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Joe Bauer

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Posts posted by Joe Bauer

  1. The Minox camera is so clearly listed on the inventory sheet It seems very hard to say it wasn't actually found and listed.

    And what became of the Minox camera?  Was it just another item "conveniently missing" later on?

    Has anyone ever asked Michael Paine if it was his camera all along? And if so, where did he get it and what did he use it for as it wasn't a camera one would normally use for normal everyday picture taking.

    Mr. Paine is still alive...correct?

  2. Michael Paine says in his Warren Commission testimony that "they ( Dallas police ) removed Ruth's files and a drawer full of cameras most belonging to me."

    Even if Michael Paine owned that Minox camera and Minox light meter, is that a kind of camera a person interested in common average family photographic activity would need?

    Paine mentions having camping gear in the garage as well.  One assumes that he did go camping with this stuff. That might explain the binoculars, pedometer, compass and even telescope. Things that people who camp and hike would use. Even the box or bag of medicines like Lanacane and sting or scrape medicines.

    The Commission hardly goes into asking about anything taken out of the Paine's garage except for the Oswald rifle.

    You would think someone with the FBI or in the Commission working staff would have found the rather rare and specific use Minox camera find worth investigating no matter whether Michael Paine owned it or Oswald.  But not one mention of or about it was ever presented to Michael Paine by the WC.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Dan Doyle said:


    Before the parade, Kennedy and Johnson had a big argument about who was going to ride in the limo with the President.  Johnson wanted liberal Senator Ralph Yarborough and JFK wanted Governor Connally.  Apparently their argument was so loud that it could be overheard in the next room.  And as they say, the rest is history. 

    What I find interesting in the Croft photo, besides the decent resolution, is that most of the JFK well-wishers on the sidewalk are African American....and what does that say about JFK and the Civil Rights Movement at the time??  

    Maybe LBJ did try to get his protege and his wife out of JFK'S car ahead of time.

    But if LBJ knew what was about to happen to the presidential limo ( with Connally and his wife inside ) in Dealey Plaza, He must have been having nervous stomach churning sweats in the minutes and seconds leading up to the attack.

    Are there any accounts of LBJ and Lady Bird asking about Connally or maybe even consoling his wife Nellie while they were at the Parkland hospital? How about while LBJ and his wife were on the plane at any time? LBJ was reportedly quite close to Connally.

    The African Americans shown in the Dallas motorcade films and photos seemed excidedly happy to see JFK and Jackie. Hardly an unsmiling face and no hard frowns such as some others in the crowd exhibited.

    That often shown Joseph Milteer look-alike photo shows a man with a facial expression of deep hate while he is looking at JFK.

  4. "Foreign coins in a Kodak film bag with address Corporal Michael Paine."  

    Exactly who owned what among those police confiscated Paine garage items still seems a somewhat unanswered question.

    Will go back and review Michael Paine's Warren Commission testimony to see if he was asked about the items removed from the Garage including the Minox camera.

  5. Neither JFK or Connally are hit yet.

    I assume Jackie and Connally are reacting to the first missed shot?

    Both seem to be distracted from their crowd waving and smiling demeanor and interest.

    JFK's coat is clearly pulled/bunched up behind his neck.

    I also wondered the speed of the limo when this picture was taken. Hard to tell. But didn't the limo slow down noticeably during it's 90% turns onto Houston and again onto Elm?

    Wish it was possible to get a close and clear enough visual on the upper inside front windshield frame of the limo to see if that quarter size bullet hole looking indentation was there or not there at that time.

    One thing we can all be sure of regarding the over-all contemplation of the guilty parties in the assassination is that John Connally certainly didn't have foreknowledge of it.  He would never had allowed his wife and himself to ride in JFK's limo that day if he had.

    If LBJ did have foreknowledge, then he also knew John Connally and his wife Nellie could be wounded or even killed in the attack.  Now THERE'S a sinister thought.  Could LBJ be that ruthless?




  6. Once again for the 50,000th time we have a writer insert into their JFK related article a suggestive statement of fact that has never been proven.

    That of describing Lee Harvey Oswald as the killer of JFK versus Oswald being the "alleged" killer of JFK.

    Not one person in Dealey Plaza or the Texas Schoolbook Depository building on 11,22,1963 ever testified under oath or otherwise claimed they personally witnessed Oswald as the shooter from the TXSBD that day. Forensic evidence couldn't prove Oswald was the shooter and Oswald himself stated until his dying breath that he didn't shoot John F. Kennedy.

    Oswald was never allowed a trial and so, he was never legally found to be guilty of the murder of JFK.

    These facts are historical reality.  

    Stating Lee Harvey Oswald as the killer of JFK is factually incorrect. 

    The factual truth is he was, is and always will be the "alleged" killer of JFK. 

    The difference between the two depictions is hugely important in the effect they have on our collective perception and understanding of the true historical reality of not just the JFK assassination but most everything since that has effected us as a society.

    Yet for over 5 decades in thousands of nationally published articles, reports, stories and commentaries regards the JFK event, this historical falsehood regards Oswald as unequivocally JFK's killer is obsessively perpetuated. Just adding to the damage JFK's assassination brought about.

    Sorry for the side trek from the Tippit widow / Jackie Kennedy sympathy letter story, but I was more effected by the author's factually false Oswald guilt statement injected into it.

    The $680,000 Mrs. Tippit received from the public ( 4.2 million in today's dollars ) is seriously mind boggling. Much sympathy to Tippit's children, especially his eldest son.



  7. Hugo, JFK was hugely admired in Europe.

    The average American is probably not aware of how much this was so.

    When you search for and view the footage of JFK riding in motorcades all over Europe, you will see some of the most adoring massive crowd reactions you will ever see.

    People everywhere were extremely attracted to and affected by his youthful vigor energy and inspired by his messages.

    Check out his Germany motorcade, or his Ireland one and his Mexico City one.

    The crowd reactions were amazing in their size and adoration.

    Check out his Mexico City motorcade video onhqdefault.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEXCPYBEIoBSFryq4qpAwkIARUAAIhCGAE=&rs=AOn4CLATpbk2nwigKSrdfsyElmHJx8Ko1g

    A colorful confetti blizzard welcomes John F. Kennedy to Mexico City as his motorcade advances down delirious streets and ...


    I can imagine millions of Europeans being deeply saddened by JFK's murder.

    And highly suspicious after Ruby whacked Oswald inside a police department building.

    JFK's killing was a loss to the whole world.

    LBJ could never generate that kind of wild with enthusiasm crowd. Neither here nor abroad. I also believe that Europeans felt a deep gut instinct suspicion about LBJ.


  8. Kirk, yes, very coincidentally similar JFK day experiences.

    You were in the Bay Area just an hour and 1/2 drive from my location, exact same school class age.

    I really don't recall any discussion between the kids at my school. Just silent, sad and even insecure shock. No talk of slitting Oswald's throat or disembowling him. I don't remember hearing of Oswald until later in the day well after we left school and went home.

    I also have never seen since 11,22,1963, such a collective sadness.

    I think that JFK and his beautiful young wife and even his children had become America's family. One of such youthful vigor energy, looks and hope it was contagious. 

    JFK had really captured America, especially the huge baby boomer generation. He was so many positive things.  I remember feeling excited about our country in so many ways.

    When JFK was slaughtered in such an inhuman, animalistic brutal way within inches of his blood soaked wife's face, everything that so inspired us about him and where we were headed as a nation and a society was OBLITERATED in one shocking day.

    It truly absolutely traumatized us all.

    The inspiring, attractive, hopeful energy of JFK was instantly lost and we were left with the opposite regards shifty, beedy-eyed, hound dog faced and ears, good ole boy Lyndon Baines. Who was from the state where JFK was killed! A state that everyone had bad and suspicious feelings about for a long time.

    Things have never been the same since nor come close to what we had under JFK.

    I still feel the loss.


  9. The drop, especially in the white and college graduate areas might easily be explained by the fact that younger American generations are not aware of or even inclined to have read the research literature compiled by older Americans who had ( by living through it) a hugely stronger emotional stake in wanting to know much more about the JFK,OSWALD, MLK AND RFK assassinations than what the MSM and the WC has always restrictively presented and promoted.

    I'll guess that a massive percentage of these younger generations don't even know who Garrison, Lane, Marrs, Meagher, Brussell, Salandria, Fonzi, and all the rest of this era were and what they did.

    And these younger Americans grew up with the mass media psychological planting labeling of conspiracy believers as "looney" as Vince Bugliosi so often repeated and I am sure this has taken hold with a decent number of them.

    Also if they have cared or dared to, or accidentally watched any nationally broadcasts docs on the subject in the last 20 years, they probably saw the ones that flooded out the CT ones. Like Clint Hill book tour talks,  a following car SS man accidentally hit JFK, Bill O'Reilly's book, Stephen King's TV story, We know all the rest.

    And if one is a college grad with a decently paying career going or starting out, I would think they might be apprehensive of expressing any conspiracy leanings in any social media way lest it gets back to their employers?  UFOS, FAKE MOON LANDING, BIG FOOT, 9-11, JFK, MLK, RFK, SNOWDEN...

    There are certain but distinct areas of discussion and social media subjects you just don't go into "on record" now...lest it may come back to hurt your career standing.

  10. " In the 1978-79 period, the ban on the destruction of Angleton's Files ... was lifted, and a number of files were destroyed."

    Not informed at all on these reports, but this particular entry reminds us again of the reality of decades of constant destruction of what one must assume are large amounts of high level JFK related files which brings forth the same sad truth question: " Do we really expect any serious deep truth revealing from any new releases from those that held these...ever?

    How can there be when we have been told that so much has been destroyed?


  11. Very interesting J. McBride. Thanks for sharing.

    Must mention my wife the film history buff handing me the July-August 2017 issue of "Film Comment"  yesterday. This higher academic film magazine is published by the Film Society Of Lincoln Center.

    She had come across Jonathon Rosenbaum's very favorable review of your Hightower published book "Two Cheers For Hollywood."  The review took up the entire 79th page.

    Rosenbaum mentions all of your books including "Into The Nightmare: My Search For The Killers Of John F. Kennedy And J.D. Tippit" - 2013.

    Just wanted to mention this review for our members who may want to know more about one of their own in regards to their literary accomplishments including and beyond the JFK event.

    Rosenbaum ends his very interesting review of Joseph McBride's book "Two Cheers For Hollywood" with this paragraph:

    " But these are infrequent glitches in an anthology of very intelligent grapplings, encounters, and reflections full of lasting insights."

    Jonathon Rosenbaum has been publishing film criticism for 40 years.




  12. Drain mentions a Minox camera costing $500 to $700 back in 1963.

    That's the equivalent of what ... $3500 to $4,900 today?

    Calculation figure chart at end of post. 

    How could Oswald ever afford one of these...and one wonders when Oswald and Marina and baby were severely struggling, why wouldn't Oswald perhaps have considered selling the camera to help with the  basics? 

    Was this camera perhaps Michael Paine's and he never told the Dallas PD for fear of having much scrutiny on him during this scary investigating time?

    I agree with M. Walton's point about the possession of a Minox light meter "alone" raising enough serious questions on it's own.

    When I read the rest of the list I find Oswald's other possessions also curious.

    A compass, pedometer, binoculars, telescope? 

    I would ask Marina Oswald if her husband ever used these items while she was with him?   My imagination pictures Oswald possibly using these items for surveillance. Measuring walking distances and timing such,  binoculars for observing someone from far away.

    This agent Drain drops so many highest position names that he says he personally meets and converses with he sounds like  "Super Agent!"

    Where ever he goes, he just goes right to the top, including internationally.

    He goes right into the Parkland trauma room as if he's higher in authority than the Secret Service.

    Generals salute him and cater to his flying needs as if he's Hoover himself.

    He's being whisked across the country in F14's? 

    My BS Meter is wobbling with this guy.

    U.S. Inflation Rate, 1963-2017 ($100)

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 3.93% per year. Prices in 2017 are 700.0% higher than prices in 1963.

    In other words, $100 in the year 1963 is equivalent to $799.95 in 2017, a difference of $699.95 over 54 years.



  13. I was 12 and in the 7th grade.

    I was out playing basketball in P.E. Class.

    Sunny day here on the California Coast ( Monterey Peninsula. )

    Fellow 7th grade student John Norman ran out to the field and basketball courts yelling "they shot the president!"

    Our P.E. teachers immediately ordered us inside to shower and dress and to go to our home rooms.

    Once there we were told the news. Teachers were crying. We were all released to go home the rest of the day.

    We kids didn't know what to say about what we were hearing and I remember we all just kind of kept to ourselves during and after this upset school time.

    I walked home alone through our small downtown. It was absolutely quiet. No cars moving. Not even bird sounds. Very eerie.

    My mom was watching TV when I arrived home. She barely spoke.

    My super violent alcoholic step-father eventually came home from work around 5:30 PM and after he poured his vodka even he said rather incredulously  ... "They shot that bastard."

    He hated Kennedy. He'd get drunk every night and watch the national TV news and whenever Kennedy's name came up he would regularly go into a bulging eyed, red faced, spittle spewing rage and yelling loudly, call JFK a commie, jew,  queer and nxxxer loving SOB for what seemed like the entire newscast and even after.

    He'd often drunkenly accuse our terrorized mom of wanting to sleep with JFK and then knock her around until he passed out in his big lounge chair.

    But even he was a little more subdued that weekend.

    My greater shock was watching Jack Ruby shoot and kill Oswald on live TV right inside the Dallas Police Department building where 70 armed officers were present just two days later.

     That scene ( more than reading about the JFK murder and even seeing Oswald on TV ) immediately made me suspicious of the whole event of Kennedy and Oswald being killed within two days of each other. I just could not grasp how Ruby could get to Oswald with all that security and after hearing about 10's of thousands of death threats against Oswald reported on every TV news and in every paper and on the radio.

    I thought no police department could be that incompetent. Right inside their own building!

  14. When a major, highest level and high cost government and Main Stream Media nation-wide propaganda campaign effort to present and promote an official investigative finding of one of the most important effecting events in our history that almost 2/3rds of Americans ( the target of this promotion ) have rejected every year for over "50 years,"  you must eventually ask the rational question:

    Isn't it time to call this obsessive, never ending, huge expense effort for what it is ... a massive, glaring and even embarrassing failure?

    The relentless 1/2 century government and MSM pushing of the "Lone Nut" JFK/Oswald finding despite the equal time period of large majority public rejection of this finding versus conspiracy, might very well be categorized now as a form of institutional mental illness.

    OCT. 23, 2017 AT 12:51 PM

    Most People Believe In JFK Conspiracy Theories

    By Harry Enten

    Filed under Conspiracy Theories


    gettyimages-515287546.jpg?w=575&quality= President John F. Kennedy and first lady Jackie Kennedy, with Texas Gov. John Connally, on Nov. 22, 1963, the day the president was assassinated.


    Perhaps no major event in modern U.S. history has spawned more widespread doubt than the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas in November 1963. The official account: One man, Lee Harvey Oswald, did it. The unofficial theory: Well, there are many.

    The JFK assassination is back in the news as the deadline for releasing a final batch of government documents related to the investigation approaches. Back in 1992, Congress passed a law ordering that all remaining papers be released by Oct. 26, 2017 — that’s this Thursday. President Trump could still decide to keep some information secret on national security grounds, but he seems inclined to allow everything to be released on schedule.

    Will this last dossier of evidence put the conspiracy theories to rest? That’s unlikely.

    According to a new FiveThirtyEight-commissioned SurveyMonkey poll of 5,130 adults, conducted Oct. 17 to Oct. 20, 2017, only 33 percent of Americans believe that one man was responsible for the assassination. A majority, 61 percent, think that others were involved in a conspiracy. In pretty much every demographic, most respondents believed that Oswald didn’t act alone.

    Most people believe JFK wasn’t killed by Oswald alone

    Respondents’ beliefs about President John F. Kennedy’s death, according to a poll conducted Oct. 17-20, 2017

    Overall 33% 61%
    Male 33 62
    Female 32 60
    White 38 56
    Hispanic 22 72
    Black 19 76
    College graduate 42 52
    No college degree 29 65
    White college graduate 48 46
    White without a college degree 33 60
    Registered voter 35 61
    Not registered 25 69
    18-34 35 60
    35-64 31 62
    65 and older 32 60
    Republican 36 60
    Democrat 36 61
    Independent, no lean 24 70
    Voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 38 59
    Voted for Donald Trump in 2016 35 61


    A majority of men, women, white people, people of color, registered voters, non-registered voters, old people, young people, Democrats, Republicans and so on all believe that more than one person was involved in Kennedy’s assassination. This is one of the few questions in this polarized age on which you can even find agreement among Hillary Clinton voters (59 percent believe in a conspiracy) and Trump voters (61 percent).

    That’s not say that every group believes in a conspiracy theory at equal rates. African-Americans (76 percent) and Hispanics (72 percent) are far more likely than whites (56 percent) to believe that Oswald didn’t act alone. The government, of course, has a history of lying to the black community, which may be why African-Americans are more likely to think the government isn’t telling the whole story about Kennedy’s death and other major news stories.

    Additionally, independents who don’t lean toward either party (70 percent) and people who aren’t registered to vote (69 percent) are also more likely to believe there was a conspiracy. Again, that’s not surprising: If you don’t trust government, research has found that you’re more likely to not care who runs it and to not claim membership in one of the parties who control it.

    Despite the low percentage of Americans who believe the government line, the theory that Oswald acted alone has actually gained steam among the public in recent years.


    In our SurveyMonkey poll, the 33 percent of people who believe that one man killed Kennedy is higher than it’s been in any yearly average of polling since 1966. That was the year before New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison publicly accused the government of enacting a huge cover-up to conceal the fact that the president had been killed by anti-Communist extremists in the CIA. He later prosecuted a man he believed was involved in the conspiracy, and though he lost his conspiracy case in court, Garrison and his theory went on to be immortalized in Oliver Stone’s 1991 film “JFK.” Although the movie made millions of dollars and fanned the flames of conspiracy, it did not seem to have much impact on American opinion overall — the percentage of Americans who believed in a conspiracy remained pretty stable before and after the film’s release.

    Why is it, though, that belief in a lone gunman has grown by over 20 percentage points in the past two decades? It could be that conspiracy theorists’ inability to provide proof has hurt their appeal to the public. It’s also possible that recent computerized evidence seeming to prove Oswald acted alone has gotten through to Americans. Finally, it could be a simple matter of demographic changes. The percentage of Americans who have at least a college degree continues to rise, and SurveyMonkey found that 42 percent of Americans with at least a college degree believed Oswald acted alone compared to 29 percent with less than a college degree.1 In fact, a slight plurality of whites with at least a college degree actually believed one man was responsible for the death of Kennedy.

    Whatever the cause of the recent upswing in the popularity of the lone assassin theory, most Americans still think that there was a conspiracy and that more than one man was responsible for Kennedy’s death. Perhaps if the government releases the final documents on the assassination, that will put conspiracy theories about the murder to rest. But chances are it won’t.

    Harry Enten is a senior political writer and analyst for FiveThirtyEight.   @forecasterenten


  15. Jim, I was thrusting my arm and saying "right on" a few times during your passionate presentation of what it is really going on with this so-called document release especially as it pertains to obstruction and even violating of the document release date law.

    And Trump's allowing it to happen in such an obsequious servile way.

    Getting out Dallas Mayor and Charles Cabell brother Earle Cabell's secret affiliations was important.

    At least 1 and 1 1/2 million American listeners now know this fact.


  16. "Why it is important for me to be in the News building."

    Yes, this is one of the most relevant statements Ruby made to the WC.

    Why does Ruby feel his presence in the Dallas Morning News building that morning, right up to, through and right after JFK's motorcade passes through town...is important at all?

    Sounds as if Ruby definitely "planned" his personal location that morning until 12:30 pm with forethought. He kept hanging there, way longer than he ever did. No reasonable explanation for this.

    His ad placement meeting and conversation with another person took maybe ...what... an hour to 1/1/2 hours at most?

    Just can never accept that Ruby would choose to hole up in a busy business building the entire time of his beloved JFK and Jackie's unprecedented and highly publicized motorcade event right through his downtown ... just because he didn't like crowds!?  Hogwash.

  17. Micah, this testimony by this informant, told many years after the JFK event, is part of a lot of conflicting testimony regards Jack Ruby's whereabouts, actions and words on 11,22,1963

    In the You Tube video interview of Dallas Morning News writer Jerry Coley titled " Blood Found In Dealey Plaza" Coley gives us his timeline for when he first saw Jack Ruby, who had come to the Dallas Morning News offices to place his ad for his Carousel strip joint that Friday morning starting at 9:00 am.

    Coley says he eventually saw Jack Ruby at the Dallas Morning News again at 11:am, and after viewing the JFK motorcade and running around after the shooting, Coley returned to his offices and said Jack Ruby was there also. This would have been after 12:30 pm. He says Ruby was on the phone.  You can hear Coley's entire Ruby sighting time line in the You Tube interview starting at the 21:40 minute mark and running through to the 24:00 minute mark.

    It is clear however that there were large time gaps when Coley didn't see Ruby during the entire morning due to Coley running around and outside with others.  Coley does mention that when he heard how much Ruby was reported to have loved JFK and Jackie Kennedy he wondered why Ruby couldn't walk the two or three blocks necessary to see his beloved president and his beautiful wife in the flesh, like apparently everyone else in the Dallas Morning News offices.

    Coley also indicated that his memory of Jack Ruby coming into their offices was usually not for the long time frame he stayed that day.

    Jack Ruby's Warren Commission testimony conflicts with Jerry Coley's interview statement regards when Ruby actually arrived at the Dallas Morning news the morning of 11,22,1963.

    Ruby stated that he arrived at the Dallas Morning News at 10:30 am. Not 9:00am as Coley stated.

    I have copied Ruby's WC testimony to show this conflicting testimony. It's at the bottom of this page.

    Jack Ruby claimed in his Warren Commission testimony that he didn't go outside to see JFK and Jackie and the motorcade which came by so closely because he was uncomfortable in large crowds.

    Odd.  Ruby's club was often crowded. He went to other large crowd events such as fairs and roller skating and swimming venues. He went to Havana which at the time was a crowded busy city. And Ruby didn't seem too shook up to leave the Western Union office Sunday Morning ( 11,24.1963) after seeing a large crowd down by the Dallas Police station that according to Ruby "aroused my curiosity" which made him go down there.  ?

    Coley saw Jack Ruby on the phone after JFK was shot but then doesn't see him after. Obviously everyone was running to and fro. Ruby says he left to go to his club after leaving the Dallas Morning News. Much conflicting testimony here also as to when Ruby actually arrived at his club after leaving the Dallas Morning News.

    Respected journalist Seth Kantor testified to the Warren Commission that he actually bumped into Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital after arriving there himself after JFK was taken there. Kantor ( who personally knew Jack Ruby) said he even "talked to Ruby" at Parkland hospital at this time. The Warren Commission decided to ignore Kantor's testimony of his Ruby meet up at Parkland in the early afternoon of 11,22,1963 and dismissed it as a case of mistaken identity.

    Julia Ann Mercer claimed she saw a man who looked like Jack Ruby at the wheel of a stalled truck just past the railroad overpass on Elm street in Dealey Plaza at the end of the grassy knoll.  She stated in an affidavit that this was around 11: am the morning of 11,22,1963.

    Mercer's account is another claim of Jack Ruby being in Dealey Plaza the morning of 11,22,1963 but her time line conflicts somewhat with Jerry Coley's statements regards seeing Ruby at his offices at about that time.

    I state all these testimonies and statements by key players ( who knew Jack Ruby on sight ) who were all in or near Dealey Plaza the morning and noon of 11,22,1963 as well as Parkland Hospital later and Ruby himself regards Ruby's whereabouts downtown near Dealey Plaza all that morning until right after 12:30 PM, to highlight how conflicting this all was.

    This conflict of statements could all be based on mistaken time lines but also just as logically indicate a lot of lying.

    The source you cite in your original post is just another example of these confusing recollections regards Jack Ruby's presence on 11,22,1963 and in your case, a claimed outrageous ominous statement attributed to Jack Ruby.

    The following is some Warren Commission testimony by Jack Ruby, explaining where he was on 11,22,1963 from early morning to 12:30 PM. :


    I picked up the brochure that Friday morning, and I also had business at the News Building on Friday because that is the start of the weekend, which is very lucrative, the weekend.
    I have ways of making my ads of where they have a way of selling the product I am producing or putting on on the show.
    So I went down there Friday morning to Tony Zoppi's office, and they said he went to New Orleans for a couple of days.
    I picked up the brochure. I believe I got downtown there at 10:30 or 11 o'clock that morning. And I took the brochure and then went into the main room where we compose our ads. That is the sales room where we placed our ads. And I remained there for a while. I started to write the copy of my ad. Now I go back to the same fellow that wanted me to come over to the club when we were having our dinner on Mockingbird at the Egyptian Lounge.
    I came to the desk and I wanted to apologize and explain why I didn't accept his invitation last night. I wanted to explain, and that took about 20 or 25 minutes. All this is pertaining to everything prior to the terrible tragedy that happened.
    I started to explain to him why I didn't want to go there, because this fellow mentioned--Tony, I think---I can't think of his last name of me having his band so many years, and I felt at the moment I didn't want to go over to the club because I didn't care to meet this fellow.
    And he started to apologize, "Jack, I am sorry, I did work for the fellow and we have been advertising him for that club, and I am putting out a night club book."
    I remained with him for 20 or 25 minutes talking there. I don't know whether my ad was completed or not. It was an ad on the Vegas and the Carousel.
    My ads were completed, I believe, and after finishing my conversation with him, he left.
    Suddenly the man that completes my ads for me, that helps me with it on occasion--but I usually make it up myself--but the person that takes the money for the ads--this is the reason it is so hard for me to meet a deadline when I get downtown to the News Building. And as a rule, I have to pay cash for my ads.
    When you are in debt, it is necessary, and they will not put it in unless you pay cash.
    And consequently, the weekend, I had been to town on that particular day. All this adds up later on, as I will state why I didn't go to the parade.
    In the first place, I don't want to go where there is big crowds. I can't explain it to you. If I was interested, I would have seen it on television, our beloved President and all the parade that transpired.
    But all that adds up why it is important for me to be in the News Building.


  18. 12 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    Great very informative article.  Hope to comment on a few specifics later.  But my own take on why the MSM doesn't report on the JFK assassination itself or the files about it is ownership of them.  The also unreported fact that what is it 95-97-98% of the MSM is owned by that 1/10 of 1% of the wealthiest families in the good old USA.  The sometimes well paid (e.g. Bill O'lielly) managers, editors and reporters won't bite the hand that feeds them.  In addition any with an ethical investigative righteous bent can be weeded out by management.  No advancement, demoted or fired.  Every thing on the MSM is filtered, approved, acceptable to the owners or somebody is disciplined or gone.   Critical thinking and curiosity are not encouraged but discouraged.  Then again I'm probably just getting paranoid as I age and digest the information available over the years.


    Ron, you've just summarized the truth bolstered by facts ( 95-98% of the MSM is owned by 1/10th of 1% of the wealthiest families" ) and who do you think this group needs to have in power to keep "and even enhance" their wealth? This latest tax bill even wipes out their Estate and Inheritance tax!

    I think we can quit suggesting, even humorously, that we are getting paranoid about such things.

    These MSM ownership facts speak for themselves and it isn't paranoia to acknowledge them.

  19. Oswald's items:

    Compass, pedometer, binoculars, telescope...???

    Was Oswald a hiker of the wilderness? A gazer of stars at midnight.

    I don't recall Marina ever recalling she and Oswald with child ever going out to do such things outside of maybe a picnic in a city park? Or of Oswald himself doing these kinds of activities?

    Held onto items like this through move after poverty move just seem so incongruous to Oswald's lifestyle.  Just more intriguing things about the whole affair that don't make sense unless you add in some other equation.  Like the torn dollar bill found on Oswald at the theater?



    Best wishes Jim.  

    IMO whether any of us agree or disagree with Jim on certain areas of his research findings it's a positive JFK truth seeking plus to have someone besides Phil Shenon ( and who is much more serious research informed than Shenon ) finally be given a national audience platform to at least counter somewhat the hugely embedded and reported Shenon/Posner/Bugliosi propaganda line and expose it for what it is ( crap ) and what it isn't ( the truth.)

  21. Jim Di, looking forward to tuning in Coast To Coast AM tomorrow night when you will be the featured interview guest the first two hours.

    I assume the JFK file release essay you present in this thread via the link to your website will be substantially referred to in your interview. 

    Much about the MSM and it's 54 history of collusion regards the manipulation and restrictive reporting of Warren Commission disputing JFK research facts.

    As well as specific new points of intriguing interest such as the reference to 11,22,1963 Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell as an agency asset at that time.

    Your last paragraph in your essay is a really good summation and will be of worthy informative interest to the millions of C2C listeners as well.

    Regards Rachel Maddow , I am guessing that as bright and educated as she is, that she has never had any personal interest in the JFK assassination and is about as informed on the subject as I am regards the history and evolution of nut crackers.

    She seems content to throw out the bare minimum on the subject handed to her by whoever vets this without questioning or wanting to know anything beyond this.

    JFK is clearly not her thing. 

    But, like I have mentioned many times, the JFK topic can be a career killer for these journalists and news reporters who have reached the pinnacle of their profession ( and it's lucrative rewards ) and just about all avoid dealing with it almost as much they do the UFO/ET subject.

    This career protection instinct on the part of our highest news broadcast celebrity icons has unfortunately always been a major factor in the MSM's purposely avoided JFK research information equation.

    Will be tuning in and listening to every word tomorrow night on Coast To Coast AM. 




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