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Denny Zartman

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Posts posted by Denny Zartman

  1. 6 minutes ago, Matthew Koch said:

    Mods like Sandy are so biased that this kind of stuff stays up while telling Ben he'll be suspended if he posts about Politics and RFK again in a thread.

    We can post about politics. Obviously we are. We can post about RFK Jr. Obviously we are. But what we don't need is a new separate thread for every single time RFK Jr. coughs. Especially when all these threads have nothing to do with genuine political support for RFK Jr's policy positions and everything to do with wanting RFK Jr. to be a spoiler against Biden.

  2. Every single day, over and over and over and over and over and over. Resident Trumper relentlessly spamming RFK Jr. stories. One thread gets removed, they just try again the next day. They then try harder to make the link somewhat relevant to the JFK assassination in order not to get moved again, but the intent is crystal clear. It happens every f$#&ing day.

    It's spam. It's cluttering up the forum. And all this relentless spam is obviously politically motivated, not by genuine support for RFK Jr. and his policies, but against Joe Biden and Democrats.

    We need a RFK Jr. Only thread where all these discussions can be put into one place.

  3. 1 hour ago, Michael Crane said:

    It stressed that Brennan was in an "excellent position" ( ibid. ) to observe anyone in the window and described him as an "accurate observer" ( Pg. 145 ).

    I have seen this "ibid" in different books.

    Can someone on this forum please tell me what it means?

    I believe ibid means the same source as the one just previously cited.

  4. 1 hour ago, Jeff Carter said:

    It’s a speculation - a trial balloon, a thought experiment. 

    Reagan’s quick demise elevates George HW Bush to the presidency. In Russ Baker’s book, he notes there was a very concerted effort to install Bush as VP in the wake of Agnew’s flame-out, which would have brought him to the presidency in 1975. Bush runs in 1980, but is overwhelmed by Reagan’s populist campaign. However , he gets the VP slot and Bush people run the campaign and October Surprise. If Reagan does not survive the assassination attempt, Bush is President in the Spring of 1981.

    Why was it so important for Bush to be President circa 1974-81? Again, a speculative thought experiment would include the investigations directed at CIA in mid-70s, and the concurrent steady rise of a “deep state / secret team”  apparatus. The ultimate goal is realized in 1991, as the US becomes the sole global hegemonic power, a position given crucial assist by continuous covert activities which veer into vast criminal conspiracies (I.e. Iran-Contra). An oligarchical Wall Street faction realize vast fortunes.

    John Lennon, as a target for sinister forces, was a Beatle, the beloved entity which suggested to the world  humanity was a hopeful experiment, a glass half full. His senseless killing revealed otherwise - humanity was compromised and hopeless, the glass was half empty. This cynicism became, alchemically, a prevailing mood through the decades ahead.

    This is an entirely speculative thought experiment although based on available information, and I would prefer not to be labelled a “crackpot, “kook” or other perforative term currently popular with the self-appointed speculation-police on this forum.

    The two most "Deep State" Presidents we've had, Ford & H.W. Bush, couldn't get more than one term. Ford could have potentially had 9 years with any VP of their choice. By your estimation, the Deep State under the leadership of George H.W. Bush achieved its goal on the eve of what would have been Bush's second term. Yet, at the peak of their power, they couldn't keep it and one year later turned it all over to a couple of southern Democrats. Is it not logical to ask why? It appears to me that, from the record of history, either the Deep State is not all-powerful or it is moving without any true purpose or regard for politics. If we disagree on that, at the very least I hope we can agree the Deep State was bipartisan, knocking off Democrats and Republicans left and right.

    We're discussing an elaborate plan to assassinate someone who regularly took walks in Central Park. I'm dubious. There was no danger of Lennon transforming into an effective political leader. They'll knock off a semi-retired musician just to dispirit us, but they wouldn't attempt to kill Reagan during the primaries? Or actually kill Reagan or Nixon when they were laid up in the hospital? It doesn't make sense and I find it hard to believe. Maybe I'm wrong.

    I agree with the others here that trading in Lennon conspiracy theories somewhat makes the forum look like a clearance house for every conspiracy theory out there. Admittedly, there may be something to those theories and they may be worthy of serious discussion on dedicated forums. I'm not debating that at all. I'm just trying to describe how I believe this forum might appear when those topics are given equal weight and attention.

    Just my two cents.

  5. 15 hours ago, Jeff Carter said:

    There has been speculation the Lennon shooting was a dress rehearsal for the planned and potentially far more consequential attempt on Reagan several months later.

    So, the Deep State is accused of:

    - Killing Democrats JFK & RFK.

    - Engineering ruin of Republican Richard Nixon.

    - Sabotaging Democrat Jimmy Carter's reelection, only to...

    - Immediately plan the assassination of Carter's rival, Republican President-Elect Ronald Reagan.

    Gotta give the Deep State credit for being so bipartisan.



  6. It's difficult for me to believe this.

    I've not studied Lennon's death at length, but I have vivid memories of a kid seriously telling me all the facts about Paul McCartney's death back in the day, so please forgive me if I am forever reluctant to take anyone's Beatle-related purported facts as being truth.

    What seems to me to be unquestionable is that in 1980 Lennon was a househusband with a flagging career, struggling with drugs and alcohol and who was making intentionally avant garde albums with his wife, a woman with little discernable musical talent that was also held responsible for breaking up one of the most influential and popular bands of the 20th century.

    At the absolute height of his popularity and political influence, the most John Lennon did was sit in bed in a bag in front of reporters. If he were a true influential political leader interested in spearheading a political movement, he would have been out there leading marches or organizing rallies. But the most extreme thing he did in his political activism was sit in bed in a bag in front of a room full of bored reporters.

    When Lennon had his most potent opportunity to call for action on the Beatles' most nakedly political song "Revolution", Lennon equivocated.

    In his last concert, he's chewing gum throughout because, reportedly, he was so nervous he had cottonmouth. And we're supposed to believe he would have been a political leader when he was terrified to even perform music on stage in front of adoring crowds - something that was literally his life's work?

    We might as well seriously consider if the CIA set Lennon up with Yoko in the first place if we're going to get "real."

  7. 6 hours ago, Pat Speer said:

    My recollection is that he found it upon his return from Haiti, inside the cover of a record album he'd loaned the Oswalds, which had been returned to his possession by...Michael Paine. So Michael Paine not only came forward late in life to say he saw the photo--something he never said in 1964--but was also responsible for handing off one of the photos to Demohrenschildt.

    I'm on the fence about the Paines but this is most certainly curious. 

    Weren't the alleged filing cabinets in the Paine garage explained away as being boxes for record albums?

  8. 1 hour ago, Michael Griffith said:

    Oh, I don't think the letter was addressed to E. Howard Hunt. If it's genuine, I think it was addressed to a member of the Hunt oil family. 

    My main takeaway about the letter is that it may prove that even a substantial amount of handwriting can be so expertly forged as to fool a number of handwriting experts, and that this, in turn, should give us pause about the handwriting on the envelope and money order used to buy the Carcano.


    All good points.

  9. Ruth Paine cold-called Roy Truly and got Lee Harvey Oswald his job at the TSBD. Nothing can ever change that fact.

    CIA's J. Walton Moore asked George de Mohrenschildt to meet Oswald. George de Mohrenschildt said he would never have met Oswald in a million years had Moore not sanctioned it. George de Mohrenschildt convinces Oswald to move to Dallas and introduces him to Ruth Paine. Paine takes in the alleged assassin's wife, houses the alleged murder weapon under her roof, and gets the alleged assassin his job at the scene of the crime. You take CIA's Moore, CIA connected de Mohrenschildt, CIA connected Ruth Paine, add them together and the result is Lee Harvey Oswald in Dallas working at the TSBD - the scene of the crime. And people act like this is some sort of mystery?

    I know this whole discussion is a pasttime for LN's, but it's getting tiresome for me. Do you not all have eyes? Does any LN look at the pictures of Oswald in Russia, hanging out grinning and partying with folks his age and ever take one minute to wonder why, back in the USA, Oswald had only one identifiable friend: a White Russian with CIA connections and who was two decades his senior?

  10. 7 hours ago, Mark Ulrik said:

    You seem to believe that the Paines should have been considered a flight risk. Then you probably also believe that they should have been arrested even before the Saturday search. Do you also believe that other Oswald acquaintances (such as Earlene Roberts) should have been arrested?

    You don't know the difference between being detained and being arrested?

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