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Michael Clark

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Posts posted by Michael Clark

  1. 21 minutes ago, David Josephs said:

    The scenario is clear, just not how I see it... while Armstrong and I have spoken of this, he concedes that while some of the evidence points to “LEE” , if leaving a trail for future investigators to find was the point of the trip, it was done terribly and only leads to more questions.

    There is a lot to read... I am working on a PowerPoint to make my POV easier to follow...  I’m about a third done...  

    Good talking with you about it....  and please keep asking if I’m not clear... easier to address during the workday when the mind is sharp...  lol




    Thanks David,

    I moved to my iPhone before I posted last and had a few typos. I corrected them.

  2. Thanks, David.

    I took time to read your MC research when it was posted to Kennedy’s and King last year. I cant be sure I read it all; so I am sorry if I I am asking questions that you have gone over repeatedly,

    So  allow me to ask, how do you eliminate the Marine-Corp-Photo LHO as the person that Sylvia Odio met? 

    I am not sure that you accept the Marine Corp photo LHO as someone other than the LHO murdered in the basement of the DPD, to whom I refer as the DPD LHO. But I think you understand my question. Couldn’t Sylvia Odio have seen the Marine-Corp-LHO, leaving the DPD LHO to go to MC and pose for CIA pics and create other records that we have never seen?

    I am just curious as to how you came to be so sure; because it seems like part of your process says that LHO could not have been in MC because he was seen at Odios. I have not been able to rule out the possibility that the DPD LHO was not at Odios, while MCPh LHO was at Odio’s, DPD LHO being in MC, but there is not one stitch of valid evidence for him being there.

    Do you see what I am getting at? I’m not asking that you buy any of it. I’m just wondering if I have presented a clear scenario.

    Anyway, with great respect and thanks,



  3. 1 minute ago, Steve Thomas said:


    Is there any record of the phone number called, like in the DPD Archives or something?


    Steve Thomas


    I don’t know, and I do not believe it is in the testimony of Ruth Paine. Furthermore. In my fragmented collection of Ruth Paine’s testimony, she never says that she called Abt on behalf of LHO. She only allows herself to be led through some questions that make it sound that she testified to that occurrence. 

    At some point, someone posted a more descript portion of testimony, purportedly by Ruth Paine, saying she made the call to Abt, but I was never able to locate it in my copies.

  4. Furthermore one would have to believe that LHO was a true Communist to call Abt for his defense in that situation. I hardly believe that LHO was a Comminist and that he was still willing to maintain his cover when the stakes were so high. The fact that LHO made the John Hurt call is more evidence that LHO was done with the charade.

    If Phillips did use Mr. Abbot as an alias, that is a far better solution to the Abt call, IMO.

  5. 15 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    John Abt appears to have been a real NYC-based attorney who specialized in defending leftists and Communists.  See....


    Sure, It’s a perfect backstop for a Phillips alias of Abbot. 

    I have looked into Abt. He lived and died 30 minutes from me. I still think he’s an odd choice for LHO to count on.

  6. 22 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:


    Your comment is not really accurate.

    If someone horned in on the operation, then the info still had to be recorded.

    Secondly, what he is referring to here is from documents we have not seen before.  At least I have not seen them and no one has referred to them. And it all jibes with the other non technical info, like the testimony of the two plants in the MC office who say they never saw Oswald there.  The last thing that Angleton ever wanted to prove about MC is that Oswald was not there.

    Thanks Jim,

    While I have no problem deferring to authority on most occasions, until I get my head around all of this, especially David's research, I want leave a couple things on the table; on my table anyway.

    I know it is unpopular, but I do leave open the idea that Angleton was being played by Rogues. If the rogues job was to screw JJA by making evidence for LHO in MC disappear, I don't see that being an impossibility, especially with Phillips swooping-in days after the MC caper, to control the situation.

    Likewise, under the same circumstances, I can see JJA "dimming the lights" on the Oswalds or just one if he had knowledge of only one, to try to ferret-out the rogues (Phillips, McCord?). He may not have been using the dimmer switch to cover up the developing conspiracy.

    Since JJA had a "keen interest", as Jane Roman put it, in LHO in the Fall of 63, I don't really see how JJA could really want to prove that Oswald was there in MC, trying to get to Cuba and Russia. 

    I may understand what you are getting at in 5 minutes, hours or days but I really don't see the logic in your statement that "The last thing that Angleton ever wanted to prove about MC is that Oswald was not there." 

    Proof positive that LHO was in MC, with pictures, arrows and transcripts would have been potentially damning and devastating to JJA and the agency. The Warren Commission could serve up all the slop they wanted for the masses, but having rock-solid evidence posted in the NYT and Tme magazine of the purported LHO activities in MC would have been far more devastating than the actual smoke and mirrors that they presented.

  7. One of Phillips' aliases was Mr. Abbot. I cannot source that claim but I have seen it several times. 

    A Mr. Abt, Ruth Paine claimed, was a NY lawyer whom LHO requested for assistance. I have wondered if Ruth Pain was actually asked to contact Mr. Abbot; and she dutifully changed that request to divert attention from Phillips. 

    The Mr. Abt claim has always bee a bizarre element of the LHO saga. This would explain it quite well.

  8. 10 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

    In this way of viewing it Harvey is tasked with providing assassins. Phillips clearly set Oswald up as a patsy, and could easily be in the loop through JMWAVE, like Harvey. 

    Paul, What do you make of Newman's recent presentation regarding the DAP AVB LHO Dallas meet? If Newman's assertion that Vecania cannot be trusted, do we still have much to go on when we try to say that Phillips set-up LHO as a Patsy?

    If there is more and it's obvious, my apologies, but off the top of the head I cannot recall further evidence of that.

  9. 2 hours ago, Jim Hargrove said:

    Thanks, Paul.  It’s frustrating that with the mountain of evidence against Phillips and others, there is little as persuasive against potential foreign participants—take OAS assassins in general and Souetre in particular—despite research by a number of people.  There is no question that the trail from Dinkin to OAS remnants to their possible removal from the Dallas area shortly after the assassination is intriguing… but can the evidence rise above that level?  Even what has been uncovered by a dogged online researcher like Steve Thomas is limited, which probably should be expected, but what can we do beyond following real evidence that extends beyond the circumstantial?

    As to the actual shooters, I have some difficulty believing that a professional assassin would be interested in shooting a sitting U.S. president in broad daylight on a public street.  Sounds pretty dangerous for someone most interested in making money.  More likely to me would be some enraged Cuban exiles willing to take the risk because of ideological considerations rather than financial ones, but, of course, I have even less evidence to back that up than you do for an OAS connection.   

    Jim, I agree with regard to the shooters. The shooters would have to be motivated by pure hate and or Ideological motivations. This points to Southern racists and anti-Catholics; or Mafia elements who see untold fortunes for future generations of mobsters being wiped away by inaction in Cuba. Likewise, the French connection is bolstered by the threat of standing down in Vietnam and a passive to negetive US stance towards continued French domination of Algeria. Then there is Israel. It truly is a perfect storm.

  10. Interesting research David,  allow me to suggest something, after a few caveats....

    1) As I understand it, you do not believe that LHO went to MC in the late September, early October timeframe.

    2) I have never been sure whether it is your feeling that he was not there, the evidence doesn't prove that he was there, or that he was not there on the dates and times claimed by the WC?

    I am not really quizzing you on that, I just wanted to state that I am unclear on those points.

    For myself, I agree that the evidence does not prove that LHO was in MC at the WC dates and times. I also believe that LHO is not the guy described by Sylvia Duran or the person who made the phone calls.

    If you have shown that LHO just plain was not on MC in that time frame I have missed that.

    Now to my point. 

    I think it is worth noting that the suppression of LHO's visit, in the LIENVOY report, is consistent with both Bill Simpich (as I understand his   Speculation), and the Newman/Morely interview with Jane Roman.

    As I understand Simpich's speculation, as reiterated by B.A. Copeland recently on this forum, Angleton was being duped by rogues. This missing information is consistent with that duping. I have come to same, tentative, conclusion. At least that's how it looks to me.

    On the other hand, this missing information is consistent with the Newman/Morley-Roman revelation that the lid was being kept on LHO's activities through this period, By Angleton.

    So, while I hate to be perceived as chinking away at your research, I though it was worthwhile to point out that this missing information is consistent with two diverse theories.

    It also seems worth noting, as a side note, that DAP's MC assignment could be explained by the shenanigans of others, or the the presence and activities of LHO in MC.

    It would be interesting to find out if DAP's assignment was planned ahead of time, or if it was hastily executed.

  11. Here is David's full post from the "New Documents Release 2017" thread.

    On 7/27/2018 at 11:46 AM, David Josephs said:

    A bit more info on that document...  

    This is the one that Anne Goodpasture and Barbara Mandel send to CIA HQ ...  from Ch 6 on Mexico: https://statick2k-5f2f.kxcdn.com/images/pdf/chapter6_3c.pdf 

    "Bill Simpich provided me with the documentation links showing that Goodpasture, working with LADILLINGER (Soviet Desk officer Barbara Murphy Manell), took what was obviously a photo from 12:22 on Oct 2nd and represented it as Oct 1 to match the call transcript."

    There is literally nothing factual in that memo...  and Ms. Goodpasture did not make mistakes over simple dates...



    Why it fits so well that DAP masterminded the CI operation of OSWALD IN MEXICO....

    David Atlee Phillips receives a package as MICHAEL CHOADEN sent from MX to HQ on OCT 1
    On OCT 2 a memo is sent from MX to HQ stating that the "AMMO REQUESTED STILL NOT REC'D".... SUGGEST CHOADEN BRINGS AMMO ON NRETURN MEXI"


    Wasn't TIPPIT killed with .38 Special Ammo?




    An OCT 4 memo goes from HQ to MX informing them of DAP's position and his arrival OCT 7

    The Memo you posted is from OCT 8, 1 day after Phillips arrives as CUBAN DESK CHIEF...  the problem which arises is that the contemporaneous SUMMARY REPORTS for LIENVOY activity for the month of SEPT 1963 does not mention any of the calls from SEPT to the RUSSIAN numbers...  This report is also dated OCT 8


    It has always been my theory that any "evidence" created after the fact would have to conflict with any contemporaneous reports filed o was the FBI/CIA watched Oswald...  If this man actually called these locations on the 27th and 28th it would have been mentioned in these reports...  Only when we get to OCT do we see mention of the English speaking man...

    From the OCT 8 report https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/2018/104-10413-10268.pdf
    we are told of only 2 leads of operational interest in SEPT 1963...  neither one is OSWALD...

    How can there be transcripts of LEE OSWALD calls from SEPT 27/28 yet them not mentioned until the NOV report on OCT activity, and only a single line in passing...  by the NOV SUMMARY REPORT - shouldn't we be seeing the name OSWALD

    We must also remember that the Cuban Embassy closed at 2pm, and was closed on weekends...  yet Oswald. "notwithstanding" was able to proceed with his discussions and meetings.




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