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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 7/8/2015 at 1:36 PM, Glenn Nall said:

    i realize i'm opening myself up to a number of creative responses, but i'll ask anyway:

    ok, so what are the opinions of James' Files and W. Dankbaar's revelations that one Gary Marlow, friend of Files', shot Tippit?

    The existence of Gary Marlow is sketchy. AFAIK, it is limited to Files' statement as to who the guy is in two photographs, with Files. 

    I have not had luck posting photos or I would do it myself; but, if you Google James Files and click photos, two pictures of the young James Files are prominent. In one photo, Files is playing a guitar (uncropped) while "Marlow" is wearing sunglasses. In the other photo, they are both wearing tuxedos.

    Now.... If you Google Frenchy Brouillette, and click on photos, you will see a mugshot of Frenchy. Compare that to the "Marlow" in the tuxedo.

    I hate wading into photo analysis because it gets too contentious. But I think that Frenchy looks more like "Marlow" than he doesn't. 

    Frenchy was a mobster known as Mr. New Orleans. He was Oswalds age and I don't see how Frenchy could not have been aware of Oswald, Ferrie, Bannister, Shaw, Oswalds uncle, and Carlos Marcelo himself.

    To be sure, Frenchy's full name is Kent "Frenchy" Brouillette. AKA Mr. New Orleans.

    It would be interesting to see what Files has to say about Frenchy now that he is dead.

  2. 4 minutes ago, Andrej Stancak said:

    The reference to Oswald mentioning Baltimore which I could only partially recall is from the book: "JFK and the Unspeakable" by James W. Douglas:

    Also, on September 1, Oswald wrote to the Socialist Workers Party in New York City: "Please advise me as to how can I get into direct contact with S.W.P. representatives in the Washington, D.C.-Baltimore area. I and my family are moving to that area in October".  [p. 155].

    Thus, Lee Harvey Oswald mentioned Baltimore with quite a strong connotation (moving to that place with his family) only few days after Ruth Payne had visited Baltimore, Maryland and then Washington, D.C. on the next day. How could Lee Harvey Oswald come to the idea of moving to "Baltimore area" if not in reference to Ruth Paine's connections with that area. Could there initially be a plan to move Oswalds'  to Baltimore to be honed by Ruth's sister and the plan then changed to moving them to Irving/Dallas?

    That is an interesting follow-up Andrej. I believe you are being more than fair in suggesting, hinting, that a CIA or other intelligence position may have been waved under the nose of LHO by Ruth's sister, and not Ruth herself. Perhaps there was no change with the move to Dallas but maybe there was a "one last job" delay for him to do, in Dallas, before gettting a real job near Washington.

    This would be a good plan for LHO. It would get him away from the Cuban's and others with whom he had interacted, down south, prior to the assassination.

  3. 38 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Chris - I posted something similar, though I would suggest that it may be that military establishments in both the Soviet Union and the US had more in common than we think. Yes, Angleton may have been the mole he claimed he was searching for. It fits. But what to make out of it? He was no Communist. His fascist credentials are strong. What I would ask is was the KGB Communist? If CIA and KGB collaborated what conclusions can one draw other than confluence of interests? If one reads the private letters between Kennedy and Khrushchev one sees that both were interested in ending the 'Cold War' (in quotes because I don't believe it was a real ideological battle), and both feared their own military establishments, and knew that their were vested interests in continuing the open hostilities. Both were removed from office. Dulles represented these kind of transnational interests as well. 

    There are so many Russians wandering around this case. Are they still there? Are they, even now, blackmailing our government, politicians and Elite Guard with regard to the JFKA?

    It becomes difficult to even detect some of these Russians since some use America names.

    Bernard Barker's father was Russian

    Ralph Paul was a Russian immigrant. 

    This subject could use it's own thread.

  4. This situation helps to fill out my working pet-theory.... 

    This murder would fit into my pet theory as such:

    An individual who could or would be later identified as a Pro-Castro Cuban was murdered near the GK. This would be part of the fulfillment of the plot to blame a Communist conspiracy, including LHO, for the murder of JFK.

    As part of the double-cross, this murdered individual was made to disappear; and the story changed to a lone nut scenario. This individual, like Bernard Barker (as per Seymour Wetzman) would have been carrying fake Secret Service credentials. 

  5. On 2/13/2006 at 12:25 PM, Robin Unger said:

    Two DPD Cops looking at a pool of liquid on the ground. !

    Robin, can you reload the photo that I presume you posted here?

    ***** editing the following so I don't bump the thread..

    Lee Foreman's link from the previous page was broken. This one works...



  6. 21 minutes ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Yes, one has to be almost purposely avoiding the truth when they say they don't see any relevance to all these Michael Paine family connections and Michael Paine's own political background, interests and activities.

    During the time he was interacting with Lee Oswald and Marina he wanted to go to these extreme political group meetings and talks including one with Oswald himself, just as a passing fancy?

    And what the heck was Ruth Paine's sister's employment background? We all know it wasn't that of kindergarten teacher.

    And Micheal Paine's prevarication regarding the "we know who was responsible" telephone call where his questioner gave him an escape route by stating this call happened on a different date than it actually did, gives even more weight to the MP suspicion realm.

    The fact, as I understand it, that Bell, General Dynamics and Dallas itself were about to dry-up and blow away without the TFX contract and the Vietnam war ties the Paines to the plot, arguably, when you throw in the the CIA connections. Add the corporate security functions, the United Fruit/NOLA angle....... it just becomes such a juggernaut, and the Paines are just right there in the thick of it all. It just begs for a full analysis and all I have is just a pile of legos in front of me.

  7. I'll give this a bump along with the Ruth Paine thread

    edit**** adding this so I don't have to bump it:

    "McCord worked for the Central Intelligence Agency. In 1961, and under his direction, a counter-intelligence program was launched against the Fair Play for Cuba Committee." (Wikipedia; Oswald and the CIA by John Newman p.138)

  8. On 11/16/2015 at 8:59 PM, James DiEugenio said:

    Now that Paul is at least temporarily gone, I will post here.

    When I wrote that it was open season on the Paines, I did not mean what I think PT thought I meant.

    All I meant was that now that all the camouflage around them has dissipated, people can now see them for who they really are and evaluate them by real standards and real circumstances.

    Before Carol's milestone work, we could not do that. It was her, Steve Jones, and Barbara La Monica who did the real digging into the Paines. To say that all there is is the Bancroft connection, that is simply wrong. Whether it is deliberately wrong, I do not know.

    But to just focus on Michael, his family was Boston Brahmin all the way. He was offspring of both the Cabot and Forbes families, who go back all the way to just about the Puritans. His uncle was governor and ambassador to the Phillipines. Prior to his death, Cameron Forbes then joined his relatives on the board of United Fruit. Also on that board was Michael's cousin, Thomas Dudley Cabot, who was actually a former president of United Fruit.

    Now where was Thomas in 1951, along with his brother, John Moors Cabot? They were both in the State Department interacting with the likes of Maurice Gatlin--Guy Banister's buddy-- over preparations for the CIA overthrow of Arbenz. In the early sixties, Thomas was president of Gibraltar Steam ship Corporation, which leased a barren island off the coast of Honduras. That land was called Swan Island. And Gibraltar was a CIA front company. It owned no ships. But it was on that island, through the Gibraltar front, that David Phillips established Radio Swan, used as a psy war arm of the CIA invasion of Cuba during the Bay of Pigs. (Destiny Betrayed, Second edition, p. 196)

    Need I add, that Michael was in receipt of trust fund money from both families--Forbes and Cabots--in 1963?

    If you want to ignore all of this, then fine. But don't say it does not exist. Or its "weak". Michael Paine had relatives involved in two major CIA covert invasions?

    Carol Hewett is an excellent researcher who backed up everything she wrote with documents. She never got the credit or attention she deserved. While others in this community, who never came close to her achievements, somehow did. Which is one reason she is not active anymore. (She is also retiring from the Florida BAR and moving north.)

    But that's our research community. It took something like 35 years to see the Paines clearly. And then people get angry because Carol did such good work on them. Go figure.

    There is so much great info in this thread. My interest in then Phillipines, MacArthur and Landsdale was piqued by the above post.

  9. 12 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    I remember things differently. I use search all the time on my iPad. As for grand theory, themes your words. How about articulating your working theory?

    I have come to a conclusion about how Tommy ticks. I read one of his posts where he mentioned how he may have set-back the learning curve of Czech students taking English courses. He suggested it was his "Over-the-top Socratic Method"

    The Socratic method assumes that knowledge is latent in the student and the teacher assists the student in "giving birth" to that knowledge by asking probing questions.

    Tommy refuses to answer questions and insists on being the one who asks questions.

    Since I hold the idea that asking a question as the answer to a question is generally rude, I have taken to just not responding to him; that is a sad state of affairs, passive aggressive, a zero-sum game, and ugly. It is, however, what it is.


  10. 2 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

    Let's try to incorporate Mr. Graves' theory into my question. Tommy - if the KGB was behind the assassination, and actively set Oswald up as the patsy, If that is what you believe to be true, it seems quite a stretch to conclude that the autopsy shenanigans were part of that scheme beforehand. That goes to the essence of what my post was asking. There would have had to been other shooters arranged by the Soviets, Soviet moles inside the Secret Service, the DPD, and the TSBD. 

    The KGB didn't didn't turn LBJ's hand, before or after the fact. The KGB didn't force a DPD stand-down, or Secret Service stand-down for that matter. The KGB didn't set-up the parade route, put Oswald in the TSBD or que-up the Mafia to do their parts.

    and the list goes on.....

  11. Steve, regarding this...

    "Mr. GRIFFIN. How did you go from where you had your lunch or dinner to your mother's and dad's house? 
    Mr. CROY. Straight out north on Hampton."

    I am reading this as:'"How DO you get from the Bull-Pen to your parents place.

    I don't think he actually went there, and he met his wife with his uniform on. Am I wrong or missing something? Of course it may be just as it is written and he may have gone to his parents after eating.

    Are you reading this similarly?

    BTW, they are calling it Austin's. It must have changed hands and it's name quickly after the assassination. In Yvonnes's testimony it was still being referred to as the Bull-Pen. The event that Yvonne testifies to happened on 11-23, Croy is testifying to events on 11-22. It's probably just notional, but the dates and names are reversed.

  12. 2 hours ago, Steve Thomas said:



    Sit down with a map in one hand and Croy's testimony beginning on page 200 here: (and compare what he says on pp 200-201, with he says on pp 205+)



    and see if what he says makes any sense. On one hand, he says that he was going home (on Illinois presumablt) to change clothes, but then says that his clothes were at his parents house which was located 3 - 4 miles north.


    It's baffling to say the least.


    Steve Thomas

    I have not gone in depth on this yet. I did read his testimony and followed along on a map as best I could. I would have to start by making a coherent geo-timeline, starting with a timeline from his testimony. After a few readings it doesn't seem coherent, but I have to write it down to say for sure.

    I think that I see what you are getting at though.

    Couple notes, all at first glance:

    -I wonder if his trip to his parents is corroborated.

    -At a glance, I don't see how he could know that things at the theater were under control

         -His account of his visual take on the theater does not jibe.

    -His radio capabilities and cues don't make sense.

    -He is in the thick of everything

    -His presence at the Tippit scene begs corroboration.

  13. 1 hour ago, Steve Thomas said:



    Sit down with a map in one hand and Croy's testimony beginning on page 200 here: (and compare what he says on pp 200-201, with he says on pp 205+)



    and see if what he says makes any sense. On one hand, he says that he was going home (on Illinois presumablt) to change clothes, but then says that his clothes were at his parents house which was located 3 - 4 miles north.


    It's baffling to say the least.


    Steve Thomas

    I just finished it. I'll do the map check.

    I had Deja vu with the parents house story, like I had read it before.

  14. Thanks for the input Paul and Larry. I see that I ignored Paul's comment; that was inadvertent. I was distracted by Kirk, and needed time to think about a response for Paul.

    I am not a deep political thinker when it comes to real-time politics. After I posted my initial blurb, I wished I had not, and I hoped it would just go in-noticed.

    Not that I don't think it is true; It just requires a lot of background with regard to my perception of politics today. That perception is not worth much because it is only coherent to me; to others it is just more noise, static. 

    What is simple to express is that I think we will end up with Pence as President, and I believe that was planned. I don't even have strong feelings about Pence one way or the other; I just have general distaste for Tea-Partiers. I also have a distaste for illegitimate means of achieving office.

    I have reservations, to say the least, about the legitimacy of the election. That, however, is a problem with the process, which is handled by the states. A New Yorker crying foul is wasting his breath with regard to the election process in the other 49 states.

  15. I found another 80 pages of Jack Ruby testimony.

    More obfuscation and diversion:

    Mr. SPECTER. We have asked you if you ever knew him before, and now we're focusing on this.
    Mr. RUBY. Oh--"How many times did he come up to the club?"--that's something else. Also, somebody said that they saw Tippit, I, this Mr. Lane stated that he saw Tippit, myself, and Oswald at the club--so go ahead, I don't want to throw you off.
    Mr. SPECTER. Well, we will add a question there at that point, such as this: "Did you ever meet with Officer Tippit and Oswald at your club?"
    Mr. HERNDON. Do you want that "Oswald and" or "or"?
    Mr. SPECTER. Yes; we do. Use "and."
    Mr. RUBY. The first thing about that post office box--how do we know whether it's really authentic or the man had the box there or not? It could have been placed there at a later date?
    Mr. ALEXANDER. It was right, Jack. He had it. I saw the key myself and it had "X" number on the box.
    Mr. RUBY. How come it never come out before then? Why didn't it come out still before that?
    Mr. ALEXANDER. It did.
    Mr. RUBY. No; it didn't come out until a long time until just recently.

    Bla bla bla....   And a little later:

    Mr. HERNDON. "Did you shoot Oswald in order to save Mrs. Kennedy the ordeal of a trial?"
    Mr. RUBY. Yes.
    Mr. HERNDON. "Did you know Officer Tippit?"
    Mr. RUBY. This is off the record for a minute, please?
    Mr. SPECTER. Mr. Ruby, I think it would be unwise for us to go off the record on this question.
    Mr. RUBY. Well, all right. There were three Officer Tippits in the police department. I only knew one.

    Mr. SPECTER. Was that Officer J. D. Tippit?
    Mr. RUBY. He's the one who was slain?
    Mr. SPECTER. Yes--Officer J. D. Tippit?
    Mr. RUBY. No; I don't think he was the one.
    Mr. SPECTER. Did you know Officer Tippit who was slain?
    Mr. RUBY. No; I don't know him. You see, I know so many officers and there are three Tippits, but I know one Tippit, and which one that is--if I would see him personally and see his physical features and knowing him---of course, I didn't have time to--I was incarcerated too soon to find out. Actually, the Tippit I knew, who worked at special service in the police department--you know which one I'm talking about, Bill?
    Mr. ALEXANDER. Yes; but that's not the one.
    Mr. RUBY. I don't know this Tippit.
    Mr. ALEXANDER. This boy had always been a radio patrolman.
    Mr. RUBY. Well, I don't know that I had ever seen this fellow before I had never seen him before. I may have seen him before but I didn't know him.
    Mr. HERNDON. Mr. Ruby, if I ask a question, "Did you know the Officer Tippit slain?" Can you reasonably answer that truthfully "Yes" or "No"?
    Mr. RUBY. No.

    Mr. HERNDON. I mean--you can answer it without any problem mentally?
    Mr. RUBY. Yes; that's what I mean. 


    Mr. SPECTER. To state it differently, you are able to answer whether or not you knew Officer J. D. Tippit?
    Mr. RUBY. Well, I can't answer "Yes" or "No" and say whether or not.
    Mr. SPECTER. Well, I want to be sure that your last answer is responsive so that we are clear.

    Mr. RUBY. Well, I gave the answer "No."
    Mr. ALEXANDER. Let's put it this way---"Did you know the Tippiit that was killed?"
    Mr. RUBY. Repeat that question?
    Mr. HERNDON. "Did you know the Tippit that was killed?"
    Mr. RUBY. No.


    . HERNDON. "Did you ever meet with Oswald and Officer Tippit at your apartment?"
    Mr. RUBY. No.
    Mr. HERNDON. Here again the Officer Tippit is the one we're talking about that was killed.
    Mr. RUBY. Right.
    Mr. HERNDON. All right, Mr. Ruby, those are the questions and we will proceed on those.
    Mr. SPECTER. Fine. Let's proceed with this series.
    Mr. ALEXANDER. What was that last question?
    Mr. HERNDON. "Did you ever meet with Oswald and Officer Tippitt at your apartment?"
    Mr. SPECTER. Let the record show that Mr. Alexander and Mr. Tonahill have left the room.
    Mr. HERNDON. Do you feel all right now, Mr. Ruby?
    Mr. RUBY. Yes.


    And Lie detector questions:

    Mr. HERNDON. "Did you know the Tippit that was killed?"
    Mr. RUBY. "No."
    Mr. HERNDON. "Did you tell the truth about relaying the message to Ray Brantley to get McWillie a few guns?"
    Mr. RUBY. "Yes."
    Mr. HERNDON. "Did you go to the assembly room on Friday night to get the telephone number of KLIF?"
    Mr. RUBY. "Yes."
    Mr. HERNDON. "Did you ever meet with Oswald and Officer Tippit at your club?"
    Mr. RUBY. "No."
    Mr. HERNDON. That completes that series. I will release that pressure and you can now relax. 

  16. Steve Thomas asked:

    "Was Ruby ever asked if he knew Tippit?"

    In the 59 pages Of Jack Ruby testimony that I have (there has to be more), Tippits name comes up 10 times. Jack Ruby is allowed to obfuscate and dodge the question:


    Mr. RANKIN. Did you know Officer Tippit?
    Mr. RUBY. I knew there was three Tippits on the force. The only one I knew used to work for the special services, and I am certain this wasn't the Tippit, this wasn't the man.
    Mr. RANKIN. The man that was murdered. There was a story that you were seen sitting in your Carousel Club with Mr. Weissman, Officer Tippit, and another who has been called a rich oil man, at one time shortly before the assassination. Can you tell us anything about that?

    Mr. Ruby. .....As far as Tippit, it is not Tippitts, it is not Tippitts it is Tippit.
    Mr. RANKIN. This Weissman and the rich oil man, did you ever have a conversation with them?
    Mr. RUBY. There was only a few. Bill Rudman from the YMCA, and I haven't seen him in years. And there is a Bill Howard, but he is not a rich oil man. He owns the Stork Club now. He used to dabble in oil.
    Chief Justice WARREN. This story was given by a lawyer by the name of Mark Lane, who is representing Mrs. Marguerite Oswald, the mother of Lee Harvey Oswald, and it was in the paper, so we subpenaed him, and he testified that someone had given him information to the effect that a week or two before President Kennedy was assassinated, that in your Carousel Club you and Weissman and Tippit, Officer Tippit, the one who was killed, and a rich oil man had an interview or conversation for an hour or two. And we asked him who it was that told him, and he said that it was confidential and he couldn't tell at the moment, but that he would find out for us if whether he could be released or not from his confidential relationship.

    He has never done it, and we have written him several letters asking him to disclose the name of that person, and he has never complied.
    Mr. RUBY. Isn't that foolish? If a man is patriotic enough in the first place, who am I to be concerned if he wasn't an informer.

    I am incarcerated, nothing to be worried about anyone hurting me.
    Chief Justice WARREN. Mr. Ruby, I am not questioning your story at all. I wanted you to know the background of this thing, and to know that it was with us only hearsay. But I did feel that our record should show that we would ask you the question and that you would answer it, and you have answered it.
    Mr. RUBY. How many days prior to the assassination was that?

    and on and on, obfuscating, avoiding........ 11 more pages and Tippit is not mentioned again.


    Steve Thomas wrote:

    "Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit moonlighted at Austin’s, working security on weekends. The Staff Report of the Select Committee on Assassinations reads “that he [Cook] had employed Tippit at the time of the assassination ‘as a deterrent’ to any teenage trouble from youths who frequented the establishment.”"


    In Ralph Paul's 71 pages of WC testimony, J.D. Tippit's name is mentioned 4 times, as follows:

    Mr. HUBERT. Did (Jack Ruby)'he say anything about Tippit?
    Mr. PAUL. No, sir; I didn't know nothing about Tippit. I didn't know nothing about Tippit.
    Mr. HUBERT. He didn't tell you?
    Mr. PAUL. No; he didn't tell me anything about Tippit.


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