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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. I wanted to get two more links on here before I leave it alone for a while. I don't want to keep bumping the thread...

    Jack Lawrence

    Jack claims that he parked his loaner car near the corner of Main and Ervay. This is very close to the Carousel. His story, for 11-22, starts at 12:30 when he parked the car and walked to work. Crafard's story starts minutes later when he says he was awaken by a co-worker who started blasting radio and TV news about the assassination.

    Edit****'Jack Lawrence was given a ride back to his car by a retired Colonel. That stop is on a straight-shot between the dealership and the fairgrounds.

  2. As a refresher, with this thread, I am focusing on the Carousel crew and what they were up to between Friday morning and Saturday at about 7PM.

    Part of my speculation is that they were moving and disposing of equipment and people.

    John Ligget's schedule dovetails fairly well with the goings-on with the Carousel and crew.


  3. 1 hour ago, Eddy Bainbridge said:

    I am not well read on Oswald in Mexico but i find Mark Lane's claim that David Phillips stated he didn't think Oswald went to Mexico (There should be a tape of this statement somewhere at the end of their USC debate) very interesting. I've looked also at the evidence purporting to cover his journey's there and back and it appears suspect.

    A common view appears to be that he DID go to Mexico City and an equally common view is that he was impersonated both in person and on the phone to the Embassies. I would like to know from those who hold both of these views what they beleive he went to Mexico for, or at least why he thought he was going.

    Hi there Eddy,

    At the moment, I am of the mind that some folks were playing dirty tricks on James Jesus Angleton. These people, I theorize, were trying to keep JJA off guard, off balance and chasing his tail in order to keep him from detecting the real plot. I am thinking that one leg of the plot came through a stove-piped channel, from the Eastern Establishment, down through the pipes in order to avoid the CIA Chain of command, but still use CIA assets and resources, through guys like Hunt and Liddy, and with DAP taking an active part when things needed some TLC.

    I believe LHO had to have gone to MC at some point, and evidence was generated for that at some point, in case it was needed. As it comes to us, the MC venture can be said to be false, even if LHO happened to be in MC somewhere in that timeframe. I don't believe that Sylvia Duran met the DPD LHO.

    The purpose of the manufactured evidence was, along with the DAP/LHO/AV Dallas meeeting, done in order to keep the Anti-Castro Cubans convinced that a plot was underway that would lead to the invasion of Cuba. The evidence of MC was buried, not to avoid WW3 as is often said; but to double-cross the Cubans.

    That is kind of where I am at at this point Eddy,



  4. 25 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    We sharply disagree.  Jim Garrison knew in 1968 that Guy Banister wanted Oswald to kill JFK.   I agree with Jim Garrison.

    Paul, I would love to see something  that supports that narrative.

    DAP was hoping that Oswald would help him kill Fidel Castro in Cuba.  That's what the Mexico City trip was all about.

    Paul, I would think that DAP would have made sure that LHO knew that he would need a visa, how to get one, and the likelihood of having any success with the way that he went about it. Neglecting that detail is a pretty large oversight for a guy like DAP. If you have anything that demonstrates your narrative, I would like to see it.

    --Paul Trejo

    Replays in bold.

  5. On 5/11/2006 at 2:26 PM, Nathaniel Heidenheimer said:

    Perhaps a sufficiently tweedy enclave could be formed within the forum in which only the credentialed would be allowed. I will rush to get a more advanced degree from Southeast Texas Teachers College so that I might join--at least in my own estimate-- the ranks of Alfred McCoy and Gerald McNight, in debating Sir Kenneth A. Rahn in this moated thread.

    We all recognize the bravery and selfless devotion to the public good shown by American Academia throughout the Cold War, and especially in more recent years!

    I had suggested this, months back, in another thread. If an exclusive subforum could get back a number of collegiate and esteemed researchers, segregated from rabble such as myself, it would be a great thing. IMO.


    Tim Grats


    Threads revolving around Tim Gratz brought out some of the best researchers and debates, back in the day. I'll post some of the best of those here. 

    Of course, if Mr. Gratz is not comfortable with the angle taken herein, I would be glad to break it up.

    Sorry for the bump but it was pointed-out to me that just reserving a bunch of posts that I can fill-out, in the future, is unfair. So this gets bumped when I add "top-ten" lists as I go.



  7. 9 minutes ago, Jeffrey Reilley said:



    Bumped because I now sense a theme on these boards that has been fairly constant for the past decade. Finger pointing and hostility are much more important to some people than actually coming up with the truth.

    I lurk on here and read a lot in hopes of furthering my understanding of past events. I have found that the past few months, what happened in this thread happens to almost all the threads. People with some serious agendas resort to childish tactics in an attempt to get people to believe their version of true history. 


    Jeff. A guy who wants to read things without having to rifle through all the bickering.


    P.S.- This is probably the hardest thread to read on these boards. 


    I'll plead guilty to debating the debtor, at times, instead of the data, or facts. Among others, I see Larry Hancock as master of sticking to the facts in a debate. I will pay more attention to his debates.



  8. Wikipedia, like Paul Trejo, serve a great purpose. You get a story knowing that you have to break it down, discard the parts that don't work, and rebuild it with new parts.

    Studying ancient history is far easier on Wikipedia because the sources are so few in number that you quickly become farmiliar with them, you quickly get an idea of their reliability, and you can easily verify the attribution easily (because they are known, and so few).

    Regarding the JFK Assassination, the WCR serves a similar purpose as Wikipedia and Trejo.

    Regarding real-time contemporary news, it's very difficult.

  9. On 12/29/2005 at 1:06 PM, John Simkin said:

    Richard Nixon told the American people during the 1968 presidential election that he fully supported Lyndon Johnson’s peace talks.

    However, at the same time he used Anna Chennault (a Chinese born Republican) to carry secret messages to President Thieu. Nixon persuaded Thieu not to go along with these peace talks. In return, Nixon promised to send South Vietnam enough US troops to “win the war”. This is why Thieu refused to take part in the peace talks (he announced this on 2nd November, three days before the election).


    This information appears in several books. Probably the best account appears in Anthony Summers’s book, The Arrogance of Power (298-306).


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