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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. Robert, I have noticed that you almost never respond to any of the references or questions that I post in these forum dialogues-- opting, instead, to post ad hominem slurs and more articles from the GOP Trumpaganda blog-o-sphere. Did you even read the new Who What Why interview with Glenn Simpson about his new book, Crime in Progress? As a guy who has repeatedly denounced the Steele Dossier as "fake," you should find the true backstory interesting-- the flip-side of the Fox News Trumpaganda on the subject.
  2. Not sure, but he, apparently, landed on his golova, survived, and decided not to testify against Putin's oligarchs in that case. Meanwhile, Trump had simultaneously fired the U.S. Federal prosecutor, Preet Bharara, involved in that case.
  3. Robert, Chalupa sounds like something that can be full of beans, beef, or chicken. In your case, I'm guessing it's beans. Meanwhile, any thoughts about Trump's "sock rocket?" 🙄
  4. More like wishful thinking. I've never heard of Ms. Chalupa. As for Trump's fitness for high office, I do have serious concerns. At his most recent rally in Florida, Trump called the stock market the "sock rocket." He is also ranting in increasingly bizarre, grandiose monologues that are virtual word salads. IMO, Trump is exhibiting signs of dementia-- and people suffering from dementia also typically experience an unmasking of their underlying personality disorders, including narcissism. He reminds me of demented, narcissistic old guys in nursing homes who get angry and punch the nurses.
  5. The Trump/Putin body count may have begun with the death of Oleg Erovinkin, one of the alleged sources for the Steele Dossier. Then there was that Magnitsky witness (Gorokhov?) who fell out of a fourth story window in a mysterious bathtub accident.
  6. With Denver buried under a foot of snow for Thanksgiving, people around here won't be driving out to theaters, in any case. The city looks like Lower Slobovia this morning. The good news is that I can stay indoors and watch The Irishman in my living room on Netflix, with as many intermissions as I need. The bad news is that the film, evidently, sucks. Although, I have to confess that I have always liked Martin Scorcese's films-- especially his Bob Dylan documentary, No Direction Home, and The Departed, which caused post-traumatic flashbacks of my medical school/ER experiences in Boston (and Providence.)
  7. Here's a fascinating read from this morning's Raw Story-- an interview with GPS Fushion founder Glenn Simpson about his new book, Crime in Progress-- Inside the Steele Dossier and the Fusion GPS Investigation of Donald Trump. Rachel Maddow said the new book is the most revealing thing she has read, to date, on the Steele Dossier back story. ‘Sex is probably the one thing you can’t blackmail Donald Trump over’: Steele dossier producer discusses Russia’s — and Trump’s — corruption https://www.rawstory.com/2019/11/sex-is-probably-the-one-thing-you-cant-blackmail-donald-trump-over-steele-dossier-producer-discusses-russias-and-trumps-corruption/ November 27, 2019
  8. Followed by lawsuits, endless appeals, fictional narratives, and obstruction of investigations by crooked Billy Barr's Department of Justice Obstruction (DOJO.) How did the former CIA lawyer who orchestrated the Iran-Contra pardons for GHWB muster the 53 GOP votes for his Senate confirmation to run Trump's DOJO -- with scarcely any honest MSM coverage of that historic chicanery?
  9. Dennis, I have watched all of Oliver Stone's pre-2014 (Oliver Stone Collection) films, including his Untold History series, and I have a lot of respect for the guy--especially for the JFK film. I haven't seen his Putin interviews or his two Ukraine documentaries yet, but I intended to. My perceptions of Putin's Russian Federation don't come primarily from the MSM. Far from it. They come from my direct experiences within the Russian emigre community during the past 25 years. Have you read Dr. Fiona Hill's "definitive" biography of Putin? Her descriptions of Putin's history sound almost identical to things I have written over the years in correspondence with people in the ROCOR community. (Much of that material, including Putin's theft of the ROCOR after 2006, is never even mentioned in our MSM.)
  10. Just saw this today. Russ Baker's Who What Why website has a new lead story (and interview) this week about Malcolm Nance's new book, The Plot to Betray America. A lot of interesting historical details about Putin, Trump, Manafort, Ukraine, the Gerasimov Doctrine, and Alexander Dugin. I haven't read Nance's book, but he is talking about several things that I referenced (above) on this thread. https://whowhatwhy.org/2019/11/22/from-useful-idiot-to-working-asset/
  11. Crooked Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, and Rick Perry have been directly involved in corrupt Ukrainian business deals all along, as we are learning daily. Everything Trump has done as POTUS has been, essentially, corrupt. He's a sociopath with no moral compass. As for Trump's "I don't want to start WWIII" excuse for not supporting Ukrainian sovereignty, it sounds like Neville Chamberlain's argument for signing off on Hitler's annexations of Austria and the Sudetenland in 1938. "Let's not confront the Beast, lest we start a war." Personally, I have believed since January of 2017, that Donald Trump is a compromised Russian asset-- Putin's puppet. To date, all of the emerging facts have strongly supported that theory, and nothing has debunked it-- least of all Trump's crooked conduct in Ukraine.
  12. Gospodi, pomilui... 🙄 How about just answering my question?
  13. This story gets weirder by the minute... Esper has just issued a statement claiming that he has fired Richard Spencer for "lack of candor." Meanwhile, WSJ just published Spencer's resignation letter to Trump, in which Spencer expressed regrets about his divergence of opinion with the Commander in Chief regarding order, discipline, and the rule of law in our military.
  14. Wait a minute. Are you saying that voting systems and databases throughout the U.S. were not HACKED by the Russians in 2016? Meanwhile, please answer my original question. What does Trump's alteration of the 2016 GOP platform regarding Ukraine have to do with the "flow of chemical weapons" to Ukraine?
  15. I've never said that to a patient, Ron, but I will say this. Confronting people about their delusions is an endless, glamorless, thankless job that doesn't necessarily have to be done. Sometimes it's better to let rabid, sleeping dogs lie.
  16. Posting a reference link related to my question for Robert. 2016 RNC Delegate: Trump Directed Change To Party Platform On Ukraine https://www.npr.org/2017/12/04/568310790/2016-rnc-delegate-trump-directed-change-to-party-platform-on-ukraine-supportupport
  17. Robert, You posted this comment in response to my question about Trump and Manafort altering the 2016 Republican Party platform in Cleveland to weaken U.S. support for Ukraine. I asked whether this GOP platform alteration by Trump and Manafort might have been an act of "collusion"-- a "quid pro quo" for Kremlin assistance in hacking the U.S. election for Trump and the GOP Congress. Can you explain how this pro-Kremlin 2016 Trump-Manafort maneuver had anything to do with "cutting off the flow of chemical weapons to Ukraine?"
  18. Perhaps Oliver Stone was simply being kind to Ms. Baker. Can't fault him for that.
  19. Now the story is on the front page of the New York Times.* Interesting reference to JFK's history of intervening to pardon a soldier who had bad-mouthed him (i.e., JFK.) Meanwhile, we have Trump intervening to pardon a war criminal who had even threatened his fellow Navy SEALS to prevent them from reporting his war crimes. This is about what I would expect to see in the contrasting cases of; 1) a POTUS who risked his life in combat to save his PT boat crew, and 2) a POTUS who joked about faking a medical disability (bone spurs) to dodge military service in time of war. * When JFK Wasn't Trump https://www.nytimes.com/2019/11/23/us/politics/navy-discipline-edward-gallagher.html?action=click&module=News&pgtype=Homepage
  20. And now Trump has confirmed-- in his latest, bizarre one hour rant on Fox and Friends-- that Bill Barr shut down the Mueller investigation before it was completed. It was no mere coincidence that the Mueller investigation ended abruptly in March, shortly after Trump's GOP Goon Squad in the Senate mustered a 53 vote GOP confirmation of Barr as AG. Trump blurted out on Fox and Friends this week that the Mueller investigation, "would have ended much sooner if Barr had been there from the beginning." Yabba dabba doo!
  21. Larry, If I recall correctly, from watching (and reading) Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick's Untold History of the United States, the Joint Chiefs were also planning to nuke targets throughout the USSR and China on 10/27/62-- using, among other things, a fleet of bombers at Okinawa. Did Oliver Stone tell that shocking story correctly, in your view?
  22. Ah, yes, the old "chemical weapons" meme, used by Donald Trump as a false flag pretext to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles at Syrian government positions TWICE-- in April of 2017 and April of 2018. (Talk about your Neocon mule!) Got a reference link for your meme about "chemical weapons" in Ukraine?
  23. Any thoughts about the Trump-Manafort team's 2016 revision of the Republican Party platform in Cleveland weakening U.S. support for Ukraine in their military conflict with Putin's jackboots? "No collusion" there with the Kremlin? No "quid pro quo?"
  24. In today's episode of, "When JFK Wasn't Trump," we begin with the story of JFK setting limits on psychopaths in the military-industrial complex-- firing Allen Dulles, and demoting General Lemnitzer, etc. In contrast, today we have Trump's Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer trying to set limits on a psychopathic POTUS. Spencer has, apparently, threatened to resign over Trump's pardon of convicted war criminal Eddie Gallagher, and his reinstatement in the SEALS.
  25. In Trump's "Ausfahrten" case, an exception should be made, considering his major daily contributions to the general Stinkenluft.
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