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Richard Price

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Posts posted by Richard Price

  1. 6 hours ago, Chris Davidson said:

    A different conclusion from Dr.Shaw as opposed to the "official" perspective:

    Chris, given your extremely well thought out and researched perspective on the Z film, limo speeds and the various angles for possible shots, would you comment on the possibility and angles of a shot from the Dal-Tex sixth floor on the eastern end?  Do you think it would have been consistent with the origin point of any of the shots (other than the head shot at z313)?  I think you made a comment on a post I made earlier in discussing Howard Brennan's first statement(s) before he began obfuscating and obliging his questioners with the answers they wanted to hear.



  2. 7 hours ago, Andrew Prutsok said:

    50 cents to send a letter across the country never ceases to amaze me.

    Not only that, but you can consider it safe and secure with little regard that whatever you wrote or placed inside will arrive at its destination without having been read, scanned or in any way reproduced or transmitted to others.  (Unless, of course, you are being monitored because a court has found reason that you or the recipient are participating in some illegal scheme.  Even then, most of the time only the outside of the envelopes are copied to create timely records of the correspondence between the individuals/entities.

  3. What must be paid attention to is the underlying changes at the USPS.  The biggest is a little known fact outside the post office.  First class mail is the ONLY mail that is legally protected (Federal Law) from being opened except under a legal order issued and approved by the USPS Inspection Service (through the courts).  Under the umbrella of First Class, this also includes Express Mail and Priority Mail services as well.  This also includes tampering (delay, destruction, etc.)  If First Class mail is infolded into other groups, this protection will be lost.  This is a very important concept that has been at the root of the viability and purpose of the post office since its inception.  Without it, there would be absolutely NO reason to use the USPS at all.  In my 30 years with the USPS, I witnessed at least a dozen people lose their jobs and some go to jail for failing to protect the sanctity of the mail.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Karl Hilliard said:

    Why LBJ wanted or even insisted that she be there is anyone's guess.

    For those of us who feel LBJ was possibly involved, possibly deeply up to and including the planning, he did this so the body could be taken.  Am I 100% sure of this?  No, but as you say, what other reason is there to demand that the dead Presidents wife be with him for a photo op.

  5. I just hope that already there are plans to show ALL the individual congressional (Senate & House) members hugging and kissing up to their insurrectionist "leader".  I think some of the PAC's should start right now showing PSA's of the members who voted to acquit and their complete hypocricy of words and deed.  Though, just like additional witnesses at the impeachment, it won't affect the current "cult members", maybe it could avert others joining.  We are entering a dangerous time (similar to when Hitler emerged from prison and began part 2 of his ascendancy).  If pressure is not continually applied, we may be in a far worse place in four years.  It will take a decade or MORE to undo the damage Trump has done in less than four years.  He found and mobilized the "rotting underbelly" of our republic and activated it just as Hitler did in the Weimar Republic.  If the Republicans can thwart an economic recovery under Biden, we will soon be in an untenable place.  These "great patriots" have the nation on its knees, because men with morality, courage, dedication and action are required to KEEP a republic strong and secure.  There are however, only 17 such individuals within the nationally elected officials (OUT OF 261).  That is barely over 6% of these "conservative constitutionalist GOP members".

  6. 4 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Trump was the first POTUS in history to damage the U.S. Postal Service-- in order to sabotage the timely delivery and processing of 2020 mail-in ballots.

    "W", having been a postal employee for 30 years ending in 2017, I can only say, there are many things wrong with the USPS, not the least of which is the current Postmaster (and including many on the board of governors and executive leadership).  I only hope as things coalesce and he gets the time, President Biden will restructure (aka FIRE/REPLACE) as many members as he has authority over.  The USPS has been suffering under the tutelage of the mostly Republican leadership for some years now as they try to "run it like a business".  In the strictest sense, the postal service was never meant to be a business, it says it right in the name US Postal SERVICE.  It is and was not designed to make money, it is supposed to "BREAK EVEN" and provide universal service to all.  In trying to run it as a business, emphasis is placed unevenly on profit driven mailers and the core business of providing service universally and at the same price for all is shunted to the wayside.  It's one of those "socialist" ideas of Benjamin Franklin that many would like to do away with in order to make PROFIT.

    Pretty far afield, so I'll stop there, but this is something that definitely needs to be addressed even in our more digital age.

  7. 1 hour ago, Chris Davidson said:

    From Paschall with the limo exiting from under the overpass.

    Thanks Chris.  A little too late now, I would guess, but wouldn't it be great if the accoustics experts could try their findings out on the position of this or the other 3 wheelers others mentioned.  Of course they would have to change their scenario and placement of microphones so as to take into consideration shots being fired from places other than the 6th floor TSBD.

  8. 10 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Just couldn't resist.

    Ron, speaking from a state of insanity (Georgia), like W. said, be careful out there.  Everywhere I go I see Trump 2020 yard signs, posters and flags.  I try to just roll my eyes shake my head and go on (because in my home state guns can be legally carried in your car).  I would say these people are evidence of the lack of teaching history & citizenship in our schools, but many of them are my age or older, so I know better.  No offense meant here, but they are like the crazy "rasslin" folks who get all worked up over "steel cage match".  I used to watch wrestling on TV, but always found it funny and tried to figure out how they were pulling off the "stunt" punches, throw downs and "sleeper" holds.  Unfortunately some (many) have went through the looking glass and look at it as real even though deep down they know it's not.  Unfortunately I think many in the Trump world look at him and see someone expressing their deeply felt loss of hope and position and see what they think is a successful man who feels like they do.  That, to me is why the follow him like little sheep.  They think the system is rigged against him (like it is for them), but he prevailed, and if he can prevail, they can too!  (If they don't let their great white hope get beat down.)

  9. 2 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Yow! it looks like the Dems are playing hardball and asking Trump to testify on Monday, a day before the impeachment trial starts!

    Boy, do his lawyers have their work cut out for them now!  Trump will look at this as a way to get his message out without Twitter.  They may have to handcuff him and stick a sock in his mouth.  They may resign also, if he ignores them like he does most everyone who advises him.  As Rudy says, he'll be stepping into a perjury trap, because he can hardly pronounce a single sentence without "fibbing".

  10. 5 hours ago, Vince Palamara said:

    Yes. I think a lot of people also did the "go along to get along" route.

    It's just my opinion, but I think a lot of people "went along" not to "get along" but to to stay alive.  From what I've read the tension over revealing what was seen/heard that did not tie in to the "official version" in Dallas was palpable and onerus.  The fear was powerful because no one seemed to know if it was coming from an unspecified group behind the assassination or from the actual officials in charge of the investigation (& if "they" were the people behind the assassination as well).  People who gave dissenting views or offered different views of what happened, whether it be to newsmen, police, FBI, etc. soon found themselves badgered into changing their testimony, followed, threatened or killed in "coincidental accidents" or murders.  No one in Dallas knew who to trust or which way to turn.  In other coincidental happenings, some who left Dallas for safety also were attacked or killed or had accidents.

  11. 54 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    But I do find them disconcerting when they are used as a wide public audience platform to dissipate, deflect or downplay serious questions about darker truths we know to be true about JFK's security situation leading up to his tragic security failure murder.

    54 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Joe, I am certainly no expert on the SS and their policy/procedures and I would defer to any information available from Vince P on that, but I don't think Hill would have much or any input into the security measures.  He would probably be advised of general preparations and given HIS individual instructions as a part of the overall plan, but not asked for input outside of this.  In my opinion and again, it is only an opinion since I have no direct contact or information, Hill was devastated by the event and probably thought that surely his fellow agents were as well.  Assuming this is correct, I can see him defending those who he worked with and being defensive about their having been involved in any way.  I have found that working with a group to achieve a mutual goal, you (I) tend to develop a bond with your fellow team members and sometimes develop a blind spot for some things they may do.  This is not to give him a free pass, but I think he did do his personal assignment as best as he could (and a lot better than his fellow agents - including the one on the right front of the Queen Mary, who was assigned to protect the President (and was closest - other than those in the front seat.  As I understand it, Hill was assigned to Jackie primarily, so JFK was not technically his primary assignment.  Sorry for the long winded reply but I think looking at Hill as a way to understand the failures in security is not particularly helpful.  The individual agents whose responsibility was planning and implementation of the security have much to answer for in my opinion.  Standards were already in place, they just weren't followed, beginning with the prior late night partying (ranking members of the SS had to know this was happening) and it continues on from there.






  12. 14 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    The inevitable result of 64 years.  Never thought about making it this far among covid an other things, like car wrecks.  I retire tomorrow.  Live from Tarrant County Convention Center in 1973 (not!), Fort Worth where I was born and saw them.

    My best to you on your retirement.  I've now enjoyed 3 years and 3 months after retiring early at 62 (not my original choice, but health and other issues dictated).  I've pretty much enjoyed every minute aside from the 4 years between 2017 and January 20th of this year.  I haven't got to do a lot of the things I was hoping to do, but don't miss the 2080 hours (government speak for a year's work hours) wasted away from home and the people and things that I CAN do.  Congratulations and I hope you get many years to enjoy!

  13. In my opinion, and it is just that, this shot came from the 6th floor eastern most window of the Dal-Tex Building just as Howard Brennan said it did before his testimony got changed to reflect the TSBD.   I know it is controversial and there is NO ABSOLUTE PROOF or even substantiated proof from someone else, but as discussed in a previous post, if his original testimony is read carefully and parsed, he was an engineer and spoke in very precise terms most of the time.  When he did not, his words were being manipulated by others or he was being vague for his own protection as he had come to realize that HE was the only one who saw the REAL assassin (or at least one of them).  He said the shots came from the "RED BRICK" building on the sixth floor eastern most window.  When you look at pictures that show the TSBD and the Dal-Tex together, you can see that the Dal-Tex building is much more "red" than the TSBD.  This is to me, the perfect location if designed as a military ambush by professionals.  The shooter is completely behind the direction of the many spectators and thereby completely invisible.  The only thing preventing this from being the case was Howard Brennan's positioning himself so that he had a "panoramic" view of the motorcade and happening to look up at the right time when the motorcade was late in arriving and then again as he heard what he thought was a shot.  Other than this, the only person/people to have seen the assassin was in the jail house across the street from the window that the shooter chose.  Where the other shooters were located and how many, I am not sure, but after reviewing Brennan's testimony (1st day), in my mind there is no doubt he is NOT referring to the TSBD.  He quickly changed to using very vague wording upon realizing that he was the "ONLY one who saw this and that his life was in danger.  His words were corrupted by the officials doing the interviewing, he was placed under surveillance, by whom, he was not sure and put under immense stress about his and most importantly his families safety almost immediately.  To buttress his remaining "in line" with the official story, at some point before he testified to the WC, he had, as he described it, "his eyes sanded" in an ACCIDENT on the job.  This served two (at least) purposes, one he could no longer see better than perfect as he could on the day of the assassination and this could be called to attention by those questioning him (he now had to wear glasses) and two it served as a warning to him and his family that he could get hurt if he tried to tell the real story.  As to the prisoner(s) in the jail, I had long wondered about how they saw the assassin at such an angle across the street and indeed even across the intersection from their location. Their testimony was discounted as it was thought to be at too great a distance and too much of an angle from their windows to have seen the details they said they saw.  Now, understanding that the assassin was basically right across the street from them and one floor up, it is easily understandable especially since Brennan says the assassin stood calmly in the window with no perceived worry of being seen and not attempting to hide.

  14. As I stated in an earlier post, I have now returned my flag to the top of the pole where it belonged and the light will be on it tonight.  Though there is much left to be dealt with, I feel much more calm and relaxed already.  Since, hopefully this topic will now not be necessary and will die off or be subject to the same rules as the other topics and be moved out of the JFK section, I will take this opportunity to thank all who participated.  It has been cathartic for me to have this outlet.  Hopefully, now we can begin to migrate to more normalcy and traditional arguments without having to call each other names and decry anyone on the opposite side of the political (or other) spectrum an enemy.

  15. 11 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    I shudder to think about how many armed Trump fans in uniform are going to be providing "security" for Joe B(!)

    This is what I was referring to a few days back when I brought up the assassination of Anwar Sadat at a military parade.  Something evidently even the JCS thinks would be a (remote, but possible) scenario.  Trump has truly helped transform the US into a S-hole third world banana republic in some peoples minds (and actions).

  16. It just doesn't get any better.  Trump is still not admitting any blame, while trying to get close to his VP again in order to ensure a pardon.  Meanwhile on Fox News(?) their commentators are saying there should be NO impeachment because if it occurs there will be violence.  They infer that IF LAW AND ORDER is actually enforced, the "law and order" supporters of Trump will be prompted to break the law.  Sounds a lot like blackmail.  We won't break the law if you don't FOLLOW the law.

  17. 5 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:

    What if Trump gets some drunken judge to administer him the Oath of Office on January 20th starts going around claiming that he is really the legitimate President of the U.S. ?

    Steve, that would be an option in his mind, but my mind drifts unfortunately much darker.  I fear that his more violent followers who see him as some sort of Messiah would attempt a mass extermination of his enemies along the lines of what happened to Sadat of Egypt.  I hate to even put the words out, for fear that someone in his orbit will find them.  But, we must not fear, we must confront.  We must keep things in mind that are so far removed from our former sense of what can happen in America, that no bizarre plot can succeed.  His self preservation has NO BOUNDS (we have been told that by many who have been close to him) and we must recognize that.  Trump is still continuing to say he won in a landslide and there seem to be back channel calls to "do something" on either or both the 17th and the 20th.  If someone tells you who they are, believe them!

  18. There are still 11 days to go before we have a peaceful transfer of power.  All need to remain vigilant as Trump disappears into the darkness of the White House where he is surrounded by his hand picked cronies who have already shown that they too do not respect this republic and its laws.  Plotting is best done in darkness.  Trump has already instigated an insurrection.  He is still trapped and will try ANYTHING to stay in power because he knows a reckoning is coming.  Since he is totally self absorbed, he will be open to any option to avoid that reckoning.  With his abuse of power in stopping the Capitol from being protected, what can we expect when the inauguration is happening (and he is not present).  ALL those who he feels betrayed him, Biden/Harris, the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, many Senators and Congress members will be gathered in one place at the same time.  To retain power, many things will come to his mind and when coupled with the thoughts and planning of his minions in his bunker...

  19. Another thought about yesterday:  I am seeing many people noting the difference in response by police and other security forces between the BLM, etc. marches and the "Trump" march.  While I agree they were diametrically different, I think we must keep in mind that the response at least in the case of yesterdays mob was promulgated by the failure of one man (Trump) to issue appropriate orders.  There was a standing request for help which was not forthcoming because of the President and the minions he placed in positions under him and their fear of questioning his orders or even bringing up matters they know will infuriate him.  The one area I will agree with completely is the timid method used to disburse the crowd.  I think as much as possible this would be the appropriate method when it can be used.  There is escalation far too quickly in many instances involving marches/gatherings where people of color or other racial ethnicity (than white) are involved.  To make matters worse, in this case a much stronger push-back would have been appropriate.  The only reason I can responsibly think of for it being so timid is that the crowd was already in the building(s) before the appropriate level of response arrived (thanks to Trump) and they were trying to limit/control damage.  Now that they are out of the building, one would hope severe punishment will be given for ALL identifiable individuals, especially those who inflicted damage.

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