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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Over the years I have occasionally considered the following contemplation:

    A different take on the response of every branch and ancillary entities of our government and military to the assassination of the President of our nation.

    If any foreign adversary nation government had actually facilitated the murder of JFK, even if brilliantly fire wall distanced from them officially through 50 layers of misdirection to the most disconnected hit squad or even deranged or Manchurian Candidate patsy...one would think that every intelligence gathering agency in America would have combined their world's best skills into one massive, all-out, act-of-war level of concern cooperative effort to find out if they did and which one.

    Our President was just taken out!

    Outside of a full-on attack with troops and bombs, the murder of your adversary's chief of state must rank as the most aggressive act-of-war action an enemy state could perpetrate upon another - right?

    If that highest level act-of-war aggression scenario actually took place due to the planning and coordination of one of our adversary nations, our entire military, every intelligence gathering entity, every government investigative agency, every elective branch of our government, every news organization should have immediately mobilized their efforts into one "massive and cooperative" single intelligence gathering effort equal to or at least close to that which we undertook upon the attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.

    By 1963, I have to believe we had the most sophisticated and skilled intelligence gathering apparatus ever created. If there was proof ( even half ) that JFK's murder was planned and carried out by an adversary nation no matter how deviously and cleverly disguised as the action of a lone nut...we would have discovered the true perpetrators through an all-out combined and cooperative effort to do so imo.

    I think the huge majority of Americans fully assumed that our most powerful military and civilian leaders and organizations would be so outraged at the murder of their President that they would have automatically blasted their way into the unprecedented all-out fully cooperative investigative effort as I describe above.

    Did they? Did the Chief's of Staff, the Pentagon, every military intelligence branch, the FBI, etc. work as one? 

    If they did, even to a higher than normal degree, I can't accept that they wouldn't have found out who was truly responsible for the murder of their President.

    And if it was the Soviet Union, please enlighten us to the reciprocal punitive actions we took in response?

    LBJ put the fear of all-out war in the minds of those he needed to follow his post-JFKA agenda. Strongly inferring to them that it was the SU that had JFK taken out...but we couldn't retaliate to save the world from even greater death and destruction?

    So, if true, shouldn't we still have done something extra-ordinarily punitive to them? Or, did we give the Soviets a non-retaliatory pass on the JFKA?

    I mean, if LBJ's scary warning excuse to Earl Warren and others was true...and we didn't respond in some half-way serious degree what else could you call it? 

    Or we didn't because we knew they were not the perpetrators?

    I don't think our military and intel-world and civilian agencies did seriously combine their brain trusts into investigating who really did JFK. And if so...that suggest to me they weren't seriously committed to finding the main behind-the-scenes perpetrators.

    Or, they already knew the guilty party wasn't a foreign adversary nation?

    Just some rage filled minimum wage loser wanna be. Who just got lucky with one of the worst and cheapest old rifles one can buy to defeat a small army of security forces protecting the President of the United States.

    And who then ran down some old wooden stairs to a "see inside window" employee lunch room to grab a Dr. Pepper, calmy drink this and then walk down to the first floor entrance lobby to stand around for at least a few seconds more before then walking a couple of blocks to get on a city bus and then catching a taxi to complete his successful escape run?

    Did Dulles, Lemay, LBJ, Hoover et al really want to know who did JFK? 



  2. 15 minutes ago, Jamey Flanagan said:

    This is just an amusing post but I really think some of you will get a good laugh at it.

    I'm binging the series Lost because I never watched it the first time around. Just one of those I figured I would like but never started watching it. Now with streaming services where you can binge watch from the beginning I've finally gotten around to it. Please no spoilers because I'm just starting Season 3. 

    Now, where this ties into the JFK assassination. My initial impression is that the writers were just throwing everything they could against the wall and just see what sticks. Because, so far anyway, not every lead or clue goes somewhere. In many ways the assassination is much like that. It can be confusing and convoluted and it probably has driven many a man or woman crazy diving down this particular rabbit hole.

    Chasing after promising leads that seem to go nowhere. To be sure, the waters have been muddied as much as possible through disinformation from agency "assets". I've been studying the assassination since I was maybe 10 or 11 and I just turned 46, lol! I devour books and articles and videos on the topic. If they had a 24 hour channel just on assassination related topics I'd stay tuned in, lol! But it can be maddening following all these leads! Just when you start following a trail that seems to make sense, you find another that makes sense too but they both contradict each other, lol! The research community pretty much knows the broad picture and most of the major players involved. But the minute details are where it gets a little fuzzy, lol! Just exactly what happened that day in Dealey Plaza.

    Anyway, that was just my epiphany I had while watching Lost, lol! Hope y'all find some kind of insight into this or relate in some way!

    Your thoughts are totally well founded rational and sensible. 

    Many times over the years I have had to take serious mental breaks from the JFKA truth seeking mission for the exact reasons you cite.



  3. One Kennedy aide riding back to DC on Air Force Two ( or another plane ? ) with staffers for both LBJ and JFK later reported her disgust at how undisturbed several of the LBJ people seemed to be with some even light-hearted cheerful on that flight.

    Reminds you of the big smiling, congratulatory wink Texas Republican Congressman Albert Thomas gave LBJ when LBJ turned away toward him right after his swearing in on Air Force 1.

    Thomas's smiling wink was so happy-minded animated, it was as if LBJ had just kicked the last second winning field goal for their beloved Texas U. football team over Oklahoma! 



    That Thomas celebratory wink and smile was so contrary to the otherwise somber mood scene it was perverse.

    Like someone leaping about and laughing during a grieving family funeral service.

    You know you are going into the most right wing JFK hating nut country when just weeks before even fur wearing high society dames are attacking JFK representing Adlai Stevenson with rotten egg throwing, protest sign swinging, ugly cursing and even spitting.

    Dallas in 1963 was JFK hate central with the JBL, Minute Men headquartered there along with a large KKK presence amongst law enforcement and even city government.

    Even extreme right wing commie threat obsessed General Edwin Walker lived there! The man RFK had involuntarily committed to a nut ward for his instigating action in Oxford, Mississippi during the college integration riots there on September 30th, 1962. A general that was removed from his command for his extreme right view indoctrination antics with his own troops.

    Talk about entering a den of venomous and hateful snakes.

  4. 48 minutes ago, Simon Andrew said:

    Based upon the cutting of the tendons, the bag over his head and the  missing notes…it does lend credence to the notion that he was snuffed out.

    Plastic bag over his head when found?    Please.

    If that is true it is so incongruous relative to 99+% of other wrist slashing in the bath tub suicide scenes you have to consider another scenario. And, if he had his briefcase and notes upon arriving to the hotel and his room...and never left. How did they disappear? 

    I assume this hotel did not have a security camera system?

    If they did, they might have been able to see Casolaro leaving the hotel or perhaps walking through the lobby that evening after his initial arrival and check in? Or perhaps captured footage of others coming and going who didn't check in or if they did - stay after checking in?

    It's sounding more like the Dorothy Kilgallen false suicide story.

  5. 2 hours ago, Robert Burrows said:

    How do you slash a wrist when the tendons in the wrist holding the knife have been severed? And why were his papers missing?

    Just watched the first episode. The paramedic's observation sharing describing the deepness of the wrist's cuts is intriguing.

    The drawing ( autopsy drawing? ) showing the twelve cuts and their depth seems to verify his account. 

    Then there is the Casolaro's brother's statement that Danny C. told him that if something bad happened to him "it would be no accident."?

    Regarding Casolaro's personal finances losses perhaps being a main driving force behind his desperate decision to end his life:

    Casolaro's family was quite wealthy. They were also very close.

    Danny Casolaro was beloved to an adoration degree by his family.

    It's seems reasonable that Casolaro's family would not have just stood by and watched him descend into financial ruin without helping him in some way.

    Was DC's pride so great however that he would choose to commit suicide and in such a gory blood spattering way before asking his family to help with his financial stresses?

    Or, were their other deep emotional issue demons Casolaro was dealing with? That he kept hidden from family and friends?

    Depression? Anxiety and trauma? Sexual issues? Self-esteem issues?

    Sometimes the warmest, most charming and engaging and thoughtfully sensitive people can carry the deepest emotional struggles and pains. Beyond those who are considered less so, even self-centered and cold.

  6. Wealthy and violent White Council leader Joseph Milteer knew in advance.

    His JFKA prediction was more presciently accurate with specific details than a truly skilled psychic.

    Is Joseph Milteer a key to the JFK assassination?

    milteer2.jpg?resize=140%2C230On the morning of November 9th, 1963, two weeks before JFK was assassinated, right-wing extremist Joseph Milteer was in a Miami hotel room talking with Willie Somerset, an undercover police informant who happened to be wearing a wire. This conversation was turned over to the FBI immediately, although it would not surface publicly until four years later. Here is what Milteer had to say:

    [Killing Kennedy] “was in the working” and would be accomplished “from an office building with a high-powered rifle”….that could be “disassembled” to get it into the building and they will “pick someone up within hours if anything like that happened just to throw the public off.” Milteer also mentioned “the Cubans” were involved.

  7. Does anyone here really believe that the Life Magazine owners would ever allow any extra-powers government agency ( nefarious agenda or not ) unfettered access to the Z film, once they purchased it from Abraham Zapruder?

    Access to do anything with the film they wanted such as this alleged alteration?

    Or, did the owners protect the sacrosanct integrity of the film with their highest effort security measures?

  8. 5 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

    Planning the assassination: weeks & months

    Planning his getaway: not one single second


    Makes total sense!

    RIGHT ON Grand Master Flash DZ!

    A life and death fearing Oswald walks ( or runs ) down to the 2nd floor employee lunch room, buys and casually drinks a Dr. Pepper ( his favorite soda pop and mine too ) then saunters down to the first floor main entrance lobby where he calmly directs journalist Robert McNeil to a wall pay phone, then walks ( not running ) to the nearest city bus stop, gets on and sits for a few minutes until a stopped in traffic delay inspires him to get off and hail a cab ( 2nd one after gentlemanly allowing a woman to have a first available one ) for a ride back to his little rented room back in Oak Cliff. The cab ride was 95 cents and running for his life LO actually told the driver to keep the nickel change.

    Then it was off to the races down residential streets ( to where no one knows ) and eventually ending up in a local movie theater where he skips past the entrance ticket booth without paying, yet shells out a quarter for a box of popcorn and settles down in a theater seat albeit initially jumping from one to another to find just the right comfy one.

    Henry Wade tells the press this equates into weeks and months of planning on Oswald's part?

    Yes, and Wade also pretended to not know Jack Ruby when a reporter at the first night news conference told Wade at the second news conference ( after Ruby shot Oswald ) it looked like he and Ruby were old friends when the reporter noticed Wade talking one on one with Ruby seconds after the first news conference on 11,22,1963.

    To which Wade only gave a sheepish childlike "hand caught in the cookie jar" guilty grin. Not even answering the reporter's curious question.

  9. I know I've said it 100 times in posts - how in the world did the Dorothy Kilgallen life and death story avoid being made into an A list film?  

    And being done so within a short time after her death or in the least no more than 10 years?

    Yet, "never" in 60 years?

    Impossibly illogical imo.

    I would have thought one or more major movie studios would have easily seen the screamingly obvious intrinsic appeal to a mass national and even international audience and "fought" for the rights!

    Her real-life story had all the needed elements ( in spades ) of a major film blockbuster.

    Highest society level celebrity engagement ( daily ) , unprecedented professional achievement - breaking ( smashing ) traditional barriers for women, national and even international fame and notoriety "on her own" ( national TV star recognition for 10 years ) controversial high drama conflicts ( Frank Sinatra and J. Edgar Hoover ) and in the end an almost Hitchcockian darkly suspicious and mysterious type death.

    For decades she associated with so many world famous people from every corner of celebrity. Presidents, famous writers, Hollywood glamour. One day she's posing with Marilyn Monroe, the next JFK himself?

    She even added the extra-interesting label of top criminal case reporter and investigator. Dr. Sam Sheppard trial for murder of his wife and the Jack Ruby Oswald murder trial.

    Meryl Streep would have ferociously devoured the role of DK.

    But it's all gone now. Meryl Streep is too old. Generations have passed. Well over half the countries citizens over 18 don't even have a clue about Dorothy Kilgallen, who she was, her remarkable lifetime achievements and her totally suspicious murder with the most high level corruption dark implications.

    What an important cinematic production opportunity loss.

  10. So, if the Hickey shooting is true, then the first and third shots heard by hundreds in Dealey Plaza as well as many Texas School Book Depository workers such as Junior Jarmen, Harold Norman and Bonnie Ray Williams - missed?

    And the Hickey shot also came within just inches of blowing Jackie Kennedy's head wide open as well? 

    If Hickey misfired his weapon, are you saying he didn't know that this discharge hit JFK in the head? If he was oblivious, at what point in time did he finally become aware of the results of his errand shot?

    I would think Hickey might have had a serious mental breakdown at some point in his life If he knew it was his mishandling of his weapon that killed the President of the United States. And he had to go along with the cover-up the rest of his life. 

    Or, maybe not. Self-doubt, guilt and remorse is not always present in the mental make up of people, no matter how brutally destructive their actions may be.




  11. 1 hour ago, Robert Morrow said:

    Ben, I am just curious. How did Eladio Del Valle feel about the Kennedys?

    Because I know how LBJ did. Robert Caro describes the LBJ-RFK relationship post 1960 Democratic convention, where RFK had moved heaven and earth attempting to keep LBJ off the 1960 Democratic ticket. Caro:


    John Connally, who during long days of conversation with this author was willing to answer almost any question put to him, no matter how delicate the topic, wouldn't answer when asked what Johnson said about Robert Kennedy. When the author pressed him, he finally said flatly: "I am not going to tell you what he said about him." During the months after the convention, when Johnson was closeted alone back in Texas with an old ally he would sometimes be asked about Robert Kennedy. He would reply with a gesture. Raising his big right hand, he would draw the side of it across the neck in a slowing, slitting movement. Sometimes that gesture would be his only reply; sometimes, as during a meeting with Ed Clark in Austin, he would say, as his hand moved across his neck, "I'll cut his throat if it's the last thing I do." 


    [Robert Caro, The Passage of Power, p. 140] 

    The above is a great and important part of the big "Black Hole" missing biographical  information history of the full reality LBJ story. 

    Missing from the mainstream societal and media historical record except for rare mention in extremely obscure and hard to find literary venues and immediately downplayed and disparaged when it is brought out in any media way.

    Did LBJ hate the Kennedys to a degree of wanting them removed? In the least, to save his own hugely corrupt neck?

    Does a Zebra have stripes?

  12. Rapheal Cruz Sr. lived in New Orleans at the same time as Oswald and Oswald's NO leaflet passing activity. Same exact age as Oswald. Both born in 1939. Cruz was heavily involved in public Cuban meetings including speaking for years while he was attending college in Texas. He then stops that activity in NO upon moving there just months before Oswald? Same face length and shape. Take off the glasses on the bespectacled Cruz.



    Oswald in the doorway: the blog of the Oswald Innocence Campaign, by Ralph Cinque

  13. In the comparative photos above of Shelley in Dealey Plaza being escorted down to the Dallas PD ( or Sheriffs office?) just minutes after JFK was shot and the one's of a look-alike man standing with Lee Harvey Oswald's New Orleans flyer passing crew in August of 63, I just became aware of the uncanny similarity of the shoes worn by both men.

    Same exact style, length, width, color, etc.

    Check out each man's right foot shoe. See for yourself. 

    And note that the time frame of the photos was only 3 months apart.

  14. 5 hours ago, David Andrews said:

    I'm surprised not to see Bill Shelley on it.

    You mean Oswald's immediate job manager at the School Book Depository up until 11,22,1963?

    The same fellow who is a "dead ringer doppelganger" to the man shown in the photo of Oswald and helpers handing out pro-Cuba flyers in front of the New Orleans Trade Mart building in August-63?

    Same height, skinny weight build, sunken cheek face, on the pale side skin color, "exact" same high pompadour hair style and color and similar style and fit suit with white collar and thin tie and even shoe style and color?

    Right-handed to boot?

    That Bill Shelley? 

    No way?

    And it looks like the Shelley look-alike man in the lowest picture is smoking a cigarette. Was Shelley a cigarette smoker?

    Was Bill Shelley Oswald's CIA minder in the TSBD? Was he also at the New Orleans Trade Mart ...

    Bill Shelley @ Prayer ManLeaked DNC email speculates on Rafael Cruz involvement in Kennedy assassination

  15. If only someone could come up with more than this small handful list of deep covert characters?  Wink!

    And If I had the funds, I would have the well known full facial photo of the Rip Robertson doppelganger man shown standing on the sidewalk of Houston Street as JFK's limo passes by analyzed by at least one of the most reputable "Facial Recognition" tech companies to see if it is indeed the same Rip Robertson.

  16. I wouldn't know what questions to ask Barr McClellan. What I know of him and his book and story I've gleaned from his videotaped interviews. Everything else I have learned via Robert Morrow. 

    And Billy Sol Estes from Doug Caddy.

    How much would we "not know" about Ed Clark, the "real " King Pin of Texas political power and his true bond with LBJ if it were not for Barr McClellan?

    Same with Estes and Doug Caddy's research?

    Yet, who wouldn't want to hear Barr McClelland tell even more stories of the real Texas back-room power elite and other crimes and corruptions they directed and controlled back in those days?

    The man has a presence and mesmerizing great trial attorney voice of authority speaking manner one would expect from a man of his background.

    I picture him living in a rich color wood panel ranch type home with high quality red leather seats, a large stone mantle log burning fireplace and a liquor cabinet stocked with the finest conversation bourbon and maybe even an antique Hemingway style humidor offering Perdomo cigars.



  17. On 3/2/2024 at 7:53 AM, Robert Morrow said:

    Well, it's not like at Peter Lawford's home in Santa Monica, JFK and Marilyn Monroe are going to invite the Secret Service into the bedroom to watch what was going on. Anything going on between JFK and Monroe was not an act to be publicly shared, unlike Lyndon Johnson

      >>> "and his serial defecation in front of staff and reporters." <<<

    If JFK and Marilyn Monroe were in a private, closed room together, they were probably having sex.


  18. 1 hour ago, W. Niederhut said:


    Who told Ruby to kill Oswald?

    Who told Dallas PD Chief Jessie Curry and captain Will Fritz to ignore all advice about moving Oswald unannounced and in the cover of darkness, versus their plan of public time and location in broad daylight announcing and parading Oswald through a narrow hallway and right into a packed, easily security breached camera flashing crush of newsmen?

  19. On 3/3/2024 at 6:32 AM, Robert Morrow said:

    I live in Austin, TX in the western suburbs. I am about 25 minutes from the LBJ Library to the east. The LBJ Ranch is about one hour car drive to the west of me. I love living in Austin. It is a great town and it has changed dramatically since you were here and since I was in the UT-Austin graduate MBA program from 1988 - 1990.

    The University of Texas and the Texas media (Texas Monthly, the Dallas Morning News, the Austin-American Statesman, the TV stations, public radio) are all a part of the LBJ Cover Up operation. The local politicians play in the cover up game, too, and the LBJ Legacy crowd has a plot to name the Austin Airport after LBJ.

    The depth of the depravity and criminality of Lyndon Johnson is far from being acknowledged both here and nationally.

    Naming a School for Public Affairs after Lyndon Johnson is like naming a girl's middle school volleyball team after Jeffrey Epstein.

    I pound LBJ hard on the JFK assassination but he also murdered Sam Smithwick in prison in 1952 then he murdered U.S. Agricultural official Henry Marshall on June 3, 1961.


    In February, 1952, LBJ pulled strings to get his henchman Mac Wallace no time in jail for a first degree murder conviction.

    https://spartacus-educational.com/JFKwallaceM.htm (No, I do not think Mac Wallace shot JFK; I merely think he was a crook for LBJ - maybe he killed some other LBJ enemies)

    Lyndon Johnson conspired with Israel to sink a ship USS Liberty of American sailors on June 8, 1967 so the heinous crime could be blamed on Egypt so the United States (LBJ) would have a pretext to attack Egypt in the Six Day War.

    On top of all that Lyndon Johnson stole 6 million troy ounces of gold from White Sands Missile Range in 1969. LBJ shipped the gold to his Mexican Ranch Las Pampas and from there the gold was flown via 13 plane trips to Vancouver for the gold to be laundered. You can read about that in John Clarence's trilogy of books called The Gold House. You can find these books on Amazon.

    Gold is worth about $2,083 today (3/3/2024). 6 million troy ounces of gold at today's prices is $12,498,000,000.  Yes, that is $12.4 BILLION dollars worth of gold in 2024 prices. Back then the price of gold was fixed at $35/ounce. After LBJ died, I do not think the Johnson family was able to monetize this gold, probably because of a fear of going to jail.

    At the time of the JFK assassination, Vice President Lyndon Johnson was worth about $250 million in today's 2024 dollars.

    LBJ insider Ed Clark told author Robert Caro that LBJ’s net worth at the time of the JFK assassination was an astronomical $25 million (for 1963)! Which is equal to $252 million in 2024 dollars


    The author asked Clark the worth of those interests at the time Lyndon Johnson became President. Several days later he replied, after apparently checking his firm’s records: “It would have been – you mean his net worth – about $25,000,000 at the time.”


    [Robert Caro, The Path to Power, p. 788]   

    Inflation calculator: https://www.usinflationcalculator.com/

    $25 million in would equal an astounding $251,974,673 in 2024 dollars.



    My observation is that there is a monumentally massive and disturbing black hole in the officially accepted government and academic historical record regarding the true reality level of LBJ's corruption and psychopathy.

    Even though there are scores of "hintings" of LBJ's life long corrupt doings and connections as well as his known weird, crude and fowl sadistic behaviors in the many bio-tomes of him, these are couched as anecdotal side-stories and presented more to give their subject some humorous color more than any serious weight regarding LBJ's true dark character and crimes.

    Former Texan power broker Kingpin Ed Clark law firm lawyer Barr McClellan exposed the full weight truth of the LBJ/Clark corruption connection in his 2003 book "Blood, Money And Power."

    McClellan and his LBJ/Clark bombshell expose however were marginalized immediately and thoroughly by the still highest level and heavily entrenched LBJ false narrative pushing establishment.

    Ed Tatro informed us of LBJ's murder orders of his most important threat enemies. But how many Americans ever saw or heard his claims and findings? They will never read about this reality in any officially sanctioned publication.

    Doug Caddy has well exposed the full truth regarding LBJ's criminal partnership with Billy Sol Estes. Others have given us the same regarding Bobby Baker and LBJ.

    I'm sure there is nothing in the LBJ presidential library that mentions these truths. Another LBJ dark truth is his fathering a son "Stephen" by his longtime mistress Madeline Brown and his surviving family's cruel denial of his true lineage and birth rights.

    The equally disturbing reality of this corruption truth "Black Hole" in the official LBJ historical biography record is how the American public has for 60+ years accepted this manipulated false reality lie about the true corruption and psychopathy of good ole LBJ with such "who cares " apathy. 

  20. We know that a number ( some to perhaps many) of the Dallas Police department's own personnel expressed serious concern and frustration with their building being open to the crush of a frantic press during Oswald's incarceration and questioning there.

    Lt. Jim Leavell, who liked and made himself available to dozens of interviews in the years following JFK's and Oswald's killings, boastingly described once actually kicking a reporter who had got down between his legs to get a picture of Oswald so hard he went flying!

    That anecdotal recounting was to emphasize how much of a circus the press crush inside their building had become. Officers having to skip over large TV camera cables, reporters thrusting micro-phones in their faces, pushing themselves up against office windows, cameras flashing ... Leavell and others felt the press crush was a complete circus and ridiculously hindering.

    It was also so obviously a huge and non-sensical security risk. Every person allowed into the DPD building during Oswald's time there should have been thoroughly screened before entering. Oswald was the most important ( and threatened ) criminal suspect in not just Dallas police history, but American history.

    Yet, laughably, there are clear photos showing yours truly ( Jack Ruby ) sauntering through the DPD halls with a gun bulge showing through his coat pocket area with complete freedom during Oswald's time there. Who let HIM in? A local tacky strip joint owner with Mafia ties? Ruby is also allowed into a conference room when Oswald was presented to the press crowd and later during Dallas D.A. Henry Wade's question and answer presentation?

    Seeing that frantically shouting press crush right inside the DPD building seemed so illogical ( even to me as a 12 year old ) as I watched it all take place via constant watching of live feed national TV coverage. 

    Oswald's escort guards had to very aggressively push and shove their way through that crush in moving Oswald from room to room.

    DPD Chief Jessie Curry many times offered this ridiculous explanation to the press who themselves wondered why Curry was allowing them so much close up access right inside their own building.

    Curry said he wanted the American people ( the world? ) to see that they were treating Oswald well physically. That they weren't abusing him in any way.


    Speaking for myself...I didn't need to see Oswald paraded and jostled around through that press madhouse to know he wasn't being abused by the DPD. I am certain the huge majority of Americans watching that scene on live TV didn't either. I would expect that for Oswald's own security he would not be exposed as openly as he was. I figured that if Oswald wanted to make any public statements in his defense, he would do so through an attorney or even via a police department public relation spokesperson.

    Curry's open frantic press crowd access excuse was ridiculously illogical considering the importance of Oswald's protective security. Oswald was the most important criminal suspect in American history, as well as the most threatened criminal suspect in American history. 100 million average American citizens knew this fact. They ( I ) would understand if Oswald was not brought out like he was to be jostled about through a crushing crowd of manic shouting reporters.

    Yet, if that Oswald security risking circus of press crush madness ( with Jack Ruby himself running to and fro amongst it ) wasn't suspiciously and illogically bad enough...it was topped off with the Sunday morning transfer of Oswald that took Curry's Oswald's security plan to a level of absolute craziness.

    The public is given a general time frame and location notice of Oswald's transfer. It is done in broad mid-morning daylight. Again, Curry allows another body crushing, yelling and blinding flash and bright TV camera light crowd right inside the tight space basement garage and just feet away from Oswald and his two side guards ( Oswald's front is wide open exposed) and again...our favorite strip joint owner Jack Ruby is right there at the front of the line where with just a lunge he gets within inches from Oswald's body where he plugs a can't miss shot right into Oswald's gut.

    Mayhem ensues. Ruby is wrestled to the ground. Oswald is dragged back down the hallway. It takes minutes to get Oswald on a stretcher, the huge armored car moved and an ambulance down the ramp where a major internal injury trauma Oswald is finally lifted lifeless looking into it for the several minute drive to Parkland. 

    Curry and Captain Will Fritz were both warned repeatedly by their own fellow staff people to only move Oswald at night and unannounced to the general public. No. we will do this our way was their response to those totally logical and sensible advice offerings.

    No deep research needed to realize what Oswald's impossible murder was about.



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