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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 38 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Michael - It's plausible - maybe - but runs against all my instincts, including a life long interest in conspiracy, especially in differentiating from real ones and red herrings. I think Giuliani and his FBI cohorts forced Comey's hand, along with Eric Prince of Blackwater. I don't think Pence will win a second term if he becomes president. The conspiracy for me does not revolve around the Tea Party people. I think it is a worldwide criminal group trying to take over governments and promote fascism. Putin and the oligarchs, with their huge resources and cyber warfare capability, are trying to change the map of world power. Their enemies are the stalwarts of the last 100 years.

    Paul, I agree that Comey's hand may have been forced, perhaps by the situation itself. He very likely was between Scylla and Charybdis. 

    What was the DAP quote as related by Antonio Veciana? Was it that in order to get Kennedy to act, you had to put "his back up against the wall". It may be an art that has been mastered. My Spidey-Sense says there are script writers afoot.

    Regarding Pence being re-elected: That completely depends on who the Democrats send into the election. The Democrats have to go with a moderate to win-over moderate Trump supporters. You can get another 1 million democratic voters out in NY, and it won't make a difference in the Electoral College. You have to bring-in and send-out Democratic voters in swing-states; a Bernie Sanders is not going to do that.




  2. 52 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I figured out months ago, to my satisfaction at least, that Comey was not a villain, and that he had no choice about the second Clinton email revelation 11 days before the election. 

    Paul, I am on the fence about that right now. My instincts tell me that you are right. However, as,a matter of course, as an excercise, I hypothetically make certain assumptions and look to see if those assumed hypotheticals make any sense. 

    So, I, first of all, assume that what is happening was meant to happen,

    What has happened? The election was tampered with, Temp-Trump came into office, and he is going to be taken-down prematurely. We will end-up with Pence.

    Is it plausible that this was all set-up? I think so, I think it is plausible.

    How did it happen? A pre election letter from Comey, a recommendation to Trump that he hire the tainted and inoculated Mr. Flynn. Trump then, as is his way, tries to twist an arm that he shouldn't be twisting, he asks for personal loyalty from someone who should not be making person pledges of loyalty.

    Does Trump get all this? I don't think so. This is how he has always rolled, and, in his mind, it is what he was elected to do. 

    Could all this have been predicted? Absolutely.

    If Giuliani knew, why would'nt Comey?

    Could it have been scripted. I think so.

    Was it scripted? I don't know.

    What was the end game?... Temp-Trump cedes to a Tea Party Republican.

    It's plausible, IMHO, and Comey just might have had a witting role.



  3. He had a (White?) Russian wife.

    He was associated with the Paines, intimately.

    George de Mohrenschildt was his best bud.

    He knew David Atlee Phillips.

    Where are Hunt and Liddy? The world may never know.

    How many people ran in that kind of circle?....  LHO?


  4. The best of Ron Eckert

    Ron makes me laugh so often I though I should start collecting some his funniest posts.

    "It's fascinating that the name Curtis Berkley is so rich with anagams.

    In alphabetical order:

    Be Cruelty Risk

    Be Truly Sicker

    Icky Blusterer

    Liberty Sucker

    Lusty Bickerer

    Rickety Rubles

    Risky Tubercle

    Trickery Blues

    Ye Curst Bilker"




  5. I am looking a little closer now to see what I did wrong.

    ****edit. Well, after looking  again I am seeing that I just saw the Lacombe reference and dropped a link off and gave the thread a bump. I don't always have such luck when looking for related threads. I often stumble upon them weeks or more after I was actively searching. I know that I would appreciate a simple link being brought to my attention.

  6. 11 minutes ago, Chris Newton said:

    Did you read the Purvis thread and this thread?

    Anyone who can find the "search" window can find "related" threads.

    Are you contributing to this thread?

    I'm perplexed.

    I did a quick scan to see if I was duplicating anything. If I missed it in this thread My apologies. I saw the mention of Lacombe and figured I would drop it off here. 

  7. John Simkin

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    Here is a list of authors currently discussing their books on the Forum. 

    Joe Trento, Prelude to Terror


    Alfred McCoy, The Politics of Heroin: CIA Complicity in the Global Drug Trade


    Anthony Summers, The Kennedy Conspiracy


    Peter Dale Scott, Deep Politics and the Death of JFK 


    Lamar Waldron, Ultimate Sacrifice


    Gerald McKnight: Breach of Trust


    William Pepper: Act of State


    Joan Mellen: Farewell to Justice


    G. Robert Blakey: The Plot to Kill the President


    Josiah Thompson: Six Seconds in Dallas


    Matthew Smith: JFK: The Second Plot


    Tom Gabby, The Berlin Conspiracy


    Jim Feltzer, The Strange Death of Paul Wellstone


    Don Bohning: The Castro Obsession 


    William Turner: Deadly Secrets


    William Turner: Rearview Mirror


    Joseph Trento, The Secret History of the CIA


    Jim Marrs, Crossfire


    William Reymond: JFK, Le Dernier Témoin


    Dick Russell, The Man Who Knew Too Much


    Nina Burleigh: A Very Private Woman


    Larry Hancock: Someone Would Have Talked


    Donald Gibson: The Kennedy Assassination Cover-Up 


    Ian Griggs: No Case to Answer


  8. I am sub-listing this Louis J. Roussell thread since it has a lot of information on LHO's ancestry, of which, I have seen very little.

    I have often thought that a part of the conspiracy may have been supported or worked by individuals who wanted to see, As Vladimir Putin recently put it (although I can't find the reference) "a return to 18th Century politics and power structures". I think of the White Russians, the Eastern Establishment and American racism as possible elements of, and motivation for, the 63' Coup. I have often wondered if LHO,  in such a clique, which, I hypothesize,  dreampt of the "good ol'days", was a sacrificial "Prince".

    The (presently) last paragraph of the following thread is interesting.


       James Richards said: 
       Thomas H. Purvis said: 
       James Richards said: 

    The "Covington" residence of William Oswald (Great-Grandfather to LHO) was, due to anti-german sentiment, burned during WWI. (Thomas Purvis)


    Regarding William Oswald, I believe he had a nephew also named William Oswald.

    BTW, do you know anything about a Julius J. Oswald who worked at the Standard Coffee Co. in New Orleans?


    Actually, there were many "William Oswald's"

    Mostly cousins, etc.

    William Oswald, father of Robert E. Lee Oswald (Sr.) and grandfather to LHO, also had a son named William who also lived in New Orleans as well.

    In addition, there was Thomas Oswald, and Harvey Oswald, as well as Robert and William.

    Therefore, there were four sons to continue generation of the Oswald name.

    The son of William worked at Reilly Coffee Company (aka Standard Coffee aka Luzianne Coffee).

    This is the reference which LHO gave on his employment application. (Hazel Oswald, widow of William Oswald, and whom LHO visited)

    Little is known of the "Julius" Oswald, as well as the other female Oswald who worked at Reilly.

    Someone was supposed to have checked into this long ago, but has never gotten back to me in regards to whom Julius was descended from.


    Thanks, Tom.

    I did some checking and the William Oswald in question was William S. Oswald. His uncle was also William S. Oswald and both were from Metairie in New Orleans. The younger William said that his uncle had received a visit from Lee Harvey during the summer of 1963.

    As to Julius J. Oswald, he was supposedly to have met with Jim Garrison but I have no idea what transpired there.


    BTW, do you know who this is below? He is either William Oswald or he is related to Donald Norton somehow.



    I did some checking and the William Oswald in question was William S. Oswald. His uncle was also William S. Oswald and both were from Metairie in New Orleans. The younger William said that his uncle had received a visit from Lee Harvey during the summer of 1963.


    William S. Oswald (Sr), husband of Hazel Oswald, was a direct Uncle of LHO, and William S. Oswald (Jr.) of Reily Coffee Co, was first cousin of LHO. Hazel lived at 136 Elmer St. in Metarie

    Garrison initially indicated an interest in following the "family tree" of LHO, but for some reason then completely dropped the issue.



  9. I have noticed that many URL's for John Simkin's Spartacus pages are broken. I have restored some but I really can't continue because they end up at the end of a thread, and I unavoidably end up bumping the thread. It is a real shame that these important links do not function and the casual reader and reasearcher may not be aware that the link can be reached by changing it. For example, this first broken link can be reached by simply searching " Spartacus USAkkk". The Spartacus page will come up and the new URL can be determined. 

    This site is a tremendous resource. This broken link problem is a serious deficiency. 







  10. Michael posted this elsewhere. I wanted to ask a few questions but I thought that it would be off-topic on that thread.

    Michael Walton wrote: "So I'm putting this here, not for you because we know where you stand"


    Question for Michael:

    Who is "we", and where do y'all think I stand?

  11. CLARK - 

    Although there may be some good stuff on EF, for the most part, it's one vast echo chamber of people getting into the nitty-gritty (a bystander with a white...no...gray...dress...no it's a head) over and over and over again stuck in an infinite loop with no real outcome, as well as a lot of loony, crazy, and silly theories (the cloned Oswald and his mom caper; the Z film being filmed at 48 FPS and then 67% of the frames removed; Ruby didn't shoot Oswald; and many, many more).

    So I'm putting this here, not for you because we know where you stand, but for the true newbies out there just getting curious about the case, and to catch these newbies before they fall into the muck.

    For newbies, please read these articles and volumes as a starting point to become educated about the JFK assassination. Go to these links first and read every word you can.  Then come back here and see how the things you will find here stand up:

    James Douglass

    How the media, at the early going, papered over what really happened:

    Critique of the doorstop:

    Pat Speer site - I do not agree with everything he says, but Speer is a great researcher.  Take the time to read about the ridiculous and fake 3D animation that the ABC television network tried to pass on to an unsuspecting public. Watch the videos there too:

    Gil Jesus site - it has not been updated but a lot of good plausible stuff here:

    Bill Simpich  - State Secret:

    David Josephs - Oswald DID NOT go to Mexico City.  Why is this important?  Because the official story is he was down there meeting with a Russian assassin.  He was NOT there. Josephs writes about it here:

    Jeff Carter - for newbies, there's a 26 second film shot of the assassination.  You may have seen it.  Remember - it was NOT doctored nor altered in any way, no matter what you read here on this forum.  Go here:

    and here - note - this is unfortunately not a complete report, but it will explain further why the film was NOT altered in any way, no matter what you read on this forum:

    Bart Kamp et. al. - the Prayer Man theory.  A very good one.  We will unfortunately never know until the TV station that owns the rights to the news film releases a pristine copy to be analyzed to see if the man in the corner is Oswald or not. They refuse to release it:

    Finally, there will be documents released this fall (2017) purporting to be those remaining of the assassination. Knowing how things have gone with this case over the past 55 years, I don't expect anything earth-shattering but you never know.

  12. 2 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

    If this was 40 years ago, James would be an innovator.

    If this were 25 years ago, James would be a leader.

    But James' performance last Sunday, IMHO, was for beginners.   Nothing new.

    James hasn't even kept up with the recent innovators like Bill Simpich.

    (And was that my imagination, or was James actually yawning during his Sunday performance?)

    Paul, What happened to your concurrence with Bill Simplich's call for unity, ending divisiveness, and putting away the knives and axes? I remember your response to that. Was it sycophancy or sincerity?

  13. I just watched this 2014 interview with Comey. I see a stand-up guy. I can't explain the timing of the letter just before the elections, except that he would be criticized if he waited.

    The interview revisits the attempt by Bush and Andrew Card to go around Comey and visit John Ashcroft in the hospital, in an attempt to get Ashcroft to sign-off on some questionable directives.


    Oops, I thought I was in the Politcal Discussions area. I would not have bumped this.

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