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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. The Man Who Wasn't There? I never read the book, but I saw the Coen brother's movie. 👺
  2. I think I read about this in Sylvia Meagher's Accessories After the Fact. As I recall, when the FBI ballistics experts tried to reproduce the "Lone Nut"/Oswald in the TSBD theory by shooting a cadaver in the right parietal-occipital skull, from the TSBD, (using a Mannlicher Carcano rifle) the bullet blew off the entire right half of the (cadaver's) face. (And, as I recall from reading Richard Belzer's Hit List, a number of FBI forensic team experts died, mysteriously, around the time that they were supposed to be questioned by the Church Committee.)
  3. I'm, frankly, amazed by the obfuscation on this thread by those defending the Warren Commission narrative. Isn't it common knowledge in 2018 that numerous witnesses from Dealey Plaza (and Parkland) had their original testimony altered and/or omitted from the WCR? That many people who "knew too much" about what happened on 11/22/63 later feared for their lives, knowing that other witnesses were being offed? One example, among many that I have read about, is James Douglass's account (in JFK and the Unspeakable) of the commercial aviator at Red Bird Airport who prepped a plane for about 20 gentlemen who flew to Houston on the afternoon of 11/22/63 after JFK was assassinated. The Cuban pilot (who helped him prep the plane) told him, before the news of JFK's murder was heard on the radio, "They are going to kill your President." The Red Bird aviator was so afraid that he refused to mention anything about what he had heard for many years. Under the circumstances, it seems plausible to me that the medical personnel at Parkland were afraid to contradict the WCR after their initial descriptions of the pathology had been altered to conform to the "Lone Nut" in the TSBD narrative. As for the obvious right forehead entry wound, (and I have seen forehead entry wounds in my medical career) I believe it was Sylvia Meagher who reported that the FBI ballistics test shots using a Mannlicher Carcano in the TSBD blew off the right half of the (cadaver's) face.
  4. I should defer to the true experts here, but, from what I have read, the Parkland ER physicians spoke openly to the media about the widely observed entry wounds in JFK's throat and right forehead --- and the missing right occipital-parietal skull fragment that was, obviously, an exit wound. It was only later, under duress, that the Parkland medical staff testimony was altered to, awkwardly, conform to the "lone nut" in the TSBD with the cheap Carcano government narrative. Secondly, there was ample witness testimony about a shot being fired from the "grassy knoll." The extant videos also show, quite clearly, that everyone ran to the grassy knoll in search of the assassin(s) immediately after the shooting. So, no, the Boston Globe sketch does NOT describe what was known about the assassination on 11/23. Instead, it describes a false narrative that was inconsistent with the reports from Parkland, and the witness testimony from Dealey Plaza. Where did the Globe get their false narrative?
  5. I wonder why the Globe would have published such a wildly inaccurate, goofy sketch about such an utterly tragic event, (which was especially tragic for the people of Massachusetts.)
  6. Hey, look, folks, it's an artist's sketch published in the Boston Globe, so it must be accurate! That pretty much nails it. The Parkland ER photos showing the entry wounds in JFK's throat and right forehead must have been fakes...👺
  7. Thanks for posting this, Joe. Interesting commentary by Mr. A. If I ever need a pacemaker, I'll think twice-- just in case Education Forum members have ended up on an NSA watch list. Your post reminded me of the Church Committee report about a CIA "Heart Attack Gun" that fired some sort of cardio toxin in the form of a frozen dart, leaving no obvious trace other than a tiny entry wound.
  8. Interesting that you mention the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings in the context of Republican reactions to the Kennedy's civil rights legacy. I vividly remember watching former Warren Commissioner Arlen Specter cross-examine Anita Hill on television during those hearings. It was almost as pathetic as Specter's shameless promotion of the Magic Bullet theory. And Clarence Thomas has, shamelessly, endorsed both recent SCOTUS rulings against proper enforcement of the Voting Rights Act (and Bush v. Gore.)
  9. The recent four episode "Bobby Kennedy for President" series focused significantly on RFK's involvement with the American black community from 1960 to '68 -- including detailed personal narratives by Harry Belafonte and Congressman John Lewis. As they tell the story, after initially arranging to get MLK out of jail, Bobby seemed to make a conscious decision to risk alienating the Dixiecrat base-- political suicide, in a sense -- on moral grounds. He was, genuinely, outraged as he began to better understand the predicament of African Americans. In direct contrast, Nixon later, cynically, resorted to the "Southern strategy," as you mentioned. GHWB did the same thing in 1988 (e.g., with Lee Atwater's sleazy Willie Horton ads.) But Trump has taken this racial (and xenophobic) demagoguery to a new level, in a way that would have seemed inconceivable to me a few years ago. And, not surprisingly, this regressive devolution in U.S. politics has been aggressively promoted by many of the same talking heads and pseudo-historians (e.g., Bill O'Reilly) who have misrepresented and disparaged the legacy of the Kennedy brothers. It's Orwellian-- "controlling" the past in order to control the present and future.
  10. One of the greatest abominations in modern American history was, surely, the systematic violation of the 14th and 15th Amendments in the former Confederacy after the collapse of Radical Reconstruction in 1877 (in a pre-inaugural deal brokered by Rutherford Hayes and a Southern bloc in Congress.) The statistics about black voter suppression in Columbia University historian Eric Foner's book, Reconstruction, are mind-boggling. The number of registered black voters in states like Louisiana and South Carolina had plunged to zero by 1900. And, of course, nothing substantive was done about these systematic civil rights violations for nearly a century, until the JFK administration, (and LBJ's surprising advocacy of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act after 11/22/63.) But now we have seen Neil Gorsuch and the new Trump SCOTUS vote 5-4 to uphold racial gerrymandering in Texas and North Carolina- a shocker!
  11. The COBAD Syndrome is an acronym that I coined in my 2005 clinical monograph of that title. "COBAD" stands for "Childhood-Onset Bipolar Attention Deficit" syndrome. At the time, there were only three peer-reviewed papers in the world psychiatric literature about this subject, but we now know that it has a population prevalence of about 1 percent in adults-- which is what I had estimated in 2005, extrapolating from the peer-reviewed child psychiatric research at the Massachusetts General Hospital.
  12. Thanks for the references. I did read Hit List, Destiny Betrayed, (and Mary's Mosaic.) Peter Janney points directly to the CIA (including Angleton and Ben Bradlee) having foreknowledge of Mary Pinchot Meyer's murder in 1964. But, do we know any inside details about a domestic assassination op/ "program" behind these carefully conducted serial murders of JFK witnesses from 1963 through the 70s? For example, was it Angleton or Helms tapping phones and calling Hoover, Mafia hit men, etc., as needed?
  13. Yes, I realized last night that Michael was using "in my book" as a figure of speech. There are a number of authors on this forum, and I initially thought he was referring to a book that he had written about Hunter's murder. (The only thing I could find at Amazon, before reading his post above, was a crime novel written by a gentleman named Michael Clark.)
  14. Thank you, sir. Two questions. What is the name of your book? Any clues about who Bill Hunter's killer was working for? As I recall reading (possibly in Richard Belzer's pop history book, Hit List) the LA shooting of Hunter was ruled "accidental." I understand your point about various contractors/hit men being deployed for these witness assassinations, but it seems obvious that someone (or many) must have been "riding herd" on such a massive, decades-long, cover-up operation-- someone who knew precisely what was going on, (as in Hunter's case) and who was going to spill the beans.
  15. I'm a newcomer here at the Education Forum, but I have studied a lot of books about JFK's assassination in recent years, including the writings of Col. Fletcher Prouty, John Newman, James DiEugenio, James Douglass, Phillip Nelson, and others. Here's my question. It seems quite obvious that the perpetrators of the JFK assassination conducted systematic surveillance and skillful assassinations of key witnesses for many years, even decades. In a few of these cases-- e.g., Mary Pinchot Meyer, Dorothy Kilgallen, and Sam Giancana-- suspected assassins have been named. (One was the alleged U.S. Navy-affiliated witness on the tow path in the Mary Meyer murder case.) But, has there been much written (and uncovered) about the nature of such a gruesome, multi-decade, domestic assassinations op in the U.S.? It is difficult to imagine anything less than a carefully managed, highly skilled organization like the CIA overseeing these systematic assassinations of American citizens who knew too much. And the targets were carefully selected for "termination," usually at times when they were, apparently, on the verge of talking-- e.g., David Ferie, Mary Meyer, Kilgallen, William Sullivan, Pritzker, Giancana, De Mohrenschildt, etc.-- as if their phones and mail were under surveillance.
  16. This brings to mind what I have read about Nancy MacLean's recently published book, Democracy in Chains, about the Koch brothers' long-term plan to implement the strategies of the "misanthropic libertarian" George Mason University economist James McGill Buchanan.
  17. I'm surprised that Mr. Bugliosi spoke to you, after the well-deserved beating he received in your scathing critique of Reclaiming History. As for McAdams, how does he manage to have his disinformazia website surface at the top of Google searches about CIA-related topics?
  18. I read somewhere (possibly in Russ Baker's book, Family of Secrets) that Poppy Bush's Skull and Bones nickname at Yale had been, "Lucifer." In his 11/29/63 debriefing memo, J.Edgar Hoover simply referred to him as "Mr. George Bush of the CIA." In the context of this thread, I was mainly wondering, 1) what role, if any, he has played in blocking the release of the JFK assassination records, and, 2) whether any references to him have been found in the declassified files.
  19. Not to change the subject of the thread, but Michael Wolff (Fire and Fury) seems to believe that Trump has now become a Neocon mule of sorts, partly through the financial inducements of Sheldon Adelson. As for the JFK records, who am I to disagree with Oliver Stone's assessment that Trump got "rolled by the Deep State?" And, is it conceivable that Rudy Giuliani's tete-a-tete with Robert Mueller played a role in Trump's April 2018 decision to block the release of the JFK records? The reason I ask is that both Giuliani and Mueller were involved directly in the FBI's suppression (and destruction) of 9/11 evidence-- e.g., the debris at Ground Zero, and the security cams at the Pentagon. Giuliani met with Mueller to discuss the Russia investigation shortly before the announcement was made about withholding the JFK records.
  20. And George H.W. Bush is still alive. Does anyone know if a code name for Poppy Bush has ever been identified in any declassified CIA files?
  21. According to the recent Errol Morris documentary, Wormwood, (about the CIA's execution of Frank Olson) the original edition of the CIA Assassination Manual described a 13 story fall as a highly effective assassination technique. So, as in Frank Olson's case a few years later, one has to wonder why James Forrestal was admitted to the 16th floor of the Bethesda Naval Hospital, for treatment of "depression" (oddly, with Sodium Amytal-- a barbiturate-- and insulin shock therapy.) The Israelis, certainly, disliked Forrestal, for his ardent opposition to the partitioning of Palestine, and, of course, he was also a diehard Cold Warrior. Alison Weir talks about Forrestal's case at some length in her history of U.S. involvement in the establishment of Israel-- Against Our Better Judgment.
  22. Yes, the Kindle version of Guyenot's new book (published in January of this year) is available at Amazon. It is a wide ranging history of the past 3,500 years of Jewish history, predicated on Guyenot's improbable hope that the Likudniks will abandon the militant tribalism of Yahwism in favor of a more Osirian redemption of our doomed species. Mythology aside, though, Guyenot presents a fairly detailed history of the Zionist movement in Europe, Israel, and the U.S. during the past century. His view of the JFK assassination seems to be drawn partly from Michael Collins Piper--with a CIA false flag/attempted assassination (blamed on Castro, etc.) hijacked by Menachem Begin (Micky Cohen, etc.) and the Mossad at the behest of David Ben Gurion. Guyenot also tries to explain LBJ's escalation of the Vietnam War after 11/22/63 in terms of Zionist military aspirations in the Middle East -- probably his weakest argument in the book. He uses the same "high-jacked false flag" paradigm to explain the CIA and Mossad's alleged role in 9/11-- which parallels the thesis of his previous book, 50 Years of Deep State-- from JFK to 9/11. Regardless of the merits of Guyenot's ultimate theories about 11/22/63 and 9/11, he presents a lot of fascinating data in his latest book about the Zionist political movement in Europe and the U.S. since the late 19th century.
  23. There is a highly detailed review of the radical shift in U.S. policies toward Israel's nuclear program at Dimona after 11/22/63 in French historian Laurent Guyenot's recently published book, From Yahweh to Zion. Guyenot also describes the broad history of Leo Strauss and the Neocons in considerable detail. As Guyenot describes it, the Neocon's active involvement in the U.S. Executive branch began in earnest with Richard Perle and the Ford administration. Many of the Neocons who later became advocates for increased U.S. military spending (and Star Wars/Team B propaganda in the 1980s) had been "liberals" opposed to the Vietnam War prior to the Six Day War in 1967. As for JFK and LBJ, their views on support for Israel's nuclear program were radically opposed. Dimona became an unmentionable subject in LBJ's White House after 11/22/63, and John McCone became a persona non grata. McCone complained that LBJ refused to even read his intelligence reports about Israel. Most of Guyenot's version of this history is probably old hat to the scholars on this forum, and he will become a persona non grata, himself, but his new book is a fascinating read, and generally well referenced.
  24. I have been reading posts on the Education Forum for the past two or three years, and have, at times, wanted to post questions and comments. I am a private practice psychiatrist in Denver, Colorado-- a graduate of Brown University, magna cum laude (1979) and Harvard Medical School (1983.) I have been affiliated with the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center since 1983. In recent years, my main interest has been in European and American history, WWII, U.S. Deep State history, JFK's assassination, and the 9/11 Truth movement. I am a published author of a psychiatric monograph, called The Cobad Syndrome.
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