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Richard Price

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Posts posted by Richard Price

  1. 2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    As I understand it, the Capitol Bldg., etc. are Federal property. As such, the Mayor of DC had to ask the Pentagon to deploy the National Guard. She asked, and was told her request was being referred "up the chain of command." The top of the "chain of command" is the President. He was asked and said no.

    Steve, that was my thought and reasoning as well, I just had no way of knowing if it reached his desk.  I figured it did.  I think it is soon time to bring charges of sedition, inciting a riot, etc. against a range of people starting with the President as soon as he can be removed from his post.  As we all know, these were not frivolous acts committed by this mob, nor the speakers at the "rally".  It needs to be brought up over and over again in the media that these people are pledging themselves to an individual above the government or any entity or ideas.  Trump has no ideology but self worship and aggrandizement at any cost to anyone or anything.  Just as he pushes his LIES over and over to imprint them on anyone listening, the media of all ilks need to bring up and question continually the "individual loyalty" aspect in his followers.  I have seen some, when confronted with this question (and follow up) who actually exhibited a moment of thought and become speechless.  Unfortunately there are many who never take that second to reflect/think and just continue on their mindless pursuit.  Sorry for the long rant, I'm trying to cut down and feel hopeful that I can pretty much go "cold turkey" by the 21st.

  2. Steve, I see these people as a large group of deluded "patsies" being used by the far right influencers to supply deniability for the actual actors in the insurrection.  Imbedded within the group and using them as "cover", they gathered whatever information they could and made pictures and videos which they will later use for propaganda of one sort or another.  I also think that this was supposed to be our "Reichstag fire" event.  Who knows?  The right wing activists are already saying the whole thing was instigated by "Antifa" infiltrators, not them.  Let's see where the media and political extremists  go with their explanations.  The entire situation needs to be investigated.  As best I understand, the National Guard was asked for a day or two prior to the "gathering", yet for hours after the mob headed down the streets, NO extra security of ANY KIND could be seen addressing the encroaching crowd.  I sat watching on TV and was dumbstruck that there were not at least local police arriving with blue lights and sirens.  As many have noted, Trump's walk across to the church to hold up a bible was accomplished by using riot police, tear gas, etc against an almost completely docile crowd.  Who had the police and National Guard "stand down".  Was this only because no order came from the White House?  Surely some of the advisors or authorities in the White House or other government agency buildings had to have asked their superiors for support to be sent well before the windows and doors of the Capitol were breached.

  3. 25 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    His last two weeks will be one of keeping a low profile due to the shame of his actions in working his nut case base into a Capital building storming mob.

    Sorry Joe, but a news ticker item from CNN says Trump and Giuliani are making calls to lawmakers telling them not to give up the election challenges.  (I know, FAKE NEWS.)

  4. 1 hour ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Richard , I would have thought that Loeffler's term expired on the 3rd? like everyone else, though I may be wrong. I'm always checking out the local state response and this must be quite a pleasant surprise for you Richard. Didn't you say after the election that a sweep in Georgia didn't have a snowball's chance in hell of happening? I was a skeptic myself.

    Kirk, I think what I forgot is she is serving out the partial term which will officially end in 2022 (or when someone else is certified as the replacement).  So I guess she gets to stay until Warnock is certified to take the oath of office.  As to the other reference (snowball's chance...), I did think it was going to be a steep uphill climb.  However, due to Trump's maniacal behavior and both incumbents falling over themselves to kiss his A**, I gained in confidence that something was in the air.  I am extremely pleased to see it come to fruition.

    As to the current overrunning of the Capitol, if any one of Trump's supporters continue in this assinine attempt at sedition, there should be censures, trials and convictions.  If they can look around and NOT see that they are complicit, they are not competent enough to serve.

  5. Thanks Andrew, for the additional information.  One of the last times I saw a complete Manchin interview, he was suggested to be leaving the Senate to "return" home and run for Governor and he would not deny it, noting that he had a strong desire to serve his fellow citizens where he could make a bigger impact.

    On a 2nd front, I have a question for fellow forum members.  Kelly Loeffler is said to be disputing the Georgia elections result for Trump.  Is she even legally allowed to do so?  She has been defeated in her bid to maintain her seat and IS NOT a part of this current Congress as far as I am concerned.  Could she be barred from entry?  Would that not be the proper procedure?  Only those elected to this current Senate and Congress should be participating, correct?

  6. 13 minutes ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

    I wouldn't get too excited, yet. If Dems pull it out, I look for Manchin to switch parties. Certainly as soon as someone in the Senate utters the words Green New Deal.

    Andrew, maybe I'm not partisan enough, but I have watched and listened to Joe Manchin many times and he seems a dedicated conservative Democrat.  I have not studied his career extensively, but I have no problem with his standing for his ideals and not leaning far to the left.  I think we need many more like him.  I could be, and probably am wrong, but that is the way I always thought members of the Congress and Senate should act.  He is strong on his convictions, yet able to compromise to reach a middle ground in order to produce results.  That in my mind is how a Senator or congressman should govern.  Those who see everything completely black or white miss a lot of shades in between.  When you are dealing with thousands or millions of constituents, there are many shades of being a Democrat or a Republican.  If I remember correctly, JFK railed against those who wanted to "label" everyone and put them inside an immovable cage thereby removing them from the ability to learn and grow as their experience grew.

    As an aside, as a citizen of Georgia, I am relieved and hopeful that we will now have two Senators who are actually forward thinking progressives and not just "follow the [DEAR] leader" shills.

  7. After Trumps latest NOT SO "perfect call", Michael Bromwich, former Department of Justice inspector general and former assistant U.S. attorney suggested one possible defense.

    Unless there are portions of the tape that somehow negate criminal intent, "I just want to find 11,780 votes" and his threats against Raffensperger and his counsel violate 52 U.S. Code § 20511. His best defense would be insanity.

    NYU law professor and former DOJ lawyer Andrew Weissmann also noted the similarity with Trump’s attempts to pressure Ukraine’s government to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden.

    Trump's threats to Georgia Sec of State; Trump, to Ukraine President; Trump to US Senators who won't violate the Constitution for him - and on and on - are all examples of POTUS criminal extortion and election tampering. And those who knowingly assist him violate 18 USC 2 & 371.

    It was also noted by these and others that what was on the recording could represent Election Fraud, Extortion and Sedition.

    Now someone or some group need to prepare those charges for the moment he steps out of the White House and he needs to be immediately removed from office as "unfit & incapable of fulfilling his duty".

  8. 38 minutes ago, Steve Thomas said:

    I just want to find 11,780 votes’: In extraordinary hour-long call, Trump pressures Georgia secretary of state to recalculate the vote in his favor

    I hope this gets out over the airwaves for everyone to hear.  The only comment I would make is, if Brad Raffensperger were in an election, I would consider voting for him even though I am technically a Democrat.  He has shown class, ethics and a sense of duty that one would hope all our civil servants and elected officials.

  9. Thank you Douglas.  I felt I had to post something to try and show those who are saying that we need to put this behind us and move on, that they need to consider more extreme measures.  As a student of history, I find it obscene that these Congressmen and Senators are taking these actions on behalf of a "single" beneficiary - Trump.  At least the group that last performed a similar action, were doing so on behalf of a "shared cause" and not to benefit ONE man.  The fact that the current day activities are in behalf of one man (who wishes to be dictator), make their acts FAR more insidious  They, by these acts are intending to make the ENTIRE country slaves to THEIR agenda and their God Like "Fuhrer".  This is happening when they are a 30% or so representation of the population.  If allowed to go unpunished, that percentage will grow and they will get more virulent and violent in order for the minority to exert total control of the majority.  The former group (Civil War era), for the most part, had no intention of taking over the US Federal government, but instead wanted to secede from the union and establish its own territorial rule over those of a similar mind and geographic area.

    It is my thought that if some sort of punishment or rebuke is not issued, much like the Missouri Compromise, we have only delayed the misery and conflict and will pay dearly.

  10. Well, we're out of 2020, but the insanity goes on.  According to an interview of a biographer of VP Pence, he is "torn" between fealty to Trump and his duty to the country.  There truly need to be trials for treason and sedition for the Republicans who are "TORN" between these two incongruous ideas.  Every one of them have violated their oath of office.

    Oath taken by Senators and Congressmen:  I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

    Penalty:  Sedition is a serious felony punishable by fines and up to 20 years in prison and it refers to the act of inciting revolt or violence against a lawful authority with the goal of destroying or overthrowing it.

    18 USC Ch. 115: TREASON, SEDITION, AND SUBVERSIVE ACTIVITIES  (Select sections copied below)

    §2381. Treason

    Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States

    §2384. Seditious conspiracy

    If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

    §2383. Rebellion or insurrection

    Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

  11. Larry, thank you for your decades of hard work and skill at getting as much information as possible out for public assessment.  I have read as much as I could afford to buy or freely lay my hands on.  I have also viewed every film/photo and document that I had the opportunity or resources to obtain.  I think the scenario you lay out in "Tipping Point" is very plausible.  Each time a specific plot is laid out by an author or researcher, I tend to study and look for weak points or areas that need further clarification.  Once upon a time, I actually thought I would be able to research enough that I might be of help in solving the case.  It's been over 50 years now and I pretty much know that will not be the case, but I admire those of you who have sacrificed so much to make the attempts.

    The various photos/films have been studied and written about by many researchers.  One of my biggest problem in assessing the assassination comes from this area.  I think the film/photo alteration and confiscation was started so quickly after the killing, there had to have been a plan of some sort along these lines.  For instance, the Altgens (6) in particular, shows signs of alteration BEFORE it even made it onto TV or into newspapers.  I specifically am noting the area showing JFK's head partially obscured by the mirror.  Altgens was an excellent photographer and his photos have fantastic depth of field and detail, yet this area right in the center of the photo has various irregularities that do not fit (almost like a mosaic with the tiles moved around).  What if any, is your opinion on this?  It just seems to happen too quickly and involves not only personal films, but those taken by professionals - and almost immediately.  It seems to me to be a cover-up team, even if it was only to make sure the "right people" were not in the photos/videos.  It doesn't necessarily signify an attempt to push a "single gunman" or the "conspiracy theory".  It could have easily been another compartmentalized act simply to conceal the identities of known individuals in the wrong places at the wrong time.  Thanks in advance for any consideration.

  12. As I write this, it is 27 days, 15 hours until we hopefully have a transition to a sane and normal presidency even with all its flaws.  I still have some hope, but I've been flying my flag at half staff since the death of RBG and plan on putting it back up only when the transition occurs.  I had thought of flying it upside down, but decided to wait until after the election and do so only if Trump won.  If these deluded "patriots" continue and violence begins, I will flip it over at that time.  Hopefully I do not have to do so.  I have been a pacifist independent my entire life and continue being so.  I deeply believe in the Constitution and the ideals set forth by the founders of this country with all of the flaws and errors we have introduced into it.  If I must fight to defend these ideals, I will in whatever manner I can muster.  Even at my age, I truthfully would rather be in a real jail cell than "free" in Trumpian fascist world.  It was said best by Nathan Hale, "I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country."  I would only add, “You can't separate peace from freedom because no one can be at peace unless he has his freedom.” “If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary.” -Malcolm X

  13. We have 30 days to go, how bad could it get?  We have an unhinged criminal sociopath Russian agent in charge of our national security.  He knows no bounds in his disregard for our laws and constitution and is very aware that everything around him is crumbling down.  He will look for any and all ways to avoid prosecution and responsibility up to and including acting in behalf of foreign nations willing to give him a "pass" and save himself from the punishment he deserves.  Even with his complete narcissistic egomaniacal and self aggrandizing behavior, people seem to think he will do rational things in the future.  Those who do are not recognizing who they are dealing with and are ignoring the past cult leaders and their decisions when between a rock and a hard place.

  14. Mervyn, I am not a lawyer, a scholar or even an noted intellectual, but overall I am a pretty good judge of character.  You ask about proof which is presentable in court.  You then proceed to poison the well by assuming points NOT IN EVIDENCE AND HERESAY without actual proof, namely, that the Kennedy brothers are two faced XXXXX.  I'll agree with you on one factual point.  Between them, they had two faces.  The rest must be proven, as you say, not by heresay, name calling and personal opinion (we all have those).  As pointed out previously, you presume a lot of money and organization had to be involved.  You seem to miss the point of all the converging energies, enemies and shared objectives among many groups at that time.  The CIA (leadership-at least) knew JFK had threatened to smash it into a thousand pieces.  The Cuban resistance forces were being fed information about JFK's rapport with Castro.  The Mafia was under constant and increasing attack by RFK, the right wing extremists were seeing the increasing pressure to support Civil Rights for blacks in America.  The military (Joint Chiefs of Staff) were aware of JFK's more pacifist role on the world stage (having used his extensive knowlege of history & war) including his personal WWII experiences.  This also would include his "hands on" approach such as in the Bay of Pigs in over ruling overt use of the military.  Then lastly (at least in this list), you have a corrupt Vice President who has ties in many ways to many of these groups and understands that if Kennedy lives, his life long goal of being President is OVER.  He (Johnson) is under investigation by agencies controlled by RFK and sees the end coming quickly and painfully.

    Now, none of this on it's face is more than circumstantial evidence, but when placed side by side and documented in their scope a case can be built for a network of any number of these entities causing the fatal act.  It does not require a "follow the money" type of investigation to find a large sum dedicated to the act, but rather a close examination of personnel and funds ALREADY AVAILABLE and whose usage was then allocated in ways not related to its original intent.  This is done all the time within the military/CIA and any group which uses "black money" to achieve their goals without being directly tied to the act/acts which achieves their goal.

    Coming from the unwashen masses you alluded to, I am also a JFK cultist in your definition.  I study the man, his times and his acts from any and all angles available to an average Joe.  While evaluating everything it is my duty also to evaluate the various evidence by source, relationship to the subject and bias from that source.  In so doing, I do not close my mind as you do, and proclaim that JFK/RFK were two faced XXXXX.  There is far too much evidence to the contrary (in my opinion).

    I close by saying, we will just have to disagree, amicably or not.  Unless you venture further thought worthy of reply, my opinion is stated and is as valid as yours.  Now, after much ado about nothing, what is YOUR answer to the question you proffered?  If any of us had the answer, we would have pursued it to the extent of our ability.  Step up, otherwise you are just continuing the same merry-go-round you profess that the rest of us are doing.

  15. The Russians have hacked into computer systems at Commerce and Treasury according to reports by various news agencies.  They happen all the time and we do it to other countries as well.  Is this just another day in the worldwide cyber wars?  Then again, is this possibly the kompromat on Trump coming to fruition as he pushes his "loyalist" into positions in every agency.  These people may be loyalist to Trump, but they may have ties to Russians or be compromised also.  Thirty eight days to go, if we're lucky.

    The national media is all reporting on the coming transfer of power, but Trump is still saying "We're going to win this".  They haven't been paying attention.  He says exactly what he means, he has from day ONE.  Everyone is getting lulled to sleep by thinking this is all going to go the way it always does.  2021 may not signal the end of the nightmare of 2020.

  16. I agree with Sandy.  With the way this year has gone, one needs any kind of relief valve at their disposal.  This thread has been great for exactly that reason.  I would thank the moderators for allowing such a free flowing and admittedly non compliant thread to continue a they have.  Let's hope that we do not need it at some point in the future.  Hopefully it can find a home at another place on one of the other forums even then.

  17. 1 hour ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

    I am finding references to Brown and Root activities which became a part of Halliburton, in relation to events in Dallas on November 22, 1963. Is there a source that someone can point me to where I can find a lot of previously researched information regarding Brown and Root activities between 1958 and 1964? 

    I seem to recall a fair amount of information on Brown & Root in Robert Caro's volumes concerning LBJ.  It's been a while, so I cant remember how much or how deep it was delved into.

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