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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I was a poor kid growing up in Pacific Grove, Ca. from the mid-50's through the late 60s.

    I was never able to go to Candlestick Park in San Francisco to see a game back then. But, a few friends and I would listen to their games on a transistor radio on weekends and during the summer just knocking around our little town.

     We of course grew up listening to Russ Hodges and Lon Simmons broadcast the games and those two guys made these games so exciting sounding. 

    We knew we were living at a time when baseball was big and loaded with superstars. Our Giants had Mays, McCovey, Marichal, Gaylord ( he must have given his parents hell for that name ) Perry, Orlando Cepeda, Bobby Bonds...just loaded.

    Every time Mays came up to bat Russ Hodges and Lon Simmons would take on an almost second coming reverence demeaner, as if any second Mays might perform one of his hitting miracles ( a home run ) and when he did both of these guys would go absolutely bananas yelling "Tell It Bye Bye Baby!" ...or  "You Can Tell It Goodbye" and all you would hear for a minute or so was the stadium crowd cheering wildly.

    Really exciting...even listening to it on a tinny sounding little radio!

    Mays had an energy about him. When he came up to bat the entire crowd hushed and watched his every move. And it was this way in every ballpark in the country.

    Fans of other teams knew Mays was simply one of the greatest players in baseball history...and they liked, respected and appreciated him.

    In 1970, a group of young fellows I worked with organized a trip to Candlestick Park to see the Giants and I luckily got to go with them. The date was May 23rd, 1970. I was 18.

    Wow! My Giants ( and especially Mays) did their thing...in spades! Mays four hits including two home runs, McCovey two home runs, Kenny Henderson home run, Bobby Bonds 3 hits and a couple of stolen bases!

    The Giants scored 16 runs that day!

    I almost peed my pants with cheering excitement!

    But hold on to your hat ... the Giants LOST the game! 17 to 16!

    The San Diego Padres did just as well. Nate Colbert two home runs, Ceto Gaston two home runs and others!  

    The game went into extra innings. Most of the 25,000 fans had left by the end of the game. Hoarse from yelling during every explosive back and forth inning.

    By the time of the last inning there were maybe just  1 or 2 thousand fans ( it got windy and cold ) huddled behind home plate. During that last inning and just for fun to check out the stadium, I walked all the way up to the highest seat in the park and sat there all by myself. I didn't know if the game was broadcast to the San Diego area but if it was I would think the TV camera may have seen me up there. I contemplated doing something ... well... teen age wild to give the San Diego Padre TV watching fans something really exciting to see if they did.

    Anyway, the Giants FIRED their head coach "Clyde King" the very next day after that fiasco of a game!

    And to think Juan Marichal "started" as the Giant's pitcher...before being bombed out himself.

    My next game at Candlestick I sat in the Giants radio broadcast booth with Hank Greenwald and Dave Glass. It was my 34th birthday ( 9/21/1985) and this was a Giant game gift package someone purchased for me on the SF public broadcast station KQED during one of their fundraising drives.

    They also flashed a "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOE BAUER " greeting to me on the stadium scoreboard during the seventh inning stretch.

    Before the game I had lunch in the Stadium Club and drank so much vodka I was smashed the entire rest of the game in the radio booth. The radio announcers saw how out of it I was and purposely didn't mention me except once on the radio as a big birthday present person.

    Hank Greenwald asked me if I was enjoying the game and all I could utter was the most slurring "Ishh.. hick...ishh pretty good...hick!"

    My wife stayed home and listened to the game on the radio and heard me make a fool of myself as I mentioned with that one question from Hank Greenwald and my totally sloshed answer.

    By the way, the Dodgers won that game that day ... 11 to 0!

    Mays never ever seemed to talk or act like an angry black man. He was the same affable, friendly, fun and patient person to everyone. Every baseball fan in Northern California loved the guy. Including me.

    Below see the actual Giants Team box score from the May 23rd,1970, 17 to 16 score Giants-Padres game I described above.

    San Francisco Giants ab   r   h rbi
    Bonds rf 8 2 3 2
    Hunt 2b 8 2 3 3
    Mays cf 6 3 4 4
    McCovey 1b 8 1 2 4
    Henderson lf 7 2 2 1
    Dietz c 6 1 2 0
    Fuentes 3b,ss 6 2 3 0
    Lanier ss 3 1 1






  2. 1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

    Notice the Freudian slip Mrs. Harvey uttered at the end of this interview video?

    She says " He ( Roselli ) had been recruited by some guy in the FBI for assassination purposes...on Kennedy."                  ..."Er-uh...I mean Castro."

    I wonder if the guy Mrs. Harvey is referring to above was Robert Maheu?

  3. 2 hours ago, Michael Griffith said:

    This is both revealing and fascinating. Thanks for posting this. 

    Notice the Freudian slip Mrs. Harvey uttered at the end of this interview video?

    She says " He ( Roselli ) had been recruited by some guy in the FBI for assassination purposes...on Kennedy."                  ..."Er-uh...I mean Castro."

  4. In reading more about Bill Harvey I came across this anecdotal reference to General Lansdale. That he ( Lansdale ) once referred to Harvey as "America's James Bond."

    JFK's extreme and uncontrollable compulsion for having quicky sex with random women here and abroad while married clearly drove many of his enemies into even more of a tizzy angst toward him.

    Like Wild Bill Harvey.

    Yet, Harvey loved and palled around with a Mafioso Capo who probably bedded more women than JFK ever did?

    I recently viewed the 2,000 film "13 days" written by David Self.

    Here is a summary:

    While the film carries the same title as the 1969 book Thirteen Days by former Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy, it is in fact based on the 1997 book, The Kennedy Tapes: Inside the White House During the Cuban Missile Crisis, by Ernest R. May and Philip D. Zelikow. It is the second docudrama made about the crisis, the first being 1974's The Missiles of October, which was based on Kennedy's book. The 2000 film contains some newly declassified information not available to the earlier production, but takes greater dramatic license, particularly in its choice of O'Donnell as protagonist. It received generally positive reviews from critics who praised the screenplay and performances of the cast but was a box-office bomb grossing $66.6 million against its $80 million budget.

    If the film is halfway accurate of the real event I have always been struck by the level of anger and resentment toward JFK and Bobby Kennedy by so many in the top echelons of power who opposed JFK's response to the Russian Cuba missile buildup at that time. Including several of the Joint Chiefs Of Staff and especially General Curtis LeMay. LeMay was depicted in the film as simply seething with anger and even hate toward JFK. Seeing him as much a traitor as anything else.

    It's so easy to look back and see the reality of a level of hate toward JFK from so many of the power elite in this country that surely reached "Death Wish" heights.

    Especially during the Bay Of Pigs, the firing of CIA head Allen Dulles, the Cuban missile crisis, the Oxford, Mississippi riots (with involuntary commitment of General Edwin Walker to a mental ward) and other school integration interventions by JFK and RFK, JFK's lowering the big Texas oil tax depletion allowance, Bobby's all out crack down on organized crime, and throw in another dozen actions by JFK that drove his enemies here in the U.S. to such deep anger and resentment toward him, it is surely logical and highly probable that the subject of JFK's removal while in office took place in their private back room conversations.

    This highest power level JFK hatred was that extreme and a reality, based on documented facts. Which strengthens the proposal that JFK was likely taken out by someone in our own society versus a foreign one. JFK ( and RFK ) was "hated" on a higher level and by highest level power groups in this country much more than abroad.


  5. There is a remarkable interview ( even mind blowing imo ) accessible on You Tube of the widow of William King Harvey, C.G. Harvey, a former CIA employee herself who worked on "Operation Paperclip."

    In her last years she was incredibly, even viciously critical of JFK, JACKIE KENNEDY and RFK. She described them as "really scum."

    Obviously reflecting her deceased husband's similar personal views of the Kennedys.

    C.G. Harvey also stated in this interview that "Bobby Kennedy and my husband were absolutely enemies. Pure enemies." And that Bobby was "an idiot."

    She and her husband much more respected and preferred the company of Mafioso capo ( under Chicago Outfit head Sam Giancana ) John Roselli ( real name Filippo Sacco- Mafia nickname "Handsome Johnny" ) who Mrs. Harvey still affectionately remembered as simply "Johnny." 

    "I loved Roselli."

    "Roselli definitely was Mafia. He definitely was a crook. And he definitely pulled off all kinds of stunts with the Mafia but" ... "Johnny was a real patriot" she warmly recalled.

    ( yes, you read that right...incredible!")

    "My husband ( Bill Harvey ) used to say if I had to ride shotgun, that's the guy ( Roselli ) I would take with me."

    Think about the reality of this top CIA man in Rome and his wife's personal hatred of the Kennedy's and yet at the same time, their love and devotion to a Mafioso big shot like Roselli. 

    If that perverse hate filled disloyalty toward one's own president versus love and respect for a high level organized crime figure dichotomy doesn't disturb your sense of JFK danger amongst his own agency hierarchy...what would?

    Another thing about Harvey's widow that sickened me was her total lack of feeling for Jackie Kennedy and her children's suffering and loss on 11,22,1963.

    Here is a woman near the end of her life...and she cannot say anything good or even slightly sorry about the brutally traumatized Jackie Kennedy except to call her "scum?"

    You'd think a woman might mellow in a more female bonding empathetic way into her last days toward a woman with young children who suffered so much pain and loss on 11,22,1963.

    Jackie lost her husband at the young age of just 34! And in such a beyond words brutal and traumatic way. What if Mrs. Harvey had suffered a similar pain and loss?

    But to Mrs. Harvey ... she still could not give Jackie Kennedy one word of older age female kindness tolerance empathy and instead referred to her as "really scum." What a cold hearted *****!

    It's truly important to watch the following William Harvey historical perspective interview. In fact I urge you to do so.

    In this world-exclusive video, JFK Facts presents a fascinating interview with C.G. Harvey, the widow of legendary CIA officer William King Harvey. Clara Grace Harvey was a CIA officer herself who worked on Operation Paperclip, the agency’s program to evacuate scientists from Nazi Germany.


  6. There is a remarkable interview ( even mind blowing imo ) accessible on You Tube of the widow of the William King Harvey. C.G. Harvey, a former CIA employee herself who worked on "Operation Paperclip."

    In her last years she was incredibly, even viciously critical of JFK, JACKIE KENNEDY and RFK. She described them as "really scum."

    Obviously reflecting her deceased husband's similar personal views of the Kennedys.

    C.G. Harvey also stated in this interview that "Bobby Kennedy and my husband were absolutely enemies. Pure enemies." And that Bobby was "an idiot."

    She and her husband much more respected and preferred the company of Mafioso capo John Roselli ( real name Filippo Sacco- Mafia nickname "Handsome Johnny" ) who Mrs. Harvey still affectionately remembered as simply "Johnny." 

    "I loved Roselli"

    "Roselli really was Mafia. And he really did pull off some real shenanigans but" ... "Johnny" was a "real patriot" she warmly recalled.

    ( yes, you read that right...incredible!")

    "My husband ( Bill Harvey ) used to say if he needed someone to watch his back" that's the guy ( Roselli ) I would take with me."

    Think about the reality of this top CIA man in Rome and his wife's personal hatred of the Kennedy's and yet at the same time, their love and devotion to a Mafioso big shot like Roselli. 

    If that perverse hate filled disloyalty toward one's own president versus love and respect for a high level organized crime figure dichotomy doesn't disturb your sense of JFK danger amongst his own agency hierarchy...what would?

    Another thing about Harvey's widow that sickened me was her total lack of feeling for Jackie Kennedy and her children's suffering and loss on 11,22,1963.

    Here is a woman near the end of her life...and she cannot say anything good or even slightly sorry about the brutally traumatized Jackie Kennedy except to call her "scum?"

    You'd think a woman might mellow in a more female bonding empathetic way into her last days toward a woman with young children who suffered so much pain and loss on 11,22,1963.

    Jackie lost her husband at the young age of just 34! And in such a beyond words brutal and traumatic way. What if Mrs. Harvey had suffered a similar pain and loss?

    But to Mrs. Harvey ... she still could not give Jackie Kennedy one word of older age female kindness tolerance empathy and instead referred to her as "really scum." What a cold hearted *****!

    It's truly important to watch the following William Harvey historical perspective interview. In fact I urge you to do.

    In this world-exclusive video, JFK Facts presents a fascinating interview with C.G. Harvey, the widow of legendary CIA officer William King Harvey. Clara Grace Harvey was a CIA officer herself who worked on Operation Paperclip, the agency’s program to evacuate scientists from Nazi Germany.



  7. More than one Parkland nurse claimed she saw an intact bullet.

    Connally's own lead surgeon himself later claimed there was no way CE-399 could have caused all of Connally's bone injuries.

    Connally's last wound in the thigh could not have been made by a 95% intact bullet of like CE-399. Especially since it did not enter straight on. Connally's lead surgeon knew this fact.

    CE-399 changed direction so many times due to bone deflection ... and we are told to accept that it entered Connally's inner thigh without a much wider entry wound?

    And why the two different "chain of custody" reports? 

    And Jack Ruby whacked Lee Oswald right inside the Dallas Police Department building only to show the world "Jews had guts?"

  8. Did Banister's wife ever say anything about her husband's medical history?

    Had he ever been diagnosed with any heart issues?

    Just a thought:

    Banister had a mistress sexual affair relationship with his much younger in age secretary Delphine Roberts didn't he?          Delphine Roberts


    Since Bannister was found naked and alone and away from his wife and home,  could his death have been a Nelson Rockefeller/Megan Marshack type situation?

    Marshack didn't stick around either when NR went into cardiac arrest.

  9. 23 minutes ago, Stu Wexler said:

     My guess (look who bought/gave Sirhan the gun) is that he was protecting family. 

    Protecting family? Please elaborate.

    His own family? So, the RFK killing was a family operation?

    If only the LAPD had taken the paper bag of clothes, including the polka dot dress more seriously and kept it as part of the RFK evidence cache.

    Maybe down the road they could have found some DNA material from it?

    Or maybe tracked where such clothing and other accessory items could have been sold in the LA area around that time. Who knows...maybe a sales clerk would have remembered selling the dress combo and related items and to whom?


  10. Frank Sinatra couldn't contain his personal hatred toward Dorothy Kilgallen.

    Kilgallen had crossed a line with her linking Sinatra to the Mob.

    Sinatra would publicly disparage Kilgallen in the most insulting way. His most famous and oft-repeated insult was calling her "Chinless Wonder."

    Kilgallen had the same powerful enemies JFK had.

    The Mob...and J. Edgar Hoover.

    Hoover hated the Kennedy's and the Kennedy's hated Hoover.

    I propose that both the Kennedy's and Kilgallen underestimated the threat of having these most powerful entities look upon them as mortal enemies.

    JFK had even more powerful enemies. Way more.


    It took only two of these dark power entities to off Kilgallen.

    Kilgallen would not have allowed herself to over-dose on booze and pills.

    Besides having two children in their twenties, she had a very young son only 12 years old ( Kerry ) whom she adored. She would not put her children in such a vulnerable state of losing her and she had enough self-control to know her limit. 

    DK was only 52 when she died. She had not been diagnosed with any major and/or pain causing health problems like terminal cancer. She was never diagnosed with any serious mental illness. All common reasons that may have explained someone not caring enough to control their liquor and sedative drug intakes to the point of over-dosing.

    Marilyn Monroe was of the latter mental afflictions. She was using drugs to cope...to a more and more debilitating degree. If Marilyn had a child or children...my guess is that her motherly instincts would have probably made her take better care of herself and her mind set...for her children's sake.

    Kilgallen's real love for her children, especially her youngest son Kerry is just another logical reason to doubt her putting herself in a life and death risking state of overdosing. The woman was drugged to death by someone else. And we all know it.

  11. Of course Killgallen's files instantly went missing. Standard operating procedure.

    Taken by "men in suits" ???

    Which means of course that it wasn't the New York PD that came in and took them away.

    Of course, those men in suits were from agencies beyond the scope of the NYPD.

    Why would such agencies instantly get involved in DK's death scene and grab her files...let alone know of their existence and location?

    Killgallen's files being taken is one of the most obvious red flags suggesting something much more involved than Dorothy K. ending her life by over-boozing and over-pilling herself.

    Why were those agencies even involved with DK. She had committed no crime.

    This was a death scene of a New York City resident. The NYPD alone should have been task with any removal of DK's personal property.

    Were Kilgallen's files ever seen again? Mark Shaw and maybe someone else claimed Killgallen's husband Richard Kollmar got them and destroyed them.

    Remember when the naked Guy Bannister was found dead of a heart attack? His files were also quickly absconded with and never seen again as well. Men in suits. Agency men...of course.

  12. I came across an interview of Gary Patrick Hemming recently on You Tube.

    What a rough-edged crude talking blowhard! Every other word seemed to be SOB and M. F'n Bast***.

    Yet, he certainly did most of the things he claims and saw and interacted with most of the main nefarious characters involved with the Cuba thing.

    One thing he bragged about caught my ear. He mentioned Sylvia Odio. Said he knew her while she and her family were still living in Cuba. He first had to mention his infatuation with her. She was one good looking broad.

    He says she drove him clear across Cuba. Just the two of them.

    I wish the interviewer had asked Hemming straight up..."Do you believe Sylvia Odio and her sister Anna's account of the three men knocking on her Oak Cliff apartment door one even in September,1963? One of the men being introduced to her as Leon Oswald?"


  13. 12 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Hi Joe, hope you are doing well.. 

    Can you point out some parts in this interview that are what you are referring to? 

    Thank you for the well wishes.

    From here on out it is a matter of trying to adjust my mind in accepting certain physical and emotional set-back conditions as permanent and learning to live with them as best as I can. Not everyone who hits 70 is blessed with good health unfortunately.

    Regards finding the Patrick Bet-David interview of Clint Hill where Bet-David asks Hill about his book "Mrs. Kennedy And Me" and starts off by saying "It looks to me like you were in love with Jackie Kennedy" I simply cannot find it anywhere.

    I've spent the last 45 minutes scouring the internet for the interview with zero results. 

    Kind of weird.

    I KNOW I viewed that interview. I KNOW Bet-David said to Hill those exact words.

    Hill was kind of speechless when asked the question. He stumbled a little and simply said..."No." The inferred subject was instantly dropped.

    I speculated the same view of Hill feeling much more intimate toward Jackie Kennedy after being so physically close to her for years.

    Jackie was just 31 when Hill was assigned to her. Hill just 28! Both in their physical beauty prime. Both were extremely athletic and good looking. Jackie was simply stunning.

    Hill was so close to the family he at times had to play the part of fill-in father to Jackie's two children in a sense of protective closeness and even playfulness when JFK was off doing other things.

    Hill seemed enamored by Jackie. His assignment to protect her included accompanying her at times side-by-side on many world-wide trips, often by themselves with JFK elsewhere.

    Hill seemed to enjoy being close to that kind of exciting, first-class accommodations lifestyle himself.   Who wouldn't?

    All I could reference to in my guess of Hill's affection for Jackie Kennedy was to put myself in many of the one-on-one scenes ( Jackie and himself ) he describes in his book.

    The scene where Jackie and Hill are traveling somewhere together by chauffeured car and at some point Jackie asks Hill to get in the back seat with her, and then to give her a cigarette and then light it for her ... and obviously conversing about what? Jackie's personal feelings about who knows what?

    I'm sorry, if I was just inches from sexy voiced Jackie Kennedy ( one of the most beautiful women on Earth at the time ) and sharing cigarettes and small but relaxed talk in that close of a space where I could smell her perfume...I couldn't help but be totally taken by her.

    At 28 to 31 I was in heat all the time. Jackie was just 3 years older than Hill.

    Jackie was no Maime Eisenhower. No Eleanor Roosevelt.

    She was simply one of the most stunningly beautiful, classy and attractive women on Earth. And right in the middle of her still young adult prime of 31 to 34 when Hill was assigned to her.

    It may very well be that Clint Hill was able to keep his inner feelings of attraction toward Jackie in check. And if so, good for him.

    Personally I just know I couldn't have. 

    Daily seeing Jackie's goddess beauty face, hearing her soft breathy voice, smelling her fabulous perfume ... I would had to have quit that assignment under tortured physical attraction and desire craving duress.



  14. 2 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    This is so superficial, looking for key words, like "America first" to compare Trump with JFK. JFK would be repelled with Trump!

    Sorry, JFK was not a radical! His negative rating with the country at the time of his death was not one fiftieth of what Trump's currently is, (that's why it was received as such a shock!) and was largely confined to one geographical area of the country (the South) and a relative handful of rabid anti-communists.


  15. 49 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:


    Some men never compromise.. that Cope💯

    That is what is happening here Cliff it's a form of Cognitive Dissidence

    "Traitor" That's what the people who killed JFK said about him and his back Channel with Russia and what you are using to call the only President since Kennedy to be attacked by the Alphabet agencies like CIA 

    If JFK was alive today he would be called the same as Trump "Christian White Nationalist" 

    So there you have it LMAO you and Jim and your Democratic Party has more in common with David Ferrie and J Edgar Hoover than JFK and You hate us because you ain't us: "America first Conservatives" 


    Patrick Bet-David. Right wing shill.

    I remember the "first thing" Bet-David said to Clint Hill to start off his interview of Hill regards Hill's book "Mrs. Kennedy And Me!"

    After reading your book ... "It sounds to me like you were in love with Jackie Kennedy."

    A view I agree with. One of only a few however.

    I've watched so many of Bet-David's interviews. I used to believe he was a politically objective interviewer.

    Yet, more and more he is expressing and interjecting his own point of views during his pod casts that clearly reveal his own leanings and imo they are clearly pro-Trump and all that embodies.




  16. 8 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    It's a Debate Forum Cliff [Emphasis Added] lol

    This is like Perry Mason trial where you just exposed yourself!

    ANYWAYS..Back to Jeffery Sachs (The topic of the thread) 


    Trump above saying he is going to release 9-11 files, JFK files and Jeffrey Epstein files?

    Typical Trump pure BS hogwash!

    The man's credibility is 100 points "below" zero

    "I'm going to release my tax returns." Nothing for 6 years until the courts ordered him to do so. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. I never said "lock her up." I never slept with Stormy Daniels. I never met nor touched E. Jean Carroll. Lies X 10,000!

    He just says "anything" no matter how desperately disingenuous , crazy and ridiculous sounding to further his obsessive need to be the center of attention, richer and most important of all... "not" a loser.

    Sorry, just can't see the above desperate Trump image damage repairing propaganda videos without calling them out for what they are.


  17. I remember listening to a recorded call from a lady staff person ( switch board?) employed at the Ambassador hotel to the L.A.P.D. just after JFK was shot.

    It went something like this:

    We've had a shooting. Senator Robert Kennedy has been shot. Robert Kennedy.

    I am not kidding you...the male officer ( dispatcher? ) answering the call said:

    "Big Deal!"   In a totally dismissive even hateful tone. As to the caller mentioning Robert Kennedy by name.

    No sympathy for RFK's shooting in any way. So cold blooded.

    The L.A.P.D. at that time was as Kennedy hating as Dallas in November, 1963.

    American history publications don't come close to revealing how far right, racist and Kennedy hating the L.A.P.D. was up until the 70's at least. Remember Sam Yorty?


  18. My wife was just 13 and traveling with her family in Europe when RFK was hit. They were in Rome. She said every newspaper had huge headlines for days. She said from what they could see everyone in that city was devastated. She sensed they felt America was lost. 

  19. 3 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    . . . Crime syndicates across the country relied on certain elements within law enforcement to turn a blind eye, and Dallas was no exception, as evidenced by the remarks of Pat Gannaway, the head of the division that was purported to be dedicated to uncovering and impeding organized crime. It is well documented that for decades, a number of noted Dallas business and social elite enjoyed the pastime of gambling and the attendant vices. Of particular interest are the oilmen identified during inquiries of the House Select Committee on Assassinations when they learned from Jack Ruby’s Havana gambling friend Lewis McWillie that Billy Byars, H. L. Hunt and Sid Richardson all gambled at Benny Binion’s legendary Top of the Hill Terrace located west of Dallas when it was managed by McWillie between 1940 and 1958. McWillie was also asked about Murchison and Toddie Wynne Sr. and their friendship with Civello capo Joe Campisi. – Coup in Dallas

    Louis McWillie was a much more important and connected to the top Mafia and Texas oil cabal figures than is generally reported.

    Head of a Mafia hotel in Havana. 18 years as top Mafia gambling figure in Dallas. Big shot Mafia man in Vegas after the JFKA.

    No wonder Jack Ruby considered McWillie his main mentor all those years.

    McWillie was a somebody in that world. A guy Ruby would surely think had "class."


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