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Richard Price

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Posts posted by Richard Price

  1. 1 hour ago, David Andrews said:

    Trump's USPS director forced to temporarily stop removing mailboxes from cities, like we're living in some small Soviet Bloc country:


    David, I don't think the verdict is in just yet, we may be.  Who knows what Trump has said privately  to Putin.

  2. Somewhat off topic, but...

    Since I am a retired USPS employee, I feel I can speak for some if not most.  Most do not wish to be considered essential "heroes", just essential.  They understand their part in the communications chain of this country and take their part seriously.  The super majority of them only hope to do their daily job and not be on the receiving end of harassment from their managers and the public they serve.  Most are very aware of moving the mail, particularly time sensitive materials such as absentee/mail in votes.  Until I retired in 2018, management at all levels implemented specific procedures to ensure that EVERY mail in vote was moved efficiently and even in expedited mail flow just as is done with IRS tax filings on the deadline week/day.  In the case of voting by mail, even mail discovered in the mail stream with NO STAMP was sent to its destination without being marked "postage due" nor having postage charged at delivery.  This was ONLY done for ballots being returned, IRS mail could and would be returned for additional postage because the IRS would not accept receipt of any "postage due" item.  Please give them their due for attempting to do the best they can within the constraints placed upon them by the "downsizing" that has been occurring for at least the last 10 years.  The mid sized office I worked at DECREASED the number of clerk employees by 2/3 over about 5 years.  Part of this was because of automation of mail sorting, part because of drops in mail volume and part because of the Congressional mandate to prefund the employee retirement system.  The fewer employees are still required to fulfill all the duties required in the past - just with 1/3 the number of people to do so.  This is why you get your PO Box mail later and later, why you see crowded lobbies and no one to wait on you and why the mail at a local level is slower and slower.

  3. 1 hour ago, Ron Ecker said:

    I don't watch a lot of channels or read a lot of newspapers or mags, but I can tell you that CNN stays on Trump's case 24/7. (Which is why I can't watch it much anymore for any length of time because I can't stand to look at him or hear him.) I assume CNN falls under your definition of main stream media and has plenty of viewers.



    I hate to say it, but I'm with you Ron.  I used to be a fanatic about keeping up with the news as well as history, politics and as much as I could find on background behind the stories.  I now absolutely want to throw up when I see Trump or any of his shills/cronies. I no longer watch any TV at all if I can help it.  I can literally see our 240+ years of history as the model of government (no matter how ugly at times) come crashing down in less than 4 years under this dolt. I do believe (along with the Christian Right) that he is there for a reason, just not the reason they think.  To quote one of the books I am still reading:  2 Thessalonians 2:11  And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:  Or in this case, many, many lies.  I use this quote only because I cannot in my limited human mind understand the way people (including many in my family) can follow such a completely shallow and observably racist, con artist, xxxx and failure...and these are his good traits.

    No, I don't think he is the anti-christ, but I do believe he is along with his co-horts going to be the end of the USA as we know it.  Lincoln and a few others particularly of our founding fathers warned how fragile our freedoms were and the delicate balance which was required to maintain them.  For a while men were vigilant, but now all lessons are forgotten.  Many of those who now walk the halls of government think the high ideals spoken of by their predecessors were just eloquence in search of individual power.  Since even those with the greatest eloquence and adherence to high ideals/ideas were men, they had flaws.  Those flaws are now used to argue that the high ideals were just propaganda and nothing has changed.  Those who now see the end of the "great American experiment" are just Chicken Little screaming "the sky is falling".  In less than 6 months we will know whether the experiment continues or we descend further into a dark nightmare.

  4. Cliff, Ron and others,  to paraphrase from JFK,  we’re through the looking glass now. It is amazing what “law and order” citizens will go along with while blindly following a man/men who flout the law and turn it upside down to subvert its use for their and their cronies benefit.  We are indeed now a third word nation.

  5. 29 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    He wasn't asked if he wanted to sign it... he signed his affidavit about the closing mechanism on the 2nd floor lunchroom. 

    How would we know if he did or not without a copy of his signed deposition...  and I haven't been able to find anything yet to suggest he did sign it....

    we usually get that 

    Signed by:

    i wonder how many witnesses were shown their statements and told - here is the statement you made to us earlier, no need to read it,  just sign here  -"x"?

  6. 4 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    John...  I don't think you realize how loud it was.... DP is like a bowl with the buildings at the east end + the one bldg on Elm, acting as echo makers.

    The DPD Harley's were very loud and just behind the limo....   these machines are spitting and popping, backfiring and revving...  that first shot circa Shaneyfelt 157 along with the other shooters - only some of which with silencers - would allow 3 shots to sound like 1 with minimal overlap...

    The point though was to incriminate Oswald in a Castro conspiracy to kill JFK... shots on top of each other as Kellerman's "flurry" suggests were to be expected, until a Conspiracy was not what they wanted...  The recanting and treatment of Alvarado in Mexico gives us some idea of how badly they needed off his story of the $6500 and red-headed negro.

    Regarding the reflection, The TSBD is right there buddy.... the orange on the truck has the tree trunk in front of it and in front of that are the very short squat reflections of the people....

    The angle is very low but enough the catch the bottom 2 floors of the TSBD...


    Remembering that the CIA had this set up as a Cuban conspiracy, multiple shooters and shots too close together would be the point of creating a conspiracy... Oswald and others shooting JFK...  but that ended quickly - no better an example is Alvarado in Mexico and what when on until he recanted his story.

    My thought now is that with 3 or even 4 shooters - why would they use silencers if the idea was to implicate a Cuban conspiracy? unless that was just talk to keep the hounds at bay... then I could imagine 1 shooter without and all the others with a silenced weapon ---like the De Lisle Carbine

    Found this weapon from WWII...


    Yes, I agree.  I don't think all the weapons were silenced/muffled, just the one(s) being used in easily identifiable positions.  The plan did include the shooters (at least some of them) getting away.  That one or some were to be sacrificed was, I think above the sacrificial lamb(s) pay grade.  Compartmentalization.

  7. Paul, I sort of agree with John that this picture shows what I think is the last moment before the nightmare begins.  The question is, has the 1st shot (of those that hit their mark) just been fired or about to be fired.  You are correct about Connally, for sure, he is somber, but I think he was for most of the trip after he found out he was riding in front of JFK.  To me, Jackie seems to have a slight smile as she faces the few people on her side of the car.  This is the picture that started me to think the SS might be involved.  The driver's right hand is reaching for something on the center area of the dash.  I know this could be completely innocent, but the timing as with many things just seems odd.  I really need to see if there is a good picture with enough definition to it to determine what he is reaching for.  I think I posted something along those lines many years ago either here or at JFK Lancer, but don't recall getting any replies.  In any event, once you start getting paranoid looking at all the anomalies, you "see" things everywhere even when they aren't there.

  8. Thanks, David.  I will try that.  I knew Chris had went through quite a bit of stuff, but wasn't sure he had done the limo turning radius.  I should have known he did.  Excellent (if I can hang on through his calculations).  As I said my math skills have deteriorated badly and I hate/won't try to get members to rehash things they've covered extensively just for my benefit.  Thanks again.  I'll see if I can start at the beginning of his topic and manage to follow all the way through.

  9. Has anyone on the forum ever tried the math out on the radius of the limo turn.  My math skills have eroded through non-use and I know there are at least a couple of people on here who could work this out (assuming they haven't already).  I looked up a standard Lincoln Continental spec's and found out the tightest circle it could turn was a diameter of 47.9 feet.  I'm sure the limo would be somewhat similar even though it was stretched.  I don't know if the actual spec's for the Presidential limo would be available.  Combining the lock to lock steering circle and the circumference of the turn onto Elm might be interesting.  The hard part is trying to determine a point of entry/exit for the turn in order to get to position "A".

  10. Yes, I have seen these photos and I agree with you, I don't think there are any pictures showing the upper floors on the south (Elm St.) side at all.  The post you quoted above was from a discussion on this forum in 2012 and were only meant (along with the post(s) below it, to ask about the companies which were located in the building and highlight a few that had been identified.  While I cannot discount the shooter in one of these windows, in my mind it seems implausible unless the weapon is silenced and is not protruded out the window much.  Unlike the window higher up and behind all the people assembled, this position would be quite visible in contrast.  If anything drew attention in the direction of these windows, there would probably have been a ripple effect of adjacent people made aware also much like the stampede to the grassy knoll.  Just my opinion and I am open to changing my mind.

  11. 19 minutes ago, Richard Price said:

    Sorry to split the post into two parts, but does anyone on the forum have a 1963 city directory to look up tenants/businesses in the Dal-Tex?  I remember someone either on this forum or the old JFK Lancer either had one or access to information from one.  It could have been Jerry Dealey, but I'm not certain.

    I did find this (portion of an online blog called "Quixotic Joust".

    Dallas Textile Mercantile Building? As the assassination investigation played out, it worked out great to have a grassy knoll diversion to take the focus off of the Dal-Tex.

    Info I've culled from a few sources is that: the 1963 owners were Morris J. Russ and David R. Weisblat.

    The 3rd floor was occupied by garment manufacturers Edward-Barry and Miller-Cupaioli. LBJ crony Morris Jaffe was a board member in both companies. He had made his fortune selling the South Texas uranium deposits to the Atomic Energy Commission during the 50's.

    The 4th & 5th floors were occupied by Abraham Zapruder's dress-making company, Jennifer Juniors.

    The 6th floor was shared by Marilyn Belt Manufacturing, lawyer Morty Freedman, and a front company named Dallas Uranium & Oil. All three shared the same telephone.

    The 2nd floor was apparently unoccupied in November 1963.

    The 1st floor had been used by the Texas School Book Depository company until sometime over the winter of '62-63

  12. I have the same questions, but too far away and no resources to expend getting to Dallas.  I found an old thread on this forum from 2012 by Mike Rago when the windows by the fire escapes was being discussed (I think).

    It appears the book Triangle of Fire is the goto book for information on the Daltex building.

    Does anyone know which floor of the Daltex building is being referred to in the following ....?

    p. 216: Jim Braden may have visited Dallas Uranium and Oil rather than

    looking for a pay phone, as he was upstairs. DU&O was located on

    the west side of Dal-Tex, behind the fire-escape (the window from

    which a rifle allegedly protrudes?)

    Apparently, DUO also had an office on the 6th floor of the Daltex building at the same elevation as the 6th floor of the TSBD.

    Any shot fired from the sixth floor of the Daltex building would have the correct downward angle to be confused as a shot from the sixth floor of the TSBD.


    Edited November 24, 2012 by Mike Rago
  13. Thanks, Paul.  I too have read the parts available as excerpts and noticed the same things you noted.  I just wanted it so I could read everything he "supposedly" said.  I had already noted that it was ghost written by J. Edward Cherryholmes (a pastor).  With it being published after his death, I wanted to see what kind of information seems to have suffered the same loss/addition which is prevalent in his various statements to officials of the government (SS/FBI/WC).  Because of his personal fear for his family (probably himself also) and make-up/mentality he made himself scarce and tried his best not to "rock the boat".  I was also interested in the author/pastor and his connection to Brennan.  I know Mr. Cherryholmes is also deceased, but that is about all.  As you say, I'm not expecting to find much, if anything.  The book was cheap ($10 including shipping), so I thought I'd read it at least.

  14. Thank you David.  Comments like that make me think that I may yet contribute to this investigation.  I started down this road when I read Paul Jolliffe's post of July 27th.  The things he brought up made me go and ACTUALLY read what Brennan said.  The way his statement read, I immediately realized that he spoke the way I do on occasion.  This is also I write unless I really focus.  I tend to get more than one thought blended into one sentence or more and the focus (subject) can get lost.  I also for the 1st time ever, actually looked into Brennan's testimony and what statements he made from the 22nd onward.  I saw a man who wanted no publicity for himself, was very concerned that he do his civic duty and who almost immediately found that HE was being told that he was wrong.  This along with being told that he was the ONLY one who could identify the shooter, made him intensely scared.  Then I learned about the SS/FBI agents almost immediately following/watching him for at least 2 days, and his subsequent "accident" in which his eyes were "sanded".  I also found that after seeing the copy of the voluntary witness statement that almost everywhere it is reproduced it is missing certain aspects and parts are changed to reflect TSBD or 6th floor TSBD instead of the actual words he said.  By looking at as many actual statements that could be attributed to him and not going through an official "filter", I found that he was very detailed in his descriptions of distances and directions (more so than the average layman).  Hopefully I will have more to come when I receive the book he helped author.

  15. Ron or anyone else interested in seeing the view of the Dal-Tex sniper window, go the Google Maps.  Type in Elm Street and N. Houston Street as your starting point.  Use the arrows on the street to move down Elm Street to the "X" in the street, then turn the view to look back up towards the Dal-Tex building.  It will give you a good idea of the position of the windows.  It does, just so happen to have three new traffic signs which prohibit you from seeing the 6th floor though.

  16. 7 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Richard, I'd like to go back and stand on the x's in the middle of Elm and look back at the window you suggest in Dal - Tex, last/3rd to the East on the sixth floor facing Elm.  I guess it's not an inconceivable shot though even further away for JFK's back or Connally.  But I have to wonder about all this.

    Though Dal - Tex is definitely redder many might construe the TSBD as at least a light reddish, though in some pictures it does seem more of a tan or brown depending on the light.  I don't remember paying attention to the color in particular the times I've been there.  

    In the statement above he mentions JFK being 50 yards down Elm.  Given where he was Actually sitting on the curve of the concrete "fence", facing  Dal-Tex, he would have to have at least his head turned pretty hard to the left to see this.  He then had to turn back  what 70 - 80 % to look up at the sixth floor of the TSBD, to see the scopeless gun and 30 year old 165 - 175 pound Oswald.  Or, 180% to see him in the Dal -Tex window you suggest. 

    I would like to just be in Dealey Plaza once.  I have never had the resources to take a trip out there.  The closest I have come is to use Google Earth and try to check various views (along with Google Maps Street View).  I never paid any attention at all to the Dal-Tex, other than the wall with the fire escapes that others have postulated were sources of the shots.

    When Brennan mentions the 50 yards down Elm St., he is referring to where he heard the 1st shot (thought it might have been a backfire).  He doesn't say he is focused on the president, but that the CAR has reached that point.  Without being focused on the President, he could see in his peripheral vision where the car was without turning too much.  By the way, using Google Earth for measurements, the 50 yard mark is only slightly beyond the western end of the Depository building(depending on where he was using as the beginning point).  It is another 35 yards approximately to the position of the z313 head shot.

    As far as how far he had to turn, he was facing almost directly across the center of the intersection at the Dal-Tex building.  The Presidential limousine would have been at almost a 90 degree angle to his view across the street, however with very minimal head/body turn the car would have been in his view at around 45 degrees or less.  The shooter's window would have been within his field of view all the time if he was looking at the center of the intersection, although not in the primary focus area of his eyes.  He would only have to turn 20-30 degrees to his right to actually focus on the window.  So, all in all with very slight shifting of his head/body he could have seen everything he said.  He has stated in other places that he got into the position he did, specifically so he had a panoramic view.  With minimal effort/movement he could see from the Main/Houston turn through the intersection at Houston/Elm and a good ways down Elm towards the triple underpass.

  17. 49 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    Hadn’t looked a it that way... TSBD is also 7 stories...  you think the man he sees is in the Easternmost window on the 6th floor Dal Tex?

      he is talking about the Dal Tex fire escape but that’s on the West side of DalTex... 

    So ur talking 3rd window over, 6th or 7th floor Dal Tex was his original location for a shooter?  Due North from Brennan runs right into west side fire escape Of Dal Tex....  that link I posted...

    Interesting....  That image reminded me.... Harry Weatherford Was on the Court house roof with a Rifle....


    David, that is exactly what he said.  Eastern end of "red brick" building 2nd floor down (6th floor).  He also in other testimony says he is 90 yards from the window where the shooter is located.  Using Google Earth, I have found this to be fairly accurate.  He is only 30 yards from the TSBD.  As I have pointed out in earlier posts, he seems to be VERY accurate with his directions, distances and observations.  On at least two occasions when being questioned he worked out the distance from himself to another point/person by computing the hypotenuse of the triangle formed by the distance to the point and the height of the observation (ON THE FLY AND QUICKLY).

  18. Ron, I think this exposing of what Brennan actually said starts laying a foundation for many of the people who have been studying this case.

    1.  Brennan was telling the truth, but was immediately pressured to "follow the CORRECT official evidence".  This happened so fast that more than one local "official" had to know the story to be told BEFORE THE FACT.

    2.  The shooter in the position he was, had to mean it was professionally planned.  That position, as I have pointed out, is VIRTUALLY INVISIBLE to everyone.

    3.  If it can be determined who got onto Brennan's story and QUASHED IT, instead of investigating it much might be learned.  Was it local police, was it SS agent Sorrels (to whom Brennan says he talked) or a combination of these groups.

    4. In some of his statements (even some where he is being led/directed) he mentions getting the attention of a Dallas policeman, being taken to someone higher up and then having to wait for a few minutes while the higher up person and others conferred before coming back to him.

    I am awaiting the book he wrote about his experience that day.  I am also going to try to timeline his statements and decipher where he is managing to get statements of truth into the record.  He was so scared and so wanting to NOT be a part of this story, it is going to be difficult to parse with any degree of accuracy.  He readily went along with anything he was prompted to say IF it would remove further pressure on him and his family.  Once again I refer to the YouTube video where he is explaining what he saw.  As he starts to say where he say the gunman, his eyes divert upward and to the right.  This is a subconscious reaction to the words he is saying.  That direction is towards the east end of the Dal-Tex (Elm St. side) and upward (6th floor).

  19. David, Brennan talked in run on sentences, much like I write.  I could not find a document that I could from which I could copy his exact statement since the ones online (that I have found) are paraphrases.  I am posting a picture from DVP's website.  Notice the wording.  He says he is facing northward, but he sees "the large red building across the street (DAL-TEX).  He says he takes this building to be about 7 stories tall (It is).  In the east end of THIS BUILDING, I saw this man in the 2nd row of windows from the top (6th floor).  Once you realize he is continuing on with one thought, you can decipher what he is saying.

    Note:  In the online search I did for his "voluntary statement" every reference omits his run on thought of having been looking at the "Red brick building".  If you will look at the pictures posted earlier, you will see (if you already didn't know it), the Dal_Tex building is much more red than the TSBD. 


  20. 1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

    You'd think so, right?   Would you say he saw anything significant based on this other than a description of Robert Webster?  The man they catch was 5'9" 135lbs.... 


    Did this a number of years ago.... pretty sure a moment in time is NOT indicative of line of sight throughout... but I did find it interesting where everyone was facing and concentrating on... especially hard hat man by the lamp post who never seems to turn to his right to follow the motorcade... he only looks up Elm...  to name one.



    Below, where he was sitting seems to force him to look at the Dal-Tex and down what he could see of Houston as it goes N past the TSBD...  we don't see him turn his body - only his head... 

    I have all the frames he's in in a z140-z203 gif but having a difficult time with attachments right now....

    You can still see here that he was far enough around the Elm side of the corner to see the motorcade without turning his body... maybe I see a sight shoulder turn?

    Amazing stuff about him and the SS agent...  

    Take care Richard...





    1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

    You'd think so, right?   Would you say he saw anything significant based on this other than a description of Robert Webster?  The man they catch was 5'9" 135lbs.... 


    Did this a number of years ago.... pretty sure a moment in time is NOT indicative of line of sight throughout... but I did find it interesting where everyone was facing and concentrating on... especially hard hat man by the lamp post who never seems to turn to his right to follow the motorcade... he only looks up Elm...  to name one.



    Below, where he was sitting seems to force him to look at the Dal-Tex and down what he could see of Houston as it goes N past the TSBD...  we don't see him turn his body - only his head... 

    I have all the frames he's in in a z140-z203 gif but having a difficult time with attachments right now....

    You can still see here that he was far enough around the Elm side of the corner to see the motorcade without turning his body... maybe I see a sight shoulder turn?

    Amazing stuff about him and the SS agent...  

    Take care Richard...




    David, just to be sure.   You do know that the window Brennan saw the shooter in was the far eastern window on the south side of the Dal-Tex, not the western wall with the fire escapes.  This window is some 80+ feet behind the wall facing the TSBD.  This is why I say the shooter was virtually invisible to anyone watching the parade other than people on the upper floors of the building across the street to the south (the jail, etc.).  Thanks for your input.

  21. Joe, they aren't, they're being pushed to the end of their rope. This motto is on the Statue of Liberty, "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore."  The Republicans and "Fearless Leader" are attempting to block anyone from coming to the US because they are creating our own home grown American huddled masses and wretched refuse in order to advance their fascist system where they never lose power.

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