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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 9 hours ago, Robert Reeves said:
    11 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Sterling Seagrave on Gen. Edward Lansdale from his book the Gold Warriors:

    1) https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2008/10/11/627955/-

    2) https://web.archive.org/web/20090523094356/https://spiritone.com/~gdy52150/gold10a.html Web Archive of https://spiritone.com/~gdy52150/gold10a.html

    The following  comes from Sterling Seagrave’s book the Gold Warriors - read pages 90-100 in this book. Lots of good material on Lansdale in the Philiipines

    Nazi Gold
    Part 10-A:The Black Eagle Trust

    Continued research by the Seagraves has revealed that the United States did recover portions of the Golden Lily and Nazi treasure and used the treasure to clandestinely fund various right wing causes and covert operations.97 This enormously large secret slush fund became known informally as the Black Eagle Trust.

    Up until September 1945, Edward Lansdale had remained an immaterial advertising copywriter, who had spent the war writing propaganda for the OSS. In September, with the disbanding of the OSS, he was offered an opportunity to transfer to the US Army’s G2 operation in the Philippines.

    On transferring to the Philippines, Lansdale was placed in charge of supervising a Filipino-American intelligence officer named Severio Garcia Diaz Sanata, better known as Santy. Yamashita had surrendered and was arrested for war crimes relating to gruesome atrocities committed by Admiral Iwabuchi Kanji’s sailors while evacuating Manila. There was no mention of the Golden Lily or war loot during Yamashita’s trial. It was impossible to torture a war criminal without it being exposed in the subsequent trial. Yamashita’s driver however, fell under special scrutiny. He had driven Yamashita everywhere since Yamashita’s arrival in the Philippines.

    Santy proceeded to torture the driver, Major Kojima Kashii, to find the burial sites of the Japanese treasure. Lansdale soon joined the torture sessions as an observer and participant. In October, Kojima broke down and led Santy and Lansdale to the location of a dozen sites in the mountains north of Manila. Two of the sites were easily opened and revealed a prodigious quantity of gold, precious metals, and gems.

    read it all here at this address: http://www.spiritone.com/...

    While Santy and his teams started to open the other sites, Lansdale flew to Japan to brief MacArthur and then on to Washington to brief President Truman. After a cabinet discussion, Truman decided to proceed with the recovery. However, the recovery would be kept a state secret.

    The decision was not Truman’s alone. Henry Stimson, Secretary of War, first proposed using gold recovered from the Nazis as a secret slush fund during the Roosevelt administration. The Nazis had already did the dirty work and re-smelted the gold, making it hard trace the gold's origin. Many of the owners had perished in the war and many of the pre-war governments had ceased to exist. With many of the eastern countries falling under the influence of the Soviet Union, returning any gold to these countries was out of the question with the cold warriors.

    Stimson’s special assistants on this topic were John McCloy, Robert Lovett, Clark Clifford, and Robert Anderson. Both McCloy's and Lovett's backgrounds have been discussed in previous chapters. Anderson was a former Texas Republican legislator. In 1953, he was appointed Secretary of the Navy by President Eisenhower, and in 1954, Secretary of Defense. Some sources say he was appointed as Secretary of the Navy based solely on the need to move gold from the Philippines. In 1957, he was appointed Secretary of the Treasury. In 1987, he pled guilty to running an off shore bank after being caught up in the BCCI scandal. The same


    As you know, the very man himself (Seagrove) was a member here on this board and posted his opinion as to the identity of the man in the suit with the three tramps.


  2. 13 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Very interesting facts.

    Someday, somehow, someone is going to come up with the funds for a highly reputable facial recognition company to do a thorough analysis of the faces in Dealey Plaza on 11, 22, 1963 and I believe there will be some bomb shell matches to various nefarious figures that will blow our collective research socks off.

    I believe FRT is now so advanced ( IDing gait!) it could even make a positive ID on the suited Tramp man ( Allegedly Lansdale ) even without the full face visible.

    Facial Recognition technology is so advanced now it is ridiculous to suggest otherwise.

    Also the Oswald leaflet passing photos in New Orleans where I believe Oswald's immediate supervisor at the Texas School Book Depository building "William Shelley " is shown standing with Oswald and his crew there.

  3. 3 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Around 1990 or so, John Newman and David Lifton went out to the Hoover Institution to go through the Lansdale papers to see if they gave Lansdale ANY ALIBI FROM BEING PHYSICALLY PRESENT IN DALLAS ON 11/22/63.

    Instead, they found Lansdale correspondence with Gen. "Hanging Sam" Williams with Lansdale telling him I am coming down to Texas to visit you this fall. Lansdale was cashiered out of the military 10/31/63.

    Gen. Sam Williams lived in DENTON, TEXAS with is a 38 mile car ride from Dealey Plaza.

    By 11 days after the JFK assassination, Lansdale has a job on White House grounds in the "Old Executive Building" which was where VP Lyndon Johnson kept his vice presidential offices. (See Max Boot's book).

    Newman and Lifton also found a "bumpstock" or a "paper writing pad" from the Hotel Texas which is located in Fort Worth and it happens to be the same hotel that JFK and LBJ stayed at the night before the JFK assassination.

    After John Newman had returned home from Hoover, he got a call from the librarian at Hoover. She told Newman that multiple GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS ARE HERE AND THEY ARE GOING THROUGH ALL THE PAPERS THAT YOU AND LIFTON LOOKED AT AND THEY ARE CLASSIFYING THEM AS SECRET!!

    Source on that story is John Newman who told it to me directly.

    Very interesting facts.

  4. Trying to label or frame 20 year old Crook as of any traditional political persuasion or ideology is a ridiculous waste of time and frankly stupid.

    Liberal? Conservative? Independent? Republican? Democrat? Oh please!

    He was simply an extremely psychologically and socially damaged young man.

    Even he could not intelligently explain any coherent political beliefs and ideologies he adhered to.

    Surely however, Crook was a product of years of oppressive crushing bullying ( daily according to fellow students ) in his crucial self-esteem formative years

    A sad, lonely, depressed, angry, confused and unfulfilled lost soul who found some belonging identity solace via at least one guns glorifying group site in the sick anti-social escapist world of the internet. 

    Again, from other students who saw this for years, Crook was a poster boy for the typical anti-social outcast.

    Unusually quiet. Sitting and eating alone. No extra-curricular activities like sports, music, language, etc. No girl friends?

    One time gun shooting group interest where he was rejected for his lack of skills?

    This scenario is one I witnessed myself in secondary school.

    A certain number of these boys who were regularly taunted and made fun of, especially in the presence of girls, seemed to me to begin exhibiting passive aggressive behavior traits as they endured their humiliation for years.

    You could see and maybe even feel the rage just under their embarrassed bitch slapped facial expressions.

    An expression of this rage would be wearing aggressive gun violence glorifying  t-shirts and military fatigue type clothing like Crook did. Meant to send a threatening message to anyone messing with him?

    Seems most of the young man mass shooting types in America are all evolved from this same anti-social anger emotionally damaged cloth.

    Crook was clearly of this genre.

    Shooting at Trump was his ultimate wanton chaos act of built-up rage retribution against a world he blamed for his personal pain and suffering...imo anyways.




  5. 2 minutes ago, Pat Speer said:

    A couple of points.

    We don't know the young man's motivation.

    We don't even know if this is real.

    It's kind of surreal reading these posts. It's like we've learned nothing from studying the Kennedy assassination. I would hope that the circumstances of all this would force some to pause and not follow the bouncing ball. Maybe just maybe things are not what they seem. (I hope I'm not the only to have seen Shooter, or the Parallax View, or...) 

    As far as the Secret Service not shooting a guy for having a gun on a roof... That is not incompetence. That is by design. The Republican Party, backed by the NRA (which is in part funded by Russia Russia Russia), has been trying to normalize carrying weapons in public for decades. In many states there are no laws preventing one from doing so. In all states one must brandish a weapon in a threatening manner before a police officer (or SS agent) can fire upon you. So maybe the laws will change as a result of this--where the SS or police can shoot someone who is not committing a crime if they think he may commit one. But as it stands right now, the SS was following protocol in holding off shooting a 20 year old in the head. I mean, can you imagine... "Joe Biden's SS  shoots young Trump supporter in the head at a rally for flaunting his second amendment rights!!!...Deep State kills boy!!!..."

    IF this young man was indeed there to kill Trump, but killed before even getting off a shot...Trump and his supporters would have made a martyr of HIM, instead of Trump...and this poor firefighter. 

    P.S. Is there any explanation as to how the firefighter was shot? Was he near the stage and killed by a stray sniper's bullet? Or did the sniper continue firing after coming under fire and fire a few shots into the crowd? I am asking because if it turns out the bullet striking him came from a different rifle than the one found on the kid...well...


    Pat, how much time elapsed between the snipers first seeing Crook on the roof and then taking action with shots?

    With binoculars or their rifle scopes, it seems they could clearly see Crooks had a high powered rifle and was dressed in what looked like military fatigues?

    If that sight didn't alarm them what would? They had enough time to call their superiors ( before the shooting ) to get some type of orders. That took more than 30 seconds I am sure.

    The video posted earlier showed a young red bearded Trump hat wearing man who said he was trying to get security men to at least look at what they were seeing regards the rifle holding Crook crawling around on the warehouse roof just 50 feet from them!

    3 to 4 minutes of seeing Crook before he started shooting seems like plenty of time to get security personnel running to his location.

    Ah, memories of Dealey Plaza.

    Two to three bystanders on the sidewalks underneath the Texas School Book Depository building stated they saw a man ( or two? ) in the open windows holding rifles.

    Minutes before JFK even arrived. And not one official security person saw this?

  6. 26 minutes ago, Vince Palamara said:

    This whole thing is surreal. The shooter is from my hometown and graduated at the same high school (albeit decades later)! 

    Yes, quite a coincidence.

    Sadly, times have changed so much since your childhood Vince.

    Kids today have so much angry rhetoric energy all around them now.

    It's everywhere. TV, radio, internet.

    When I was young no one was absorbed with their I-Phones 24 hours a day.

    Seeing constant negative energy and angry news.

    We walked everywhere. We talked to each other. We went to movies and hamburger joints. We played pick up sports in open playgrounds after school and on weekends.

    I would practice shooting my basketball at city and schoolyard courts.

    We had crushes. We looked for part time jobs. We couldn't wait to get our first junky car. 

    All obtainable with any full time job ( I could afford all these things working as a dishwasher! ) as the cost of rents and other basics was not criminally out of reach like today.

    Popular radio played music in my childhood was almost always about innocent crushes and romance.

    I am saying with all honesty...by and large, times were MUCH better for America's youth before the computer and cell phone world of today.


  7. Some thoughts regards the shooting and the shooter:

    This 20 year young man used the same type of gun 17 year young Kyle Rittenhouse used to kill two Wisconsin protesters and wound another...an AR-15 automatic rifle ... correct?

    Rittenhouse acquired his AR-15 illegally.

    Letting another person purchase it as he was too young to do this.

    Then, he transported this illegally obtained gun across state lines which is another law-breaking violation. He then openly carries and displays the loaded rifle right into the protest crowd and just feet away from the protesters and even the police, who see him with the rifle and do nothing regards getting him out of the high tension protest zone?

    Then, when a few of the protesters see this high powered gun holding kid, they get angry and attempt to grab the gun and in this confrontational struggle this childish minded Trump inspired patriot wanna-be 17 year old blows them away?

    He showed no sign of physical harm after the incident. Incredibly, juries let this young killer go free!? He acquired his weapon illegally. He transpoted it over two state lines illegally. He openly carries the gun within feet of the already worked up protesters, the police don't even pull him back, then he blows away two men, one of which was only armed with a skateboard?

    Question, where and how did this young Crooks fellow acquire his AR-15?

    The issue of the ease to acquire such dangerous non-hunting, killing only rifles will again become a super-hot issue now for the rest of the campaign.

    I read that Trump's ear might have been nicked by a small piece of shattered glass when a bullet hit the plexiglass shield/teleprompter surrounding him and not an actual bullet.

    130 yards is almost 400 feet away. That's almost 120 feet farther away JFK was to the TXSBD 6th floor window when he was bullseye head shot hit on 11,22,1963.

    Isn't an AR-15 the last gun one would choose to hit such a far-away target?

    This was not a scoped gun was it?

    This young man was simply suicidally disturbed. 

    As horrible as this act was isn't it time to stop the violence suggesting rhetoric...more on Trump's side than the Dems for sure in my opinion.

    Treason trials, January 6th..."hang Mike Pence!" Etc, etc.?

    Nut case Marjorie Taylor Greene actually said this yesterday to the press:

    Someone just tried to ASSASSINATE President Trump,” the statement begins. “The DEMOCRATS and the MEDIA are to blame for every drop of blood spilled today,” it continues.

    Greene then adds, “For years and years, they’ve demonized him and his supporters. Today, someone finally tried to take out the leader of our America First and the greatest President of all time. Watch the video, President Trump said “FIGHT,” SO WE WILL!!”

    If that isn't the most outrageously irresponsible, further violence gas lighting craziness words to say at a time like this...what is?

    Greene is a congressperson.  Hard to believe.

    Did Greene and her crowd say much about one of their own nut case base beating Nancy Pelosi's husband Paul bloody after breaking into the SF home?

    Of course she didn't.

    I hope the majority of Americans finally say it's time to stop the 24/7 inflaming rhetoric being repeated everywhere in the media. Right wing radio. right wing TV and internet much more so than from the left. Listen to the dozens of right wing radio propogandists some time. Talk about threat and retribution promoting. 

    Alex Jones type stuff.

    The Trump era has been one of extreme hate, anger and rage inflaming.

    Of demonizing liberals and Democrats. Of threatening retribution as soon as their leader is re-elected.

    This is all a Trump anger energy thing imo.

    I really think Trump has taken the nation into a kind of Post Traumatic Stress breakdown state of mind. Constantly feeding hate, anger, rage and fear into the social consciousness has created a nationwide exhaustion unlike anything I've ever seen.

    Maybe now our people will finally say..."enough!"

    Enough of the "fight" "fight" "fight" ( "if you don't fight you won't have a nation anymore" ) and retribution talk.

  8. Just some thoughts.

    I think just the fact that Oswald put himself on the line and went ahead and talked to this intellectual Jesuit group took some courage and strength of will. I think LO knew he was speaking to some very highly educated men and yet felt he still had something worthy to share despite his lack of such credentials.

    How well and/or poorly he and his talk was received is another matter although important as well.

    Lee Oswald was obviously a very emotionally injured young man.

    His entire childhood through adolescence was deeply scarred by extreme unstableness and parental neglect. No protective and guiding father at all and even worse, stuck under the control of an oppressively awful and self-obsessed mother who herself was an unstable psychological mess.

    His ENTIRE childhood!

    Many people who have such an emotional needs starved childhood like Oswald's likely end up living with major depression, frustrations and general unhappiness the rest of their adult lives.

    Hence, a much more prevalent rate of adult anger issues, cynicism about the world, general unhappiness, alcohol and other addictions, stunted personal social growth and job and education achievement, broken marriages, suicides ... you name it. 

    And how does someone from such a neglected fatherless upbringing become a good and stable father themselves when he has children? Not as likely as those coming from much more nurturing and healthy minded childhoods. It's a hugely experienced problem in poor income level American history.

    Yet, despite all this, Oswald was clearly gifted with a noticeable in-born curious intelligence and showed promise in this way despite his neglected life growing up.

    He read a lot. On his own volition. Scattered reading with no loving and wise and practical direction.

    He eventually taught himself another language. A difficult one. Try that challenge.

    Lee Oswald also had an amazingly strong self-will to do as much as he did after such a neglectful childhood and escaping the depressing clutches of his oppressive mother. Marines joining, successfully completing military duty school, world travel and actually making it in Soviet Russia? Making friends there. Wooing and winning the affections of the prettiest girl in Minsk? Fathering a child with her. Not bad for a kid from his world.

    Much has been written about Oswald's early age anger issues.

    In New York where his nutty mother took him to live in a cramped apartment in a poor part of town with resentful relatives ( what an awful living situation ) he would brazenly skip school and ride the trains and go to places like the zoo, all by himself. Doing that in a dangerous big city took some strong willed young guts.

    And who could blame someone his age and living in such a miserable resentful host situation wanting to escape from it all? Those adventurous trips on those trains was the young Oswald's own form of depression escaping therapy.

    Young Lee was having anger and depression issues beyond normal teen rebellion ones.   Hello!  He even pulled a small knife on his mother's relatives when they talked down to him once too often. Luckily, that was the worst of that extreme acting out.

    Young Lee didn't have but a few friends growing up.

    Changing schools so often is a problem. And who would want to bring a friend home to meet "his" mother? He is often bullied. He does his best to fight back but being small in stature gets him beaten pretty badly. He has no father to seek some protective and empathetic support after coming home bruised and humiliated.

    He is poor. Very poor. Still, he picks up what little jobs he can. He somehow joins the local Junior Civil Air Patrol youth group whose leader is a convicted child ( boys ) molester David Ferrie.

    He reads and reads. The local library is his sanctuary.

    These sad truths about the neglected childhood Oswald are common in this country through the decades.

    I mention them ( and yet mixed with some remarkable inner strength survival abilities and drives ) only to preface my take on Oswald as a young man on up to his murder at the age of just 24 at the hands of a sleazy bully strip tease owner right inside the Dallas Police Department building on November 24,1963.

    Despite what L.O. had achieved in his short 24 year long life he was clearly an extremely frustrated, angry and PTSD afflicted young man.

    He could hardly find the most lowest minimum wage paying jobs. He never even learned to drive a car! 

    Oswald had no practical skills when it came to making a living and barely being able to put a roof over his little family.

    Too often, out of pity, he and Marina and their baby had to take charity from others just for the basics. This humiliated and frustrated Oswald even more.

    Near the end he was losing his wife and children from his life for good. He knew this.

    He just couldn't seem to get it together to provide a better life for them.

    I think Oswald hit bottom emotionally when he finally realized he was losing Marina for good. She had had enough. She didn't know how, but she knew she had to get away from Lee permanently.

    When Oswald was able to sit down and share intellectual thoughts with others like George De Mohrenschildt and a little bit with Michael Paine ( so rare )  he was described as extremely poorly informed academically by them, although GM did say he saw innate intelligence in Oswald.

    I am capsulizing ( in an admittedly simplistic way ) Oswald's real life here from his birth to his death to try to explain and maybe understand his erratic and desperate behavior in his last days.

    Had Oswald completely broken down mentally and emotionally by 11,22,1963?

    Perhaps doing something even he knew was suicidal?

    His emotional development important years throughout his entire childhood were so neglectful and bad one must consider he was prime candidate for extreme anti-social behavior as a PTSD effected adult. And losing Marina and his kids could have been the final blow.

    Whether Oswald was a patsy or not...he "was" emotionally damaged enough ( and family loss desperate enough ) to do something enraged like killing Tippit... imo anyways.




  9. Oswald was eliminated before he even left the Dallas PD building and in less than 48 hours after they picked him up.

    An impossibly improbable yet perfect solution to the Oswald problem.

    Great job there Dallas PD, Chief Jesse Curry and Captain Will Fritz.

    You both ignored multiple highly concerned warnings from your own staffs to not move Oswald except unannounced and under cover of darkness.

    Those two should have been awarded medals for the greatest security failure in American history behind only the JFK one.

    Medals for epic irresponsible negligence and ignorance, and in the minds of millions of shocked Americans who actually watched strip joint owner Jack Ruby shoot Oswald ... disturbingly and extremely suspicious, maybe even to a purposeful degree?

    Where was the court case charging the Dallas PD with extreme negligence resulting in the death of an untried suspect in their custody. The most threatened criminal suspect in American history.

  10. Hoover and LBJ had the goods on JFK.

    The Mafia had the goods on Hoover. Probably on JFK as well with Judyth Exner.

    JFK and RFK had the goods on LBJ.

    Dulles had the goods on ... take a ticket and stand in line.

    E. Howard Hunt had the goods on Nixon.

    Others had the goods on Hunt.

    Mahue had the goods on Nixon and Donald Nixon and who knows who else.

    Nutty, eccentric extreme right-wing Howard Hughes was a CIA front and behind who knows what.

    Texas oil Hunt, Murchison, Byrd ( richest men on Earth at the time ) funded the craziest most extreme right wing JFK hating organizations - JBS, Minutemen.

    Murchison's El Charro resort in La Jolla, CA catered to Hoover, Mafia and who knows who else in the dark world of corruption. Commie threat obsessed fanatic JFK and RFK hating General Ed Walker was one of their puppets.

    Ed Clark had the goods on everything Texas.

    What a GD Machiavellian crazy corrupt cesspool/circus!

    "Oh what a tangled web we weave when first we practice to deceive."




  11. 1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Kenny O'Donnell quote?

    "I’m 43 years old, and I’m the healthiest candidate for President in the United States. You’ve traveled with me enough to know that. I’m not going to die in office. So the Vice-Presidency doesn’t mean anything. I’m thinking of something else, the leadership of the Senate. If we win, it will be by a small margin, and I won’t be able to live with Lyndon Johnson as the leader of a small majority in the Senate. Did it occur to you that if Lyndon Johnson becomes the Vice President, I’ll have Mike Mansfield as the leader in the Senate, somebody I can trust and depend on?"

    This sounds like something JFK would say imo.

    The above quote sounds like something JFK would think and say imo.

  12. These polls showing a tighter race than the 6% point Trump advantage leading ones are missing a grave point.

    That is that the huge money Trump/Repub machine is making sure the most important states that were lost by no more than 20,000 votes and which gave Biden the electoral vote in 2020 will "not" be lost again.

    Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan ...

    I have heard interviews of Repub campaign officials in which they state they are doing whatever it takes to swing those states and their electors back to Trump this November.

    They aren't concerned with winning the popular vote.

    Same old tactic the Repubs used to take the Presidency in 2,000 and 2016.

    Gore beat Bush with the popular vote and Hillary beat Trump in the popular vote...by 3 million!

    But winning the popular vote meant nothing as the Repubs won the electoral vote game those years. They KNOW how to win this game.

  13. I am not a Biden hater. I am not a Harris hater.

    I voted for them in 2020.

    But I trust my own lifetime experience developed common sense.

    For the last year I have been observing Biden whenever he appeared on television.

    His physical and mental decline is now astoundingly pronounced and to a seriously disabled degree imo.

    If Biden was a beloved relative or friend and didn't have a massive support staff at his beck and call 24/7 I would understand his loving wife hiring in-home nursing aides to help her take care and watch over him, especially when he is walking. And perhaps moving them both into an assisted living situation if they could afford this.

    In 2020 I felt Biden was much less physically vigorous and mentally quick and sharp versus almost every other primary candidate to the point of feeling concern about him taking on such an epically demanding job as President for four years.

    I did not vote for Biden in our primary.

    I did vote for Biden in the final election. As much to keep his only 3 years younger psychopathic opponent from regaining the office of the Presidency as to getting our country back to a more working-class considering policy agenda versus one blatantly favoring the top 1%.

    However, in my view Biden has declined in every way in the last 4 years. ( especially this last year ) to a point of disbelief that anyone could not see how feeble and fragile he has actually become.

    I didn't need to see Biden's unprecedented physically and cognitively diminished performance in the debacle debate to determine this reality. I had already concluded such just by watching him on TV the last year.

    I challenge anyone who watched Biden in the Decline-Gate debate to tell me "with all honesty" they think Biden wasn't that bad and that he won't get worse as nature takes it's natural aging degenerative course. As it has in the last 4 years.

    Biden's not going to miraculously get any stronger physically and mentally. He just isn't. Only worse.

    Yes, under the right preparatory conditions and in brief spurts he can be presented in a slightly sharper light. But this is not the true reality of his full major decline overall. And every rational, honest and responsibly concerned person knows this.

    I watched Biden give a brief, scripted and teleprompter guided speech at a rally in North Carolina a day or two after his debate debacle. Okay, he sounded better than he did in the debate, but imo not THAT much. He was in his rested day time state. Which his family and staff stated was between 10:am and 4:pm. Another time frame I read for his daytime alertness was 11:am to 5:pm.

    Biden took no questions. He rushed off asap afterwards.

    I also watched Biden being interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on ABC TV.

    I saw the same decline issues I saw in the Great Debate!

    Except Biden's face had color due to a very good makeup makeover.

    Now we have him speaking at the Nato conference.

    I watched this. Again, I didn't see some "hugely" improved and stronger performance. Better than debate? Yes - of course.

    Some media spokespersons have stated that the real test of Biden's cognitive sharpness will be when he gives an audience an hour and 1/2 of unscripted, non-teleprompter assisted answers to their questions.

    And maybe having him do this outside of his only 6 hour window of rested alertness?

    The downplaying of Biden's true level of decline is being pushed and promoted so aggressively it disturbs my sense of honest reality.

    The defeat of Trump this election is the most important American political issue in my lifetime.

    The consequences of the psychopathic, sociopathic Trump being elected into the office of the Presidency would be catastrophic.

    Truly, I am "praying" whoever runs on the Democratic ticket ( even if it is Biden ) wins this election. And looking at the polls it seems praying is all most of have left to cling to in this truly scary time.



  14. On 7/6/2024 at 8:20 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    Hey Joe.  I remember you talking about abandoning the forum several years ago, I encouraged you to stay.  Glad I did, you have progressed tremendously as a member.

    I hope your surgery goes well and you have a quick full recovery.  Drawings such as yours of JFK, Jackie and RFK would be a treat.  

    I think I've posted this before in relation to your SF/Monterey location.  No way intended as about your apparently loving and dedicated wife.  Get well soon.


    My own version of "Hey Joe."

    Hey Joe
    Where you going with that pencil in your hand?
    Hey Joe
    I said, where you going with that pencil in your hand?
    I'm going down to sketch my old lady
    You know, I caught her messin around with my left over Chinese take-out food
    I'm going down to sketch my old lady
    You know, I caught her messin around with my left over food.
    And that ain't too good - kind of rude
    Hey Joe
    I heard you sketched your woman messin with your left over Chinese take out food
    And that ain't cool dude.  now
    Hey Joe
    I heard you sketched your woman.
    Messin with your left over food ... dude.
    Yes I did, I sketched her
    You know, I caught her messin around with my left over food.
    Yes I did, I sketched her
    You know, I caught my old lady messin around
    And I sketched her!
    Hey Joe (said now)
    Where you going to run to now?
    Where you going to run to?
    Hey Joe (I said)
    Where you going to run to now?
    Where you, where you going to go?
    Well, dig it
    I'm going way down south
    Way down to Mexican take out taco food land. 
    And nobody messin with my left over food.
    I'm going way down south
    Way down where I can be free to eat and sketch ... anything I please
    You better believe it right now
    I got to go now
    Hey Joe
    You better run on down
    Goodbye everybody, ow!
    Hey Joe, uh
    Run on down - sketch on down...dude.
  15. On 7/6/2024 at 1:22 PM, Douglas Caddy said:

    May be an image of 6 people, fire and text

    For real!

    I have a new American SCOTUS social concern flag idea.

    Lady Justice upside down.

    I'm surprised no one is organizing large number protest demonstrations outside the the SCOTUS building ( and in major cities as well ) between now and the election.

    Banners, signs ( my flag idea ) calling out this infamous six controlled SCOTUS for their abortion ruling, Trump bias rulings, religious bias rulings and just as importantly their unprecedented blatant billionaire pocket stuffing influence corruption.

    I even suggest nationally broadcast "telethons" monthly with major celebrity appearances ( mixed with their moniker performances to keep viewership interests ) expressing concern about the true real threat of Trumpism on our constitutional democracy.

    Young voters are not going to be engaged through 20 second national TV and radio political ads and bumper stickers and mailers.

    A major younger generation appeal celebrity telethon would engage them. Imagine seeing Taylor Swift singing and afterwards personally encouraging more young concern and awareness in this age group of the importance of getting out and voting in this election?

    Citing the most important reasons we have seen in decades.

    Abortion, personal body ownership civil rights, gun control, income disparity, student loans, no one-above-the-law sanctity, extreme Trump bias, selective religious group bias and super wealthy billionaire influence corruption of our Supreme Court Six and on and on.

    Too much of our vote eligible society is just not being informed of what's truly at stake in this election. This black hole of personal risk awareness can only result in non-voting apathy. Favoring the super aggressive Trump base which will vote even if they need an ambulance to do so.

    This election will need much more than traditional campaign ads, buttons, flyers and mailers, bumper stickers and yard signs to get out the democracy threatening Trump cult countering vote. 

    Huge number participation national public demonstrations, national TV telethons, SCOTUS demonstrations, Diners, Drive Ins and Dives and Cops type reality show inventiveness. How about a 10 part "American Greed" expose on Trump and his family empire corruption over the decades?

    "60 Minutes" Trump warning appearances.

    Mass public speaking appearances and national media reported signed statements of 1,000 retired military Generals and Admirals warning the American public about the danger of electing the self-interest military manipulating and disrespecting Trump?

    John McCain was no hero!" "Heroes don't get captured!" 

    Like the old Deniece Williams pop song..."It's Going To Take A Miracle" this election to save us from this Trump madness.

    "Yes, it's gonna take a miracle" la la la.

    "Yes, it's going to take a miracle" la la la.
    To make me understand what's at stake

    Why I neeeed to vote ... right now!


    It's Gonna Take a Miracle - YouTube




  16. 5 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:

    The prints were lifted from the right front passenger door where the killer’s hands and arms were according to the witnesses who saw the killer talking to Tippit, and Oswald was excluded as a match to those prints.

    Is this documented as true?

    Maybe Oswald never laid his hands on the car. Just leaned into the window slightly with his hands in his pockets?

    Whoever shot Tippit did so with a hit man's leave-no-chance over-kill training and sociopathic hardness and coldness.

    Three direct hit body shots at maybe 6 feet away close range laid Tippit out on the ground.

    To then walk up close to Tippit's prone upper body while he's probably already unconscious and pump a final "coup de grace" blast into his head is an illogical action for someone who wasn't a hardened hit man imo.

    Gun shots are LOUD. If whoever shot Tippit and did so out of fear alone...I think they would know that those first three shots into Tippit would probably draw a crowd and high tail it out of there in a full speed run.

    A person of that mind set wouldn't take more time than he had to rid himself of his immediate threat, again imo.

    Yet, the shooter isn't satisfied with 3 direct hits into Tippit?

    He uses up an extra few seconds walking right up to his prone upper body and blasting him into Kingdom Come with a close up shot into Tippit's temple?

    And, according to one first hand eyewitness, the shooter then has the cold arrogant unremorseful temerity to say the following as he is quickly walking away from the scene:

    Taxi driver William Scoggins was eating lunch while parked on Patton Avenue.  He testified he saw the officer's patrol car pass by and eventually pull up on the pedestrian. Though Scoggins said he had a limited view, he said he saw the officer get out of the car, heard gunshots and saw the officer fall. Hiding behind his cab, he saw the gunman pass him while muttering either "Poor damn cop" or "Poor dumb cop."  In a lineup, Scoggins later identified that man as Lee Harvey Oswald.


  17. 11 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    But why on Earth would anyone "in the world of black ops" have had any desire (or need) to mill amongst the bystanders in Dealey Plaza at the exact time of the assassination? That makes zero sense (IMO).

    Dealey Plaza would have been the last place on the planet a co-conspirator would want to be during that critical point in time. (And you're surely not suggesting that anyone who would be visible in pictures at street level could possibly have actually been a gunman, are you?)

    If this was a planned black-ops operation of course there would be assets on the ground in Dealey Plaza. Radio operators. Logistic coordinators. Someone watching the entire scene and crowd there to be ready to give the final "Go" order versus a "Stand Down" one?

    The dark complexion man standing next to the "Umbrella" man a possible suspect in this role.

    Pictures of him just after the kill shots show some solid object protruding starkly from his back of coat and/or pants pocket area. Something large enough to be a walkie-talkie. That is what I see in those pictures.The "Dark Complected Man" was seen waving at JFK as he is standing next to the "Umbrella Man ...


    Maybe the Umbrella Man's pumping his umbrella up and down was a visual signal that the hit was " A GO?"JFK Assassination Photo Research Galleries - Dealey Plaza/Umbrella man and (DCM) Dark complected man


    How about others perhaps keeping bystanders from wandering into any area that may have harbored other perps - behind the picket fence for example?

    Men with fake Secret Service credentials were reported up in that area immediately after the shooting.

    How about a similar situation behind the Texas School Book Depository building back entrance to allow for the safe escape of any other possible suspects?

    Others in place throughout the Dallas area to coordinate any other perp escape efforts. Maybe a pilot with a small plane as well for the same reason?

    I believe that some people connected to such nefarious killing activities may very well harbor a sadistic psychopathic proclivity to want to see their bloody hits come down in person.

    Someone like rabid JFK hating Joseph Milteer?

    How did Joseph Milteer Know Preisdent Kennedy Was Going to be Assassinated?, page 1

    Many Mafia hits in public locations will have their planners watching from the crowd. They would get a thrill as this is part of their killer psychopathy.

    E. Howard Hunt lied about where he was on 11/22,1963. His own children stated he wasn't with them on that day. He could have been somewhere in the Dallas area and not necessarily in Dealey Plaza. Maybe Frank Sturgis as well.

    There are 3 people shown in Dealey Plaza ground level bystanders photos that intrigue me.

    William "Rip" Robertson. Just read his covert action bio. Major player in that area.

    Robertson Jr, William Alexander “Rip” – TangoDown63

    There is a super tall character who imo resembles Gerry Patrick Hemming also.Familiar Faces in Dealey Plaza

    Maybe David Morales?

    When was this photo of Dealey Plaza taken? - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum

    Who knows who else.

    Was Lansdale in Dealey Plaza? - Page 7 - JFK Assassination Debate - The Education Forum

  18. The Dallas DA Henry Wade would have rushed a murder charge trial regards Oswald's killing Tippit first and immediately.

    Oswald would be found guilty of that crime in a one hour jury deliberation decision.

    Wade would have requested a "Death Penalty" sentence and gotten this easily.

    Oswald would have to carry that monstrously damning "cop killer" moniker with him all throughout a following JFKA trial.

    Oswald could never overcome that kind of "cop killer" guilty conviction jury bias in the JFKA case.

    Aside from that I think the only thing that might have given Oswald any chance of a less than death penalty conviction in the JFKA case might be if he could somehow "prove" his claim (regards what he told the world the late night of 11,22,1963 inside the Dallas Police building headquarters) that he was ..."just a patsy!"

    If Oswald truly believed he was a patsy one could logically assume he would in the least have some idea about who set himself up as one. Could you imagine if Oswald started naming names?

    If I was Oswald's attorney I would take jurors back to New Orleans during the summer of 1963.

    Oswald engaged with so many shady characters and was involved with so many shady activities there one would have to be blind and stupid to not "at least consider" the possibility that his actions and connections there just months before 11,22,1963 were in some way related to his actions two months later.

    Right after Oswald left NO and went to Mexico City and then moved to Oak Cliff he somehow gets a job in a building that couldn't have been a more perfectly located one along the JFK motorcade route with a perfect deserted higher floor allowing for the set-up of a hidden sniper's nest with a perfect "turkey shoot" view shot at the wide-open JFK?

    A high floor building with open windows just above JFK's slowed down limo passing underneath? A building that didn't draw one security person's ( out of hundreds ) scrutiny in anyway both minutes before and during JFK's passing beneath it?

    I would also find and present Sylvia Odio and her sister Annie as witnesses to a possible collaboration between Oswald and others.

    Lastly, I would investigate one last collaborative or patsy set up angle.

    It's one that could only be used today with advancements in facial recognition technology. I would have as many faces in the ground level bystander crowds in Dealey Plaza scanned to see if any would reveal any nefarious characters in the world of black ops. And I would do the same with the Oswald NO leaflet passing photos near the N.O. International Trade  Mart.

    If it could be scientifically proved that Oswald's Texas School book Depository supervisor Bill Shelley is standing with Oswald there... Houston...we have a problem.


  19. On 7/7/2024 at 12:47 PM, Cliff Varnell said:

    William, I stand corrected.

    Olivia Nuzzi is an excellent journalist.  Joe's gotta go.

    Harris-Shapiro '24.

    Biden himself keeps cluelessly bolstering the legitimacy of his "please leave"' detractors.

    He jokingly admits that he isn't as sharp as he used to be. He says he needs more sleep.

    He complains that his 10 day world travel agenda trip ending one week before the debate took so much out of him it negatively affected his energy levels...a week later?!

    Okay...how about a President that can handle that typical high energy requirement task?

    Biden dismisses his unprecedented feeble-minded looking and sounding disaster in the debate as simply..." a bad night."

    A bad night? 

    The most important massive national audience event in the campaign - blown?

    You had one chance to show the already concerned American people your vigor viability...and instead you shook them with the opposite... and you can't get it back!

    When asked by George Stephanopoulos ( again with a huge national audience ) if he has the stamina to handle another 4 year term...Biden skirted answering the question directly and instead went on and on about his accomplishments the last 4 years. Did he even understand the question?

    The question was - could he assure America he is totally fit to perform the demanding duties of a President "for the entire next 4 years?"

    Biden's admission that his 10 day foreign nation trek took too much out of him is a starkly sad revealing he is not up to par for all his duties ... even now!

    Biden's family and most ardent loyalists came right out and said Biden's full cognitive energy time is between 10:AM to 4:PM...or 11: AM to 5:PM?

    By 8:PM Biden's ready for bed?  Done for the day? Don't ask him questions after the late afternoon?

    How could they be so clueless about the national consciousness impact of such a powerfully negative diminished capacity admission like that?

    Is it too much to ask and expect a President to be sharp-minded for more than 6 hours a day?

    When Biden ran in 2020 there were millions of Democratic party voters ( like me ) that felt he was too old for the office even back then. But, with a choice between a 78 year old Biden versus an only 3 year younger psychopath...the choice was easy.

    Biden tried to present a youthful vigor image in 2020 by riding his bike a few times with lots of press coverage. Until he fell off of it and injured himself. Now, 4 years later there is no way they are going to put Biden on a two-wheeled bicycle. His physical decline is that progressed.  Heck, he can barely "walk" straight and steady for more than a short distance

    Biden's facial, hand, arm and entire body movements are so slow now compared to 4 years ago ( even 1 year ago ) and they were slow then!

    Love Biden. Voted for him. But it is screamingly obvious now he may not make it even another year at the decline rate he is exhibiting. He's even struggling making it through the last 6 months of his campaign!

    Harris's people are so aggressively pushing her to be the candidate they are even making not so veiled threats to the Democratic party regards their party loyalty if a white person is chosen ahead of Harris.

    I hate that position. I think the other 75 million people who align with the Democratic party deserve to have a much more inclusive say about who they think the "best winning chance" candidate should be.

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