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Chuck Schwartz

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Posts posted by Chuck Schwartz

  1.   the testimony of Dr Pierre Finck in the Clay Shaw trial was interesting:
    A:I will remind you that I was not in charge of the autopsy, that I was called..
    Q:You were a co-author of the report though, weren’t you Doctor?
    A:Wait. I was called as a consultant to look at these wounds, that doesn’t mean I am running the show
    Q:Was Dr Humes running the show?
    A:Well, I heard Dr Humes stating that, he said “Who is in charge here?, and I heard an Army General, I don’t remember his name stating, “I am”. You must understand that in those circumstances, there were law enforcement officers, military people with various ranks, and you have to co-ordinate the operation according to directions.
    Q:But you were one of the three qualified pathologists standing at the autopsy table, weren’t you Doctor?
    Q:Was this Army General a qualified pathologist?
    Q:Was he a Doctor?
    A:No, not to my knowledge
    Q:Can you give me his name, Colonel?
    A:No, I cant, I dont remember

    1. So, we have one of the co-authors of the report, one of the three qualified pathologists, stating, under oath, that he did not know who was running the autopsy.
      1. 895514cdcb8bc218019bd641fc876078?s=64&d=<img alt='' src='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/895514cdcb8bc218019bd641fc876078?s=64&d=mm&r=g' srcset='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/895514cdcb8bc218019bd641fc876078?s=128&d=mm&r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-64 photo' height='64' width='64' />George Simmons says:

      Another interesting point of Dr Finck’s testimony was when he was asked why he did not dissect the track of the bullet wound in the neck. He seemed to be very reluctant to answer this question, and had to be directed by the Judge to answer:
      Q:I will ask you the question one more time: Why did you not dissect the track of the bullet wound that you have described today and you saw at the time of the autopsy at the time you examined the body? Why? I ask you to answer that question.
      A:As I recall I was told not to. But I don’t remember by whom.
      Q:You were told not to, but you don’t remember by whom?
      Q:Could it have been one of the Admirals or one of the Generals in the room?
      A:I don’t recall.

      So, we also have one of the co authors of the report, one of the three qualified pathologists stating he did not do this dissection because he was told not to, but he cannot recall who told him not to do it.

      1. 655a7ee5c1bb2b165e7efdca7cd27ef9?s=64&d=<img alt='' src='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/655a7ee5c1bb2b165e7efdca7cd27ef9?s=64&d=mm&r=g' srcset='https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/655a7ee5c1bb2b165e7efdca7cd27ef9?s=128&d=mm&r=g 2x' class='avatar avatar-64 photo' height='64' width='64' />Ray Mitcham says:
      2. Paul O’Connor said General le May was present at the autopsy
  2. Andrej, thank you for that information on Earle Cabell. I believe we now know, also, that Earle was a CIA asset.  And, his brother, Charles Cabell , worked directly for Allen Dulles in the CIA. Both A. Dulles and C. Cabell were fired by JFK for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

  3. Trump has a history of using the government to line his own pockets.  He does not care about the American People. He probably does not pay federal income taxes.  That is why he does not want his tax returns released (and he would have to disclose foreign bank accounts and/or loans ) .  I was reading how  Trump's Secretary of the Treasury (Mnunchin) used the 2008 crisis to acquire wealth..

    Mnuchin and his investment partners took over IndyMac after it failed in 2008, with the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) covering the bank’s losses on foreclosed single-family, owner-occupied loans. An estimated 35,000 foreclosures took place, with losses estimated at $4.6 billion. The FDIC paid the bank $1.2 billion, leaving the bank to absorb $3.4 billion in losses. Politico reported that Mnuchin still came out ahead after OneWest merged with CIT Bank worth $3.4 billion last year. In that case, Mnuchin took home a $10.9 million payout and left CIT’s board in early December after Trump’s nomination.

    Allegations that OneWest preyed on the disadvantaged aren’t new. Advocacy groups previously alleged that OneWest failed to serve and discriminated against minority homeowners. Their complaint said that OneWest’s discriminatory practices began in 2011 at a time when Mnuchin’s investment group owned the bank. They alleged that OneWest made few loans to both African-American and Asian-American borrowers, had only a handful of branches in minority neighborhoods, and allowed properties repossessed in nonwhite neighborhoods to fall into disrepair, the Los Angeles Times reported in November.


  4. The extended recordings and transcripts (of jFK during the Cuban Missile crisis) provide more context about how military leaders were pressing the president to take military action against Cuba. After Gen. Curtis LeMay, the Air Force chief of staff, tried to force Kennedy's hand by equating the president's chosen course of a naval "quarantine" with the appeasement of Hitler before World War II, Kennedy walked Lemay thru his thinking, but to no avail.

    The last thing JFK probably saw  before he was killed was the black umbrella fully extended. Recently, a person confessed to being that person with the black umbrella. He said it was not to give the sign that JFK's limo was coming, but to remind JFK that what he did with Cuba was appeasement and JFK knew who accused him of appeasement- it was Lemay.


  5. Jim, yes, I meant Paul O'Connor, who was asked by HUmes to find out who was smoking the cigar and tell him to put it out. Paul found the cigar smoker- it was Lemay and Paul told him to put it out. Lemay did not respond but he blew smoke in Paul's face.

    Larry, yes , I meant Arleigh Burke, who I think is underrated as to having a strong role in the Big Event.   He and Lemay both thought JFK was appeasing the communists and both could not live with such appeasement. I believe they felt by killing JFK the US would take a stronger position against communism (such as escalating the Vietnam war).  John Newman has done a very good job on showing how the murder of JFK led to the escalation of the war in Vietnam. It was Lemay who said we should bomb North Vietnam back to the stone age. He was crazy then and he was crazy when he supported the murder of JFK.  Lemay did do a good job in defeating the enemies of the US during WW2, but I don't think he ever left that war - he was still fighting it until he died (the domino theory said communism had to be stopped in Vietnam- appeasing the communists was the same as appeasing the nazis) .  My father fought in WW2 in the Pacific theater  and he occupied Japan in 1946.  He never talked to me about it. It was too horrible. He told my Mom about some of the horrible details and she told me. When the subject of WW2 came up ,  my father  would say the Civil War general that said War is Hell- he got it right. Both my parents were /  are Jewish. But, they sent me to a Quaker elementary school and a Quaker high school- partly because of the Quakers stand on war in general. 


  6. This is the Paul O'Oconnor I was referring to:On page 35 of William Law’s 2005 book In the Eye of History, from his interview of Paul K. O’Connor (a Navy corpsman who assisted the Navy pathologists with the autopsy on JFK), he quotes O’Connor as follows:

    Right after we heard the helicopters come over, I distinctly heard one land in the back of the hospital, which was the Officer’s Club parking lot.  There was a big parking lot.  I heard one helicopter land there.  I heard another helicopter land at the north side of the hospital where there was a normal helicopter-landing pad.  Several minutes later, I can’t give you a definite time — maybe five minutes — the back of the morgue opened up and a crew of hospital corpsmen and a higher ranking corpsman brought in a plain, pinkish-gray, what I call a shipping casket.  It was not ornate.  It was not damaged…. They brought it up front where we were.  At that time we opened up the coffin.  Inside was the body bag.
    Paul O'Connor later went on to describe the man with a cigar barking orders. Also, on Burkley, I believe he was commanding the aircraft carrier carrying the bombers that were going  to give air support to the Bay of PIgs invasion. JFK told Burkley to turn around and not give air support. Burkley was very upset. There is talk that he was connected to Gerald Ford, who was Navy. Both Ford and Burkley were both from Michigan.



  7. Larry, do you think Lemay was at the Bethesda JFK fake autopsy? (Connor, the ambulance driver , said he saw a man with a cigar in his mouth barking orders). The person giving orders in Bethesda that night had to know that the 3 shots from the back to JFK was the agreed upon narrative and that the autopsy had to agree with that predetermined story. Bethesda could be the Rosetta Stone for the Big Event.

  8. Shane, this is the first time I have seen this thread. But, I will see your movie, if possible.  What are your thoughts about jack Ruby going to the radio station that Mclendon owned around the time of the assassination? And, McLendon was friends with David Atlee Philips. Do you think DAP could have communicated with Ruby via the radio station?

  9. I think Alan Dulles was the mastermind of the Big Event.  And, that was why LBJ put him on the WC.  LBJ knew that Alan Dulles knew what to keep secret and how to keep it secret. Dulles was the only one on the WC that worked full time on the WC. Most had full time jobs and worked on the WC part time. Dulles, in essence , controlled the WC.  Charles Cabell , who worked for Dulles in the CIA, was a general in the Army Air Force and could have had a rapport with other Generals such  as Lemay or Lenmitzer.

    On a personal note, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 Bladder Cancer in the Fall of 2017 and had 6 cycles of chemo ( which killed the cancer) and then had major surgery. So far, my cancer has not returned. I echo Jim's point on health insurance. If I had to pay for my chemo and/or surgery out of my own pocket, I would be broke.  For instance, I know (through my health insurance "Explanation of Benefits" ) my chemo cost $20,000 per cycle and my surgery cost $44,000. And, there were/are much more costs that my insurance also covers.


  10. Quote


    The Police were taking guidance from the Mayor of Dallas, Earle Cabell, who , we now know, was a CIA asset. Earle's brother, Charles Cabell, worked directly for Allen Dulles in the CIA for 9 yrs.  Both Allen Dulles and Charles Cabell were both fired by JFK (for the Bay of Pigs fiasco).  Allen Dulles , I believe, was the architect of the Big Event. He told the Cabell's what to do and DAP (CIA officer who worked in Cuba)  was there in Dallas to help things going along the lines Allen Dulles wanted them to go. The basic rule of homicide interrogations was never in the playbook for the day of the Big Event (JFK assassination).

    Dulles was the ringleader of the WC. I attended a lecture on the JFK Assassination (The Big Event) by Mark Lane in 1975 in Albany, NY.  Mark said something I never forgot.  The purpose of the WC (Warren Commission) was not to discover who killed JFK and why, but rather to prove LHO was lone nut killer.  This was the narrative and any evidence to the contrary was either ignored or destroyed .


    • Crichton was a key player in the Big Event.  Jack Crichton also had a close association with George H. W. Bush. According to Fabian Escalante (The Secret War: CIA Covert Operations Against Cuba, 1959-62), in 1959, Crichton and Bush raised funds for the CIA's Operation 40. Originally it was set up to organize sabotage operations against Fidel Castro and his Cuban government. However, it evolved into a team of assassins. One member, Frank Sturgis, claimed: "this assassination group (Operation 40) would upon orders, naturally, assassinate either members of the military or the political parties of the foreign country that you were going to infiltrate, and if necessary some of your own members who were suspected of being foreign agents... We were concentrating strictly in Cuba at that particular time."

      The failure to assassinate or overthrow Fidel Castro caused tremendous problems for the Cuban-Venezuelan Oil Voting Trust Company and other foreign oil companies that had already invested more than $30 million looking for oil in Cuba. In December 1960, CVOVT was de-listed from the American Stock Exchange.

      Critchton was appointed head of the intelligence component of the Dallas Civil Defence. The conservative radio commentator Paul Harvey wrote in his syndicated column in September 1960: "The Communists, since 1917, have sold Communism to more people than have been told about Christ after 2,000 years." He urged his readers to support the "counter-attack that had been mounted in Dallas."

      In 1961 Crichton joined forces with other right-wing figures in Dallas to establish a program called "Know Your Enemy". This was to combat communist influence that "was undermining the American way of life". The following year Crichton opened an underground command post under the patio of the Dallas Health and Science Museum that was intended for "continuity-of-government" operations during a communist attack.

      In 1963 Crichton was nominated by the Republican Party for the post of Governor of Texas. He joined forces with George H. W. Bush, who was the nominee for the U.S. Senate. As Crichton later recalled, he and Bush "spoke from the same podiums" that year. However, Crichton was defeated by John Connally and he later wrote a book about his failed attempt to become governor, The Republican-Democrat Political Campaigns: In Texas in 1964.

      In November 1963 Crichton was involved in the arrangements of the visit that President John F. Kennedy made to Dallas. His close friend, Deputy Police Chief George L. Lumpkin, and a fellow member of the the 488th Military Intelligence Detachment, drove the pilot car of Kennedy's motorcade. Also in the car was Lieutenant Colonel George Whitmeyer, commander of all Army Reserve units in East Texas. The pilot car stopped briefly in front of the Texas School Book Depository, where Lumpkin spoke to a policeman controlling traffic at the corner of Houston and Elm.'

      In the Warren Commission Report it stated that Crichton arranged for a member of the local Russian community, Ilya Mamantov, to work for the Dallas Police Department as a translator for Russian-born Marina Oswaldshortly after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Crichton's volunteer translated for Oswald during her initial questioning by the Dallas authorities in the hours immediately after her husband Lee Harvey Oswald had been arrested. According to Russ Baker, the author of Family of Secrets (2009), there "were far from literal translations of her Russian words and had the effect of implicating her husband in Kennedy's death."

      Crichton was president of Nafco Oil and Gas. He also owned a company called Dorchester Gas Producing. A fellow director was David Harold Byrd who along with Clint MurchisonHaroldson L. Hunt and Sid Richardson, was part of the Big Oil group in Dallas. Barr McClellan (Blood, Money & Power) argues that "Big Oil would be during the fifties and into the sixties what the OPEC oil cartel was to the United States in the seventies and beyond". One of the main concerns of this group was the preservation of the oil depletion allowance.

      Jack Crichton who was President of the Dallas Petroleum Engineers Club, also served as a Director to Florida Gas CompanyClark Oil and RefiningWhitehall Corporation, Transco Energy and the Consolidated Development Corporation.

      Jack Alston Crichton died in Dallas on 10th December, 2007.
    • Also, Crichton went to college with Earle Cabell.
  11. I once read (can't remember where) that Prouty was Mae Brussell's mentor.  Prouty could have gone to jail (or worse) if he was linked to some of Mae Brussell' s writings. And , as long as Mae Brussell never mentioned (publicly) that she worked with Prouty, Prouty would continue to work with her. I believe Prouty knew who killed JFK and those responsible for the Big Event wanted him out of the country at the time of the Big Event. Prouty did write about how he was put on a mission outside of the US during the Big Event.

  12. David,  the CIA did not order the military to kill JFK. It was mutual conclusion. General Charles Cabell worked for Dulles for 9 yrs. in the CIA and his brother , Earle, was Mayor of Dallas at the time of the Big Event. This is an example of how it is difficult to separate the Military and CIA. Lemay accused JFK of appeasement for not invading Cuba during Cuban Missile Crises. That is when Lemay crossed the line from disagreement with JFK to seeing there was another way he was going to have to deal JFK.  Appeasement and the Domino theory are closely related.


    As a side note, I once read (cannot remember where) that Prouty was Mae Brussell's mentor.

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