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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 2 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Thank you also Robert.

    "An imperfect democracy is preferable to a totalitarian state." 

    "In the end he felt it was the breaking of Nixon that did the most damage to the CIA."

    "For Nixon failed to win the crucial battle. That national security is above the law."

    "I would suggest that this was an issue ( Watergate ) that should have been taken to the Supreme Court by the executive."

    "I believe there are inherent rights by the President of the United States to advance national security in his election."

    "There is always a question of whether a democratic country is capable of having an intelligence service of any great merit." "Simply because of the built-in inhibitions."

    It usually takes a national crisis, or a Pearl Harbor for people to then understand what survival means."

    Interviewer: "Why do we need intelligence at all?" Angleton: "for survival."

    "In the West it is almost inconceivable to be able to deceive. When the very people who are your lawmakers are the ones who destroy your secrets. When the very people who profit by living in a democratic institution are those who denigrated the word 'national security' until it has no meaning."

    These points worth contemplating:

    The Soviets were totally committed to destroying the West. With unlimited resources and no legal or philosophical restraints unlike the Western democracies.

    It was a war. And we were hampered greatly in this fight. 

    JFK's adversarial stance against the CIA ( as well his speeches of peace, secrets abhorrence and possible co-operation with the Soviets )  didn't win him any love within it's ranks. Easy to see him viewed as a national security threat by them in the context of Angleton's  comments above.


  2. 1 hour ago, Benjamin Cole said:

    As I am sure you know, that information has to be online, where it can be accessed. The JFKA era...not always so.

    There are so many photos of Rip Robertson, Bill Shelley and many other nefarious characters from different time periods that a Facial Recognition lab could use to compare I think this would be an easy analysis.

  3. AI to make our lives better?

    Like computers and smart phones have over the last 30 years?

    From time to time I look back at my life and others back in the 1950's to early 60's.

    Every time now and more and more I am convinced that during the 50's and 60's our lives here in America were so much better in so many ways.

    Number one...everything was affordable. Especially rents and all the other basic need costs. 

    The cost of living just for basic needs now is a crushing stress on over half the country daily. Over years it is totally exhausting.

    Young people today by the tens of millions are not getting married or having kids. They can't afford doing so. Heck, tens of millions can't even afford their own apartment because monthly rent is more than their entire take home pay.

    Saving to buy a home? Ha! How can anyone save when these basic needs costs take everything you earn?

    Electronic devices have crushed physical in person social interaction. That is a huge negative in so many ways. Kids in school are more socially cut off than ever before. Depression and even suicide are more common than ever before.

    Medical care back then was good enough. Don't recall anyone complaining about it anymore than now. Telephones were fine. Pay phones were everywhere and only a dime if you needed to get in touch with someone right away. There weren't endless recordings played when you called needed persons or services. Government ones especially. 

    Jobs were plentiful. Physical labor ones as much as professional ones. College education was affordable. Today these costs are insanely high. 

    No high cost Cable TV like today. Everyone had outdoor antennas and TV viewing was FREE! Okay, we didn't have 200 stations to choose from but 90% of what is out there today is inane.

    Privacy today is so corrupted and compromised from those times.

    Today, your computer is a surveillance tool. Your telephones. Your business actions...credit card use, credit loans and applications, etc. Company installed car chips. License plate reading cameras watching you everywhere 24/7. Roads, businesses, private residences ... even from the sky. Key words in your conversations with others.  All in the name of ...security?

    You had personal privacy back in the 1950's and 60's. There was a moral good in that.

    I could go on and on and on. Our lives HAVE NOT improved overall from the 1950's and 60's until today 60 years later. Technology had made most people's daily lives much more complicated, expensive and stressful IMO anyways.

    Technology that has been monetized to a blood sucking greed degree before it's even released to the public.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Robert Reeves said:

    It's really important to see these first generation photos. Most of the photo files online are cropped or crappy quality. There could be so much more important details that are missing through image & film cropping.

    The best quality res photos are going to be the key to matching faces.

    Right on! 

    I even thought about starting a "Go Fund Me" to drum up funds to submit some of the most well known photos of ominous characters in Dealey Plaza and of Oswald leaflet passing bystanders to a top Facial Recognition company for analysis.

    If there was a hit on one or even more that revealed that these suspect men were right there close to Oswald ...or in the Dealey Plaza crowd the fund money would be more than well spent. If not one hit was made however...not so good.


  5. On 3/23/2024 at 6:28 AM, Robert Morrow said:

    Gen. Godfrey McHugh loved Jackie, was inner circle JFK and he hated the guts of Lyndon Johnson.

    Gen. Godfrey McHugh (1978 oral history) found a ‘hysterical” Lyndon Johnson on Air Force One “hiding” in the bathroom and saying “They’re going to get us all. It’s a plot. It’s a plot. It’s going to get us all.”

    Gen. Godfrey McHugh was a former social escort of Jackie Kennedy, who he adored, and he later became an aide to JFK. Gen. McHugh in his 1978 oral history for the JFK Library described the condition and behavior of LBJ on Air Force One in the immediate aftermath of the JFK assassination.

    Godfrey McHugh (oral history, interviewed by Shelden Stern, on May 19, 1978):


    She [Jackie] turned to me again and said, “Please, let’s leave.” I felt obligated to do something. I got back up, walked back through, got to the…. Oh, no. I got on the phone because there was a phone right there and I said, “Let’s leave.” He said, “I can’t do it. I have orders to wait.” So I didn’t want to discuss it there with Mrs. Kennedy sitting there. I walked back and I said, “Swindal, what on earth is going on?” He said, “The President wants to remain in this area.” You see, I could not remember – it was President Johnson at that time. I said, “The President is in the back.” “No,” he said, “I mean President Johnson.” I said, “But he’s the Vice President.” He said, “Well, he’s going to be President.” I said, “That’s true.” And he says, “He’s ordered for me to wait until his luggage is transferred from Air Force Two to here, and I’m told that there’s going to be swearing in. I don’t know because we were told to call a [-47-] judge” – somebody, I don’t know, a woman judge that he knew – “and that she’s coming, so we’re going to have to wait.” I said, “Where is President Johnson?” He said, “I’m told, I don’t know” – because he was talking about the policy to wait – “I’m told he’s going to come, but I don’t know about it. No, I’m told he’s here; he’s in this airplane.” So I said, “I’ve walked the airplane twice” – and I know Johnson well, and I kept on walking back and looking at every person in the face and no Johnson. I get back to Ken O’Donnell, who is now furious, and he said, “Didn’t we tell you to leave?” I said, “I can’t get the crew to do it because they say President Johnson is aboard.” He said, “Obviously he isn’t.” I said, “There’s only one place, he is in the bedroom” – Mrs. Kennedy’s bedroom, which we called it because he didn’t use it so often.  

    We walked in the bedroom, and he was not there. I walked in the toilet, in the powder room, and there he [LBJ] was hiding, with the curtain closed, saying, “They’re going to get us all. It’s a plot. It’s a plot. It’s going to get us all.” He was hysterical, sitting down on the john there alone in this thing. So I walked out and I said, “My God, he’s there. Yes, you’re right. He seems very, very upset.” He said, “I don’t want to upset him any more.” I went back to Mrs. Kennedy and I said, “Mr. Johnson is here and he’s asked that the plane not leave right away.” Now he got hold of himself and got dressed again, changed his shirt or something, and ordered everybody to attend his swearing-in [-48-] ceremony including Mrs. Kennedy. Somebody came in the back saying, “Everybody is to attend including Mrs. Kennedy.” STERN: She was told, she wasn’t asked? McHUGH: She was asked, “Mrs. Kennedy, the President wants you to attend the ceremony, the swearing-in ceremony.” She turned to me and said, “At least you don’t leave him. Don’t leave him. Stay with him.” So I’m the only one on board that airplane that stayed with the casket. Never left it.


     [Godfrey McHugh oral history for JFK Library, interviewed by Shelden Stern, on May 19, 1978]

    Soon after JFK was murdered, Lyndon Johnson used the most foul language in cussing out Gen. Godfrey McHugh for flying Jackie Kennedy back to Washington, D.C. from Palm Beach

    From Gen. Godfrey McHugh’s 1978 Oral history with the JFK Library. Godfrey McHugh was a personal friend of Jackie and had known her for a long time::

    STERN: Did you also handle Mrs. Kennedy’s trips, for example to Palm Beach, that sort of thing?

    McHUGH: Oh, yes. On that one there is a very strange experience. I want to tell about that. The President had died and Mrs. Kennedy was in Palm Beach, and I felt – it was just a few days afterwards. She called me and said, “I’m going to be in Palm Beach and can you fly me back?” And, of course, my answer was immediate, “Yes, Mrs. Kennedy. What day? I’ll pick you up and fly you back to Washington.” So I took a Sabreliner and flew down to Homestead, gave a little speech there, talked to the commander and then flew to Palm Beach, refueled there, and picked up Mrs. Kennedy. Then I flew into Andrews and there was a car there to pick her up and she went. When I walked into the White House President Johnson called me in his office and started cursing me, using the foulest language. “God damn….” I mean it was unbelievable. I was trying figure out what had happened. “You have no right to fly Mrs. Kennedy. She has no right to be in any airplane of the government. How do you dare do that?” Poor Mrs. Kennedy was just widowed. I mean I couldn’t believe it.

    STERN: This was very shortly after the assassination?

    McHUGH: Oh, very shortly afterwards. What amazed me is that, first, it was not an executive type airplane. I have to fly four hours at least every month. I have to land several times to keep my rating as command pilot. This was a normal flight. We select where we are going to go. We select where we were going to land. The fact that I did select Palm Beach, I had selected Palm Beach many times before – I have a piece of property there near Mar-a-lago. I went there quite often. There was nothing wrong about it. I was to get flying time. You talk about Mrs. Kennedy, that was one flight that got me into trouble with Johnson, for no reason at all.

    STERN: Generally I think it’s probably not particularly useful in these kinds of interviews to talk about events associated with the assassination. But there is one element in it that I think I would like to ask you, if you’re willing to discuss it. That is, I think, for example, your own testimony to the Warren Commission, all of that is known, and there’s no…

    McHUGH: I did not make a thing to the Warren Commission.

    STERN: Oh, I thought you did.

    McHUGH: I don’t think so. I forgot about it. But I did not go to the Warren Commission.

    [Godfrey McHugh oral history for JFK Library, interviewed by Shelden Stern, on May 19, 1978]

    Lyndon Johnson went “absolutely berserk” when he saw that communications towers had been installed at the LBJ Ranch and a fire truck was there to stop any fires on airplanes.


    When we flew with President Johnson a few days later, he was seated in the helicopter in front of me and I was seated on the other side of him, he suddenly saw a bunch of towers on his ranch. He went absolutely berserk, screaming, yelling, cursing, “I want those God damn things taken out of there. Who would dare to do that? They’ve got to be fired. I don’t want anybody…. Who on earth….” I couldn’t figure out where, because I couldn’t see them as well as he could see them. I kept on looking because he knew his ranch way better than I did.

    STERN: You say there were towers?

    McHUGH: I remember LeMay [Curtis E. LeMay] saying “Now that he is President, we have to put communications and we have to have guiding beacons, and we have to have a fire truck there so if he lands there,” because that’s our own rules you see. We don’t land any place without a fire truck there to come in case of…. And here were these towers, had been built for communications. They were not on his ranch but they were right on the border on another ranch but he didn’t realize that. So when he landed he said, “I want that beacon out of there; I want those towers out of there.” Suddenly he saw three huge trailers side by side. One was for classified communications, one was for the press, and one was for normal communications, and they were there. He said, “Out with those things. Nobody has the right to destroy my ranch.” Suddenly comes this huge truck; the fire truck came in. He said, “I never want to see that truck again. Take it out of there. Don’t dare use my roads for these trucks.” I said, “Mr. President, we’ll do that, but can we get the small truck?” We had to buy a smaller truck so that we could put it on his ranch, so when he landed by helicopters…. It was very difficult.

    [Godfrey McHugh oral history for JFK Library, interviewed by Shelden Stern, on May 19, 1978]

     Air Force Brigadier General Godfrey McHugh (1911-1997) is buried at Arlington. He was a longtime friend of Jackie Kennedy and a social escort for her in the mid 50’s before she married JFK

     Godfrey McHugh (1911-1997) - Find a Grave Memorial

     Gen. Godfrey McHugh had to slap Lyndon Johnson to compose him on 11/22/63

               "But Johnson had no intention of leaving until he was sworn in as President- a needless formality that could easily have taken place at a later time, once everyone was out of harm's way. He had placed a call to Federal District Judge Sarah Hughes, and now everyone was forced to sit in the sweltering afternoon heat- the airconditioning could not be turned on until the engines were started- waiting for Judge Hughes to arrive.

              Johnson, meantime, was cracking. General McHugh, who at first had no idea that LBJ was even on the plane, claimed that at one point he discovered Johnson cowering in the closet of the President's cabin. "They're going to kill us," he whimpered. "They're going to shoot down the plane, they're going to kill us all." It was then, McHugh said, that he actually got LBJ to "snap out of it" by slapping him. McHugh, in turn, was observed by others on the plane as dashing up and down the center aisle a half dozen times, wild-eyed and rambling.

              Neither man was a picture of composure."

     [Christopher Anderson, Jackie After Jack, p. 11]


    Obviously LBJ wanted Jackie to himself. LBJ wanted to be the one that tended to her needs. McHugh was threat to him in that regards.

  6. Greek to me. And to most older Americans.

    I recently viewed a news clip of reporters asking members of our Congress and Senate how much they knew about AI?  Seemed almost everyone questioned stood with blank stares and several flat out admitted..."not much."

    Reading Tom Gram's posts above he threw out acronyms that were so foreign to me I  broke out laughing. Yet, he is so sharp this was a language he easily understands inherently.

    Obviously, Tom Gram is clearly our man to turn to regards AI on the forum.

    Advanced Facial Recognition technology could be a game changer in the case. Scan every photo known to exist of the Dealey Plaza crowd. See what pops up.

    Rip Robertson? E. Howard Hunt? The "Dark Complexion" man? Who knows. Scan every Lee Oswald leaflet photo in New Orleans. Will Bill Shelley pop up? 

    Takes money though. More than I could ever come up with.

  7. On 3/27/2024 at 4:27 AM, Sean Coleman said:

    Interesting, although it seems the visor was mostly in an upright position 


    In the bottom photo, there's that pesky, easy to see bullet hole size and shape indentation into the upper inner-side windshield steel/chrome frame ... just an inch above and two inches to the right of the middle of the visor hanger piece and just behind the left edge of the right-side visor.

    The speculative claim that this bullet hole shaped windshield frame indentation was caused years earlier by some body repair shop in New York City when forcing on the mechanically operated hard top is ridiculous.

  8. 2 hours ago, Robert Montenegro said:

    As for AI recognition, I do believe it would be a brilliant tool to not only identifying persons in and around the fire-zone of President Kennedy's murder...

    RM... WHAT IF ... Facial Recognition technology analysis finds the Dealey Plaza photo is a 99.5% match to other Robertson photos? 

    Just for speculative discussion ... what would you think of Robertson's presence in Dealey Plaza that day and right during the shooting of JFK?

  9. On 3/4/2024 at 7:48 AM, Robert Montenegro said:

    William Alexander "Rip" Robertson Jr. (Operación 40 executive/ ZRJEWEL commander/ Joint Advisory Commission Korea/ American Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters/ CIA liaison, South African Institute for Maritime Research/ CIA paramilitary officer, Special Activities Division, Special Operations Group)

    Again...Facial Recognition Technology can now prove ( or disprove? ) Robertson was photographed in the Dealey Plaza bystander crowd as JFK drove through just seconds before he was obliterated.

    I've been posting how Facial Recognition Tech has vastly improved it's ability for accuracy. 99.5% according to researchers like New York Times reporter Kashmir Hill. 

    Her new book "Your Face Belongs To Us" details the huge impact of this technology on everyone. Both here and abroad. I'm posting a link to a recent interview of Kashmir Hill discussing her new best seller book.  She highlights a company called "Clear View AI" that is a leader in this field of facial identification.

    Police departments and agencies across America use this Clear View technology now. They rave about it's accuracy success.

    The story of Facial Recognition Technology is a fascinating yet ominously frightening one. The technology is being used everywhere and abused. The average American doesn't even know about this technology and the power and potential rights violation danger of it's use.

    This interview of Ms. Hill begins about 5 minutes in.

    Ms. Hill has been threatened because of her research. Wait until you read about the owners of Madison Square Garden's use of Clear View AI technology to immediately identify and then toss perceived enemies out of their premises within seconds of their entering.

    A billionaire grocery store owner in New York City uses Clear View tech to ID potential shop-lifters. Right wing rally organizers use it to toss leftists from their venues.

    Homeland Security uses it.

    Ms. Hill states there is a private "FRT" company out there that the general public can use to ID anyone. It is called "PimEyes." 

    Eventually someone is going to submit some of more ominous suspect JFKA character photos like Rip Robertson, Bill Shelley and others to one of these FRT companies for analysis.

    I understand there is also body type and gait technologies that are now equally advanced.

    The 3 Tramp pic with the suited man walking through them would be the first to submit for analysis in that venue.


    Your Face Belongs to Us - C-SPAN.org

  10. I haven't researched the entire body of Seymour Weitzman's statements and testimonies so the following question is just a curious thought.

    Did Weitzman ever say that he actually saw the word "Mauser" on the 6th floor found rifle?  

    I don't recall reading Weitzman ever stated he saw the "Mauser" stamp.

    Roger Craig ( who truly was just feet away for the rifle ) claimed he saw the Mauser stamp on the rifle. Along with it's caliber number. 

    So, Craig just made that up?

  11. The testimony of William H. Shelley was taken at 3 p.m., on May 14, 1964, in the office of the U.S. attorney, 301 Post Office Building, Bryan and Ervay Streets, Dallas, Tex., by Mr. Joseph A. Ball, assistant counsel of the President's Commission.

    Mr. BALL. Mr. Shelley, you have been sworn and this will be a continuation of your deposition. You are still under oath, you understand that?
    Mr. SHELLEY. Yes, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Do you recall seeing a couple of guns in the Texas School Book Depository Building on the 20th of November 1963?

    Mr. SHELLEY. Yes, sir.

    Mr. BALL. Where?

    Mr. SHELLEY. Just outside Mr. Truly's office on the will-call counter.

    Mr. BALL. And how did they get there?

    Mr. SHELLEY. Mr. Warren Caster had just purchased them and brought them in and stopped by to see us.

    Mr. BALL. Did you handle the guns?

    Mr. SHELLEY. I held the .22.

    Mr. BALL. And was there another make of gun too---there was, wasn't there?

    >>>>>   Mr. SHELLEY. Yes; I believe there was a .30-06 Mauser that had been converted. It was a foreign make converted to a .30-06.  <<<<<< !!!!!

    Mr. BALL. Did you handle that?
    Mr. SHELLEY. No.
    Mr. BALL. What happened to the guns?
    Mr. SHELLEY. Well, we looked them over, like you do any new toy, and he putts them back in the box and goes out of the door.
    Mr. BALL. And did you ever see them again?
    Mr. SHELLEY. No, sir.
    Mr. BALL. Had you ever seen any guns in that building before that date?
    Mr. SHELLEY. No, sir.

    Gee what an incredible coincidence... Shelley never saw a rifle brought into the TXSBD building in his 12 years there ... until just two days before 11/22/1963? And one is a MAUSER?

  12. 57 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:


    What was Hosty's motive for lying, by saying that Oswald claimed to have been out watching the Presidential Parade?

    I'm afraid you haven't thought this through.

    Here is just another example of Hosty either lying or purposely misstating facts when questioned under oath:

    "Oswald’s interrogation on the afternoon of November 22, 1963, was attended by two FBI special agents, James Hosty and James Bookhout, both of whom recorded handwritten notes.

    Bookhout told the Warren Commission that he destroyed his notes later, after writing a formal report, as was the FBI’s custom. 1 Hosty told the Warren Commission much the same story, adding that he specifically recalled placing his notes in a wastebasket.

    2 Thirty-two years later, however, Hosty’s book Assignment Oswald appeared with a photographic reproduction of the notes, >>>> which turned out to have not been destroyed after all. <<<<

    Hosty explained that he had truthfully testified to the Warren Commission,

    >>>>> in that at the time of his testimony he sincerely believed that he had destroyed the notes but subsequently he had discovered them in papers on his desk." <<<<<




  13. My take on James Hosty was one of loyalty to his employer above and beyond that to anyone else. When Hosty was asked many years after his initial Warren Commission testimony why he didn't tell the Commission about the presence of and his personal destruction of his office's Oswald file on the day of Oswald's death, he said with a chuckle..."they didn't ask."

    "They didn't ask." ???

    Hosty chuckles when relating his holding back from the Commission the fact of his destruction ( upon orders from his boss Gordon Shanklin ) of their Oswald file just two days after the JFKA? Any person older than 13 can understand the "bomb shell" implications of that specific information withholding. 

    Hosty chuckles when retelling of his office's destruction of mind-blowing important evidence? The Committee would have had no choice but to have stopped their proceedings right after such an admission. It would have thrown the entire investigation into chaos.

    Yet, Hosty's destruction of their Oswald file upon Oswald's death did happen. It was a truth that was denied the Commission and the American people who were desperate for the truth.

    Catholic James Hosty took "a sworn" oath before testifying before the WC. With his right hand raised and left hand on "the Bible" he swore to tell the WC "The Truth, THE WHOLE TRUTH, And Nothing But The Truth...So Help Me ... God!"

    He violated that oath to the WC, to the American people and to ... God!

    He knowingly and purposely withheld the "whole truth" from them.

    Hosty knew how important his office's Oswald file was to any investigation. He knew how important it was that they burned the file ( destruction of evidence ).

    Hosty chose to put his loyalty to his employer above any sworn oath loyalty to the investigation that was created under the highest authority to find the truth of the JFKA, to the American people and even to his own God!

    That action destroyed Agent James Hosty's truth telling integrity and credibility imo.

    And compels me to believe Agent Bookhouse's Oswald interrogation report over Hosty's, regards Oswald's actions on the first floor and his possible walk out onto the front entrance steps, if even briefly just after the shooting.

    And the following is just another James Hosty gem regards his holding back information from the American people regards Oswald, the WC and who knows what else.

    I caught a radio interview Of Hosty just after his book "Assignment Oswald" was released. In this he spontaneously blurted out this incredulous admission.

    He volunteered to the interviewer..."we had three of them." 

    Three of them? Hosty was saying his employer the FBI had 3 members of the Warren Commission feeding them information! Possibly violating the tenants of their so called "independence" integrity precepts. Gerald Ford wasn't enough? 

    I caught that amazingly revealing and important incrimination statement by Hosty and immediately recognized it's importance. I thought the radio interviewer would catch it too. Yet, the radio host immediately interrupted the still talking Hosty in mid-sentence and changed the subject with some inane question. I can't prove the radio host knew what he was doing or was just conducting the interview poorly. 

    I would have immediately asked Hosty..."who were these three WC members that were feeding you inside info during the proceedings?" Gerald Ford of course...but the other two?"

    On 11,22,1963 Agent James Hosty ( on high alert duty in a highest Presidential security assignment ) watched JFK pass by him during the Dallas Motorcade parade and then simply walked into a local coffee shop to grab a bite to eat as soon as JFK's limo continued beyond his sight. He heard about the shooting soon after.

    Hosty's security duties ended as soon as JFK passed by him downtown? Common sense tells me someone in Hosty's employment position that day would at least hold off going to lunch until JFK safely reached the Dallas Trade Mart...no?


  14. 1 hour ago, Charles Blackmon said:

    I did taxes for a young secret service agent today. Naturally I had to get in a word about the JFKA and of course mentioned the names Abraham Bolden and Clint Hill. He seemed to know about them but if he knew something about SS actions on that day, he wasn't saying. (Probably thinking who is this guy? Maybe we should put him on a list lol!)

    Maybe? Charles...you are NOW on their list!

  15. Trust fund baby Michael Paine took being bit## slapped by Fritz without a word or swing back.

    Poor but tough country boy Buell Wesley Frazier did not.

    Frazier warned Fritz...if you hits me "we's gonna have one hell of a fight!" 

    Fritz backed down.

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