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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Inconvenient Truths.

    In total...a truck load of altered and/or coerced testimony that would create reasonable doubt.

    Julia Ann Mercer's story of altered testimony including false signatures is one of the most compelling imo.

    Mercer's credibility was well established.

    Her Clay Shaw trial testimony was powerful and believable.

    "There was no notary present when I was questioned."

    "And that's not my signature on that affidavit."

  2. One hope I harbor is that someone is able to run certain suspect character photo's through a modern "facial recognition" system of analysis to reveal some bombshell truth of conspiracy.

    Like the New Orleans Oswald flyer photo in front of the Trademart.

    Which I believe shows Oswald's future TXSBD supervisor Bill Shelley in the photo..

    And maybe Rapheal Cruz Sr. ( Senator Ted Cruz's father ) as well?

    Same with the Dealey Plaza bystander photo which looks to me to be Rip Robertson?

    MSNBC political talk show host Chris Hayes just days ago interviewed the writer of the new book...Sedition Hunters: How January 6th Broke... Ryan J. Rielly.

    Hayes remarked about the remarkable success of facial recognition technology in identifying many of the persons filmed in the Capital Building during the insurrection.

    Even doing so with suspects who wore partial face covering masks and caps.

    Author Reilly further promoted Hayes's assessment and said facial recognition technology has advanced greatly and is now "very, very good" in it's abilities to  provide high percentage accuracy results.

    If we could find just "one" high level covert character as present in Dealey Plaza at 12:30 PM on 11,22,1963 through facial recognition technology, folks it would be JFKA truth paradigm shifting.

    Even perhaps other important characters around leaflet passing Lee H. Oswald in New Orleans the summer of 1963?

    Look, we already have a photo of young Lee Oswald in a Youth Civil Air Patrol outing group photo with David Ferrie.

  3. I sure hope so.

    Will Tucker Carlson finally reveal his JFKA truth source?

    Will some time traveling ability remote viewer of impeccable credentials see who was really in the 6th floor window and/or nefarious others in Dealey Plaza at the moment of murder?

    Will another former SS, FBI or even CIA agent come forward as Paul Landis did this past year? Perhaps offering a death bed confession of some bomb shell significance?

    Will RFK Jr. be given some credible secret evidence regards who did his father and uncle that will rock the nation and propel his 2024 candidacy into serious contention?

    Will Judyth Vary Baker come up with rock solid physical evidence that proves much more of her Oswald love affair story as being true?

    Will someone leak the psychiatric records of LBJ in his last days of Texas ranch home confinement due to his end-of-life mental breakdown?

    Maybe someone related to someone on the inside of the 1963 Dallas PD will reveal that Jack Ruby was helped in getting inside the DPD basement area just before Oswald was paraded through it?

    Maybe some new Roscoe White revelation? 

    Will Sylvia Odio and her sister Anna's Oswald sighting be unequivocally proven to be true?

    What say you my fellow JFKA forum soothsayers?


  4. 12 minutes ago, Matt Allison said:

    Consider the Harrier; a joint effort between McDonnell Douglas and Hawker Siddeley that first flew in 1967.

    Back then, any civilian that saw this aircraft doing its thing from a distance would have figured they'd seen a UFO, as the Harrier did things only a helicopter could do- except it clearly wasn't a helicopter.



    Amazing. And this was 56 YEARS AGO!

    Imagine what we have now after almost 6 decades of more advanced technology!

  5. I think most curious persons think Lennon's death "could have been" initiated by highest level nefarious political forces who saw Lennon and his music as a threat to their interests. 

    Why not? After JFK, RFK, MLK and Malcom X were taken out like they were... no one totally trusted the government after that alternate social change policy promoting leadership slaughter. 

    And Lennon's music was truly effecting the mind sets of tens of millions of young Americans.

    And not in the traditional power accumulation framework way Eisenhower described in his MIC warning speech.

    "Give Peace A Chance."


    "Imagine all the people
    Living for today
    Ah, ah, ah-ah
    Imagine there's no countries
    It isn't hard to do
    Nothing to kill or die for
    And no religion, too
    Imagine all the people
    Living life in peace
    Yoo-hoo, ooh-ooh
    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will be as one
    Imagine no possessions
    I wonder if you can
    No need for greed or hunger
    A brotherhood of man
    Imagine all the people
    Sharing all the world
    Yoo-hoo, ooh-ooh
    You may say I'm a dreamer
    But I'm not the only one
    I hope someday you'll join us
    And the world will live as one."
    JFK talked of peace too.
    And in defense of our long time intrepid JFK limo expert forum icon Pamela Brown.
    She's doing what the forum encourages imo. Respectful debate and questioning of others research propositions.


  6. Why haven't the same mass of critics who savaged Oliver Stone's film "JFK" for it's supposed inaccuracies and Hollywood creative license liberties blasted King's story for the same reasons?

    Stone spent years and millions of dollars researching and consulting many of the deepest JFKA research persons leading up to his production being released to at least give his script a factual foundation that held up his over-all film story despite admitted liberties he took to enhance his film's popular appeal.

    I watched King's 11,22,1963 film.

    It was lightly entertaining. Reminded me of the old TV show "The Time Tunnel."

    But you could immediately see that it had about the same research basis weight as that cheap production TV show.

    A nationally released big budget film financed by major players must also make money.

    "JFK's" 17th century Jesuit priests order of film critics thought Stone's creative license use was devil inspired blasphemy.

    Off with his head! Burn him at the stake! Put him on "the rack" until his bones crack!

    They went that nuts on Oliver stone.



  7. 5 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Mr. BELIN - How long do you think it was between the time the shots were fired and the time you left the window to start toward the stairway?

    Miss ADAMS - Between 15 and 30 seconds, estimated, approximately.

    Ah Ha!

    So, she and Styles DID run off toward the stairs in just seconds.

    Bolsters her story imo.

    That would not have been enough time for Oswald to stand up, run to the far end of the 6th floor, stash his rifle...then start his run to and down the stairs and beat Adams and Styles to those stairs below them imo.

  8. Haven't listened to the full interview. Just had time to hear the first 1/4th.

    Did Adams really state in the interview that she and Styles waited a full minute ( 60 seconds) after the shots to begin running out to the stairs?

    That potentially does screw up her timeline protest to Belin who refused a stopwatch test with her re-enacting her first actions after the shots.

    A full minute before she hit the stairs might have been enough time for a super fast walking Oswald to get down 4 flights to the lunch room.

    I thought Adams and Styles started their stair run within just a few seconds after the shots.

    Also, did she see the three colored fellows just one floor beneath the shooters perch actually descending the stairs themselves? I recall Junior Jarmon stating under oath in the "Trial Of Lee Harvey Oswald", that he and his two companions froze in their spot for quite awhile before deciding to go down the stairs. I sensed they didn't want to be considered suspects by a police department they knew were rough on colored folks.

  9. 4 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

    A dishonest reporter does a disservice to truth and to history.

    Love your new profile pic DZ!

    Harlem Globetrotter basketball jersey, over-sized rapper shades, inner city convenience store robbery cap, massive weight gold chain bling necklace.

    Cool DZ Rap Master Flash!

    YO ... You Go Bro!


  10. 1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Just before Hugh Aynesworth published his hit piece on Jim Garrison for Newsweek in 1967, he sent the article to the Lyndon Johnson White House for them to take a look at it. I think this information comes from the LBJ Library. George Christian in 1967 was the press secretary for the LBJ White House.



    My God!

    It's all right there in the above posted memo!

    Aynesworth was a completely compromised disinformation agent provocateur for our government's intel agencies!

    This memo SHOUTS out this truth!

  11. On 12/26/2023 at 6:50 PM, Robert Morrow said:


    Hugh Aynesworth used to brag that he had had sex with Marina Oswald and this was probably occurring in early, 1964.

    Was HA capable of going all the way with Marina? And of encouraging it to happen?

    I believe he was.

    He said in one of the taped interviews above he was quite the bachelor until he settled down with his wife. Claimed he visited Eva Grant and Jack Ruby's Vegas Club while single.

    He obviously liked the ladies. He knew of all the strip joints in town. My guess he was in the beer slurring shouting, runway pounding, ankle grabbing crowd more than once ogling the likes of Jada, Joy Dale, Kathy Kay, etc.

    Marina was simply gorgeous. Beautiful face. Radiant blue eyes. Wonderful feminine figure. Only 22 years old.

    We know from many testimonies Marina was a very sexually inclined young woman herself. For years frustrated with Lee's lack of interest. Starving for more affection.

    I sense Aynesworth was as energetic, aggressive and opportunistic in his dating life as he was in his professional life.

    I wouldn't be surprised at all to hear the HA/Marina hook-up story were true.

    The occasional mention of a more than platonic relationship between Marina and Ruth Paine is a story that I also can't easily dismiss.

    Ruth Paine's social life after Michael appears to be one of very little to no interest in men at all. For 60 years?

    However, her affection for Marina was quite strong. In my opinion even more than just a concerned Quaker do-gooder.

    I recently read where in one letter to Marina, Ruth flat out said to her "I love you Marina."

    Those are powerful words to say to someone you are just friends with.

    When a woman says those three words "directly" to another woman ( I love you ) it doesn't sound out-of-place if the woman saying this is a mother, sister, other relative such as grandmother, loving aunt etc.

    However, they're just too emotionally intimate for a friend to say them imo.

    Ruth was enamored with Marina...for sure. 

    I don't think Marina was of the same mind set toward Ruth however.

    At the same time Ruth hated Lee Oswald.

    I believe to a point of not feeling bad about Lee's permanent removal from Marina's life.




  12. Just another suspicious circumstance regards Hugh Aynesworth.

    One of 100?

    Aynesworth describes his distaste for Jack Ruby personally. Calls him a bully.

    Describes an incident he witnessed where Jack Ruby roughed up a customer who had smuggled his own beer into the Vegas club. Slammed his hidden bottle with a Billy club.

    Yet, Aynesworth claimed he formed a close bond with the rest of Ruby's family ?

    Liked them. Good people.

    So close, they invited him to see Jack's dead body in the mortuary.

    HA bragged that all the other press persons who were clamoring to get in to take pictures of Ruby's casket were jealous of his access to it and his friendship with the Ruby family.

    This closeness and friendship with and respect for the Ruby clan is beyond creepy imo.

    It just seems so incongruous it is just ... nonsensical.

    Seth Kantor was the journalistic integrity antithesis to Hugh Aynesworth.




  13. 6 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Hugh Aynesworth answers the question “Are you a CIA media asset?” – Asked by Robert Morrow

    2013 Texas Book Festival – CSPAN2 Tent – Austin, TX

    Aynesworth answered: “That is a fair question.”

    James Feldman comment on video on YouTube:


    I note that Hugh Aynesworth does NOT answer the key operative part of the question put to him: Are you or have you ever been a CIA media asset? He only says that he did not take money from any government agency, but that too does not help to answer the question, and, in fact, is a MISLEADING answer because the CIA very often pays its assets through business intermediaries and other such non-government fronts. I will give Aynesworth credit as a very skilled xxxx, however, with his cleverly deceptive and evasive answer that appears to be "sincere." But his complete failure to answer the question in a forthright, honest manner merely supports those who assert that Aynesworth has been a CIA media asset.


    Robert, I was always proud of you for your brave effort to confront Aynesworth with the incredibly important question you presented him with in that public interview venue.

    When the moderator tried to cut you off and many of the audience jeered and shouted and laughed derisively at you to embarrass you and shut you up...you stood your ground and finished the question. 

    The reaction of that crowd was a perfect example of official public brainwashing.

    They are told who to hero-worship. And they are encouraged to attack with jeering ridicule anyone who presents a reality different from the one they have been inculcated with. IMO anyways.

    These praise fests interviews of HA were set up to continue the HA as the ultimate JFKA truth journalist hero image myth.

    HA's rambling response to your question actually incriminates him to a laughable degree!

    HA "admits" he met with Moore!

    Yet feigning his knowledge of him and the CIA even having a Dallas office?

    Said his office door didn't even have a name plate?

    He admitted Moore asked him to report back with anything suspicious he may see in a return trip to Cuba?

    HA says he went into Cuba just before the missile crisis? 

    How is this aerospace editor getting access into hot spot Cuba when doing so was so difficult for 99% of any other Americans? And why? What reason did he give for that first visit? To discuss the cost of coffee beans? HA doesn't say.

    And of course our intel agencies would be aware of his visit.

    And why want to go back to Cuba when things got even hotter in 1963?

    He's shooting baskets on a basketball court outside of Havana one day when Castro just happens to pull up, gets out of his jeep and puts on his high-top Adidas and says through a burley machine gun toting bodyguard/interpreter... let's see what you got mi amigo?

    He's looking for an exclusive interview with Castro? This aerospace reporter?

    HA's access into Cuba is ridiculously intel arranged.



  14. 55 minutes ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Aynesworth insisted that Marina had had an affair with him after the assassination, and that during this period she had revealed to him that she and Ruth Paine had shared a Lesbian relationship prior to November 22, 1963.

    Robert, in your post recounting researcher Shirley Martin's 1967 letter to Jim Garrison you have certain passages from the letter in quotes. 

    However, the specific passage above regarding Aynesworth bedding Marina and Marina confessing having had a lesbian relationship with Ruth Paine...are not in quotes.

    Does that mean the HA/Marina affair and the Ruth Paine/Marina affair passage was not a quote?

  15. Aynesworth was reported to have "interviewed John F. Kennedy in the shower, Lyndon B. Johnson in bed" [3] ... and possibly even J. Edgar Hoover in drag?

    According to one report: "He also tracked down the person who stole "most of" eccentric billionaire Howard Hughes' money, chased James Earl Ray all over the South and into Canada after he shot the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr."[3] 

    According to Aynesworth, he was asked to serve as a pallbearer for Jack Ruby and played basketball with Fidel Castro.[3] He said that he was playing outside of Havana: "And all of a sudden, this Jeep drives up and a bearded gentleman gets out and puts on his tennis shoes and joins us. I'd been having trouble getting an interview, and after that, it came a little easier. I told him that I would let him win."[3]

    Recapping his career, Aynesworth stated in one interview: "I've been offered bribes and threatened and maligned and witnessed some of the most horrifying events of our lifetime."

    HA saw Jack Ruby in the DMN cafeteria at 11:30 am on 11,22,1963.

    HA was standing on Houston not far from the Texas Schoolbook Depository building when JFK was shot. Too afraid to immediately run into the TXSDB he instead stood right next to a parked Dallas PD Motorcycle with it's radio still on and heard the report of the Tippit shooting and raced there in minutes time.

    HA was right there and witnessed Oswald's gun jam in the Dallas Theater fight.

    HA was stabbed in the neck by an intruder who broke down his room door in Denver when he was in his twenties. One gossip theory was it was a jealous boyfriend or some such person.

    He watched the Waco massacre in person.

    He interviewed mass murderers Ted Bundy and Henry Lucas.

    He was in the press crowd in the DPD parking basement when Ruby shot Oswald. He said he only went to the transfer because his wife begged him to go.

    HA stated many times he thought Jim Garrison was insane.

    He gave Garrison credit for being a very well read and intelligent man. A man who knew history and the arts. Yet, he still felt ( Jim Garrison ) was insane.

    I'm still looking for any reference to the bedding Marina story.

    Seems HA was a real life "Clark Kent."

    Going into a phone booth one second and appearing at the scene of major crimes the next.


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