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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Ron, Apparently, Danny Jowenko drove his car, head on, into a tree on July 16, 2011-- three days after a radio interview about 9/11 with Alan Sabrosky. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Danny_Jowenko
  2. Pat, I'm guessing that you have never heard of Danny Jowenko.* Claiming that the abrupt, free fall WTC7 collapse wasn't an expert explosive demolition is like arguing that the violent backward motion of JFK's head was caused by a fatal bullet fired from behind the limo. In both cases, there has been a vast amount of pseudo-scientific gibberish written denying basic Newtonian physics. As for Silverstein's demolished WTC buildings, was a forensic arson investigation ever conducted by the U.S. government or private insurers? * Danny Jowenko, 1955-2011: How a Demolition Expert Brought Explosive Attention to 9/11 Truth (ae911truth.org)
  3. But, again, as Russ Baker pointed out so clearly, Putin's war crimes in Ukraine are not justified by U.S. war crimes in the Middle East. Two wrongs don't make a right. It is more logically consistent to condemn both, which I have, in fact, done since 2003. And Putin has also committed horrific crimes against his own people-- thousands of horrific Russian war casualties, and sending dissenters to the Gulag, like Stalin.
  4. Henry Kissinger was also one of three prominent "authority figures" who promoted the mass media narrative on 9/11 that Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda were responsible for the 9/11 attacks on the WTC and Pentagon. Kissinger appeared on SKY Television in Europe. The other two were L. Paul Bremer, (on CNN in the U.S.) the CEO of Kissinger & Associates, and Ehud Barak (on BBC television.) Osama Bin Laden, himself, denied any role in the U.S. 9/11 attacks-- to Al Jazeera and to a Pakistani journalist-- but that story was completely blacked out of the U.S. mainstream media. FBI translator Sibel Edmonds later claimed that Osama Bin Laden had, allegedly, been working as a CIA asset before, and even after, 9/11. (Classified Woman.) And, incidentally, Bin Laden's brother was a primary investor in George W. Bush's Arbusto Oil Company. Osama Bin Laden and his so-called "Al Qaeda" mujaheddin had worked directly with the CIA and the U.S. military in Afghanistan during the Soviet-Afghan War, and in Bosnia during the Bosnian Civil War (John Schindler/Unholy Terror.) https://www.amazon.com/Unholy-Terror-Bosnia-Al-Qaida-Global/dp/0760330034/ref=sr_1_3?crid=QLRNH3MIZEJ2&keywords=john+schindler+books&qid=1683083370&sprefix=John+Schindler%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-3 Was Osama a CIA-affiliated patsy, like Oswald?
  5. But I would ask the Les McCann Question here. Compared to What? She "has no faith in the Democratic Party"-- compared to what?! Compared to a Republican Party that wants to cut taxes for billionaires while "Starving the Beast," block climate change mitigation and environmental protection, ban the teaching of history, block gun control legislation, restrict voting rights, ban abortion, restrict civil rights for gay and lesbian citizens, and violently attack Congress after losing an election? To paraphrase Winston Churchill-- "the Democratic Party is the worst political party in America, except for all of the other political parties."
  6. Yes, and don't forget that, during his 2016 Republican primary debates with Jeb Bush, Trump said, "When I'm President, the American people are going to learn who really destroyed the Twin Towers on 9/11." It was an extraordinary statement by a Manhattan real estate developer who knew Larry Silverstein, and had correctly surmised on 9/11 that the steel columns of the Twin Towers could only have been destroyed by explosives.
  7. I have long been puzzled by Oliver Stone's admiration for Putin, especially in light of my own troubling experiences with Putin's annexation of the ROCOR in 2007. I am a big fan of Oliver Stones' important work-- Platoon, Born on the 4th of July, JFK, Salvador, the Untold History, JFK Revisited, etc.-- and his admiration for Putin has caused me to seriously doubt my own judgment and sources. I had a positive opinion of Putin until 2007, when I realized that there is something extraordinarily evil and cynical about the man. Like his NKVD and KGB predecessors, he has, certainly, viewed the Russian Orthodox Church as a mere tool of the Kremlin. It's a cynicism that he shares with Stalin. I did watch Oliver Stone's Putin interviews, and I had the impression that Putin had manipulated and humiliated Oliver Stone by seizing Crimea before that final interview.
  8. Excellent post, Jeff. And Michael Griffith also falsely claimed that Prouty had not worked with Ed Lansdale-- a rather astonishing falsehood by a guy who claimed that he had read Prouty's book on JFK, the CIA, and Vietnam. Prouty wrote in considerable detail about his work with Lansdale, and his familiarity with many details about Lansdale's storied career as Allen Dulles's favorite black ops expert.
  9. Texas Bill Will Give Republican Official Power to Overturn Elections (msn.com)
  10. Ron, I agree 100% with your take on Dubya Bush. He was, basically, the charming, amiable public relations guy for the Cheney/Rumsfeld war administration. And Cheney and Rumsfeld worked closely, from the get-go, with the PNAC Neocons, including Paul Wolfowitz (#2 in the Pentagon) and Douglas Feith (#3 at the Pentagon.) Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the PNAC Neocons (including Condoleeza Rice) had proposed overthrowing Saddam Hussein and establishing U.S. military dominance of central Asia and the Middle East in the 1990s, before Dubya Bush even emerged as the 2000 Republican nominee. In contrast, Colin Powell espoused the "Pottery Barn" rule after the Persian Gulf War-- "If we break Iraq, we own Iraq." I read a story somewhere about Dubya Bush assembling his administration (with Cheney and Rumsfeld) in December of 2000 and January of 2001, in which Dubya called his father, GHWB, and asked, "Dad, who are the Neocons?" To which Poppy Bush replied, "In a word, son, 'Israel.'" Here's another true story from that fateful period of American political history. After the December 2000 Bush v. Gore SCOTUS ruling to shut down the Florida recount, Henry Kissinger reportedly said something like, "I can think of nothing that would improve George W. Bush's low approval rating more than a terrorist attack on the United States." Dubya later asked Henry Kissinger to chair the 9/11 Commission. And the CEO of Kissinger & Associates, L. Paul Bremer, was the first person to announce on national television, (CNN) shortly after the nose of the first plane hit L. Paul Bremer's office in the WTC North Tower, that Osama Bin Laden and "Al Qaeda" were the likely suspects in the "terrorist" attack on the WTC. Bremer was later appointed military governor of Iraq by the Bush administration, in about May of 2003, for the purpose of implementing Wolfowitz's disastrous "de-Baathification" policy. At the time, General Jay Garner told Rumsfeld that "it would take 50 years to stabilize Iraq if we disband the Iraqi Army and police." (per Bob Woodward's Plan of Attack.)
  11. Yo, Occam, who said that "Muslim terrorists struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon with airliners" on 9/11? Where and when did that M$M/government 9/11 narrative about "Muslim hijackers" originate? Any idea? Here are some important 9/11 facts for you to contemplate-- since you have continued to bring up the subject of 9/11 on this thread, while simultaneously complaining that 9/11 has nothing to do with JFK. 1) The alleged Barbara Olson 9/11 phone calls, to Ted Olson, from AA77 about "Muslim hijackers with box cutters" never happened-- based on expert FBI testimony in the Moussaoui trial. So, who faked that important Ted Olson AA77 phone call "Muslim hijacker" narrative, and why? 2) The CIA and U.S. military had successfully flown Boeing jetliners without pilots during the summer of 2001-- using Raytheon's GPS-guided remote-piloting technology. They didn't need poorly-trained Muslim hijackers to fly Boeings into targets on 9/11. They could do that with their Raytheon remote-piloting technology. In fact, the precise flight trajectories of the 9/11 attack planes are considered by the Pilots for 9/11 Truth-- including the late (murdered) pilot Phillip Marshall-- to be beyond the capabilities of the alleged Muslim hijackers. document (psu.edu) The Big Bamboozle: 9/11 and the War on Terror: Marshall, Philip: 9781468094589: Amazon.com: Books 3) There is no photographic or CCTV evidence of any "Muslim hijackers" boarding the "hijacked" UAL or AA flights on 9/11. 4) The alleged "evidence" of 19 Muslim hijackers was conveniently found by the FBI, with a copy of a Koran, in a rental car at Logan Airport. It would have been easy to plant that kind of "evidence" as part of a false flag black op blaming the 9/11 attacks on Muslim terrorists-- something that served as the central basis for launching Bush & Cheney's wars in Afghanistan and Iraq-- their multi-trillion dollar "War on Terror."
  12. Here's a loose association-- about Canadian song writers. A few years ago, my daughter said, "Hey, Dad, I think you may like this song." It's by a young group from Canada called the Strumbellas. I keep hoping that Millennials and Generation Z will eventually vote Republican gun nuts out of government.
  13. R.I.P. Gordon LIghtfoot. Terrific folk singer/song writer. Interesting that so many great folk singer/song writers grew up in Canada-- Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, Neil Young, Robbie Robertson, Bruck Cockburn, et.al.
  14. Ding! Ding! Ding! Give that man a cee-gar! 🤓
  15. Geez... Study the film, Micah. The 47 floor structure abruptly collapsed to the ground in a symmetrical zero resistance free fall. Weakening of the building structures by office fires, at best, would have caused a partial, asymmetrical, step-wise collapse of some floors. That's not what happened. Do you, Pat Speer, and Kirk think you know more about skyscraper demolitions than Danny Jowenko? It was an expert, pre-wired demolition.
  16. Michael, Since you continue to post these serious tropes about "anti-Semitism," would you be so kind as to answer a few questions on that subject? I realize that it's a highly sensitive subject, especially in the aftermath of the Holocaust, of the Russian pogroms, and centuries of persecution of the Jews in Europe and the Levant. But even Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt criticized some actions of Irgun and Israeli nationalists after WWII. Do you consider any criticism of domestic or foreign Israeli government policies "anti-Semitic" per se? For example; 1) Is it "anti-Semitic" to criticize the 1967 Israeli military attack on the U.S.S. Liberty? 2) Is it "anti-Semitic" to criticize the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel by Menachem Begin and Irgun members who dressed up like Arabs to stage that deadly terrorist attack on British nationals? 3) Is it "anti-Semitic" to criticize the 1954 Lavon affair, in which Mossad members disguised themselves as Arabs while attempting bomb theaters, libraries and schools in Egypt-- civilian attacks which were supposed to be blamed on the Muslim Brotherhood? 4) Was it "anti-Semitic" for Fletcher Prouty to point out that the WWII era oil pipelines to Haifa were shut down after the establishment of the State of Israel?
  17. Pat, It's far more insidious than a Bush/Cheney administrative "failure to protect." Louis Freeh's FBI administration aggressively suppressed 2001 field reports about alleged Saudi "hijackers" taking flight lessons. Former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds has written about this subject. Also, the CIA and U.S. military had successfully flown pilot-free Boeing jetliners with Raytheon's GPS remote-piloting technology during the summer of 2001. They didn't need hijackers to precisely pilot Boeings into buildings. And FBI experts testified at the Moussaiou trial that Barbara Olson's famous phone calls from AA77 to Bush's Solicitor General Ted Olson-- about Muslim hijackers with box cutters-- never happened. Fox News commentator Barbara Olson never called Ted Olson from AA77. There are numerous other 9/11 smoking guns. And there are also a lot of propagandists in the M$M and on the internet who have spent the past 20 years relentlessly telling Americans that the 9/11 smoking guns aren't guns, and aren't smoking. It's like something out of George Orwell's 1984-- mass delusions engendered by state propaganda narratives. Someone pointed out a few years ago that fewer than 5% of the U.S. public even knew that a third skyscraper-- WTC7-- had collapsed into its own footprint in a symmetrical free fall on 9/11. I could post a lot of strange facts about WTC7, aside from the fact that it was an obvious expert demolition. 1) An international demolitions expert, Danny Jowenko, was shown film of the WTC7 collapse, and he said that it was an obvious, expert, explosive demolition. He subsequently died in a mysterious car accident. 2) A BBC commentator announced on television on 9/11 that WTC7 had collapsed-- before the building actually collapsed on live television behind her. 3) When asked about the collapse of WTC7, Donald Rumsfeld said that he had "never heard of WTC7." But WTC7 was the headquarters of Smith Barney when Rumsfeld was Chairman of the Board of Smith Barney. 4) Larry Silverstein, apparently, had architectural plans for a new WTC7 building before 9/11.
  18. Ron, My guess is that your grocery store stop where your dad put chains on the tires in the blizzard could have been in Georgetown or Dumont, Colorado. The steep trek up I-70 to the old Loveland Pass road (in the days before the Eisenhower Tunnel was built) began in earnest around Georgetown. The east side of Loveland Pass is still a very scenic, slightly hairy two-lane drive in the winter. I sometimes take that scenic route home on sunny days after skiing at Keystone-- adjacent to the Arapahoe Basin ski area on the west side of Loveland Pass. Nowadays, I often see young snowboarders who have parked along the Loveland Pass two-laner and hiked up the slopes before cruising down.
  19. Get a clue, Kirk. Pat Speer has posted nothing but pseudo-scientific bunk on this thread. You, Pat, and Michael Griffith need to study some basic physics and chemistry. 47-floor steel skyscrapers don't abruptly collapse to the ground in a symmetrical free fall from office fires. Period. Also, try opening your eyes and observing the visible serial explosions that pulverized the Twin Towers.
  20. No more pseudo-scientific bunk, please. What ABRUPTLY demolished 47 floors of steel columns in WTC7? The abrupt collapse was free fall. Measure it. Zero resistance to collapse. And what do you have to say about Silverstein telling them to "pull it?"
  21. Pat, Stop it, please. The claims that WTC7 was abruptly demolished in a symmetrical free fall as a result of smoldering office fires is, frankly, bunk. It's scientifically absurd. Office fires (furniture, carpets, etc.) don't burn at a hot enough temperature to abruptly demolish 47 floors of steel columns. In the history of burning steel skyscrapers, most have burned for long periods of time-- even more than 24 hours-- without ever collapsing. The steel columns are simply charred. That is why NYFD experts thought Rudy Giuliani was nuts when he told them that the Twin Towers were going to collapse on 9/11. Giuliani told Peter Jennings (on 9/11) that he had been forewarned that the Twin Towers were going to collapse. (He later changed his story and told Phillip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission that he had NOT been forewarned about the impending collapse of the Twin Towers.) Additionally, if WTC7 had collapsed on 9/11 as a result of mere smoldering office fires, the collapse would have been partial, asymmetrical, and in gradual steps, with observed pancaking of floors. None of that happened in the case of the WTC7 demolition. Go back and study the film. (Above, with Dan Rather's commentary.) This time, pay attention to the distance between the floors of WTC7 as the entire structure abruptly collapses to the ground, symmetrically, at the acceleration of gravity. The upper floors do NOT collapse on to lower floors during the descent. There was no "pancaking" or pile-driver phenomenon. Finally, you have completely ignored-- leap-frogged-- my post documenting the fact that WTC7 owner Larry Silverstein "told them to pull it" before watching WTC7 abruptly collapse in an expert demolition. What do you have to say about the Silverstein comment?
  22. I think we may see a replay of 2011 this year, when the GOP Tea Party House held the country hostage by refusing to raise the debt ceiling for Obama, (after raising the debt ceiling seven times for Bush & Cheney.) In like manner, these same House Republicans raised the debt ceiling three times for Trump, while giving $2 trillion in tax cuts to billionaires and corporations. And they are, apparently, willing to sabotage the U.S. economy in order to sabotage Biden.
  23. Larry Silverstein collected $4.5 billion from a consortium of insurance companies for the WTC1, WTC2, and WTC7 demolitions, yet no forensic arson investigation was ever conducted. Silverstein was awarded the long-term lease for the WTC Twin Towers by the Port Authority in July of 2001. He controlled access to the WTC during the weeks preceding 9/11. He had always owned WTC7-- the 47-floor skyscraper near the Twin Towers that collapsed in an expert, free fall demolition late in the day on 9/11. In a subsequent interview, Silverstein said that he had spoken to the NYFD about WTC7 on 9/11, and that he "told them to pull it." * But the NYFD denied any role in demolishing WTC7. Who "pulled it" for Silverstein? Bush & Cheney's NIST fraudsters later claimed that the abrupt free fall collapse of WTC7 was a result of office fires. But they offered no scientific explanation for the total, free fall collapse. Their "model" only described, at best, a partial asymmetrical collapse of an upper floor of WTC7-- not the observed free fall collapse of the entire building. And a partial upper story collapse of WTC7 is not seen on film. Instead, the distance between upper floors remains constant as the entire 47-floor structure abruptly collapses in an expert demolition.** * ** 911 WTC 7 Collapse with Dan Rather commentary - YouTube
  24. Yeah, Ron, Aspen was remote in the early 60s, and Vail was undeveloped. Colorado was a vast wilderness area in those days. I had to look this one up-- they didn't pave Independence Pass until 1967. (They finally paved Cottonwood Pass a few years ago.) As for Texas swing, I missed Bob Wills Day yesterday, but here's Ron Wood playing pedal steel on a Rolling Stones' cover of Bob Wills Is Still the King. They aren't exactly the Texas Playboys, but the Stones got the basic, sh*t-kicking Texas swing right.
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