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Ramon F. Herrera

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Posts posted by Ramon F. Herrera

  1. On 6/30/2017 at 9:11 AM, Mathias Baumann said:

    George de Mohrenschild - his guilty conscience in that matter would later lead to his suicide.

    Some kinds of people are not motivated by conscience. His worry was Alexandra.

    Did you see Godfather II? That is the most perfect crime in the history of film/literature: The whole thing could have been filmed and it would be impossible to prove: Tom Hagen visits Frank Pentangeli in a military base. They reminisce about the old days of the Roman Empire, when a coup went bad, the plotters were offered the honorable way out: "Their families would be taken care of".



    "De Mohrenschildt had apparently suffered a nervous breakdown at the time he was talking with Oltmans, but he left a hospital in Dallas to travel with Oltmans to Europe reportedly to negotiate book and magazine rights to his story. Then in Brussels, Oltmans claimed, de Mohrenschildt ran away from him and disappeared. Now Tanenbaum told me that Oltmans had just called him from California. Oltmans said that in tracking de Mohrenschildt he found that de Mohrenschildt could be reached in Florida. Tanenbaum gave me the phone number. Now Tanenbaum really had something for me. That afternoon, I checked out the number. It was listed to a Mrs. C.E. Tilton III in Manalapan, a small strip of a town on the ocean south of Palm Beach noted for its wealthy residents. Mrs. Tilton, I discovered, was the sister of one of de Mohrenschildt’s former wives. I decided it would be best if I could contact him directly rather than by telephone and so it was early on March 29th, 1977, when I went looking for George de Mohrenschildt in Manalapan. The house was hidden behind a barrier of high hedges and I hadn’t noticed any numbers, so I wasn’t sure I had the right place when I pulled into the narrow driveway. It was a strangely grim house for that narrow, monied stretch of Florida coastline, where the mansions are usually chic pastel modern or classy traditional white. But this was a large, two-story New England-type structure of dark cedar shingles and drab green trim. To the rear was a mansard-roofed building containing a series of garages. As I got out of the car, a young woman emerged unexpectedly from behind the building. She was strikingly beautiful, tall and dark with a smooth sculpted face, long raven hair and deep brown eyes. She wore a tight black leotard and moved with the supple, sensuous ease of a dancer. Her tan body glowed with a sheen of perspiration; she had obviously been exercising. She wiped her brow and arms with a small towel. “Excuse me,” I said as I approached her. “Is this the Tilton home?” “Yes, it is,” she said. Her expression was cool. “I’m looking for George de Mohrenschildt.” She hesitated a moment, her eyes cautious, probing. “He’s not in at the moment. I’m his daughter, Alexandra. May I help you?” I told her my name and why I was there. There was no indication that she was surprised. She said her father was in Palm Beach and, no, she didn’t know when he would return or how to get in touch with him. She added, however, that he was certain to be home in the evening and that I could reach him if I called at about eight o’clock. She gave me the telephone number, which I already had. “I’d appreciate it,” I said, “if you would tell him that I’ll be calling and would like to see him.” We hadn’t yet been issued official identification so my only credentials were old business cards which identified me as a staff investigator for U.S. Senator Richard Schweiker. I crossed out Schweiker’s name on one and wrote above it, “House Select Committee on Assassinations.” She took it and said she would tell her father to expect my call."

    Fonzi, Gaeton. The Last Investigation: A Former Federal Investigator Reveals the Man behind the Conspiracy to Kill JFK (Kindle Locations 3672-3679). Skyhorse Publishing. Kindle Edition.

        The Last Investigation: What Insiders Know about the Assassination of JFK

  2. On 6/30/2017 at 9:11 AM, Mathias Baumann said:

    For some time I've suspected George de Mohrenschild, but I understand he moved to Haiti in June 1963, is that right?


    We are dealing with the best organization in the world, only matched by their Soviet counterparts. They knew that 50+ years later, a guy named Mathias would try to track down the whereabouts of The Baron, and that is why he had to be dispatched to Haiti. That was his one -and only!- reward (an oil contract), they left him hanging. After that teat dried out, GdM was teaching in some school for black kids in Dallas and then moved to Manalapan, Florida, hosted by his socialite ex, in a very civilized, Californian arrangement.

    Lee's handlers were rotating and replaceable.

         Jeff Morley Interview on CNN about Bill O'Reilly Lies

    I get royally pissed at the people who spend/waste time looking at grainy photos: "Look!!! That is the elbow of George Bush!!!" (Yes, Mantis Prayer included).

     - The owner of the TSBD building, Byrd, made sure to be in Africa the day of The Big Event, as a good Texan, shooting animals on their way to extinction.

     - The right-hand man of LBJ was sent in some diplomatic capacity to Australia.



  3. On 6/26/2017 at 11:39 AM, James DiEugenio said:

    I agree that it most likely was a career choice on his part.

    Guys (Jim and Kirk):

    Maybe I am missing something, but are we saying that Chomsky is/was afraid of controversy??

    This is like saying that Fidel, Hugo Chavez, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump and to a closer, more pertinent extent, our esteemed David Mantik (even this Humble Servant of The People) are scared to make waves.

    Some people thrive in controversy. Without it, they are like the proverbial fish out of the water.

    The logical career choice would have been: "Not only did The Skull & Bones [or some darker, nefarious cabal] kill Kennedy but I (and only I) discovered the following even more scandalous and shocking: [blah, blah, etc]"


    ps: BTW, Chomsky claims that his ideological position in Linguistics (Prescriptivism vs. Descriptivism) has nothing to do with his political stance. I for one say that that is bullsheet: Both are expressions of a freedom loving contrarian.

    Prescriptivism vs. Descriptivism


  4. On 6/24/2017 at 5:59 PM, Michael Clark said:

    I would boil my question down to a question of why? Why would Chomsky obfuscate the fact of conspiracy?

    Michael: I had professor Chomsky (the father of modern linguistics) in a lecture at MIT. Venezuelan students, sponsored by Petróleos de Venezuela (at the time the 4th. largest in the world, a company which provides the only source of income for a 32 million inhabitant country) were very interested since Chomsky knows A LOT about the oil industry's dark -intended- and nasty businesses.

    IMHO (something that I have asked repeatedly to his fans in YouTube, where he contradicts himself), the fundamental reason he does not support the CT position, is the same IBM did not support many devices and software in its heyday:

                  The Not-Made Here Syndrome

    IOW: Since it is so big, and he did not come up with it first, it is a sheety conspiracy theory. He has allowed his massive ego to incarcerate and enslave his purported beliefs. So much for a man who claims to love freedom !!

    I have seen that unbelievable, counterproductive, self inflicted behavior in the business world and could mention several famous JFK researchers who similarly simply deny a priory anything that was not their idea.

    That is one of the reasons I rather stick with JFK Numbers, where all hypotheses and theories go through a Trial by Fire (with the wood provided/fanned by their reviewing peers in an OPEN environment (*)).


    (*) That was a swipe against Boston University:

         The Kochs Get to Decide What America "knows" About the JFK Murder


  5. 1 hour ago, Vanessa Loney said:

    The real number is 3 times what the Archives has given out??? That certainly is a real discovery.

    Indeed. On Wednesday, Jeff Morley, Rex Bradford and I were a little anxious since the Newsweek article was supposed to be out by Monday. Jeff wrote: "stay tuned" ...  He then suddenly shouted:

         "Ramon, Newsweek wants to know: when did you scrape the NARA database?"

    They were so confused -had to double check everything- that I decided to send them THE authoritative version, the one exclusive for Kennedys and King + the Ed Forum. After I saw the MSM article, I told Jimmy Di:


    "As I predicted, they published a highly sanitized version (*), despite the fact that they have in their hands the full scoop. They don't have the cojones to publish it, while you do".


    (*) At this point I inserted my index finger deep into my glottis.


  6. 22 hours ago, Michael Walton said:

    Not a word in Ramon's list about:

    Pat Speer (no nonsense and BS free)

    Gil Jesus (seemingly abandoned site but good stuff)

    Prayer Man site (the one and only true remaining "theory" that has a lot of potential but which a lot of conspiracy folks actually argue against...because well, they think everything is a conspiracy EXCEPT solid ones?)


    Michael: The name of my domain says it all: JFK Numbers. (well kinda :-)  I am trying to bring attention to things (and people) that have NOT been brought to bear yet: world class scientists and investigators from the top universities and research centers, in a completely open environment. The ones who have been silent for 54 years and counting. The ones who were banned (along with The People) by Dulles, Hoover and LBJ in 1964 and again by Robert Blakey in 1976.

    My proposal is that we should respond -item by item- to the flagrant, shameless attack against democracy and the truth by the Koch Brothers (Dr. Aguilar tells me "Charles Koch", I consider them inseparable), cowardly hidden behind by PBS, who betrayed us and Boston University who (unlike MIT, across the Charles River) has no qualms selling its scholarship to the high bidder.


    ps: Thanks A LOT for:

        "Dare to Speak Truth to Power" (real or perceived, as Joe Kennedy Sr stated) [Note: I am still in the "aspirant" category].

  7. On 6/23/2017 at 4:49 PM, Ramon F. Herrera said:

    I really did TWO completely separate jobs. The first one was announced here in the Ed Forum, the material was donated to the Mary Ferrell Foundation, what Jeff and Rex call "scrapping" and I -always looking for extra effect, as a fan of Joe Kennedy Sr- call "hacking". One is too lame (reminds people of "bottom of the barrel") and the other too risqué. Let's meet in the middle and say that it was an "Incursion".

    The 2nd. job was done when I learned about the FOIA Action being introduced and granted. I found the original FOIA requester in LinkedIn, asked him if there was a better copy, he told me: [...]

    To be precise (and since I consider my formal promise to you folks -Truth, Whole and Nothing But- to be binding), this is the person who introduced the FOIA request:

        Michael Ravnitzky, Experienced Regulatory Counsel with Science/Journalism/Law Background

    This is what I told him:


    • "They only gave you 1/3 of the records you asked for"

      Hi Michael: Please take a look at my posts here:

      Will the 2017 JFK documents tell us anything new?


      -Ramon F Herrera



    ... and this is what he replied:


    "I agree that what was released may not have been the full deal. Feel free to ask them for more records. I do not plan to do so myself, sorry."




  8. On 6/23/2017 at 0:50 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    First of all, I am glad Ramon got mentioned in the article.

    But I think the real point of it is lost.  I thought the main aim of Ramon's work, and what he will be writing about for us, is that the official number of documents being withheld is wrong. The real number is almost three times what the Archives has given out. Which is a key discovery.

    You are correct, Jim. I would like to add a "missing link" that has not been mentioned much publicly but for me turned out to be a critical breakthrough, one that I never expected at a time when I could really use one. I guess it is true what they say: "God works in mysterious ways".   :-)

    I really did TWO completely separate jobs. The first one was announced here in the Ed Forum, the material was donated to the Mary Ferrell Foundation, what Jeff and Rex call "scrapping" and I -always looking for extra effect, as a fan of Joe Kennedy Sr- call "hacking". One is too lame (reminds people of "bottom of the barrel") and the other too risqué. Let's meet in the middle and say that it was an "Incursion".

    The 2nd. job was done when I learned about the FOIA Action being introduced and granted. I found the original FOIA requester in LinkedIn, asked him if there was a better copy, he told me: "That's all they delivered and I am DONE with JFK FOIAs, feel free to introduce new ones" [or words to that effect, see my next post]

    I was shocked when I saw the awful quality: it was obvious that the original information was in an Excel file, which they printed, then scanned at the worst possible quality (next they wonder why there are so many conspiracies that point the finger to the Archives) and unceremoniously shoved inside a PDF file. Bill Kelly, the CAPA spokesperson, asked me for help (and/or I volunteered). I hired a lady from Bangladesh, a veritable expert in OCR (computer-based and human-eye-based),

            BithiXpert, The Lady from Bangladesh Who Did a Great Job

            Shameless Plug: Hire Her!

    She triple checked the 3,600+ RIFs. A few RIFs and words were outside the scanned area but based on my clone website, I was able to figure them out.

    I have publicly chastised the National Archives' authorities in no uncertain terms. My words have been along these lines:

       "Mr. Ferriero and Ms. Murphy: What you have delivered is an insult. Next time you release any information would you please show a minimum respect for your employers, The People"

    (but I still get the golden treatment every time I ask them if I can bring a top quality X-ray film digitizer to the sacred room or make an autopsy expert co-signed donation of the cranium+cerebrum's 3D model to The Archives, go figure).

    Our esteemed doctor David Mantik says that he has reached the end with Paul Kirk:

         Paul Kirk, Kennedys Lawyer

    ... meanwhile, my experience is the total opposite. I could not possibly ask for better attention and approval to my requests.

    Next, I had to write some computer programs in order to give CAPA the records by Agency, by RIF Number, etc.

    This is the unexpected breakthrough: Larry Schnapf (in charge of half the Mock Trial of Lee, the other is Wecht) was looking all over the place for somebody who knew 3D and Bill Kelly recommended me.

    Initially doctor Mantik was not "too sanguine" (Larry's words) about my proposal. Eventually he conceded that it is a good idea to digitize the 2 X-rays (for the densitometer work by him and Dr. Michael Chesser) PLUS my plan to deliver the 2 DICOM files to the Berlin researchers who have declared to be able to definitely determine whether the X-rays are genuine.

          3D Reconstruction of Anatomical Structures from 2D X Ray Images

    For now, let's just say that such declaration sent tremors to the autopsy experts this side of The Pond. Whether that will result in tectonic plate shifts (zero evidence so far) remains to be seen.

    In short: At this point, I am not sure whether the CAPA Mock Trial of Lee will use the JFK Numbers evidence (developed by this humble servant of The People) or that investigation will be postponed until after November --- of after we die, like Gaet and so many others.   :-(


  9. On 6/22/2017 at 0:49 PM, Ramon F. Herrera said:

    [More on this in a few minutes - I have a cool, funny anecdote about THE highest qualified, world class scientist who I have been able to recruit for those Groups (aka my 3 children). ]

    For a few years, I have been hunting the pair below and other rare, highly specialized scientists who know about Cranium and Brain Ballistics.

    (1) There is this young lady:


         https://www.linkedin.com/in/aurélie-jean-phd-aa045932/   (scroll down, to "Brain Tissue Mechanics")

    who clearly has a gazillion followers. She has not replied yet, but I am not deterred by doors being shut in my face. (BTW: RMS has been close, impatient about my "sub-plots" -I apologized, asked him to give me a second chance- but still has not sent me on my way to Hades).

    (2) I was also after this handsome young fellow:

        Kwong Ming Tse  

    After I sent him an invitation, Kowng joined immediately.  Several other people (who have no idea about Brain Mechanics) with titles like "Trauma Manager" (a suit lady), or nurses, etc. from the "Brain Trauma Foundation" which deals with people who are alive, joined as well. I have not even written the first post.

    The funny part is that I envision Kwong Ming Tse, patiently sitting in his movie theater chair, wondering:

        "Humm, it is awfully quiet in here, I wonder when the movie or attraction starts?"

    I have not gathered the courage to tell him:

      "Esteemed Kwong: YOU are the main (*) attraction!"


    (*) "and so far the only, unless you persuade Aurélie Jean to join us".

    ps: Check Out the Expert that I just Scored, Larry!


  10. 4 hours ago, Michael Clark said:

    Hello Ramon, do you have similar pages for Facebook? I use LinkedIn as a strictly professional portal. My interest in history and dark politics don't mesh well with my use of LinkedIn.


    Michael: But those 3 groups are strictly professional! Dark, you said? My politics could not possibly be more light and transparent, like a fine glass. Darkness need not apply, I will leave that for our esteemed counterparts of the LN persuasion.  :-)  Similarly, there is zero history (unless it is an old, seminal scientific paper).

    That said, I do get your point.

    With the utmost respect (check Larry Hancock's post and mine below) to my respected/admired counterparts of the non-scientific persuasion:

        Been there, done that, have the t-shirt, dear Vince

        Larry is doing a wonderful, low profile work, behind the glamorous scenes

    ... my goal is to sharp elbow the historians, lawyers, journalists [we only have one, my former e-boss  :-) ], sociologists [sorry, Vince  :-) ]. In short, what I am doing is telling them:

        "move over gals and gents, the 21st. century science & technology just arrived".

    I am including Free Libre Open Source Software/3D Modeling -as opposed to the Myers and PBS insulting charades- as 21st. century technology.

    [BTW: Don't care about being diplomatic with lawyer jokes, no apologies necessary: like Jews and Gays, they have the very best, self-deprecating jokes themselves. See Hollywood, Will&Grace, etc., etc.   :-)  ]

    Does that mean that the Michael Clarks and Vanessas of the world have to get busy:

        "Chop, chop, Vanessa/Michael, be a dear and get a couple of PhDs + Postdoc in Finite Element Analysis and Computational Fluid Dynamics -specialized in Cranium, Cerebrum and bullets, would ya'" ?

    Absolutely not! You are needed as self-appointed representatives of The People. You are the ones (have you seen "Grey's Anatomy"?) in the auditorium above the O.R., watching the surgery with vigilant eyes. You are the ones who were banned by Dulles, Hoover and LBJ in 1964 and again by professor Robert Blakey in 1976.

    [More on this in a few minutes - I have a cool, funny anecdote about THE highest qualified, world class scientist who I have been able to recruit for those Groups (aka my 3 children). ]




  11. On 6/21/2017 at 9:01 PM, David Von Pein said:

    G-Drive Follow-Up....

    Well I'll be French-dipped! Ramon F. Herrera is absolutely correct about the single/double-clicking on Google Drive links (when viewing stuff out of a "Google Drive Folder", that is).

    I just logged out of all my Google accounts and accessed one of my folders, and, sure enough, just a single click is needed to get the file (or video) to pop up.



    I found it annoying, until I realized that there are two types of users: producers and consumers.

     - The person who controls the drive has the usual PC-like needs: he may select multiple files to be moved/deleted. Think of this environment as being in a PC. Her end product is a link that she gives to ...

     - The people who just peruse and look around. They do not rename files, etc. Think of this environment as a (hyperlinked) web page.

    After a while, their design confirms why Google employs so many geniuses.


  12. 57 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Ramon is wrong when he says that "Google Drive" items only require one single click. All G-Drive stuff require double-clicks, whether it's clicking on a folder or

    DVP: In my years of experience with those drives (I call them "A Poor Man's Website" :-) when I am logged in, I need to double click. Next, in order to duplicate some other user's experience I log out from Google (have 4 "personalities") and a single click is all it is needed.


  13. On 6/21/2017 at 5:47 PM, Michael Walton said:

    Yes, we shall wait and see what happens in October.  That is all we can do.

    Not really!! I have posted in my previous home, JFK Facts, where I e-worked something along these lines:

    "I don't know about you esteemed participants, but I am convinced that there will be NOTHING of relevance in the so-called (by Jeff, in the private copy of the Newsweek article that he sent me a month ago, asking authorization to use my name) document trove.  Martha Murphy, the judge, etc, people who have seen everything have said as much. I for one do not intend to suffer that ignominy, die like Gaeton and so many others without seeing The Truth and therefore have been preparing a Plan B for years (that would be the tech+sci angle)"

    My position is nicely illustrated in the video below. It was part of a project in which I embarked persuaded by Marie Fonzi, PhD: I had Bill O'Reilly in my crosshairs, was furious and determined to retaliate on behalf of the JFK community (bought the domain Killing-OReilly.com), but she, as a mother and teacher who has dedicated her effort to children:

         The Geography Bee by Marie Fonzi

    made me change my mind and work on more positive things. "Apply your talent to something more inspiring, Ramon, that POS [she used other, more lady-like terms] is not worth you getting upset". The result is below. A sort of "Virtual Children's Museum".

    Children's Playground

    [Depending on whether you are logged in Google, you may need to click once or twice]

    Check out Patrick Henry, personified by Michael Douglas.

         Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death

    That passion, also expressed by doctor Wecht in the old videos circa HSCA is what I am aiming for, esteemed Michael.

    [Paul Brancato:] "I think Ramon is excited, and perhaps his presentation to us is his personal style "

    You can say that again, Sir.




  14. On 6/21/2017 at 3:37 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    I think Ramon is excited, and perhaps his presentation to us is his personal style. 


    Precisely. Expect more posts like that (not the cryptic part but the chest-thumping, braggadocio, name dropping, etc. definitely there is more where that came from, folks!). I guess it comes from my mom:

        "This is what happened, we were 12 brothers and sisters and we had to make a LOT of noise to get attention (food, whatever)".

    Same in forumland. Each poster is competing for a limited number of eyeballs, attention and time. I believe that what I have to say is a breakthrough of historical proportions, pardon the hyperbole.

    More precisely: In the next days/weeks/months I will attempt to claim the following:

    Mr. Herrera is THE Science and Technology Advisor to:

     - C.A.P.A. (don't believe me? Ask Dr. Cyril Wecht)

     - Kennedys and King (don't believe me? Ask Jim DiEugenio)

     - Mary Ferrel Foundation (they accepted my donation of the NARA collection by a 6 person unanimity, plus Marie is my Guardian Angel, she led all this for me. Larry Hancock is my confidant [for lack of a better term], supported my donation from day zero. Grabbed -somebody who shall remain nameless- :-) by the arm bringing attention to the magnitude of what I had.

     - AARC Library (I believe I have the firm support of the physicians -with whom I am in daily contact- In fact, my new boss is not Larry Schnapf anymore, but Dr. Aguilar. I appointed him as such, he graciously accepted. However, I don't even know the rest of members)

     - JFK Facts (expected this to be 50-50, but they are off the Dog House now)

     - JFK Assassination Forum (the owner, our esteemed Duncan McRae hates my guts, but his subscribers -even some LNs- love what I bring to the table. I guess the only resolution is challenging him to a duel.    :-)

     - The Education Forum (it is implicit since this is my home. That said, some sort of official statement would be nice: consider that an application for that vacant position. Kathy cannot complain: "Well, Shucky derns! We didn't make the list." anymore.)

    Incidentally, to some of those and other groups, say the John McAdams newsgroup I am their Science and Technology Advisor by self-appointment. Heck, in this endeavor one has to have a lot of initiative, my friends!

    Next, I expect readers to follow the maxim:

         Dare to Speak Truth to Power (real or claimed! In this case, the latter)

    -Ramon (who actually is quite humble in person but highly experienced in transforming idle talk forums in actual activism and tangible results)

    ps: Next, I expect some of you nice folks to ask:

    "I understand you coming up with high tech stuff that has never been applied to the murder case, but why you and only you? Are we in such sorry state that the only member of the community who deals with sci+tech is you? If that is the case, boy! are we up a creek without a paddle!!"

  15. I am writing an article about the whole sordid affair, soon to appear in KennedysAndKing.com which will provide all the details.

    The Education Forum is not explicitly mentioned in Newsweek, but it is an integral part of the community's recent activism. For instance, you and any reader should remember this. I have made a formal public promise -something not always easy- and ask every activist to make it as well, with the utmost respect, that with this Humble Servant you will get:

     • The Truth

     • The Whole Truth

     • Nothing but the Truth

    (not so sure about the God part, he may say: "Hey, leave me out of this!"   :-)

    The above necessarily implies the following:

         Dare to Speak Truth to Power

    I thank you for having done that just now, in your post.

    That is all I can say at the moment.

    ps:   Who is RMS


  16. Hola Vanessa:  :-)

    Sorry for being a little cryptic.

    I was referring to an article by Jeff Morley and Rex Bradford that has been scheduled to appear in Newsweek this week. The topic is the documents to be released on October 26 by the National Archives and how we -the JFK Community- should tell the US government:

              "We are watching you. Respectfully and closely"

    In addition to the job done at JFK Facts, the whole original operation was launched from the Education Forum.

    See more here:

          Houston Mock Trial in November



  17. Just between you, me, the lamppost ... and the huge mailing traffic that most of you don't know.

    Ask The Alpha Male of this forum - due respect to the other male or female contenders. He has been quizzing me (more like Angleton debriefing Nosenko!). Wants to know very detail in the last nail-biting hours. Plus pressuring me to have The Real Version of The Hacking Story ready for you folks. Newsweek does not have the cojones to publish the unsanitized story, KennedysAndKing does.


    ps: Are there any colleague programmers out there? I am really close to landing THE greatest ever, for Our Endeavor, but RMS (hint: is a clueless LN, too busy changing the world) is quickly studying the JFK case while considering whether he should join us.

    [After the fact addendum:] I am disappointed to post that Richard is very busy and has trouble digesting the massive amount of material I sent him. The two days before the publishing of the Newsweek article produced a huge mailing traffic (don't believe me? ask Jim Di or Larry Hancock) which I forwarded to him. Something similar happened with the Wechts: they literally begged me (in the most polite manner) to suspend the material until June 5th. when the Summer break started.

    Long story short: I URGENTLY need a web site. Have the domain already. Not sure which one is best:



    Respect to Richard Stallman: He encourages people to CALL him, to insist if it is important. The man acknowledges the large number of messages that he receives. His e-mail address must be the most famous on the Internet, and he tries very hard to read everything. What this country and the world needs is more Richard Stallmans. I will be sharing public and private anecdotes.



  18. 9 hours ago, Ramon F. Herrera said:

    (a) I have been inviting readers to try the following. Just repeat what I did. The objective is to obtain the laser measurements from the PBS Nova special that was financed by the Koch Bothers, who obviously have an ulterior motive, an agenda attempting to prop the Official Lie. Talk about conflict of interest and betrayal to PBS' charter ...

        2 Relevant Video Clips

      - Contact PBS and their Ombudsman.

        PBS Has Betrayed Us

      - Next, insist to call and e-mail the Haags.

        CTs Don't Need to Apply

        Will Lie for a Reasonable Fee

      - Finally, try contacting Leica Geosystems. The person who did the work is Tony Grissim.

        Leica Geosystems Won't Release the Laser Measurements for All the Money in the World

    The most I was able to reach was his assistant, a fellow Latina. The broken-record pattern is this: They showed great interest, told me that they could sell me the fancy equipment. Do I need just one location? No problemo, they can do the survey for me. Next, utter the words "Dealey Plaza" and that will be the last time you hear/read from them.

    [More to come, I owe you part (b)]



    [Previous Thread: Introducing... The SS-100-X Lincoln Continental ]

    Oh, incidentally. For a reconstruction like the Official Ones done by ABC/Dale Myers and PBS/Koch Brothers you will need the blueprints of the limo, correct?

    I acquired this car model, based on publicly available photos, etc. ...

        SS-100-X Model

    ... and made a deal with the Russian company that makes it. They have been most kind (*) and offered to make any modifications. For instance, the real color is not black but blue and they obliged in about 24 hours.

         The Russians Never Fail to Give Me Help (Have a letter to Putin ready)


    (*) Have I mentioned lately that I get a lot more technical help from people and companies outside the US?


  19. On 6/8/2017 at 6:52 PM, Vince Palamara said:

    OH MY GOD---from a friend who requested anonymity:  [why Anonymity? Your friend sounds like a shrinking violet :-)  -Ramon]

    "I asked the rep for Clint [Hill] what he charges for speeches he wants first class airfare n hotel paid for n speeches start at $10k."

    STARTING AT 10,000 DOLLARS?!?!?! I know he has made a mint with his three books but wow! By the way- Hill and his co-author Lisa have officially been together since 2013 and now live together in San Francisco. LIKE I ALWAYS SAY: it is the people promoting the OFFICIAL story who make the money...the rest of us lose money or break even and, in any event, work for a living. Hill hasn't worked since 1975!

    Note: This is required prerequisite reading:

        Four Reconstructions of the Crime   


    Hi Vince:

    Here's a couple of recent, personal experiences that fully confirm your assertions. One is about the people promoting the OFFICIAL story being who get the resources, info, etc. and the other is about the $10k amount. With due respect for your irreplaceable work: if the community happened to have 10 grand handy (say that we found it, forgotten in our collective change pocket :-), I happen to know of a use which is a lot more earth-shaking, paradigm altering than yet another been-there-done-that-have-the-t-shirt Clint Hill interview. Read on.

    (a) I have been inviting readers to try the following. Just repeat what I did. The objective is to obtain the laser measurements from the PBS Nova special that was financed by the Koch Bothers, who obviously have an ulterior motive, an agenda attempting to prop the Official Lie. Talk about conflict of interest and betrayal to PBS' charter ...

        2 Relevant Video Clips

      - Contact PBS and their Ombudsman.

        PBS Has Betrayed Us

      - Next, insist to call and e-mail the Haags.

        CTs Don't Need to Apply

        Will Lie for a Reasonable Fee

      - Finally, try contacting Leica Geosystems. The person who did the work is Tony Grissim.

        Leica Geosystems Won't Release the Laser Measurements for All the Money in the World

    Immediately, I was able to reach his assistant, a fellow Latina. The broken-record pattern is this: They showed great interest, told me that they could sell me the fancy equipment. Do I need just a one-time survey of one location? No problemo, they can do the laser survey for me. Next, utter the words "Dealey Plaza" and that will be the last time you hear/read from them.

    [More to come, I owe you part (b)]



  20. 3 hours ago, Kathy Beckett said:

    Well, Shucky derns!  We didn't make the list.

    Kathy and Tom: I gave it a lot of thought, I really did. The thing is that I feel so much at home in the Education Forum (it would be like congratulating myself), plus Jim Di is so integral part of it that I figure the "grade" obtained by Kennedys and King is shared by the Ed Forum.

    In any event, when I wrote it, I had all those fine institutions in my cross-hairs -still do- and asked from readers to Speak Truth to Power and demand more. We cannot possibly demand anything more from the EF! You guys are wonderful.

    Am I off the hook?    :-)



  21. 10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    I have great hopes for this mock trial, both in hopes of legitimacy and publicity in pursuit of the truth regarding John Kennedy's assassination.

    Hi Ron:

    Being a humble contributor to the event, at this -admittedly early- stage I would grade the JFK organizations as shown below (*). This is a reflection of what I have seen so far:

     - CAPA, Indisputable Leader: A+ (unless the Big Event, aka trip to The Archives fails to materialize)

     - Kennedys and King: A+ (unqualified)

    The rest of organizations:

     - AARC Library

     - MFF

     - JFK Facts

     - JFK Lancer

     - JFK Assassination Forum

     - Greg Burnham's Site

     - John McAdams' Newsgroup

     - PBS Nova's Cold Case special, led by Dr. Peter Cummings and the Haags.

     - etc.

    have lower grades, which I will keep under advisement.



    (*) Dare to Speak Truth to Power.

  22. Jim:

    Damn! My e-boss Larry beat me to the punch. I better get busy with my story.



    [After the fact addition:] Jim, you are now in possession of the first rough draft. I apologize profusely for the delay and thank you for bugging me, putting a firecracker under my derrière, as the best editors do.


  23. On 6/3/2017 at 8:54 PM, Micah Mileto said:

    Somebody needs to re-examine that fragment in the upper neck Wecht reported on in 1974. That was never followed up on. Can X-ray films give "false positives" for dense fragments?


    Hi Micah: Since you are interested in the X-ray films and you are an active participant of the forum below, you should take a look at this thread:

           What Caused the Violent Back Snap?

    Check the post where I mention the National Archives.



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