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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. On 1/24/2008 at 0:33 PM, William Plumlee said:

    Terry: I have only a minute. I am in transit at the moment but wanted to say....

    #1 Don't get "Sucked" into Never-Never Land by some on this forum.. There are good researchers working here and I think you will see why they work in the shadows. I will be brief and state what I believe:

    #2 I believe the "Texas Clan" had the means, motive, and opportunity, to kill the President. AND they did it.

    #3 I believe LHO did not fire a shot. That he did not kill anyone that day.

    #4 I believe that Castro and the mafia, or the CIA as an agency, as such, had nothing to do with the assassination. However, I do believe that "The Texas" mafia (if I may use the term) is the whole key to finding the truth about that day.

    #5 I know a "team" was sent to Dallas to STOP or Abort the pending hit. I know some of this information was available to the Pentagon and in good faith they acted. That does not mean the United States Government plan and carried out the assassination. BUT the Texas group used its contacts within the then current administration to jockey into position to make the hit and then lead the investigations into "Never-Never Land". And its worked for over forty years. Various personal within the CIA were aware of this pending hit as well as military Intel and called upon its sources (pro and con) to launch two separate missions. One to hit-- one to stop. Two groups fighting with each other for control of America's resources for special interest.

    Can I prove this? Hell No. If and when I try... I too, get sucked into the land of NEVER and anything said is of no value. People hate me and anyone who dare goes where I go on this subject will also teast their wrath. I think you and others who even think in this direction will be discredited and waste hours and days defending your thoughts on this subject..... those who can control your thoughts by slight of hand and other means, and all the mechanics used ... will write the history as they see it and want you to see it. They will dictate what they want you to believe and twist what really happened that tragic day.

    #6 Now its time for those to come and discredit my thinking on this subject by stating what a bad person. I am and have been...What a "first class" xxxx I really am..., perhaps even one of the assassins, but for sure a "fabricator" and a xxxx, and the likes. Your are not allowed these days to voice or write what I have just expressed... Its not proper to have these type of thoughts. Its not in ones best health. The Gatekeeps of Texas are still around and still have a small degree of power in the political arena of our day. They have a multiple of sins to cover. AND they will do whatever is needed to protect their past miss deeds, as well as mis deeds of today.., at all cost.

    I will be gone for a few weeks and it will be said 'I ducked and ran" like I always do and I refuse to answer the 'Hard' questions. These people see themselves as 'The Gate-Keepers" of truth as they see.., theywill suck up your time...., and you better believe them or they will do a number on you. I love America and always have..., but sometimes you have to pay a price to keep her free.... the cost is escalating more and more eachday.

    Thanks for your time to let me vent. Now bring it on.

    Mr. Plumlee's thoughts are pretty straight-forward.


    The moderators cleaned-up this thread. Thanks be to them. Lol

    I thought it would be interesting to collect some gem's from Education Forum Members.

    My intent is to list some Education Forum threads that pack a lot of information, and fill-out the story of the Coup of 1963.

    Top 10 is just a name for the thread. I don't even have 10, and some of them are just place-holders for other threads that I lost track of along the way.

    ****edit. Interest in the original idea seems limited, so I'll just use this to collect links and resources. My Top ten will stay. Feel free to post your own.




    My Top 10:



    I am including this one for now because of Tosh Plumlee's comments

    I'm just putting this here for the time being because I have one more thread to add to make 10; and it is a good, informative debate.


  3. 9 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    CLARK --

    There's no .l..lll

    .......just keeps going on and on here.

    Walton, you just wasted 1000 words on blather, ranting and raving. I'd didn't read 5'words of it. You just continue to choke this thread.

  4. 39 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    Yup, looks like Chris, Dave et. al. have solved the crime.  All angles of the road, shooters, the car, and so on have been confirmed. All splices and removed frames have been confirmed as well.

    So are you guys ready with your final report?  Are you guys ready to reveal it all to a mainstream media outlet like the NY Times or Washington Post?  Or do you anticipate finding even more frame removals, splices, and angles first?

    Mocking sarcasm.

    Nothing critical (as opposed to normative) to say.

    No observations.

    No questions.

    Nothing collaborative.

    Nothing informative.

    No sense of collegiality.

    Michael, you just rant and rave about your disapproval of the efforts of others.

  5. 37 minutes ago, Michael Walton said:

    Yup, looks like Chris, Dave et. al. have solved the crime.  All angles of the road, shooters, the car, and so on have been confirmed. All splices and removed frames have been confirmed as well.

    So are you guys ready with your final report?  Are you guys ready to reveal it all to a mainstream media outlet like the NY Times or Washington Post?  Or do you anticipate finding even more frame removals, splices, and angles first?


    saboteur is a person who makes a mess of a situation on purpose. You might call your little brother a saboteurfor letting the air out of your bicycle tires, but you could be a saboteur in return by filling his shoes with cold spaghetti.

    Saboteur is a noun that is fairly new to the English language; it was first used in the early 1900s, and it refers to a person who deliberately destroys or obstructs something. It comes from the French word, saboter, which really and truly means to kick something with an old-fashioned wooden shoe. We can only hope that one day the word Nikeur might enter the English language to mean a person who kicks something with a sneaker.

    Definitions of saboteur

    nsomeone who commits sabotage or deliberately causes wrecks

    a spy or saboteur or terrorist planted in an enemy country who lives there as a law-abiding citizen until activated by a prearranged signal
    Type of:
    a person who destroys or ruins or lays waste to

    na member of a clandestine subversive organization who tries to help a potential invader

    fifth columnist
    Type of:
    someone who betrays his country by committing treason


  6. 1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

    I have been an avid follower of this forum for years. 

    After checking out other JFK assassination research and debate sites in my initial search for such this one instantly hooked me hard versus the rest.

    It was the "heavyweight division" in this realm  ( Mark Lane himself was posting here! ) and being a boxing/debate fan I always liked watching ( in this case reading ) the heaviest hitters doing their thing.

    However, until just last year, I refused to join the forum as a registered member to actually post because I knew it was so out of my league that my jumping into the research debate ring would be analogous to Don Knotts taking on George Foreman in the boxing one.

    However, I eventually took the plunge and it's risk of embarrassment after concluding that at my age what have I got to lose and maybe my deep, deep and sincere lifetime passion for the JFK truth in and of itself, might balance my research ignorance just enough to still add something worthy to a few forum threads and it's over-all cause.

    I still mostly just read everything posted but Michael keeps pulling up older threads that are so damn compelling ( like this one ) I can't help but join in the discussion even though I know I am the least educated of the contributors. As always my apologies if I dilute them.

    But my passion for the JFK truth has never waned since the day I also watched Jack Ruby whack Lee Oswald live on TV 11,24,1963 like Terry Adams at the age of 12.

    I can still remember, even at that young age, my stomach turning when I first saw Oswald appear into the basement entrance corridor and the openness of Oswald in his parading through that rather tight space with that ridiculous "two man only" protection ( and who were actually somewhat behind Oswald when Ruby leaped within inches of LHO's stomach and shot him ) and how the shooting so rattled my common sense and world reality.

    When the Ruby pistol shot rang out I unconsciously leaped up from my seat and spontaneously shouted to no one ..." No Way! ... No Way! ... No Way!"

    The whole thing seemed so instantly and incredibly wrong to me.

    Even as a 12 year old with a still developing adolescent brain, I was aware of the national news repeatedly reporting that the threats against Oswald were at a level in numbers and seriousness almost unheard of in our history and that this threat level reality should have warranted protective measures for Oswald equally unprecedented.

    To me, the worthiness of never stopping the search for the JFK truth is akin to the never ending thirst and effort of mankind to evolve to a higher spiritual, moral and knowledge plane.

    God help us all in this quest.


    Joe, I am very appreciative that you apparently approve of my tendency to bring up old threads. I have seen mixed responses. I had hoped that over time I would be able to materially contribute worthwhile material to the forum. However, I see that my personal contributions really don't move-out of the armature catagory. It's getting embarrassing and my bumping of old threads is  probably getting old. I'll be doing less of it.

    Regarding history. I feel like we have won. As long as this forum and others like it remain intact, the true history is preserved. It is here for everyone, who really wants to know the truth, to discover. I think that the answers are here. I take some comfort in that. I think it is almost better to have a pile of disarticulated pieces of the truth than having to decide who's assemblage of those pieces is best. There was so much involved that no particular reconstruction will amount to more than a house of cards. The assemblage that is the WCR is a joke to anyone who inspects the foundations, walls and roof. No credible person buys it. It stands as a litmus test to credibility. I think we have to forgive those who HAVE to walk by it and say "yup, looks like a house", while disguising the words "of cards" under cover of a sneeze or cough. It is the salesmen, who keep this card-house listed and keep showing it for sale, and *** about its worthiness, who are tainted and outed in this litmus test. 

    The official story serves a very valuable purpose as a test of credibility, honor and, indeed, patriotism.

  7. 1 minute ago, David Von Pein said:

    Then you're merely playing a silly game too, Michael. Because you HAVE to know that Jack Ruby DID shoot Lee Oswald, right? You surely can't deny that fact, can you? After all, you ARE a "reasonable CTer", are you not?

    David, I hate photo analysis. I could sit here and point out odd things in that pic that say "hey, what's up with that ear, or hairline, or the balding pattern". You could too. I don't get into pi$$in matches over pictures. My statement was reasonable. 

    Telling me I am playing games, when I am telling you what I see, think, and feel, is, at best, discourteous. Perhaps my prior characterizations could be construed as discourteous. In my defense, I don't mock or ridicule you or anyone, as a rule. I HAVE done that, but only in times of failure. It is not my MO. 


  8. 2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    Define "this" in "about this" for me, Michael.

    If you mean THIS absurd thread, do you really think THOSE CTers who buy into the idea that "It Wasn't Ruby" actually deserve anything BUT mocking and ridicule? Surely not.

    By this, I am talking about the conspiracy to assassinate JFK. I've already said that I don't think that that person looks like JR.

  9. 2 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:


    I have no compassion at all for the type of JFK conspiracy theorists that Bud was referring to in the quote I cited above. I agree with Bud 100% with respect to THAT type of JFK CTer. Those people ARE playing silly games. (Bud was referring mainly to one particular conspiracy nut who has posted on the Internet for many years; but Bud's comment certainly applies to many other JFK conspiracy believers as well (especially on the Internet)---i.e., the type who never met a conspiracy they didn't lap up with glee. To THAT kind of "CTer", yes, it is only a silly game, IMO. They don't care that there's no evidence at all to the conspiracies they are alleging. But they keep harping on them anyway. And that certainly includes any and all JFK conspiracy theorists who (incredibly) still support the bogus prosecution of Clay Shaw in New Orleans.

    .... but you could not bring yourself to say a word about the "other type". 

    That elucidates a description of someone who is towing a line, or someone who is sociopathic.

  10. DVP, as a follow-up. If you were trying to convince people that they are just wrong about this, if you were just trying to show them the light, your MO would not be one defined by a penchant to mock and ridicule them.

  11. 6 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    You're welcome, Michael.

    I think my good friend and fellow "LNer" Bud summed up the actions of most conspiracy theorists quite well recently at another forum when he said:

    "You guys are playing silly games with the deaths of these men [JFK & J.D. Tippit]."

    And with regard to this idiotic thread regarding Jack Ruby, Bud's quote shown above could be expanded to three different deaths:

    "You guys are playing silly games with the deaths of these men [JFK, J.D. Tippit, and Lee Harvey Oswald]."

    David, Do you have any sense of compassion for the great number of people who feel that they have lost so much? I'm not even talking about the life of one man, or three. It cannot be lost on you, after all of your work, that these people are not playing games. These people are looking to restore the loss of the legitimacy of their country. Surely you understand that. I'll ask again, do you have compassion for them, even if you feel that they are wrong? It's not a game. I believe that you know that.

    Is it, to you, a game? I sense that, to you, it is.

  12. 4 minutes ago, David Von Pein said:

    I can't believe I did this for this stupid "It Wasn't Ruby" discussion (which couldn't be any more ridiculous even if Jim Fetzer had been its author), but Michael asked me to do it. I only wish the basement pic was clearer, but I haven't the slightest idea how to sharpen the image. I can blow it up, but that only makes it worse and pixelated; so this is the best I could do, not that it deserves even this much, since everybody knows that it's the real Jack Ruby in all of these pictures....


    Thanks for playin DVP. It is what it is...

  13. Lol, his eyes are blacked-out. I though he was wearing sunglasses.

    I definitely did not want to slip into a photo-alteration scheme. I try to avoid that stuff. Ha ha!

    Calling Bill Miller!

  14. 1 hour ago, David Von Pein said:

    You don't think this looks like Jack Ruby? ....



    It looks more like JR than it doesn't. Thats just. 49% vs. 51% comparison. If you were to ask me if I would identify that person as JR, I would say no.

  15. Who has seen this movie? What did you think?

    I saw it on HBO, back in 1984 or 5. I was 15 years old and it struck me very deeply. I knew that there was something messed-up with the official story. My parents never discussed it; slightly to the point where it's non-discussion made it suspicious to me. I was a curious kid; curious about History and Politics. I know that I watched too much TV with my dad. He never watched anything that was of any interest to anyone but himself. So, as a child, I watched to much news, politics, war documentaries, and golf. I hate golf.

    In the movie, Flashpoint, you get no clue that the movie is about the JFK Assassination until the end. I remember being shocked, and wondering if I should have been watching it at all. That is an indication about my sensibilities regarding the subject, as a 15 year old, in 1984. It took some time but thereafter I slowly opened-up to the subject as something that could be discussed.

    Anyway, I, for the first time since 1984, recently watched the movie. I think it is a great movie.





  16. On 7/5/2015 at 2:03 PM, Greg Burnham said:


    Bottom line: Take everything in the Weberman book on Hemming with a grain of salt. If it reads like dripping sarcasm it probably is.

    "E Howard Hunt escaped the TSBD by a rope in the elevator shaft."

    Greg, can you, or anyone else, say whether or not you have any confidence in Weberman's claim that Seymour Weitzman identified Bernard Barker as a fake Secret Service agent on the Grassy Knoll?



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