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Chuck Schwartz

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Posts posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1. During WW2, my Dad was trained by the British on Radar. Then, he was sent to the Pacific theatre, where he endured Iwo Jimo, Guadacanal, Solomon Islands and he occupied Japan in '46. I was 13 when JFK was killed.

  2. I believe DAP maintained communication with Allen Dulles after Allen Dulles was fired by President Kennedy. And, when it was announced Kennedy was going to Dallas, where Charles Cabell's (who was fired by Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs fiasco) brother was mayor, plans were put in place to murder Kennedy with LHO taking the fall . I believe it was DAP that told LHO to go to the Movie theatre and LHO did that because that is what his handler told him to do. Then, Dulles told Charles Cabell to tell Earl Cabell to tell the chief of police to go to the theatre to arrest the killer. As soon as LHO said he was a patsy, in public, he was targeted for murder by Allen Dulles. By Dec. 1, 1963 all evidence linking LHO to the CIA was deleted.

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