gary, son..... ya need his email address and/or his phone number? You'd be surprised what LIFE and the Zapruder trust turned over top the 6th floor... Rumor has it one of the 3 original Jamieson film dupes is there too...... Do some research kid! Good for the soul!

    I have talked to Gary about this stuff and it is exactly why I have asked you to cite when and to whom you made a request to anyone asking to view the Life Magazine slides. The question still stands and will continue to do so until you have answered it because we both know that you are once again posting about something you know nothing about. We both know that I am right or you'd jump at the chance to finally prove me wrong.

    The other part of your silly response mentions the word 'rumor', which is basically all you ever bring to these discussions. Have you ever considered going beyond the rumors for your research purposes??? Below is something I found on a forum where your name was mentioned ... it is worth reading. (see below)

    Bill Miller

    "It's possible that 911 was faked, that the moon landings were produced in Arizona, and that we're all living in the Matrix. It's possible that the Secret Service, with 24 hour access to the President, with a thousand different ways of killing him undetectably said to themselves "Let's have one of our own agents do it with a gun, in front of witnesses and make sure somebody films it so we'll have to alter the film and alter the body and fake the autopsy" Hey, if we're using David Healy as an authority anything is possible"

    Gary Mack knows where to drop me a note, or post right here in this thread...he has absolutely no reason to ask wannabe employee such as yourself to do his grunt work, now does he?

    Who is the quote in your signature block attributed to son, yourself? You can tell us, I won't tell a soul. Oh, I see Mikey Williams got his biography request forum on Lancer, and to think Mikey just showed up out of nowhere.... alas, we do understand disinfo specialists aren't steeped in research skills... Carry-on Top! LMFAO!

    David Healy

    p.s. what do moon-landings, 911, Matrix, Secret Service have to do with this thread entitled Mike Williams?

  8. LMAO... evidently I was correct, you haven't published....

    So if I have this right ... you measure the merit and accuracy of ones ability as a researcher by the times they have had something published. So much for the saying that it is better to be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt! LOL!!!!!!

    As usual you've nothing right.... Now son, why are you chasing after rainbows.... if you want my autograph, simply ask, LMFAO. We know, we know, you need the attention, both of the good and bad variety but above all, ATTENTION... now buzz off and call Gary (as you wont to do 5 times daily) Ask him what's in the Zapruder vault....

  9. want my autograph? Listen son.... the trannies and the slides are at the 6th floor museum, check with Gary (ya need his phone number?).... You're not hesitant to find out where the images are, are ya? Ya live there for GAWD sakes...

    David, please show this forum any correspondence you have made to the 6TH Floor Museum whereas they have told you that they have the Life Magazine slides. The fact is that Life Magazine has those slides and had you of really bothered to research this stuff, then you would have known this. So not only will you not be able to show a request to anyone asking for the slides to be examined by you ... you cannot show a reply denying your request. Even worse is that you don't even know where the damn slides even are. It seems like the more you talk ... the more you show people how little you have actually done as far as research.

    My only question is whether or not your inability to actually research anything is a life choice or are you being forced to post the disinformation you pass along???

    Bill Miller

    talk to Gary, son..... ya need his email address and/or his phone number? You'd be surprised what LIFE and the Zapruder trust turned over top the 6th floor... Rumor has it one of the 3 original Jamieson film dupes is there too...... Do some research kid! Good for the soul!

  10. Bill,

    It's simple:

    Just have someone provide the documentation that Towner's camera shot at 24 FPS.

    I don't need to contact Gary. I've supplied my documentation/proof.

    Well this is for people who don't wish to remain ignorant of any data that may help them in their research ...

    Gary Mack: Tina's story never changed: she stopped filming and a second or two later, the first shot sounded. She has given various versions over the years, sometimes using the word "immediately" rather than seconds. We've known each other since 1978 and have been good friends ever since.

    When I transferred her original film to video several years ago, the technician and I paid close attention to an early scene on the reel of she and her father in a motel swimming pool, splashing water around. We adjusted the transfer speed to about 20fps to where the motion of the water looked normal.

    But the Dealey Plaza footage was at the end of the reel and, as is well-known from camera tests of Zapruder, Nix and Muchmore, camera speeds varied by 5% or more from beginning to end and each film scene speed depends on several variables. Our transfer of the entire Towner reel was made at 20 fps, which is more than 10% faster than normal (which was almost certainly 18fps). The transfer probably shows the limo moving too fast. That, of course, is not a significant visual problem but it would wreak havoc with anyone using the video transfer to establish the camera's true speed.

    "Gary Mack: Tina's story never changed: she stopped filming and a second or two later, the first shot sounded. She has given various versions over the years, sometimes using the word "immediately" rather than seconds. We've known each other since 1978 and have been good friends ever since.

    When I transferred her original film to video several years ago, the technician and I paid close attention to an early scene on the reel of she and her father in a motel swimming pool, splashing water around. We adjusted the transfer speed to about 20fps to where the motion of the water looked normal. ..."


    that's called film alteration, Wild Bill.... (and the piece ended up on that videotape at 30fps or 29.97fps, eh?) You or Gary care to comment?

  11. Jack ... posting nonsense on you-tube won't make it any more meaningful than just posting it anywhere else. For instance ... the narrator tells the viewer that people on the south lawn are not looking at the President as if something is suspicious about this. It takes just the slightest understanding of the geography of the Plaza to know that the limo is well west of the witness that the narrator is talking about. Being inept when it comes to perspective or ignorant of the geography of Dealey Plaza doesn't expose alteration, but rather it exposes the ignorance of the person missing these vital points when examining the film.


    .... film compositing is 1st year film student material... believe me, we do understand why YOU are not aware of same. Those blinders do come off, ya know!

    Talk about being inept! Keep coming back Wild Bill, we CT's need ya, as well as your, er, Lone Nutter's !

  12. oh we know you're jealous... getting published is just one of those things.... perhaps you should consider the reason you're not published is as simple as, you've nothing of interest to say, eh?

    Carrier's credibility is shot, final word....

    LOL!!!! You are published alright. You are published in a book that claims all this alteration of the Zapruder film only to have you post years later that you have seen no proof of alteration.

    By the way, I am still hoping to see that letter you wrote to Life Magazine requesting to examine their stills. Please don't tell us that you were only complaining about something that you have never really bothered to follow through with .... what a shock that will be. LOL!!!

    Bill Miller

    want my autograph? Listen son.... the trannies and the slides are at the 6th floor museum, check with Gary (ya need his phone number?).... You're not hesitant to find out where the images are, are ya? Ya live there for GAWD sakes...

  13. Whereas my nemesis appears to not want to play the game * perhaps one should continue on without him.

    Nemesis ??? What is this ... a Bat Man episode. Professional people usually don't talk so nutty ... Carrier doesn't ... nor Mike. Your post will read better if you drop the cartoon super-hero lingo.


    "Don't screw with me on an issue like this. You won't like the outcome! I am also a use of force instructor and will bury your aged ass if you speak out of line against my character on an issue such as this!



    [b]Son Tay, and the whole McDonald mess lends to credibility. Im sure you can figure this out with a little effort. [/b]



    Not that difficult to recognize exactly why you are not too far along in understanding of what the assassination witness's have to say Bill.

    In event that you are now the "designated mouthpiece", for the offended ones, then you too can expect an expanded demonstration of exactly how little you actually know.

    About most anything!

    I know that Al and Mike were not assassination witnesses. Your propaganda gets more and more bizarre with each post you make.

    follow the bouncing ball, Bill! It's really not that difficult for a seasoned (sic) researcher such as your self to follow. Carrier's credibility is shot! Shot to pukey!

    It's really not that difficult for a seasoned (sic) researcher

    "Seasoning" takes many forms.

    42 days without at bath can "season" one quite well as to how much that they "STINK"

    Therefore, I would suppose that after "25" years of research into the films and witness testimonies, without having ever demonstrated anything of probative value, could relate to "STINKING" as well.

    At least within the realm of research ability.

    Sitting around and relying on the likes of highly discredited and self-proclaimed researchers, while doing nothing other than merely attempting to take "pot shots" at the works of others, who in some instances are actually attempting to resolve and understand the issues.


    I had high hopes that before I actually do pack up and do something worthwhile with the remainder of my time, that I would ultimately see BM actually post something in the way of factually new; seperate; and independent research.


    42 day's! oh-my goodness.... to think after 9 days I needed sandblasting... There's one thing you can be sure of, the JFK research you've posted to this board will go on...Whether one agrees with you quite simply, irrelevant. You've made the case.... a case for "conspiracy"... For that I salute you, Major Tom -- As well as thank you (myself, plus the rest of those that served on this board) for your military service!

    David Healy

  14. follow the bouncing ball, Bill! It's really not that difficult for a seasoned (sic) researcher such as your self to follow. Carrier's credibility is shot! Shot to pukey!

    Your thoughts on credibility don't mean much. But while we are talking about 'credibility' ... how about that 'Hoax' book and your thoughts on how your have seen no proof of alteration.


    oh we know you're jealous... getting published is just one of those things.... perhaps you should consider the reason you're not published is as simple as, you've nothing of interest to say, eh?

    Carrier's credibility is shot, final word....

  15. prove it! Simple as that.... You can't, nor can Gary Mack -- and we know it! Till you deliver the original camera masters and those versed in same can analyze them, you'er full of it --all the Lone Nut wishing and hoping won't change that....

    David ... where was all this trash talk and Dolva and some others worked on showing all the films to be in sync??? Seems like you went quiet around that time. I always figured that was why you said 'I have seen no proof of alteration'.

    BTW, did you find that request you made to Life Magazine detailing your request to examine the slides??? Did you at least come across their response to your request???


    trash talk? Grow up son..... the slides and the trannies are at the 6th floor museum.... Been there for years! You didn't know that?

    Now you've got a bit of work to do proving the DP films can be synced.

  16. BTW,

    For those that might not see the big picture in this, since Myer's has multiple films syncing with his presentation, from beginning to end, and the

    syncing is wrong based on the incorrect FPS used, all films involved are wrong.

    Which means they have all been tampered with.

    This one's for you, JACK.



    A study was done on this site with the Nix, Zapruder, Muchmore, (possibly another one???) and they used the right camera speeds and they were found to be in sync. You might wish to have someone like Mack (or even contact) to make sure that you have your facts correct.


    prove it! Simple as that.... You can't, nor can Gary Mack -- and we know it! Till you deliver the original camera masters and those versed in same can analyze them, you'er full of it --all the Lone Nut wishing and hoping won't change that....

  17. Whereas my nemesis appears to not want to play the game * perhaps one should continue on without him.

    Nemesis ??? What is this ... a Bat Man episode. Professional people usually don't talk so nutty ... Carrier doesn't ... nor Mike. Your post will read better if you drop the cartoon super-hero lingo.


    "Don't screw with me on an issue like this. You won't like the outcome! I am also a use of force instructor and will bury your aged ass if you speak out of line against my character on an issue such as this!



    [b]Son Tay, and the whole McDonald mess lends to credibility. Im sure you can figure this out with a little effort. [/b]



    Not that difficult to recognize exactly why you are not too far along in understanding of what the assassination witness's have to say Bill.

    In event that you are now the "designated mouthpiece", for the offended ones, then you too can expect an expanded demonstration of exactly how little you actually know.

    About most anything!

    I know that Al and Mike were not assassination witnesses. Your propaganda gets more and more bizarre with each post you make.

    follow the bouncing ball, Bill! It's really not that difficult for a seasoned (sic) researcher such as your self to follow. Carrier's credibility is shot! Shot to pukey!

  18. You of course, Wild Bill... Then you could do something magnamous, for instance, act like the CT you profess to be and turn the Z-film 35mm slides to real researchers (unlike yourself of course) .... then we could do some KodacolorII film gamma testing together, I could actually show you how to use a densitometer, maybe even show you what the emulsion side of film actually looks like .... show you how real film analysts work....

    You game there Red Ryder?

    So if someone turns over slides to you, then they are considered CTs in your mind .... how interesting. I have a question, why don't you write out your qualifications and detail why someone should allow you to have access to these historical images and then maybe we can get started in the right direction. You see, I don't think that these items will be made available to just any disgruntled lunatic. So let us first see just how sincere you are why you are the man for the job. You see, I'm all for your demonstration on how a real researcher/analyst works because so far you have kept your alleged ability a secret from these forums. Maybe if you can even post some of your preliminary work on alike film images so to show us what you are capable of doing would be a good start.

    I look forward to seeing what you have done so far ... I mean you have done some preliminary work on this stuff so to at least demonstrate what you can do and how that will apply to the actual images that you are requesting access to - right?

    And by the way ... what are you again - a CTs or a LNr ... better yet, what were you when you said that you have 'seen no proof of alteration'??

    Bill Miller

    Slow down there son.... Tax paying Americans OWN the Z-film.... have no doubt about that. So nothing is turned over to me per se, just consider me the best steward for the job... Even GaryM and/or Dr. Josiah Thompson can look over my shoulder...

    The research community needs a 35mm dupe set of the LIFE Magazine 4x5's Z-film frame trannie series... Dr. Thompson knows the set. I'll supervise the making of a dupe set fromTHOSE and ONLY those originals, wherever the 6th Floor suggests. Though Monaco Labs in San Francisco comes to mind (my old stomping grounds). As an added plus Monaco is familiar with the Z-film, correct? The research community gets at **least** a 35mm (copy) set, the 4x5's stay with the 6th floor museum -- simple as that!

    You can stop hiding behind your above nonsense and simply poo-poo the offer, or get off your backside and get your all-round flunky middle-man job completed...

  19. You of course, Wild Bill... Then you could do something magnamous, for instance, act like the CT you profess to be and turn the Z-film 35mm slides to real researchers (unlike yourself of course) .... then we could do some KodacolorII film gamma testing together, I could actually show you how to use a densitometer, maybe even show you what the emulsion side of film actually looks like .... show you how real film analysts work....

    You game there Red Ryder?

    So if someone turns over slides to you, then they are considered CTs in your mind .... how interesting. I have a question, why don't you write out your qualifications and detail why someone should allow you to have access to these historical images and then maybe we can get started in the right direction. You see, I don't think that these items will be made available to just any disgruntled lunatic. So let us first see just how sincere you are why you are the man for the job. You see, I'm all for your demonstration on how a real researcher/analyst works because so far you have kept your alleged ability a secret from these forums. Maybe if you can even post some of your preliminary work on alike film images so to show us what you are capable of doing would be a good start.

    I look forward to seeing what you have done so far ... I mean you have done some preliminary work on this stuff so to at least demonstrate what you can do and how that will apply to the actual images that you are requesting access to - right?

    And by the way ... what are you again - a CTs or a LNr ... better yet, what were you when you said that you have 'seen no proof of alteration'??

    Bill Miller

    Tax paying Americans OWN the Z-film son.... have no doubt about that. So nothing is turned over to me per se, just consider me the best steward for the job... Even GaryM and/or Dr. Josiah Thompson can look over my shoulder...

    The research commuity needs a 35mm dupe set of the LIFE Magazine 4x5's Z-film frame trannie series... Dr. Thompson knows the set. I'll supervise the making of the dupe set from the originals, where-ever the 6th Floor suggests. Monaco Labs, San Francisco comes to mind (my old stomping grounds). As an added plus Monaco is familiar with the Z-film, correct? The research community gets the 35mm (copy) set, the 4x5's stay with the 6th floor museum -- simple as that!

    You can stop hiding behind your abover nonsense and simply poo-poo the offer, or get off your backside and get your middle-man job completed...

  20. Defend the Warren Commission Report Findings? The 45 questions

    Question #45

    Back by popular demand - the 45 Questions that terrify those who try to defend

    the Warren Commission Report. In the past, there have been only two

    semi-serious attempts to answer them, one by John McAdams, and one by 'Bud' (the

    xxxxx listed below) - Both responses were basically denials of the facts in most

    of the 'answers'.

    *below question reposted with authors permission -- author: Ben Holmes...*

    But first, an important note:


    Important Note for Lurkers - there are many trolls on this forum (alt.conspiracy.jfk) who's

    only purpose is to obstruct debate, deny the evidence, and attempt to change message

    threads from discussing the evidence, to personal insults and attacks.

    These trolls include (but are not limited to):

    **22 trolls who post regularly to alt.conspiracy.jfk** names removed -dgh

    Please beware when seeing their responses, and note that they will simply

    deny the facts I mention, demand citations that I've provided before, or

    simply run with insults. These trolls are only good material for the kill


    source: alt.conspiracy.jfk


    We are finally at the end, and it's been downright shocking to see the cowardice

    of those who are attempting to put forth the WCR's theory. That LNT'ers don't

    even *try* to come up with non-conspiratorial explanations for the evidential

    questions I've raised demonstrate persuasively just how lacking their faith in

    the WCR is. Here's the last of the original 45 Questions:

    45. Despite being widely hailed by the media as an "exhaustive study produced by

    honorable and prestigious men", the Warren Commission Report was unable to find

    any room in its 888 page report, or 26 volumes of supporting evidence for the

    very first piece of paperwork generated in any murder case - the death


    Perhaps they just didn't have any room left? Can anyone defend this?


  21. very simple solution, make the original 35mm slides (Life magazine) of the alledged, in-camera, Z-film available to researchers... The first result of such a gesture would be that of, YOU Bill Miller falling back into the crowd and simply FADING away towards a new alias...... we can't have that though, can we? Might interrupt your career path climb at the 6th Floor Museum, eh? Help us out here GaryM...... :)

    We're not fooled, BM! So, Maestro, the music, up another 10db... there's a Lone Nutter thinking he knows the Z-film.... time to dance.....

    And who would you recommend that those slides be turned over to for inspection, David??? You - Duncan - who??? The first thing would be to study the camera original as you always say ... slides are mere copies, so it seems odd that you would now want to study copies. (Is this more double-talk on your part)

    Then you would submit this researchers qualifications and the reasons you have come up with as to why the Zapruder camera original has come into question, but don't let it be someone who is on record saying that they have seen no proof of alteration or you won't get far. LOL!!!

    You of course, Wild Bill... Then you could do something magnamous, for instance, act like the CT you profess to be and turn the Z-film 35mm slides to real researchers (unlike yourself of course) .... then we could do some KodacolorII film gamma testing together, I could actually show you how to use a densitometer, maybe even show you what the emulsion side of film actually looks like .... show you how real film analysts work....

    You game there Red Ryder?

  22. Defend the Warren Commission Report Findings? The 45 questions

    Question #44

    Back by popular demand - the 45 Questions that terrify those who try to defend

    the Warren Commission Report. In the past, there have been only two

    semi-serious attempts to answer them, one by John McAdams, and one by 'Bud' (the

    xxxxx listed below) - Both responses were basically denials of the facts in most

    of the 'answers'.

    *below question reposted with authors permission -- author: Ben Holmes...*

    But first, an important note:


    Important Note for Lurkers - there are many trolls on this forum (alt.conspiracy.jfk) who's

    only purpose is to obstruct debate, deny the evidence, and attempt to change message

    threads from discussing the evidence, to personal insults and attacks.

    These trolls include (but are not limited to):

    **22 trolls who post regularly to alt.conspiracy.jfk** names removed -dgh

    Please beware when seeing their responses, and note that they will simply

    deny the facts I mention, demand citations that I've provided before, or

    simply run with insults. These trolls are only good material for the kill


    source: alt.conspiracy.jfk


    44. "This shouldn't be in the damn record!" - the infamous outburst of Dr.

    George Loquvam, during the HSCA forensic panel discussion.

    A most revealing statement - why was the good doctor concerned with eyewitness

    statements being put into written form, even though the HSCA classified it?

    It matters little, since the written record doesn't really indicate anything

    that *should* be kept hidden - thereby leading any careful reader into

    concluding that someone has been busy doctoring the transcripts.

    In fact, a note written by Andy Purdy about a phone call from Dr. Michael Baden,

    the chairman of the HSCA medical panel - Baden told Purdy that he was almost

    finished with the Humes and Boswell transcript, and that he believed that it

    "can be cleaned up enough to be in evidence."

    "can be cleaned up enough to be in evidence"???

    Looks like Loquvam got his wish... the "damn record" was indeed "cleaned up", so

    that today we don't know what was really said. But someone forgot to take

    Loquvam's revealing statement out.

    Why does the truth require lies to support it?

    And why hasn't *any* LNT'er been able to either answer this question, or refute

    that the WC and HSCA *LIED* in their reports?


  23. Miles,

    When BMiller runs out of gas he trots out the "xxxxx" card, he has no alternative...... just to keep a thread going way beyond the norm. Loves to see those thousand+ views. Guy is a living cartoon....

    What is your solution, David ... to call everyone who doesn't agree with you a lone-nutter! (LOL!!!) Just like now ... you just replied to a thread that you have not posted any data to one way or the other. Do we need to post the definition of a 'forum xxxxx' again to see if you also fall into that category. (smile~)

    Anytime you feel like you have something sensible to add to the discussion, then by all means bring it on. And keep in mind that it was this 'cartoon' that caused you to have to admit years after the great 'Hoax' book was written that you had not seen any proof of alteration ... that it was something you had said all along. Your being a part of that book tells me that the information contained within it didn't impress you at all. So any time you wish to dance again ... please join in. However, you may wish to have someone proof-read your responses before posting them so you don't have to eat your words again.

    By the way, I see you got Duncan to smile ... do you enjoy those 'enhancements' that Duncan has been posting ... ??????

    very simple solution, make the original 35mm slides (Life magazine) of the alledged, in-camera, Z-film available to researchers... The first result of such a gesture would be that of, YOU Bill Miller falling back into the crowd and simply FADING away towards a new alias...... we can't have that though, can we? Might interrupt your career path climb at the 6th Floor Museum, eh? Help us out here GaryM...... :rolleyes:

    We're not fooled, BM! So, Maestro, the music, up another 10db... there's a Lone Nutter thinking he knows the Z-film.... time to dance.....

  24. Right. I considered that, as well as considering that the cloud burst was confined to selectively dropping a downpour only over the small 2' by 3' muddy area observed by Holland. A micro-burst from a passing very small cell at low altitude.

    I also considered that what Duncan calls "The Magic BILLet Theory" & which I call "the barrel between the slats theory" is now officially exploded & is now consigned to the dust heap of history, the eternal abode of obvious nonsense.

    And let us consider the Miles Skull is trolling for attention theory.


    When BMiller runs out of gas he trots out the "xxxxx" card, he has no alternative...... just to keep a thread going way beyond the norm. Loves to see those thousand+ views. Guy is a living cartoon....

    Do you mean Looney Tunes David?.... surely not :rolleyes:


    none other.... :rolleyes:

  25. Defend the Warren Commission Report Findings? The 45 questions

    Question #43

    Back by popular demand - the 45 Questions that terrify those who try to defend

    the Warren Commission Report. In the past, there have been only two

    semi-serious attempts to answer them, one by John McAdams, and one by 'Bud' (the

    xxxxx listed below) - Both responses were basically denials of the facts in most

    of the 'answers'.

    *below question reposted with authors permission -- author: Ben Holmes...*

    But first, an important note:


    Important Note for Lurkers - there are many trolls on this forum (alt.conspiracy.jfk) who's

    only purpose is to obstruct debate, deny the evidence, and attempt to change message

    threads from discussing the evidence, to personal insults and attacks.

    These trolls include (but are not limited to):

    **22 trolls who post regularly to alt.conspiracy.jfk** names removed -dgh

    Please beware when seeing their responses, and note that they will simply

    deny the facts I mention, demand citations that I've provided before, or

    simply run with insults. These trolls are only good material for the kill


    source: alt.conspiracy.jfk


    LNT'er cowardice continues... based on the lack of responses, lurkers would

    imagine that there aren't any LNT'ers reading these posts... but the regulars

    here know better... on to the next embarrassment for the LNT'er camp:

    43. Admiral George Burkley was the only medically trained doctor to be present

    at both Parkland and Bethesda, yet was strangely absent from any questioning by

    the WC.

    When the HSCA rolled around, despite a letter from Burkley's attorney, stating

    that Burkley "has information in the Kennedy assassination indicating that

    others besides Oswald must have participated.", the HSCA waited close to a year

    before interviewing Dr. Burkley. Then, strangely enough, evidently never

    questioned Dr. Burkley on his assertion that others must have participated in

    the assassination.

    Can anyone explain these curious facts in light of a *real* investigation?


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