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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 3 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

     If he actually was looking under the cars how could he miss the jacket? My guess is he embellishes his stories.  >>> He did work for a used car lot.<<<

    "He did work for a used car lot."


    Is there any more bottom-of-the-barrel sales position than that of "used car salesman?"

    It's always been a traditional American cultural joke that there is no lower integrity sales job.  Lower than building lots in the desert, life insurance to the near-death elderly, refrigerators to Eskimos, you name it.

    One could be a convicted felon and be hired to sell used cars without even submitting a resume.

    My brother once traded in a junker to a used car salesman.

    The very next buyer of that car had the engine blow up with huge plumes of black smoke billowing right in the middle of an intersection within two days of purchasing it. That furious buyer threatened the used car lot seller to give him his money back ..."or else."

    The used car seller did a background check on the car and called up my brother in a screaming rage ..."Hey you SOB...you didn't tell me you bought that car from a junkyard!"

    My brother chimed back..."you didn't ask!"

    Same answer FBI agent James Hosty gave when asked by a later JFKA hearing committee why he didn't tell the Warren Commission he destroyed his Dallas office's Oswald file the day of Oswald's killing by Jack Ruby...."they didn't ask!"

  2. 2 hours ago, Robert Morrow said:

    "...if Adlai Stevenson had been Vice President, Kennedy would still be

    alive today."

    That is a remarkable and potentially bombshell quote by Ruby.

    Of all the statements Ruby made after his conviction, this one really stops you as it is a direct indictment of LBJ in the JFKA.

    There is no debate about it's message.

    It begs you to ponder the motivational genesis of it. 

    In what possible way could Ruby think making a public statement like this would benefit him? There is no logic in that mindset.

    Was this proclamation of LBJ direct guilt in the JFKA just the ramblings of an extremely mentally deranged Jack Ruby?

    Ruby did say this to the world. It's part of the Jack Ruby truth. One has to at least consider it's possible ramifications.

    E. Howard Hunt also placed LBJ ( and Cord Meyer) in the initial decision making process. Was Hunt nuts too like Jack Ruby?

    In Hunt's case it's easier to consider a motive of financial gain after his death. Hunt was broke. He had nothing to leave his family. Perhaps he thought that a book deal or even movie deal might be presented to his children ( especially his wayward son Saint John ) inspired by his earth shaking claim that LBJ had something to do with the JFKA?





  3. 3 hours ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    I disagree with some of this, and tend to think LBJ was out of the loop, but it is well-presented, and Hornberger has been following the JFKA for many decades. 


    Lyndon Johnson’s Role in the JFK Assassination

    by Jacob G. Hornberger

    April 29,

    Ever since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, a question has naturally arisen: What role, if any, did Vice-President Lyndon Johnson play in the assassination?

    With the publication of Douglas P. Horne’s massive 5-volume book Inside the Assassination Records Review Board, the national-security establishment’s role in the assassination has now been established beyond a reasonable doubt. That’s because Horne meticulously detailed the fraud in the autopsy that the U.S. military carried out on Kennedy’s body on the very evening of the assassination. Horne served on the staff of the ARRB in the 1990s.

    Examples of autopsy fraud set forth by Horne (which are summarized in my book The Kennedy Autopsy) include (1) sneaking JFK’s body into the Bethesda Naval morgue before the official start of the autopsy in order to perform pre-autopsy surgery designed to hide evidence of shots having been fired from Kennedy’s front and (2) two separate brain examinations, the second of which involved someone else’s brain rather than Kennedy’s. Horne’s findings have now been reinforced and built upon in a new book, The Final Analysis by David Mantik, M.D., Ph.D. and Jerome Corsi, Ph.D.

    At the risk of belaboring the obvious, there is no innocent explanation for a fraudulent autopsy. It necessarily means criminal culpability of the national-security establishment in the assassination itself. There is no way around that. That’s how we can definitively conclude that the JFK assassination was one of the national-security establishment’s patented regime-change operations based on what have become the two most important words in the American political lexicon — “national security.” See FFF’s book JFK’s War with the National Security Establishment: Why Kennedy Was Assassinated.”

    But what about Johnson? Was he just an innocent beneficiary of the assassination? Actually not. The circumstantial evidence establishes beyond a reasonable doubt that Johnson himself was up to his neck in the assassination. Johnson had three primary roles in the assassination.

    The first role was to get JFK’s body out of Dallas and deliver it into the hands of the military. Keep in mind that JFK’s murder was a state criminal offense. At that time, it was not a federal crime to assassinate a president. Therefore, no federal agency had any jurisdiction over the crime. That includes the Pentagon, the CIA, and the FBI.

    Under Texas law, the Dallas County Medical Examiner, Dr. Earl Rose, was required to perform an autopsy on JFK’s body. Immediately after JFK was declared dead, Rose announced that he was going to perform the autopsy. A team of Secret Service agents immediately declared that no such autopsy would be permitted. Headed by a Secret Service agent named Roy Kellerman, who was brandishing a Thompson sub-machine gun, the Secret Service team began screaming, yelling, and cussing as they began forcing their way out of Parkland Hospital  with the president’s body, which had been placed in a heavy casket. Rose refused to give ground, insisting, correctly so, that Texas law required him to perform the autopsy before the body could be released. One Secret Service agent physically picked up Rose, carried him to a nearby wall, and wagged his finger in his face. The others pulled back their suit coats to brandish their guns, thereby threatening to use deadly force against anyone who got in their way.

    Kellerman declared that he and his team were simply following orders. There is only one person who could have issued such an extraordinary order to Kellerman — Lyndon Johnson, either directly to Kellerman or indirectly through one of Kellerman’s superiors. Who else would have dared to issue an order that violated state criminal law?

    In fact, Johnson’s own actions confirm that he was the person who issued the order. Once JFK was declared dead, Johnson headed to Love Field, where he ordered seats to be removed from the back of Air Force One to make room for the big casket in which JFK’s body had been placed. Johnson had absolutely no intention of waiting at Love Field for the 2-3 hours that would have been needed to complete the autopsy. He was removing those seats in the full expectation that the casket and the body would be arriving shortly. How would he know that? Because he had to have been the one who issued the order to Kellerman to get the body out of Parkland at all costs and deliver it to Johnson at Love Field.

    The second role that Johnson had was to conjure up the prospect of World War III by suggesting that the assassination might be the first step in a nuclear attack on the United States by the Soviet Union. He first raised this possibility while he was waiting at Parkland Hospital for Kennedy to be declared dead. He raised it again on the way to Love Field.


    Yet, when Johnson arrived at Love Field, his actions belied any such concern. Rather than get up in the air immediately in order to direct America’s defenses and counterattacks to a possible Soviet nuclear attack, he instead lollygagged at Love Field, waiting, first, for a federal judge to arrive and swear him in as president and, second, for JFK’s body to be delivered to him. In fact, JFK was declared dead at 1 p.m. and LBJ waited until 2:47 to take off. That was the action of a person who knew for certain that the assassination could not possibly have been the first stage of a Soviet nuclear attack on the United States. The only way that Johnson could have been so certain is that he knew that it was not the Soviets who committed the assassination.

    Once Johnson arrived at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland, he dutifully delivered JFK’s body into the hands of the military, notwithstanding the fact that the military had absolutely no jurisdiction whatsoever to conduct such an autopsy.

    It was not the last time that LBJ conjured up the possibility that the Soviets or the Cubans had assassinated JFK, however. When he began inducing people to join what became known as the Warren Commission, he once again conjured up the possibility that the assassination had been committed by the Soviet Union or Cuba. Why would he do that? Because that was the way that the plotters were able to get the investigation into the assassination shut down immediately — in order to ostensibly avoid World War III and all-out nuclear war that would come with it.

    How did this ingenious strategy play out? As I detail in my book An Encounter with Evil: The Abraham Zapruder Story, the plot called for shots being fired from the front and the back. That would establish a conspiracy with the supposed communist, Lee Harvey Oswald, a U.S. intelligence agent who the national-security establishment was setting up to take the fall. The only people with whom Oswald would have been supposedly conspiring were the Soviet Union and Cuba. That was the purpose of setting up Oswald in New Orleans and Mexico City as a supposed communist agent.

    Keep in mind that JFK and his brother RFK had initiated Operation Mongoose, whose aim was to oust Cuban leader Fidel Castro from power. Keep in mind also that the CIA had repeatedly tried to assassinate Castro. Thus, Johnson’s second role was to assert that the communists had gotten to JFK first and that if the United States responded to their assassination of JFK, World War III would occur. Therefore, the only way to obviate going to war based on what the Kennedy brothers had started was to immediately shut down the investigation and hide the fact that shots had been fired from the front.

    The third role that LBJ had was to ensure that there would never be an official investigation that could lead to the national-security establishment, including, of course, with respect to the military’s fraudulent autopsy. That was the purpose of appointing former CIA Director Allen Dulles to the Warren Commission. Dulles, who Kennedy had fired after the Bay of Pigs disaster and who loathed Kennedy, ensured that the commission stayed on track with the official lone-nut narrative.

    Finally, it should be noted that if JFK had not been assassinated, it was a virtual certainty that LBJ would have been removed from office, indicted, and convicted for political corruption. In fact, it is also a virtual certainty that Johnson knew that Robert Kennedy, the attorney general, who loathed Johnson, was furnishing evidence of Johnson’s corruption to LIFE magazine. Thus, LBJ, who had a lifelong obsession to become president, had a choice: Go to jail or participate in the assassination of JFK and become president. He chose the latter course of action and, after being elected president in the 1964 election, gave the U.S. national-security establishment what Kennedy had refused to do–its war in Vietnam.

    Isn't this exactly what Robert Morrow has been presenting for years?

  4. People who don't believe the Warren Commission JFKA lone gunman finding are conspiracy kooks? They see conspiracies around every building, bush, tree and rock?

    Do you realize how many conspiracies Huckster Carlson ( alone ) has been promoting in just the last year? 

    His podcast should be titled "Conspiracy Central."

    Here is a thought I ponder from time to time:

    If the Alien/ET presence story is true, whoever holds and controls the complete folder on this subject / secret is truly the most powerful group on Earth.

    They are able to keep this secret from anyone.

    Their "need to know" access and clearance on this subject is higher than any elected ( or self-appointed ) leader on Earth.

    It is not totally illogical to wonder if they might even have clearance to eliminate anyone ( no station exempted ) if they feel they would be a threat to their losing ownership and control of this particular secret.

    In this regards...this group is higher in authority power and control than any world nation leadership.

    Again, if the Alien/ET presence story is true...the content of it could change every aspect of human existence on this Earth to degrees ( good and bad ) the average human being might not be able to fathom or mentally handle.





  5. Sometimes it makes more sense to just go back to the simplest look at the reality of America in 1963 regards the most powerful groups and individuals who owned and controlled the majority of it's wealth, political, military and intelligence agency influence and policies, and to honestly and responsibly acknowledge and understand how truly powerful they were and how everyone of them felt JFK and RFK were "the greatest threat " to their status quo.

    JFK was truly...their mortal enemy! 

    Organized crime ( massive wealth and influence nationally and even internationally. ) 

    Texas oil ( richest men on Earth at that time) and everyone connected to them including corrupt politicians both in Texas and D.C., especially LBJ. Throw in Hoover, McCloy and so many others.

    Eastern establishment wealth and power. McCloy and others.

    Old school Intelligence agency power and influence. Dulles, Angleton, Cabell, the whole cabal. How much did Dulles hate JFK both before and especially after he was insultingly fired by him? "He thought he was a little God!"

    Top military generals like Lemay and Lemnitzer and probably most of the military high command.

    Massive, well established corporate interests made hugely rich by good-ole-boy government contract influence that JFK was not a part of. Include those with international business wealth like United Fruit, Pepsi and hundreds of others. JFK's anti-Pax Americana ideology was anathema to them all.

    Hundreds of thousands of hot-headed Cuban expatriates who blamed the BOP on JFK and wanted his head.

    Tens of millions of raging hate filled segregationists who considered liberal racial policy JFK and RFK their worst enemy ever.

    The most powerful and wealthy segregationist organizations were run by super aggressive extremists types ( Joseph Milteer? ) who wanted JFK dead. Not countered and/or politically marginalized ..."dead!"

    There's even more.

    All of these America based JFK hating and fearing groups breathed a sigh of interest protecting relief when JFK was removed...with many of them even celebrating his death. 

    "Life in the Murchison household was joyous when JFK was killed. Like the champagne and caviar flowed for a week. I was the only one who grieved for JFK and his family." Live-in Virginia Murchison seamstress/housekeeper Mae Newman.

    One can imagine the mood in the Bill Harvey household ( Harvey was CIA chief in Rome at that time) upon learning of JFK's death. Harvey's widow in a later life interview related her and her husband's deep hatred for not just JFK but his wife and RFK too.  Ms. Harvey described them as "real scum."

    At the same time Ms. Harvey recounted her husband's deep affection and respect for their great friend Mafioso Johnny Roselli. "My husband used to say that if he were in a jam..."Johnny" would be the one he'd want riding shotgun with him."  Crazy, seditious minded talk I know...but true! 

    JFK was looked upon as a threat more and hated more and his death wished for more ( and celebrated more ) by so many super wealthy, corrupt and powerful interests in this country well beyond any foreign country and their leaders and people.

    In total much more a suspect motivation factor in the consideration of who gained the most by his removal...imo anyways.





  6. I'm sure it will be moved.

    However, since it's still here in the forum let me say that if Trump's court grants him even limited immunity regards Trump's efforts to over-turn the 2020 election, folks...we will have the most corrupt and constitutional crisis initiating Supreme Court in our history.

    I wouldn't doubt that if the SCOTUS lets Trump off the hook for one of the top two most egregious constitution violating presidential crimes in our history ( attempting through violence, intimidation and false electors to overturn the 2020 election ) there will be massive public protests demonstrations all over the country...as there should be.

    And how Billionaire bought and paid for Justice Clarence Thomas hasn't been forced to recuse himself from any decisions involving Trump and his election subversion crimes let alone being kicked off the court entirely ... is a dark, dark mark in the history and integrity of the SCOTUS.

  7. 14 minutes ago, Paul Rigby said:

    Two views on Pax Americana: 

    John J. McCloy, letter to fellow Philadelphian George Wharton Pepper:

    "In the light of what has happened, I would take a chance on this country using its strength tyrannously…We need, if you will, a Pax Americana," (Kai Bird. The Chairman: John J. McCloy: The Making of the American Establishment [NY: Simon & Schuster, 1992], p.661) 

    John F. Kennedy, speech delivered at the American University in Washington, June 10th, 1963:

    "What kind of peace do I mean and what kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by weapons of war…"

    There it is.

  8. I've stated this several times over the years.

    If Russia and/or Cuba were really behind the JFKA our military and intelligence people and LBJ himself would have known this. 

    Okay...if so, what would you think their response would be or should have been in a retaliatory sense?

    The action of killing ( or even organizing his killing...even through a Manchurian Candidate ) our sitting President is about as egregious an action one could imagine one adversarial nation perpetrating against another... debatably an act of war!

    LeMay and other top military people had to be restrained from promoting or even considering a "first strike" action against the Soviets during the Cold War. I think those Dr. Strangelove mentality characters would have wanted a justification event to occur to promote their most aggressive agenda. 

    What better justification event could there be than the killing of our president? 

    So, the fact that this super retaliatory scenario was not even reported in any well documented way by the Generals known for holding that sentiment suggest ( to me anyways ) that they knew the Soviets and Cuba were not the perpetrators of the JFKA.

    And even if any first strike talk was struck down despite Russia and Cuba being involved and we knew it...don't you think we would still have hammered the Soviets and Cuba in some other massive ways to retaliate for their ultimate act of war action against us?

    Yes, for the next 5 decades we kept Cuba in a hugely enforced international trade blockade lockdown economically but no more than before the JFKA.

    Our undermining actions against the Soviets were no more aggressive than before the JFKA.

    I cannot believe that we didn't know whether the Soviets and Cuba were behind the JFKA. I sense we knew they weren't.


  9. I recall searching Raphael Cruz Sr's background.

    After fighting Castro's men as a young man, he was captured and arrested. He escaped and made a harrowing journey out of Cuba and made it to Texas, with maybe just a few dollars in his pockets.

    Cruz Sr. settled in Texas. He started working as a dishwasher, yet , showing much ambition got into college there and graduated in 1963.

    I believe he then left Texas and settled briefly in New Orleans for several months. Again, in 1963.

    Cruz Sr. was the exact same age as Lee Harvey Oswald ( 24 ) in 1963, being born in 1939.

    Cruz Sr. coincidently lived in New Orleans during Oswald's time there, specifically during Oswald's leaflet passing ventures and his public shoving match with Carlos Bringuier in August of 1963.

    Cruz Sr. married a Canadian woman (Ted Cruz's mother? ) ... correct?

    Here's what I always found curious. Cruz Sr. was extremely active in Cuban ex-patriot group affairs in Texas. He spoke frequently at their meetings and gatherings. Recounting his anti-Castro fighting and harrowing escape to the U.S. Ostensibly to help attain funding for these groups in their anti-Castro activities.

    When he moves to New Orleans in 1963 however, there is nothing to show him being active in any Cuban affairs...at all. He goes from being extremely active in the Cuban Jure activity in Texas. Speaking often. Yet, in a city packed with hot-headed Cuban anti-Castro groups he doesn't interact with any of them at all?

    I recall there being a "black hole" in this New Orleans part of Raphael Cruz Sr.'s biography. Nothing about his time in New Orleans in 1963.

    Common sense would suggest Cuban affairs political activist in Texas Cruz. Sr. must have at least kept up to some degree on the activity of all this Cuban anti-Castro group activity in Cuban ex-pat packed New Orleans.

    He surely knew who Carlos Bringuier was. He certainly knew of Oswald as Oswald made the NO papers and actually appeared on NO radio and even TV due to his downtown leaflet passing and fight with Bringuier.

    Cruz sr. has never been asked about his 1963 time in New Orleans. And whether he knew of or was involved in anyway with the many anti-Castro groups there? Or if he had seen or heard anything about Lee Harvey Oswald in his time there which again was when Oswald was there.

    My guess is that Cruz Sr. was involved with one or more of our intelligence agencies at some point in his life. To what degree and starting at what age I could not say.

  10. 19 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    These people are attracted to conspiracy because they see conspiracies everywhere.

    I always laugh when I read self-anointed human behavior experts disparaging conspiracy believers as mentally deranged kooks who "see conspiracies everywhere."

    True historic reality has shown us there "are" conspiracies everywhere...at least way more than most average person's ever contemplate.  

    Not around every corner. Not in most daily activities of common working folks. Not in every family drama and relationships. Not in 90% of American small business life and activity.

    Yet, the higher up the corporate, military, government, private wealth influence and control stakes ladder you go, the more conspiratorial that world becomes. It's inherent in their competitive survival and growth mentality DNA. IMO anyways. 

    In JFK presidency times the highest level power, wealth, control and influence groups and individuals were such ones as American organized crime, world's richest men Texas Oil, extreme minded segregationist organizations, rogue intelligence agencies, ideological factions in our military, heads of extra government agencies like the FBI, Eisenhower's M.I. C. warning corporate wealth ... all JFK adversarial minded to extreme degrees.

    We all know by common sense and deep historical research in that massively wealthy and powerfully influential world of JFK opposing agendas that all of those entities must have had conspiracies brewing in their shared goal of defeating anything JFK was proposing that threatened their influence and wealth. 

    Conspiracies everywhere? No. But much more in those realms of power and influence than the average person ever imagined during JFK's time?

  11. The most important fact reality here is that 65% of Americans polled do not believe the Warren Commission finding that Oswald was the assassin of JFK and that he acted alone.

    Even after "61 years" ( ! ) of aggressive government and mainstream media efforts to convince the public otherwise. 

    Parse that number up in any way you want with disagreements among this 65% regards who they specifically think may have been involved. Yet in this over-all WC rejecting context, the entire 65% are all in agreement.

    Of course the "who did it" secondary importance question contemplation is all over the map within that 65% group.

    Heck, the same is true right here on this forum of highly informed versus the general public JFKA students and researchers.

    Consensus rejection of the Warren Commission Oswald LN finding by 2/3rds of Americans polled after 61 years of debate is the real worthy story here.

  12. 22 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Mr. GRIFFIN. When did you first think about this again after Saturday?
    Mr. KANTOR. Well, I understood later on that Jack Ruby had been in the assembly room in the basement of the Dallas Police Station after midnight on Friday going into Saturday. I didn't see him at that time. I was in that room. It was a very crowded room. But I thought about our conversation on Saturday when I passed by his place. And earlier Saturday evening I thought of Jack Ruby because meat sandwiches, beef sandwiches, I believe they were, had shown up in the pressroom of the Dallas Police Station, and I heard someone remark
    that Jack Ruby had brought them in. I didn't see him then, either.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. You heard this while you were at the police station?
    Mr. KANTOR. Yes; Well, I was going in the room to get a sandwich, and they were gone, they were gone very rapidly. I heard someone either specifically say it to me or I heard someone specifically saying, to someone else that Jack Ruby was the person that brought these in.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Was that Friday afternoon or late Friday evening, or in the middle of Friday?


    Mr. KANTOR. I am not sure now. It seems to me that it was Saturday. It seems to me that it was Saturday, late afternoon.

    The late night Dallas PD building crowd seemed to have been a constantly hungry bunch.

    For years, on his way to pop into the DPD to shoot the bull, usually late at night, Ruby would stop at his favorite deli and have them make lots of sandwiches which he would then bring to his police buddies there. Damn good sandwiches it's been reported. 

    Ruby was still doing this up until the day before he whacked Lee Harvey Oswald in the DPD basement garage. 

    Hey, here he comes! Jack, you got any corn beef on rye there for me?

  13. Let us examine what exactly Seth Kantor said in his Warren Commission testimony taken on June 2nd, 1964, that the Commission used to determine that Kantor was most likely confused about meeting Jack Ruby at Parkland at approximate 1:30 PM on 11,22,1963 and that in their final finding stated this meeting did not happen.

    Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, can you tell us what happened when you saw Ruby--when you encountered Ruby at Parkland Hospital, what the encounter consisted of?

    Mr. KANTOR. Yes; I apparently walked right past him, because the first I was aware of Jack Ruby was that as I was walking, I was stopped momentarily by a tug on the back of my jacket.

    And I turned and saw Jack Ruby standing there. He had his hand extended. I very well remember my first thought. I thought, well, there is Jack Ruby. I had been away from Dallas 18 months and 1 day at that time, but it seemed just perfectly normal to see Jack Ruby standing there, because he was a known goer to events. And I had my mind full of many things.

    My next reaction was to just turn and continue on my way. But he did have his hand out. And I took his hand and shook hands with him. He called me by name. And I said hello to him, I said, "Hello, Jack," I guess. And he said, "Isn't this a terrible thing?" I said, "Yes"; but I also knew it was no time for small talk, and I was most anxious to continue on up the stairway, because I was standing right at the base of the stairway.

    Mr. GRIFFIN. Were you inside the building or outside?
    Mr. KANTOR. I was inside the building, just immediately inside the building.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Were the doors guarded?
    Mr. KANTOR. If there was a guard on the door, I don't recall seeing one.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, you do recall, however, that there was a guard at the entrance to the emergency area?
    Mr. KANTOR. There was at least one guard, yes--when I first got there.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. I see. Go ahead.

    Mr. KANTOR. A Dallas policeman. I am not sure how many Secret Service men or other guards there were. But I do remember this one man, because he let me in.

    At any rate, Jack Ruby said, "Isn't this a terrible thing," or words to that effect. I agreed with him that it was.
    And he said--and he had quite a look of consternation on his face. He looked emotional---which also seemed fitting enough for Jack Ruby.

    But he asked me, curiously enough, he said, "Should I close my places for the next 3 nights, do you think?"
    And I said, "Yes, I think that is a good idea."
    And I excused myself. And he said he understood, and I went on. And that was the sum total of it.

    Mr. GRIFFIN. Let me ask you this: At the time you were out at Parkland


    Hospital, did you see any other press representatives whom you had remembered from your days in Dallas, who worked in Dallas?
    Mr. KANTOR. I didn't see any outside. However, by the time Kilduff made his announcement at 1:30, there were newsmen coming in from all over whom I recognized. And because of this weird situation, unreal situation, I didn't speak to any then.
    During the next hour or so that I was in the hospital I saw a number of news people from both Dallas and Fort Worth who I at least said hello to, who I know.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you remember if there were any people from the Dallas Morning News that you saw at Parkland Hospital, either reporters or photographers?
    Mr. KANTOR. I can tell you who I remember seeing, and I don't think I recall seeing a Dallas Morning News person at all until I got to the police station later that afternoon.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. You are going to tell me who you remember seeing from the Dallas papers at Parkland Hospital, or just who you generally remember seeing during those 3 days.
    Mr. KANTOR. I can tell you who I can remember seeing in the makeshift press headquarters from Dallas and Fort Worth.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. At Parkland?
    Mr. KANTOR. Yes.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. But I take it you don't remember anybody from the Morning News?
    Mr. KANTOR. I don't recall anyone from the Dallas Morning News, no, as a matter of fact.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. How far is the Morning News Building in Dallas from the Times Herald Building?
    Mr. KANTOR. The better part of a mile.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. When you saw Ruby, did you notice anybody with him? Did he seem to be with anybody?
    Mr. KANTOR. He didn't seem to be with anybody. The only other people I noticed in this area--as I say, it seemed like a small entranceway, and it was just a very few steps to the stairway--were these people who appeared to be hospital attendants.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, do you recall if at the time you were at Parkland Hospital there were television cameras setup outside the main entranceway?
    Mr. KANTOR. No. I was told later on that various people around the country who I know saw me on television as I came out to talk to the Congressmen before they went out to Love Field, and I was not aware of any cameras.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. But it is your best impression that you were shown on TV?
    Mr. KANTOR. Well, I have been told that.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Have you any idea what TV networks you appeared on?
    Mr. KANTOR. No, sir; none.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Now--
    Mr. KANTOR. This happened frequently, incidentally, over the weekend, also, in the police station as well. I don't know--I guess all the networks were involved at one point or another, but I don't know when or where.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. In ,the first report that you made of this encounter with Ruby, you reported that you saw him before you went to the press conference.
    Mr. KANTOR. That is right.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. And now as I understand your testimony, you are not sure whether it was before or after.

    Mr. KANTOR. Yes; and the thing that gave me pause was that Jack Ruby had specifically said to me, or asked me my opinion about closing his places for three nights, and it occurred to me later on that no announcement of the President's death had been made. as I was following Kilduff up the stairway, at 1:30, whereas at approximately 2 o'clock it had been made.

    Mr. GRIFFIN. Would you try to focus on your state of mind at the time that you first wrote your newspaper article about this, and reported that it was before the press conference. What was it at that time that made you think that you saw Ruby before the press conference?


    Mr. KANTOR. To be honest, with all the events crowded into that weekend, I don't think that I recalled the significance of my second brief trip out of the hospital to the main entranceway in front of the hospital, and then back in again. It was a very fast trip. And I think it was just a failure on my part to remember the second incident.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. All right. As you were going back into the hospital the second time, where were you going?
    Mr. KANTOR. I was returning to the makeshift press headquarters in the classroom, on the second floor.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. As you were entering that building, did you have any expectation that there was something important going on at that pressroom that you ought to get to right away?
    Mr. KANTOR. Well, I didn't know. I knew that I was not going with this pool group, and that my people in Washington were interested in knowing the logistics of the U.S. Government at that moment, where Lyndon Johnson was going and what was going to happen, and were we remaining in Dallas, and John Connally's condition, and everything at once. And this seemed to be the logical place to get whatever information there was, because information was very scanty.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. What I want to get at is whether your concern or apprehension about getting into the building was any greater as you went in before the press conference than it was when you returned after the press conference.
    Mr. KANTOR. No; I would I say this was a consistent feeling.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. So that your reluctance to stop and talk with Ruby when you saw him wouldn't have been any greater at one time than at another?
    Mr. KANTOR. Oh, no. I saw really a number of close friends on the second floor of the hospital, newspapermen who I had known intimately, been to their house, and they had been to my house quite often. And we still didn't indulge in anything resembling small talk.

    Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, do you have any question in your mind that you did see Ruby out at Parkland Hospital?

    Mr. KANTOR.   >>>   If it was a matter of just seeing him, I would have long ago been full of doubt. But I did talk to the man, and he did stop me, and I just can't have any doubt about that.  <<<

    Mr. GRIFFIN. Now---
    Mr. KANTOR. As a matter of fact, I didn't give it much thought, or any thought, perhaps, again, concrete thought at least, until the following night, Saturday night, when things quieted down enough so that I could take a walk in downtown Dallas, somewhere around 10 o'clock in the evening. And I passed by Ruby's place, the Carousel, and saw a sign on the door stating that it was closed. And I recalled this weird conversation I had had with him at the hospital.

    Mr. GRIFFIN. Now--
    Mr. KANTOR. Excuse me because a man named Barney Weinstein, who operates a strip joint a couple of doors away, had his place open.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. When did you first think about this again after Saturday?
    Mr. KANTOR. Well, I understood later on that Jack Ruby had been in the assembly room in the basement of the Dallas Police Station after midnight on Friday going into Saturday. I didn't see him at that time. I was in that room. It was a very crowded room. But I thought about our conversation on Saturday when I passed by his place. And earlier Saturday evening I thought of Jack Ruby because meat sandwiches, beef sandwiches, I believe they were, had shown up in the pressroom of the Dallas Police Station, and I heard someone remark
    that Jack Ruby had brought them in. I didn't see him then, either.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. You heard this while you were at the police station?
    Mr. KANTOR. Yes; Well, I was going in the room to get a sandwich, and they were gone, they were gone very rapidly. I heard someone either specifically say it to me or I heard someone specifically saying, to someone else that Jack Ruby was the person that brought these in.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Was that Friday afternoon or late Friday evening, or in the middle of Friday?


    Mr. KANTOR. I am not sure now. It seems to me that it was Saturday. It seems to me that it was Saturday, late afternoon.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Well, when, after you walked down Commerce Street on Saturday night did you next think about your encounter with Ruby at Parkland Hospital?
    Mr. KANTOR. Well, having walked past his place, and having seen that it was closed, I don't know whether I gave it any more thought.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. I mean after that, when was the next time you thought about it?
    Mr. KANTOR. The next time was just moments after 11:21 a.m., Sunday morning, when I discovered that Jack Ruby had shot Oswald.




  14. Can you imagine if a reputable Facial Recognition analysis entity actually came up with a 99% accurate match regards any of the JFKA photos of possible nefarious characters taken in places like Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963, Oswald's leaflet passing in New Orleans in August of 1963, or in the RFK primary crowd in the Los Angeles Ambassador Hotel the evening of June 6th, 1968?

    If Rip Roberston was in Dealey Plaza watching JFK's limo go past, if Bill Shelley was standing near Oswald in front of the N.O. Trade Mart in August of 1963, or if some high level intel covert team member was in the RFK crowd at the Ambassador Hotel, etc. etc., this would be a major revelation game changer in the least.

    Maybe we could find out the identity of the dark complexion man seated next to the Umbrella man on the grassy knoll curb just after JFK was shot? Or the odd gait and suit dressed man walking through the 3 tramps perp march line in front of the TXSBD building an hour after the JFK hit? 

    How about running a tracking trace on facial photos of Lee Oswald and Jack Ruby themselves? Maybe even Roscoe White?

    Eventually someone is going to try this new and much more advanced technology in the JFKA and RFKA research realm. We have to.



  15. 2 hours ago, Kevin Balch said:

    You don’t believe Ruby was in his car at the time bawling over hearing the news on the radio that JFK was dead as in the movie “Ruby and Oswald”?

    Jack Ruby quotes:

    "Everything pertaining to what's happening has never come to the surface. The world will never know the true facts of what occurred, my motives. The people who had so much to gain, and had such an ulterior motive for putting me in the position I'm in, will never let the true facts come above board to the world."

    "When I mentioned about Adlai Stevenson, if he was vice president there would never have been an assassination of our beloved President Kennedy."

    "I have been used for a purpose, and there will be a certain tragic occurrence happening if you don't take my testimony and somehow vindicate me so my people don't suffer because of what I have done."

    "It may not be too late, whatever happens, if our President, Lyndon Johnson, knew the truth from me. But if I am eliminated, there won't be any way of knowing."



  16. 12 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Cory:  Namely, why she did not go down to the parade with Marina and children?

    Do you have kids Cory?  Ruth Paine had 2 kids 4 and 2. Marina had 2 kids, one kid was 1 and a half, and one daughter was one month old!

    I assume if you had kids, that question wouldn't be such a mystery.

    Totally agree.

    Fight heavy traffic. Try and find parking. Massive crowds.  With 4 very young kids under tow? Including a one month old baby? Probably being breast fed? Marina tired from giving birth just a month earlier and not getting much sleep tending to her baby? Marina also maybe arguing with Lee the night before as well?  Cold wet weather up until late morning?


    I hate crowds for all the reasons above. And I never had 4 young kids in tow like Ruth and Marina.

    And of all the places Ruth could have chosen to see any part of the motorcade, why would she just pick Dealey Plaza?

    Non issue here. imo.


  17. Seth Kantor had absolutely nothing in his background that would indicate a man of confused thought, especially the very day he was immersed in the middle of the biggest news event of his life.

    His psychological make up was that of a very intelligent, mentally stable and highly responsible professional career person.

    Ruby on the other hand exhibited different forms of mental instability his whole life.

    The dismissing of Kantor's Jack Ruby encounter at Parkland testimony was one of the top 3, 4 or 5 most suspicious ( and credibility damaging ) actions of the Warren Commission in their final summation report imo.



  18. For whatever reasons such as security in not having both the president and vice president in the same car during the Dallas motorcade, it surely irked LBJ to be riding two cars back in a plain light blue Lincoln versus JFK's flashy, flag adorned and impressively big black limo.

    Hundreds of thousands lined the motorcade route and in many of the most crowded areas thousands of bystanders went crazy smiling, waving, snapping pictures and calling out to JFK and Jackie. All eyes were on JFK and Jackie. Even after they passed.

    LBJ with his huge ego must have felt humiliated when even people close to his car on the parade route were still staring down towards the Presidential limo. No cheering, smiling, waving and excited picture taking for him and Lady Bird. 

    JFK's and Jackie's physical presence popularity was off the charts. They were like rock stars wherever they went, even in Texas. Women swooning, men gawking amorously at the beautiful young Jackie, children excited too.

    Nobody gave a hoot about the big oaf looking guy always trailing behind them.

    LBJ was always consumed with jealousy about the movie star looks JFK I am sure. In every way. Including JFK's wealthy and privileged birth right versus his own plain hick town one.

    JFK and Jackie's pictures were splashed on hundreds if not thousands of popular culture magazine covers all over the world ( Europe especially ) their entire 1,000 days of presidential term. They were rock star level beautiful people icons unlike anything the world had ever seen before them.

    LBJ and Bird? No interest at all. Not even when he was president. 

    America was still in shock over the JFK assassination when the 1964 election came to pass. There was still great apprehension and even fear to a degree. LBJ had managed to portray himself as a JFK and JFK policy defender and this unsure view of him as somebody more nefarious just didn't take hold. I think the huge LBJ vote win in 64 was more a JFK sympathy and status quo fear vote than anything else.

    LBJ getting the civil rights bill passed in early July of 1964, with a huge orchestrated fan fare event with Martin Luther King himself right behind LBJ when he signed it also guaranteed millions of black votes in the November election.

    JFK and RFK were so hated by so many in this country to a murder wishing degree back in November of 63 it doesn't take much research to understand why these people celebrated JFK's brutal slaughter.

    Powerful JFK haters:

    Organized crime, segregationists, Texas oil, former Intel leaders fired by JFK, highest level former covert ops and even military mercenary types over the Bay Of Pigs, hot headed Cubans, J. Edgar Hoover, miffed top military generals and on and on.

    JFK hate was so deep and widespread right here in our own country, it's rational to consider any or all of them as potential suspects in his murder.

    I do believe LBJ's years of heavy money crooked dealings would have been exposed had he not assumed the presidency. Sooner or later. Bobby Baker, Billy Sol Estes, Kick backs everywhere and for years...all of it would have come to light. So, I am in the camp that believes LBJ and his mentors and backers had to make sure the Kennedy's would be out of the picture before the S*** hit the fan in that regards.






  19. 1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

    It is a proven fact that both Lee Harvey Oswald and and Lyndon Johnson knew George DeMohrenschildt.

    LBJ absolutely had the power to swing national media; the owners, executives and reporters of the national media were Lyndon Johnson's personal friends for decades. For example, LBJ was pals with William Paley of CBS since 1943 and CBS did many favors for both LBJ and the the CIA. Lyndon Johnson, FBI J. Edgar Hoover and CIA Allen Dulles, collectively, had a massive media manipulation operation. J. Edgar Hoover, of course, was a close neighbor and friend of LBJ from 1943 to 1961. The FBI's de facto PR man Deke DeLoach was a close personal friend of Lyndon Johnson. LBJ used Deke DeLoach to vet Richard Helms for the CIA directorship (told to me personally by Deke DeLoach in 2011).

    Lyndon Johnson a great pal with Lew Wasserman the King of Hollywood and other moguls like Arthur Krim. LBJ's top Wall Street fundraisers was a Jew named Ed Weisel who ALSO was the chief counsel for the Hearst Media empire. Everywhere you turn you will see Lyndon Johnson plugged in at the highest levels of the media. CBS President Richard Stanton in fact acted as an IMAGE CONSULTANTE for LBJ while he was in the White House! See all about that in David Halberstam's book on the media called The Powers that Be. LBJ was personal friends with these media powers that were.

    Someone needs to write a 700 page book on the close ties and personal friends between Lyndon Johnson and all the media: TV., radio, print, Hollywood, newspapers, magazines.

    LIFE Magazine, who was preparing to gut LBJ in its issue to be print on 11/29/63 flipped on a time to became one of LBJ's greatest shields, protecting him from scrutiny in the JFK assassination as Life went along with the JFK assassination cover up.




  20. 3 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

    But the overwhelming response was that RFK  suspected Dulles of killing his brother just as much as they all did. And was just going undercover and "feeling out" Dulles in the phone call.  I didn't see it that way. i think if RFK had strong suspicions about Dulles, he wasn't the sort to hide it., and despite the well documented hostility between RFK and LBJ, I think they actually were working in tandem  for the good of the country. (oh how could that be!)

    Over the years, I've listened to many recorded conversation tapes of LBJ and RFK speaking to each other on the phone months and even years after 11,22,1963. On the surface they sounded civil and even complimentary once or twice, but imo you still could feel RFK's restrained coolness.

    One late night ( I assume it was at that time ) RFK unexpectedly called LBJ and in a very worked up and even angry tone, said to Johnson ( paraphrasing ) ... I've heard that you had been told that I was involved in some type of plot to overthrow the government through force and violence!?


    Johnson was in bed from what I remember and RFK's late night call was so seriously and shockingly charging in it's message, Johnson sounded extremely caught off guard and defensive. "No, No, that's in error" Johnson stammered in between taking several deep breaths to calm himself. 

    RFK ended the seriously charging call with a "well, we'll all get through." And LBJ agreeing and throwing out a weak..."bye."

    What always struck me in that call was how RFK was speaking to LBJ without the slightest reverence that one would expect someone to have in a personal call to a sitting President Of The United States. And LBJ took it without any "hey, do you know who you are talking to buddy?" offense at all.

    RFK was pissed...and let LBJ know he was pissed. And LBJ took it.

    I can imagine LBJ ROARING in anger over that call and immediately calling up his "like brothers" buddy J. Edgar Hoover and reading him or anyone else who had something to do with the RFK "plotting to overthrow the government" leak the riot act.

    RFK had to keep up 5 years of pretending not to be suspecting of LBJ and other parts of our government for his brother's murder.

    RFK despised LBJ and even Hoover and I will never believe he trusted Dulles any more than those two.

    RFK had to keep in mind that his brother was actually murdered by some very bad and serious people. Who, as it turned out had him taken out as well.  He had no choice but to "act" like he didn't think the worst regards these power heads, at least until he had the full power and protection of the presidency. IMO anyways.


    339 views5 years ago
  21. 19 minutes ago, Gil Jesus said:

    What's that got to do with the way the others were dressed ? 

    1. Perry was dark skinned ( 7 H 168 ) and was wearing a brown sport coat, no tie. ( 7 H 233 )

    2. Clark had blond hair, blue eyes ( 7 H 168 ) and was wearing a white short-sleeved shirt with a red vest. ( 7 H 236 )

    3. Ables was short, heavy and was wearing a grey woolen sweater. ( 7 H 240 )

    What witness described Tippit's killer as any of the above three ?

    Exactly. What a shamelessly obvious set up.

  22. The only thing preventing serious use of AI ( facial recognition ) in new JFKA research right now is the cost.

    Also, there are many, many photographs of the crowds inside the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles the night of June 6th, 1968. Both before, during and after RFK's shooting there.

    Scanning those with the latest most advanced Facial Recognition tools would possibly reveal some very intriguing results imo.

  23. I've posted this video a dozen times because LBJ says in it he was never completely relieved of the fact that others besides Oswald could have been involved in the JFKA.

    If Johnson himself had doubts about the lone gunman conclusion of the WC, it's kind of hard to blow off his shocking personal feeling comments to Walter Cronkite as meaningless.

    And when the three biggest wheels behind and actually on the Warren Commission from creation to finish were well known proven JFK and RFK haters ( LBJ, HOOVER, DULLES ) how can anyone not see the incredibly obvious bias incongruity of it's make up and control?

    LBJ's Confession

    18K views2 years ago
    Crucial parts of an interview LBJ did with Walter Cronkite in 1969 about the JFK assassination. The black and white portion was ...




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