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Ramon F. Herrera

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Posts posted by Ramon F. Herrera

  1. Apologies for the urgency ... False alarm ... Nothing to see... Keep on driving ...

    As Kathy wisely stated/predicted, the posts (by me and Pat) have been approved.


    Allow me to congratulate the "new" management: Jeff and Tom S., have indeed reactivated that essential site. They (Jeff, actually) have something that nobody else has: The Joannides discoveries plus lawsuits.


    ps: Many thanks to Douglas Caddy, as well.

  2. Ramon,

    AFAIK, there is only one moderator at JFKfacts, and he probably has a regular job (he doesn't get paid for moderating), and since posts are pre-screened, then it may take a bit for them to be approved and "up".

    Hi Kathy: I have worked for JFK Facts for years (translations, editing audio and video, etc.). Jeff Morley has always had some kind soul help him with the moderation part. The latest one is "Tom S." who has received specific instructions from Jeff: "Freedom of expression is top priority" (or words to that effect). Since that departure from the past, things have naturally become more heated (I believe Photon was let go).

    For those interested in other forums, as soon as I have a minute I will explain the exact reason why Jeff is walking a thin line, being pulled in 2 opposite directions. I don't blame him. He has taken a very heavy load on his shoulders.


  3. Not sure about the "moral authority" part, but I went ahead and added a comment at JFK facts.

    You are too modest, Pat. :-)

    In reference to the comment you have attempted to add, it is still on hold. Blocked. It has not seen the light of day. I am just asking folks who are participants in JFK Facts and the Education Forum (I cannot reach all of them via PM, Kathy) to post anything at all in that thread. Let your voice be counted.

    In the JFK Forum they can "moderate" my posts... Heck, I have saved the full collection for future historians. Let's see if they stop that thread after posts from you, (hopefully) from Jim D., and who knows how many others who want to keep that particular debate (which has been VERY civilized) alive.

    David Von Pein: What says you? You have told me repeatedly that you are apolitical to a fault and don't bother to vote. However, you are probably interested on who will release/block the National Archive records, aren't you?


  4. -Respectfully signed:

    -Ramon F Herrera, Internet Pioneer and Co-Founder while at MIT, Co-Author of the rules that today govern Internet Forums.

    Ooops, almost forgot this part. I don't want to be an ingrate:

    (*) Muchas Gracias, Al!!!


    ps: Al Gore was inducted to the Internet Hall of Fame, where Social Conservatives need not apply.

    pps: Mr. Gore was also appointed by his best friend, Steve Jobs, as Member of the Apple Board of Directors, where Social Conservatives need not apply.

  5. Pat Speer: My apologies for misspelling your last name. I don't think the Subject line can be edited? [My typo was fixed by the Administrators]

    Bob Prudhomme, I love you like a brother (the one I didn't kill :-) -- This time we are going to agree to disagree.

    The position of Larry Schnapf is very convenient (trying to be diplomatic here): When his Trump side is winning, he is happily participating in the conversation. As soon as I shred his argument to tears, he want to close the chapter: kick the lamp and leave.


  6. Guys:

    In a rare exception, Jeff Morley is touching an extremely pertinent topic: The real possibility of being president Trump who will decide on disclosure. Yes, the same Trump who has said:

    "It was Oswald alone".

    The same Trump whose main supporter is the TV network where otherwise honest reporters sell their dignity: Bill O'Reilly, Geraldo Rivera and God knows how many others.


    Our esteemed Bob Prudhomme and Larry Schnapf (for entirely different motivations?) are trying to shut down the topic.


    ps: I have attempted to post the following, let's hope that it manages to go through:


  7. It is January 23, 2017. Location: The Boston Globe offices in downtown Boston.

    Secretary: "Joe, you have two groups of people waiting. One of them is from MIT, they want to show the results of their recent work. They say it is a huge breakthrough, and naturally the Globe has the exclusivity."

    Journalist: "... and the other?"

    Secretary: "A 'Cliff Claivin'. He is sabotaging the other group and claims that the Kennedy murder was solved 50 years ago."

    Journalist: "'Cliff Claivin'? Are you kidding me, Maggie? Isn't that the postman from Cheers?"

    Secretary: "Oh, I am very sorry. My mistake. The last name is Varnell. But they do look alike. Same temperament.

    Journalist: "Two things: Let the MIT scientists in."

    Secretary: "and the other?"

    Journalist: "Call security."

  8. Cliff: My only question is whether you believe that crêpe that you typed (Pardon my French)

    Who do you suggest as a "neutral judge" to settle our difference?

    How about David Lifton? IIRC he has a background in Physics and/or Engineering and you have much respect for him personally and his work. I'll accept his judgment.


    ps: Your website is interesting. I am sure it was state of the art at some point:


    If you have trouble handling the huge traffic, I could help redesign the site for faster response, redundancy, etc.

  9. I am the first to acknowledge that we are standing on the shoulders of giants.

    No, you don't stand on the shoulders of giants like Gaeton Fonzi and Vincent Salandria, who thoroughly debunked the SBT right up in Arlen Specter's face back in 1966.

    You continue to pretend that the issue isn't settled.

    Too bad that some like our dear esteemed Cliff Varnell, prefer to sleep on the shoulders of giants.

    Eyes wide open to the continuing obfuscation of root facts settled 50 years ago.

    Speaking of which, doctor Cyril Wecht and his son Benjamin were very interested in my humble work. Some other "giants", meanwhile, are M.I.A.

    Wecht has endorsed the SBT. Repeatedly.

    Pet Theorists run the asylum...

    There are other potential supporters whose names I am not at liberty to divulge at present time.


    "In any initiative, there are 3 possibilities, either:

    ( a ) You Lead

    ( b ) You Follow

    ( c ) You stay the EFF out of the way."

    Your "initiative" ignores historical fact.

    It is quite interesting that you mention Gaeton Fonzi, given the fact that I have the honor of counting with Marie Fonzi as a supporter of my work. In fact, I was working on a project (yet another original initiative o'mine) to analyze the voice in Gaeton's tape recorder and demonstrate with SCIENTIFIC rigor that the voice in it belongs to Bill O'Reilly.

    Marie kindly provided the recordings but also persuaded me to leave that rat alone (my words, not hers) and use my creativity and technical skills on other, more productive matters. What you see above is nothing else but the product of her wise advice.

    Marie Fonzi's influence on my work:


    Do you have scientific background at all? College? Alma Mater? I am honestly curious.

    Varnell: "Your "initiative" ignores historical fact. "

    You may have a small point there. Tiny. It is oftentimes best to start an investigation with no preconceived notions, on a blank slate, a tabula rasa.

    Let's imagine that you are placed in charge. I somehow show up with some the of scientists mentioned in the "Documentation" that I have provided. Let's say that resources such as computer time are assured. What would you have me tell some of the brightest minds alive:

    "Guys, pack your bags and go home. It turns out that in the JFK community, there is one guy, Cliff Varnell, who disapproves".

    Unless you can find ONE credible person on your side, that is.

    I dare you to find ONE person that says that my approach is wrong, and that yours (inexistent, BTW) is better.


    ps: At this point, probably 2 people are following this thread. You and me.

  10. That step occurred 50 years ago.


    Complexity fetishists could do the world a favor and find another hobby.

    I am the first to acknowledge that we are standing on the shoulders of giants.

    Too bad that some like our dear esteemed Cliff Varnell, prefer to sleep on the shoulders of giants.

    Speaking of which, doctor Cyril Wecht and his son Benjamin were very interested in my humble work. Some other "giants", meanwhile, are M.I.A.

    There are other potential supporters whose names I am not at liberty to divulge at present time.


    "In any initiative, there are 3 possibilities, either:

    ( a ) You Lead

    ( b ) You Follow

    ( c ) You stay the EFF out of the way."

  11. Hi guys:

    An Open Source 3D Model of Dealey Plaza, the response of the people interested in the truth to the Myers + Haags, is an indispensable step to solve the crime.

    A laser scan of Dealey Plaza is going to tell us who killed Kennedy?

    "The longest trip begins with one step"

    -Christopher Columbus, Marco Polo, Neil Armstrong

    Chris: The geographical model is only the ground terrain, the scenario. We will need to add a lot of heavy duty stuff on top of it. The idea is to create an extremely detailed and accurate representation of reality, a high tech infrastructure, one that will allow researchers to test their pet hypotheses (*).

    (1) Simulations of shots will be performed from any imaginable angle, using these latest (and future) developments:


    (2) Different cranium holes will be analyzed and matched against bullet calibers, angles, distances, etc.


    I predict that at this stage silly things like the Jet Effect, Sewer Drain Shot, SBT (*) and Badge Man will be eliminated.

    (3) Finally, la pièce de résistance, the "Herrera Conjecture" should destroy the absurd "neurological damage spasm":



    Cliff: We, the CTs have been slapped on the face by the LN/Warrenistas with the PBS Nova snake oil. You don't bring a knife to a gun fight. Well, in your case you want to bring a nail clipper to the gun fight. 320 million people need to be convinced. So far, you have convinced less than 1%.


    (*) Feel free to stay away when the SBT is tested. We will tell you when it is time to close your eyes. Perhaps you can borrow a bible from McAdams, Posner, Von Pein, the Bugliosi Estate, etc.

  12. If you mean do an environmental 3D laser scan of the entire area similar to how they do it on that TV show called Crime 360, then yes that would be fantastic and I'm willing to donate $5 to the cause.

    All right!

    Michael, if this happens, you will have the honor of being Contributor No. 1.

    In case you have not seen them yet, these threads are "Must Read":




    Plus, of course, the local thread:




  13. Hi guys:

    An Open Source 3D Model of Dealey Plaza, the response of the people interested in the truth to the Myers + Haags, is an indispensable step to solve the crime.


    Note: when I say "the people interested in the truth" I am including both CTs and LNs, although the former are more interested in full disclosure. For the latter, the WCR is their Sacred Bible.

    Ideally, since we don't have the deep pockets of:

    - ABC News and their loyal employee, Dale Myers

    - PBS and their loyal employees, Luke and Michael Haag

    the cheap route would be to persuade PBS to release the laser measurement data. This could be either to the public domain, or to a university consortium (I nominate MIT for strong reasons).

    However, there is an alternative. See here



  14. Send me the petition when you are ready and then I can approve it with CTKA's backing. And I am sure Rex Bradford would do the same at MFF.

    Then post it on one of the larger, more broadbased platforms

    Check this out, Jim:




  15. [Continuation]

    John McAdams is used to getting all kinds of attacks in forums: Heck! it goes with the territory. In this medium we all need a thick skin. Posters call him all kinds of epithets (I remember some funny, elegant from you, Jim) and he shrugs them off, casually. His Achilles Heel, however, is the world outside forums. In Nov. 2013 he was interviewed by Time Magazine in Dallas, after being congratulated and feted all over cyberspace, he wrote:

    "It was a surprise! I did not expect to be interviewed".

    He was basking in his glory. I was pissed: "Damn MSM! Why don't they interview somebody like Jeff Morley, to give the impression of balance? Of neutrality!? At least to keep appearances, some resemblance of objectivity, fer crying out loud!".

    At the end of his interview he told the reporter something like "My job is to unmask the silliness" (don't recall the precise words). I posted the following in the most visible place of his whole illustrious career, Time Magazine:

    "Professor, your task may be whatever you say, but something is well known: You are NOT INTERESTED in the TRUTH".

    Hey, he said it himself: His objective is to ridicule people that have poor theories. That is not quite the same as the search for the truth, is it?

    (Perhaps it is just me, but I cannot imagine being hit with anything worse than that).

    To make it worse, mine was the TOP comment and Time Magazine posted those in order, for weeks and months my words were there for the whole world to read. In fact, I was afraid they would remove my post (it stuck like a sore thumb), but they left it on top, forever and ever and ever ...

    That, my friends, was the real reason for his revenge. [No hard feelings, prof... :-) ]

    So, our task is to challenge the LNs as follows:

    "You guys are interested in The Truth as much as we are, correct? Therefore, if there is a PETITION, asking -for example- PBS to release the Dealey Plaza laser data, YOU WILL JOIN US signing it, correct? Right? I can't hear you, Posner! What did you say, Myers? Did the cat eat your tongue, Monsieur Haag? Can we have your John Hancock, Mr. Sturdivan?"

    "Hey, all we want is the UNIVERSITIES taking over the whole investigation, in an open, peer reviewed, trial by fire, competitive environment (at least the science part, of course) Did I mention worldwide? How can you possibly be against that? Why would anybody? When are we? In the Dark Ages?"

    We have a really good story, Jim, a nationwide confrontation, what we need is a journalist(s) covering it.


  16. Jim:

    In addition to what you are saying, there is something of extraordinary value. We have a weapon that -as far as I know- has not been used very much in 50+ years. Read on ...

    Long story short, McAdams banned me from his Usenet Newsgroup with no explanation whatsoever. For a long time, I was complaining (from the non-moderated NG), challenging him, shouting, whining, stomping my feet, holding my breath until my face turned blue, asking other users who posted this:

    "John, Ramon Herrera says that you banned him for no reason at all. Is that true?"

    Other users were instructed not to talk to me:

    "Damn [or a similar word] you, Ramon! I tried/posted the question you asked and now McAdams is pissed at me!!!"

    I joined JFKFacts and continued the highly public search for the reason (plus accusing him of unfairness). He ignored me. The only time he wrote a few words was when I posted this, written by his favorite "The Teacher's Pet", John Deagle (See Subject line):


    I insinuated "racism!!" but I knew that that was not the real reason. I was preparing a little trap for them, and it is working like a charm.

    .John issued a laconic defense in JFK Facts:

    "That was posted in the non-moderated newsgroup. Nothing to do with alt.assassination.jfk".

    I kept on posting a theme in different forums:

    "Why did McAdams ban Ramon?" (the ideas was to turn it into something like "Who Killed J.R.?").

    The kicker is that I KNOW PERFECTLY WELL the reason he banned me, and that my friends, is our Silver Bullet, our Kryptonite, our kick in the nether regions, if you will, not only against McAdams but against the whole Warrenista defenders in the nation and beyond.


    [To Be Continued]

  17. Send me the petition when you are ready and then I can approve it with CTKA's backing. And I am sure Rex Bradford would do the same at MFF.

    Then post it on one of the larger, more broadbased platforms


    When I posted the request I had not read your article. Man! That stuff is indeed "really something", as you wrote. The part where Monsieur Haag denies his material to The People is priceless: He is trying to push toothpaste back into the tube. In a Science JOURNAL, fer crying out loud. If I were running against him for whatever public position, I would immediately stick a label on him: "The Anti-Science". He has no clue at all about basic concepts such as "Trial by Fire" or "Review by His Peers"...

    "Publish and Perish" comes to mind. :lol:

    BTW: I have left messages in Mr. Haag's VM:


    and e-mailed him. I said: "We just want to know who is the owner of the Intellectual Property that covers that data." No response whatsoever.


    ps: From another forum: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,13447.16.html


  18. His visit with Chomsky shows what a prevaricator and hypocrite Chomsky has become on the JFK case and is worth reading the article for:


    To me, the attitude of Chomsky is simply unfathomable. My only explanation is that he has such a large ego, that the ONLY valid conspiracies are those that come from his factory: The Not-Invented-Here Syndrome.

    Something else that bothers me about him, is how he claims that his Linguistics ideas (descriptivism vs. prescriptivism) have nothing to do with his politics. That is bovine manure.


  19. Link doesn't work, Jim.


    That problem is very common. Jim pasted some text which was URLed already, and had some extraneous characters at the end. The proper way to do this is as follows:

    (1) You begin with this:

    http: blah, blah, raw text here

    (2) and next, you click on the "chain" icon.


    The is no standard way to paste formatted stuff (underscore, etc.).


  20. Jim: Since you have wished me good luck and helped me in other ways (THANKS!!), I hope you will support the following follow up project. What we urgently need is to use the power of PETITIONS.

    (Coca-Cola was recently forced to withdraw from the RNC convention -- But let's not get into politics! There are MANY more examples.)

    We need a really good petition, nothing silly like "Release the Files!!".

    What I propose can be done in a few steps, and should reach a lot of visibility.

    Step 1: Have an investigative journalist (we must have somebody friendly, for example Cole Goater) place a call to the 2 entities that have the laser measurements and limo locked up: PBS Nova and the Haags.

    Step 2: After we find out who owns the intellectual property (I am hoping it is PBS, their reputation is at stake), we start an on-line petition. Heck, we can even have a web page.

    BTW: After some blood, sweat and tears (oh, I still owe you the article for CTKA about "lifting" the NARA database) both doctors Aguilar and Wecht are aware of the things I am trying to accomplish.


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