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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. David Von Pein continues to express amazement that anyone would even consider the possibility that the FBI altered, manufactured and destroyed a massive amount of “evidence” in this case. This is despite the fact that we have shown him how this was done time and time again. As I have shown many times in the past, here is my favorite example, because it takes only three minutes to watch and understand, but there is much, much more. Now, David offers us, once more, the Magic Money Order® and an envelope and Klein’s order form and says, “just try convincing a reasonable jury of 12 men and women that all three of these documents are fake….” OK, let’s consider this so-called “evidence.” Let’s start with the Magic Money Order®, but, since David neglected to do so above, let’s show BOTH SIDES! Note the back side, which contains a rubber stamp from Klein’s and no other endorsement of any kind. If memory serves, David claims to have found a Warren Commission supporting Postal expert who claims that the bank endorsements are not needed, but long ago Sandy Larsen proved that laws and postal regulations from the era clearly indicated that they were. Here is Sandy’s proof. Below, by the way, is Waldman Exhibit 190, which allegedly shows the paperwork for Klein’s depositing the Magic Money Order®. Just a couple of minor problems with it. The dollar amount is wrong, and it is dated Feb. 15, 1963—a month before “Hidell” allegedly ordered from Klein’s!!! More and more magic! The problem for the FBI, as shown above, is that it had no way to fabricate First National Bank of Chicago documents! Just as it had no way to fabricate Bank Endorsements on the Magic Money Order. All the Bureau had access to was Klein's forms (because special agents were camped out at Klein's immediately after the assassination), and USPS forms and stamps, probably through Harry Holmes (see below). David also tells us it is impossible to believe that CE 773, the envelope “A. Hidell” allegedly used to send the Magic Money Order®, is a forgery. Several people in this thread have discussed the problems with this envelope, and I would simply add that it would be instructive to see how U.S. Postal Inspector Harry Holmes might have helped create it. Holmes apparently was the only man on earth known to hear “Lee Harvey Oswald” say in police custody that he traveled to Mexico City, and he was instrumental in “finding” the Magic Money Order®. He certainly had the ability to help the FBI create this document. Finally, David offers us Waldman Exhibit 7, which shows “A. Hidell” apparently ordered a rifle with 4x scope for $19.95 plus $1.50 postage and handling for a total of $21.45. But this appears to be a back-dated fabrication prepared at least a week after the assassination. Why? Because for a week or so, the FBI had yet to determine how much the rifle actually cost. For some time, it claimed that the rifle, with scope, cost just $12.78. All David’s documents are nothing but the fruit of the same poisoned tree! For more on this, see John’s essays: Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Rifle from Kleins and MAIL ORDER RIFLE
  2. In March 1982, after the dictabelts had been examined by experts and found to have evidence of alteration, Dallas researcher Gary Mack interviewed Capt. Bowles of the Dallas Police. Bowles told Gary Mack that he could not give any assurance that the belts which were returned by the FBI were the ones which left the possession of the DPD. (Click here to read the complete article relating to the scientific analysis of the dictabelts.) The timing alterations were hardly memorable, merely adding nine or ten minutes to the time stamps to give "Lee Harvey Oswald" time to walk from the North Beckley rooming house to 10th and Patton. If any Dallas cops or civilians who had a police scanner noticed these small alterations, would they have come forward? Ask Frank Serpico about his experiences!
  3. Sandy, Whether David has a point about Roger Craig or not, it is obvious that the timings recorded on the dictabelts were altered by the FBI. Magnetic audio tapes were almost certainly involved as an intermediate step in the process of alteration. The dictabelt recordings were similar to vinyl records, in that physical grooves were cut into the plastic by a needle which, in combination with a microphone, vibrated according to air pressure changes produced by audible sounds. It was physically impossible to edit a dictabelt in any meaningful way. Think of trying reorder the various tracks of a vinyl LP with a scalpel and glue. There’s no way that will work. But transfer the LP or dictabelt content to magnetic audio tape, and then it is easy to make edits merely by cutting and splicing together parts of the tape. In the days before everything was digitized and stored electronically, this was the way music and the spoken word was commonly edited. The listing of a “Tape splice” on the FBI transcript (CE1974) of the DPD radio broadcasts is strong evidence that the dictabelt content was transferred to audio tape, altered on tape, transferred back to dictabelts, and finally returned to the Dallas Police. Why else involve audio tape? As always, we are forced to try and discover the truth by analyzing the errors the FBI made in their cover-up efforts, and in a case this huge, it's obvious they made plenty of mistakes.
  4. More proof that the FBI altered the DPD radio dictabelts by recording their contents on magnetic audio tape, editing the tape by physically cutting and splicing, and then re-recording new dictabelts. The DPD radio transcript created by FBI (CE1974) reads at 1:44 PM: "Tape splice" (below). For those too young to remember them, Dictabelts were thin plastic belts 12 inches in circumference and 3-1/2 inches wide. Recordings were made on Dictabelts by a sharp stylus (a needle) that cut grooves in the plastic and vibrated according to sound pressure, in a process similar to mastering a vinyl LP record. The same machine, called a Dictaphone or Time-Master, recorded the sound and then played it back. No magnetic audio tape was involved... just the plastic belts ... ... until, that is, the FBI began faking yet more evidence. The excerpt of CE1974 (above) is yet another piece of evidence showing how the FBI altered the timing of the DPD radio broadcast transcripts. As John wrote on my website, READERS MUST REMEMBER THAT ALL OF THESE TYPEWRITTEN TRANSCRIPTS, THE FIRST OF WHICH WAS CREATED ON DECEMBER 3, WERE CREATED ONLY AFTER THE FBI RECEIVED THE ORIGINAL DPD DICTABELTS AND DISKS A FEW DAYS AFTER THE ASSASSINATION, AND THEN RETURNED ALTERED COPIES TO THE DPD.
  5. Ah, but you only mention part of the evidence! Not only do you and Meyers haplessly claim the official Time of Death was wrong, but you ignore the evidence from many eye and ear witnesses. For example.... Frank Cimino and Francis Kinneth heard the shots and saw Tippit’s dead or dying body at a time they estimated to be approximately 1:00 PM. Helen Markham had just arrived at the northwest corner of 10th & Patton, en route to catch the city bus one block south at Jefferson & Patton (at 1:15 PM). She told the Warren Commission it was "6 or 7 minutes after 1." Mrs. Margie Higgins, who lived at 417 East 10th St. was watching television and later told reporters, "Well, I was watching the news on television and for some reason the announcer turned and looked at the clock and said the time was six minutes after one (1:06 PM). At that point I heard the shots." Mrs. Doris Holan lived directly across the street from the Tippit shooting, on the 2nd floor at 409 E Tenth Street. Mrs. Holan had just returned home from her job a few minutes after 1:00 PM when she heard several gunshots. T.F. Bowley was driving west on 10th Street and arrived a few minutes after the shooting. He looked at his watch--the time was 1:10 PM. An original DPD police transcript, found in the National Archives, lists the time of Bowley's call to the police as 1:10 PM. The original DPD transcript (CE 705) shows the report of Tippit's murder by Bowley at 1:10 PM. The FBI transcript, (CE 1974) prepared in August, 1964, lists the reporting time of Tippit's murder by Bowley at 1:19 PM--nine minutes later. Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig was searching the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, when a rifle was discovered. Craig wrote, “… At that exact moment an unknown Dallas police officer came running up the stairs and advised Capt. Fritz that a Dallas policeman had been shot in the Oak Cliff area. I instinctively looked at my watch. The time was 1:06 PM." in March, 1982, after the dictabelts had been examined by experts and found to have evidence of alteration, Dallas researcher Gary Mack interviewed Capt. Bowles of the Dallas Police. Bowles told Gary Mack that he could not give any assurance that the belts which were returned by the FBI were the ones which left the possession of the DPD. (Click here to read the complete article relating to the scientific analysis of the dictabelts.) THE TIPPIT MURDER PAGE
  6. You know, David, you continue to ignore the OBVIOUS proof that the FBI altered all kinds of evidence in this case in order to pin the crime on the designated patsy. Question: How much of the evidence against “Lee Harvey Oswald” is fake? Answer: ALL OF IT, except, of course, for the many mistakes made during the hasty cover-up. Evidence of Hoover’s treachery often takes time to explain, but, as I’ve shown before, sometimes it takes just seconds. And yet you continue to act surprised that anyone would dare to suggest FBI fakery. Why is that? The short (3 minute) YouTube video below demonstrates quite clearly how the FBI altered the observations of three critical Dealey Plaza witnesses who believed shots may have been taken at JFK from outside of the Texas School Book Depository, thus contradicting the official story. The FBI went to extraordinary lengths to suppress evidence of what CIA accountant James Wilcott called the “Oswald Project,” including sending out agents within hours of the assassination to confiscate original school and teen-aged employment records of “Lee Harvey Oswald.” In the wee hours of the night of Nov 22-23, 1963, the FBI secretly took “Oswald's Possessions” from the Dallas Police Department, transported them to Washington, D.C. altered them, and then quietly returned them to Dallas, only to publicly send them to Washington. D.C. a few days later. Among a great many other alterations, a Minox “spy camera” became a Minox “light meter.” Tax records, not found by Dallas police who said they initialed each scrap of paper, magically appeared without DPD initials. FBI agent James Cadigan inadvertently spilled the beans about the secret transfer during his sworn WC testimony, which was altered by the WC. The FBI falsified so much testimony that it even had a process in place for routinely doing so, including over the objections of Warren Commission attorneys. We have shown time and time again how Hoover’s FBI altered massive amounts of evidence in this case, but Warren Commission apologists continue to stick their collective heads in the sand and ignore it. Why is that? We have shown time and time again how Hoover’s FBI altered massive amounts of evidence in this case, but Warren Commission apologists continue to stick their collective heads in the sand and ignore it.
  7. Yeah, David has done some fascinating work on MC. It wasn't too long ago, if memory serves, that he discovered that virtually ALL of the Mexican paper evidence for the alleged MC trip came out of the office of a single Mexican bureaucrat. No doubt by now he has taken this farther....
  8. Heh-heh.... I should have mentioned that the evidence for the FBI fakery on the Tippit timings was almost entirely written by John.... I just added a few sentences in what is now up on the website. John is actively working on this topic right now. I added the following new material from him five minutes ago to the Tippit Murder Page: The Warren Commission received four typewritten transcripts of DPD police logs which, if transcribed from the same DPD dictabelts, should all be identical. However, all are different. Sawyer exhibit "A" was prepared on December 3, 1963. Sawyer exhibit "B" was prepared on December 5, 1963. Commission Exhibit 705 (CE 705) was prepared by the DPD and given to the WC in April, 1964. Commission Exhibit 1974 (CE 1974) was prepared by the FBI, by request of the Warren Commission, in August, 1964. Sawyer exhibits "A" and "B," recording only Channel 2, both end at 1:58 PM on November 22. CE 705 is almost continuous from 10:00 AM on November 22 to 6:00 PM on November 24. CE 1974 was prepared by the FBI in August, 1964, and ends at 3:00 PM on November 22 and ends at 2:00 PM on November 24. Readers are invited to compare and note the many variations, discrepancies, and omissions found when comparing any one of these documents to another. For example.... DPD transcript CE 705 shows Tippit's last attempted transmission at 1:08 PM. The FBI transcript, (CE 1974) prepared in August, 1964, does not list Tippit's attempted transmission at 1:08 PM, and instead lists transmissions from DPD officers using call numbers #55 and #488, but the officers using these numbers have never been identified. The original DPD transcript (CE 705) shows the report of Tippit's murder by Bowley at 1:10 PM. The FBI transcript, (CE 1974) prepared in August, 1964, lists the reporting time of Tippit's murder by Bowley at 1:19 PM--nine minutes later. Neither Sawyer exhibit "A" or "B" include instructions for Tippit to move into Central Oak Cliff. These instructions are also omitted on CE 705. CE 1974, created by the FBI in August, 1964, reports the dispatcher sending Nelson and Tippit to "Central Oak Cliff area," Tippit replies, "I'm at Kiesk and Bonnieview." On CE 1974 a patrolman said to the dispatcher "Would you check through Austin and get registration please on HS1877, down here at this shooting which took place in regards to the President." This information is omitted on CE 705. These are only a few of the discrepancies that appear on Sawyer "A," Sawyer "B," CE 705 and CE 1974. The Warren Commission, well aware there was a nine minute difference in the time of the Tippit shooting, ignored the DPD transcript (CE 705) and instead relied on the FBI's transcript (CE 1974) that was created in August, 1964, only a month before printing of the Warren Commission's Rport. The FBI's transcript allowed enough time for Oswald to leave his rooming house at 1:01 PM and arrive at 10th & Patton at 1:16 PM and shoot Tippit.
  9. From Spy Wars, Part 2: March 3, 2018 in San Francisco Above courtesy Dr. Gary Aguilar and YouTube Speakers in this clip are: Bill Simpich--BS Peter Dale Scott – PDS John Newman – JN Re. the alleged “Oswald” calls in Mexico City in 1963: At approximately the 37:12 mark in the YouTube clip above: BS: There’s two different genuses of false phone calls. PDS: Yeah, exactly. One was a call with a lie in it, the other was an alleged call that did not, in fact, take place. JN: The Tuesday call didn’t take place? PDS: No, the Tuesday call did take place by a man, I’m sure, was not the Oswald we think of…. JN: Right PDS: … and then, by the way… this is just a question… are you absolutely convinced that the man who was “Lee Harvey Oswald” in Russia was, in fact, the man picked up in Dallas in 1963? JN: Not at all. And I’ve gone over to the view that in Mexico City that, maybe it’s him, maybe it’s not. So I’m not going to be dogmatic about it. He could have been there and impersonated or could have been not there at all. PDS: … There is a fragment of a release that says that the man who made the phone calls spoke horrible Russian AND English! So, I do not think that was the man in Dallas. There was much, much more to the conversation above, but since the question “Who was Oswald?” is my specialty, I included this. Hopefully, other members here will add more in their own special areas of interest.
  10. That's because you're hopelessly loyal to the Warren Report and the FBI's disinformation: The Warren Commission concluded that “the shooting of Tippit has been established at approximately 1:15 or 1:16 p.m.” That conclusion, however, was based on the need to give HARVEY Oswald sufficient time to walk from the North Beckley rooming house to 10th and Patton. The best evidence indicates that Tippit was actually killed at about 1:06 p.m. Several witnesses, including Frank Cimino, Albert Austin, and Francis Kinneth thought the time was slightly earlier… closer to 1:00 PM. 1:00 PM. About 1:00 PM Frank Cimino, who lived at 403 E. 10th St., heard four shots and saw a police car parked on the street and a police officer lying on the ground. He walked across the street and stood beside Helen Markham, who was the first person to approach Tippit as he lay dying on the street. 1:00 PM. At approximately 1:00 PM Francis Kinneth heard two or three shots and saw a policeman laying on the pavement near the front of his police car. 1:00 PM. Sometime after 1:00 PM Albert Austin heard two or three shots and saw a policeman lying in front of a police car on the left front side. 1:06 PM. Helen Markham had just arrived at the northwest corner of 10th & Patton, en route to catch the city bus one block south at Jefferson & Patton (at 1:15 PM). She told the Warren Commission it was "6 or 7 minutes after 1." She saw a police car drive slowly past her and pull over to the curb. She watched as a young man walked over to Tippit's car and began talking with him thru the passenger side window. A minute later the young man stood up and backed away from the car as the officer slowly got out of his car. As the policeman began walking toward the front of the patrol car the young man pulled a gun and shot the officer. Markham began screaming and shouting as she watched the young man run west across Patton Street and hurry south toward Jefferson Blvd. Markham hurried over to the policeman, lying next to his car on the pavement. She told the Warren Commission that very soon an unknown man arrived: "He had a hat on. I thought he was a policeman." This man was likely Sgt. Croy, who was wearing a white police hat. As a reserve officer Croy was not allowed to carry a gun, which may have caused Markham to wonder if he was, in fact, a policeman. Croy, according to his Warren Commission testimony, interviewed Markham for the next 5-10 minutes and then turned her over to officers when they arrived on the scene. If the man wearing a hat was not Croy, who Markham thought was a policeman, then who was it? 1:06 PM. Mrs. Margie Higgins, who lived at 417 East 10th St. was watching television and later told reporters, "Well, I was watching the news on television and for some reason the announcer turned and looked at the clock and said the time was six minutes after one (1:06 PM). At that point I heard the shots." Mrs. Higgins described the shooter and said, "He definitely was not the man they showed on television." Mrs. Higgins was perhaps the first citizen to call the police (circa 1:06 PM). 1:06-1:07 PM. Mrs. Frank Wright lived at 501 East 10th St, a half block from where Tippit was shot. She heard 3 shots, looked out her window, and saw a man lying in the street. She ran to her phone, dialed "0," and said to the operator, "Call the police, a man's been shot." When the police received Mrs. Wright's call they pushed a button that connected directly with the ambulance dispatcher, and an ambulance was dispatched immediately. Mrs. Wright then ran outside to join her husband and said, "It wasn't a minute until the ambulance got there." Mrs. Wright was probably the second citizen to call the police (circa 1:06-1:07 PM). 1:06-1:07 PM. Mrs. Doris Holan lived directly across the street from the Tippit shooting, on the 2nd floor at 409 E Tenth Street. Mrs. Holan had just returned home from her job a few minutes after 1:00 PM when she heard several gunshots. From her 2nd floor bedroom window she had possibly the best view of the murder scene, and saw Tippit lying on the street near the left front of his patrol car. Mrs. Holan observed the shooter as he was walking across Virginia Davis's lawn toward Patton. Mrs. Holan also noticed a 2nd police car parked in the narrow driveway between two houses directly across the street (car #207, occupied by Capt. Westbrook and Sgt. Croy). Tippit's car was parked on 10th St., directly in front of the narrow driveway, and prevented the 2nd police car from driving onto 10th St. Mrs. Holan watched as a man, who I believe was Capt. Westbrook, get out of the police car and walk over to Tippit's body. The man appeared to observe the bullet wound on Tippit's head, and then quickly returned to the police car that was backing up toward the alley. If this man was not Capt. Westbrook, then who was it? In 1990 a resident of the neighborhood was interviewed by JFK researcher Prof. Bill Pulte, on the condition of anonymity. This resident said that he heard that a man walked down the driveway and approached Tippit just after the shooting. In January, 1968, Playboy magazine interviewed Jim Garrison. In response to the Garrison interview a reader wrote to Playboy and said, “I read Playboy's Garrison interview with perhaps more interest than most readers. I was an eyewitness to the shooting of policeman Tippit in Dallas on the afternoon President Kennedy was murdered. I saw two men, neither of them resembling the pictures I later saw of Lee Harvey Oswald, shoot Tippit and run off in opposite directions. There were at least half a dozen other people who witnessed this. My wife convinced me that I should say nothing, since there were other eyewitnesses. Her advice and my cowardice undoubtedly have prolonged my life--or at least allowed me now to tell the true story....” (Playboy, January 1968, Vol. 15, No 1, pg 11) 1:06-1:07 PM. Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig was searching the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, when a rifle was discovered. Craig wrote, “… At that exact moment an unknown Dallas police officer came running up the stairs and advised Capt. Fritz that a Dallas policeman had been shot in the Oak Cliff area. I instinctively looked at my watch. The time was 1:06 PM." NOTE: The 2nd police car, parked between two houses on a very narrow driveway, could not be seen by most witnesses to the shooting, including Clemmons, Burt, Smith, Wright, Virginia Davis, Barbara Davis). But Mrs. Holan, who lived directly across the street from where Tippit was parked, did see the 2nd police vehicle. Both she and Aquilla Clemmons saw two men at the scene of the shooting, and one of those men came from the 2nd police vehicle. The location of the 2nd police vehicle, parked between the two houses on a very narrow driveway, was no accident. The precise location of this vehicle, hidden between the two houses, and the arrival of Westbrook, Croy, Tippit, and LEE Oswald at the same time and at the same location is the best indication that Tippit's murder was pre-planned and involved both LEE Oswald the occupants of the 2nd police vehicle. 1:06-1:07 PM. Barbara Jeanette Davis heard the shots, walked to her front door, and saw the shooter walking thru her yard toward Patton Street. She then called the police and reported that a police officer had been shot. Barbara Davis was probably the third citizen to call the police (circa 1:07-1:08 PM). Her sister in law, Virginia Davis, also heard the shots and looked out the screen door of her home as the shooter (LEE Oswald) was cutting across the yard in front of her house. She watched as he threw two empty shell casings onto the ground. Virginia testified before the Warren Commission: Mrs. Davis. We saw the boy cutting across the street. Mr. Belin. Then what did you do or see? Mrs. Davis. After he disappeared around the corner we ran out in the front yard and down to see what had happened. Mr. Belin. Then is that when you saw the policeman? Mrs. Davis. I saw the policeman lying on the street. Mr. Belin. All right. Did you see or do anything else? Did you see anyone else that you know come up to the policeman? Mrs. Davis. No sir; there was a lot of people around there. Mr. Belin. Do you remember about what time of day this was? Mrs. Davis. I wouldn't say for sure. But it was about 1:30, between 1:30 and 2. Mr. Belin. All right, after this, did police come out there?Mrs. Davis. Yes; they was already there.Mr. Belin. By the time you got out there?Mrs. Davis. Yes, sir.Mr. Belin. Then what did you do?Mrs. Davis. Well, we just stood out there and watched. You know, tried to see how it all happened. But we saw part of it.Mr. Belin. Then what did you do?Mrs. Davis. We stood out there until after the ambulance had come and picked him up. 1:07-1:08 PM. Virginia Davis told the Warren Commission that after the shooter (LEE Oswald) ran around the corner of her house a policeman "was already there." I believe this policeman was reserve officer Sgt. Croy who, along with Capt. Westbrook, was sitting in police car #207 when LEE Oswald shot and killed Tippit. Westbrook drove away in the police car, while Croy remained at the scene. If the police officer seen by Virginia Davis seconds after the shooting was not Croy, then who was it? 1:07-1:08 PM. After cutting thru the Davis's front yard the shooter (LEE Oswald) hurried onto Patton Street and walked past the rear of William Scoggins' taxi, which was parked at the corner of 10th & Patton. As the shooter walked south on Patton Street, Scoggins called his dispatcher and reported that a police officer had been shot. The dispatcher called for an ambulance, which arrived within two minutes according to Scoggins, and then called the police. The taxi company dispatcher was probably the 4th citizen to call to the police (circa 1:07-1:08 PM). 1:07-1:08 PM. The shooter hurried south on Patton Street, where he was first seen by Ted Callaway and then by L.J. Lewis, who was at Johnny Reynolds used car lot at the corner of Jefferson Blvd. and Patton (510 E. Jefferson Blvd). Lewis heard 3 or 4 shots, and soon saw a man running south on Patton while attempting to load a pistol that he was holding in his right hand. Lewis saw the man as he turned the corner and began walking west on Jefferson Blvd. Lewis went to the car lot's office and was probably the 5th citizen to call the police (circa 1:07-1:08 PM). 1:08-1:09 PM. Domingo Benavides was sitting in his truck on the opposite side of the street facing Tippit's car, and watched LEE Oswald as he left the scene. He remembered, "the back of his [LEE Oswald's] head seemed like his hairline sort of went square instead of tapering off. His hair didn't taper off, it kind of went down and squared off." HARVEY Oswald's hairline, as we know from numerous photographs taken at the police station, extended well down his neck and past his collar line--it was not "squared off" as described by Benavides. A few minutes after the shooter disappeared from sight, Benavides got out of his truck and walked about 15 feet to Tippit's squad car. He told the Warren Commission that he used the police radio, notified the police dispatcher that a police officer had been shot, and gave the address as 410 East 10th Street. However, Benavides's voice is not heard on the police dictabelt nor is his conversation with the police dispatcher written on the DPD police transcript. It is very possible that Benavides saw police Capt. Westbrook, the 2nd police car, and Sgt. Croy in uniform when Tippit was shot, but dared not report that two Dallas police officers were involved in the Tippit shooting. 1:09-1:10 PM. T.F. Bowley was driving west on 10th Street and arrived a few minutes after the shooting. He looked at his watch--the time was 1:10 PM. Domingo Benavides told the Warren Commission that as he was using the police radio to report the shooting of a police officer, a man was standing beside him. This man was T. F. Bowley, who also used the police radio to report the shooting. An original DPD police transcript, found in the National Archives, lists the time of Bowley's call to the police as 1:10 PM. Bowley's voice can be heard on the police dictabelt and his report to the police dispatcher is written on the DPD police transcript. 1:09-1:10 PM. Ted Callaway worked at a used car lot on Jefferson Blvd., across the alley from where Virginia and Barbara Davis lived. He heard the shooting, and soon saw the shooter hurrying south on Patton at a distance of about 60 ft. Callaway described him as "white male, 27, 5'11", 165 lbs, black wavy hair, fair complected, wearing a light gray Eisenhower type jacket, dark trousers, and a white shirt." When interviewed and filmed many years later, Callaway again said, "he had on a white Eisenhower type jacket and a white t-shirt"--once again, the shooter was not wearing a brown shirt, just a white t-shirt. After the shooter walked around the corner at Patton and Jefferson Blvd. and disappeared, Callaway hurried one block north to 10th & Patton. The ambulance arrived and Tippit's body, with help from Callaway and Bowley, was loaded in the ambulance and driven to the nearby Methodist hospital. Ambulance driver Clayton Butler told the HSCA, "I was on the scene one minute or less. From the time we received the call in our dispatch office until Officer Tippit was pronounced dead at Methodist Hospital was approximately four minutes." (circa 1:13-1:14). 1:11 PM. Dallas patrolmen R. A. Davenport and W. R. Bardin were in their patrol car when they heard over the police radio of a shooting on 10th St. in Oak Cliff (circa 1:08 PM--the correct, unaltered time as broadcast by the police dispatcher). While en route to the scene of the shooting they saw and followed an ambulance to the Methodist Hospital at 1441 N. Beckley (1.4 miles from 10th & Patton). Upon arrival (circa 1:13-1:14 PM) both officers helped get Officer Tippit into the emergency room and observed the doctors and nurses as they tried to bring Tippit back to life. 1:15 PM. Tippit was pronounced dead on arrival at the Methodist Hospital by Dr. Richard Liguori at 1:15 PM (see below). The FBI alters the Dallas Police dictabelts DPD dispatcher Murray Jackson, who worked 20 years at the Dallas Police department, told the HSCA that the dictabelts/tapes were sequestered almost immediately after his shift ended on November 22, 1963. Police Chief Lumpkin had the dictabelts and discs placed in sealed envelopes and taken to his office. A few days later the Dallas Police gave the FBI their original dictabelts and discs that contained the original recordings of the dispatchers' radio transmissions from channel 1 and channel 2 on November 22, 1963. Channel one used dictabelts while channel two used eight inch diameter autograph disc records, which resembled a normal stereo record. After FBI officials listened to the dictabelt and disc recordings concerning citizens calling and reporting the shooting of a police officer, after they reviewed numerous witness statements, and after they examined Tippit's medical records, they realized there was a serious problem. Earlene Roberts, the housekeeper at 1026 N. Beckley, said that (HARVEY) Oswald left his rooming house shortly after 1:00 PM. The police dictabelts show that a little less than six minutes later, and .8 of a mile south at 10th & Patton, Tippit was shot and killed at 1:06 PM. The FBI realized that (HARVEY) Oswald could not possibly have walked .8 of a mile from his rooming house to 10th & Patton in under 6 minutes and shot Tippit at 1:06 PM. When the shooting of a police officer was first broadcast by the police dispatcher there was much confusion about the exact address of the Tippit shooting, because each caller apparently gave their home address or business address or an address close to Tippit's patrol car. The callers were Barbara Jeanette Davis, L.J. Lewis (510 E. Jefferson Blvd.), Mrs. Margie Higgins (417 E. 10th), Mrs. Frank Wright (501 E. 10th), William Scoggins' dispatcher, and radio transmissions by Domingo Benavides (410 E. 10th), T.F. Bowley (404 E. 10th), and Ted Callaway (501 E. Jefferson Blvd.). The dictabelts and discs recorded the police dispatcher relaying this information to police officers. The information provided by the dispatcher and recorded by the dictabelt was correct, but the time of this dispatch (circa 1:06-1:08 PM) had to be changed in order to allow enough time for Oswald to have walked from his rooming house (1:00-1:01 PM) to 10th & Patton and shoot Tippit. The time that the police dispatcher notified officers of the Tippit shooting was changed from 1:06-1:08 PM to 1:18 PM (see 1:18 PM above in the typewritten transcripts). The typewritten transcript for channel 1 (below) now shows no calls to the police related to the Tippit shooting from 1:04 to 1:18 PM. The typewritten transcript for channel 2 (below) describes calls to and from the police dispatcher between 1:01 to 1:12 PM as "Most conversations were routine" (click here to view entire transcript). On December 3, 1963 the FBI returned the altered "belts and discs" for channel 1 and channel 2 to Capt. Bowles of the Dallas Police, who at that time had no reason to believe it was not their original dictabelt(s). The Dallas Police would not be able to detect any alteration or tampering with the dictabelt(s). They told Dallas Police Capt. Bowles that they were experiencing difficulty in preparing typewritten transcripts from the recordings (see below). Thanks to FBI alterations, there was now enough time on both the dictabelts and the typewritten transcripts for (HARVEY) Oswald to have walked from his rooming house (circa 1:00 PM) to 10th & Patton in time to shoot Officer Tippit at 1:16 PM. These documents are definitive proof of manipulation and alteration of evidence by the FBI.After the altered dictabelts were returned to the Dallas Police numerous typewritten transcripts were made by the Dallas Polioe, the FBI, and given to the Warren Commission. Each and every one of these transcripts were taken from the FBI altered dictabelts and, therefore, should be read and viewed with suspicion. NOTE: The procedure by which dictabelts could be altered was simple. The dictabelt recordings could be played and recorded onto a tape recorder. The resulting tapes could then be easily altered with deletions and voice additions (time of day), and the altered tapes could then be played and recorded onto a new dictabelt. A few examples of alteration that prove the dictabelts were altered Dallas Police Officers R.A. Davenport and W.R. Bardin heard the broadcast of the shooting of a police officer on their police radio (circa 1:08 PM) and were en route to the scene of the shooting when they saw, and followed, the ambulance carrying Tippit speeding to the Methodist Hospital (circa 1:11-1:12 PM). There is no doubt these officers arrived at the Methodist Hospital with the ambulance, watched as doctors tried to bring him back to life, and were nearby when Tippit was pronounced dead on arrival at 1:15 PM. Temple Ford Bowley arrived at 10th & Patton at 1:10 PM. He took the police microphone from Benavides and told the police dispatcher of the shooting of a police officer (below, highlighted in blue). The time on this altered transcript is 1:19 PM (see red arrows. Now, look at the bottom of this transcript "Suspect running west on Jefferson...." It is simply not possible for Bowley to be reporting the shooting of a police officer, before the dispatcher has notified officers of a shooting, while at exactly the same time (1:19 PM) the dispatcher is reporting that a witness saw the suspect running west on Jefferson. The timing of both broadcasts by the dispatcher have been altered. The FBI's alteration of the dictabelts relating to the shooting of Officer Tippit were the first of several FBI alterations to these dictabelts. A dictabelt could record only 15 minutes of continual conversation. A conversation that continued past 15 minutes was automatically routed to a 2nd dictabelt on the same machine, while the first dictabelt was removed and replaced with a new dictabelt. A short conversation, perhaps one minute, would be recorded and the dictabelt machine would continue running for another 4 seconds before automatically shutting off if no further conversation. The machine would automatically start recording with the next conversation. Normally, a dictabelt machine could record dozens of short calls, which could cover an hour or more of calls. But on November 22, 1963, there were continual calls to and from the police dispatcher without interruption. In other words, on November 22, 1963, from 12:00 noon thru 1:00 PM, four dictabelts would be needed in order to record communications to and from the DPD police dispatcher (1 hour = 4 fifteen minute dictabelts). In order to better understand the FBI's involvement and manipulation with the original DPD dictabelts, simply look at the following information for dictabelts #2 thru #9 returned by the FBI to the Dallas police. Each dictabelt can record only 15 minutes, yet the times covered for each of these dictabelts are from 20-45 minutes--every one of these dictabelts are missing from 10 to 25 minutes of conversation. On dictabelt 6, for example, when the DPD dispatcher had continuous contact with police officers from 12:40 to 1:10 PM (JFK shot at 12:30 PM; Tippit shot at 1:06 PM), this dictabelt has only 15 minutes of recording--and 15 minutes of police related conversation were eliminated! Nineteen years later, in March, 1982, after the dictabelts had been examined by experts and found to have evidence of alteration, Dallas researcher Gary Mack interviewed Capt. Bowles of the Dallas Police. Bowles told Gary Mack that he could not give any assurance that the belts which were returned by the FBI were the ones which left the possession of the DPD. (Click here to read the complete article relating to the scientific analysis of the dictabelts.)
  11. To François Carlier: You clearly do not understand the material you are trying to debunk. It isn't terribly difficult, but there are a lot of details. Try reading this page and see if you can't answer your own questions above: HARVEY AND LEE: THE EARLY YEARS
  12. Yeah, it’s pretty creepy. But bear in mind, we’re arguing with people who at least say they believe the Warren Report. They are in a loony minority. From the stats I’ve seen, fewer than 20 percent of people old enough to remember the assassination of JFK believe the government reports, and yet this is where they’re coming from. By the way, I’m unaware that “Marguerite” ever claimed her “son” went to Stripling. Do you have info to the contrary?
  13. Oh fer cryin out loud! Was the Fort Worth Star-Telegram also part of the H&L conspiracy you are trying to push on us? From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, Oct. 31, 1959 (see the bottom paragraph): From the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, June 3, 1962 (bottom paragraph):
  14. Thanks, Sandy. On the Tippit killing, the throw-down wallet makes it even more obvious that this was a setup all along, but it seems to me that researchers need to come to grips with the fact that, despite the bad lineups and the WC/FBI’s falsification of the timeline and the conflicting eyewitness observations, the best evidence seems to show that Tippit's killer resembled Classic Oswald®. Are we to believe this was just a coincidence?
  15. Oh, brother.... During this school semester, LEE Oswald was attending Beauregard JHS in New Orleans and HARVEY Oswald was at W.C. Stripling junior high in Fort Worth, Texas. Since the Warren Commission published the Beauregard records indicating “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended classes at Beauregard for the full fall semester of 1954, evidence that he also attended Stripling school at the same time would be a serious problem. (Just as the Beauregard and NYC records, both published by the WC, are a serious problem now.) So, what evidence is there that “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended Stripling School in Fort Worth? H&L critics refuse to believe ANY of the following: Stripling assistant principal Frank Kudlaty in 1963 met FBI agent at the school and gave them “Lee Harvey Oswald’s” Stripling records. His YouTube interview is here. On two separate occasions, Robert Oswald told a Fort Worth newspaper that his brother attended Stripling. See one of the articles here. Robert also testified to the Warren Commission that his “brother” attended Stripling. Harvey Oswald’s classmate Fran Schubert said she attended Stripling with Oswald and watched him walk home from Stripling to his house at 2220 Thomas Place. See her YouTube interview with John here. In the 1990s, Stripling School principal Ricardo Galindo told John that it was “common knowledge” that “Lee Harvey Oswald” attended Stripling. Not one “researcher” here has made an effort to contact Galindo to see if he is still alive and if he would repeat his claim. John also spoke to local student Bobby Pitts, who remembered that Oswald attended Stripling with his younger brother and that he (Bobby) remembered seeing (Harvey) Oswald standing on the porch at 2220 Thomas Place, directly across the street from Stripling. John also spoke with former Stripling student Doug Gann, who attended ninth grade at Stripling with Harvey and remembered that he live “across the street from the basketball courts and one or two houses to the left,” which exactly describes 2220 Thomas Place, where “Marguerite Oswald” lived at the time of the assassination of JFK. H&L critics have not one bit of interest in any of these witnesses. They just want to describe them as liars. H&L critics have no explanation why a Forth Worth Star-Telegram article from November 2017 would indicate that Oswald’s “teachers and classmates remember him at Stripling, though there is no official record.” Read the article here. Isn’t it remarkable the the H&L critics work so hard to say that all this Stripling School business is nonsense, but they don’t have even a tiny bit of curiosity about discovering whether it might be true?
  16. No doubt Ruby liked to hang with the cops, but Tom was suggesting something more, I think... perhaps like Tippit's friendship with Mather?
  17. Thanks Tom.... fascinating!! I'm searching for Tippit/Ruby connections right now....
  18. This 8-month-old article from The Guardian is just another of Philip Shenon’s Castro-did-it screeds.
  19. The mugshot of American-born LEE Oswald at the top of this page is the Warren Commission’s Pic Exhibit 58. a Is there any evidence that it was connected with the alleged autograph shown above? I'm not aware of any. John Pic testified that it “to my best recollection, I think, is a picture sent to me by my mother in approximately 1954, 1955, maybe in 1956, from New Orleans, La. It is a picture of Lee Harvey Oswald.” The WC identifies the shot as a “Photograph of Lee Harvey Oswald at the age of 16 years.” Pic had no problem identifying his real brother in this picture. On the other hand, consider the better known image of Russian-speaking HARVEY Oswald at the Bronx Zoo: Mr. JENNER - Then right below that is a picture of a young man standing in front of an iron fence, which appears to be probably at a zoo. Do you recognize that? Mr. PIC - Sir, from that picture, I could not recognize that that is Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. JENNER - That young fellow is shown there, he doesn't look like you recall Lee looked in 1952 and 1953 when you saw him in New York City? Mr. PIC - No, sir.
  20. Paul, This is big news. Thank you! Can you tell us any more about Dr. Newman's evidence for this?
  21. Jim, Megathanks for this easy-to-read yet comprehensive view of JFK’s decision to withdraw from Vietnam. It clearly shows how what should have been a big part of his legacy was destroyed by not one but two of his successors. The usual culprits here will say things such as, “Well, it was only a plan based on training the Asians to do our bidding, which probably wouldn’t have worked and therefore would have been never fully implemented.” But, of course, they’re only making excuses. As McNamara told Bundy on 10/2/63: “We need a way to get out of Vietnam. This is a way of doing it.” It was clear that the decision had been made and this document was just a rationale. I remember—it must have been more than 20 years ago now--showing NSAM 263 to a member of my extended family who had been seriously wounded in the Vietnam War and was still suffering from the effects of those wounds. Right after reading the short document, he said something like, “The scary thing is, few people will ever know about this.” But we have to try to tell them. Your Powerpoint-style presentations are particularly effective ways of melding historic images, documents, and narration into a single, effective package. Thanks again!
  22. Nah... it’s more visceral than that. You don’t need to rely on amateur psychoanalysis to understand this. As my mother told me long ago, “The day Ruby killed Oswald it was obvious this was some kind of conspiracy.” In a way, it’s that simple.
  23. Why do the Lone Nutters on this board have such kooky views? The vast majority of Americans believe now, and always have believed, that there was a conspiracy to kill JFK. From the NBC News article "The One Thing All Americans Agree On: JFK Conspiracy." It is exceptionally weird how hard the Warren Commission loyalists work here. Do you now how out of step you are with the rest of America?
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