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John Butler

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Posts posted by John Butler

  1. Bonnie Ray Williams and His Altered Testimony

    Here are a few cut and pastes from something I wrote earlier:

    During the period 11-22-63 to 3-24-64 the only thing in his statements that remain fairly consistent is that the shooting he describes came from above him on the sixth floor.  What did not stay consistent was the number of shots fired and president’s location when shots were fired.  If his testimony of 11-22-63 was allowed to stand then there would be a different view of the assassination.  Read Bonnie Ray Williams statement of 11-22-63 paying attention to the underlined portion and the notes at the bottom.

    The first time Bonnie Ray Williams talks to the FBI is on 11-23-63.  There are changes made to what he said just the day before at the Sherriff’s Office.  The location of the shooting has changed from the Houston Street intersection to the Elm Street intersection in front of the TSBD.  The number of shots remains at two in this FBI 302 below.

    Let us go back to the Bonnie Ray Williams investigation by the FBI. The next change in his earliest statements comes on 3-19-64.  The number of shots that he heard and testified to as two shots now changes to three shots.

    The next change to his testimony comes at the Warren Commission Hearing on 3-24-64.  I suspect his 3-19-64 statement was to prepare him for this Warren Commission testimony.  There are problems with the number of pages, initialing, and appearance of the document.

    As far as I know people have concentrated on various peculiarities of Williams statements concerning his lunch, where he was located, at which window, when the motorcade went by, and what he said about Lee Harvey Oswald.  None that I know of mention his evolving story which to me is the most important thing in what he had to say.



    Mr. Williams. After the President’s car had passed my window, the last

    thing I remember seeing him do was, you know — it seemed to me he had a

    habit of pushing his' hair back. The last thing I saw him do was he pushed his

    hand up like this. I assumed he was brushing his hair back. And then the

    thing that happened then was a loud shot — first I thought they were saluting

    the President, somebody — even maybe a motorcycle backfire. The first shot —

    there was two shots rather close together. The second and the third shot was

    closer together than the first shot and the second shot, as I remember.


    Mr. Ball. Now, was your head out the window?


    Mr. Williams. I could not say for sure. I do not remember.


    Mr. Ball. Did you notice — where did you think the shots came from?


    Mr. Williams. Well, the first shot — I really did not pay any attention to it,

    because I did not know what was happening. The second shot, it sounded

    like it was right in the building, the second and third shot. And it sounded —

    it even shook the building, the side we were on. Cement fell on my head.


    Mr. Ball. You say cement fell on your head?


    Mr. Williams. Cement, gravel, dirt, or something, from the old building,

    because it shook the windows and everything. Harold was sitting next to me,

    and he said it came right from over our head. If you want to know my exact

    words, I could tell you.


    Mr. Ball. Tell us.


    Mr. Williams. My exact words were, “No bull xxxx.” And we jumped up.


    Mr. Ball. Norman said what?


    Mr. Williams. He said it came directly over our heads. “I can even hear

    the shell being ejected from the gun hitting the floor.” But I did not hear the

    shell being ejected from the gun, probably because I wasn’t paying attention.


    Mr. Ball. Norman said he could hear it?


    Mr. Williams. He said he could hear it. He was directly under the window

    that Oswald shot from.”



    As we can see, the FBI changed Bonnie Ray Williams’ testimony to be in accord with the Lone Gunman Theory in which Lee Harvey Oswald fired 3 shots from the 6th floor of the TSBD in the correct order, which was one and then two in rapid succession, at President Kennedy killing him and wounding Governor John Connally.

    This is not what he originally said.  What he originally said was that two shots were fired when the presidential limousine was in the Main and Houston intersection.  If the changed testimony is to be believed then no shots were fired during the assassination while the president was on  Houston Street.

    You decide what Bonnie Ray Williams really said.  Keep in mind that the remains of his “chicken bone sandwich and pop” and his staying on the 6th floor until 12:20 made him a prime suspect.  In 1963, a young black man in Dallas in Bonnie Ray’s situation would have said anything that the FBI wanted him to say.

    This really has something to do with the South Knoll Photo topic.  It is a bit obscure but, not entirely unrelated when you figure firing angles and where the president was when the shooting began. 

  2. Ray Meacham said:

    "You are quite right it doesn't. He doesn't say that immediately after the turn from Main onto Houston, he heard 2 shots. They are two separate sentences. Elsewhere he says that he heard the two shots as the limo passed the TSBD. From his W.C. testimony."

    The two sentences do not connect?  Are you serious?  Or, is just another of your little games where you play that you don't understand what's being said.  And, nit pick over something that is only in the twisted logic in your head.  It's like the argument in the Backyard Photos post.  You can't seem to accept an answer other than your own.  Where was Bonnie Ray Williams located?  He was just above the turn from Houston onto Elm St.  When the presidential vehicle turns from Houston and is on Elm he is directly above the vehicle.  Does that help?  

    Did you read what I said?  Particularly, the note on William's 11-22-63 statement.

    Let me spell it out for you.  Bonnie William's testimony changed over time.  This occurs in his statements to the FBI in 1963 and 1964.  You may not realize it but, you are making the argument for me by what you wrote. 

  3. From a Jackie Kennedy Interview:

    JFK Murder Jackie Kennedy Reveals All

    Rich Torne Published May 10, 2017

    Jackie says:

    “They were gunning the motorcycles, there were these little backfires; there was one noise like that; I thought it was a backfire.  Then next I saw Connally grabbing his arms and saying “No No No,” with his fist beating---Then Jack turned and turned---

    All I remember was a blue grey building up ahead; then turned back, so neatly; his last expression was so neat; he had his hand out….”

    The reference for this is 11/29/63 The Making of the President 1960.

    People have a tendency to ignore or disbelieve what they don’t understand or what doesn’t make sense to them.  Jackie Kennedy said something strange decades ago and it just kind of went over people’s heads. 

    The problem with this statement by Mrs. Kennedy is there is no blue-grey building down by “X marks the spot” in front of the Grassy Knoll.  Nowhere in the Zapruder film will you find a blue-grey building on Elm Street.  Everyone believes President Kennedy was shot in front of the Grassy Knoll because of the all-pervasive influence of the Zapruder film and other media.

    Let me repeat that.  There is no blue-grey building on Elm Street that can be seen driving toward the Triple Underpass.  What was she talking about?

    In fact, there is no blue-grey building on Elm Street or Houston Street in Dealey Plaza.  The Old Court House on Main and Houston has a first floor that is grey.  But, the overall impression is one of a red, brick building.  You really don’t notice that the first floor is grey when you look at the building.  OK, maybe some do notice.  I looked at the building for ages and never connected the first floor was grey until someone pointed it out.  It was simply a red brick building. 

    There was a blue-grey building on Main Street just south of the Old Court House on the corner of Main Street and South Record Street.  This was the only blue-grey building in the area.  This blue-grey building is no longer there.  The area is now a park, the John F. Kennedy Memorial Plaza.  It vanished shortly after the assassination. The building was gone by at least 1966.  

  4. Yes, he did.  But, he also said a lot of other things first.

    Bonnie Ray Williams gave testimony concerning the assassination of President Kennedy on numerous occasions.   These were :

    1. 11-22-63-  This was an Affidavit In Any Fact sworn at the Dallas County Sheriff’s Office Patsy Collins

    2. 11-23-63-  Federal Bureau of Investigation FD-302 2 pages Barwell Odum and Will Griffin

    3. 1-14-64-  Federal Bureau of Investigation  FD-302 Unknown agents

    4. 3-19-64-  Federal Bureau of Investigation  FD-302 A. Raymond Switzer and Eugene F. Petrakis

    5. 3-24-64- Warren Commission testimony, Vol. III page 161

    6. 5-26-64-  Federal Bureau of Investigation  FD-302 A. Raymond Switzer and Eugene F. Petrakis

    The FBI considered Bonnie Ray Williams as a Key Person in the investigation.  Bonnie Ray Williams was a star witness.  But, his testimony had to be adjusted over time so that he would be saying the right thing when Bonnie Ray Williams finally arrived at the Warren Commission hearing on 3-24-64 in Washington D.C.  The poor fellow was interrogated by the FBI until he got it right.


    This should clarify Ray's concern.  However, based on past behavior it won't.

  5. This is about the witnesses saying shooting occurred in front of the TSBD.

    1. One witness, Bonnie Ray Williams, locates the President at the intersection of Main and Houston Streets turning onto Houston St, when he heard two shots.  Sheriff's Office statement on 11-22-63.

    2. Jackie Kennedy heard shots when she saw a blue-grey building ahead and to the left on Main Street.  This is from JFK Murder Jackie Kennedy Reveals All.  Rich Torne published this on May 10, 2017 and 11/29/63 The Making of the President 1960. 

    3.  25 or, over half of the 50 original witnesses surveyed made statements that located the President turning into the intersection of Elm Street and Houston Street, or in front of the TSBD when shots were heard.  In later testimony, some changed their testimony or had their testimony changed to indicate the President had passed by their location thus indicating he was further down the street towards the Grassy Knoll.  Many witnesses saying about the same thing is not cherry picking the evidence.

    4. Who were these people? 

    5. Carolyn Walther- heard shot after limo turned onto Elm.  FBI statement 12-5-63.

    6. Mrs. Pearl Springer- thought she heard a shot as the limo turned the corner onto Elm.  FBI statement 12-4-63. 

    7. Arnold Rowland- said he was on Houston when the presidential limo began to turn on Elm he heard a noise he thought was a backfire.  Statement at Sheriff’s Office 11-22-63.

    8. Garland Slack- when the vehicle turned onto Elm heard a loud retort.  Sheriff’s Office 11-22-63.

    9. James Worrell- at the NE corner of the TSBD when heard shot the vehicle was 50 to 75 feet past him.  TSBD is 100 ft. wide.  FBI statement 11-27-63.

    10. Robert Edwards- heard 4 shots as vehicle rounded corner of Elm St.  Sheriff’s Office 11-22-63.

    11. Ronald Fischer- heard 3 shots as vehicle turned the corner of Elm St.  Sheriff’s Office 11-22-63.

    12. Harold Brennan- eventually states he heard a shot a short distance from his location on the retaining wall at the SW corner of Elm and Houston.  The short distance implies in front of the TSBD.  Warren Commission 3-24-64.

    13. Harold Norman- 11-26-63 FBI statement Norman said he heard a shot as the vehicle turned onto Elm St.

    14. James “Junior” Jarman- At first, Jarman said much the same as Williams and Norman.  He later changed his testimony at the Warren Commission Hearing of 3-24-64 to hearing shots from low and to the left.

    15. Elsie Dorman- thought shots came from the Court Records Building on Houston St.  FBI statement 11-24-63.

    16. Sandra Styles- In a statement made to the FBI on 3-19-64 she said she heard shots but, did not know where they came from and offered no other relevant information.  However, in a video published in October, 2017 she said as the presidential vehicle turned into the intersection she heard 3 shots.   Reference:  Jobert Jefford Paulson video, Oct. 17, 2017- The Case of the Lady Who Did Not See the Assassin.

    17. Vickie Adams- when the president’s vehicle was approaching and passing her location, she heard 3 shots.  FBI statement 11-24-63. 

    18. Dorothy Garner- When the shots occurred the presidential vehicle was out of sight, obscured by trees.  This would be in front of the TSBD.  Shots came from the Court Records Building.  FBI statement 11-24-63. 

    19. Mary Hollies- 2-18-64 statement to Detective Potts said she heard 3 shots as the motorcade turned into the intersection.

    20. Betty Alice Foster- She heard something like fireworks after the President’s car turned down Elm St.  FBI statement 3-19-64.

    21. Yola Hopson- heard two or more sounds / firecrackers when the presidential limousine was obscured by trees.  This would be in front of the TSBD.  FBI statement 3-19-64.

    22. Geneva Hine- She saw the lead car turn into from Houston Street onto Elm Street.  The next one to turn was the presidential vehicle.  She heard shots as the next vehicle, the Secret Service car begin to turn onto Elm.  The presidential vehicle was passing by her location.  FBI statement 11-23-63. 

    23. Lee Harvey Oswald- or Prayer Man was on Elm St. taking a photo of the President as he pasted.  John Martin film of 11-22-63.

    24. Virginia Rackley (Mrs. Donald Baker)- When President Kennedy’s limousine immediately passed her location she heard 3 shots.  She said she was stationed about 30 feet from the main door of the TSBD at the end of the pedestrian line.  This directly contradicts the Zapruder film.

    25. Linda Willis- said in her Warren Commission testimony taken by Wesley J. Liebler on July 22, 1964 that she was standing in front of the TSBD when he motorcade came by.  She initially said she heard shots there. 

    26. Tina Towner- in a YouTube video, Witnesses to the JFK assassination:  Three Dallas Stories- LA Times by Brian van der Brug, she said things that indicate shooting occurred as the presidential vehicle turned into the intersection and in front of the TSBD.

    27. James L. Simmons- a Union Terminal railroad worker who said he was standing on the Triple Underpass when the assassination occurred.  He said he heard shots when the presidential limousine turned into the intersection of Elm and Houston and started down Elm.  3-19-64.

    28. Bill Newman- in a Dallas Sheriff’s Office statement made on 11-22-63 said he was standing just west of the concrete standard (the monument) at the corner of the TSBD when he heard shots as the presidential limousine came toward him.  This means that the shooting occurred on Elm Street in front of the TSBD.

    29. Toni Glover- in a YouTube video from the JFK Assassination Forum, Rare Interview With JFK Assassination Witness Toni Glover Who Was Ony 11 Years Old In 1963, Toni Glover said as Kennedy rounded the corner (corner of Houston and Elm intersection) his head exploded.

    30. J. W. Foster- The Warren Commission Testimony of J.W. Foster was taken at 1:30 a.m., on April 9, 1964.  J. W. Foster was a Dallas Policeman stationed on the Triple Underpass during the assassination.  He said in his testimony as the presidential limousine came onto Elm Street he heard a loud noise that sounded like a firecracker.

    31. Earl Brown- was a Dallas Police Officer assigned to duty on the Stemmons railroad overpass over the Stemmons Expressway service road.  In his Warren Commission testimony of 4-7-64 he stated the presidential vehicle had made the turn and when the shots were fired, it stopped.

    32. Pierce Allman- said it pretty much happened in front of him.  He was standing on the SW corner of Elm and Houston.  He was about 10 feet front the vehicle when shots were fired.

    33. Peggy Joyce Hawkins---she was on the front steps of the TSBD and " estimated that the President's car was less than 50 feet away from her when he was shot, that the car slowed down almost coming to a full stop." ["Murder From Within" by Fred Newcomb & Perry Adams (1974), p. 97];

    34. Yola Hopson- She was on the 4th floor in the middle of the building in Scott-Forseman and when she heard shots she couldn’t see the presidential limo.  It was under the trees.  The shots did not sound as if they came from the building.  FBI statement 3-19-64. 

    35. Stephen P. Wilson-  His view was obscured by trees when he heard shots.  FBI statement 11-30-63.

    36. Mrs. R. A. Reid-  She was outside the building in front, when the president passed by, she heard shots.  FBI statement 12-24-63.



  6. Ron,

    The question of the buildings may be moot.  No. 1 represents the buildings in question.  No. 2 is an X that represents the area where Frank Cancellare took his photo.  The buildings in question do not appear to be correctly angled for the photo and they don’t appear to be the same buildings.  They appear to be west of the position they are shown in the photo.  Can those buildings be seen from Cancellare’s position when he took that photo?  I say no because of the height of the Triple Underpass and the height of the railroad embankment and parking lot.

    My point in making the comments I made is that the Frank Cancellare photo should not be taken at face value.  Bill Newman in the grass posing for the photographers is sometime after the assassination not, directly after, maybe 3 to 5 minutes or more after at least 20 motorcade position vehicles have cleared Dealey Plaza and are no longer visible in photos.  The two motorcycle policemen were in the 21st position of the motorcade.  The motorcade left Dealey Plaza in segments.  The question is was Bill Newman and family laying in the grass or lying (prevaricating) in the grass.

    The timing of the photo calls into questions the relevance of the photo in relationship to the assassination.  I am not questioning anything Plumlee has said.  I believe that by the time the photo was taken any assassin, who was not mentally deficient, would have left the area.

    It is an interesting photo, the 1966 photo of Dealey Plaza from the air.  No. 3 is a parking lot.  Before, it was a parking lot a building was there.  It was the blue-grey building that Jackie Kennedy said she saw in front of her to the left when she first heard shots being fired.  So, the building was torn down at least by 1966.  The building is on Main Street.  There are no blue-grey buildings on Houston Street or Elm Street.  That is probably the reason a building was torn down and replaced with a parking lot.   Nowadays, part of that area is the place of the Kennedy Monument.    




  7. 18-Dealey-Plaza-Dallas-Texas-From-Reunio

    "Not really, it's the roof of a building in the distance, past the parking lot and railroad tracks.  What do snakes, spiders and ufo's have to do with the South Knoll or Tosh Plumlee's claims.  Are you off your med's John?"

    Can you find any buildings around the parking lot or tracks other than the Federal Annex?  Where are the buildings there?

    This maybe a better explanation:


    This is another look at Dealey Plaza.  It would be difficult to see those buildings from Elm Street because of the railroad tracks..

  8. "Not really, it's the roof of a building in the distance, past the parking lot and railroad tracks.  What do snakes, spiders and ufo's have to do with the South Knoll or Tosh Plumlee's claims.  Are you off your med's John?"

    Not really, Ron.  Maybe you should find something to take for your closed mind.

    The object in the sky, I repeat in the sky, shows plenty of air between it and the ground.  Roof of a building?  Could be foot hills in the distance and brushed in buildings.  They do appear a bit strange. 

    Have you ever been to Central Texas?  I spent a year there most of the time out in the woods and fields training around Fort Hood.  It's a place where you skake your boots out every morning.  Laying in the grass is a foolish endeavor. 

    Maybe you can explain the giant pickup truck next to the alleged pygmy assassin under the tree east of the truck?  Or, the time of the Cancellare photo?  Can you explain Bill Newman's change of testimony? 


  9. Cancellare-UFO-2.jpg

    The Cancellare UFO?

    Another peculiar thing about this Cancellare photo is marked with red arrows.

    What is that strange object in the sky?  It appears to be blanked out.  There is a large and long trail of smoke coming from the object.  It is not trees in the distance.  I seriously doubt it is aliens and an Alien UFO.  Could it be a jet with contrails?  A plane on fire?  What?  Strange, isn't it.

  10. Newmans-in-Cancellare.jpg

    There are other odd things about the Frank Cancellare photo.  Take as one instance, Bill Newman, Gayle, and family as one thing that is odd.  The timing of the Cancellare photo indicates that Bill and family were laying in the grass as long as 5 or more minutes.  Why were they laying in the grass that long?  Posing for photographers?  Laying there in that position contradicts what Bill first said in his Sheriff’s statement of 11-22-63. 

    And, laying in the grass is not a smart thing to do in Texas even as late as November.  Dallas is in the same climate zone as Fort Hood in Central Texas.  So, I would assume it has the same vermin problems as Fort Hood in those days.  At Fort Hood there were 11 different kinds of rattlesnakes, copperheads, water moccasins, coral snakes, tarantulas and other types of poisonous spiders, 2 types of scorpions, and ticks with Rocky Mountain spotted fever.  That’s plenty of reason not to lay around in the grass. 

    Most of the pictorial evidence shows the Newman’s just west of the Stemmons Freeway sign.  They are standing there before, during, and after the assassination.  Only afterwards they are laying on the ground.  It seems like they are laying there for a long time after the assassination, perhaps posing for the photographers.  This is best seen in the Frank Cancellare photo.

    In his Sheriff Office statement of 11-22-63 Bill Newman said “…I was standing in a group of people on Elm Street near the west end of the concrete standard when the President’s car turned left off Houston Street onto Elm Street.”

    This concrete standard is just a few feet from the TSBD SW corner and not in the midway down Elm Street by the Stemmons sign.  He and family are standing south of the Stemmons sign alone and not in a group.  Newman later changed his statement. And, this varies from what Bill Newman originally said.

    Many witness’ statements evolved from what the witness originally said to something more compatible to what the government’s official story was.

  11. Does Frank Cancellare's photo have any relevance to what happened in the assassination?  We see in the photo two motorcycle policemen.  They are the Mid Motorcade Motorcycles.  They were in the 21st position of the motorcade.  They were on Houston Street when the assassination occurred.  The two men are DPD J. W. Courson and DPD Clyde Haywood. 

    The reason I note the two motorbike cops is Cancellare's photo is taken several minutes after the assassination.  It could be as much as 3-5 minutes.  This engenders the question would any assassin on the South Knoll or in the parking lot or under trees hang around that long after the assassination? 

    Frank Cancellare was in Camera Car No. 2 and in the 11th position of the motorcade.  These folks were held up on Houston for several minutes possibly 2 or 3 minutes. 

    Anyone seen in the parking lot or under the trees could very well just be bystanders looking to see what was happening on Elm Street.  The same goes for the guy standing by the truck.  He may have left he truck and stood by the bed to see what's happening.  Or, he could of walked up there from another vehicle.

  12. Thanks Bart for bringing this post up.  It has at the first something I run into all the time.  Phony, make up research or more correctly, manufactured data to backup an absurd point.

    Gil Jesus sums this up remarkably well:



    First, you implied that the "white" jacket was actually the grey jacket which was overexposed in the video.

    Now, you're implying that the white jacket only appears to be white because of ( quoting your chart above ) "relative surrounding ( squares of ) dark and the fact that our vision compensates for some sort of shadow".

    You CAN'T be serious.


    There's neither any darkness surrounding the jacket nor any shadow ON IT to alter the perception of its color in the video. Therefore, this chart has absolutely NOTHING to do with what we're seeing in the video.

    I have to hand it to you WC supporters. You certainly aren't embarrassed to argue a point to complete absurdity.

    And you STILL haven't addressed the reports that the jacket was white.

    Edited September 10, 2011 by Gil Jesus


    And a shout out to those who make the same point.

  13. The image appears to be edited.  The hand does not seem to be natural.


    The Zapruder film can't be trusted.  There are too many edited frames in it.  A good example is Z frame 157.  Or, you could look at all the frames, frame z1 to about z200,  showing 19 people in what I call Mannequin Row from the street light to the Stemmons sign on Elm St.  Other media do not show that group there.

    Check out frames 159-160.  They show the Johnson security vehicle.  I call this vehicle the "Johnny Cash car" since it appears to be like Cash's song built one piece at a time.  It is really silly.  It is a vehicle that has a back end for a front end.  Two rear ends for the front and back.  


  14. I have posted earlier that I thought the death of Marilyn Monroe may have been a "greenlight" to the assassination of JFK because his brother Bobby may have participated in murder.

    This bit from the internet I copied says about the say thing.  Don't know the source for this.  I failed to copy the source.  Anyone knows let me know.

    FBI file links Kennedy to Monroe's death


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      March 17, 2007

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      For four decades there have been rumours that Marilyn Monroe's death was not a simple suicide. Now a Los Angeles-based Australian writer and director, Philippe Mora, has uncovered an FBI document that throws up a chilling new scenario.


    The screen legend Marilyn Monroe...the FBI report says she "expected to have her stomach pumped out and get sympathy for her suicide attempt", but it suggests she was left to die. Photo: Harold Lloyd/The Harold Lloyd Collection

    Latest related coverage

    • Documents: Read the FBI papers


      BOBBY KENNEDY'S affair with the screen idol Marilyn Monroe has been documented, but a secret FBI file suggests the late US attorney-general was aware of - and perhaps even a participant in - a plan "to induce" her suicide.

      The detailed three-page report implicates the Hollywood actor Peter Lawford, Monroe's psychiatrist, staff and her publicist in the plot.

      The allegations suggest the 36-year-old actress, who had a history of staging attention-seeking suicide attempts, was deliberately given the means to fake another suicide on August 4, 1962. But this time, it is suggested, she was allowed to die as she sought help.

      The document, hidden among thousands of pages released under freedom-of-information laws last October, was received by the FBI on October 19, 1964 - two years after her death - and titled simply "ROBERT F KENNEDY".

      It was compiled by an unnamed former special agent working for the then Democrat governor of California, Pat Brown, and forwarded to Washington by Curtis Lynum, then head of the San Francisco FBI. Despite a disclaimer that it could not be sourced or authenticated, it was considered important enough to immediately circulate to the FBI's five most senior officers, including director J. Edgar Hoover's right-hand man, Clyde Tolson.

      The report was in effect buried for decades as a classified document, and even the released version contains censored sections. Never before mentioned despite thousands of articles, books and documentaries about her death, it details aspects of Kennedy's on-and-off affair with the movie star, including sex parties and a lesbian dalliance, as well as her emotional departure from 20th Century Fox and descent into depression.

      Critically, it raises an alleged conspiracy, apparently overseen by Lawford, for Monroe to unwittingly commit suicide with the drug Seconal, a barbiturate used to treat insomnia and relieve anxiety. The document gives no precise reason why she would be killed but hints it may be linked to her threats to make public her affair with Kennedy, as other conspiracy theories have previously claimed. It states in part: "Peter Lawford, [censored words blacked out] knew from Marilyn's friends that she often made suicide attempts and that she was inclined to fake a suicide attempt in order to arouse sympathy.

      "Lawford is reported as having made 'special arrangements' with Marilyn's psychiatrist, Dr Ralph Greenson, from Beverley Hills. The psychiatrist was treating Marilyn for emotional problems and getting her off the use of barbiturates. On her last visit to him he prescribed Seconal tablets and gave her a prescription for 60 of them, which was unusual in quantity especially since he saw her frequently. On the date of her death … her housekeeper put the bottle of pills on the night table. It is reported that the housekeeper and Marilyn's personal secretary and press agent, Pat Newcomb, were co-operating in the plan to induce suicide."


  15. Sandy Larsen   

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    On ‎9‎/‎21‎/‎2018 at 4:43 AM, Ken Rheberg said:


    I spoke with Malcolm Couch a few years before he died.  He told me it wasn't a pool of blood he saw that day.  It was brain matter.



    It must have been quite a large chunk of brain matter for Couch to have recognized it. I mean, how does one recognize brain matter without the folds?



    I am by no mean an ammunition or rifle expert.  I just rely on things I learned in the military long ago.  Any powerful type of ammunition, such as the 7.62 mm Nato round or the 30.06 (M1 round), is capable of producing an extraordinary wound such as President Kennedy's.

    The bullet once it enters the brain creates thousands of atmospheres of pressure due to hydrostatic shock.  The brain consists mostly water.  The round moving through the skull creates a cone of force which is responsible for the large, somewhat circular exit wound near the occipital protuberance in the rear of the skull.

    I suspect that the material from the brain that was ejected would be mostly liquid.  If you are a believer in the Zapruder film that plume of blood seen at about z313 to perhaps z317 has to have gone somewhere to the ground.

    If the pool of blood is real and at the SW corner of the TSBD, it is another suggestion that the President's head wound could have occurred earlier than folks think.

  16. How did Jackie eve sit in that mess without it getting on the back of her outfit.  Photos of her show she did not sit in that mess.


    As you can see President Kennedy's spot is clean.  Did they tamper and clean it or just took the photo.  You can see on the back of the seat blood and matter stains that indicate the direction of the wound.  As Rumpole of the Bailey would say "It's about the bloodstains."

  17. Sigh, sigh,

    Sit up and pay attention.  David Josephs has given you boys an education in lights and shadows.  I challenge you to find a clearer, more concise, and elegant explanation on how a light source creates shadows.


    Ray you need to get a dictionary and look up the word parallel.  Well, I'll do that for you:

    Definition of parallel

    1 a : extending in the same direction, everywhere equidistant (see equidistant 1), and not meeting
    • parallel rows of trees
    b : everywhere equally distant
    • concentric spheres are parallel

    Parallel lines do not converge or diverge.

    Ray, David was just being polite to you.  ""Ray - thank you for the example and the patience. It does indeed appear as if shadows can be made to look like they converge to a vanishing point based on perspective."   The operative word here is "made to".  He is being less polite in the last sentence of his post most recent post.  "When learning to Draw... Shadow, light and perspective works... They do not in those BOYs by a magnitude much higher than is possible in the natural, unedited world"

    Did you understand what he was saying?
  18. OK.  Ray says their fake.  Michael and David do also.  I say their fake.  We may have gotten there by different paths so, what is the argument?

    They are fake by various people's reasoning.  Let's hoist an adult beverage and move on to something else. 

    That guy, I believe G. Robert Blakely, said if the photos are fake then there was a conspiracy and Oswald was the patsy.  Should we now say the infamous "case closed" here.

  19. Michael,

    Your figures give the illusion of straight rows.  Although you didn't say straight rows it's there by implication.  There is nothing uniform about your photo and figures except the deck planking.  Line up your figures according to the geometric correctness of the boards and see what happens.

    If you can get Old Ray Mitchum to agree with you that is something.  OBTW, if I didn't have a pair ah noids I would have none at all. 

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