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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. 3 hours ago, Roy Wieselquist said:

    This topic is VERY JFKA-related.  The news coverage of the Kavanaugh nomination and the Senate Judiciary Committee is perfect proof that we can no longer make simple distinctions, let alone fine distinctions.  That we can be distracted by any shiny object.

    The sexual assault charges are a diversion.  It is the snowball on the tip of the iceberg that sank the Titanic.  The rest of the tip: his underage heavy drinking that pickled his privileged, arrogant little brain; and his gambling problem that caused him to go 200K into credit card debt.

    The rest of the iceberg: Kavanaugh is the most anti-labor and anti-consumer judicial nominee in our lifetime.  His decisions in those two areas would curl your hair.  Too long to go into here.  Google K. anti-labor if you're interested.  Also, he gives carte blanche to any agency, government or private, that seeks to wiretap.  Any and all firearms have more rights and protections than a defenseless babe.  Loves private prisons and white supremacists.  His decisions are often reversed, indicating something seriously wrong.  His buddy Kozinski was kicked off the bench, just as he should be.

    He's a flunky of the plutocratic and right-wing religion conspiracy.  His decision for Hobby Lobby, exempting any corporation from including women's health ("birth control") on religious grounds, says a bunch.  It's all too much.  It could be the end of Amerikkka.

    The average middle income working class American has no clue as to what they and their families will lose for the next three decades if Kavanaugh is confirmed.

    Roy W. lays it out in the above post. The info about Kavanaugh he shares is something every American should know, but doesn't for many reasons.

    It's this massive disconnect between average Americans and truths they should know that keeps the power and control and loss of rights division ( the 1% versus the rest of us ) growing.



  2. Kirk, just some thoughts on the point I "think" Ron is making regarding manipulation ( downplaying and/or ignoring ) of certain national news stories versus others that effect us all so importantly as this SCOTUS one does.

    MSNBC covers almost every story about the Kavanaugh hearings and in great depth.

    The main traditional television news organization broadcasts however ( ABC, CBS, and regular NBC) not nearly as much.

    Fox news reports the "opposite" of MSNBC in their extreme right wing political slant and often does not even mention certain news stories about Kavanaugh, some of which are national news on the other networks.

    I notice this same pattern on the radio news.

    ABC and CBS have their own radio affiliates and their news reports about the Kavanaugh hearings is even more restricted than what they share on their national TV news.

    Radio news in America gets huge coverage. One hundred million adult Americans are in their cars every day and most listen to the radio while driving.

    American radio is full of political commentary. And this is 90% dominated by right wing commentators. They express a slanted view of every political story and they just pound and pound away with this view and they are on the radio 24/7, 52 weeks a year.

    The right wing radio political commentary world is one big propaganda machine. And this machine also controls and restricts certain stories that don't enhance their point of view.

    With few exceptions ( Coast To Coast AM  for instance)  the JFK conspiracy story does not make it to 95% of the "national" radio talk and political commentary shows and never has.


  3. Vince, did Livingstone share much of his thoughts regarding your specific area of study of the SS and especially those personally involved in the security of JFK?

    Did HL feel that the SS had some role ( nefarious or not ) in any part of the JFK event story?

    Did you see any of the negative takes on Livingstone such as his difficulty in personal engagement? Was he a "pill" at times?

  4. Robert, loved reading this piece.

    So much to reflect on in warm ways.

    I think I get the connections you make regards your family history and make up and that of the Kennedy's, especially in your shared sense of national origins, Christian social values, encouragement of education and the fun and rich rewards of growing up in a large many sibling family, etc.

    You were very lucky ( blessed? ) to be born and raised into such a healthily loving and nurturing environment and you have bore the fruit of this well in your sensitive and caring humanity which you have obviously shared selflessly with others all your life and continue to do so here on this forum in the spirit of JFK and searching for the  truth regards his tragic and unjust removal.

    Your sharings Robert, about such things and JFK's humanity ( which you obviously sensed and appreciated about him ) touch my sense of JFK as well. Even though I cannot articulate this anywhere near as well as you.


  5. I have been hearing of the Law Professor's letter and the Church Council one just today on the radio news ( twice) but agree the reporting of this story seems to be quite limited relative to the huge amount of representation numbers indicated.

    This church council says they represent 40 million church goers ?!

    Keeping this JFK connected, yes, one could compare the control over the MSM today to 55 years of similar manipulation and control regards the JFK assassination.

    Heck, about the only thing we haven't seen in nationwide protest against the Kavanaugh confirmation are million person marches in all our major cities.

    And I think we are very, very close to this unprecedented show of huge number protest.

    Never before have we seen such a huge national expression of doubt and mistrust regarding a SCOTUS nominee. I will be dumbfounded if Kavanaugh is confirmed despite this unprecedented majority held unsureness.

  6. Karen Carlin ( Little Lynn ) was always my favorite Carousel stripper character.

    In her second Warren Commission appearance she relates death threats against her by Pat Kirkwood.  She took these death threats seriously.

    Kirkwood was the owner of the "Cellar" night club in Fort Worth ( it's waitresses wore bikinis and it had a "Beatnik" feel ) where 19 year old Karen Carlin worked briefly before working at Jack Ruby's Carousel Club.

    Kirkwood was remembered by former employees of the Cellar as uniquely business savvy yet at the same time a very scary character.

    Karen Carlin testified that she had reported Kirkwood for "police payoffs" and Kirkwood sought revenge.

    Coincidentally, this is the club where 6 to 8 members of JFK's SS protection team for his Dallas trip spent most of the night drinking until the early morning hours of 11,22,1963.

    There is a video on YouTube about this Fort Worth Texas "Cellar" owner Pat Kirkwood that is very interesting. It has former employees reflecting on their memories of working for Pat Kirkwood in the late 1950's thru the early 1960's.

    I noticed only 2,500 people have ever watched this video on YouTube.

    0:29 / 5:22

    Pat Kirkwood from 'You Must Be Weird, Or You Wouldn't Be Here

    I tried to copy and paste the video listing on YouTube but could only copy it's title. If someone here more savvy than I could post the entire YouTube video I would appreciate it.

    Also, the following is Karen Carlin's testimony to the WC about her fearing for her life due to death threats made against her by this Pat Sherwood.

    I wonder what motivated Karen Carlin to do something so risky as reporting Kirkwood's payoffs to certain cops. 

    It's all suspiciously interesting especially when you tie in JFK's SS men hanging out In Kirkwood's "Cellar" club late into the evening and early morning hours of 11,22,1963.

    Mr. HUBERT. Do you recall that during the course of the Ruby trial when you were waiting to testify that there was a jail break there and some people got out of the jail, and I think they passed right near by you, I believe? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Yes. 
    Mr. HUBERT. Do you remember what you screamed or said? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. "Oh, my God, they're after me." 
    Mr. HUBERT. Yes what made you believe that "they" were after you? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Because I was scared I was going to get killed before I ever got court. 
    Mr. HUBERT. Who do you think was going to kill you? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. I don't know exactly who or why. I just felt that I was going to get killed. 
    Mr. HUBERT. Well, who did you mean by "they," when you said "they" were after 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Well, there was a man that was running after me there was two of them, and I saw some kind of little weapon, it looked like, but I don't remember very much. 
    Mr. HUBERT. So, when you used the word "they," you meant those people there who were escaping? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Yes. 
    Mr. HUBERT. You didn't have in mind some other group of people who were after you? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. No---well, it all goes back to where I used to work. I had already been threatened by Pat Kirkwood and I didn't know they were escaping from the jail when I saw them.

    Mr. HUBERT. Who is Pat Kirkwood 
    Mrs. CARLIN. He owns the Cellar and I had already been threatened by him. My life had been threatened by him. 
    Mr. HUBERT. Why did he do that? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Well, it was--he had some publicity people down there--- television and cameras and so on, and we never got along too well because I told the police, the vice squad about him and identified some policemen that were being paid off by him and everything, and of course, he had so many friends he got out of it real easy, but then he hated me for what I had done. 
    Mr. HUBERT. Was that before the President was shot? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Yes, that was before, and so after the President was shot, he found out what was going on and he called me on the telephone, and he says, "I want you down here in about 20 minute," and I said, "Kirkwood, I don't want to have anything to do with you or your plans, just leave me alone." 
    Mr. HUBERT. That was after Oswald was shot? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Yes; after I went to court that first time, the bond hearing, I believe. 
    Mr. HUBERT. Yes. 
    Mrs. CARLIN. After I went to court, he says, "I want you down here" and I said, "Well, I'm not coming down." He called me back in about 20 minutes and he said, "Why aren't you down here?" He said, "I'll send a cab up after you." 
    Mr. HUBERT. Where were you 
    Mrs. CARLIN. I was at home in bed, I wasn't feeling too good, and my husband was out working. So, right after he called me---I was still on the telephone, and my husband walked in, and he had just finished saying, "If you're not down here, you won't be around too long," and then my husband walked in and let him have the telephone and they talked then. 
    Mr. HUBERT. What did your husband say? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. My husband told him I wasn't coming down and if he gave me any trouble he would tell the police about it, and he said, "Well, I'll see her on the way to the club and I'll see that she never makes it inside the door."
    We moved from the apartments that we were in that Kirkwood knew we were living in--we moved from there and Kirkwood didn't know anything about it, and he went looking for me over there and asked my landlord about me and where to find me, and then he was supposed to meet me up at the Carousel Club and knock me out so I couldn't get in--he was going to see that I never made it, and he never did show up. He called the colored man that took care of the place. He called him and told him to tell me that he had called, and I don't remember what all he said to the colored man, but he called him. 
    Mr. HUBERT. Who is he again? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Pat Kirkwood. 
    Mr. HUBERT. He operates the Cellar, you say? That's a nightclub? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. It's a beatnik club here in town on Main Street. 
    Mr. HUBERT. Have you heard from him since? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. I haven't heard from him--no; not since then. 
    Mr. HUBERT. That would have been last January? 
    Mrs. CARLIN. Yes. 



    0:22 / 5:22
  7. 15 hours ago, Craig Carvalho said:


    Detectives Blackie Harrison and Lewis Miller spent the early morning of November 24 at the Delux Diner before having to be recalled, (by phone), by headquarters prior to Oswald's transfer. Both men were subsequently assigned to security in the basement area.

    When questioned by the Warren Commission about these events both detectives showed a complete lack of memory especially regarding their early morning coffee break. Neither could recall any detail whatsoever about any topic discussed during this time. 

    Miller went so far as to refuse to testify during his first appearance. He did return the following day to give testimony with lawyer in tow.

    To read their Warren Commission testimony was a life changing experience for me, (in light of having been a police officer myself).

    These were men trained to be observant. To recall details. To notice things that were "out of place". 

    And all of this occurred on what would be, in all likelihood, one of the most important days of their careers, (even if Oswald had not been killed). 

    To use a quote from the testimony of Lewis Miller himself... "... it was just another day...".


    "It was just another day"  ...Yes, incredible.

  8. If a car-bomb was actually used to take out JFK it would have also taken out Jackie K, the Connallys, Kellerman and Greer.   And in a horribly gruesome way.

    All of America was rocked by JFK's murder even without seeing the graphic gruesomeness of it until the Zapruder film was released.

    If Jackie had been killed along with her husband, I think there would have been civil unrest to the point of mass demonstrations, questioning and doubting of federal government authority, competence and possible corruption and demanding answers immediately.

    A car bomb would indicate a conspiracy much more so than single shots into JFK.

  9. The famous Altgens photo Mathias posted could show the JFK back-throat / Connelly  below the shoulder-body shot trajectory as different than the WC finding 6th floor one as the 6th floor window perch seems too high and close ( in this photo's depiction ) for a shot angle that entered JFK's upper back and came out his throat then hitting Connelly in his upper right back which indicates a much more horizontal track versus a much steeper downward one.

    It also seems from this photo that the full bloom leafed canopy of the large oak tree between the 6th floor window and JFK might have obstructed a 6th floor Eastern most window's shooters view of JFK at the time of the shot and hit.

    Even considering the spatial distortion ( actual distance of JFK's limo from the TXSBD ) because of Altgen's front view position when taking this photo it still seems the bullet's trajectory had a much more horizontal track once it hit and exited JFK versus the steep angle it was reported to have come in from the fairly high up 6th floor window.

    What always cringes me is the reaction of the Queen Mary sideboard riding SS agents who just gaze around in their initial reaction to hearing a sound which is clearly close to a gunshot one.  They are not even watching or seeing JFK and Connelly's animated body movements at the time of the shot which should have elicited an immediate jumping off and racing reaction to the Presidential limo to it's rear foot rests and bar handles.

    Only Clint Hill did all those things, but reacted a second or two too late to place his body up on and even inside the limo to protect JFK  from the following head shot.  

    If I were  asked to decide the degree of gross negligence on the part of JFK's SS protection in their failure to protect the President in Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963 I would cite this Altgen's photo in my finding that most of the agents on or in the Queen Mary and their bosses during the fatal shot sequence ( and including Greer and Kellerman ) should have been fired soon after the event.

    And does this Altgen's photo show Rip Robertson, Johnny Roselli and David Morales on the sidewalk in front of the TXSBD when JFK is being shot?  

    If it does, it's like a snap shot from a bad dream and answers so many dark questions.  

    This photo is just one rung below the one of terror traumatized Jackie Kennedy placed next to LBJ for his Air Force 1 swearing in, Oswald being shot by Jack Ruby and the Zapruder film in it's historical and emotional impact when one flashes back to 11,22,1963 imo.






  10. I must read McBride's books. Esp. "Into The Nightmare."

    Have to leave on an errand right now but was able to listen the original post interview for it's first 20 minutes or so.

    Joseph, what was the jury make up all those years Dallas D.A. Henry Wade was convicting innocent people?  One can be sure that Wade's juries did not reflect the actual gender and racial make up of Dallas at that time. Mostly all white men for sure.

    Wade was former FBI?  Brings to mind Guy Banister's FBI career. Bet these two admired each other.

    Wade is "the" Wade in "Roe V. Wade?" Interesting fact I didn't know.

    You say some of the Tippit murder witnesses were "paid off" to state takes that were false?  Do you have any guess as to who did this paying off?

    Helen Markham and Acquilla Clemens. 

    Markham was so erratic and made such contradictory and nonsensical statements, she seemed quite paranoid and often hysterical. Wonder if she had been seriously traumatized in her life "before" her involvement with the Tippit slaying.

    If not, this event sure made her that way.

    Ms. Clemens seemed like a very poor eyewitness to me.

    Her descriptions were so vague , even odd.  She came across to me as perhaps quite dull witted, or, perhaps she wasn't dull witted and the whole event scared her so much she just made up stuff that she knew would make her "appear" to be dull witted and a poor eye-witness so she would be left alone in this regards.

    Joseph, what do you make of Henry Wade's Friday night or Saturday news conference charade where he "pretended" to not know Jack Ruby personally?  

    It was so obvious Wade was trying to hide his Jack Ruby relationship and made it seem he wasn't sure how to even pronounce his name " a Jack Rubenstein I believe" ...in this ridiculously amateur act.  Chief Curry did the same thing.  They "all" knew Jack Ruby well.

    Nancy Hamilton stated to Mark Lane that Henry Wade was a visitor to Ruby's Carousel Club when she worked there.

    When she was asked by Lane who all came in and was served free booze at Jack Ruby's club while she worked there Hamilton responded..."Dallas's Finest" ... "like your District Attorney Henry Wade."

    You mentioned how corrupt Dallas was in those days. Obviously mind boggling so.

    And a place that could have hung a separate sign underneath their city limit "Welcome To Dallas" one which proudly proclaimed it's KKK heritage and membership and not been laughed at or disputed!


  11. Did Blackie Harrison ever do his "just checking" drop in thing at Ruby's Carousel Club?

    Sounds like many Dallas cops and every male somebody in Dallas did so from time to time, including District Attorney Henry Wade.

    Seeing Jada and so many other beautiful strippers and getting a few free drinks at the same time must have been a real temptation for all those Texas boys.

    Former stripper at Ruby's Carousel Club "Satans Angel."

    "Angel was a seasoned performer when her agent sent her to dance at Abe Weinstein's Colony Club on Commerce Street, an area of downtown Dallas teeming with burlesque clubs. But the Colony was overbooked, so she switched to the nearby Carousel Club, owned by a man Angel's agent described as a wannabe "mobster type."

    Jack Ruby's Carousel was one stop amongst thousands, but Angel remembers its owner as a pudgy womanizer with slicked-back hair.

    "He hit on me for the first couple of days," she recalls. "I just told him, 'I'm going to be honest with you, you'll probably fire me over it.' Because you did not tell people that you were gay." But Ruby backed off. Angel fulfilled her contract and moved on to Kansas City.

    Six months later, she recognized the killer of Lee Harvey Oswald, JFK's assassin, as her one-time boss. She had witnessed Ruby's nasty fits of temper at the club. "He was kinda like a Jekyll-and-Hyde guy," Angel says. "One minute he was really nice and the next minute he wanted to pound your face into the cement."

    Back in those days, she says, despite the Bible-thumping, "Texas was wild." But as the '70s turned into the '80s, tastes and attitudes began to shift. "All the porn started coming in," Angel says. "Nobody was coming out to the clubs. You had to be more bizarre, you had to be more crazy. ... It got so nasty and filthy and disgusting, finally in 1985 I decided to quit."




  12. On 9/23/2018 at 2:16 PM, Ron Bulman said:

    In Kantor's The ruby Cover-Up Harrison supposedly said he would stop in the Silver Spur for a cold one (pg. 284).  Also, the Silver Spur was not a strip joint.  It was originally the Singapore Supper Club, owned together with Ruby's sister Eva.  When he got sole ownership he changed the name to the Silver Spur and featured western swing music.  And he dressed up in a pure white dude ranch getup.  Known at first as the Chicago Cowboy... pg. 211.

    Ron, the Silver Spur did not have strippers?

    My mistake.

    Still, Ruby finds a perfect hiding place and up close lunging shooting position right behind his long time DP friend William Harrison?


    As Seth Kantor said, it was harder for him ( Kantor ) as a press person to be allowed into that basement that morning than it was for non-credentialed Jack Ruby.

    And when big Blackie Harrison went down to get his cigars from a vending machine located closer to the Commerce street back entrance to the Police department basement and before Ruby arrived on the scene, it wouldn't be illogical to consider Ruby perhaps getting in that way with someone opening the right doors there. 

  13. By coincidence, Jack Ruby manages to secure an extremely up close standing position in the Dallas PD basement right behind a hulking Dallas policeman William " Blackie" Harrison just before Oswald is brought out into their path.

    Harrison knows Ruby quite well. In his WC testimony Harrison said of his relationship with Jack Ruby:

    Mr. GRIFFIN. You do recognize Ruby by sight, do you not?
    Mr. HARRISON. Yes.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you know Jack personally?
    Mr. HARRISON. I knew him as a businessman as well by sight, and I have known him for 12 years, I guess, as a businessman.
    Mr. GRIFFIN. How did you happen to meet Jack?

    Mr. HARRISON. Well, I used to go into his place. I was a motorcycle officer, and we would go into these different places just checking, and he was running the Silver Spur, I think was the name of it.

    Since when does an on duty  "traffic cop" feel the need to park his cycle outside of night clubs to go inside ( just checking ) without being called to do so?

    Did big Blackie Harrison stop and go into ice cream parlors and ladies hair salons in his "just checking" motorcycle traffic patrol MO as well?

    Guess maybe a cold beer or a shot of the good stuff ( Haig or J & B ? ) beats a free ice cream cone or quickie hair trim.


  14. Very uninformed regards the medical terminology and knowledge context of these postings.

    However, just a side thought regarding the comments made by these doctors at the 11 minute mark of the video.

    Yes, 15 years is a long time and anyone ( even professionals ) can forget some details of anything they saw, heard, touched, examined etc. that long ago. Almost expected as normal.

    However, even granting this, when looking at and assessing JFK's skull damage while looking at the photos, one doctor asked the other doctors whether the brain was removed before or after this skull damage photo was taken.  And like a previous poster noted, the one doctor who answered ( Humes?) wasn't sure.

    Wasn't sure?

    Couldn't these doctors know whether a brain was removed from a skull just by looking at the exterior of a skull as blown apart as JFK's was , where you could see right into the brain cavity?

    Also, the questioning doctor didn't ask if the "brain" had been removed, but rather whether the brain "tissue" had been removed. To me that sounds as if JFK's brain matter was in pieces rather than anywhere near intact as a whole or part of a whole.

    And it was mentioned that one flap of JFK's skull was so long, it hung down and touched not just the cheek of JFK ... but his shoulder as well? 

    Now THAT'S some major skull damage.

    The whole issue of JFK's brain removal ( time, method, who did this, who witnessed this  ) is so important and it seems that there is so much contradictory testimony that no one really knows the truth of it all.

    And if JFK's brain was actually reported in the official autopsy report to weigh 1,500 grams after so much of JFK's brain matter was found throughout and even outside his limo on the bodies of others behind and in front of JFK at the moment of head shot impact in Dealey Plaza and staff at Parkland in the ER stating that brain matter was oozing out the huge hole in JFK's head while he was on the exam table...common sense tells you that hundreds of grams of JFK's brain did not make it to Bethesda.

    Add in the medical fact that the average weight of a non-damaged male adult brain is between 1,300 and 1,400 grams, and the official autopsy report finding of JFK's removed brain ( in tissue pieces no less) weighing 1,500 grams... just doesn't make sense.

    What is the average weight of a man's brain?
    The average brain weight of the adult male was 1336 gr; for the adult female 1198 gr. With increasing age, brain weight decreases by 2.7 gr in males, and by 2.2 gr in females per year. Per centimeter body height brain weight increases independent of sex by an average of about 3.7 gr.


  15. Robert...agreed.

    The similarities I was referring to was the impact they had politically. 12 years of the Presidency with the Bushs. 4 years as vice president.

    But like you mention, the Kennedy's with only 3 years in the presidency had attributes far superior. 


  16. 16 hours ago, Micah Mileto said:


    Q: Had any work been done on President Kennedy's body in regard to the performing of the autopsy by the time you got there?

    A: As I recall, the brain had been removed. Dr. Humes told me that to remove the brain

    he did not have to carry out the procedure you carry out when there is no wound in the skull.

    The wound was of such an extent, over five inches in diameter, that it was not of a great difficulty for him to remove this brain,

    and this is the best of my recollection. There were no removals of the wound of entry in the back of the neck, no removal of the wound of entry in the back of the head prior to my arrival, and I made a positive identification of both wounds of entry.[...]



    If the normal procedure for removing the brain wasn't followed by Dr. Humes , how exactly did Humes remove JFK's brain?

    How did JFK's "over 5 inches in diameter wound"make it easier for Humes to remove the brain?

    And I would ask Dr. Finck, how much brain matter ( approximately ) in percentages did he think was blown out of JFK's skull from the bullet's initial impact?

    And did DR. Fink think that the official autopsy report of JFK's removed brain weighing 1,400 to 1,500 grams was accurate considering the measurable amount of brain matter lost upon the bullet's exploding impact?

    A normal man's brain undamaged and without loss of tissue is around 1,400 grams.



  17. Thank you Vince. 

    Vince, when the You Tube video you posted finishes, three other You Tube video links then appear. One is about Bill Greer.  His only known video/comment one the title states.

    This video is extremely interesting and revealing.

    A Roy Ennis is speaking to Bill Greer via telephone I believe.

    Ennis is questioning Greer specifically about the moments when he (Greer) first started hearing gun shots in Dealey Plaza and when JFK is shot and Greer's recollections of this and Greer's subsequent actions.

    Greer's recollection discrepancies in his WC testimony I previously posted about are repeated in his answers to Ennis. 

    Greer is asked about the speed he was driving the presidential limo when the shots rang out and Greer repeated his "10 to 12 mph" claim. Greer never mentions slowing down.

    Greer describes his looking back and seeing blood on Connally's shirt and then turning back around and hitting the gas as he realized something bad was happening behind him. Greer never mentions seeing JFK when he looked back around.

    Ennis then brings up the Zapruder film and asks Greer if he had seen it which Greer stated he had.  Ennis then started pointing out clear discrepancies in what the film showed regards Greer's actions when JFK and Connally were being hit versus what Greer just related to Ennis in the interview and what he told the WC. 

    The discrepancies were so stark and contradictory to what Greer was saying, you are just stopped by Greer's obvious falsehoods and his willingness to state them so directly and publicly.

    Then, when Greer realizes his limo/shots/JFK/ limo speed actions recollections are proven false by the Zapruder film, he just responds nonchalantly ... " I really don't remember what I saw." !?

    Mr. Greer, after you are confronted with the Zapruder film starkly contradicting your recollections, you then throw them all out the window just seconds later with "I really don't remember what I saw."???

    Greer's credibility is what went "out the window" ...totally.

    Greer sounds as if he doesn't realize ( or care ) how important and significant these discrepancies in his testimony are in the larger assassination truth story. He passes off his exposed false statements as nothing worth further concern or discussion.

    He is so evasive in the entire interview.

    I think Greer screwed up his duties so bad in DP that day he was just covering his a$$ with his false recollection narrative ( even under oath) the rest of his time in the service and even after. 

    However, the bigger and much more important question will always be...was Greer's beyond gross negligence duty failure on 11,22,1963 simple incompetence or something more intentional?

    SS dislike and even hatred of JFK was real. And that reality makes such sinister contemplations not totally impossible or irrational to consider imo.

    I highly recommend others listen to the You Tube Video of Greer that appears after Vince's You Tube video finishes.




  18. One of the most important aspects of Bolden's story is his claim of personally overhearing racist comments from several White House agents expressing deep animosity toward JFK for his apparent liberal stance toward negroes and his pro-active measures reflected by his bringing Bolden ( the first negro ) onto the WH SS team.

    If we are to believe Bolden, these agents had such deeply resentful feelings toward JFK and his racial stance one actually said ( paraphrasing ) he wouldn't act as protectively toward the President in a threatening situation because of it.

    Clint Hill and many other SS agents testifying to the WC and those that have communicated with Vince or written their own books, all seemed to echo this common take that no agents disliked JFK on a personal basis, especially on the racially hateful level that Bolden claims.

    To do otherwise would, of course, open up suspicion and doubt towards their brotherhood regards the truthfulness of their self promoted image of commonly held S.S. respect, admiration and blindly protective loyalty towards JFK.

    If you believe Bolden on this issue, than all those other agents lied about the reality of certain SS agents hating JFK deeply regards his liberal race stance as Bolden described and claimed he personally overheard.

    If one and especially more than one SS agents did actually hate JFK over his racial stance as deeply as Bolden relates, this would add at least some weight to the consideration of one or more of those JFK hating agents perhaps pulling back in JFK's protection in Dallas.

    I think it's pretty well accepted that a good percentage of white males employed in the police agency fields back in 1963 and on every level - city, county, state and federal - in this country, harbored race feelings very contrary and hugely less liberal than JFK.

    We know that the Dallas P.D. force was like this in the majority in 1963 as one would expect in cities throughout the South during that time.

    We also know that the L.A.P. D. force was like this up until and beyond 1963.

    So why not members of the Secret Service back in those days?

    JFK was hated to a murder wishing level by millions of segregation favoring people in this country all during his presidential term. 

    The massively felt and expressed racial hatred towards JFK, if not one of the main factors in JFK's actual assassination, certainly played some part in other aspects of the assassination such as stymieing investigations, altering or destroying evidence, promoting the cover up, etc.

    My own step-father used to scream in a drunken rage at the TV news almost nightly whenever any stories regarding JFK came on.

    He put all his hate, anger, personal frustrations and jealousies onto JFK. Yelling in a bulging red eyed rage what a queer, ni##er, jew loving commie S.O.B. Kennedy was.

    And this was in California! 

    One can imagine the level of JFK racial hatred in the Southern states.

    Another chink in some of the more well known JFK Secret Service member's well promoted cover story of a great JFK respecting and liking feeling commonly shared by their counterparts are some of the personal comments leaked out reporting other members of the S.S. feeling disgust and great disrespect for JFK regarding his extra-marital trysts while traveling away from the White House and without his wife Jackie present.

    All of this exposes the true reality of a much less commonly felt respect for JFK in his personal security ranks. It's common sense that at least some of the members of the SS did not feel great sorrow, loss and empathy when he was killed.

  19. That scene of the limo interior is simply horrific.

    Jackie was just inches from her husband's face when his head exploded into a cloud of pink, bloody gore.

    Hundred's of thousands of soldiers in combat have been afflicted with Post Traumatic Stress seeing things in combat battle that "were no more bloody" than what Jackie Kennedy witnessed that day. And this was her husband!

    The look on Jackie Kennedy's face when she was asked to stand next to LBJ while he was being sworn in says it all.

    That look is one of the most traumatized I have ever seen. I don't know how Jackie Kennedy got through that little ceremony without collapsing in a screaming fit or completely fainting outright.

    That photo made me hate L.B.J.  Hate him for even suggesting Jackie Kennedy stand in that self-serving staged photo op.

    Jackie Kennedy needed a compassionate doctor, nurse, or even a priest to be with her on her flight back to Washington, DC.

    Jackie's eyes seemed different to me the rest of her life after 11,22,1963.

    You could see the trauma still in them. Never saw this in her photos before 11,22,1963.

    I think severe emotional trauma gets hard-wired into the brain and effects those that suffer from it the rest of their lives. Haunts their dreams, and to some degree their idle thoughts in private.

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