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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, U.S. Army Special Forces (Retired)

    Born in Detroit, Michigan on 10 October 1933

    I was an Army “Mustang,” first enlisting in June 1952 as a recruit and I later held the rank of Sergeant First Class. I was commissioned as a Second Lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers and went on to retire as a Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel. A fully qualified Special Forces Officer (Green Beret), Master Parachutist and Combat Infantryman, I am experienced in covert operations: a veteran of eight combat campaigns in the Korean and Vietnam Wars and was thrice decorated for heroism. More significantly I accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour on 29 January 1984 and since that day I have fearlessly crusaded for truth and justice with the goal of fighting evil that dwells in certain agencies or personnel in our government.

    I was schooled in unconventional warfare and learned the fundamentals of guerrilla warfare, special demolitions, underwater demolitions, assassination and terrorism techniques, civic action and psychological warfare operations from veteran Green Beret, CIA and US Navy SEAL Team instructors. In 1964 I volunteered to organize and command a covert operations team of eight Green Beret volunteers; the first Green Berets to be prepared to employ the man-portable atomic demolition device (SADM) with an explosive force equivalent to ten tons of TNT. Our contingency mission was to blow the hydroelectric plant at the ASWAN High Dam in Egypt, under construction at the time by the USSR . That same year Green Beret Master Sergeant Joseph Hill and I were involved in a bizarre series of interactions with the leadership of the Boston Mafia, giving us personal insight into the unique alliance that existed between the CIA, the Mob and the U.S. Army’s Special Forces when their unique talents were needed to conduct extremely critical covert operations, including assassinations and sabotage.

    In the Vietnam War I commanded Green Beret Team A-424 in An Phu, South Vietnam from 27 December 1965 through 2 August 1966, leading the first combat actions against enemy forces inside their Cambodian safe-havens. These sanctuaries had been provided our enemies by then President Lyndon B. Johnson. My A Team also conducted counterinsurgency, direct combat, civic action and psychological warfare operations throughout the district of An Phu. Fighting alongside our courageous South Vietnamese Buddhist Hoa Hao “Irregular fighters” they secured and held fifty kilometers of common border with Cambodia and were continually victorious against a numerically superior and better equipped enemy. I considered the Hoa Hao irregulars the most courageous and most motivated foreign fighting men I ever knew.

    My small team of Green Berets gained the respect of the 64,000 Hoa Haos of An Phu District. With no civilian doctors or organized medical treatment facilities in place, my two team medics filled the gap, providing a wide range of medical and dental services to the local populace while helping to defend their homes, farms and fishing industry against thousands of Communist insurgents. Victory after victory attested to the valor of the Hoa Hao fighters and their families.

    In June 1966, the CIA asked me to assassinate Cambodian Crown Prince Norodum Sihanouk, using my Hoa Hao Irregular fighters in an operation designed to make it appear to have been carried out by the North Vietnamese Communists. I initially accepted the mission but later aborted it when President Johnson failed to honor the quid pro quo wherein I demanded that Johnson deny the enemy their safe havens inside Cambodia and announce that fact publicly in the United States. Within 10 days of my aborting the mission and ordering the CIA agent out of my camp, my men and approximately 400 Hoa Haos were under siege and in danger of being attacked and annihilated by a heavily armed ARVN Regiment sent by the CIA in retribution of my actions. South Vietnamese Lieutenant General Quang Van Dang interceded, ordered the ARVN Regiment back to their home base, and flew into my An Phu Camp and told all os us that we no longer need fear reprisal. There would be no brother killing brother.

    When my team departed An Phu on 2 August 1966 it was the most secure area in South Vietnam. My next foreign tour was with the 46th Special Forces in Lop Buri, Thailand where I commanded the Special Forces Logistical Operations Center which provided unconventional logistical support to all covert operations in that area of the world, except Vietnam. On arrival in Lop Buri, I put a halt to an illegal arms shipping operation and initiated an investigation which was proved that some 120 weapons had been illegally sent to the USA and may have been involved in the assassination plot that killed Dr. King. I retired as a Lieutenant Colonel in May, 1973.

    Among my most treasured awards is the Hoa Hao purple silk scarf that was presented to me by the Hoa Hao Central Committee when they named me an Honorary Hoa Hao, the only American to receive that special tribute. I now live in upstate New York where I write about my experiences as an unconventional warrior.

  2. An interesting read about an EF memeber Daniel Marvin.

    "I am retired U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Beret) Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin. I am a combat veteran of two wars, and I am willing to testify before Congress that I was asked to kill Lieutenant Commander Pitzer, "


    I do know, from personal experience, that - in February 1964, while a student officer in Special Warfare School at Fort Bragg, NC, I was told, as were the other officers present, by CIA instructors during assassination training that JFK was killed using four Mafia hit men. Two were USA Mafia and two were Corsican Mafia who also had Corsican Mafia "Spotters" with them on the two routes leading from where the hit ook place to the hospital.

    Perhaps you should read "Without Smoking Gun" my review follows..


    WITHOUT SMOKING GUN The Untimely Death of LCDR William Bruce Pitzer

    A Book Review By LTC Daniel Marvin, US Army Special Forces (Retired)

    Without Smoking Gun, a nonfiction work by Kent Heiner, should get your blood boiling and, unless you are a mild-mannered Mr. Milquetoast, your body functioning in whatever way you so decide to do your part in helping bring those to justice who not only inspired and developed, but perpetrated some of the most heinous political crimes of the past century including the cold-blooded murders of President John F. Kennedy, Lt. Cmdr. William Bruce Pitzer and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    What would you do if you knew that our government was lying about the greatest crime of your time and a dear friend who had shown you proof of this government’s cover-up died violently and without warning? Would you tell anyone? Meet retired U.S. Navy Chief Petty Officer Dennis David who recalls the day in 1963 that U.S. Navy officer and beloved mentor Bill Pitzer showed him a film taken by a remotely controlled camera of the actual autopsy of President John F. Kennedy’s dead body and some still photographs of that same autopsy. These images, the two men agreed, made it clear that the President had been shot from the front, not the rear, despite what the American public was being told.

    Meet the late Lieutenant Commander William Bruce Pitzer, who in 1966 was found shot and killed in his office at the National Naval Medical Center, where the President’s autopsy had been performed after the tragedy in Dallas.

    What would you do if you realized you had almost been an unwitting pawn in the murder of an important witness? Meet the author of this review: I am retired U.S. Army Special Forces (Green Beret) Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin. I am a combat veteran of two wars, and I am willing to testify before Congress that I was asked to kill Lieutenant Commander Pitzer, "a man who was going to give secrets to the enemy" or so the CIA agent told me in a secret meeting under the pines in the first week of August in 1965 at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. Is such a scenario possible? Yes and I am willing to testify to that fact before Congress, tell them why I am known as "Dangerous Dan" and why I feel obligated to tell the truth to this nation.- to this world..

    Read of retired Green Beret Lieutenant Colonel James "Bo" Gritz's having admitted his role (then a captain) as an instructor at the Special Warfare School, writing in an e-mail to Kent Heiner, "We were teaching assassination and terrorism as part of the UW [unconventional warfare] fields of Direct Action missions and GW [guerrilla warfare].

    Meet other retired military and CIA officers who agree that there was indeed a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy and that the United States does indeed use assassination and terrorism as a tool of statecraft. .

    Fasten your seatbelts for a devastating journey through recent history. Read eye-witness testimony that I believe, if presented in a court of law, would prove that the President’s body was tampered with before being autopsied. Find out why there is reason to suspect that LCDR Pitzer recorded that alteration on film and was killed in order to find and destroy that evidence. Go behind closed doors to see the infighting and prejudices which plagued the Presidential Commission charged to investigate the assassination. Go back in time to 1966, when private doubts about the Commission’s findings snowballed into a public demand for answers, and the Kennedy family was preparing to turn over JFK’s autopsy photos to the National Archives. Watch the drama of Pitzer’s final days unfold as a 1963 FBI report is discovered which describes “surgery” on the President’s body prior to autopsy, sending the Establishment into panic.

    The author, Kent Heiner, is the founder and president of Mem Research, a non-profit organization supporting research into state-organized crime. He graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in International Relations. His work can be seen at www.MemResearch.org.

    Without Smoking Gun can be purchased through Trine Day Press for $14.95 including postage. Please call 1-800-556-2012 and have your credit card ready. If you want to order by check - make it payable to Trine Day and mail to P.O. Box 577, Walterville, Oregon 97489. 

    © 2007 Lieutenant Colonel Daniel Marvin, US Army Special Forces (Retired)


    Dennis David and I are willing to go before Congress and tell the truth about the Pitzer killing- who he was and what evidence he had that would disprove the Warren Commission findings. James Files, the Mafia Hit man who was working for the CIA when he shot Kennedy from the Grassy Knoll - is also willing to go with me before Congress. Will they ever have the guts or the integrity to call us.


  3. On 11/9/2007 at 11:32 AM, William Kelly said:

    Antti, LHO was stationed at El Toro, which is north of San Diego and south of LA.

    And from my memory, GPH said he ran into Oswald for the first time at the Cuban counsulate, which I thought was in San Diego but more likely was LA.

    Now if anyone can help answer the other questions:

    - Were Tom Dooley and Phil Agee contemporaries at Notre Dame and did the same talent scout recruit them?

    - Was it standard operating procedure to identify and blackmail gays, like they did to Donald P. Norton and Tom Dooley?

    - And where did LHO get Leo Cherne's name and address in order to write to him from USSR?



    This YouTube video is of poor quality. At around 28:00, Landsdale talks about Dooley.



  4. Michael,

    There is a lot of interesting stuff in here; the most interesting, IMO, being the thoughtful commentary of the participating EF researchers. No one has to sign-up as a believer of this story in order to get anything out of the thread; it doesn't have to be a true story.




  5. 1 hour ago, Michael Walton said:


     I mean, I made a thread months ago and it got zilch views.  I put a lot of effort into it, not making up some pie-in-the-sky story like this. Why don't you bring it up again and discuss it?  I mean really look at it and think it through and see if it has any interesting debate to it instead of this nonsensical thread here?


    Michael, Where is the thread you are referring to?

    ****edit*** I think I found it. It is photo analysis, and graphic photos and video, none of which are my cup-of-tea.




  6. Just now, Thomas Graves said:


    I should warn you, I suppose, that about an hour ago I sent a longish post to Kathy Beckett regarding your goading behavior ever since the infamous "Nice post, Toomy" incident (which itself is "water under the bridge" as far as I'm concerned).

    --  Thomas :sun

    PS  My offer still stands.  We  can converse civilly by PM (or insult each other by PM -- whichever you prefer), but I would prefer that you cease and desist trying to disrupt and / or "hide" so many of my posts with your, so-far IMHO inane, "replies".

    --  Thomas :sun


    I've been duly warned. It feels like a threat.



  7. 6 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Michael... there is almost always a link under the frame to the PDF original version of the article in the CTKA archives.

    I have the same problem and always hit that link.


    There are three types of MC travel evidence...

    1. that which is blatant verbal lie 
    2. that which exists in the physical world and was created to implicate Oswald
    3. and that which is an accurate portrayal of events that betrays the conclusion our Oswald was there

    The most obvious of evidence - bus tickets - meets both #2 and #3.  
    Starting in New Orleans there is simply no record of Oswald taking a bus anywhere.

    In the work I did I came to find that the FBI/DFS/Gobernacion were able to find virtually every other person's evidence for having been on the buses they are credited, and even found that some of the names on the manifests simply did not exist.

    Despite looking for evidence of Oswald in MC all thru November 1963, Hoover's resources could find nothing, yet Hoover goes along anyway and creates a fairy tale journey of epic proportions.

    The CIA wasn't able to officially find him either.   


    This is a gem! Lol! Thanks David

  8. 3 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    "larger story less credible" - which larger story Michael?

    I tried to stay away from things like "sounds credible"... the evidence left for us tells a specific story... the truth tends to be easily corroborated after the fact... lies on the other hand, and created evidence have a much tougher time keeping things straight.

    The first batches of BUS TRIP EVIDENCE which came from Mexico was completely wrong despite it being accepted as evidence of Oswald's visit... when it no longer could stand up to scrutiny, it was dropped. simply dropped by Hoover in favor of something else that could work... like "he took this (or that) bus since it was the only bus to get his to his destination when we say he got there"

    Mexican Presidential guards showed up at each of the 4 bus lines on 11/22 and "borrowed" all the evidence.

    The MC story is symptomatic of the entire WCR...  Desired conclusion unsupported - in fact contradicted - by the actual evidence gathered at the time and from subsequent investigations without the government's bias.

    Well Michael - I did about 300 pages on the trip and evidence...  This charade unfolds amazingly..  I hope I've done it some justice...

    https://kennedysandking.com/content/the-evidence-is-the-conspiracy-index is the index to all my work but you'll see the 6 Mexico Chapters in this list.

    It took the FBI over 2000 documents to explain that Oswald went to Mexico - when all they needed was a single bus ticket... which they finally did get from Marina.

    Enjoy the ride


    Thanks David,

    By "The larger story less credible". I was referring to the parts as distinct from tho whole....... fabrication.



  9. 5 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


    John [Simpkin],

    Just curious.  Do you support Putin's theft of Crimea and his "secret", still-ongoing invasion of eastern Ukraine in 2014?

    Do you support the FSB's blowing up of Russian apartment buildings (killing 300 Russian citizens) so that martial law could be declared, the upcoming elections be canceled, and then-prime minister Putin be automatically appointed president when Yeltsen "decided" to retire during said period of martial law?

    Do you support Putin's meddling in the recent U.S. elections so that his "Useful Idiot" Trump could become president?


    --  Tommy :sun

    PS  In other words, is the United States of America the only evil government in the world?



    bumped for Mr. Simpkin


    He covered a lot of that in this thread. You should have rad it first.



  10. 5 minutes ago, Paul Trejo said:


    You're adding words that aren't there.   

    The first thing that LHO does is ask Sylvia Duran for (and I quote) "requirements to go to Cuba."

    It's in the very text that you cited to me, Michael.   How could you miss it?

    My speaking of an "Instant" visa refers to the full story -- LHO becomes impatient when Sylvia Duran explains that LHO must wait several weeks for a visa to Cuba.  This was because LHO presented her with a Fake FPCC resume, which was obviously bogus.  He wasn't getting in to Cuba that weekend.  But LHO insisted on getting into Cuba THAT WEEKEND.

    If you read the Lopez Report fully you would know that.

    You aren't even trying, dude.   You're just being pushy.  I'm setting your account to IGNORE again.

    Bye now,
    --Paul Trejo


    Paul, we posted simultaneously.



    Post anything that uses the wod "instant"., in the record.

    I am making this progressively easier for you.



  11. Paul Trejo wrote:



    If this is really a polite challenge as you claim, then first admit that you contradicted yourself.

    Your sentence is the OPPOSITE of the sentence by Sylvia.

    Next, admit that you accused me of quoting testimony when I was only explaining my case.  The word "instant" is mine, intended to emphasize an obvious fact

    Third, admit that Sylvia Duran Tirado was under pressure, spoke broken English, and was being guided by the attorney.

    If you refuse to admit these few points, then I'll conclude again that you're just being pushy.



    Try again, Paul,

    -Why does the MC LHO ask for a Transit Visa when he first states his case?

    -You speak of an "Instant" Visa that doesn't appear anywhere.

    -You omit the mention of a "transit Visa" When it is referred to exclusively.

    This is not impolite. "Impolite" is dumping stuff around The Forum that others have to clean-up.





  12. Thanks David, 

    I do engage in debates about what the MC LHO did while he was in MC. I don't really think he was there, in late September of '63, as is reported. But I do engage with the idea that if a part of that story, or some use of it, does not sound credible, pointing out that incredibility, if I may, makes the larger story less credible. If you see a fault to that logic, please point it out. I am not fully up-to-speed on the case against the visit as a whole so I don't really go there.



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