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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 14 minutes ago, Keyvan Shahrdar said:

    Keyvan, you posted that YouTube video. You say nothing about the video except the above. Are you saying that you believe what the video says; that the sprocket area shows a reflection of a Dallas Records Building gunman?

    I did some searching and that anomaly can be seen on many z-frames, from at least z050 to z484. That would be a very persistent reflection picked-up in the lense and film of a moving camera. It's a ridiculous assertion. Are you backing-up that assertion? Keyvan>> I am backing up that "ridiculous" assertion and doubling down on it.  This gunman is cover for his "Troops" on the ground.  In Military Science this is known as "Suppressive fire".  His job is to provide cover or diversionary shots to mislead.  He may have taken a shot/s to make people drop to the ground or move to another area away from the snipers on the ground.  You can read more about military tactic by searching online.

    The reason he is shown for the duration of the film is because he did not try to hide, he had not reason to do so and he was cover, his job is to be the eyes on top and divert.  Why would he hide if his job is to be cover?

    Let's set the scene, there are (a) twelve (12) Harley Davidson two wheel motorcycles in the JFK motorcade. http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg Subject Index Files/M Disk/Motorcade Route/Item 15.pdf . One Harley Davidson motorcycles is loud enough, imagine twelve of them in close proximity.  (b) A shooter's rifle shot/s from the roof top of the collections building would be difficult to be heard by anyone on the ground with twelve Harley Davidson motorcycles in close proximity and other shooters shooting from other locations.  No body knew he was there.

    "Nobody knew he was there...."


    Oh dear!

    What can the matter be?

    Keyvan pulled a vid

    Straight from the lavatry,

    Pics of an assassins

    From Z1 to 470

    "and nobody knew they were there!"




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